Top 10 Things You Missed in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 4

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something's not right about walker you don't say well i don't crazy when i see one cause i am crazy can't argue with that welcome to watchmojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 things you missed in the falcon and the winter soldier episode 4. what's with all the knives if anything that shield should be destroyed you're welcome for this list we're looking at the easter eggs comic book references and mcu callbacks you might have missed in this episode of the disney plus series since we'll be talking about every detail beware of big spoilers flying your way which of these flew under your radar let us know in the comments below number 10 bucky still feels guilty about civil war you sure about this i won't let you hurt anyone when io is saying the words that previously brainwashed bucky into becoming the winter soldier he flashes back to various points in his past every memory calls back to a time where he was being controlled or about to be controlled except for one in the middle of the flashback montage we see a glimpse of him attacking iron man at the end of civil war [Music] this suggests that bucky feels the same amount of guilt about fighting tony as he does for his brainwashed actions we never saw the two heroes speak after zemo revealed the winter soldier eliminated howard and maria stark bucky may still carry that guilt because he never got to apologize or make amends to tony it's a nazis it's not gonna work number nine walker gets powers later than his comet counterpart if you had the chance to take the serum would you do it yeah once we saw walker holding a vial of super soldier serum we knew he wouldn't be able to resist taking it he made the decision to embrace superpowers much faster in the comics in a previous recap we mentioned that walker got his abilities from the power broker in the comics but he notably acquired superpowers before he was ever chosen to become the new captain america since power brokers supported the creation of serum on the show walker technically got his powers from the villain again what'd you do but the new cap tried to be a hero without it the fact that walker didn't feel he was good enough even without powers even after earning the shield might be his most tragic flaw being capped the first time i've had the chance to do something that actually feels right god imagine how many lives you could have said that day if we had that sarah number eight dr erskine warned us about walker in the 1940s to be a little fair to walker he did hesitate to take the serum at first battle star helps convince him to take the plunge by arguing that the power wouldn't change who a person is power just makes a person more themselves right carly morgenthau steve rogers but dr erskine the original creator of the serum thought the exact opposite back in the 1940s he had a conversation with steve about how the serum affects a person erskine explained that people that were used to power could easily lose themselves and stop caring about others because a strong man who has known power all his life will lose respect for that power but a weak man knows a value of strength and knows compassion walker was already a decorated soldier who commanded respect and almost immediately after taking the serum he seems more brutal and aggressive than before dr erskine would have never chosen walker to become a super soldier we both know that the things that we had to do in afghanistan we awarded those medals felt a long way from being right number seven the sad symbolism behind bucky's arm falling io decided to remove bucky's vibranium arm at the end of their fight james the history of the mcu suggests this moment was about much more than getting an advantage in battle in civil war cap infamously sided with bucky after the truth about stark's dark fate is exposed this betrayal makes tony angry enough to say cap is unworthy of the shield after their fight that shield doesn't belong to you you don't deserve it my father made that shield in a tragic moment the vibranium weapon falls to the ground just like the shield was given from howard stark to steve bucky's arm was handed to him personally by wakanda royalty and both vibranium weapons fall to the ground after people close to the gift-givers feel betrayed hopefully bucky can heal his relationship with wakanda before it's too late did you know they could do that no number six sam knows what it's like to see a partner fall hey hey hey hey come on one more one more one more one more battle star and walker have been inseparable from the very beginning of the series this made us completely unprepared to see carly injure battle star so severely that he was unable to get up again this tragic scene may have hit a little too close to home for sam in captain america the winter soldier he tells the story about the time he lost his wingman riley during a mission nothing we hadn't done a thousand times before until rpg knocked riley's dumbass out of the sky nothing i could do it's like i was up there just to watch seeing his friend fall heavily influenced sam's decision to leave active service the parallels between his story and what happened with battlestar and walker are almost identical hopefully sam can lean on his past and experience counseling veterans to help walker work through his grief some stuff you leave there other stuff you bring back it's our job to figure out how to carry it number five zemo's villainous connection to the chronicles of narnia both sam and bucky are unable to get any information on carly from the citizens that know her but zemo is able to get all the intel he needs by offering a local child turkish delights turkish delight was always my son's favorite judging by the scene the villain's a huge fan of the chronicles of narnia in the lion the witch and the wardrobe the sinister white witch wants to gain the young edmonds trust so she offers him all the turkish delights he could ask for anything you'd like to eat turkish delight both the white witch and zemo are able to gain a huge advantage on their enemies by offering a few of these sweets to young children if either of these villains offers you candy you should definitely decline cute kids number four zemo has a history of recruiting children to his cause hello my friend this is for your family if the heroes don't find where zemo escaped too soon he may build himself an army but let's hope he doesn't follow his comic counterpart and recruit children in an extremely weird comic book story line zemo essentially adopts a bunch of mistreated children they all become a part of a group known as the kinder and are taught that people like captain america are bad men in the show zemo is already telling latvian kids not to trust the avengers do you see these men there they're very bad not to be trusted and he clearly knows how to get children on his side although zemo seemingly has everything he needs to build the kinder in live action it's unclear if the show will try to recreate this bizarre comic plotline can you show us the way what the hell number three there's a reality where sam got super soldier serum where you ever offered it what the serum no unlike walker sam seemingly has no interest in taking super soldier serum however there is a version of the character that did sam wilson is injured during a battle in the 1990s heroes reborn comic series after capp saves his life by giving him an extremely gross blood transfusion he gains superpowers while that version of the character needed to accept the serum to survive sam has a choice blood isn't always the solution we've seen him struggle with the notion of becoming the next captain america in every episode so far but sam seems very sure about being a hero without relying on powers whether this is due to him knowing how an african-american superhero like isaiah bradley was treated or other personal reasons sam doesn't want any serum if you had been hypothetically that is would you have taken it no no hesitation that's impressive number two an ominous musical cue there is a huge amount of tension between walker and practically every other hero he meets after he angers the dora milaje they get into a fierce fight while bucky makes funny quips we should do something looking strong john but a simple music cue hints that things might get a lot more serious after the battle is over we hear what sounds like henry jackson's clash in the background they weren't even super soldier [Music] the same song was used to underscore the final conflict between cap bucky and tony at the end of civil war [Music] its reappearance on the show seems like more than a coincidence as the series goes on walker seems to have less and less patience for bucky and sam are we building to another civil war level fight between three heroes how do you want the rest this conversation to go sam huh should i put down the shield make it fair before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one walker puts a sinister twist on classic cap moments where is she throughout episode four walker imitates classic cap scenes while putting a dark spin on them when steve knocked down a door while holding a gun and shield he was conducting an official mission to take down an evil hydra facility walker took the same actions while on a renegade quest to hunt down carly the darkest parallel comes in the show's final scene during civil war steve slammed the edge of his shield into tony but cap stopped before inflicting a fatal blow walker didn't stop [Music] this comes at the end of an episode that hinted at a future civil war conflict and saw his bad qualities enhanced with super soldier serum it looks like our new cap may become the next big villain do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watch and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Views: 620,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, Marvel, Superhero, TV, baron zemo, bucky barnes, captain america, captain america: the first avenger, civil war, disney +, dr. erskine, falcon, falcon and the winter soldier, falcon and the winter soldier easter eggs, falcon and the winter soldier episode 4, falcon and the winter soldier new episode, john walker, list, mcu, mojo, sam wilson, things you missed falcon and the winter soldier, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, winter soldier
Id: SzEY2ecCpzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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