We're Married | Smosh Mouth 44

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(chill music) - Hello, welcome to "Smosh Mouth". I'm Shayne. - And I'm Amanda. And we have a very, very special guest. You guys know her. It is Courtney Miller. - Hello. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You guys have been waiting for this one for a little bit. - Yep. - It would've been really funny if it was Angela and Chanse again. - Yeah. (Courtney laughs) I should have worn my pink jumpsuit today, but no. - I thought about it. I have my limes shirt in my bag, but I was like, "No." - No. We can't. We can't do that to you guys. - Not again. - It could have been Angela, Chanse, and then Courtney here, and they just go about it. - Oh my god. - That's true. That's true. - That would've been really cool. - Yeah. - Yeah, so look, yeah, we're married. - We're married. - [Shayne] We're married. - Whoa. What? (Shayne laughs) Dude, I had no idea. (Courtney laughs) - There are people still, and I mean, the reason we were like, "Okay, we need to actually talk about it a little bit," is there are still comments of people like, "Wait, are they? "Are they actually?" It's been a month, and there's still people who are unsure. - Guys, they're married. - I saw a comment on my post yesterday on Instagram that was like, "My friend thinks you guys are dating. "L them." (everyone laughs) - Major L. (Courtney laughs) - Well, people didn't know that you guys were dating, and then they found out that you guys were married. - Yeah, we didn't tell anyone. - Outside of, like everyone in our world knew that we were together. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, 'cause some people thought we didn't tell anyone. - No. Everyone here knew. - So yeah, I knew. Mm-hmm. (everyone laughs) - You knew fully. - I knew. We all knew, but we were all like, "Respectfully, it's your privacy." - Yeah, no, and it shows, like when people talk about like, "Oh, it's such a cool dynamic that everyone at Smosh has," I think it was such proof that like everyone knew and everyone respected our privacy. - Yep. - And that's such a cool thing. Like, everyone, not just cast, like all the crew, everyone who works at Smosh knew and just was like, "Okay, cool." - Yep. - Great. - Yeah. - So yeah. But so, I don't know where to begin. - [Courtney] I know. - There's a lot. There's a lot. It's kind of cool that you guys are coming on and doing this episode. Like, it's cool because yes, you guys released that you were married on April Fools, and then we had the pod with us, AKA Chanse and Angela. People were like, "Wait, what?" And I think it was really fun 'cause it was a prank, but it was also just like we're having fun with telling this news. - Oh my god. Yeah. - So... - And you guys recorded that podcast- - Before. - That was like the day before we left, right? - Yeah. - And we eloped specifically. - I think it was like a week or so before. - [Courtney] Oh. - I think it was a little bit before. - Time is so blurry from that era because we were meanwhile in the thick of shooting so much stuff, including the promo for the live show you created. - Yeah. It's been a busy month, and that's part of the reason why so many episodes of "Smosh Mouth" were shot like a while ago. - Yeah. - And so people have been like, "Wait, okay. "I can tell this one was shot before they were married." (Courtney laughs) This one's actually one of our quickest turnarounds of an episode ever. - This is gonna release like four days from now. - We're recording this like Thursday, and now it's Monday that you're watching. - And it's being released on, we will have been married for a month. - Yeah. How cool is that? - Whoa. What? - [Shayne] It feels like, no, it's been a blur. - That actually blows my mind. It's kind of insane. - Yeah. Yeah. - No, it's really trippy. - Wow. - And that's a goal for us for the podcast is to make it like- - Yeah. - We're trying to work our way there with our schedules. - To get more topical, more recent. - To like film it and release it sooner. But we're working on it. But also you can see the set. - Oh yeah. Hi. - Look at this. For those watching- - The set's different. - The set's different. - That's the real tell all right now. - Yeah, it's like, "Guys." What if we only talked about the set, we don't talk about- - No, we can't do that to them. But look at, look at- - The whole sound stage is different right now. You just can only see this corner. - Yeah, it's really, really cool. I'm excited. - It's really sick. Okay, so let's start at we got married. We did a small little thing. - You guys eloped. - Little elopement, yeah, at the same place that you got married, Amanda. - Yes. And we were thinking like, oh, I don't know if fans know that we got married at the same place. But I think there were a couple comments that were like, "Oh, you guys got married at the same place." - [Shayne] Some people figured it out. - [Courtney] Oh, nice. - Isn't that so wild? - People be figuring that stuff out. - People are detectives. - I mean, I loved, loved getting married there. - [Shayne] Yeah. - What did you guys think? - Oh. - It was a great spot. - [Shayne] Incredible. - Like, Santa Barbara's such a gorgeous city, and I love the beach. And it's just like, the air is so fresh and nice, and yeah, it was a really nice day. We kept it super small. And Brennan, who, you know, he does camera stuff here a little bit, he took our pictures. - And nailed it. - And they're gorgeous. - So casually. Just casually taking photos. It's the best photo I've ever seen in my life. - Yeah. It's crazy 'cause one of those photos on the hard launch post, we're like standing and there was like a window arch things, and people pointed out that we made a heart shape. And I did not realize that. Brennan, I meant to ask you, did you know that you were making a heart when you took that photo? - That's so funny. - Brennan says, no. None of us realized that it was a heart. - It's just the universe telling us that we're perfect. - You guys are just under luck. - That was an accident. - That's a good sign. - It was really, really cool. Every photo though was incredible. - And you guys were in this amazing field of poppies. - Yeah, there's a botanic garden. - Yeah. - And we went there, and the poppies- - This is the top. This is the tower. - [Shayne] Yeah. Yeah. - I've gotta look back on my photos and see if there's any hearts. - You gotta look for some hearts. - Probably not. - Look for some hearts. Secret Mickey. (everyone laughs) - Oh no. - There was a hidden Mickey there. - Oh no. - But yeah, the poppies were in full bloom. - Yeah. - And it was just really cool. The sun was out, and then we were lucky 'cause the sun was out in the morning 'cause we got married like early morning. - Yeah, like most of the day. - And then rained like crazy. - Yeah. Yeah. - So we got that good luck without- - Wait, that's good luck. - Yeah, but we got it, but it didn't impact us. - Don't sleep on spring. Spring, I didn't realize how, like H is obsessed with spring, and I was like, "We're gonna get married in spring? "Okay." It is unbelievable. The roses. It rained the night before ours, so- - [Courtney] Oh, nice. - It brought this beautiful, like green, fresh, like, and the courthouse looks amazing in the spring. Like, everything is blooming, and it's not like, you're not dying of heat. - Right. It was really cool. - [Courtney] Yeah. - And then you kinda just go and you do it. - And there's a lot of things that were like kind of amiss. Like, you almost didn't get your suit. I completely forgot our bouquet that I tried to make the night before. - You made a whole bouquet. And what's the thing? - And a boutonniere. - A boutonniere. And what's funny is- - Oh. - I forgot a pin for his boutonniere. I was like, "Damn it." And my best friend Bri from like my childhood, she was gonna be coming. I was like, "Can you bring a pin when you come?" And she's like, "Yeah, no problem." Then we show up to the courthouse and I'm like hugging her hello. And she's like, "I have the pin right here." And I was like, "Oh, I don't have the bouquet or boutonniere. "Oh, well." (laughs) - But then in the courthouse are a bunch of like fake flowers at every desk. And our friend just grabbed one of 'em and was just like, "Here's your bouquet." And then we took one of the flowers outta that and made a little boutonniere out of that. - [Courtney] Stuck it into your suit. - And what's funny though is that fans, some fans were like, "Oh, it's not real "'cause you can tell those are fake flowers." Meanwhile, like, there's a funny story to it. - Yeah. Wait, I actually didn't know about that. - [Shayne] Yeah. - [Courtney] Yeah. - Yeah. And it just kind of worked out perfectly. - And then speaking of your suit. - Yeah. So my suit- - I knew about that. - Yeah. Everyone here knew how much I was stressing about that shit. - A lot of people wanted to know where your suit was from. - Yeah. So because we were eloping and it was gonna be a smaller thing and wasn't gonna be too expensive, I was like, okay, I've always wanted to have like a suit that fits me well. - Yeah. - And I never have felt like I've gotten that. Every suit is either too tight or just I look like a little kid. (Amanda laughs) So I really wanted to get one. So I found like a tailor, and I was like, "I'm gonna get measured for a suit "and I'm gonna have one made for me." And I had this image in my head for so long of like this like brown suit. - Mm-hmm. - And so I go and I get measured for it months ago, like months before. And they're like, "Okay, it'll be ready "probably like end of February, early March." Then they called me later, like a month later, and they're like, "It'll probably be ready like mid-March." - Ooh. - [Shayne] Okay, I need it. - [Courtney] Cutting it close. - Cutting it close. - I need it March 28th 'cause that's when, I need it by then 'cause we're going to Santa Barbara. And then they get it and they try to ship it to me, and then FedEx just kind of like- - Lost it. - They sort of lost it. I don't know what really happened. But literally the day before, less than 24 hours before we're getting married, I get called, and they're like, "Hey, we have your suit." - The tailor was like- - The tailor's like, "We have your suit." And I was like, "Great." But they're far away. They're like hours drive away. That's why I was like, "Yeah, ship it." So I drive hours to go get this suit, and I'm just like, "I hope it fits well "'cause I can't, no adjustments can be made." - Yeah, there's nothing that you can do. - You drove hours the opposite way. - Opposite way I drive back, and then we go to Santa Barbara that day. So I was like in the car for like five hours. - I remember you being like, "I'm not gonna get it. "I'm not gonna get it." We were like, "You're gonna get it." - I was really bummed. And we even went and got another suit. - A backup. - A backup black suit, which now I'm like, great, I'll wear that for "Who Memed It?" (everyone laughs) But I'm so glad I got that brown suit because, I don't know, it just felt like it fit. And with all our photos- - [Courtney] It's such a vibe. - And it's so nice for the courthouse. Like, the courthouse is that beautiful like ivory and brown and like a little bit of reddish and then green. - It was awesome. - You looked great. - And you had that black tie that we kind of chose last minute. - Yeah, it all worked out. - It all worked out, 'cause I had a different dress that I was planning on wearing that was like more of an off-white, because I knew your shirt with your suit originally was gonna be like an ivory/off-white. And then the closer we got to the wedding day, my dress that I had, I was like, "I don't feel right in it." Like, I always struggle with a balance of femininity or just structure in my wardrobe. And so I was like, "I can't." And then I was like, "I'm gonna wear this white dress," which I ended up wearing. And then because you had your backup suit that came with a white shirt, you ended up being able to wear that white shirt and like- - It all worked out. - Some people don't care about that stuff. Like, I like color coordinating. - Yeah. - It ended up looking all so good. - Well, it mattered to us 'cause that was all we were bringing to it. - Yeah. - You know, like it wasn't like- - That was all we had for it. - We didn't set up a wedding, so it was like, we're going to this courthouse and what we have is what we're wearing. And I think it really was perfect. - Yeah. - That's so nice. I love having, the smaller wedding is then you can focus on the actual details, and you should be in something that you feel so good in. - [Shayne] Oh yeah. - And like comfortable, and it's fitted, and that's when you spend a little bit more time, a little bit more money on that. That's the best part about a small wedding. - It felt great. - Yeah. - And so we did that, and it was just this very private, quiet affair. And that's kind of funny because then come Monday, and we had planned for months. It wasn't like always our intention. We knew at a certain point that we were gonna eventually like announce after we were married. We made that decision a long time ago. - Yeah, like a long time ago. We're like, "Yeah, we'll probably like announce "with like wedding photos." - Yeah. - And then I pitched early, early this year. I was like, "How about this date? "And how about we announce on April Fools' Day? "It's kind of funny. "And we're comedians. "And so like, how about it?" And like every time we told people that that was like kind of what we were thinking, everyone was like, "Oh my god, that's so awesome. "You gotta do that." And so we're like, "All right, like, seems like the plan." - We'll do it. So Monday comes around, and we are on set. And so not only did everyone at Smosh know about this, everyone was there with us when we posted it. And I remember we were on like the "Try Not To Laugh" set. - I had a beard drawn on my face. - Yeah. - Or wait, maybe I hadn't yet. Or maybe I don't remember. - But we were filming the trailer for "Smosh: The Sitcom". And we pulled out our phones, and we're like, "All right, we're gonna do it." And then we kinda like let everyone know. We're like, "All right, everyone, we're gonna do this. "Just so everyone knows." - Yeah. - And then we did, and we just put our phones away. - Yeah 'cause we had to keep filming. - All right, we gotta get back to work. - Best way to do it. - I think Angela like filmed the moment we hit post, and everyone was like, "Woo! "All right, okay, and settle. "Okay, speeds." - Back to work. - Back to the old grind. - Yep. And then the podcast was on a countdown. - [Shayne] Oh, dude, that was so fun. - After your post. - That was so fun 'cause that's when I think things started to ramp up. People were like, "What's going on?" - That was really cool 'cause we were all here watching like the countdown go. And then immediately it's Angela in your limes shirt. - [Shayne] Oh my god. - Like... - Oh my god. - Dude, it's the funniest intro on this show by far. The way she's just posed there- - She's like, with her (beep) fake muscles. - Is incredible. - She was working on her impression of you all day. When she first came in, she's like, "Hey, how's it going?" - She was method. - Oh yeah, and like an hour or two before when she got fully in the costume, she sends me a photo of just her in the full costume. She's just like, "I'm locking in." (Courtney laughs) - They killed it. And Chanse was like going over all the things. He's like, "Okay, Boston is crazy. "Dunkin' Donuts." Like, he was going over all the things. - [Shayne] Worked everywhere. - They were so invested in like trying to pull off this great, and they killed it. They did a whole episode fully improvised as us while keeping the fun game of like, "Guys, I got a big announcement. "Walked down the aisle in 'Baldur's Gate'." - In "Baldur's Gate". (Courtney laughs) The funniest shit ever. - So good. - 'Cause I know Angela doesn't know anything about "Baldur's Gate" so I'm like, "Yeah, all right." - [Courtney] She knows enough. - Yeah, I mean, it was just weird 'cause that day things just kind of kept ramping up. I don't know what I expected. - I was nervous for a lot more like of a negative response. I don't know why. I think it was like fear of people being, "Ew, I thought you were siblings." Or like- - No. - Or just also being nervous about like people, like 'cause there were people who were like, "I thought you were lesbian?" And I was like, "Never said that, but okay." And then- - Pick a side. - And then we also, like I thought like, "Come on, it's gonna be wedding photos. "No one's gonna think it's a prank. "Like, they're gonna think it's real." But people really thought, they think Smosh is really that talented, that we would pull something off that's that big. - We've pulled off pranks, but that's on another level. - [Courtney] No. - I mean, we kind of thought, "Okay, all of these photos we're putting in there, "the level of it, all the locations, "people are gonna think it's a prank at first, "but they're gonna realize by the end of the day "that it's real." - Yeah, which- - And people really, really thought that we could pull off a prank of that level. And people thought that there was like AI involved. - [Courtney] Oh my god. - They were like, "See, like this is fake here "'cause you can tell," or whatever. - [Courtney] I didn't know that. - I think when you're a comedian, they don't see like you doing real stuff. I remember I posted a video of my engagement, and my director at UCB was like, "Dude, I thought that was a total prank. "I was waiting for you to be like-" - What? - "Have like a whole thing." And I was like, "Wait, oh." Sometimes when you're a comedian, it's like, "Wait, huh?" - Yeah, like part of me wonders if we hadn't posted on April Fools' Day, if people still would've thought it was a prank. - It's possible. I think so. Well, because- - Yeah, definitely. - And to be fair, it's hard for me to understand the perspective of people didn't even know that we were together. - That you were dating. - So it's a lot all at once, and that's fair. - Yeah, which I think maybe we assumed that more people thought we were dating than we realized. - I kind of for like the past year just assumed that a lot of people just knew. - Did people not? Like, were people like, "Oh, I knew it"? Like, what were the majority of the comments? - [Shayne] Plenty of people were like, "I knew it." - Okay. - Plenty of people were like, "I knew it." - So when you talk about detectives, like... - Yeah. And I think there's a lot of reasons why we didn't like make it public for a long time. And for me, one of the largest reasons was just that it's always been important to me to draw the line between what is entertainment, what is my job, and what is my private life. There's a lot of things, not just our relationship, but a lot of things that I'm like, I will not talk about it. I don't post about it. Just honestly more than anything, just for my own psyche. Just that I'm like, I like to keep that as there's no business or like that's not content. That is my life. And I think we're seeing a lot of that online right now where people make too much of their private life content. And then that's damaging. And then you kinda lose track of what your life is. - They lose control over their own privacy. - Yeah. - Yeah, and it's a tough line to walk at Smosh because we are personalities on camera. So like it is us that's on there. And so it was scary to bring that out because I think there is an expectation of like when you're a couple online, that that's heavily what your content is all about. And that's not really what like we're planning on doing 'cause I think what we've been doing up until this announcement performance-wise like in our videos and stuff, I think it's pretty much gonna be the same, 'cause I think also one of my fears was like, I didn't want to be now only referred to as Shayne's wife. Like, I came to Smosh 'cause I loved comedy. I came here as myself. I'm still myself. Like, nothing has changed in that regard other than how we're being perceived now. And as a woman, it can be hard. Like, already on social media, everything I'm doing online, people are assuming it's like for Shayne. And like that's not true. But hey, you're pretty cool, but (laughs) - I think women get very pigeonholed when they get married because I think there's this old belief that a lot of women like open their eyes at birth and they're like, "(gasps) Marriage." Because I think that's how we were meant to, you know, continue our lives. But like you are your own businesswoman. Like, you have your own things going on, and you get to like share that with Shayne, but also you guys do your own thing, and then do things together. And I think some people find that tricky when wife and husband, those words just like change so many things. I remember when I got married and I said husband, I felt like this woman who was like in like a little handkerchief, like at home in the kitchen. Like, those words just have so, they hold so many old beliefs in it, and they aren't true anymore. - Yeah. - Yeah, and it's like, not to say like, I'm proud to be- - Yeah. - Like, I'm proud of this. It's just also, like you said, keeping our work life and our private life as they are. - Yep. - Especially in a time when I think Smosh, people are saying it a lot, but I think Smosh is in such a golden era, and like our dynamic amongst the entire cast is so good. Like, everyone is so solid. And what I cherish at Smosh is like this big ensemble, friend dynamic. And I think a great thing about us not being public about it is that people really like they do love us as just individuals. - Yep. - As individual performers and as just a group of friends. And that's still I think what Smosh is about. - Yeah. - I mean, yeah, friendship always wins. Like, that's kind of the thing. And, you know, that's also just a very real part of our relationship still. And like when people are like, "Oh, I wonder if things are gonna change," it's like, no, because this has been the case for a while. Like, everyone here at Smosh knew that we were together, and this is the dynamic that we have. - It doesn't feel like it's changed on set. But it's cool though- - [Shayne] It is really cool. - Like, you guys now have this like commitment and connection that is really cool that we get to like finally celebrate. And I think that's what's really exciting and cool for us. But as far as dynamics on set, like it's the same, but it's just cool. It's better. - Literally, yeah. And, you know, I was just gonna say like our hard launch, it honestly was scarier but felt similar to coming out for me because it was like this part of myself that isn't really anyone's business, but it is a big part of me. And like I get to like truly be myself and not be like, it's not that we were hiding anything, it's just we weren't like volunteering that information out, but like being able to be like, oh, like in control again of that because it felt like a lot of speculation and stuff made it feel very out of my control. For a long time it, like and I think why we kept it private for so long was because sometimes online people made it feel not safe to be public about that info. But yeah, like it was a relief. And like even though all the people in my life that I truly cared about already knew, it was like, we don't have to worry about that anymore, you know? - Yeah. No, it's really cool. And there were moments where I was like, "It is weird that it's a thing "that I'm not being public about." Like, when we did our dating episode with Tommy, we were answering Q&A questions. - Oh yeah. - We were talking about it, and I saw there was a comment that was like, "I don't know if Shayne should be giving advice. "He's been single for like seven years." (Courtney laughs) And I'm just like, "Okay. That's fair. "That's what it probably looks like." And there were times where I'm like, people probably think that I just am completely alone. - It's hard. Yeah, that's hard. - But I also, you know, my entire time on Smosh, I just have always separated that part of my life 'cause I'm just like, I don't want to talk about it. - Yeah, I mean, it's not that hard to like not show that you're dating somebody. - Exactly. - It's not that crazy. Like, my previous relationship, we were both influencers, but no one really knew just simply 'cause we weren't posting about it all the time. So it's like not like this crazy secret that we were trying, like we weren't really trying that hard. We just weren't announcing it. - There were plenty of times where it was like, we posted stuff and it was like very clear. - Yeah, like we were both in London. - Yeah. It was definitely funny. And it was moments like that where it's like, "All right, we're not gonna keep this secret forever." - No. And I think like throughout our entire relationship, we weren't gonna deny ourselves the experience of being in a relationship. So if people were taking photos with us in public, it was like, yeah. Like, it's not like we were like, "We can't touch. "We can't be standing too close." Like, we just didn't want to make that part of our whole life. - We just didn't wanna make it content. - Right. - And I think that's still going forward how we feel of like, we're not gonna be making couples content, you know? That's not in our plans. And that's just 'cause we both love what we do as individual performers and stuff. That's not saying we're never gonna make anything together. - No. - But just that's our vibe. - Your couple stuff is, it's sacred, and also like it's yours. Do you know what I mean? Like, it is your decision when and where and how you wanna share it. Like, wedding photos. Like, it's always, always gonna be now, that's the cool part is like now it's your guys' decision, moving forward, doing things together. I think that's the coolest part about being married. - And truthfully for our fans, like there's not much of my private life that isn't on Smosh. Like, whenever we do "Two Truths, One Lie," the problem every time is I'm like, I don't know what I haven't shared at this point. - Yeah. - I think our fans know. And I will say something and fans will be like, "Oh yeah, Shayne shared that like a few years ago." And I'm just like, "All right, yeah." - I mean, it's hard. Our job is literally sharing our personal life. - [Courtney] Yeah. - And I think people don't realize, like all of our videos nowadays are like an hour long, and it's like, it's hours upon hours. Like, a lot of our days are on camera, like hanging out, talking. It's a blast. But it's also a lot of our life. - Yeah. - Yeah, and we started nine years ago. I mean, like we literally had our callback audition at the same time. We both sat in front of Ian and Anthony and Joe Bereta, and like nine years have passed, so people have seen us grow and change, but also like our fan base has grown and changed. So not remembering information that we've shared makes sense. But also it's like, well, we don't know who in this current era of our audience knows that stuff too. - Yeah. - So I think that's also what felt like such a big deal announcing this stuff was because like this job, like and that's why we kind of cared about this relationship so much and keeping it kind of private because like we've been at Smosh for nine years. Like, we just started our 10th year. And yeah, just like the stakes are high, and like, certain people online made it feel like really scary to put that information out there. Like, as someone who has dealt with actual stalkers, like some of the behavior regarding us, it teetered on that line. And that made it really scary for me because prying eyes or prying mouses, iPhones, I don't know. It made me really protective of this relationship. Especially like some of the things people were doing online, like I said, teetered on stalking behavior. And even though some of it maybe felt innocent to the people who were doing it, the information they were putting out there was then accessible to people who should not have that information. - Right. - It could go into the wrong hands. And I talked to both of you about this, like I had like a grieving moment of like saying goodbye to keeping that relationship, this relationship like as just our thing. And yeah, it was like a weird mourning moment. Like, okay, this isn't just ours anymore. Like, now the whole world is perceiving it. And like, it's a lot. Like, I get emotional just thinking about it 'cause it's like the internet can make things really scary. - Yeah, it's so many people. I mean, our Instagram post, I mean, it got just an absurd amount. - Thank you. I don't know why I'm just like- - No, it's real. I think just getting married, you go through a mourning process. You grieve like an old part of yourself. You're not only grieving an old part of yourself, you're grieving so much more. And grieving isn't a bad thing. You're just kinda like, "I'm not going to be that anymore. "I'm going to now be this." And that is such an intense emotion. - It can be. And it's also like, I'm different but I'm also literally the same. Like, I had people text me being like, "Do you feel different?" And I'm like, this like, I grew up thinking marriage was gonna be like the thing, you know? - Yeah. - Being a Mormon woman raised person, like it definitely like felt like a big deal. But it's like, I think still clinging to me and like I still have this gravitational pull toward entertainment and making people laugh and forget about their problems. And so like, I didn't want to be like, like you said, like pigeonholed into a wife, you know? And like... - [Amanda] Yeah. And now you're not. - This episode of "Smosh Mouth" is brought to you by Aura Frames. Aura Frames are some incredible digital picture frames that are easy to use, easy to set up, and all you have to do is have the Aura app on your phone and you can upload photos from pretty much anywhere and any device that you log into your account with. It's awesome. I have one at home, and it's really cool. - My grandmother has one, so I can send photos anytime. There's no memory card required, and it has unlimited storage. - Yeah. And they look great too. Like, it's calibrated in a way that the photos look like real pictures, and the frames are really cool. It's a really awesome like centerpiece to have at your place. And it's fun to change 'em up at any time. So depending on the time of year, like, you know, we're getting into summer soon, like you can have a bunch of summer photos in it. Then once winter comes, you can kind of change it all up on the fly at any time you want from pretty much anywhere. - Yeah, and you can react to the photos with emojis, which I think is so cute. - So sweet. - Right now you can save on the perfect gift that keeps on giving by visiting auraframes.com. For a limited time, listeners get $20 off their bestselling frame with code SMOSH. That's A-U-R-A frames.com, promo code SMOSH. Terms and conditions apply. - Back to the show. I feel the same exact way. But there's still so much that is ours. And I think by the whole point of what we really wanted to do with this episode is to kind of communicate that with our fans. 'Cause what was really cool about this announcement was seeing how many people were happy for us and that that was fascinating to me. Just genuine happiness for us and believing in us. And so that was really cool. You know, and I'm someone who doesn't share a lot. Fans know, like, I'm a super private person. - Yeah. - Probably the most private out of everyone on Smosh. - Yeah. - So it was scary for me. But... And I think the response already, I don't think people are putting you in that box 'cause I think you've just shown, you have shown just how powerful and how much talent and just how entertaining you are by this point that, and I think it's a good thing that we kept it to ourselves because I think we've built up to this point, and especially with all the bullshit we've gone through over years, like, it was the perfect time, I think. - Yeah, and it was. Like, I wanted to do it. I'm glad we did it. And like because it would've been like painful to try and keep this like huge part of our lives and our dynamic like a secret from everyone. And I think also us announcing it was like us like taking back our narrative and like hopefully shutting down a lot of that stuff. And unfortunately brought up a lot of crap again of people thinking like, "Oh, now it's okay "to bring all that up." And it's, again, it's like- - Yep. - It's hard when you're online. And like everyone's got an Instagram, you know? Our families do. And like I can only protect them so much. And like we signed onto this job, we agreed to being public figures, but that does not make it okay to treat people like this puzzle that they can rip apart and dissect. 'Cause I think a lot of people think like, "Well, you're a public figure, "like you have to expect this kind of treatment." And it's like, no, we're still human beings. - When did we lose that line? - [Courtney] Yeah. - Yeah, you can expect it. That doesn't make it right. - Right. - And it is frustrating, and I said this on "Assumptions" on Anthony's channel of just like, anything that I post on my social media or I talk about here, like, I'm like, that's what I'm sharing with you. If you're seeking something out that I didn't, then I'm upset. I don't view you as a fan anymore. Like, that's where I'm like, you're being invasive. Like, I haven't talked about it or posted about it for a reason. - Yeah. - And there's so much. I don't know how many hours of content there is out there of me. Like, it's weeks or months of video footage, but- - Yeah, like stop trying to figure out how many people I've killed. - Yeah. - Like, I haven't posted about it, so leave it. - And it's a lot. - I will say, the thing I do enjoy and I think this is totally fine, is people going back and trying to find Easter eggs in Smosh content. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah. - Where they're like, "Okay, I think I saw this moment here," or whatever. And some of them unfortunately, I just have to say are bullshit. Like, it's just nothing. - Not accurate. - But some people are finding stuff where I'm like, "Okay, maybe that was something. "Maybe that was something." Or like jokes, like little hidden jokes and things. - Yeah. Or like, "See the way she was looking at him?" It's like, I look at Angela that way. - Oh yeah. (Shayne laughs) Well, yeah- - Spencer looks at Mountain Dew Kickstart that way. - He's like... - Well, he is married to that. (everyone laughs) He's married to that. - I think I make more intense eye contact with you throughout the day than anyone here. (everyone laughs) - I mean, like I said on my "Assumptions" that people think that Angela and I are like... (Courtney laughs) There's this fan video that Angela sent to me and it's me in like grayed out like color, and it's me on the Smosh set like (vocalizes) And I'm like, kinda laughing but not or whatever. And then it's like, "Once Angela came in." There's like sunlight. - Oh my god. - I'm looking at her with like eyes. - [Courtney] Oh my god. - And I'm like, "Wow, Ang, you and me are together." She's like, "I knew it." - Yep. No, that's crazy 'cause even before we were dating, there'd be edits like that of us of course. But like there was ones, I remember me and Olivia were like posting on our stories laughing at them because they would make entire like stories where it's like we were fighting, and then we were together, and then Shayne got hit by a car. (everyone laughs) No! And he's in the hospital. And they would use like sketch footage and all these things to create a soap opera. - Y'all are kind of brilliant because like- - [Courtney] No, truly. - You just made a whole show. - No, I truly have so much respect for people who make edits in any capacity as an editor. That's how I first started with videos is like, I love it. It's so awesome. - They're so funny. (everyone laughs) I love the music, and it's like (vocalizes) I'm waiting for my next one with Angela. Like, where are we at now? (everyone laughs) - You're asking for it. They're gonna make it. - Give us our honeymoon 'cause we've just been together. We haven't like- - When will Amanda get hit by car? - Yeah. Boom! And then Angela's like, "No." (everyone laughs) I wanna see that. - The only other thing from fans' response, they're obsessed with the rings. - Yeah. - They are obsessed with, they're like, "Shayne's not wearing his ring there." - The rings. - He's not wearing his ring or whatever. He's wearing his ring, not wearing his ring. - Oh. - I'm wearing it, but I'm not like a ring person, so, it's definitely an adjustment for me. - It's an adjustment, right? - I sometimes put it on my necklace. - Yeah, but it's not something that like I would expect. Do you wear your ring 24/7? - No. So I wear my ring every day, but when I go to bed, I have these, our jeweler made these like wooden boxes that have like this felt inside, and it's like she has this really cool symbol on it that's about like Earth and the connection to Earth. And so at night, I like put it in there, and it's like a little felt thing. - You plant it in the soil. - Yeah, exactly. And then it grows. But it's funny because H never wore rings, and he has this like thick gold ring, and I remember him being like, "Uh... "This feels weird. "Like, it feels..." And now when he doesn't wear it, and he wears it 24/7, he's like, "I feel naked without it." - Wow. - So it like kind of becomes an interesting thing. - Yeah, I've heard that. - But no, I don't wear it to workout. - Yeah, people who wear it 24/7, I'm like, I couldn't go to the gym with this. Like, I would either make it stinky. Ew. Or like I feel like I would break it on equipment. - I'm afraid of losing it. - Yeah. - That's my biggest fear. I'd rather not be wearing it and- - Yeah, swimming in the ocean. Not a chance. - No. - Oh yeah, God no. - Or if I'm like eating like wings, I gotta take this shit off. - No. Same. If I'm making bread or anything, I'm like- - Or if Bilbo's around. (Courtney laughs) - Who? Don't start. - If Bilbo Baggins is around. - Oh, okay. Bilbo. - And he's like, "Can I try it?" - [Amanda] He's like- (Shayne yells) (everyone laughs) My precious. - You haven't heard of the story of Bilbo? - My precious. - That's been our fans with my ring. They're just like (yells) - Yeah, yeah. - Where is it? - And you're like, "I'm gonna drop it. "I'm gonna drop it. Ah!" - I gotta take it to Mount Doom. - Yeah, and people in the comments are like, "All right, chill. "Like, people take their rings off," which is nice. I feel... What's been really awesome about this as well too is like I've felt a lot more embraced and almost protected in a lot of ways. Like, our- - Yeah. - The love and celebration I was not expecting the amount that we got, like, truly. I thought people were just gonna be shocked 'cause people online like instantly just wanna turn everything into a meme and not take it seriously, and like that's fine. Like, we're in comedy for Christ's sake. But like it was so much just happiness and celebration after like people were a little more certain of it. Like, you know, after the people.com article came out. - Well... They didn't contact me, so I'm a little upset. - I tried. I tried. - Yeah, Courtney tried. - Yeah, tell this story. - They reached out, and I was like, "No fricking way. People.com. "This is so funny." - Yeah, like, they emailed. They're like, "Hey, we'd like to get comment. "Do you care to reply with comment," or something. - And so you were kinda like drafting up like- - Yeah. - And then I was like, "Oh my god, "can you include Amanda in this response?" - Yeah, I literally tried. - You guys are so cute. - They were like, "Can you comment on this? "Like, are you guys, is this real?" And I was like, "Yeah." I wrote the little blurb. But I was like, "Also we got married at the same place Amanda got married, "and she's a huge people.com fan "if you wanna include that in there or not." - They were like, "We don't give a (beep). "We just care about you two. "And we don't care about Amanda and her weird tall man." (everyone laughs) - Weird tall man? - Not from this country, and we don't want that. - I remember someone created a fake people.com article on Twitter or something, and then like literally an hour later, the real one came out. Like, they acted fast. - I mean, whether they, you know, had me in there or not, or asked me to be a correspondent, that's neither here or there, whatever. - [Shayne] Right, right, right. - But when I went on my normal people.com every day, I was like, "(gasps) There's Courtney and Shayne." And I filmed it and sent it to you. And I read the whole article. I was like, "H, look." And he was like, "Yeah, you know their story." I was like, "Yeah, but people.com. "They got the scoop." - They've got it. - They got the scoop. - They got the scoop first. - We gotta get a hard copy. - I know. I think it was on an actual- - I think it's in an actual issue. - Oh my god. Can we put it like back here? - Slam it up there. - Just behind me though. - Put it on the fridge. - Not behind you. Just behind me. - Put it on this table. - That's actually awesome. We should find it. It should be still out. - It's so awesome. - It's crazy. That shocked me. I think that's where I was like, I was not expecting it. - Yeah. Holy shit. I guess people.com, or People, it's pretty common to cover like weddings. - [Shayne] Yeah. - They love their weddings. - Well, people just love couples. - They love people. - Yeah, they love this stuff. - Oh, they love couples. - [Courtney] People the magazine and people people. - And people in general. And I think that's why the response to it kind of surprised me in a lot of ways 'cause it's not the type of content I consume, you know? - [Amanda] Yeah. - I'm on YouTube watching people make terrariums inside jars. - That's actually awesome. - It's the best. Those are my YouTubers. - [Courtney] Yeah. - That's what I'm watching. They're like, "I've had this ecosystem in this mason jar-" - He's like, "The shrimp." - For a whole year. And here's the life that's existed in it for the whole year. - That's actually awesome. It's the best. - There is this one YouTuber that I think it's really cool how she goes about, 'cause she's married, and recently it's changed a little bit, but for a long time this one, YouTuber, Lauren Giraldo, like, she's always done like a vlogging, like this-is-my-life channel. And she has a boyfriend that she was living with, and like he would be around, but it wasn't the content. And I think that that's really cool that it's like it's about her and if he pops in, great. But it's not about her, it's her life. And like if I continue my personal YouTube career, like it'd probably be closer to that. Like, I don't plan on making couples content with you. It's gonna be about me. But if you're around or if anything changes- - He's in the background looking at terrariums. He might just be like, "Hey." - He's just got a little shrimp. (everyone laughs) Got a little shrimp. He's like, "This one's gonna clean the tank." And he pops it in. - One little shrimp here. This is his house. - So you might be an extra in her vlogs. - Yeah. I'm the main character. Shayne's just an NPC. - That's right, honey. - That's just me. - I'm so sorry. That felt very cringe. - But it's great. - We're gonna leave that in. - (beep). (Amanda laughs) - Yeah, it's interesting at this point, 'cause there's so many, and, you know, there's ones that work, there's ones that, but it's scary like with couples on YouTube 'cause there's been a lot of weird ones over the years. Like, and you just like, just where it's like messy and I don't know. - I mean, since this is a topical episode, the Joey Graceffa and his ex video coming in. - Oh my god. Yeah, that shit has been crazy. - Online beefs are happening now. But- - I don't know anything about that. - Yeah, I mean- - [Shayne] It's okay. - I don't really know much about it either, but it's like, that is not our thing. Like, we love comedy, we love performing. And like should we ever split for whatever reason, not wearing our rings is not gonna be how you find that out. (everyone laughs) - They find out we prank you with that. - No, you don't want that. Like, there are so many celebrities that just like don't even want you to know their partner's name because- - [Courtney] Right. - Like, the Easter eggs that people are finding in your old videos, they don't want that for like your future. - [Courtney] Right. - To be like, "Uh-oh, Courtney is at the grocery store by herself." - Well, you know, like Ryan Gosling's super private about his marriage and stuff, and I think he and I are pretty similar. - Okay. Jesus Christ. - Same guy. - I mean, sometimes I am like Eva Mendes on her Instagram, I'm like, "Where is Ryan?" (everyone laughs) - [Shayne] Where is he? - She's like in her gorgeous dresses, and she's like, I don't know who's running her Instagram or is it just her, but like sometimes I'm like, "What's going on, Eva?" Like, it's just like pictures of her being like... And I'm like, "Where is Ryan?" - Your lip quivered. (everyone laughs) - I do understand because of the nature of so much content, why people like are interested or expecting more because there's so many creators out there who just air out everything. - [Amanda] Everything. - And I gotta be honest, whenever they're doing it, I'm watching. - Yeah. - I can't help but watch. - You can't not. Look at "Love is Blind". - When they freaking go for it, all of it. Well, I mean so many podcasts out there, I mean, it's like, oh, so you're just talking about anything? - Yeah. - Holy shit. - No. You know that feeling when you feel like you overshared, like when I told everyone that I watch YouTube compilation kisses? (Courtney laughs) You go home in your car and you're like... (Shayne laughs) And it strikes you in the car like, "You overshared. "You overshared." - [Shayne] Everyone thinks you weird now. - And then I go... And then it takes like days to be like, "It's okay. "It's okay that you overshared. "It's okay." - No, literally even if I'm just like talking to you and I feel like I told you too much about like a gyno appointment, I'm in my car, and I'm like, "Ah! Shared too much." - Never care about that. (Courtney gags) Literally never care about that. - Physically cringing though. Just like- - You share too much about your gyno appointment when Ian's sitting right there. That's the hardest part. - No, 'cause he will weaponize that later. He will weaponize it. - I straight up did that like the other day. - That's stored in there. That's gonna come out in a year in some sort of video. - You know when you've shared too much with Ian where he goes, "Wow..." And you're like, "Oh no." - Ian gives you that like... - Yeah. I wish this didn't happen. - When he doesn't have a response of like a whole paragraph about some article or documentary, then you know you said too much. - Yeah, you said too much. (Courtney laughs) - Man, when we get this show to being like very topical, it's gonna be fun talking about anything 'cause I feel like I get to tell you about so much stuff. - I know. - 'Cause you didn't know about the Joey Graceffa ex thing? - No, no. - I've only seen a few TikToks. - What's his name? It's unfortunate because someone roasted Joey Graceffa's ex by being only known as Joey Graceffa's ex. - Well yeah- - That's the meanest, - [Courtney] I know. - [Daniel] Certain YouTuber. - Name them. - Connor Franta. But then I realized that he's the most boring person. - And legend has it, you are still jealous of me, Daniel. You have been subtweeting me. My name has been in your mouth and on your mind for years. You're obsessed with me. I don't know why. I don't think about you. The internet doesn't think about you. You are categorized as one thing, Joey Graceffa's ex-boyfriend. Leave me alone. If my crime is being boring, your crime is being nothing. - [Courtney] Impressive. - Chris Klemens I think called him a, like a Topshop clearance- - Mannequin. Yeah. - From 2016. And I was just like... - Ow! - I was like, "Holy shit." - Wait, that's pretty good. - [Shayne] (beep). - Women can kind of do that too. You know, "Shogun"? The lead guy in "Shogun". My friend was like, "He's like a Shein Tom Hardy." (everyone laughs) And I was like- - That's so real. - You know what I was thinking about? I was thinking about it too 'cause I was just like straight guys are probably like the worst at insults 'cause we just aren't creative. - Yeah, they're like, "Cute skirt, bitch." (everyone laughs) And you're like, "They're jeans, dumbass." - I was thinking about it, and this is my interpretation of what it is, is why when straight guys insult each other it's really not that creative is 'cause I think straight guys are really insecure, so it doesn't take much. So they're just like, it's one word things. They're just like, "Loser." Like, that's- - Like, "Whatever, beta." - Yeah. - Exactly. That's all it takes. - You're like, "Ow." - Whereas anyone else, it's like they're gonna have to come up with more. - Oh yeah. - And they really- - Be like, "One of your ears is messed up," and you're like, "Oh!" - Like women, oh, you're just scared because you're afraid to do anything in your entire life, stupid bitch. - They deconstruct everything, and you're like (yells) - Yeah. Luckily having sisters, like we do not do those type of insults on each other. We don't. But we'll kind of be like, "Oh my god, this person in my life." And then we'll go off and then it's, like, damn. - Jesus. - What do you say about me? - Yeah. - Yeah. Women. Yeah. - Look, I'm impressed. - Well 'cause they see it. - [Courtney] Women, gaming. - Yeah, women, gamin'. They're like listening, and they see it, and then they're like... - Yeah. - But do you think that they, sometimes... Do you think that they like regret it after? Or does it feel like a good release when they say it? - Well, I mean, some people like, like I said, these people who are just out there on their platforms and they're not holding back, I think that's who they are, and they're proud of it. - You have to let go 'cause it's like internet's forever. - They own it. But some people own it. And they've been doing it for years, and they're good at it. - Like Drew. Drew. - Yeah, Drew Afualo. And I mean, and here's the thing, I'm like, I am not capable of that, but I have very much a level of respect for people who can do that 'cause it's- - They nail it. - That's another level of being like unapologetically online. Like... - That's a good one. - 'Cause you will also, you do inevitably get so much like haters. - Oh, 100%. - You get so much haters. And I don't think we have many haters in our fan base. They roast us, but- - I wouldn't call 'em fans at a certain point. - Right. - Yeah. - But I think it really is like, once you open the can of worms, it's never gonna be able to be sealed shut. So once you're a creator online and you spill some tea, then people want the whole pot. Like, and the bags, the tea bags and the silverware. - Yeah. - Did you guys hear about that whole TikTok story? Poop Gate? - Poop Gate? - Poopies? - Poop Gate. - Are you- - Wait, wait, wait. Are you talking about the poopies that I think you're talking about? - I don't know. - Why are you pulling your hand away? - Are you online in a way that I'm not? - Hello? - No. Is this about- - Hello? - [Courtney] Okay, sorry. Say more. - Okay, it's about the female TikToker who lives in New York and lived with a Victoria's Secret model. And she revealed that she used to live with a Victoria's Secret model, didn't say her name, and this girl used to- - [Courtney] I heard about this. - Wipe her butt with poop and then keep the poop- - [Courtney] Toilet paper. - Keep the toilet paper in her bag. And then she went off. And then people went ham. Guys, I'm cool, okay? - Wait- - This whole story- - No, I heard about this. - Is to show you that I'm cool. - This model was a horrible roommate. - Horrible roommate. - Stole clothes from the other tenants. - Yeah, so she spilled tea and then like showed pictures and then people went crazy. They're like, "Who? Who? Who?" - [Courtney] They figured her out. - And now she's like, "Oh shit. Oh shit." And now she has to do like a part two, part three, and then be like, guys, "Don't go after all the Victoria's Secret models, "blah, blah, blah." But then she's like, "Okay, well here's more." - Yeah. - Now her TikTok is Poop Gate. (Shayne laughs) - [Shayne] It's all Poop Gate. That's what you're known for. - I think Poop Gate is like Watergate. Like, show us the files. - Yes. That it is. - Oh, I know something Shayne didn't know. - I thought you were talking about something else, which you know about, which talking about topicality, it was the Shane Dawson/Ryland Adams podcast talking about poopies, which I don't know enough to talk about, but it's topical. - Uh-oh. Poopies? - There's always- - There's just rumors about YouTubers pooping around the house and leaving the poop around. - Dude, what is going on? - [Shayne] People are weird with poop. - You gotta clean up your poop. - I did this morning get served a TikTok where a girl was showing like she poops in her backyard and she like digs. - Okay. I don't think that's like the worst. - Well, it's not as bad as pooping around the house. There's levels to where you poop and that's not as bad. - Poop, wipe, put in purse. - That's crazy. - Keep in room. - I don't understand that. - Let's wrap up the poopy talk please. - Okay. Enough poopy talk. - We're like, "Yay, it's topical. "Let's get straight to it." - Can I vent about something though with TikTok that- - Yes. - I don't think I've shared, that bothers me more than anything on TikTok, which is when people start off and they're like, "I have the craziest story. "So I had a manager at my job who like tried to run me over "with their car," and they start telling the story, and then it gets to like the end of the TikTok, and they don't get to the crazy part. And then you're like, "Where's part two?" You find part two, and it's them in bed, and they're like, "Okay, sorry. I don't have any makeup on. "I did not expect this to blow up." - Oh God. It's all on purpose. - And I'm just like, "What?" - It's on purpose. - I'm like, "What're you doing? "You didn't expect it to blow up? "You said an insane thing!" And then it's like a day later, and they always say, "I'm so sorry. "My face is so puffy and I don't have makeup on. "I'm so sorry." Like, and I'm like, "What? "We don't care!" - You were hit by a car! - Whenever people apologize for not wearing makeup on TikTok, I'm like, do you understand the shit that I'm seeing on TikTok? - Yes. - I just saw five insane videos. I don't care about someone not in makeup. What? - Do you think they do that on purpose? Do you think they end it and then set it up so they can have a part two, so you just keep following? - Well, but then part two, they often are just like, "Anyways, so," and they just like- - Like, "And then it happened," and then nothing. - It's like not actually interesting. I'm like, "What is wrong with you?" - I can't stand that. - Come on, tell a story. If it's not all encompassed in one TikTok, TikToks could be like 10 minutes. - I can't stand that. - Encompass it in one video. Don't make a part two. - Yeah. - [Shayne] Hate it. - So you know how you're like going down your TikToks, well, I kind of took inspiration from you. I started going on Reddit. Me, Amanda, going on Reddit. (Courtney laughs) Because specifically for a reason, and now I'm like kind of hooked, I needed a new podcast to listen to. There's a whole Reddit about podcasts. - [Shayne] Yeah. - And they gave me one and I am addicted to it. It was called "Bear Brook". It's like an old cold case crime in New Hampshire. And I was like, "Oh my god." I know I'm super late, but like Reddit has so many great opinion. And so they give you all like, "Oh yeah, but guys don't do this. "Don't do this." And for so many years I've been like, "I wish there was just like a Google form or something "that would tell me what to watch "and what I should watch and what doesn't..." - No, it really is great 'cause I remember years ago I was like, "Does anybody ever get this thing where they suddenly feel "like music sounds too fast to them "and it is almost like an anxiety attack, but it's not?" And like I would try and Google it and try to like WebMD it, and it would be nothing. But then Reddit would be like, "Yes, I get this too "where music feels like it's a different pace "and that feels like time is moving in a weird pace." - Wait, I get that too. - What is that? - I don't know, but now I'm gonna look on Reddit. - There was a lot of people on Reddit who were like, "Yeah, "there's supposedly a term that might be this, "but it also could be this." And it's like, people got to come together- - Does it have anything to do with hair in your ears? - Hair in your ears? Whoa. - That's how you get vertigo. - Whoa. - Hair in your ears go the opposite way. - You guys are time traveling. (Courtney laughs) - You're crazy. - And I'll need to like put on a really slow song to like calm myself down sometimes and like get out of it. - I've gotten this a bunch, so now I need to look at it. - I used to like wake up really early in the morning for school and be like, "Why does everything feel like it's moving? "Like, I feel like I'm moving faster than normal." - Yep. - [Courtney] What's going on? - Yep. - And Reddit people were like, "Me too, me too." - I kind of just like ixnayed that I would never find an answer to that. - It doesn't happen as much anymore, but it still occasionally would happen where it's like... I'm just like- - Whoa. - Shayne, get outta here. - Shayne, go, we wanna talk about speed of time. - Man, I'm trying to think. We were watching- - Dude. - We just finished "Baby Reindeer". All of us did. - Yeah. We all did. - That show, insane. Everyone should watch that show. - Everyone should watch that show. - But it's intense. - There are some trigger warnings. - Yeah, I would say pretty much everyone. Every trigger. - Pretty, pretty, like you wanna be in a good head space watching it. But the acting and the performance, and it's so beautifully shot. It's really impressive. Like, and it had triggers that affect me, but I was able to get through them because of performance and the way the cinematography was all really like good in a way that kind of took me away from it. But yeah, I mean talking about all that, like oowee. - Heavy. - To deal with a stalker in 2015, 2016, like where people really weren't aware of like online stalking and stuff back then, nightmare town. But that show was really well done. - He's so talented. Richard Gadd, I believe is his name. Writer, creator, stars in it. Just like also about sharing your story. Like, so vulnerable to share what he shares. And no spoilers obviously, but like, and to act in it. But like he shares so much. And to act in it AKA to volunteer to relive it. - Yeah. - Insane. - But I will say, I think what you were saying too is like the way it shot, it felt very, it was like fast paced in a way where like it felt like a comedy. - [Courtney] Felt like a play. - But it was a drama, and I just thought it was so well done. Like, the episodes just flew. - And the acting again. - Yeah. "Baby Reindeer". - [Courtney] All across the board. - So good. - You watched all of "Fallout", right? Did you watch "Fallout"? - I didn't watch all of "Fallout". I am on episode two. Because I am watching "Shogun". I also wanna watch "Under the Bridge", a Hulu with Lily Gladstone and Riley, Lisa Marie Presley's daughter. It's a detective series. - [Shayne] Okay. Of course. - Of course. Duh. Ha. And I also love Lily Gladstone. And I did watch two episodes of "Fallout" and had some effed up dreams. - Really? - [Courtney] Yeah. - Just like, and I love her. She's from "Yellow Jackets". She's amazing. And the guy is from "Twin Peaks", her dad. But like damn. I was like, "Whoa! Not expecting it!" - Yeah. I went on to play like another eight hours of "Fallout 4" after I watched the show because "Fallout 4" was like the first one I watched and it's the best graphics. And so the show I was like, "Holy shit, I feel like I'm in the game." It was so like- - Yeah, when you're watching it, 'cause I've never played the game, when you're watching it, does it feel like you're in the video game? - It's trippy. I'll see a lamp in the background. And I'm like (gasps) - No, they copied the games very well. - They got to use the video game as like a look book of what they wanted the show to look like, and everyone honored it. And Emily, our director of Pit, she's a huge "Fallout" nerd. And she was like, "This is a love letter to the game." - Yeah. - And like the story- - Gave me chills. - You know, it can be tough when a video game or something like that gets turned into a live action, whether it's a show or a movie. It's a gamble. We'll see how bad or good it is. But this one like they didn't overthink the plot at all. They leaned into what the game is. And like the soundtrack is like exactly what it should be. So good. Love it. - So like "The Last of Us", I never played that game, is that kind of a similar vibe? - "The Last of Us" is literally like, the game is a storyboard of the show. Like, it is the same. - I loved "The Last of Us". - It's pretty much the first game one-to-one. - Yeah. - With some changes. But it's very similar. - Do you think like art department is kind of obsessed with like getting the look book from the video game and then being like, "Ooh"? - I think when they hire the right people. - Yeah, 'cause there's a lot of things where they hire and it's people who - Who wanna like reinvent the wheel. - Or they just didn't know or respect the original content. And I think it's important to... See, my critique of "Last of Us" is I'm like, it's cool it's one-to-one, but I'm like, sometimes I'm like, my view of it, 'cause people do get upset and I get upset too when something feels too different, but I'm like, once it's a TV show, I'm like, it's a new thing. It's a brand new thing, and I have to remove that part of me that enjoyed the video game or the book. And this is a new thing. 'Cause like, you know, I read- - Books are tough. - I read "Dune", but I was like, okay, this is a whole new thing. Now granted, I think the movies are, I enjoyed the movies more, but like- - What about the original compared to the book? With the same dad from "Fallout". - I tried to watch the original. I got five minutes in, I was like, "I cannot (beep) do this." - Dude, I watched the whole original. - That shit is ridiculous. - It is outrageous. - No, it's so stupid. - It's outrageous. - I've seen a lot of clips and I'm just like- - But it feels very like "Twin Peaks" vibes. Like, he's such a cool actor. - Yeah, he's a great actor. Well, same director of "Twin Peaks". - Yeah, yeah. David Lynch. - He's insane. - So cool. - But I like that about "Fallout" is it's a new story, but they did really honor the game. - The music. - And I get the dreams too. - I want the second season. I want the second season to, 'cause they kind of had like different archetypes of characters of different play styles. They didn't have the type of play style I do in "Fallout", which I feel like most people do, which is really sneaky person with just a pistol. But nobody ever sees me. - Are you in the real world or in like the bunker? Is it ever played in the- - "Fallout 4" you start in a vault. - All the games are played a little differently, 'cause there's "Fallout". I played "Fallout 3" back in the day where you play as someone who grew up in the vault. So you're a baby, you're kinda like the main character where you grew up in there. You never experienced life before the nuclear devastation. And then "Fallout 4" you play someone who's, you're witnessing the explosions, you get to a vault, you get in, you get cryogenically frozen. "Fallout New Vegas" you play as just a guy out in the wasteland. You wake up, someone had tried to murder you, you were shot in the head, but you survived. And then you're trying to find who tried to kill you. That's the whole plot of that game. - Wait, that's fun. - That game people consider the best. - I think me starting video games like full time is very dangerous. - Oh, "Fallout" would be a- - No. - "Fallout" is a lot. - I think I would get like addicted. - "Fallout" is a lot. It's a- - It's a time consuming game. - But you would love it. If you played, here's what I think you would do. And I don't mean this to be condescending. I think you would play it on like super very easy 'cause part of the fun of those games is just going around and talking to people- - mother (beep) - And engaging and like engaging with characters and making character choices. I think you'd have more fun playing "Baldur's Gate" in that way. - I like "Baldur's Gate". - I set "Fallout" to easy because I care about the story, and I still like to have fun. And like a game shouldn't be stressful to me. Like, I hate when it gets too scary. Like, Shayne has seen me where I'm like, "Oh! Oh God! "Oh my God!" - [Amanda] I've seen you. - [Courtney] Just like that. - [Shayne] Oh yeah, no- - I've been there. - I'll be reading in the other room and I just hear, "No! "No! Oh my god! "Oh my god! Oh my god! "Oh my god! "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" And I'm just sitting there just like (sighs) - I like- - Meanwhile when I play video games, I'm just like... (Courtney laughs) Locked in. - Dude. - Your eyes are like... - I'm just there just like... - Oh God. I can relate to you on that because I'll be like doing my own thing and H will be like, "Don't do that. "Don't do that." (Shayne laughs) "Don't go in there. Don't go in there." Or he'll be like, "(speaks Russian) "Don't go in there. Don't go in there." - Oh my god. - [Shayne] Speaking another language just like... - Oh yeah, he'll play with people who speak Russian sometimes. So it's like a whole- - [Shayne] That's gotta be so funny. - It's a whole trip. He has like an office space where we get to shut the door, but sometimes we open. He'll be like, "Don't go in there. Don't go in there." I'll be like, "(beep)!" And I'm like, "What's wrong?" And he is like, "Oh, nothing. "I just couldn't go in the room." I'm like, "Okay. Fuck you." - [Courtney] Oh my god. - That's so funny. - I mean, you've seen me in gaming videos. Like with "Minecraft", I'm screaming like a crazy person. - No, we all have different gaming styles, 'cause for me, Courtney knows, my favorite time to to game is early in the morning. - What? - Oh yeah, dude. I'll wake up at like 6:00 AM, and I'm like, "Hell yeah, dude. "It's time to game." And like it's low volume, and I'm just chilling, like playing "Zelda". I'm like, that's the best. - Wow. - I got a cup of coffee just sitting there. - No, there was the "Hades" soundtrack, I've never played "Hades", but it was stuck in my head for months. - You love music. Music connected to gaming. - I love music. I have a very special relationship with music, period. - You do. - But yeah, 'cause I think music has such a strong impact on movies and everything. - Agreed. - Like, it can make it or break it sometimes. - I totally agree. - But yeah, you're a freak. - Yeah, you're a little- - [Courtney] Little freak. - See, I like my coffee. I pull tarot, I like do journal. I like cannot handle sounds in the morning. - Well, I have it on low volume. - [Courtney] Meanwhile I'm asleep. - You're fine, you're fine. - While you're pulling your tarot and drinking your coffee and while you're playing games and murdering people, I'm asleep. (everyone laughs) - That's nice. - That's nice. - [Amanda] That's nice. - [Courtney] I'm dreaming about "Fallout". - Yeah, "Fallout" gave me effed up dreams. So did "Shogun". I want my men and I want my ship. (everyone laughs) I want my men and I want my ship, you (beep) sucker. (Shayne laughs) I cannot stop doing his voice. - I know, man. It's intense. - It's crazy. No, that's not it. - The Shein Tom Hardy. - Shein Tom Hardy. When my friend said that, I was like, "Slay, queen." (Courtney laughs) Slay. - So I feel like we're getting towards the end here. - Yeah. - I guess the last thing I'll ask, Amanda, do you have any advice for us? - Oh. (Shayne laughs) - Just throwing you on the spot anyways. - Well, I will be married almost one year. - Woo! - Wow. - And we've been together, we thought we were together eight years, but we've been together nine. - Okay. - Which is hilarious. We're like, "Oh (beep). "Oh, it's been nine years." - [Shayne] Oh, right. - [Courtney] Wow. - My biggest advice I would say is like, just say sorry. Like, just- (everyone laughs) Just say sorry. And another thing is like really communicate your little routines. Like, we have this thing now where I come home, and I need to vent my day, but sometimes I don't wanna put it on him. So I'll come in and be like in this weird place for like an hour and he's like, "Hey, it's better if you just vent your day "like right off the bat "so that we can just get into the night "and have a good time." And I'm like, "Oh yeah, I don't have to stop being parts of myself "to like make this work." Like, not saying like you're married, just like, be like, "Ah (beep), here it is." (Courtney laughs) But it's like I get to, we actually get to like problem solve things that work for both of us. Yeah, the biggest advice is just say sorry and like really, really communicate what you need because it's way worse to cold shoulder. And trust me sometimes I'm like, "I want to cold shoulder you so hard right now." (Shayne laughs) I don't wanna cry right now. I don't wanna like open up right now. I wanna just be angry. It feels good right now for me to be like in this angry place. But I promise it's just like so much better to just like release it and say sorry. Even if you're like, "I know I was right. "I know I was right." But it's like, just say sorry. That's my biggest advice. - Epic. - Yeah. But I love being married. I really do. And for me it definitely felt a little bit different. Like, I don't think I changed, but our relationship changed. Like, a lot of pressure went off because after you get married, like six months after, you're in this, like, I don't even know what it is. It's like "Avatar". You're like in this like, ding, ding, ding. Like, this weird world. You're like high emotion, high intensity. Everything that touches you feels like... I don't know what it is. - [Courtney] Interesting. - I think it's all the attention you get. All the energy you get. All like even gifts or celebration or like cheers or like, "(gasps) Let me see the ring." Or like, it's like this like... What are those "Avatar" things where they're like, boom. - The little jellyfish floating things. - So it feels like you're like in this- - Yeah, it's a lot of being perceived. - It's a lot of being perceived, and it's really, really cool. And you sometimes feel like you're like, "Wait..." You're like overwhelmed by it. And then you're like, "I don't want it to end." And it's like this weird push and pull. And when that subsides it's really cool. It's like calm. - [Courtney] Hell yeah. - Yeah. - [Shayne] Awesome. - [Courtney] Thanks. - Yeah. - [Courtney] Thank you for sharing that. - Yeah, no problem. - And you didn't get to share the other news about you. - What? Oh. Yeah. - What? - The thing that some people have clocked is that I- - Here's the real tell all. (Courtney laughs) - I also have two cats. Like, our cats are also- - Shayne's a cat dad. - And I have been. - [Amanda] Oh yeah. - I have been for a minute. - [Amanda] Yeah. - Yeah. - [Courtney] Bones is your nemesis. - Bones is my nemesis. - Okay, so- - [Shayne] Love him, but- - Bones is your nemesis. - [Shayne] Yeah. - Bones is a... - [Courtney] Boy. - Boy. And then you have another cat. - Birdie is my soulmate. - Birdie's in love with Courtney. Love her. - That's so cute. - She's very sweet to me too. But Bones is like, we're best buds, but he's also like a huge jerk to me. - Yeah, Birdie was- - We're literally best buds, but we also hate each other. - No, he's like, he's a menace. Like Bones, he's the sweetest, most social cuddly, like aggressively like you-will-hold-me-now cat. - Oh my god. - But he's also a troublemaker. Like, he's a disrespectful little guy. - He is super disrespectful. - But we love him. And then yeah, Birdie, she's very loving, but she's really skittish. Like, guests never really see her. - Yeah. - But like it took her a long time. But she loves you now. - She loves you. - She goes up to him. She's very vocal now. Like, it took her a long time 'cause we rescued them when they were eight months and now they're- - So you rescued them together. They weren't like you guys had them on your own and then brought them in. - No, Bones met... Bones? I just called you Bones. - Your nemesis. - Shayne and I went together. They were my cats that I was adopting. But like you were with me when we met them. You helped me pick them, and you named Bones. - [Shayne] Yeah. - And I named Birdie, so they're ours. They're like ours. - We'll tell that story and maybe another time. - Okay. - More of it. - Oh okay. - We're running outta time here. - You guys are cat parents. - But we are cat parents. - Yeah, dude. - That's huge. - And they're siblings. - Yeah. - Oh, they're actual siblings? - They were in the same litter. - I did not know that. - Different dads, I think, but... - That's okay. Dads, man. They're always running out. (Shayne laughs) - All right, well we gotta wrap this up. - Thanks for listening, everyone. - Thank you for sharing. - Thanks for giving us the space. Thanks for being patient. - Yeah, thank you for sharing. That was amazing. - Thanks for- - [Courtney] Love you. - Love you. - Thanks for being our marriage counselor. - Oh my god. Yeah, anytime. I'm like, "Hey, you know like in 'Avatar'?" (Courtney laughs) Things get crazy. - So it's kinda like "Avatar". Kinda like that. - You're in a suit, you're in a suit, and people are trying to take what's not theirs. (Courtney laughs) That's not what I... (Courtney laughs) (beep) it. - Well, and thank you, Courtney, for being here and thanks for marrying me. - Oh yeah. - Aw. - That was kind of chill of you. (everyone laughs) That's pretty cool. - That's really cute. Yeah, we have a special guest. And thanks for marrying Shayne. Thank God. - Thank God. Anyways- - Hey, anytime. - Okay, cool. Thank you guys for watching. We will see you next week. Next week's episode, we are talking all about "Smosh: The Sitcom". We're having the writers of it, Syd and Olivia, here. It's gonna be chaos. It's gonna be really fun. - So excited. - But yeah, all right, we'll see you next time. - 'Kay. - Bye! - Bye! (beatboxing)
Channel: SmoshCast
Views: 3,020,198
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Keywords: smosh, smoshcast, smosh podcast, comedy, funny
Id: Aoo9l_w2pq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 55sec (4195 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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