The Armor Of God | Joyce Meyer

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ephesians 6 says that in verses 12 and 13 our struggle is not against flesh and blood but it's against the rulers the authorities the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm so we're fighting a a war where we're in a war but it's a spiritual war it's not a natural war how are you going to beat the devil up you can't double up your fist and hit him you can't choke him you can't knock him down we have to fight him spiritually verse 13 says therefore put on the full armor of god so that when the day of evil comes you don't wait until you're in trouble to put on the armor of god you wear it all the time [Applause] and the armor that god gives us it's spiritual armor it's not like a suit of armor like a knight would have worn it is truth the bible says tighten the belt of truth when you're standing your ground tighten the belt of truth that means hang on to the word of god like never before when it seems like none of it's working for you hang on to it like never before don't let the enemy steal it from you i love in romans 8 where it says sometimes we look like sheep being led to the slaughter but right in the midst of all of these things we are more than conquerors you got to remember that when you look like a sheep being led to the slaughter come on some of you in that place right now you tell somebody you know that's not a believer that you've got victory and they think you've lost your mind because to them you look like well none of this is working amen and that's what the devil wants you to believe well none of this is working you're wasting your time but that's when you tighten that belt of truth and you say my breakthrough will come god is faithful [Applause] it's righteousness it's knowing who you are in christ the breastplate of righteousness that covers your heart the shoes of peace the helmet of salvation if you're going to be a christian learn to think like a christian lifting up the shield of faith it's not good enough just to drag it around with you when those fiery darts come you lift it up that's what i did this morning when the devil said you're done your preaching's not as good as it used to be in the spirit lifted up my shield of faith liar went right on studying amen and see i tell you those things because i want you to know that no matter how long you're walking with god the enemy is still going to try to lie to you it may be fewer and further between but i think about that and i think how amazing after all these years and all the thousands and thousands of sermons that i'm preached why in the world in the middle of my studying would i hear something like that because satan is a liar and he always wants to make you now hear this doubt yourself
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
Views: 28,161
Rating: 4.9462914 out of 5
Keywords: joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer preaching, joycemeyerministries, joyce meyer 2020, joyce meyer sermons 2020, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, the armor of god, the armor of god joyce meyer, how to put on the full armor of god, put on the armor of god, what does the armor of god mean, what is the full armor of god
Id: tamCXepMcMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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