I went UNDERCOVER in Colorado to Buy my "FIRST" Motorcycle

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so i decided to go back undercover pretending to be a brand new rider buying his first bike trying to buy the meanest baddest fastest most dangerous thing they have in the showroom which is basically like selling one of these to one of these in the hands of the wrong untrained person it can be incredibly dangerous no no the handle it's not going to fall over right it's not going to fall over we good that's good just to see if the salesman will actually go through with the entire deal if they do i'm gonna buy the bike i'm gonna buy it and then i'm gonna ship it home and unlike the last time when i went undercover where my disguise was a cheap fake wig and overalls i'll be disguised like superman with slicked back hair and black rimmed glasses this time no one will recognize me hey man welcome in how's it going it's going good good man good hey brad aren't you sean from bikes and beards ah dang you also might be wondering why i'm doing this why i'm wasting my time going undercover it's because i hear stories all the time of shady salesmen selling people motorcycles that just are outright dangerous to the untrained rider just to get a few extra bucks in their commission check and hopefully i can help stop that from happening it's time to stop let's go buy my first bike [Music] good morning hey good morning looking for like a cbr 1000. now i just told that salesman that i want to buy a cbr 1000 which comparing the power to weight ratio to a car this would be like a new corvette that was modified to make over 1300 horsepower uh so kind of like just a street bike are you looking for a sport bike or sport bike so this is kind of our sport bike set right here this is our user though he said you do have a ton of used bikes oh we don't right now um yeah this is a nice 700 i need bigger than that man i think i need a little more than that what's this thing that is a 1200 vfr so honda 2012 so yeah it's about 10 years old with you know i think is that the fastest thing you got um what about this thing [Music] what year is this uh 2020 so it's a yeah pretty much brand new just a few thousand miles on it getting rid of it pretty quick this would be uh good first time bike is it all is it is it automatic no which one's the which one's the clutch this guy right there right there yeah yeah definitely not a good first time bike though for sure with a lot of power on that bike it doesn't take ready to ride something like that i mean i got a pretty uh i got a pretty quick uh turbo celica which one we think would be a better first bike this one or that r1 yeah i don't recommend as a first-time rider um if anything that like that 1200 would probably be a better bet the first salesman will call him chris because i think his name is chris seemed hesitant at first to sell me one of these bikes but entertain the idea of me buying a honda vfr 1200 which is a 170 horsepower sport touring bike but now i really want that yamaha r1 we'll come back and see if he sells it to me the next salesman we meet is dennis and he was a trip looking for uh my first bike uh i have several first bikes i'm thinking like a like a 1000 super sport or something i don't have only just those two right there if you're wondering how i'm getting the other video footage without the salesman knowing my newest brother-in-law secretly has a phone inside of his pocket facing outward recording everything i tell you that's mostly the worst choice you could possibly make though for a first bite oh really a thousand yes yes i drive pretty fast cars you know what the difference is life and death brick bikes 1000 ccs i want to be your primary insurance for your for your your beneficiary i mean they don't look that big they're not big but they're 185 mile an hour too so i've got that got that one in the liter bikes so what you're saying i mean i got i got cash um but you don't you don't think that's a good bike first bike i'd take you to 600. walk a little bit before you try to run been running mountain bikes for a long time that make any difference nope not a bit what do you ride [Music] i sold my ducatis i don't ride them anymore because i'm overriding they're uncomfortable back to harley's and victories and stuff like that dennis was really cool but very blunt i got the impression that he's seen too many punk kids like me arrogantly walk into the store and buy the fastest thing they can and then wrecked him on the way home he even pulled out a line that i'm sure he's used hundreds of times that if if i buy this bike he would like to be the beneficiary of my life insurance policy but maybe i can win him over with my charm and vast knowledge of motorcycles can i sit on this yeah yeah [Music] those are aggressive bikes bmw being bmw they're extremely good bikes which one's uh unique in their styling so how do you actually ride this feedback laying down what are all these buttons what's that what are all these uh different modes what's going on yeah depends on what you want to do what's the accelerator but down here this is the moment that i proved to dennis that not only do i have no place on or around this bike but i shouldn't be riding any motorcycle until i do this one thing and shortly after i do something that almost makes him give up on me completely clutch on the other side this is the clutch no no have you ever taken the motorcycle training course no sir that would be the number one thing you should do that's number one yeah they have small bikes usually 250's or less they teach you things to do and not to do fight fire it's not going to fall over right it's not going to fall over we good all right yeah so i'm trying to go as fast as i can as soon as i can but you don't think this is a good bike for me but you don't think it's a good bike for me i think it's an awful fast burning curve [Music] okay if you know how to have a lot of control in your right wrist it could be all right but that tire could come out from you on the back end instantly if you don't have a good right wrist strong right wrist no very gentle gentle you have to have mental control of your right wrist [Music] like this if you're wondering where i'm at i decided to make this video in colorado springs colorado because unlike in pennsylvania where i'm from colorado in terms of wiretapping laws is a one-party consent state which means as long as i know that i'm recording myself interacting with someone else i'm legal but i'm also not a lawyer so don't take any legal advice from me now dennis never gave up on me but i did ask him for another person's opinion hinting that i didn't believe him he was much more patient with me than most people would have been don't worry dennis will get what he deserves by the end of the video the next guy we talk to is jesse and he's more my age so hopefully he gets what i'm trying to do let's go fast and be awesome let's see if he'll sell me the fastest bike in here he wants to see your opinion on a very first fight on sports bike so i [Music] so i mean i'm sure that's probably the same thing at all let's say yeah you didn't hold that right for close to 20 years though and i still write 600s yeah um i personally own one thousands i do like them but they're just kind of overkilling i mean you're a grown man we'll sell you anything we want we just like to do our jobs and that way if something is to happen we have a clear conscience about it another thing i point out to people is uh littler bike little mistake a little over a problem bigger bike little mistake bigger problem sounds like you got to try real hard so and i mean like i said i tell everybody we're here to sell you what you want and we do want to do that we're essentially order takers if you want a thousand blue solid it's just we like to do our jobs properly that way if you buy this and you're like holy it's a lot of power because it is it's something where then when you come back you understand what we were talking about you understand it's just like anything else in life i heard you say you drive fast cars it's the same thing with motorcycles then after you ride a 600 for a year you're like i got this i think i need a little bit more power you don't really need it you're not going to use it a whole lot it's just the adrenaline's worn off from those thousands i mean they do accelerate that's in my opinion the biggest difference because top end speed you're not going to be using even the 600 almost ever for all the power that it has right but the torque and the acceleration is where the 1000s are a lot more fun well cool man i appreciate your input did you have a car yeah yeah now say what you want about the biker community but we live by a code and jesse and dennis prove that every time you see a biker broken down on the side of the road chances are another rider stopped to see if he was okay every time someone in the community passes away riders from the community team up to support the family motorcyclists raise millions of dollars for children and their families in need every single year in every country in every state in every town there's a guy with a fu manchu doing something good for his fellow man abiding by the code which connects perfectly with the bible verse matthew 7 12. so when everything do to others what you would have them do to you for this sums up the law and the prophets and even though according to these guys i was a know nothing ignorant outsider they still treated me with enough respect to tell me that i was crazy and took the time to explain to me why let's go back to the first guy and see if he's gonna sell me that yamaha r1 but still yeah kinda yeah i don't really recommend usually anything more than 600 for first-time riders just because they get they're pretty gnarly you know especially especially anymore there's all this modern technology in them they're pretty they're pretty wicked even if i'm used to driving pretty fast cars yeah it's definitely a whole different whole different ball game do you have your motorcycle endorsement i've never ridden anything oh yeah yeah for sure so it's it's you're going to want to start out on something that you can at least kind of manage a little bit easier and you know it's not really if and when if you do drop those things so it's nice to start out on something that's maybe not as you know as powerful because then when you make a mistake it's just that much worse so if you're on something a little bit smaller when you make a mistake it's just kind of a smaller mistake you know and if you drop it the bikes are typically not nearly as expensive if you drop something like that that's always going to be like two thousand dollars just and just get new plastic on the side so there's just kind of a lot of a lot of things like that to consider got it um but yeah we definitely you know we see some guys coming in here who don't really have much experience and and if they try to hop on something you know too too big and aggressive we try to steer them away from it a little bit and at least let them take the riding course you know because you don't need a motorcycle endorsement to ride any of those things all right so that worked out better than i thought it was those guys were all awesome and i kind of feel bad because it was a detriment to them to not sell me a bike because normally they would have got a commission so i'm going to hook them up i got their business cards right here i'm sending each guy a pair of the baddest greatest kevlar line m1 moto 508 i'm also going to slip in 500 bucks that should cover at least a commission and those salesmen who are doing unethical things selling bikes that people shouldn't be having i'm coming for you and this time i'm not going to look i might not look like me it might be someone else but next month i'm going to be slipping these in in the m1 motor pairs just randomly you know grab a pair off slip 100 bucks inside the uh inside the glove if you buy glove in the next month you might have a little surprise in there guys check out this next video don't forget to subscribe we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 2,117,231
Rating: 4.8778791 out of 5
Keywords: bikes and beards, sean, caleb, motorcycles, srkcycles, srk, beards, bikes
Id: E9UqkyWw368
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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