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this episode is inspired by life of luxury in today's episode of black city rage elixir finds a strange letter in the mail from a girl asking for help however rage doesn't think he can do this alone so he calls over a friend to help him with his mission you won't believe what happens when they arrive to the girl's house watch the entire video and let's get 30 000 likes for more minecraft block city so what did you guys think of this block labs episode amber what are you doing have you been eating donuts the entire time that's so much sugar for that's so much sugar for a little girl like you amber give me the donuts were you even paying attention to the shop no no give me all of them give me all the donuts is that all you had how many did you eat oh my she has no no ever who i do i should have kept my eye on you instead of okay no more okay no more amber no more raise junior what did you think of that kid you're so lost absolute dog water worse than mine hey you weren't even paying oh my god and he's talking trash oh who taught you this all right you know what you're grounded i'm taking your laptop no more for you papa jim what'd you think of it papa jim what are you what the the what oh my gosh no one was paying attention and ashley of course she comes out of nowhere what is going on here well you see rey jr was talking trash to kids online he's been playing multiplayer games i told him no multiplayer games until you oh oh so you want to cry in front of mommy huh oh my goodness oh i i didn't mean to hit you oh my gosh are you okay are you okay oh my god oh no no of course papa jim he hates me he he always hates me okay i'm sorry papa jim i'm i'm good i'm good yeah amber has been eating all the donuts yeah she she might get a sugar overdose um amber amber no more no more donuts for you here hey hey oh yeah give that to me give that to me ashley you need to keep watching the kids man i can't i have no control over the kids they're crazy uh someone someone is at the door rage oh wait man this is such a mess who the heck is at the door at this time st steve wait i didn't even call you over yo yo steve deep i think you're mistaken my kids don't need any taking uh i mean kind of i mean they're out of control right now i got a new oh yeah i remember you're also a mailman aren't you it's your second job you told me that one what is that um you got you some is this actually mine oh why did why does it say please help um i didn't really order anything but news have been going around that you are a hero rage uh because i blew up stuff i think i've been causing more trouble and a girl wanted me to send that to you uh do i have fans all of a sudden well oh okay well thank you so much steve um well have a great rest of your night by the way see ya have a great day also alright see you later thank you steve bye all right that that was really weird i'm not gonna lie well um maybe i should keep this away from ashley because uh he said something about a girl and you know how jealous ashley gets all right she doesn't seem to hear me okay perfect let me go ahead and read this hello rage i heard you were black city's very own hero not really well i really need some help my lovely father went for a walk into the woods and hasn't returned or hasn't been the same since okay he has been acting really strange and has been watching me every night i go to sleep whoa that is a little creepy i'm not gonna lie i was wondering if you could help i live on jackson street avenue blockcity2250 okay well the rumors of me being a hero might not be true guys uh who was at the oh it was steve he he came by to drop off some mail um i didn't order anything but yeah uh it's nothing to worry about just just a mail just some you know just some junk mail are you sure um that that's all it was don't worry about it ashley um so guys i almost got caught there but uh well i i really don't think i'm the hero that everyone thinks i am but i do have a friend that might be an expert with all of these things like someone needing help guys i have i don't have the ability to help people i failed as a police officer in block city already i know just who to call all right hopefully he picks up come on pick up pick up hello dark yo it's been so long since we've talked uh how's it been first of all what up rachel you never call me anymore what's up hey i'm sorry man i've been really busy raising a family and everything okay you got a family and i've never seen it okay you know what you know what come and meet my family right now i actually need some help that's why i called you i needed something from you that's what i'm calling the help do you need it it's something you're good at so come on over i'll send you my i'll send you my address come over to block city for the very first time i can't wait to see you man guys guys guys come over here someone amazing is visiting he's actually an old friend that i want you guys to meet he's a really good guy papa jim you too come on come on you guys yeah i think he's i think he's getting very very close come on you guys oh that must be him yo dark dark it's me over here oh my god what a ring he almost missed our house dude what the hell hey hey what you doing man why are you parking on my lawn i always park all right all right all right all right first impression man you gotta dude i'm all parked i'm gonna park your car right here oh i got my bed i'm wait don't destroy my car what are you doing that's what you get that's what you get that's what you get that's how you treat yourself what the this is how you treat your kids don't touch my car oh okay okay okay i don't want to mess with you you're missing me through your family oh okay so so this is uh this is my beautiful wife ashley this is my friend your wife yeah dude i did a good job huh i did a good job ashley you got sisters nice to meet no i don't she actually doesn't i don't think at least um but this is my daughter amber is your kid yeah oh whoa whoa whoa rachel don't say that don't say that that is wrong i'm about you're lucky you're not my kid ashley she she she did what i was thinking now this is my second kid amber stranger oh this is a good very very good guy call him uncle uncle dark i'm uncle dark i'm not a stranger and then uh bubba jim this is my father-in-law this is ashley's father my daughter parks the car better than you wow hey darling let me just tell you ashley's not good at parking wow okay your family so far oh oh yeah yeah he hates me he also hates me a lot hey wait relax oh okay i'm sorry i'm sorry ashley okay okay so so basically let me catch you up with everything all right everyone back in the house everyone back in the house [Music] yeah wait a second this doesn't sound fun at all but this is your specialty the rumors have been going around that i'm a hero but i'm not i'm not who they think i am you're not why would they think you're a hero hey oh i'm just being honest this is what you're good at so i was hoping you could help me out we could you know do this together as a team come on so you knew this when you called me you didn't think the mention is i might have not even come here hey whoa whoa whoa i i do want to tell you straight up because you know you might have changed your mind so now you're trapped i knew it so so what do you think we should do you want to actually go there and help her out i'm down but i know you're the one with all the tools did you bring your toolbox i always bring my thoughts oh yeah oh my gosh this is over here oh my god security cameras never leave the crib without my security camera okay okay this is good yeah security cameras and everything all we need okay yeah perfect all right well since your car only fits one person uh we might need two so hop in my car man oh uh i have an excuse let me just tell my family that i'm taking you around town and giving you a tour okay and and if they ask to come with me i'll just just be like no no no i don't like them i don't like them at all yeah yeah hey guys so uh i'm actually going to be taking my friends uh yo i mean my friend uh uh i'm gonna give him a tour around block city is that okay uh no race junior don't say that don't say that cool oh okay oh well they're they're i knew rage is up there whoa i'm not what do you mean i'm not to no good ow what in the world that's enough donuts amber wing don't no no no stop eating donuts all right dog let's stop wasting time let's head on in all right have a nice uh nice night everybody see ya oh are we there it yet um the address says it's around here we have to take like a left turner oh my wait isn't this i see a house i see a house right way way way dark dark dark this house i've been here many times and every single time i've been here something wrong has happened like people people have gone missing and people have gotten murdered at this house i don't i don't think this is a good idea dark i i think i think we should turn around dark dark dark this is a tree i agree it might not be a good idea but that drive was way too long dude it's not that long oh my you are impatient man dude trust me we're not leaving if we enter that house it's it's not smart man no it's good dude that's the problem you believe you're not leaving it's all about the way you think i believe i will leave the house so i will leave the house you know you know what you know buddy fine fine fine you're the pro at this so oh my gosh this is such a good battle my lead um what oh you know what the front door dude is literally right there i haven't gone inside there's been a dead body right here before and then oh my gosh all right all right you know what let me knock on the door hello hello who's that hello oh my god hi hello hello hey whoa whoa whoa dude dude she's in trouble man stop trying to stop trying to hit on him for hell um uh yeah so so we were yeah it's me it's me rage uh you wrote a letter to me right you you wrote this letter to me this is my friend dark by the way um he's also here to help the help oh right um so you know is it okay if we come in um we just have a few questions to ask you and hopefully um you know we can help you out dark man chill man stop trying to hit on her all right okay okay okay okay all right she said come in okay let's sit down right okay well i guess i'll sit over here um of course of course you are okay so we actually had a few questions so what what exactly happened to your dad he said he went to walk in the woods and he came back all messed up or like he was never the same since so he has been acting up weird lately how so [Music] yeah like whoa whoa whoa what what the heck is that yo yo what the heck is that what what is that thing what is that thing you gotta get out of here and i don't know why what is that what the he's like he's super tall and stuff what the hell wait wait that's your dad my dad that is not her dad yo yo dark dark i think she's blind man i think she's dude i think she's blind she's been tricked by by that weird thing no no she did say he was never the same again i guess this is what she means yeah yeah yeah everything is fine everything is fine um we were just wondering if uh you know dart dart come over here come over here is it oh oh oh whoa whoa sarah sarah come over here sarah come over here can we talk to you yeah yeah yeah yeah can we talk to you over here please sir sarah um so so we were wondering if it's okay if we you know put some cameras around and stuff because you know yeah yeah he has the cameras ready is it okay if we put some cameras around well you know no he's just sitting there and just watching that's so creepy i mean sure okay okay dark we got the green light um let's go ahead and set up the cameras and everything and uh we'll be we'll be watching oh my gosh oh my god dude that is not her dad that is no way her dad you don't need to be afraid to be afraid i think i think you should be afraid yeah okay well let's go ahead and go upstairs oh by the way by the way sarah which room are we staying in by the way do you have a guest room for us yeah you have a guest room for us uh upstairs okay okay oh i want to never get all right um oh dark dark dark oh which room which room um i got a lot of rooms here oh man there's only one bed here oh my gosh room for yo yo yo dark dark i don't think this is a good idea they're trying to split us up oh i have an idea wait wait dark dark i have an idea yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i have an idea okay okay i got i got my bed right here i don't feel safe you know sleeping all by myself in a stranger's home all right well we should yeah we should probably set up the camera since oh oh thank you thank you um so so i was wondering maybe we should put one in her room not to be creepy or anything we should probably ask her yeah yeah yeah hey era can we put a camera in your room yeah yeah is it okay if we um put a camera in your room we we don't mean you know any harm or safety yeah for safety reasons yeah you're the one who needs our help so please please i guess okay okay perfect perfect okay uh yeah it says right here sarah's room with oh she has a really nice room what the why is there a vent that is actually probably like air conditioning oh yeah but like i've never seen one on the floor that is actually really weird um oh uh yeah uh dark we should put it like right here maybe yeah i don't know you're the pro here okay okay we can see everything in the room perfect and then uh let's number one i got two cameras left oh you only have two more uh oh uh sarah where's your uh dad's room oh what if he's in there um this way no i don't i don't think he's in there i hope he's not in that camera down dude what the you're making me do all the hard work i i put down the left oh my gosh okay the dad's around this one okay okay he's not here he's not here but but look why the heck is there only a chair in this room ain't no way uh that is actually dude this is something a psycho yo why let's just hurry up and get this over with let me put the camera right there wait why is it turning all the way to the hey look over here come on come on hopefully it turns all the way around i think we're good i think we're good okay okay uh maybe the last camera we should put it downstairs he likes his space so okay okay okay sarah no worries yeah we're not invading any privacy or anything um where did where should we put this last camera like right here uh let's put it right here on this wall maybe we can get a good vantage point of the kitchen the hallway okay uh should we activate them all right of course yeah let's go ahead and activate this camera right here okay we should probably go and set up the second oh my gosh there there he is again why is he always why is he always by his daughter that's really weird i mean he probably cares about her oh true true creepy yeah he's like always by her like he's always keeping a watch of her that's really was like just remember she said oh yeah he was never the same when he came back he was never the same so this right now is not how he used to be i mean she's coming upstairs oh oh and also also in the book it says that he likes to watch her sleep that is so creepy yeah we're just activating all the cameras yeah is that it oh no we're almost done we're almost done don't worry don't worry we have one more left okay we gotta set up sarah's camera okay it should be good and then uh yeah yeah i think that's pretty much it sarah um so it's really late at night my my friend dark is really sleepy we were wondering if yeah um well i guess we'll see how everything goes um i mean that's okay well um good night sarah um i'll see you in the morning i guess we'll see you in the morning i guess be careful okay be careful because you said that your dad likes to watch you sleep that is really weird um but yeah good night all right dark let's head to bed and hopefully you know we can we can review the footage in the morning i guess um yeah yeah i'm gonna sleep right here man this is my bed right here all right good night darth vader [Music] wake up wake up wake up what what whoa whoa whoa man what's up baby dude i wouldn't have woken up if you didn't wake me up what the heck happened last night oh oh oh oh yo yo we're in someone's house remember yo we should probably we should probably you know uh uh ask ask sarah if she's okay if she noticed anything right oh maybe she could oh my scrambled eggs as well oh sunny side up you're right you're gonna make her cook for you all right all right let's let's so let's go see if uh you know sarah is okay everything went well last night you gotta be real quiet you wanna oh yeah yeah yeah exactly she's probably still asleep sarah sarah good morning good morning she must already be up oh she's probably oh she's probably preparing breakfast for you right oh my god let's go see let's go see sarah we're up um sarah sarah uh anyone maybe she went to grab some groceries i i don't know but um maybe we should check the camera footage because her dad looked really creepy and i have a bad feeling about this all right let's lock the room lock the room lock the room um yeah yeah let's review the footage let's review the footage okay so like she was just sleeping yeah this is sarah's room right here and she's just sleeping oh wait it just turned wolf it just turned 12 a.m we were already sleeping at this time right yeah um i mean she's just peacefully sleeping there's nothing happening here dark i told you he was a psychopath look at him he is is he sleeping in the chair i have no idea i don't know how anybody could sit comfortably i could i couldn't do it to be honest he's moving i don't think he was sleeping oh he's twitching oh what the wait did he see do you think he saw the camera what the yo yo yo yo what the heck is wrong with it what's going on with him uh i maybe that's what she was talking about she's like what in the world she she said something about him not being the same he's a little weird yo yo yo where the heck is he go wait wait wait a second do you think he's going thinking what i'm thinking do you think he's going to her room oh my oh no yo yo we might need oh oh oh uh dark what time is it it's about 2 a.m she was still sleeping i could have sworn that dad was coming to a room right you wait did you hear that did you hear that uh the door oh oh there he is there he is there he is that's his head right there that's his head oh my gosh i wish we could help her dude she's gone right she's gone this is literally just footage we're playing back right now dude this has me at the edge of my seat this is what she told us about yeah this is what she was talking about in her letter oh oh she said oh my gosh oh my gosh what the what the heck is happening she fell into is that a trap he set for her what the heck where did she go oh no uh we have to find out we know where she went into that hole yeah she went down right wait the only other camera we have is downstairs yo we need to switch to that one dark hurry he's right there he's right there oh wait wait i think he's dragging her what the hell where is he taking him dude i knew something was wrong with him see wait they have a basement yo dark i knew this was a bad idea you forced me into this situation man you called me but i wanted to turn back what do we do we got a three weaver no dude i knew this was a bad idea man all right you know what you know what you don't have a favor okay okay okay we gotta go man i didn't even know there was a basement man oh oh hey we don't have a weapon or anything how are we gonna how are we gonna fight that man he's gonna kill us we're gonna end up like her maybe there's something in the kitchen yeah maybe maybe maybe maybe a knife oh there's a knife there's a knife okay okay okay did you grab the knife i did i did that means you got to go first what no uh i got no weapons uh okay okay okay okay but but if anything happens to me you you you're gonna help me right don't don't run away yeah sure oh okay dude i don't even know if i can trust you anymore but okay okay what the do you see that don't push me don't push me yo dog do you see that dead bodies and there she is sarah dude you need to save her hey you're the one who has a crush on her you go save her you go save her you have a crush on her [Music] oh my gosh is he is she dead she's waking up she's waking up don't say anything oh there he is there he is what the heck he's still watching her you know what i'm gonna stab him okay dude i might go to jail for this but you know what hey get out of here yeah yeah okay yeah get her get her get her come on come on we gotta go we gotta go he's starting to wake up wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa go go go get in the car come on he's coming he's coming go go go sarah get in the car hurry hurry go go go go go go guys guys guys get in the car hurry come on come on hurry hurry you guys hurry oh my gosh darn curry oh my god he's coming he's coming he's got me we are so dead we are so dead we gotta get out of here i'm never coming back no this is all your fall dark [Music] you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 2,823,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Darkomode, Scary Minecraft Video, Her Dad Loves to Watch Her Sleep, Life of Luxury in Minecraft, Minecraft Life of Luxury, Minecraft Roleplay, Scary Minecraft Roleplay, Roleplay Minecraft, Minecraft Scary, RageElixir Block City, RageElixir Minecraft Roleplay
Id: CIT2qT6rL-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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