I Watched Falcon & The Winter Soldier Ep. 5 in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hi everyone this is the canadian land and today i've watched falcon the winter soldier episode 5 at point 2 fabric speed as usual this is a complete breakdown plus my 0.2 fabric speed series today's episode is probably the best one in the show yet so i have a lot to cover here but don't worry for your convenience i'll try to keep it as relevant as possible without beating around the bush so without any further ado let's begin today's episode begins as expected with this massive fight inside the warehouse initially jon assumes that sam and bucky are still on his team until sam and bucky ask for the shield back but jon takes it personally and becomes totally unhinged i didn't expect jon to try and kill sam with the shield in the first seven minutes of the episode as a matter of fact he tried to kill both of them he's completely over the edge at this point now let's no matter how much you disagree i really think white russell is stealing every scene he's in let me ask you a question if john is there in a scene along with some other characters who are you paying most attention to it's him isn't it he's one hell of an actor and i think we as marvel fans should be proud of that now coming to this fight sequence this was so well done we knew at all times where the characters were we were not confused because of the fast camera movement overall this was great direction and awesome camera work now at the end of the fight bucky just simply drops the shield for sam and gives a painful look as if he's saying look what you've done you could have prevented this this also shows how he still thinks sam is the only one worthy to wield a shield but the painful moment was this defeated look on sam's face he told jon before the fight you made a mistake but now while wiping the blood sam realizes he also made a mistake by giving up the shield in the first place almost like he's trying to wipe away the guilt because had he not given away the shield this moment wouldn't have occurred he feels responsible for jon's actions and how it corrupted the legacy of his friend steve the look on anthony's face in this scene boy that hits different doesn't it now the grc is conducting raids in order to find carly but so far they have only caught our followers we see walking taurus for the first time since episode 2 and this the first thing he says hey you got your you got your sleeve back referencing this scene where bucky casually took his sleeve off bucky then goes on to take care of zemo while marvel plans another seed for something incredibly big wait yo you forgot the wings cable so what did we just witness here sam had the options to choose to either be falcon or captain america or maybe both at the same time but he chose the shield giving the wings to taurus therefore giving us the new falcon in the mcu well maybe not now but down the gears we'll definitely see him taking the mantle of falcon just like he did in the comics not to forget we already saw him suggesting sam how to fix his own tech in episode 1. you could try to reroute that together would you not oh so they were always foreshadowing him taking on the mantle of falcon the government then decides to take away all sorts of titles and privileges from john walker i really do feel bad for walker here he's doing exactly what the government wants from him and they're still treating him like a pile of trash i'm pretty sure had he killed his flagsmaster privately this situation would have been totally different but this government doesn't like the idea of cap being an open killer notice john acknowledges that he literally worshipped the government i lived my life by your mandates i dedicated my life to your mandates it's actually true but he's still being treated like trash just like steve was in civil war so this situation with the government is really complicated whether you're fighting for them or against them they will still wind up plotting against you this moment is going to be a big inspiration for jon to turn against the government and work for some other force which brings us to surprise surprise julia louis-dreyfus aka valentina allegra di fontaine actually it's contessa valentina allegrita fountain now this valentina allegra di fontaine is not the traditional green-haired madame hydra this is contessa vel nick fury's triple agent girlfriend which is a much more interesting character than just another hydra leader valentina is not really high during the comics she just poses as madame hydra for a while but eventually betrays them so buckle up lads this is going to be mind-blowing we now have an evil captain america and an evil nick fury now if you want to know her backstory it goes something like this in the comics contessa valentina allegra di fontaine is an italian noble woman who joined shield and even ascended temporarily to the rank of deputy director becoming nick fury's lover eventually she infiltrated hydra and assumed to the identity of madame hydra though she was actually a triple agent since before being recruited by shield notice for some reason marvel decided to give her a full purple outfit even some tricks on her hair are purple i guess we'll only figure this out in the future bucky finds zemo at the sokovia memorial statue and he scares him for a minute by pulling the trigger on an unloaded gun if you have been watching the trailer we pretty much knew it was coming bucky was never going to shoot in fact the moment he showed up here he always had his left hand closed like a fist giving a hint that the bullets were always in his hands therefore for the first time he actually outsmarted zemo at least for the time being unless in the future we come to know that zemo was always expecting bucky to hand him over to dura melashe notice in the first look of the show there were flowers and letters all over the statue but in today's episode they were missing actually if you look at the surroundings the entire place has been redesigned since the trailer the dora milaje then takes zemo to the raft now this is interesting instead of taking him to wakanda they're literally handing him off to ross because if you remember the raft is basically general ross's playground the raft is an underwater prison created for the sole purpose of detaining enhanced individuals this is where cap's team was imprisoned in civil war now it's almost certain that marvel is going towards thunderballs ross will now be able to use zemo to acquire his own team of villains i feel like this needs a video of its own so i'll probably talk about it in a separate video sam then goes on to visit isaiah bradley with the shield not knowing what to do with it but the story marvel tells here really breaks my heart unlike the last time isaiah actually sat down and told sam everything he has to know now i'm not gonna explain this scene as i want you to have your own interpretation if you think marvel is being woke or shoving politics down our throats this is exactly the problem here it's not about being liberal or conservative it's about what's right and if a studio as big as marvel is at least acknowledging the oppression against black people i think we should welcome that whether we are from the right or left think about this isaiah bradley did the exact same thing as steve rogers but was hated for it steve became a hero saving the prisoners of war that's when the military started to take him seriously but when isaiah did the same he was literally jailed for 30 years just for this one reason they will a black man be captain america and please don't think they put him in jail because they thought he broke the law they put him in jail so that they can experiment on him to figure out why the serum worked so they can put the serum on someone else who doesn't look like him i mean politics aside this is worse than killing someone they told his wife that he is dead and didn't let any of her letters reach him they would have probably kept him longer than 30 years if it wasn't for a nurse who felt bad so in all honesty this is by far one of the most realistic scenes in the mcu and most of what isaiah says to sam during this scene is very similar to the events of truth red white and black which is why this episode is called truth now here we assume that the events isaiah described took place during the korean war rather than world war ii sam then calls his sister and says he's coming home but notice sam's home screen has a picture of someone standing beside a kid this could be an old picture of sam with his late father or it could be him and one of his nephews cut to louisiana where sam now has to fix the boat in order to sell it sam decides to call in a few favors earned by the generosity of their parents and he gets surprised when people actually show up to return the favor and there we see bucky who came here to drop this box just like sam called in a few favors bucky used his favors from the wakundens for sam isn't this something you'd only do for your friend and meanwhile bucky gets busy doing this [Music] this scene reminds us that bucky was always a ladies man we then get a little montage of sam and bucky working together to fix the boat now if you think about it this boat is a metaphor for everything that is wrong in sam and bucky's life them working together to fix the boat is literally them fixing their own friendship the notice at one point bucky uses a tool to sharpen his knife skills he does a little bit of stabbing and throwing anyway bucky decides to stay the night because the people of this town are super nice jon visits lamar's parents and lies about the killer of lamar nico wasn't the one who killed lamar jon is still in denial but this means once he comes back to his senses he will go after carly who is the actual killer of lamar because jon did say and i would never let the person who did that get away he then walks out and sees an old poster of himself that says cap is back this of course shows how the tables have turned for his character but notice the color coding in the poster and the lighting on the set were intentionally kept like this because now it foreshadows john walker's black outfit that he will wear once it becomes the us agent cause remember nothing you see in a movie or a show is unintentional especially the lighting directors always make sure they're getting the proper lighting they're looking for cut to sharon who's talking to bedrock over the phone giving him a new mission but if you listen carefully bedrock actually says in french that he'll never work for sharon again the key word here is again meaning he has worked for her before and she also says if it wasn't for her he would still rot in algerian prison this explains why batroc was running free in episode one because during the events of captain america the winter soldier bad truck was actually apprehended in algeria but sharon was the one who freed him and now she's hiring him for yet another job later in the episode we come to know that bad truck is now helping the flag smashers by giving them weapons so sharon an advocate for power broker hired batroc so that he helps the flagsmashers sharon is definitely playing double agent here well i think she's beyond that at this point but she definitely has bigger fish to fry and that's why she's helping her enemy i think her goal here is to attack the grc and enter the states she's just manipulating batroc and carly by creating an illusion that she is helping coming back to louisiana bucky smiles seeing sam's nephew playing around with the shield so bucky realizes what the shield means to people despite what jon did with it but he was worrying that this incident will destroy steve's legacy but this boy is playing with the shield and short bucky that steve's legacy cannot be erased which brings us to sam and bucky now playing with the shield while having a conversation that really brings the clarity to their lives bucky admits that him and steve had no idea what it meant to hand over the shield to a black man when steve told me what he was planning i don't think either of us really understood what it felt like for the black man to be handed the shield and notice as soon as buck has said it sam breeds decide for leaf because bucky now understands why sam gave away the shield in the first place this also confirms that steve had some serious talk with bucky before going back in time to return the stones steve consulted bucky before taking such big decisions his decision to stay back in time with the love of his life and to pass the shield to sam we always knew that but it was never confirmed until now now i have found a very subtle detail here we know sam and bucky are casually throwing the shield and playing around but none of them are really the expert in wielding the shield yet so how do they decide whether the shield will come back to them or their partner i think i found the answer after watching it at 0.2 fabric speed notice when they want the shield to come straight back to them they aim for the center but when they want the shield to go back to their partner they aim for slightly away from the center which results in the slight diversion so you may ask why am i counting this as a detail because this whole thing is mostly cgi so the fact that the vfx team took their time to ensure such little detail we have to appreciate that now another thing to notice here is how much bucky trusts sam when sam asks bucky if he still has those nightmares the nightmares of all the murders that he did bucky simply says all the time means i remember he's a part of me still there which means a part of the winter soldier's still in me this means sam is the therapist but he needed he's the one who actually explains the difference between amending and avenging sam encourages bucky to go up to nakajima and say sorry bucky on the other hand tells sam that whatever jon did wasn't sam's mistake so this is a conversation sam and bucky both needed thankfully the boat got them together which made this conversation possible and this is my favorite scene in the episode they're walking away from each other in different directions but they're finally on the same path then we get the moment we've all been waiting for sam finally starts to accept the shield and begins training with it we get an epic montage and again i found an amazing attention to detail notice when sam throws a shield on a post and it comes back to him it leaves a mark on the post after hitting it and you can only see it for less than a second again another great job by the vfx team cause remember any scenes of throwing the shield or the shield hitting something involves extreme level of cgi we then see batrock teaming up with the flag smashers but all he wants is to kill the falcon curley of course doesn't know bad truck has been sent by sharon by the way didn't i say batrock will appear in today's episode in my last video so that turned out to be correct as well sam then comes to note that the flag smashers are going to attack the grc to prevent the patch act from being implemented and that's exactly what happens members of the flag smashers infiltrate the grc disguised as security guards we could actually see one of them entering the facility on the big screen cuts back to sam who's done preparing to put on his new suit made with vibranium technology i think it's a suit more or less like black panthers so he can go toe-to-toe with super soldiers some of course is highly skilled in combat but he's still no match for a super soldier let alone an army of super soldiers so i totally understand why marvel decided to give him a suit made with wakandan technology this could also mean if his new suit has wings those could be made out of vibranium hell the entire suit could be vibranium which will mean sami is gonna have the best dealt suit in the world and then we get our first post-credits scene of the show john walker goes full tony stark in order to build his own version of the shield one thing i loved about this scene is that jon literally puts his medal of honor to some use because now he thinks the medals are worthless so may as well put them to use it comes a full circle with how he told the government that you built me and now he's using something from the government to build his own weapon shield i mean a weapon so this shield isn't going to be ordinary either even though it's not vibranium it still has a medal of honor embedded into it and how do i know this isn't vibranium because john wouldn't be able to hammer through vibranium that easily and if you think about it jon actually doesn't need a shield made of vibranium he almost defeated sam and bucky at the warehouse all by himself and i've been saying this since the beginning of the show that he's way too powerful even without taking the serum so the serum amplified whatever strength he already had so the only reason he's forging this new shield is because he thinks he's still captain america it's more of a personal statement than a shield next week is the final episode of the show and i can already guarantee it's gonna be one hell of an ending but please keep your expectations in limits we already got our big cameo and steve rogers is definitely not coming back from the moon but despite that the finale will be epic we'll get falcon the winter soldier fighting john walker who will get together to fight the flag smashers who'll get together to fight the power broker so there's gonna be hell lot of storytelling which is never a bad thing as an audience and that's it this would be my breakdown of falcon and the winter soldier episode 5 at point 2 fabric speed i hope i managed to give you that some details that you missed in your first viewing if i did then please give me a thumbs up and grab the subscribe button if you haven't already follow me on instagram and twitter to get updates about my videos till then i am captain america got a [Music]
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 1,806,072
Rating: 4.9559855 out of 5
Keywords: Falcon and the Winter Soldier, I Watched Falcon & The Winter Soldier Ep. 5 in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched Falcon and The Winter Soldier in 0.25x Speed, Falcon and the Winter Soldier 0.25x Breakdown, Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 5 breakdown, falcon winter soldier episode 5 explained, falcon and the winter soldier breakdown, falcon and winter soldier easter eggs, falcon and the winter soldier episode 5, falcon and the winter soldier episode 5 easter eggs
Id: 0G-rS1ak1IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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