Found a LAPTOP while Dumpster Diving & hit 3,000 SUBSCRIBERS!!

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good morning everybody it is Thursday at 10 o'clock in the morning and I'm about to go dumpster dive I wanted to say before I start though that I was so excited for everyone who has like subscribed and watched my videos and commented and that I'm just like it's so cool I'm blown away by the amount of support that I've like received in the last week and it's really really awesome so I just want to say that I appreciate all of y'all so much and I love reading all the comments and today I'm gonna be wearing gloves so thanks for that and yeah I hope you like this video and I'm just really stoked that there's a community of people out there who are like-minded and enjoy watching me dig through trash so thanks for tuning in and let's see what we can find alright I'm at the very first stop of the day this is an apartment complex by the TWU campus I've never looked here before oh that looks like it might be closed though let's see I'm putting my glove on okay alright let's see if I can reach it so this won't flip over cuz of a tree this is very heavy we've got Steve Madden alright it has some stains on it but it's definitely donatable this is a headband these are all a little like flower crowns here's another flower crap this knife set oh that's a shower curtain and all the little rod things that hold it up there monitor I guess a little birdhouse oh okay so most of this stuff in here is donatable it's all be taking that like the knives and the shower curtain and stuff to the thrift stores and then I'm really curious about that bag okay that last bag wasn't actually anything so I've moved on to a new dumpster and my glasses are all fogged up so I can't see there's a boot all right next one new apartment complex this dumpster has so much stuff in it I see already these pictures right here are very pretty it's all for sure take those [Music] this is some type of like Christmas Yeti that lights up I wonder if the cords are all here yeah all right I'm gonna take that for sure what else so this is the recycling bin right here which is unfortunate because clearly a lot of this is not recyclable and it just seems like people either don't know or don't care but this just causes so much work for the recycling companies there's a Halloween tablecloth all right what do we got in the actual dumpster [Music] there's this big oh that's a folding table in there this is a big chest of some kind I'll come back to that I think it's a little too full in here it's it's too hard to get to anything without a ton of stuff falling off so I'm just gonna kind of feel oh wait bag of clothes all right oh my gosh who's that a laptop right there [Applause] it is oh my gosh [Music] the thing is even if these don't work I just sold two laptops on eBay for parts you can get I don't really know as much about pcs as I do about the Mac's but you can get money for these for parts even if it doesn't work oh my gosh that's wild not bad I'm gonna grab the clothes the reason I sort through dat the dumpster is sometimes I can tell really quickly if the clothes are damaged some people will throw away their clothes because they actually do have like problems within like real holes or stains that won't come out and so I'll sort through them at the dumpster sometimes just to see if that's the problem with those but today I'll just take the whole bag sort through it at home I'm gonna look through this recycling bin though a little bit more and see if I can find the charger for that laptop because it might be in here all right well I'm not seeing it I'm sure those Chargers they might easy to find so or to purchase on Amazon or something so I'm gonna go to the next one that's crazy sidenote I just watched one of my clips pack that I just shot and my eye looks very scary so I apologize I don't know it like has some first blood vessels or something in it it just looks creepy and I just noticed in the video you can like really see it so sorry just try to look past it okay new dumpster at the apartment complex right next door fishing tape simple okay whatever sometimes you will pay a lot for that kind of like sports stuff okay let's see all right nothing in this one nothing in there right a new apartment complex all right haven't found anything at the last few dumpsters that I've gone to so I'm kind of in a new area now and I'm gonna check some of these and see if there's anything over here [Music] nothing there I was driving by this one and I saw this suitcase here with some shoes in it which I really pretty they from Charlotte Russe a Dallas Mavericks or yeah Dallas Mavs shirt and okay cool and this suitcase there's a couple pieces of clothes alright I'm at a new dumpster and I haven't found anything in a while so I'm hoping and this actually looks like there's some stuff in here yeah there's stuff in that one let's see if I can flip this oh I fee maybe a jacket all right let's grab this bag some all right that's close this might be see same type of purse some pet stuff a little flashlight and yes I know I'm back to not wearing gloves they're hard to feel around in oh maybe I'll get used to them eventually hey listen I'm gonna toss back up this one for sure has seven in it I don't I'm gonna put the phone down and look through this bag and then I'll let you know what I find okay so from that dumpster I got these storage tubs with the lids two pairs of UNT sunglasses this little bag these are two dog sweaters I just thought this little jar was good for organizing this is a hat from Old Navy stress relief for dogs and it hasn't been opened yet at all then this is the eyeglass cloth for me a UNT lanyard and another pair of UNT sunglasses and then we also found this storage cloth bin and then three more ones for organizing and all of these storage bins I have needed so this is really really awesome and then I also got that bag of clothes that's already in my trunk so yeah not bad for that one there's a couple more dumpsters of this apartment complex so I'm gonna go check those out all right what do we have - okay so I'm pretty ready for lunch so I'm gonna go to three more spots and then I'm gonna call it a day and go home but I'll show you when I get home like all laid out on the table everything that I've found but right now I'm at Dollar Tree so it's really hit or miss um I found some food here though before and I'm gonna check and see if they have anything a broken picture frame all right next one this is drug Emporium okay this is out behind a thrift store and all of those clothes are right by the dumpsters and that their store is pretty notorious for just like throwing away a ton of stuff I don't donate to them because I look in their dumpsters a lot and it seems like they just like if they have too much stuff they put it in the trash instead of sorting through it and putting it out on the floor so I'm really curious if they're tossing all those clothes I'm gonna go to CVS and then I'm gonna come back by and see if that door to their entrance is closed or maybe I'll come back later this evening and see if it's all in there but that would be wild and super wasteful so hopefully that isn't what they're doing but it kind of looks like that's what they're doing okay so this is the last place that I'm gonna go until I go back to the first store but this is CBS see so you can see someone already came because these bags are torn open there are a lot of I guess dumpster divers hearing didn't because we have a large homeless population and so sometimes you'll see where the bags have already been looked through doesn't look like there's anything in here today that is my last up so I'm done diving for now and I'll keep you guys updated on all the clothes behind that first store and all of the clothes so seeing if they actually are throwing all of those away if I can go back tonight and get them or what's gonna happen with that so who knows I'm hoping they're not selling them all away but a selfish part of me is hoping that I can go get all of them so I'll keep you updated and when I get home I'll show you everything that we found all right okay because I'm addicted to dumpster diving I went to one more place and it's this is all haha I'll flip the camera around it's like all the old Kodak slides like a photo okay so I already collected this whole box of them and now I've just found that there's like all these in here and these what's your white oh that one I sure doesn't have anything in it it ascended they're like old movie reels and it's sad to me that it's all in here cuz this is someone's memories and I know that scrap which is a resale craft shop here in town I'm pretty sure that they accept these old slides so I'm gonna try to take as many as I can and at least take them there look that's from 1967 that's so cool okay so I got this whole box is full of all of them and look at this photo that I just found this is gorgeous I would love to blow this up I think it's so pretty it's wild I don't know why they would throw all this out 1979 Wow so cool ok so I'm home everything is laid out and I'll show you what we got ok so not the biggest hole but the things that I am most excited about those are the bags of clothes down there is this which is all of the slides this is one two and then there's a third one down there but I guess these are gonna be movies so it's like and maybe somebody can comment and tell me what this is or how you would play it but I'm really excited about this I just really like photography a lot and I think old vintage stuff like this is just really cool yeah I think these are really awesome I'm excited about these this is a fishing tape and I looked it up in this exact one sells for $80 on Amazon so it's obviously really beat-up but you can see it still has a lot of the cord left so that'll sell for sure these are some matching adidas bra and panty workout sets two little mini dog sweaters which will not fit him this is an old Navy hat these boots right here from Charlotte Russe they're um they look like they're brand new maybe only worn one time but those that look really good we've got you wanna quit chug that's pilgrim um I got five flower crowns that are still wrapped which I might take out of the wrapper or at least wash some of them have like some deodorant on them and these are two pairs of UNT sunglasses I'm not sure what this is but it's some type of UNT thing just some stickers right here these are the fluffy keychains that I found which no idea but I can at least donate them I think they're really cute and soft and then these are all of the storage bins and then the little mini little glass thing for like q-tips or cotton swabs or something so those are great and then obviously the laptop which I'm so excited about what is it it's an HP notebook and the only thing I noticed was it's missing that part which I think might be the battery but again like I mentioned before these things sell for parts really well on eBay this is a gas station gift card that I haven't called yet but it might be empty but it might have a little bit of something on it and in the bags of clothes so I'll wash those and go through them but yeah there you have it thank you all so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it and if you guys have any suggestions on things that you want to see call me and tell me because I normally just dive at apartment complexes and I do retail shops every now and then but if there's something in particular or a certain store that you want to see me dive at just let me know and I'll try to incorporate it so thanks again for watching and stay tuned for my next one
Channel: breafkast
Views: 144,206
Rating: 4.9135308 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpsters, diving, recycling, recycle, denton texas, texas, denton, conservation, dallas, dfw, trash, bins, reseller, resale, poshmark, ebay, flipping, flipper
Id: emJrxMgVijA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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