Every Live Action SPIDER-MAN Movie Recapped (Including ‘No Way Home’)

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welcome to my recap of every live-action spider-man appearance from sam remy's 2002 film all the way through 2021's no way home use the chapter markers to skip ahead or just sit back and enjoy the recap [Music] peter parker is the school nerd picked on by all except two people first there's mary jane watson the girl next door he's loved since he was a child who is currently dating flash thompson and the other is his best friend harry osborne the rich kid and son of scientist entrepreneur norman osborne norman is strict as a father and disappointed that harry is yet to live up to his intellectual standards in fact he's more impressed with peter who shows an aptitude for science you know i'm something of a scientist myself on a field trip to a science lab parker suffers his usual bad luck watching his best friend flirt with his lifelong crush then a genetically engineered super spider escapes its shelter and bites peter at oscorp norman vise for a military contract by showing off their new glider but their human performance enhancers aren't ready yet rats showed an 800 increase in strength but one test case showed unusual violence aggression and insanity regardless norman wants to push ahead with human trials while dr strom insists on going back to formula back to formula dr osborne the military representatives threaten to pull funding if norman can't show a successful human trial within two weeks peter returns home to his uncle ben and aunt may who raised him in his parents absence though he skips dinner and heads straight to bed not feeling well after the spider bite he passes out while internally the super spider dna combines with his own at the lab osborne recklessly tests the performance enhancers on himself the effects are immediate as osborne kills dr strom in a blind rage the next morning peter finds his eyesight repaired he now sports an impressive physique and his hand is sticky at school mj ignores peter as usual until she slips and peter uses his new reflexes to catch her and her lunch wow great reflexes and for the first time she notices him hey you have blue eyes i i didn't notice without your glasses the moment of glory is short-lived as spiderwebs suddenly spurt from peter's wrists trying to escape unnoticed peter accidentally flings a lunch tray at flash thompson who later attacks in retaliation peter easily dodges the bully's attacks and defeats him in one punch later peter tests his abilities finding that he can climb on walls leap from building to building and shoot webs from his hand like a grappling hook though it takes a few tries shazam go go go web go [Music] that night peter gets home to find his uncle painted the kitchen alone a chore peter was supposed to help with and across the street he hears mj's alcoholic father yelling at her peter takes out the trash as she steps outside for fresh air and the two chat about their upcoming graduation he hopes to move to manhattan take a job as a photographer and work his way through college she wants to move to the city too and become an actress she's embarrassed at the admission but peter believes in her you're awesome in all this cool place really yeah the next day peter sees an ad in the paper for amateur wrestling which calls for colorful characters so he sketches himself a spider-themed costume later uncle ben talks to peter about his behavior lately shirking chores and beating up flash thompson remember his uncle says with great power comes great responsibility peter shouts for him to stop pretending to be his father then storms off at the wrestling match participants are offered three grand if they can last three minutes with bone saw peter signs up under the name the human spider but the announcer instead introduces him as spider-man he easily defeats bonesaw but the organizer refuses to pay him the full amount since the deal was to last three minutes and spider-man won far quicker than that as peter leaves a man points a gun at the organizer and robs him when the thief runs off peter lets him go feeling no sympathy for the organizer that refused him full payment on the way home peter finds cops tending to a wounded man his uncle ben shot by a carjacker peter watches his uncle die then chases the assailant as he gets the hang of swinging through the city with webs he corners his uncle's killer at a warehouse and recognizes him as the crook he didn't stop earlier when the man pulls a gun peter disarms him and breaks his wrist the criminal stumbles backwards then trips and falls out of the warehouse to his death peter returns home and comforts his now widowed aunt in a desert the military rep that threatened norman watches oscorp's competitor test out their exoskeleton in place of the failed human performance enhancers but they're interrupted by norman osborne's cackling as he flies in on the glider and blows them up the next day peter and harry graduate high school norman congratulates harry on not flunking out then peter for his science award meanwhile mj breaks up with flash thompson and harry notices that night peter misses his uncle and cries aunt may comforts him later peter looks at the costume he drew and thinks of his uncle's words with great power comes great responsibility in the days that follow he dons a new costume while stopping crimes and saving lives the city comes to know him as a hero named spiderman [Music] but one man sees him as a menace j jonah jameson editor of major newspaper the daily bugle but spider-man sells papers so jameson asks for his photo to be splayed on the front cover unfortunately no one can get a decent picture of him so he puts out a bounty put an ad on the front page cash money for a picture of spider-man he doesn't want to be famous and i'll make him infamous while looking for a job peter runs into mj and finds out she's dating his friend and now roommate harry osborne later he sees the daily bugle ad asking for photos of spider-man so the next time he fights crime he sets up a camera to take continuous photos at the bugle jameson calls the picture as crap but buys them and agrees to work with peter as a freelancer turning down peter's request to get hired full time at oscorp the board informs norman that they've decided to sell the company to quest and one of the terms of the agreement is that norman be let go as ceo the deal is to be announced after ozcorp's world unity festival norman is not happy about being fired you know how much i sacrifice at the festival harry is disappointed in mj she didn't wear the black dress like you wanted the one he thought would impress his father meanwhile peter takes pictures for the bugle until he suddenly senses danger thanks to his spider sense a nearly precognitive ability to anticipate threats inherited from the super spider norman arrives on his glider dressed in a green costume he kills the board of directors that fired him and nearly kills others in the crossfire but peter quickly becomes spider-man to stave off osborne and rescue the bystanders when spider-man damages the glider norman flies off and vows they will face each other again soon meanwhile a balcony collapses thanks to damage caused by norman and peter catches a falling mj then swings her to safety as he flies off mj watches whimsically she later tells harry how incredible spider-man was and he gets jealous while peter overhears their phone call with a self-congratulating smile afterward harry apologizes for dating peter's crush but adds it's just you know you never made a move elsewhere norman hallucinates a twisted version of his own voice speaking to him don't play the innocent with me through his reflection in the mirror his evil alter ego tells norman how he killed the board members norman is horrified to learn he's going insane thanks to the performance enhancers then the reflection tells him they'll be able to gain so much power but first they need to get rid of spider-man either by killing him or recruiting him at the bugle jameson names the new villain the green goblin just before the goblin himself shows up and chokes him demanding to know who brings in the photos of spider-man but the newspaper editor protects parker's identity saying the photos come in anonymously then spider-man comes to the rescue and the green goblin knocks him out with noxious gas when peter wakes the goblin tells spider-man that despite the hero he's been the city will eventually turn against him instead the goblin offers an alliance he tells spider-man to think about it then flies off the next issue of the daily bugle falsely claims that spider-man teamed up with the goblin to terrorize jameson and with the paper's influence citizens begin turning against spider-man just like norman promised they would later peter checks in on mj after a failed audition and offers a conciliatory cheeseburger but she has dinner with harry peter asks how things are going with him but quickly stops himself mj's expression shows that things aren't going very well with harry and coyly asks why peter is so interested then before leaving she says i better run tiger he notices some thugs follow her so he changes to spider-man and comes to the rescue she thanks him and while he hangs upside down in the rain she rolls up his mask to just below his nose and they kiss the next day the green goblin sets an apartment building on fire to bait spider-man peter rescues a baby then returns to search for more survivors but only finds the goblin peter turns down his proposal for an alliance so norman attacks and wounds spider-man's arm before he escapes later aunt may hosts a thanksgiving dinner with mj and the osbournes before they say grace norman notices the wound on peter's arm giving away that he's spider-man norman excuses himself and harry goes after him saying he was excited for him to meet mj norman loudly tells his son that the girl is just after his money inside peter aunt may and mj hear the whole thing mj storms off while harry pitifully defends his father elsewhere norman's twisted alter ego demands he make peter suffer by going after his loved ones so the green goblin pays aunt may a visit and terrorizes her peter finds her in the hospital and overhears her ramblings about those horrible yellow eyes later mj visits mae and peter at the hospital she tells peter that she's been ignoring harry's phone calls the fact is she's in love with somebody else spider-man peter tells her that he's kind of spider-man's unofficial photographer and spider-man actually asked him what he thought of mj peter tells her what he said about the whirlwind of emotions you feel staring into mary jane's eyes and she's touched by his words aunt may slyly listens pretending to be asleep while mj takes peter's hand just as harry walks in to witness their closeness he returns home and tells his dad that he was right about mj she doesn't love him she loves peter and peter's been in love with mj since the fourth grade norman quietly takes note of this important person in spider-man's life as another potential victim then comforts his son with a hug at the hospital aunt may encourages peter to tell mj how much he cares about her everyone else knows and it occurs to peter that everyone else may include the green goblin and mj might be in danger he runs to call mj but the green goblin answers and tells him where to find her on top of the queensborough bridge the goblin rips a trolley car full of children from its tracks then gives peter a choice save them or save mj he drops both and rather than choose spider-man catches mj then the trolley he holds them both making it near impossible to fight off the goblins attacks but spider-man isn't alone citizens on the bridge throw trash and other objects at the goblin which gives peter a chance to safely lower mj and the trolley to a barge below the goblin chases peter to an abandoned building where they have their final showdown peter nearly defeats him until the villain unmasks to reveal his identity seeing his friend's father peter hesitates until the goblin calls for his glider peter dodges the attack and the machine strikes norman instead impaling him against the wall peter he says don't tell harry then he dies spider-man returns the dead man's body to his home but before he can flee harry spots him and at norman's funeral he vows revenge on spider-man for killing his father looking at his uncle's grave peter realizes that no matter what he does everyone he loves will suffer so when mj confesses her love for him and kisses him peter walks away and to the heartbroken mj the kiss feels familiar two years later peter struggles to balance his life as peter parker with his responsibilities as spider-man he loses his job as a pizza delivery man and makes only meager funds when he turns in pictures of spider-man which jay jonah jameson just uses as fodder for more slanderous stories in the daily bugle at the university dr connors chides peter for missing class again and for his steadily declining grades he also reminds peter that his paper on dr otto octavius's fusion project is overdue later peter walks into a surprise party thrown by his aunt may along with harry and mj it takes a second for him to remember that it's his birthday and it takes just one more second for his friends to ask why he's been so unavailable and distant lately peter asks about ozcorp and harry shares that he's now the head of special projects in fact they're funding one of peter's idols otto octavius harry offers to arrange a meeting he also gestures to mj and tells pete that she's clearly still in love with him she's waiting for you pal the subject changes to spider-man and peter's photography of him seething with hatred harry asks peter if he knew who spider-man was would he tell him when pete doesn't answer harry walks away later while his exhausted aunt sleeps peter spots a foreclosure notice when she wakes she offers pete 20 for his birthday and when he refuses she responds for god's sake it's not much now take it outside peter runs into mj and she tells him how she likes seeing him tonight she waits for him to make a move but is as always disappointed she tells him that she's seeing someone now and senses peter's jealousy he breaks the awkwardness by telling her that he'll finally see her play tomorrow night before leaving she says don't disappoint me i won't back home mr ditkovic gives peter a hard time for his late rent then pete returns to his humble apartment the next day harry introduces pete to otto octavius who heard from connor is that peter is brilliant he also tells me you're lazy otto tells peter about his fusion project which will bring the world nearly limitless and clean energy peter is concerned about the stability of the reaction but otto assures him he's aware of the risks and accounted for them throughout their conversation otto is impressed with peter's scientific acumen oh rosie i love this boy on the night of mj's play peter dresses up picks up some flowers and disappoints his friend when duty calls as spider-man he saves some innocent lives and stops some criminals but as peter parker he has little luck at the feeder the usher will not allow him in since the play is in progress afterward peter watches from a distance as mj kisses the man she's seeing though she gives one more glance to see if peter is around but she just misses him when peter swings through the city as spider-man he suddenly finds that his webs won't shoot so he falls and crashes to the ground the next day peter calls mj and leaves an apologetic message but it does little to assuage your frustration peter wishes he could tell her the truth that he's spider-man so she'd know why he's always late or doesn't show up but he knows that would put her in danger later peter and harry attend otto's fusion energy demonstration in order to work with the dangerous materials otto's developed four metallic arms they fuse into his cerebellum so he can control them like his own appendages they also have an artificial intelligence of their own but an inhibitor chip ensures auto controls them and they do not control him the fusion reaction depends on a precious material called tritium there's only 25 pounds of it on the planet otto inserts the material and begins the fusion reaction the power of the sun in the palm of my hand but the reaction grows unstable and dangerous attracting metal from around the room peter disappears while harry orders otto to shut it down but otto assures it'll stabilize when flying debris nearly kills harry spider-man saves him spider-man tries to shut down the reaction but otto stops him then shattered glass kills otto's wife and the reaction destroys the inhibitor chip leaving him vulnerable to the ai then peter finally shuts down the reaction at a lab doctors attempt to remove the metal arms from otto's body but the arms come to life and slaughter the doctors then otto wakes and sees the damage caused by his machines otto returns to his destroyed lab where the uninhibited ai turns him mad and tells him to rebuild and it tells him to steal the money he'll need to do it so he visits a local bank and rips the doors off the safe the same bank where peter and his aunt are inquiring about alone peter runs off to become spider-man don't believe me oh that boy yours is a real hero he fights the mad scientist but once again his webs fail him and doc ock takes aunt may hostage he pursues the villain as his webs begin to work again and ultimately rescues his aunt but otto gets away with the money that night peter attends an event as the daily bugle's photographer where jay jonah jameson's son an astronaut is being honored and the astronaut is attended by his girlfriend mary jane watson peter watches heartbroken he finds her later and tries to apologize again for missing her play but she is unimpressed and tells him that she can't keep thinking about him it's too painful then a drunk harry approaches peter and chastises him for his loyalty to spider-man the man who killed his father finally peter is crushed by an announcement from captain john jameson the beautiful miss mary jane watson just agreed to marry me that night his powers fail him again and he crashes in a dark alley he also finds his eyesight failing as he reads the bugle's latest headline spidey and ock rob bank as doc ock uses his funds to rebuild his lab peter has a vision of uncle ben and tells him i'm spider-man no more he throws his costume in the trash and walks away in the next few days he is the old powerless peter parker the one who has bad luck doesn't fight crimes and gets good grades and the one who attends mary jane's plays he tells mj that he's changed and he can now be there for her but she says that it's too late she's engaged to jon and that is not going to change one day peter and his aunt may visit uncle ben's grave she blames herself for his death she was the one that suggested ben pick peter up but peter finally confesses that he is the one responsible he tells her about a thief he had a chance to stop but didn't a thief who went on to kill his uncle peter grabs her hand but she pulls it away and leaves the room doc ock visits harry and demands more tritium for a larger fusion experiment when threatened harry agrees on the condition that och bring him spider-man alive harry adds that spider-man can be found through peter parker the kid who takes pictures of him elsewhere peter comes across a burning building and finally decides to be a hero again with or without the costume he runs in and rescues a child though he later learns there was one more person in the building who never made it out later the landlord's daughter offers peter some chocolate cake and watches with the unmistakable look of a girl with a crush then at aunt mae's house he finds her packing up to move into a small apartment one she can afford peter tries to apologize for his last visit but she stops him she says it's water under the bridge and it was brave of peter to tell her the truth about uncle ben then she says i love you and hugs him she also tells peter how people need heroes and how sometimes heroes have to give up the thing they want the most even their dreams with his mind cleared peter focuses and tries to use his powers again but he falls again later mj asks peter to meet her at a cafe it seems peter's been on her mind and she's ready to give things another shot but peter quickly tells her that he was wrong before he thought he could be there for her but he can't he leaves off the reason that he's decided to be spider-man again frustrated she asks do you love me or not and he responds all right don't she doesn't believe him and asks him to kiss her but as they lean forward his spider sense activates a car crashes through the cafe and peter tackles mj to safety then och appears and demands peter tell spider-man to meet him at the west side tower at three o'clock he takes mj with him as collateral and tosses peter into the debris peter crashes out of the destroyed cafe suddenly he finds his eyesight restored and his strength returned at the daily bugle jameson keeps spider-man's costume on the wall someone found it in the trash and sold it to him for a hundred bucks but peter takes it back leaving a note behind spider-man returns and meets ock at the tower their fight takes them from the top of the tower onto a moving subway car then the villain realizes spider-man's weakness innocent lives he tosses two bystanders but peter quickly catches them so ox sets the subway cart to its fastest speed removes the brakes and takes off you have a train to catch sparks from the broken control panel force peter to remove his mask then as the train careens toward a dead end peter stands in front of it and spreads his arms to fire webs onto any buildings nearby he holds on tight and depletes every ounce of his strength as his body and webs force the train to stop when he collapses from exhaustion the citizens catch him and set him on the floor they're shocked by what they see he's just a kid and older than my son they promised to keep his face a secret and return his mask then ock returns the citizens stand in his path to protect the exhausted hero but he easily brushes them aside and delivers spider-man to harry osborn osborne hands over the tritium and och leaves then harry draws a knife and prepares to kill spider-man but first unmasks him peter wakes up and frees himself from the restraints he asks where ak is keeping mj but harry says he just wanted the tritium peter realizes the mad scientist must be rebuilding the machine which will kill mj and half the city but harry doesn't care about that right now instead he says peter you killed my father there are bigger things happening here than me and you harry please i've got to stop him spider-man arrives at the lab just as otto activates the machine peter frees mj and electrocutes the villain but the unstable reaction continues to grow peter runs to the day's scientist and reveals his identity dr octavius we have to shut it down please tell me how octavious smiles peter parker brilliant but lazy then the tentacles take over again and he refuses to destroy the reaction peter begs him to remember the benevolent scientist he always was and ignore the monstrous tentacles his words work dr octavius looks at the mechanical appendages and orders them listen to me now he tells pewter to go while he stays behind to stop the reaction by drowning it in the river peter shares one last look with octavius then it turns to see mj and she sees him without his mask then the building collapses but peter catches the debris just in time to save her as he struggles to hold it peter tells her mj in case we die but he doesn't need to finish she knows that he loves her you do love me i do meanwhile octavius promises himself that he will not die a monster he pulls the structure down into the river drowning it and himself peter tosses away the debris and escapes with mj so they can finally talk plainly i think i always knew she says so you know why we can't be together he adds spider-man will always have enemies i can't let you take that risk i will always be spider-man you and i can never be elsewhere harry osborne stews in his home and suddenly hears the laughter of the green goblin the vision of his father appears behind a mirror and demands harry avenge him but peter is his best friend harry resists throwing his knife at the mirror revealing the secret hideout behind it where norman kept his goblin suit pumpkin bombs performance enhancer and the glider on the day of her wedding mj abandons jon at the altar and instead runs to peter she tells peter that she knows the risks but it's her decision to make and she wants to face those risks with him finally they kiss and in the distance they hear a siren go get him tiger and spider-man swings toward danger to save the day one year later things are going well for peter the city loves spider-man he's at the top of his class in school and of course he's in love things between him and mj are great but not everything is perfect his friend harry still isn't speaking to him and unbeknownst to peter harry is taking the same performance enhancers that turned his father into the green goblin one night while peter is out with mj a meteorite crashes and a gooey black alien substance crawls off it and on to peter's bike elsewhere escaped convict flint marco evades the police and visits his sick daughter penny but her mother catches him and the two fight before he leaves flint promises penny that one way or another he will get the money they need for her treatment and they will make her better at aunt mae's apartment peter announces that he plans on asking mj to marry him she of course gives her blessing and gives peter the ring that ben once gave her on the way home peter is attacked by harry osborn using upgraded goblin gear you knew this was coming pete in the fight peter tries telling the truth listen to me i didn't kill your father but harry doesn't listen and in the ensuing struggle peter knocks harry unconscious when he sees his friend isn't breathing peter administers cpr then brings him to the hospital where he is resuscitated elsewhere flint marco runs from the police and accidentally stumbles into the middle of a particle physics test the scientists don't see him when they activate the machine and seemingly turn flint into sand at the hospital harry wakes up though he suffered memory loss he remembers that his father died but not that spider-man killed him or that his friend peter is spider-man at the particle test site flint wakes up as living sand and rearranges himself roughly into the shape of a human though he quickly gains more control over his power and soon looks just like the old flint later mj visits peter upset over critics bashing her recent performance in a play he tries to lend a sympathetic ear but is called away by spider-man duties she understands but is frustrated spider-man arrives at the scene where a construction accident nearly kills gwen stacy daughter of police captain george stacy he saves the girl and then gets his picture taken by the new delhi bugle photographer eddie brock brock promises him he'll take way better pictures of spider-man than peter parker does and at the bugle jameson buys brock's photo of the crane accident over peter's the flames of their rivalry are fanned when both ask for a staff job rather than freelance jameson agrees that whoever snaps a photo of spider-man and the act of committing a crime will get the job later with harry's hatred forgotten he and peter get along though harry is surprised by his quick reflexes not yet remembering the goblin performance enhancer is coursing through his body at the play house mj arrives for rehearsal only to learn she's been fired after her recent drubbing by the critics later she attends an event where spider-man will be given a key to the city as a thank you for saving the police captain's daughter and mj watches as gwen thanks spider-man personally kissing him while he hangs upside down in front of the crowd after getting fired finding her boyfriend unavailable to lend a sympathetic shoulder and seeing her kiss recreated with another woman she's had enough and turns to leave but is interrupted by a cloud of flying sand flint marco uses his new form to fly through the city and steal cash from an armored truck spider-man goes after him but flint's ability to become sand and absorbs spider-man's attacks lets him get away later peter heads to a nice restaurant where he intends on proposing to mj she arrives in a sullen mood but peter obliviously talks only about himself and how popular spider-man has become things only get worse when gwen stacy happens to be there and puts her hand on peter's shoulder after gwen leaves mj finally tells him that she's upset when you kissed her who was kissing her spiderman or peter peter pitifully defends himself and she storms off he fishes the ring out of the champagne later peter and his aunt are called into police headquarters where they're informed that they were wrong about who killed uncle ben dennis carradine was just an accomplice but flint marco is the true killer he confessed the crime to a cellmate before escaping prison mj hears about it and visits peter to see if he's okay but he gruffly tells her that he's fine and she leaves then after hours of listening to the police radio for a sign of his uncle's killer peter passes out while he's asleep the black goo from the meteorite finds him and engulfs his body when he wakes up he's hanging off a building in a black spiderman outfit feeling powerful he brings a sample of the goo to his professor dr connors he observes that it has the characteristics of a symbiote which needs to bond to a host to survive and once it bonds it may be hard to unbond back home peter finally hears word of the police chasing marco he opens his closet and skips the red and blue outfit picking the black one instead at the scene of the crime eddie brock shows up to take spider-man's picture but peter breaks the man's camera before leaping underground after marco he notices that water has an adverse effect on the sandman so he rips open a pipe the flood of water turns marco into mud and washes him into the drainage system returning home peter snaps at his landlord and realizes the symbiote may be affecting his personality you'll get your rent when you fix this damn door so he removes the black suit before visiting aunt may he proudly tells her that spider-man killed flint marco last night but he's surprised when she is only shocked and not happy to hear it adding uncle ben meant the world to us but he wouldn't want us living one second with revenge in our hearts later peter apologizes to the landlord and agonizes over what he'll say to mj when he calls her meanwhile she visits harry where they do this this and this after the kiss mj apologizes and leaves then harry suddenly remembers everything including his vow for revenge against spider-man his father speaks to him again and tells him to make peter suffer attack his heart so harry pays mj a visit and tells her that if she wants peter to live she'll have to do something for him you're gonna do something for me and she does she asks peter to meet her and tells him that she doesn't want to see him anymore the dumb founded peter says they can work it out and shows her the ring but she is steadfast and lies to him i've fallen in love with someone else then leaves watching from a distance harry congratulates mj on her performance then harry meets with peter and pretends to still have amnesia and everything is fine between them in their conversation peter learns for the first time that mj was fired from her broadway show he's shocked she was fired and she told you she didn't tell me and harry lies saying he's the other guy that mj is in love with peter leaves and a waitress asks harry how the pie is he responds stewing in his apartment peter decides to wear the symbiote then pays harry a visit in the ensuing fight peter eventually gets the upper hand and tells harry he's done trying to convince him that he didn't kill his father you took him from me he loved me harry says no peter replies he despised you harry throws a pumpkin bomb but peter quickly grabs it and throws it back at him harry is engulfed in the explosion as peter walks off later peter finds spider-man's reputation in tatters after the daily bugle publishes photos of him stealing money photos forged by eddie brock at the bugle peter approaches eddie celebrating his new staff job and shows him proof the picture is fake eddie begs him to keep it to himself look i'm begging you if you do this i will lose everything there's not a paper in town that will hire me you should have thought of that earlier but peter hands in the proof and eddie is fired in the days that follow the symbiote continues to affect peter driving him to more aggressive and impulsive behavior you got anyone nuts um i have some nuts i could make something me some he brings gwen out on a date to the jazz bar where mj now works as a singer and waitress peter joins mary jane on stage and dances at her then dances seductively with gwen though when gwen realizes it was all to make mj jealous she leaves when a bouncer tries to make peter leave he fights back and when mj gets involved he strikes her at the sight of her in pain caused by him peter snaps out of it and sees what he's becoming and he realizes that the symbiote is causing it drawn by its ringing peter heads to a church's bell tower and tries to remove the suit but finds it stuck to him until he strikes the bell and it seems to adversely affect the suit downstairs the humbled and humiliated eddie brock prays for revenge against peter the ringing bell draws his attention and he follows it to see parker struggling with the black goo with the help of the ringing bell peter removes it and the symbiote finds its next host eddie brock then with his new powers and corrupted mind brock finds flint marco now recovered from spider-man's water attack the two agreed to team up and take out spider-man together brock kidnaps mary jane and holds her hostage in a taxi suspended 80 stories above the ground in a giant web when the police try to help the sandman stops them seeing the news peter grabs his old red and blue costume then visits an old friend he asks the now scarred harry osborne for help but he refuses so peter goes alone but then harry's butler tells him that he cleaned his father's wounds the night he died the blade that pierced his body did come from his glider he died by his own hand spider-man arrives to free mj but is overpowered by the combined attacks of sandman and brock and when all hope is nearly lost harry osborne arrives to help and the two friends finally unite harry is able to take down the sandman but peter loses the upper hand against brock until pipes fall and the sound affects the black goo peter remembers the bell had a similar effect and finally realizes how to remove the suit from brock but before he can act brock gets a hold of the glider and dives at peter with its blades drawn at the last moment harry leaps in its path the blades stab through him and he saves peter's life brock tosses osborne away like a ragdoll then peter uses the pipes to make more sound and removes brock from the suit as the black goo grows dangerously peter throws one of harry's bombs at it and desperately wanting to hold on to his power brock jumps after it when the explosion fades he and the suit are gone flint marco approaches peter and tells him how he didn't want any of this his daughter is dying and he needed the money killing his uncle was an accident a slip of the trigger finger when his partner ran over peter forgives him and marco blows away as sand in the wind then he runs to harry who is being cradled in mj's arms peter and harry call each other friend then harry dies killed by the blades of his glider just like his father some time after the funeral peter visits mj at the jazz club they embrace and they share a dance in another world a young peter parker finds his father's study ransacked when his father richard sees the mess he quickly springs to action erasing notes and hiding research involving spiders peter is taken to his uncle ben and anne mae's house then his parents say goodbye and leave him years later peter attends high school he enjoys skateboarding and taking pictures for the school paper he also likes standing up for kids getting bullied even if it means taking a few punches himself when he stands up to flash thompson gwen stacy takes notice and tells him it was stupid but great back home that night in the basement peter finds an old briefcase that belonged to his father inside it peter finds a photo of his father with dr kurt connors both of them scientists searching for kurt connors online peter comes across an article about the plane crash that killed his parents and he finds articles about conor's research into cross-species genetics something connors believes could lead to a world of equality without weakness the next day peter visits the place where conor's research is being done oscorp he gets in by posing as an intern and is surprised to find gwen stacy there as the head intern she gives a tour while peter tries to avoid notice then they meet dr kurt connors he tells them about his hopes to regrow his missing arm and asks the students how it can be done peter gives the correct answer cross-species genetics and using various species regenerative abilities when connors leaves gwen accuses peter of following her but he claims to just be there because he loves science then he sneaks away from the tour group he finds a room with a symbol on it which he recognizes from his father's notes he breaks into the room and finds strange experiments being performed involving spiders elsewhere dr rotha pressures connors to speed up his research norman osborne is dying and needs the regenerative abilities that connors is after connors explains that he just needs to figure out how to get past the decay rate algorithm something mentioned in richard parker's notes peter returns to the tour group along with one of the spiders unnoticed on his neck it proceeds to bite him on the subway ride home peter finds that he's suddenly strong fast and has the ability to stick to walls the next day he pays connors a visit the scientist almost closes the door on him until peter mentions he's the son of richard parker connors doesn't know why richard disappeared but without him and his research their hopes for achieving cross-species genetics have become far slimmer especially considering the decay rate algorithm but peter takes out a notebook and shows a formula he grabbed from his father's notes connors is amazed and invites peter to join him in the lab at school peter uses his new strength and reflexes to humiliate flash thompson then gets a talking to from uncle ben thanks to peter's misbehavior ben had to change shifts at work so peter will have to be the one to pick up aunt may later then peter awkwardly asks out gwen stacy but she says yes and he celebrates by using his spider skills to take his skateboarding to the next level at the lab connors shows peter the gennale device a machine that could disperse an antigen over an entire city to cure a disease for example then they run a simulation to see if lizard dna can be used to regrow a mouse's missing limb with peter's help it's a success so they inject a three-legged mouse with the real thing back home uncle ben reminds peter that he forgot to pick up his aunt and orders him to apologize then he chastises him further telling him the principle that his father lived by if you could do something good for other people you have a moral obligation to do it not choice he says responsibility and peter responds he didn't think it was his responsibility to be here to tell me this himself then peter storms out of the house inadvertently shattering the glass on the front door uncle ben heads out to look for him while peter stops at a convenience store for chocolate milk but he's two cents short then a thief robs the cash register and tosses peter the milk the store employee shouts for someone to stop the thief but peter refuses then the criminal peter let go bumps into uncle ben and inadvertently shoots him peter runs over and watches his uncle die in the following days peter grieves by walking the streets beating criminals and searching for his uncle's killer when one of his victims promises revenge and says that he'll remember peter's face he has the idea to wear a mask so the next time he chases criminals peter wears a red ski mask he also looks into oscorp's research on biocables and uses it to create web shooters allowing him to swing through the city soon the city becomes aware of the web-slinging vigilante and so does gwen stacy's father police captain george stacy and peter continues to upgrade his costume until he finally becomes spider-man he easily captures petty criminals and learns to evade the police who don't seem to appreciate his unsolicited help at oscorp dr rafa sees the mouse's regrown limb and pushes for connors to begin human trials norman osborne will die without the gene therapy but conor's refuses as they need to run more tests first so rotha fires him connors realizes that will mean losing the chance to use the drug himself and regrow his missing arm so before vacating the lab he takes the injection later he wakes up with a new arm but begins to suffer side effects scales spread on his body as he begins to transform into a man-sized lizard meanwhile gwen invites peter to dinner at her house that night he meets her father and listens to his diatribe against the new spider vigilante the supposed hero recently apprehended a car thief who the police were following in the hopes that he'd lead them to the people who run the whole operation thanks to spider-man their six-month-long sting was a waste peter defends the hero while george is adamant he should leave the job for the police outside peter confesses to gwen that he is the web-slinging vigilante and they kiss gwen is called inside and sirens call peter's attention following the chaos he finds a humanoid lizard on the williamsburg bridge searching for dr ratha the lizard throws dr rotha's car off the bridge but peter catches it just in time the villain takes off and rather than pursue him peter stays behind to help civilians rescuing a child from a burning vehicle the next day george stacy publicly issues an arrest warrant for the one man they can positively place at the prior night's crime scene spider-man at the lab peter finds dr connors acting strangely and sees their lab mouse has turned into a part lizard cannibal he tries telling captain stacy that conor's turned himself into a giant lizard but he's met with skepticism later peter sees an ad in the daily bugle offering money for pictures of the lizard then peter spots lizards conspicuously crawling into a storm drain so he heads underground to investigate and finds the lizard plus snaps a few photos of him the lizard tells spider-man that he can feel himself growing stronger every day and slashes spider-man across the chest they fight through the sewers until peter escapes though he leaves his camera behind and on it the lizard spots the property of peter parker's sticker peter heads to gwen's place and she tends to his wounds and when they kiss she hesitates she already worries about her father every time he leaves the house to fight crime she doesn't know if she can take worrying about peter the same way but he insists that he has to stop the lizard after all he's the one who handed over the formula that made his transformation possible then he takes gwen for a swing on his web while underground connors returns to human form but begins to go mad he injects himself again and vows that parker will not get in the way of his plans he heads to peter's school and the two fight in the halls and classrooms peter changes to his spider-man outfit while the lizard rants about how he can cure everyone the same way he cured himself when the police arrive the lizard escapes back the way he came through the pipes and peter goes after him in the sewers peter speaks to gwen on the phone and tells her to head back to oscorp and generate a serum they'll need then he finds conor's underground lab and watches a recording of the madman connors lays out his plan to disperse the gene-altering substance across the city to convert the citizens into lizard people more powerful than weak humans and he plans to spread the substance from ozcorp tower using the gennali device when the police attack the lizard their squad becomes the first subjects of his city-wide experiment peter calls gwen and tells her to get out of oscorp the lizard is on his way she tells him the antidote just needs eight more minutes and she'll stay to help everyone get out he tries to stop her but it's no use as spider-man swings toward oscorp the police managed to corner him and george stacy learns his identity parker it's headed to ozcorp peter warren's and your daughter's there right now george lets him go but an overzealous officer shoots peter in the leg despite the wound he continues toward oscorp with one minute to go for the antidote lizard breaks into the lab across the city a wounded spiderman struggles to make it in time then the father of the boy he's saved on the bridge sees his struggle on the news working in construction he calls his friends and has cranes lined up in a series toward ozcorp giving spider-man an easy swingable path on the ground gwen gets out of the building with the antidote and runs into her father she tells him that she needs to get the serum to spider-man but unwilling to let his daughter take that risk george grabs the antidote and heads in himself atop the building peter tries to stop the lizard from activating the genoli device in their fight conor's overpowers peter and destroys his web shooters but george stacy rescues him at the last moment he hands peter the antidote while he takes care of lizard with help from his shotgun and some liquid nitrogen but soon the lizard regenerates too quickly and mortally wounds captain george stacy then goes after spider-man but not before peter manages to swap the lizard serum for the antidote the device activates and releases a cloud of the antidote turning connors and his other victims human again peter nearly tumbles off the building but connors catches him and peter runs to george with his dying breaths stacy admits he was wrong the city does need spider-man but he just wants peter to make one promise spider-man is going to make enemies it's going to be dangerous for anyone to be close to him so he tells peter to stay away from gwen peter agrees and george dies dr connors is arrested and in the days that follow peter stays away from gwen even at her father's funeral then one rainy day she demands to know where he's been and peter tells her that he can't see her but she realizes that must be because her father made him promise he'd stay away to keep her safe she leaves but peter misses her when he's late to class one day he promises he won't be tardy again the teacher tells him not to make promises he can't keep and peter whispers to gwen yeah but those are the best kind and she smiles in the past richard and mary parker abandon their son and fly off to keep him safe while aboard the plane they upload important files but they find an assassin has infiltrated their flight and in the ensuing struggle the plane crashes two years after captain stacy's death spider-man pursues alexis sitsevich currently attempting to steal a truck full of plutonium in the chaos hapless electrical engineer max dillon is nearly struck by an airborne taxi but spider-man saves his life max is enthralled by the hero as spider-man safely procures the plutonium gwen calls him from the high school graduation he's currently missing as they talk peter is haunted by the vision of her father to whom he promised he'd stay away from gwen peter takes down the bad guy while gwen gives her graduation speech about how short life is and how you have to fight for what matters most to you peter rushes over and makes it just as his name is called and before leaving the stage he passionately kisses gwen after the graduation peter can't stop himself thinking about her father and their promise and at dinner he can't bring himself to join gwen and her family she can tell exactly what's wrong she assures him that it's her choice to be with him and take the risk it's not her father's decision but peter can't live with himself knowing he might bring her harm so they end things in the days that follow spider-man continues to help those in need and max dylan's obsession with the hero grows regularly speaking to a photo of spider-man calling him best friend on his way into oscorp he bumps into gwen on the elevator ride he enviously watches a news report about spider-man and pies for similar adoration from the public and he tells gwen about the time he was saved you know spiderman saved my life all the people in the whole city he saved me at the end of their ride he's shocked the girl remembered his name remember my name at the osborne home harry speaks to his ill father norman the man accuses his son of throwing away his intelligence and potential then reminds him that the disease is genetic and asks to see harry's shaking hand the early signs of the retroviral hyperplasia which will eventually kill him too he hands harry a small device containing his life's work everything that's kept him alive and adds maybe you can succeed where i failed the next day peter sees a news report announcing norman osborne's death and that his son harry will inherit the ozcorp empire at oscorp employees leave for the day but max is forced to stay late and look into a current flow problem in the genomics lab on max's birthday of all days in the lab as max works on the issue something goes wrong he is electrocuted and falls into a vat of eels after harry's first board meeting as the new head of oscorp he's visited by a friend he has not seen in eight years peter parker their reunion is awkward at first but they're soon laughing again you got your braces on now there's nothing to distract from your unibrow there he is there he is then they catch up on things by the east river about the supermodels harry hung out with in france and peter's current love life i don't know it's uh i don't know it's complicated elsewhere the seemingly dead max dylan springs to life though he now appears to be a being made of electricity as he walks the streets he inadvertently emits an electric signal setting off car alarms and when he places his hand on a headlight he absorbs its energy later gwen calls peter and asks him to meet figuring it's time they try to be friends but it's hard for them to forget how much they like each other they nearly kiss but gwen stops it with the admission that she's moving to england she's up for a scholarship at oxford and she's probably going to get it before they can discuss further they notice a strange disturbance at times square so peter changes to spider-man and leaves at times square max is drawn to underground power cables he grabs them and absorbs their power then as a truck nearly strikes him he uses that power to easily lift it and toss it aside police surround him and max panics like a caged animal suddenly he lets out an electric blast that sends the police and their vehicles flying spider-man catches one just before it crushes an officer the rest of the cops fire at max but the bullets just pass through spider-man tries talking to him and the police hold their fire after max reminds him peter remembers the man and remembers saving him max tells peter that he's not sure what's going on but he can feel power and anger peter tries to keep him talking and suggests they go somewhere else away from people but when max accidentally releases more electricity a cop fires and he strikes back a cop is nearly killed by debris but peter saves him and the crowd applauds while they only mock max feeling betrayed by spider-man he sends an electric shock at him and the two fight while spider-man is incapacitated max absorbs more electricity shutting down times square and filling himself with more power floating above them he attacks the crowd of bystanders until spider-man takes him out with a stream of water from a fire hose later peter wallows in self-pity at losing gwen then channels his frustration by manically continuing his search into why his parents disappeared meanwhile harry looks at the files on the device his father left him after researching all night he calls peter over harry explains how his and peter's fathers worked on a project focused on human spider hybrids venom from the hybrids could be extracted and would have powerful healing properties harry tells peter that he's dying of a disease and this venom is his only hope at a cure but they never got to human trials except for spider-man harry surmises that spider-man must have been bitten by one of the spiders and it worked that's how he got his powers he needs spider-man's blood but peter reminds him it's not that simple look at what happened to connors but harry doesn't care peter took spider-man's picture and clearly knows him he demands peter tell him where he can find spider-man and when peter hesitates harry begs so peter agrees to try talking to spider-man meanwhile gwen tries to search for max dillon in the oscorp database and when the higher-ups detect her search they pursue her wanting to ensure the accident is covered up she runs and bumps into peter she pulls him into a closet and tells him about the accident and how they erased all the files to cover it up then being close gets the better of them and they kiss on her way out gwen meets peter's old friend harry and harry learns that she's the girl peter has his complicated relationship with at ravencroft institute dr kafka studies a restrained max dylan on oscorp's behalf but max warns that he can feel the electricity around him and is more powerful than they know he declares himself electro and vows to show everyone how it feels to live in his world a dark world without mercy and without spider-man elektra lets out a small blast that breaks kafka's glasses then they submerge the villain in water as he struggles against his restraints at home peter begs aunt may to tell him the truth about his father he can tell she's hiding something and she finally tells him what it is after richard parker died government men visited ben and mae's home the men told them that richard ran off because his and osborne's research was so valuable richard betrayed his friend for money to sell the research peter doesn't believe it later he visits harry as spider-man and tells him that he can't give his blood it's too dangerous harry retorts that he's dying anyway but spider-man points out it could do something worse than kill him they argue and spider-man leaves as peter he approaches gwen who is already late for her final interview with oxford but he begs her to listen everything he knows about his parents is a lie he doesn't know what to do about harry his life is falling apart but he keeps coming back to one thing before he can say what that one thing is gwen tells him that she has to go to england maybe they're just on different paths right now peter wishes her luck and she heads up for the interview back home peter continues going through his father's things and discovers a connection to roosevelt station a once hidden and now abandoned subway station at ozcorp tower harry speaks to his assistant felicia hardy and bemoans how oscorp destroyed all the genetically engineered spiders after the lizard incident but she tells him that she overheard they extracted the venom first keeping it somewhere called special projects but before harry can dig any further he's fired as ceo the board covered up max's accident and reported that he's dead but they pinned the cover up on harry and force him to take the fall meanwhile peter takes a coin he found in his father's things and when he uses it at the secret station a hidden subway car appears in it peter finds a recording left by his father his father explains that norman osborne made a deal with a foreign military to fund their research when richard found out they were going to use the research for biological weapons he ran and took the research with him he adds that the dna placed in the spiders was his own so they are only compatible with him or his bloodline meaning osborne cannot continue the research without him at ravencroft harry sneaks in to see electro they quickly make a deal harry will get electro out if electro can get harry into oscorp so he can get the venom leaving the subway station peter receives a voicemail from gwen she got into oxford and is on her way to the airport now with elektro's help harry gets back into ozcorp he heads to special projects while electro heads into the electrical grid to get even more power in special projects harry forces one of the board members to inject him with the venom the effect is immediate harry writhes in pain as his muscles and skin mutate then he puts on an armored suit with healing properties that stabilizes him the suit also comes with a glider on her way to the airport gwen spots a crowd looking at spider-man and she sees he webbed up a message for her on the bridge i love you then he grabs her and tells her that she was wrong they are not on different paths she is his path he'll follow her to england and wherever else she goes as they kiss the entire city's power goes out thanks to electro's meddling spider-man goes after electro and gwen insists on going too from her work at oscorp she knows the power grid and peter will need her help but peter webster to a car and leaves he finds electro at the power grid and they fight while gwen quickly frees herself elektro gets the upper hand and nearly defeats spider-man until gwen crashes a police car into the villain peter is horrified she's there you can't be here right now i'm not messing around you can't be but she insists on staying so they decide on a plan of attack they need to overpower elektro so he'll explode like a battery peter will reconnect the power lines and when he says to gwen will turn the power on the plan works elektro is gone and power to the city is restored but as peter and gwen reconvene they hear laughter harry osborne twisted by the venom appears on his glider seeing gwen he quickly realizes that spider-man is peter and accuses him of betrayal then he decides to take revenge the green goblin takes gwen into the air and drops her peter catches her but they crash into a clock tower peter puts her down to fight off the goblin's attacks and in the struggle the clock's mechanism is destroyed debris knocks the goblin out and severs the web holding gwen she falls and peter's web chases after her it reaches gwen but can't save her peter leaps to the bottom of the tower and cradles her lifeless body after the funeral peter visits her grave often at ravencroft a mysterious gentleman visits harry osborne and tells him that he's found several promising candidates osborne says he wants to keep the team small and assures the gentleman that everything they need is at oscorp there he selects an armored rhino suit for their first volunteer alexei sitovich later the news reports on the russian gangster's escape from prison it's just one more sign of the increased crime since spider-man's disappearance five months ago peter watches a recording of gwen's graduation speech where she talks about hope and how it is most needed on dark days peter puts on his suit and fights the rhino in yet another world peter comes home one day to find tony stark waiting for him the billionaire quickly reveals that he knows who peter really is spider-man spider-man gained his powers six months ago and quickly learned that when you have the power to help and don't bad things happen and they're your fault stark recruits peter to help in a fight against captain america the u.n is preparing to pass the sokovia accords which would establish a panel to oversee the avengers stark supports it while captain america and others do not this conflict has led to a minor civil war between the heroes stark's head of security happy hogan brings peter to berlin where he finds tony has built him a new suit then peter lends tony and his team a hand when they battle captain america's team at an airport when the battle ends and tony sees how truly dangerous the conflict has become he sends peter home you're done all right when tony drops him off peter asks if he's an avenger now and stark disappoints saying no but he'll call if they need him again in 2012 after the battle of new york between the avengers and an alien army adrian toomes and his crew win a contract to clean up the mess left by the battle but another group takes over after buying trucks and hiring a new crew toombs loses the job to the department of damage control a joint venture between stark industries and the federal government losing the job means financial ruin for tombs and in retaliation he and his crew decide to hold on to some of the alien technology they salvaged rather than turn it in like they're supposed to four years later tombs and his crew have used all the alien tech to develop weapons and devices which they sell on the black market toombs himself uses their flying vulture machine to get around two months after the avengers civil war peter checks in with happy to see if tony needs him on any more missions though just like his many prior attempts happy ignores the message and peter continues his relatively ordinary life he's picked on by flash thompson his high school's homecoming dance fast approaches he hangs out with his best friend ned and he pines after his crush liz at lunch when peter stares a little too long michelle gives him a hard time and calls him a loser later liz and the rest of the academic decathlon team are disappointed when peter announces he'll be skipping the competition he uses his usual excuse that it's because of an internship at stark industries but in reality he's too busy being spider-man though he gets bored with petty crimes and hopes for another stark-sponsored mission his boredom is short-lived when he spots a group using alien technology to rob atms he fights the thieves but a misfire from their alien rifle destroys peter's favorite deli across the street peter rushes over to help the owner out of the building peter returns home and sneaks through his bedroom window before removing the mask then turns to see ned waiting for him and realizes he's just given away his secret identity he gets his friend to swear he'll keep it quiet though the next day in gym class they overhear liz admit she has a crush on spider-man and ned can't help himself you don't know spider-man flash is of course skeptical and sarcastically suggests peter bring spider-man to liz's party liz says that peter's welcome to come but assumes he's too busy at the party they run into michelle i can't believe you guys are at this lame party you're here too then liz finds them and she's happy they came when flash makes fun of peter for pretending he knows spider-man peter decides to prove it outside he changes into a spidey outfit just as he's having second thoughts he spots a strange blue explosion in the distance and quickly realizes webs don't work so well in the suburbs so he runs peter finds a couple of tombs dealers trying to sell high-tech weapons spider-man shows himself and they drive off while firing back at him with their alien gear when he almost catches the dealers he's grabbed by the vulture peter escapes his grasp and plummets into the bay where he's rescued by iron man well actually an iron man suit remote controlled by stark he tells peter to forget about the weapons trade and the vulture guy there are other people to handle this sort of thing afterward peter finds a piece of alien gear they left behind toomes returns to his base of operations and steps out of the vulture gear then he fires his dealer for shooting their weapons out in the open the dealer who calls himself the shocker threatens to spread the word that tombs is the one behind the operation so tombs kills him then he hands one of his men shocker's weapon and tells him to find out what they lost out there the next day in shop class ned and parker break open the device and find a small glowing object in it meanwhile tomb's men track the device to the school peter evades them and fires a tracker onto one of the men with ned's help he tracks their movements to maryland so peter decides to join the academic decathlon's trip to dc which will get him close to maryland so he can investigate on the way happy calls to check why peter's leaving the city and peter tells him it's for school nothing to worry about once they arrive ned helps peter hack his suit so stark and happy can't track him and won't find out about his trip into maryland ned also notices something called the training wheels protocol which prevents peter from accessing many of the suit's features at peter's begging ned unlocks them on his way out of the hotel peter bumps into liz and others sneaking out for a swim she invites him to join but duty calls so as usual peter misses out when he puts the suit on he immediately notices some changes for one he now has an ai assistant that directs him toward his tracker the ai also gives him heat vision and super hearing which reveals that a couple of the vulture's goons are about to commence a heist the ai asks if you'd like to activate enhanced combat mode and of course he does but when he tries to use his web shooters they release a rapid-fire attack instead the default for enhanced combat mode he sets the webs back to normal then spots the vulture breaking into an armored truck to steal more tech then peter tries to attack but their fight ends quickly with peter concussed and unconscious in the back of the truck he wakes up and breaks out to find himself in a large warehouse the suit informs him it's the damage control deep storage vault the most secure facility on the eastern seaboard courtesy of stark's joint venture with the government while waiting for the facility to open in the morning peter chats with the suit who he ends up naming karen he also practices with all of the new unlocked features growing impatient he looks for tools he can use to get out he finds an object similar to the glowing one he left with ned and karen tells him it's an explosive chitari energy core peter frantically attempts to reach ned and warn him but there's no service in the vault working with karen he manages to hack the lock and escape while peter rushes back to dc his team wins the championship without him then they head into the washington monument for a tour where ned's backpack containing the energy core runs through the x-ray machine at security the radiation activates the bomb as they ride up the elevator the bomb detonates and damages the structure around them in minutes the elevator will collapse peter races up the monument karen releases a drone from his suit to find the best entry point and peter breaks in just in time to catch the elevator and save his friends including liz meanwhile after years of no issues with the avengers tombs is aggravated by the attention from spider-man and vows to kill him back in school peter ditches class to continue his investigation unsure what to do next karen helps him review footage of his run-in with the shocker a few nights ago and identifies the weapons buyer as aaron davis peter visits the man and he doesn't hesitate to help aaron knows how dangerous the alien weaponry is and would prefer it off the streets especially since he has a nephew in town he tells peter what he knows there will be another weapons deal at 11 on the staten island ferry peter leaps onto the ferry and spots tombs though he doesn't recognize him and neither does karen the man has no criminal record then the new shocker meets with matt cargan a criminal with a record including homicide shocker mentions a white pickup truck so peter sends his drone to find it and he sees footage of the vehicle containing the enhanced weapons then he gets a call from stark peter hangs up on him and attacks shocker and mack but suddenly fbi agents reveal themselves and point their guns at spider-man though a more immediate threat emerges when the vulture appears peter grabs the vulture's gun but can't contain it and accidentally breaks the staten island ferry in half spider-man races to web it back together but fails hope is nearly lost until iron man appears to save the day once things calm down tony chastises peter for his irresponsible behavior peter tells him that he had to do something those weapons are out there and stark wouldn't listen to him but stark did listen he's the one who called the fbi stark tells peter that this isn't working out and demands his suit back peter begs that he's nothing without the suit and tony tells him if you're nothing without this suit then you shouldn't have it at home aunt may demands to know where peter's been and why he keeps disappearing he tells her that he lost the stark internship after screwing up and she comforts him and at school he goes back to just being peter parker he bumps into liz and apologizes for missing the decathlon he also finally tells her how he feels i like you but she already knew that and they decide to go to homecoming together back home aunt may teaches peter how to dress how to dance and drops him off to meet liz at the door he meets her father tombs he must be peter he drives them to the dance and notes how familiar peter's voice sounds and it doesn't take him long to realize he has spider-man in his car when they arrive he tells liz to head inside while he has the dad talk with peter she heads out and toombs turns around with his gun you saved my daughter's life he says i could never forget something like that so i'm gonna give you one chance you walk through those doors you forget any of this happened and you don't ever ever interfere with my business again because if you do he adds i'll kill you and everybody you love that's what he'd do to protect his family peter nods and heads inside looking like a deer in headlights peter tells liz that he has to go without stark's suit he puts on his old homemade costume and runs outside only to find the shocker waiting for him with ned's help peter apprehends him then he quickly tells ned to call happy hogan to let stark know that toombs is the vulture peter also tells him to track his phone which he left in tomb's car peter follows ned's directions to tomb's location meanwhile ned gives happy a call but happy hangs up on him ned tells peter that he saw a bunch of boxes behind happy in the happy mentioned taking off in nine minutes peter realizes that tombs is likely planning to rob the plane full of stark's tech peter gets to tomb's location and asks how he can do this to his daughter but toombs explains that he sells the weapons so he can support her and his family then his wings crash through the wall behind peter then destroy the surrounding beams to drop the roof on his head tombs leaves to go after the plane leaving peter buried in debris in the collapsed building peter tries his hardest to lift himself up but he's completely pinned down then he remembers what stark told him if you're nothing without this suit then you shouldn't have it he lifts the debris and goes after the vulture they fight on stark's invisible jet until their battle crashes onto coney island vulture defeats peter and flies off with a crate of weapons but as the villain leaves peter notices his wingsuit is going to explode peter tries to save him but tombs fights him off then he crashes into the beach peter quickly dives into the ensuing flames and rescues him then leaves him to be discovered by mr hogan back at school liz tells peter that with her dad going to trial she and her mom are moving to oregon then they tearfully part ways with her gone michelle is made captain of the academic decathlon team and announces that she likes to go by mj when peter excuses himself from the room mj's eyes linger on him as he leaves happy brings peter to the new avengers facility upstate there stark gives peter a new suit and officially welcomes him to the avengers though peter turns down the invitation for now he'd rather stay on the ground and look out for the little guy though that leaves a press room full of people expecting an announcement so instead of announcing a new avenger stark announces a new engagement back home peter finds stark's previous spider-man outfit waiting for him and when he puts it on realizes aunt may is behind him revealing his secret identity again in prison tombs bumps into mack cargin scarred after his run-in with spider-man he has a lot of friends on the outside who would like to find spider-man and mac heard a rumor that tombs knows who he is tombs replies if i knew who he was he'd already be dead the next year on a class trip to moma peter spies a large ship floating above manhattan he quickly joins iron man doctor strange and wong in a fight against children of thanos to prevent the retrieval of the time stone which thanos intends to use along with the other infinity stones to erase half the population of all living beings doctor strange is captured and taken onto the ship spider-man and iron man board it to rescue strange deciding on their next move stark is adamant they take the fight to thanos strange agrees but assures that if it comes between saving peter tony or the time stone he will not hesitate to let either of them die before heading off tony officially makes peter an avenger they arrive on titan thanos's now desolate home planet where they run into the guardians of the galaxy they fight at first until they realize they're on the same side tony quickly tries to rally the group with a plan thanos is coming and when he gets there they'll need to wrestle the gauntlet from him which he needs to use the stones meanwhile strange moves forward in time to view every possible future in the conflict with thanos of the 14 million 605 futures he viewed there is only one in which they win when thanos arrives they fight as a team and subdue him moving quickly spider-man and the others pull as hard as possible at the gauntlet it slowly inches off the titan's fist until quill learns that in exchange for the soul stone thanos killed gamora the woman quill loves lost to his rage quill attacks thanos inadvertently waking him from mantis spell thanos frees himself from their grasp fights them off and nearly kills stark until strange bargains for his life by handing over the time stone then all thanos needs is the mind stone and minutes later he has it thanos snaps his fingers half of all life vanishes including peter parker 23 days later the remaining avengers find thanos in the hopes of using the infinity stones to reverse the snap but thanos has destroyed the stones and with no hope left thor kills him five years later tony stark and the remaining avengers travel across time and alternate realities to obtain infinity stones using their power they reverse the snap and restore all the lives it took including peter's however their action draws the ire of thanos from another reality peter joins the battle against his army humanity triumphs when iron man gets the gauntlet and snaps their enemy out of existence however the power of the infinity stones mortally wounds him peter tells stark that they won but his mentor has no breath left for final words peter weeps while pepper tells her husband that he can finally rest and although peter mourns his best friend is there for him when he returns home eight months later peter is back in high school where the disappearance and return of half the world's population is being called the blip he prepares for a class trip to europe where he plans on confessing his feelings to his new crush mj he often catches her staring at him and suspects that she may feel the same way at a charity event run by his aunt peter uses his spider-man persona to help raise money afterward he catches happy and his aunt flirting then nick fury calls and peter ignores him not wanting anything to disrupt his plans to get closer with mj on the trip though not all is well peter still misses his mentor tony stark and when it's finally time to go peter leaves without his spider suit on the flight over his plan to get close to mj doesn't go as planned he ends up sitting next to his teacher instead while mj sits next to brad the kid who didn't disappear like peter and most of the other students so he's five years older and very popular things go better for ned by the time they land he and betty brant are officially boyfriend and girlfriend at airport security peter is surprised to find may pack his spider suit for him on the way to their hotel peter and mj share a glance in venice he buys a necklace which he hopes to give her when they finally have a chance to talk they're interrupted by a massive wave which takes the form of a large human it crashes into nearby buildings threatening bystanders peter is unsure how to fight the creature made of water but suddenly a mysterious hero comes to the rescue watching news footage of the hero later the students take to calling him mysterio later nick fury shows up in peter's room and tells him about recent attacks around the world from anthropomorphic weather like the cyclone with a face that wiped out a village in mexico nick also hands peter a pair of glasses left for him by stark then he takes him to an underground hideout and introduces quentin beck the man who stopped the water beck explains that he's from another universe where his earth was destroyed by elementals or creatures born from the primary elements air water fire and earth having destroyed air water and earth the only one still remaining on peter's world is fire the strongest of all the one that destroyed beck's earth and took his family the elemental will be in prague in a few hours and they want peter's help all of the other powerful heroes are unavailable but peter desperately doesn't want to miss his trip and fury seemingly allows him to return to his friends however fury pulls some strings behind the scenes to get peter's trip diverted to prague on the way peter tries on tony's glasses and reads the note that came with it for the next tony stark i trust you p.s say edith and when peter says edith it activates an ai and augmented reality system in the glasses she explains that edith stands for even dead i'm the hero and adds that she has access to the entire stark global security network and peter can immediately see its power just looking around the bus peter sees exactly what everyone is doing on their phones including private communications at a pit stop peter is called into a small shop where a woman orders him to remove his clothes spider-man can't be seen on the class trip since it would pretty much give away peter's identity so she made him a new suit but just as peter drops his pants brad walks in and takes a compromising photo brad tells peter that both of them are clearly into mj and brad intends to show her the photo she deserves the truth back on the bus peter quickly attempts to have edith delete the photo off brad's phone but when she asks if he's a target and peter says yes a deadly drone launches from a satellite to kill brad peter just barely manages to stop it then he catches his breath and gets edith to delete the photo before brad can show it to mj in prague fury once again pulls peter away from mj they go over the plane with mysterio who has adopted peter and his friend's nickname when the fire elemental attacks peter and mysterio will stop it before it grows too big and draws power from the earth's core at that point there'd be no stopping it peter worries about the danger this will put his friends in and fury points out his hypocrisy peter nearly blew his friends up with a drone strike clearly he is not ready for the responsibility stark left him later mysterio checks up on peter to see how he's doing he tells peter how he understands the hard path he's on and he makes peter feel better he also assures peter that if he keeps his friends indoors for a few hours they'll be safe so peter works with edith to get them all tickets to the opera where they'll be safe at the opera mj tells peter she'll save him a seat next to her but as always peter disappoints he leaves to meet mysterio mj spots him sneaking off and follows which gives betty the idea to ditch the opera and she drags ned out too they head to a nearby carnival while spider-man watches from above in his new suit the fire elemental appears and during the ensuing battle peter notices a strange invisible barrier when he fires his web when he pulls the web off the barrier it rips a small device from it which mj finds peter rescues ned and betty from a ferris wheel while the elemental grows too large to stop with few options left quentin prepares to sacrifice himself he flies into the monster destroys it from the inside and miraculously survives after the battle fury invites mysterio to join their cause he tells peter that he'd like to have him too but peter will have to decide if he's going to step up or continue his reluctance mysterio invites peter for a drink as they talk peter has a realization he is not suited to be the next tony stark but quentin beck is so peter tells edith to transfer access to quentin then hands mysterio the glasses and with it access to stark's global network of advanced data satellites and weapons peter leaves and suddenly many of the patrons at the bar disappear revealing themselves to be holograms to those that remain quentin says see that wasn't so hard and they celebrate he gives a toast reminding them why they joined his crusade all including quentin are former disgruntled employees of tony stark beck himself invented advanced hologram technology which stark renamed barf then fired quentin for being unstable bec toast to each of them and their contributions william created weaponized drones that integrate with beck's hologram tech to combine illusions with real damage gurderman concocted the story of a hero named quentin from another world and so on with stark gone new heroes will need to step up to fill the vacuum and these days it doesn't matter if you're the smartest or most qualified no one cares unless you wear a cape or shoot lasers from your hands and mysterio adds well i've got a cape and lasers with our technology and with edith mysterio will be the greatest hero on earth then everyone will listen at the hotel peter celebrates the end of his mission but is disappointed to learn the trip is ending as well after the elemental attacks the school is bringing the children back home but peter won't miss his shot with mj so he invites her to go out that night unsupervised and before he can even finish asking she answers yes they meet in the lobby both nervously tried to contain their excitement and outside their hands nearly touch then peter decides to tell mj how he feels but it doesn't go exactly as planned she interrupts to point out that she already knows he's spider-man and assumes that's what he was going to tell her peter denies it but mj points out that she's been watching him and it's obvious she shows him the device she grabbed from his battle with the elementals covered in webs proving spider-man was there not the night monkey as reported by the news peter has a heartbreaking realization and asks if mj was watching him only because she thought he was spider-man she lies answering yeah why else would she be watching him suddenly the device activates projecting a hologram of the elemental they realize the elementals and mysterio are fake and peter realizes he's handed an incredibly powerful weapon to a villain at his hideout mysterio works on a plan to use edith's network of drones in combination with his illusion tech to create a threat big enough to encompass all of london he wants maximum casualties to ensure they get the world's attention with an avengers level threat which mysterio will appear to stop himself when he's informed that one of the drones went missing mysterio is furious they're trying to fool the world and that drone is evidence that it's all fake then with edith's help he finds it knowing that with edith mysterio could easily spy on his phone peter heads to berlin to tell nick fury what's happening in person but as he explains things mysterio reveals that fury and peter's surroundings are an illusion he toys with peter in a dream-like hologram environment peter is attacked by copies of spider-man mysterio and the corpse of tony stark the illusion is finally broken when a fury shoots mysterio in the back fury tells peter that mysterio is trying to kill anyone who knows the truth and asks who else peter told peter admits that mj ned and probably betty know but this fury is another illusion and peter has just given mysterio his next targets then peter is hit by a train he manages to get on board and passes out he wakes up at a holding cell in the netherlands and easily breaks out he borrows a phone to call for help when happy arrives peter asks him to say something that only he would know so happy reminds him of the time he caught peter buying an adult film on pay-per-view at a hotel in germany on the plane peter freaks out about his recent screw-ups until hogan gives him a pep talk telling him if stark second guessed everything he did the one thing stark was sure of was his belief in peter parker they take off for london where peter's friends await in flight peter works with stark's computer to modify his suit to prepare for battle with mysterio's drones in london mysterio continues to work with an oblivious nick fury who believes there's an impending elemental attack and mysterio releases stark's army of drones meanwhile happy sends fury a coded message to warn that mysterio is an imposter then he and peter go over the plan hogan will work on rescuing peter's friends while peter will get inside mysterio's illusion to find quentin before they begin peter hands happy the necklace he bought for mj peter tells him to give it to her if anything happens to him the attack begins illusions terrify the populace while drones inflict real damage as fury and maria realize mysterio is a fake they notice spider-man diving into the heart of the elemental attack inside spider-man connects the drones with his web and uses his modified suit to electrocute them the damage interferes with the illusion and peter spots beck before he can reach the man a drone takes him out happy tries to bring mj and peter's other friends onto the jet but mysterio destroys it so they run into a museum vault for protection a drone begins drilling its way through while mysterio sends the rest of the drones after spider-man but peter fights through and reaches mysterio the villain hides in another illusion but this time peter is ready he listens to his spider sense or peter tingle as an may calls it and begins taking out the drones the ai prevents them firing as beck is in such close proximity it'd be dangerous but beck shouts for them to fire anyway and as peter continues fighting them off one inadvertently shoots mysterio peter reaches him and the villain tries one more time to trick him but peter doesn't fall for it he gets the glasses back and edith shuts down mysterio's operation saving his friends as mysterio dies he tells peter that people need to believe and nowadays they'll believe anything after the chaos peter and mj find each other she shows him the necklace that happy gave her on peter's behalf and she kisses him and she admits that she wasn't just watching him because she thought he was spider-man they kiss again then return home as a couple meanwhile betty and ned break up but without any hard feelings with aunt may and happy hogan things are a little more complicated she saw them as just a summer fling while he thought they were dating then for peter things get very complicated one of mysterio's men publicly releases a video of quentin beck moments before his death beck claims that he stopped the elemental but spider-man is threatening to kill him with stark's drones then j jonah james santa from the dailybugle.net accused a spider-man of murdering mysterio and he plays the rest of the dead man's tape the part where he reveals to the world that peter parker is spider-man after the exhausting mission nick fury and maria hill revert to their true form the scrolls talos and soren the two were asked by fury to temporarily stand in for them while fury is busy with another mission captaining a scroll ship back on earth with his identity outed peter's life is thrown into chaos most of the public turns against him and even the fbi suspects him of murder thankfully his lawyer matt murdock reports that the charges are unlikely to stick but the charges against happy hogan are another story he is apparently accused of pilfering some stark technology murdoch also warns that peter will still have to worry about the court of public opinion and as though on cue murdock catches a brick thrown by one of the public's many spider-man detractors looking for a safer place to stay peter and may head to hogan's place things are no calmer at school where students and teachers vie for peter's attention some including flash thompson to profit off his fame and others to call him a murderer peter finds some respite with mj on the school roof though their almost kiss is interrupted by ned he and peter optimistically discuss college plans they hope all three of them will get into mit but if not at least one of their backup boston schools where they'll have a fresh start together mj is less optimistic bashfully telling peter that if you expect disappointment then you can never get disappointed peter reassures her but soon finds her pessimism warranted due to peter's notoriety as a vigilante and his friends association with him they are rejected from mit and every other school peter has an idea he visits dr strange and asks if they could change the past so the world never learned his identity but that would be too dangerous and strange doesn't even have the time stone anymore feeling for the boy's plight he offers a different spell one that would make everyone forget his identity as strange casts the spell peter realizes the effect it would have mj will forget much of what they've been through together so will ned may and happy at peter's request strange alters the spell mid-casting but after so many modifications it grows unstable before something catastrophic happens strange contains the spell he tells peter a hard truth the problem isn't mysterio it's that peter is trying to live two lives and if he was rejected by mit and even after talking to them admissions won't budge that's it peter is shocked that talking to them is an option so he runs off and tracks down the assistant vice chancellor on her way to the airport as he nervously and poorly pleads his case they are attacked by a villain from another world dr otto octavius he demands peter tell him what he did with his machine and when this world's peter has no answers the villain attacks him and the surrounding bystanders peter protects the civilians while fighting off ock but the vice chancellor's car is knocked off the bridge and she's left inside the vehicle only suspended by one of spider-man's webs while peter is distracted trying to save her och manages to grab him and grab some of the nanotech from his suit which peter uses to hack into the villain's arms and take control of them dr octopus is quickly subdued and also confused once he sees peter's face it's not the peter he knows using the villain's metallic arms peter rescues the vice chancellor and she thanks him recognizing that he's a hero and promising to speak with admissions about him and his friends then the green goblin arrives just before peter and ock are teleported to strange's sanctum santorum strange explains how before he shut down the spell it apparently brought a few visitors from other worlds where they hope to erase anyone's knowledge that peter is spider-man the spell instead brought from other universes anyone who knew peter is spider-man they'll have to capture them all and send them home peter already captured otto and while he was busy strange captured the lizard peter recruits ned and mj to help in the task and ned couldn't be happier to be in the sanctum santorum in fact his nana always said magic runs in his family scouring the web they find evidence of more supervillain antics and peter goes after them to find electro after sucking up energy from a power line the villain quickly overpowers peter but he gets help from an unexpected ally flint marco with his sand manipulation ability flint subdues electro while peter takes down the power line to cut off his supply using a device provided by strange peter sends electro to a cell in the sanctum santorum when flint demands to know what peter did to electro and moves threateningly peter sends him back too in a back alley norman osborne cowers as the goblin demands he conquer this new world they found norman destroys the goblin mask and runs off peter gets a call from may she tells him that one of the visitors came to her shelter expecting another villain peter rushes over to find a sad and confused norman osborn finding himself in this strange world with no oscorp he saw spider-man in an ad for the shelter and came looking for help he explains that sometimes he's not himself and when he takes over norman wakes up with missing memories he has no idea how he got here he needs help may explains and if the other villains are like him they need help too peter insists that it's not his problem he needs to send them home they return to the sanctum santorum when norman meets the others some truths come out otto remembers norman dying and sandman remembers them both dying fighting spider-man they realize that they were transported here in the moments before their death strange returns with a relic containing the spell it will allow them to reverse it and send the visitors home but peter can't live with the idea of sending them back and condemning them to die they need help just like aunt may said strange disagrees these forces are too dangerous to meddle with the visitors have to go home if they die they die strange prepares to reverse the spell but before he can peter steals the relic they fight over it and strange brings peter to the mirror dimension after a struggle peter works out the geometry of this alternate world using it to trap strange steal his ring and escape peter gives ned the ring and announces that he is going to fix the villains cure them of their various ailments then when they go home maybe they don't have to die norman offers to help since he is something of a scientist himself peter hands mj the box so if things go south she pushes the button and the visitors go home peter brings his new friends to happy's place where they can use his pilford stark tech to help cure the villains while peter and norman work on a device to put otto back in control instead of his arms flint and max talk max likes the energy of this world and what it's turned him into giving him back his body and he thinks of what he could do with even more power peter and norman finish their device and it works otto returns to his old self next up is electro peter equips him with a device to draw out the electricity and turn him back into max dylan suddenly peter senses danger he closes his eyes to focus and finds the source of the threat the goblin has woken up the goblin announces that they don't need to be cured these powers aren't curses they're gifts max likes what he hears and removes the power sucking device peter and norman fight but the goblin serum makes the villain impervious to peter's attacks the goblin strangles peter until may injects him with the cure but the anti-serum fails and the goblin remains he calls for his glider it flies through aunt may and knocks her to the ground the goblin offers that peter can thank him later once he kills may peter will be free from his aunt's suffocating morality norman throws a bomb as he leaves but peter manages to stop it from reaching may peter and his aunt both struggle to stand but reach each other and embrace peter apologizes this was all his fault no may says you did the right thing they would have been killed and she adds that peter has a gift he has power and with great power there must also come great responsibility then her body remembers it was struck by norman's glider she is badly wounded mae collapses and dies in peter's arms while he promises that she's okay cops surround the place happy parks between them and peter then gives himself up for a rest while yelling for peter to run once they start shooting and he takes a bullet in the arm peter listens elsewhere ned and mj wonder where peter is and why he won't contact them they realize ned may be able to tap into the power of strange's ring he calls for peter and opens a portal it works but it brings them a different peter parker like the villains he too was brought to this world so they try again and find yet another older peter parker one who has been looking for their peter ever since he got to this world he had a sense that ned and mj's friend could use his help our help the other peter adds the older peter asks if their friend has a place he might go to get away from everything the other peter offers mj realizes where that would be and they find peter on the school rooftop ned and mj give him a much needed hug the other peters offer their condolences and their experiences they tell him what can happen if you lose yourself one became rageful after losing gwen and the other sought revenge after losing his uncle ben he got what he wanted but it didn't make it better neither wants this world's peter to make the same mistakes they did peter tells them what his aunt said about power and responsibility the message resonates and the older peter assures that aunt may did not die for nothing having taught him this powerful lesson they get to work in the school science lab and develop cures for each of their villains before they leave peter quotes mj expect disappointment but she corrects him no they're gonna kick some ass cure some ass the older peter corrects her they head to the statue of liberty where peter calls the daily bugle to announce his location hoping to lure the villains there it works the villains arrive but fighting them all at once proves challenging especially when the peters have no experience working together they find each other in battle to rework their strategy they cannot coordinate without a way to identify each other so peter offers he'll be peter 1 the older peter is 2 and peter 3 reluctantly agrees to be peter 3. before heading back into battle peter 3 grabs the others to say i love you guys and they reply thank you after that they coordinate to all focus on one villain at a time first they cure flint then with some unexpected help from otto they cure max and then dr connors during the chaos dr strange finally returns through one of ned's portals and he's impressed to see peter's plan to cure the villains is working and he's impressed that ned opened a portal but the reunion is cut short by the goblin he destroys strangest relic containing the spell and his bomb throws mj from the structure peter leaps after her but the goblin takes him out so the other peter the one who couldn't save gwen in that clock tower catches mj and saves her life peter takes down the goblin's glider then stares at the man who killed his aunt and promises to return the favor the other peters watch as he beats norman down taking his first steps down the dark road they warned him against peter raises norman's glider to plunge its blades through him until the older peter gets in the way to stop him he puts the glider down then norman stabs the older peter and taunts the younger peter telling him that he's the one who got his aunt killed peter 3 throws the anti-serum to peter 1 and he plunges it into the goblin's neck turning him back into just norman osborn and peter 2 promises he'll be okay he's been stabbed before peter looks up to see their world tearing open beings from other worlds will soon pour into theirs and strange can't stop them the goblin destroyed the spell and the relic then peter has an idea they're coming here because of him because he is peter parker he asks strange to cast a spell which would make everyone forget who peter parker is that would work but strange adds you gotta understand that would mean that everyone who knows and loves you we we'd have no memory of you it would be as though you never existed peter tells him to cast the spell then prepares to say his goodbyes first the other peters who are about to go home then ned and mj he tells them they're going to forget him but promises it'll be okay he will find mj and he'll explain everything i'll make you remember me he says he starts to say i love you but she stops him wait she says tell me when you see me again they kiss one more time and peter leaves as the spell works the visitors return home and the world forgets peter parker on a snowy winter day peter visits mj and ned he prepares to tell her the truth then sees how happy they are both got into mit he puts away his prepared words and saves the truth for another day though he notices something in her eyes a spark of deja vu he leaves to visit aunt may's grave and finds happy hogan who now only sees him as a stranger happy wonders if everything mae stood for is now gone peter promises it's not everyone she helped will keep it going true to that promise peter moves into a small apartment and continues to be the friendly neighborhood spider-man [Music] unbeknownst to peter dr strange's spell brought another visitor to their world eddie brock along with his symbiote alter ego venom after learning all about this strange universe from a bartender eddie and venom are sent back home though a piece of the symbiote stays behind and that's where things leave off if you enjoyed this recap please like subscribe and hit the bell icon for more with that thank you for watching and see you on the next one take
Channel: OneTake
Views: 3,929,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiderman, spider-man, no way home, tobey maguire, andrew garfield, tom holland, no way home tobey maguire, no way home andrew garfield, spider-man recap, spiderman recap, spider-man far from home recap, spider-man homecoming recap, amazing spider-man recap, onetake spiderman recap, avengers infinity war recap, avengers end game recap, spiderman no way home explained, no way home explained, mcu multiverse
Id: DhZksswGW_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 21sec (6741 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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