7 CONFUSING Things That ONLY Motorcyclists Do EXPLAINED!

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are you a filthy cager who knows nothing about motorcycles do you need papaya motorcycling's greatest brand ambassador to explain why that guy in a motorcycle is doing a wheelie because it's fun you philistine i'm sorry i didn't mean to come off so strong there it's just you're doing yourself a disservice by not getting on two wheels and that makes me sad and it's better on one wheel anyways anyways let's start over hi my name is yaminu i like motorcycles like a lot i might have a problem but that's a topic for a different video today we're going to take a few minutes and extend the olive branch to our fellow motorists and try to bridge the divide between drivers and riders because let's be honest it's been something of a rocky relationship lately if youtube is gonna be on the indicator we're gonna be taking a look at some of the things that motorcyclists do while they're riding that might confuse car drivers and explain what they mean so when you're driving extra motorcyclists you don't feel the need to roll down your window and scream at them some of these things are mistakes the writer made without even knowing it and some of them are things you think are reckless but actually aren't hopefully this will clear the air a bit and make you realize soon enough that car guys and bikers can sit in a nice peaceful drum circle and sing kumbaya just kidding we're better than car guys while we're on the topic of building community did you know that we've got a massive discord server with over 3 000 members we've got riders soon to be riders bike curious people normies who don't ride at all all under one roof hanging out if you want to join up and hang out with a bunch of cool folks and yours truly i am on there every day click the link below head over to yammynew.com and sign up you'll get access to exclusive live streams behind the scenes content and early access to videos the folks on the discord artifacts is the first ride video of our brand spanking new giveaway black which we haven't even revealed yet oh and speaking of the giveaways you'll get entered to win our giveaway bikes at the same time but if all you want to do is get a t-shirt and win a bike you go over to amymerch.com or every dollar you spend on our designer high fashion merch is an entry to win or maybe you've got some riding gear you need to go with or some tires you want to buy but we've got you covered over at ynmoto.com where you guessed it every dollar you spend is an entry to win so from motion over let's dive into the confusing things that motorcyclists do the first thing i want to talk about are hand signals motorcyclists have a whole bunch of hand signals that they use to communicate everything from speed up to i need to take a leak really quick let me see the next gas station riders use these universal hand signals to share information with people that they're riding with or with complete strangers sometimes they even have hand signals that are universal that you should be paying attention to i made a whole video explaining hand signals in the past so check that one out for more detail but i'm going to cover the most common ones here for you first and most common the microwave this is when two riders pass by each other and hold out their left hand with two fingers extended that's basically just a solid but for motorcyclists originally it means two wheels down a short hand for ride safe but since then it's basically just morphed into a universal greeting the second you'll see bikers exchanging is tapping the top of the helmet that means one motorcyclist has spotted a police car and that everyone should ride carefully sometimes you'll see a line of motorcyclists slow down or move over a bit on the other lane that's your cue to floor it past the whole bikers and distract the cop for a while just kidding if you see bikers do that just drive like a normal person lastly a biker holding their hand out or a palm down or flapping his arm that does not mean that he or she is trying to take flight like the daredevils of old but rather indicating that everyone should slow down maybe there's something in the road or a sharp turn or who knows who up but just let off the gas and take it easy number two why is that motorcyclist in front of you riding with their blinker on they've been turning and riding like that for 10 minutes and they still haven't turned is that your cue to pull up next to them and shout that they're an idiot and get off the road nope they probably just forgot to turn it off here's the thing a lot of car drivers don't know most motorcycles don't have self-canceling blinkers yeah bet you completely forgot that your car just automatically does that because you've never had to do it yourself and just assumed every vehicle does it well on the vast majority of motorcycles you need to cancel the blinker yourself and a lot of times a rider just forgets insert buick blinker joke here if you see a motorcycles with their blinker for a long time just pull up alongside them and give the blinker hand signal by alternating a fist and then opening your hand like a high five if you're curious some motorcycles do have self-cancelling blinkers including harley-davidson bmws and some triumph motorcycles otherwise just assume that the guy on a little sport bike with his blinker left it on by accident number three why do motorcycles speed away from a stop light so fast are they trying to show off how fast their bike is that's unsafe and probably illegal right no they're just leaving the light at a normal speed to explain that let's bring physics back for like the third week in a row man it's almost like it's really important in your daily life stay in school kiddos a motorcycle is much smaller than a car and often has a higher power to weight ratio let's take one super common motorcycle you probably see all the time without even realizing it the triumph bonneville t120 your dad or grandpa probably had a bike like this at one point it's still a super popular model among motorcyclists it makes 79 horsepower which doesn't sound like much but you have to consider the fact that it only weighs 530 pounds which is actually kind of heavy for a bike that's a power to weight ratio of 0.149 let's take a look at the toyota corolla one of the most common commuter vehicles on the planet it makes a lot more power 139 horsepower to be specific setting aside the fact that there's bikes that make way more power than that but the problem is that it weighs 2 910 pounds doing some complicated quadratic equations i came up with a power to weight ratio of .048 that's why motorcycles always appear to speed away from a stoplight because you're just really slow leaving the stoplight to have the same power to weight ratio your corolla would need 430 horsepower and to keep up with the bike you'd probably need even more and remember that bonneville is not even a sport bike number four why do motorcyclists always lean off their bike during a turn are they gonna fall off nope it's perfectly normal without getting too technical since our collective brains are probably still sore from that math work we just did what they're trying to do is use their weight to decrease the amount of lean angle bike that needs to maintain the same speed less lean angle means that they're keeping more of the tire in contact with the ground meaning they can go through a corner faster and safely this really only makes a major difference at the track where you're exploring the limits of what a motorcycle can do and every single advantage is the difference between a quicker lap time and the bike sliding out from underneath you on the street the only time you'll see people leaning off like crazy from their bikes is when they're speeding down a twisty road like a street rossi when they're a noob trying to look cool in some rare cases leaning off the bike on the street really helps like in the rain when you want to keep the bike as upright as possible but otherwise it just usually feels really cool to do leaning is one of those things that separates riding a motorcycle through driving a fast car because it's a much more physical experience your body weight impacts the handling of the motorcycle a lot more than in a car even in some of those crazy expensive bleeding edge weird little go-karts that no one can afford it's truly a one-of-a-kind experience if you're interested to know what it feels like just go take the msf course you'll learn a lot and have a fun time doing it number five why do motorcyclists slow down without turning their brake lights on this one has a super simple explanation it's engine braking because bikes are so much lighter than cars engine braking has a much more profound effect on a motorcycle let's explain what the rider is doing and crucially what they're not doing so you know why this is happening normally when a motorcyclist comes to a stop they pull on the clutch and apply the front and rear brakes to slow down that's the way it's taught in the msf class because when you grab out of the front of the rear brake it flips a switch that turns on the rear brake light however when you've been riding for a while you realize that engine braking can usually be strong enough to stop a bike and slow it down almost to a stop without even touching the brake levers they can just downshift and let the engine do all the work and it feels really cool because you get to rev your bike up and listen to the exhaust it'll make someone's boring commute to the office feel a little bit more thrilling especially when they have a quick shifter sometimes bikers will develop a bad habit of not pulling a brake lever when they downshift meaning that their brake light probably won't illuminate it's a common mistake and one that the rider's probably making without even realizing it i promise they're not trying to break check you or purposefully ruin your day they're probably just oblivious to the fact that they're slowing down in front of you without flashing their brake light there are some lights that are activated by g-forces and turn on when they sense the bike is slowing down but those are optional mods that you can put on a motorcycle and don't come stock the best thing you can do as a car driver behind a motorcycle is to leave a little bit more space between you and the bike even if they do light up their brake lights they'll come to a stop way faster than you and you don't want to accidentally rear under motorcyclists seriously don't rear end motorcyclists number six why is that rider standing up on their motorcycle well there's tons of reasons for this but let's tackle the most common ones first maybe there's a pothole or an obstacle in the road they have to ride over when you have to go over a bump on a motorcycle it's nice to stand up on the pegs to let your knees absorb the bump rather than your spine yes motorcycles have suspension components to help smooth out the ride but it's a lot easier for a bump in the road to bottom out a motorcycle suspension than on a car also a lot of high performance motorcycles have super stiff rear suspension meant for cornering and then when you go over even some cracks in the road it can be like hitting a curb in a car second the rider is just stretching out i'll be honest most motorcycles aren't nearly as comfortable as cars there's no air conditioning limited wind protection and the seats are packed with hard foam as opposed to the soft goose down pillows or whatever is in a modern car seat nowadays standing on the bike is a good way to let blood photos and muscles that haven't been tensed up in a while or to just let some air out if you've never heard of gooch juice let me just say that a motorcycle seat cover doesn't exactly let the tank breathe lastly maybe they just needed a fart i'm not kidding number seven why is that person riding a dirt bike on the street this one is a super common question asked by people who think that motorcycles are either crotch rockets or harleys don't be ashamed there's tons of folks who only see sport bikes and cruisers but the reality is there is a cornucopia of motorcycles out there for all kinds of different riders and riding that person who's riding a dirt bike is probably riding a dual sport which is a street legal version of a dirt bike meant for riding on-road and off-roads in equal measure or maybe they're on a supermoto which is a dirt bike with sport bike wheels which makes them handle really well or just do really good wheelies or maybe that dirt bike is actually an adv bike which is meant for someone to ride long distances both on and off road i could go on explaining so many different types of motorcycles there's just so many different ones and each one does something specific and it's not like i already made a bunch of videos talking about but heck not even all sport bikes are made the same you've got super sports and sport touring bikes if you're interested in learning about one of the different styles of motorcycles recently released a video going to exhaustive detail breaking down the most common types of bikes you'll encounter also if you're the kind of person who doesn't want to get on a bike because you don't want to be a leather daddy harley rider or total squid on a crotch rocket you might find a kind of bike that speaks to you and maybe you'll reconsider jumping on a motorcycle fact double stuff oreos are only 1.86 times as stuffed as classic oreos that damn capitalism and marketing at it again goodbye wow look how pretty this is you know what else is pretty my beautiful face and this next yummy noob video click it right over here and check it out for yourself there's fun memes in it maybe hayabusas maybe some cool stuff there's only one way to find out click that video do it now
Channel: Yammie Noob
Views: 746,714
Rating: 4.7385445 out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle hand gestures, motorcycle hand signals, hand signals explained, motorcycle hand signals explained, yammie noob, motorcycle group ride signals, group ride hand signals, motorycles, new rider, newbie, motorcycles for beginners, yammie noob beginner bikes, yammie noob beginner, motorcycle safety, riding on the highway, motorcyle lean, motorcycle hand signals for group riding, motorcycle hand signals greeting, motorcycle hand signals warnings, why motorcycles are awesome
Id: ygi1sFu8Zy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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