I went Dumpster Diving in a new place and Met Other Divers along the way!

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what's up guys I am here in Roanoke Texas and I'm gonna be doing some dumpster diving so I've never been here before well no I have been here before I've never dumpster dove here before so I'm really looking forward to finding out if this is a good area because it's pretty close to my house and there's a lot of shopping around here I'm so stoked and okay today okay I drove with the windows down which if you have lived in Texas or just have heard literally anything about Texas it's so hot today it is 67 degrees it's just so magical so this is probably like the very first day of fall for us and I am obsessed with this weather so it's just like giving me so much energy and I'm so excited to dive on a really pretty day when it isn't 100 degrees so this is just gonna be really really awesome hopefully we find some great stuff and I'll take you along for all of it stay tuned okay I'm in the first spot that he was in a pet store [Music] [Music] right since it's pretty full and I can't get to the other side this is what I took to dog toys which is always great because I have a dog and he loves toys so okay well there's one shop down and got something on our first stop which is always super encouraging it just like makes me so pumped to see what's in all the others so let's keep going that's the first one I've ever seen it's locked I don't know if I'll be able to fit through this these right here look like like those you reusable like oven trays that you put like lasagna and like a casserole or something like that one looks like a couple of them are bent but there's two full boxes of event raised so that's pretty unfortunately this stuff looks like trash too so I'm not oh look at the all of these boxes are full of bagels I'm looking for the expiration date oh there it is sell by September 13th oh and it's October now but okay here's the deal I'm gonna take him anyways bread it's really easy to tell it's gone bad and I don't see any mold on any of these I got one with me right now so the thing is in Texas you can take something from a dumpster as long as it doesn't say specifically no trespassing and so I'm fully comfortable with that the thing with this is I don't know the law on when the trash hasn't actually been put into the dumpster yet it's just like sitting out by the side of it so I don't know it's a lot of bagels and there's hungry people in didn't and I'm gonna take Oh so hopefully that isn't something that is illegal or is trespassing but just as a warning for you guys I don't know the actual law on taking stuff from a pile like that that clearly is going to the to the trash but it hasn't been put in it yet but I got this whole thing of bagels it's like maybe like six things of bagels I'm gonna go back for one more okay so three boxes of bagels and here's the thing I'll show you on my way home where I take those a lot of homeless shelters or maybe it's all homeless shelters and I'm just not 100% sure but they won't take any food that has already expired the thing with really heavily processed foods and especially breads that you can specifically tell if there is no mold on it and they're still fine to consume those things eyes take to this little it's like a it's like it's a homeless shelter well no it's not it's a it's a food bank but it's really small and you've probably seen the like little libraries that people build and you can like take a book leave a book type of thing this is basically a similar idea it's just for food and so I take my expired foods that I know can still be consumed to that and that's where I took like all of that bread that I found in one of my previous videos I took it there and I drove by an hour later and all that bread was already gone and so I really feel like just because something is expired I would still eat it as long as I don't see any mold on the bread and so if I would still eat it then I don't feel bad offering that to people who need help in this certain situation or are homeless and just can't really afford food and bread is a really good one because breads just so easy for people to just grab it and you can just eat it as you're walking as you're on the go anything like that and so I just really don't like leaving food behind when there are so many people who could benefit from it so I'll show you on my way home where that little food bank is and what it looks like and all that kind of stuff so all right a dollar store we got all those bagels and the oven trays and then at the pet store got some dog toys so that's just two stops this morning and we've already like got a ton of stuff happening in the back really awesome start and let's go see what else they have okay I'm behind a new place now and it's one of the places where several businesses share one dumpster so I'm not even entirely sure really whose dumpster this is or what I will find oh look Starbucks yeah is that this is pretty nasty I think I'm gonna be done here this one's gross and I got some type of hopefully it's just milk something I don't know gross alright moving right along pepper peppers look pretty good that lettuce is spoiled this bread expired yesterday which is not the first time that that's happened I'm standing in the dumpster cuz I had to get in and I'm smashing all - okay okay well I dropped my phone in there it's actually really scary cuz it almost fell like all the way to bottom but I got one banana but I'm gonna eat right now and in this bread so not bad it's awesome this is really good I was starting to get really hungry anyways so and look there's nothing wrong with it there's no brown spots or anything he's a perfect little banana it tastes great alright so I'm back in Denton and I'm gonna take the bagels now to the food bank and I'll show you guys what that looks like okay so maybe you guys have seen these before but basically what it is is it's just a place where if anyone is travelling or walking by this um then they can like reach in and get some food so it's this it's called the little free pantry and it's in a really great spot that's really easily accessible right now there's not a lot of stuff in here so I am glad to have found all these bagels so these look like these are cinnamon raisin so there's all those and I'm just gonna show you guys with these bagels I'll bring the rest of the boxes out without filming but that's what it is it's a little food pantry I personally really like putting food in that because I know one thing with families that are struggling to be able to provide food for their families a lot of the times there is a lot of shame in going to a actual food bank or to a homeless shelter in order to get food and so the little food bank back here is just a really nice way to provide food for families that is a little bit more anonymous they can just come up and grab what they want and take it as opposed to feeling that sense of shame about not being able to provide for your family by having to actually go to a food bank or homeless shelter so I really really like putting stuff in this one I feel like it's a really great thing for the community and it just really has the potential to help a lot of people and a lot of families so I'm super glad to have found the bagels and there you have it this is a thrift store and that cords been cut dang they cut the cords there's an electric kettle I think we actually have this same one at home dang they really do cut because this is the base right here for that to be like that and then it heats it up and then cut the cords that really sucks we didn't used to do that not sure what's wrong with this one so I'll take it it's almost Halloween [Music] dang they cut the curses on the the purse straps there's a photography book I really don't understand why a thrift store would cut the cords and stuff like if they didn't want people to take it out of their dumpster then just why wouldn't they just sell it you know like don't ruin it for everyone just sell it hi what do you looking for hangers I did see not wire this is a plastic one here oh here you go there's those two keep looking in there y'all go for it here's one back here but it's already all bent is that Alright you're welcome that was fun I haven't had that happen before where other people just came up and started diving and I had taken stuff that I wanted so I just left and let them look through everything but that was cool they were looking for scrap stuff so a lot of the stuff are like to scrap it and the hangars I couldn't really hear what he was saying he was gonna do with all the wire hangers but they were taking the electric kettle that I said had a cut wire they took that and he said they're just gonna like sell it all his scrap it junk so that's cool I'm interested to learn more about that and see if there's a market for selling stuff that doesn't work and it's broken but maybe it still has value to someone so that was cool so there you have it my dumpster adventure from today today's just been a really good day so super excited thank you all for watching this video and stay tuned for my next one oh and PS right now I on my community board I don't even know how to tell you how to get to it I really don't I'm sure it's on my link main home while somewhere but I asked everybody to submit questions because I'm going to be doing a Q&A later this week and so if you have any questions about dumpster diving or about me or about anything related to this channel then ask me on my community board if you can't find it just comment on this video and I'm gonna answer all of your questions about dumpster diving later this week so stay tuned and thanks so much for watching and yawn everyday bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 138,005
Rating: 4.9217973 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, clothing haul, texas
Id: geSWJVDt0T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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