I Watched All of Naruto in a Month & Here's What I Thought | Naruto Retrospective

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the cultural phenomena that inspired an entire generation to run like [ __ ] idiots love it or hate em Masashi Kishimoto snare ito was one of the most impactful anime in a recent history bringing in a large western audience and pushing the envelope of fight choreography and how truly good a serialize Shonen can look in emotion well most of the time making up one third of the big three the coveted trinity of popular Shonen elite at the time Naruto and its continuation Naruto Shippuden was the talk of the playground the high school cafeteria digital passerby Zahn online forums and YouTube comments convention centers and HEC kids were going to libraries just to track down volumes of the manga that were hosts so behind at the time Naruto had become a language a rite of passage but for me a longtime fan of anime manga and all that other Japanese stuff with an anime completion list boasting more than 500 plus titles I had still never found my ninja way I still hadn't watched read or even knew much about it outside of believe it and the white noise of jutsus and long Japanese character names I overheard from the chatter amongst several friend group and don't get me wrong I love shown and I love that part in the blue exorcist Kyoto Saga Opie worthy the drums coming and the music itself funky the Parton get backers where it was or it just sucked it zatch bell when kiddo okay little too soon for that that tournament arcane ye you a haka show who could no not that not that tournament Ark no the other one yet there you go so yeah chances are you read the title of this video I not only finally crossed this hurdle in my illustrious anime watching career I fully cleared it partaking and what can only be described as a sickening of Naruto binging one that would require only the strongest medical jutsu to recover from but I loved it and I am impressed at how truly supportive the Naruto community is and yes I'm just saying that any hope to deter some common turn named anime lover 69 from calling me a [ __ ] ass little [ __ ] after trashing their OTP 80 plus hours of shuriken Scoon ID jutsu and everything in between later i completed naruto and naruto shippuden just a little over a month and while I'm sure the Naruto community on YouTube has long since used their Sharingan scrubbing through and analyzing and discussing just about every facet this long-running shinobi filled series has to offer I do feel that there is value in sharing my fresh opinions on the series from someone who experienced the ebbs and flows of this 15 year long-running anime just over a couple of weeks I didn't go into this anime expecting to make a video on it after coming out of it so my notes are limited in my thoughts disjointed and I apologize ahead of time if I fail to track down every single relevant scene or moment I am referring to and miss out on showing that one specific time in our Rito said believe it with just a little bit more gusto I'm sorry there's a whole lot of anime here and of course full spoiler warning ahead for the rest of the video as we jump from arc to arkin with that said Jiraiya dies Toby's Obito and naruto becomes Hokage with the last remaining member of the big three still sailing the grand lion and would the recent breakout success in the shan and landscape like hero academia from land of the waves to whatever this is let's talk about some naruto [Music] Naruto and in sizeable continuation in the form of Naruto Shippuden were always daunting from an outsider looking in not because of their length one piece fan by the way but from the muddling caused by its filler and this isn't your ordinary filler arc shenanigans but don't worry there's still plenty of those this is exploring that great area of mostly canon and mostly filler episodes where the viewer has to sit through repeat scene after repeat scene flashback after flashback friendship speech after friendship speech jutsu explanation after jutsu explanation for that one can and manga panel of Naruto sniffing Ezeiza I don't know I shouldn't need to filler list in an informative reddit guide to watch your series but luckily I don't need one anymore enter Naruto Kai the unofficial fan edit of the entirety of Naruto put together by clogged manky and other members of the community turning what was once an unmanageable showcase of every known variety of filler into a condensed 72 episode representation of the source material is it perfect no not really episode rips especially those found about the midpoint of shipping and I found are at times low-quality TV Tokyo uploads or KISS anime watermark rejects and abrupt pausing and questionable editing at Kennett times take you out of any given one hour plus episodes that closely near the original volumes of the manga it's also hard to believe that this project was resub and built from the ground up with so many weird rips and hard-coded subtitles but I don't want to get into conspiracy theories but for what it is the limited work force the sheer size of the saga that is Naruto in that being done purely out of passion this project is nothing short of a miracle however Naruto Kai feels like more of a patch job rather than a full-on solution for these series pacing issues a lot of complaints towards how Naruto's story flows lies not only within its filler and non-canon material but what the Creator himself wrote and decided on in the manga so many arcs just feel like they should have ended two or three fights ago in the overuse of flashbacks repeats jutsu explanations in ex position easily hamper and contrast the fights of this battle manga acting against it rather than helping develop and move them forward I mean you just can't start off a conversation about characters without first talking about the titular Naruto starting out I found he was annoying but then again so did basically everyone in the cast so it's a little bit intentional he has a trouble past his own inner demons if you will in a literal inner demon inside of him and besides in the second episode Konohamaru 'he's introduced as if it's the creator's way to say let me think the main characters annoying check check out this little [ __ ] but really going into the series and just from clips and pictures I saw online I was prepared to just despise this character but I was actually surprised at how much fun he was and felt like those pieces of dialogue like this is the same Naruto as before or he's changed where he earned and believable sure was I tired of his dead parents and swing sitting antics of course was he inconsistently stupid like forgetting the name of Edo Tensei or son Goku's names seconds after hearing it but somehow instantly remembering the kid from land of the waves like four years later but all in all I really did like him which is good because the series is sort of named after him so he's in it quite a bit why does everyone hate Sakura you bunch of sexist pigs but really sucker is pretty [ __ ] unbearable up until her big moment in Chunin I get what they were doing with her but she was really really annoying from her inner monologues that were never funny to her just being downright mean to Naruto most of the time for basically no reason the other main argument I see against her is that she's weak and/or useless take your pick and yeah she sort of is but when you were paired with the reincarnated wonder deal it's hard not to be even a little bit overshadowed her medical jutsu has several uses throughout Part C when she was a really humanizing moment towards the end of the war when face to face with a modern cog eov her just being completely and utterly scared and feeling so powerless although I thought she was fine but hey let's let's talk about Sasuke I'm sure I'll be getting some rather colorful comments at a dash of red to mine like dislike ratio for this one but I cannot stand Sasuke throughout most of Shippuden and I guess that's kind of the point here I have some unedited footage of his moral compass in action part 1 Sasuke was edgy pretentious and full of himself but he did show some moments of humanity and compassion for his fellow teammates and he was a fun character with his stupid little smirk and playful insults to Naruto but all it takes is one dead brother to have him lose basically all emotion and intrigue shifting his focus into killing and destroying literally all of Konoha including the innocence children elderly including I assume as little his plans a little bit uh he's very much the Vegeta to Naruto's Goku Vegeta wanting to just destroy earth after every arc luckily I enjoyed his a-team shenanigans and Sue got Sue's and Karin's personalities clashing with his far more stoic nature that helped me stay invested in his character and I'm glad I did and I'm not sure how much this says about me as a person but Sasuke wanting to later kill all of the COG A's and become this immortal forced to stop the inevitable strife and conflict in this shinobi world seems like a pretty justified grounded plan I really like Hinata and her pair of he not sons she's essentially the only kind and understanding female character that does not partake in the physical violence mental abuse and the Pierce asset the others do this may on the surface make her rather OneNote in way less interesting than the other characters for her pure dedication to the little [ __ ] that is Naruto her such an early age is just so admirable and sweet and watching her be the only one to enter the pain pit was just an incredible moment really cemented her as not necessarily one of the strongest of the female cast but definitely want to be bravest Yamato is easily one of my favorite characters in the anime despite him being a clone a literal copy of the First Hokage sharing would release his subtle characterization throughout the series does enough for him to have a nice arc of showing that despite a childhood of test-tubes and being used he still his own man there's also a level of gratitude for his path because without it he still be living the life in the shadows through the ANBU rather than giving the opportunity to support Naruto team seven in Konoha as a whole in a far more personal way would release jutsu is always fantastic and thanks to the flashbacks of the First Hokage in action alongside his reveal in Edo Tensei it's nice to see the difference it's between Hoshi Rommel using that jutsu as a declaration of this pure strength while yamato s-- is far more refined amending with his passion for architecture reflecting more of a utility rather than purely offensive all of his reactions are fantastic his relationship with Kakashi as a this kind of senpai figure I find to be even more interesting and fun than guys and just adds a much-needed deadpan yet kind character for the others to react and play off of guy should have to hide sit say it with me he deserved it and he earned it the eight gates throughout the duration of the series was always described as one of the most physically taxing jutsus and opening the final gate the one you know it's literally called death gives the user immeasurable strength at the cost of their life the choice to revive him save his life whatever doesn't only go against what was hundreds upon hundreds of episodes of build up to see a character really actually opened the gate of death but also turns on the most passionate physically active shinobi and Konoha into a literal handicap that will soon be forgotten within the narrative we'll see you later wheels ino-shika-cho is really the only team that gets any realistic development in screen time outside of Team seven team guy loses most relevance outside of part one and teammate is hands-down the weakest future who was a Maki wife who aside Shino gets poorer nighttime visibility and kiba's first decreas Hokage is a bit closed-minded really everyone has to get a dog everyone were you getting all these dogs from come on man I guess let's talk about Neji and more specifically his death the most avoidable pointless death in the entire series used only to add stakes to the fourth shinobi World War I found it a bit weird for one of the most well known characters at handling projectiles diced predictable wooden Spears why would he not spend the spin knowing they've laid it up this is a world of predestined greatness and inherited strengthen the one character given the belief to rise above the hand he was given in his inevitable death because of the family he was born to you ends up dying in his youth against a prophecy and being avenged by a pair of reincarnated gifted youth ouch hmm I feel like we're missing somebody [Music] so let's talk about my favorite character in all of Naruto going into the anime I expected Rock Lee to be comparable to someone like like tingle from The Legend of Zelda series that's awkward far out there comic relief character where you either either love him or hate him 1 let's say that someone far more popular in Japan than he is with western audiences and yeah I was basically right heck bhavam even cut their own spin-off series Rock Lee a ninjutsu less character in a shinobi world who tries to push forward with effort passion dedication and hard work alone when I think of comic relief and a lot of shown in series I just think of these absolutely grating characters heck you can barely even call them characters just sort of these OneNote vessels for repetitive jokes and overused over-the-top lol XD anime expressions I was surprised that not only how Rock Lee's comedy came out mostly unintentionally just from his passion and overall kindness rather than a self-aware gesture Roy's also a really capable fighter and as an extremely impactful in part one and yeah it's easy to view Rock Lee isn't just an inferior mere image of a guy because the series basically goes out of its way to show us how similar they are both in appearance and combat so yeah it's it's hard to justify giving leave fights to the far more intimidating foes encountered and ship it and when you can just continue to use guy for these larger-than-life battles and essentially the only showcase of pure taijutsu post part 1 while also serving the additional purpose of highlighting the bond of rivalry and friendship between him and Kakashi helping develop our favorite copy ninja as well however I have two words for you in favor of Rock Lee drunken fist while Lee's fight with kimimaro was ultimately taken over by Gaara hey it was a rough matchup this was Lee's last big battle and I felt that it would set the pace for his continued to grow throughout part two from his recovery after gaara's crippling blow and even Tsunade confirming he should give up on any dream of being a shinobi he makes his triumphant return standing up against the strongest enemy in the Sasuke recovery mission arc if not all of part 1 - your Akatsuki and big bads of course and and not only that Lee comes in with drunken fist a hilariously unpredictable fast jutsu praised by his opponent and another notch in the amount of references Lee's character has two classic martial arts cinema one three-year time skip later my mind was racing with all of the possibilities and progression one of the hardest-working and constantly training strong fighters would be capable of he fights himself in that one scene but so does all of team guy he's late to Payne's attack of Konoha missing basically everything and then he loses out in screen time during the war - Tenten [ __ ] [ __ ] tendon outside of guys serving the purpose of a lot of what Rock Lee can do I feel the main contributing factor of him not being popularly used often and [ __ ] button is the fact that he was so popular in Part 1 to the point where this dude has an entire aforementioned chibi spinoff series Rock Lee and his ninja pals and know it's not just a 4-koma gag miniseries with three-minute episodes this is a full-blown 51 episode full-length 24 minute episode anime don't get me wrong I have no interest in chibi but I love broccoli and hate myself so I don't really have a choice here I I have to watch it I feel that a spin-off was worth sacrificing a well-established character's presence in a sequel no of course not just stings a little bit less even if I cannot do ninjutsu or genjutsu I want to prove that I can still become a splendid ninja Rock Lee's ninja way was actually filled all the way back during the Chunin exams he humbled Sasuke stood up against Gaara honored guy defended Sakura and in spired Naruto so in a way Lee did impact ship it in after all this may be a hot take but part one of Naruto to me is just superior and just about every way to ship it in accomplishes everything it sets out to do while being on a far smaller scale everything in the original Naruto does felt like it had so much more weight because they're all still kids rather than these glowing monster men later on so when they're thrown into situations like Orochimaru is hatred of Konoha or the Akatsuki and their unknown objectives when they do stand up against them they're fighting against a past they had no control over to defend their friends and those they care about it's a lot more personal it adds a much needed sense of impact and edge that ship it and slowly begins to lose and dulls down despite seemingly upping the stakes every other episode part 1 is all set up introducing team 7 the Akatsuki the pasco gaze Sasuke's growing resentment any trio eventually learning from the legendary sannin so part one passes the ballin was up to ship it in to make the shot and and don't get me wrong I'm not saying ship it and his bad heck on a purely technical level despite some really weird-looking art I began to notice kind of around Sasuke was getting the band together it's visually overall far more pleasing than part one thinks the addition of course widescreen far more faster while shot fights Shippuden was ambitious probably a little too ambitious consisting of these two massive arcs the Akatsuki and the fourth shinobi world war sure you can argue that some of the sides stuck with Sasuke's technically a differently named arc but it all ties in the Itachi so it's on the same end goal if you're like me and you miss the smaller more concise arcs like land of the waves or the classic cream of the Shonan crop like the Chunin exams giving the entire cast equal opportunities to shine you'll most likely be disappointed by ship and ins attempt at this larger-than-life epic saga with the only real breather being an intermission in the form of the brief cog a summit which in turn is just set up for the war towards the end of the series it felt like the manga color the director of the anime whoever was in charge of this [ __ ] pacing got a bit too enamored with a rapid-fire of reveals twist and main character power-ups they lost sight of what made the series special in the first place it was the story about a secluded shinobi village and he ninjas in training with distinct ability strengths and weaknesses sure team seven eventually reunites but it never felt like it was for any meaningful story reason or progression but rather than just a simple showcase to make the viewer go whoa quite good now well sure it's normal to have your characters and story progress especially in a shounen I should at least be able to recognize the basic themes but instead part one to party feels more like comparing an original to a spin-off or a spiritual successor rather than a full-out sequel there are very few moments where I could go back to part one after watching an important moment or revealing part two and be like yeah it all makes sense now or wow would you look at that part two is fun flashy with epic fights fought by these larger-than-life combatants part one is tighter simpler and feels a lot more personal I like them both but I can't say I like them together especially with Shippuden undermining a lot of be revelations and character moments in part 1 but hey we'll talk about that later I also feel it's equally as important to not only discuss these separate parts of Naruto but the time-skip in between them I love time skips I love watching my baby boys and girls become big dudes and big gals I love seeing new variations on their abilities new hidden moves and how much the landscape in world has changed and what may only be weeks or months for us but can be several years and shown in time Naruto's three-year time skip felt unrewarding but that was sort of the point so my ideal follow-up episode post time skip isn't introduced the main character some point in the middle or towards the end of the episode having them interrupt a fight taking out some goons or a strong enemy from the past with relative ease and a big reveal of their new appearance and demeanor but in Naruto's case part one sort of ended at an interesting point this huge evil organization is quickly progressing in their plans with Naruto serving as an important key component in them in Sasuke become missing ninon siding with Orochimaru and is a constant pursuit of strength this all sets up a ticking time bomb making Naruto's return to Konoha not really this epic returned a form of our protagonist but more of a oh good you're back we've got a lot of [ __ ] going on sort of moment heck of the first fight we see of teenage naruto is him swiftly losing against Itachi in the supposedly super secret dangerous jutsu Jiraiya warned him not to use it's just a bigger Rasengan that is quickly followed by another long stretch of training less than an arc after three years of it it basically this feels like these series needed a time skip more than it really wanted what I preferred a land of the wave styled short mission for Naruto to pubstomp through showing off how much he learned is sure but on the other hand I really do like the idea of shutting down a post time skip Naruto's so early on it really made Itachi in the Akatsuki as a whole far more feared than before again like most elements of Shippuden I am also ever conflicted the best of the best when it comes to action and fights in Shonen anime not only have to look good but they have to feel good there has to be a reason for the characters the clash there has to be meaning behind each and every blow in the conclusion of the battle has to change something it has to have some weight for either of the fighters the onlookers or even the world itself I can easily and confidently say that just about every fight and Naruto fits the 1st descriptor these are some of the best-looking best directed fights in all of Shonen anime even dating all the way back to Gaara vs. Rock Lee in part 1 most epic series concluding bouts and other titles can only wish to be half as well paced and choreographed it's any given fight in Naruto so let's talk more about the second part of what I said and that's the fights that means something the more story character-driven exchanges of kunai and what not in other words I'm just gonna brush about my favourite fighter a little bit Gaara vs Rock Lee what else is there to say it's one of the few fights with my baby boy takes place back when Lee's an established threat to both Sasuke Naruto and a character to be feared for his absolute strength and speed a ninja who can't use ninjutsu pushed forward by effort and the words of his sensei alone facing off against a child of sand manufactured from birth to PA weapon I think the one element that makes this fight is easily the pacing more specifically in the terms of Rock Lee's fighting showcased sure Gaara has a bunch of sand and stuff like that he like that but the perfect execution of leeches combing through his entire arsenal just to have a chance to even scratch his opponent is just really powerful from the removal of the weights and that seems great too inspiring words from the sidelines - opening up the gates in a last-ditch self damaging effort to prove his ninja way it's a child backed into a corner while never really feeling totally one-sided either despite the outcome did you hear that that was the sound of a character's relevance dying I mean here's one that I haven't really seen too many people talk about and that's Sasuke and Itachi against Kabuto I just love the atmosphere for this fight the dark damp cave with stalactites overhead really the perfect setting for Kabuto wants the calm collected spy who always had the upper hand - somewhat obsessed with power inheriting all of Orochimaru strengths along with his mental weakness quickly losing grip on reality Itachi and Sasuke fighting is this kind of improvised team and Itachi leading Sasuke through flashbacks and past memories between the pair is great all leading up to the use of the zombie one of the best conclusions - any of the fights in a fitting end for Kabuto at least for a little bit Obito vs. Kakashi it's fast-paced exhilarating tense and effortlessly shifts through and plays around with in flashbacks while brief it is essentially perfect in every way and I'm sure is often the top contender for top ted naruto fight list plaguing your youtube feed so I'll just leave it at that was a good so let's talk about the big dude fights now it's I was basically who I could think of to call you know when the guy summons the big guy or becomes the big guy you get you get the idea so you don't Power Rangers when the monster of the week formula where the Rangers intercept and quickly dispose of the Beast only for the big bad of the season to bring them back bigger and stronger than before towering over the city below so if you know every time the Rangers fight a monster that's eventually going to become big than why should you care about anything that happens before that point and that's basically how I feel in any given fight within Naruto and Sasuke uses Susanoo or when a character uses something jutsu or anything like that it's just a spectacle there's never any tension or any part of the encounter that moves the fight or the story forward these are never as visually dynamic or interesting as the non big new fights and the old just a lot slower there's not shot as interestingly it's just it's just fluffed in between the first half of the fight and the second half when the character really tries or uses their new former super special jutsu I mean there's probably one or two times like when Gaara and Naruto fought at the end of Konoha crush where the big dude fight was more than just a big dude fight but apart from that it is that really did anything for me this continues on to jutsu which is the series power Allah devil fruit from one piece orc orcs from hero academia I like to think there are two distinct parts to jutsu the first half you have your chi Dory's and your ass in guns they're simple they're flashing they feel grounded with me established shinobi world watching Naruto and Sasuke worked their way up to these two abilities feels rewarding and earned and both are hyped up to be these near or s-class level abilities which is pretty good for a pair of Jennings and then there's the other half of jutsu and which I think deters a lot of the outsiders looking in where we sort of deviate from ninjutsu quite a bit in it basically becomes this wizard tree magic sort of thing and I know Rasengan and Chidori are rather flashy in their own right but it gets a little bit a little bit too much even the internal logic of these series falters with us a bit like really it took until the fourth Hokage and essentially the modern age to develop an ability of spinning your chakra into a ball but by the Second Hokage there was a completely near-perfect reanimation and sentient independent clones like then of course we have glowy Naruto glowing Naruto - in glory Naruto 3 and who who could forget the fan favorite Loie Naruto for don't get me wrong obviously when you have 15 years of Shonen to work with here your main character needs these incremental increases in power and new flashy forms to keep things interesting in the power level Colby's progressing but having all four of these chakra and sage modes all being introduced within what is essentially the same Ark is just complete and utter burnout on a far cry from the far more meticulous development of the Rasengan throughout the Akatsuki but let's end on a positive note and talk about Sasuke versus Naruto as I genuinely feel was one of the best fights in the series a showcase of the evolution of the combat we've seen from land of the waves all the way to the dimensional hopping kaga battle eventually evolving into a sloppy bloody proper tree to old friends at all ending with both them collapsed and armless atop madara and hashirama statues fingers forming the sign of reconciliation and well I don't want to over exaggerate too much and get a little bit mushy here but this was one of the most clever pieces of visual storytelling in moments that made me so genuinely happy and not only all of Shonen anime put him basically any enemy i've seen in quite a long time [Music] while the action scenes are dynamic the characterization dialogue and script are anything but Masashi Kishimoto is an author who is more interested in showing you cool things rather than making talking about them cool conversations not occurring during the action especially those and ship it and always just felt so flat with Ann Arbor use of shot reversed shot and no interesting use of perspective or any unique angles and shot composition while this may seem like nitpicking and Naruto is first and foremost an action oriented at battle and may boasting ever reaching power levels and grand spectacle showcasing anything from summoning jutsu to jinchuriki you also have to keep in mind that for every impactful fight there is at least just as much if not more time setting it up and talking about the aftermath and if these scenes of characterization that aren't shown through action and jutsu it often gives the feeling that any extended dialogue instead of complementing and forwarding the action it just instead feels like you're applying the break saving budget and patting out the runtime which is never really a feeling you want to have as a viewer who wants a bit of story between the shuriken throwing and I mean there are exceptions like anytime my poyomi toes on-screen love that guy or everyone different generations of shinobi are just talking as and I really mattered what they were talking about just felt larger-than-life with the all the OCO cog a shooting the [ __ ] that was agree I could watch that all day now Naruto at its worst is with something like Itachi story you know oh hold on just a second before you get upset let me explain myself I love Itachi I love forehead taps I love forehead taps fake out into a hug true combo and I especially loved the reveal of his true intentions and he burden Itachi had to bear all of that was a great the first time I heard it Itachi storyline is retold several different times in the second half of Shippuden him basically full adding a small little nugget of additional nearly insignificant information like wow the Third Hokage who was a nice guy what was a nice guy keep in mind this is from me watching the KY edit which is essentially as close as you can get to the manga cos intentions I'm sure they play this thing on loop in vanilla ship it and they literally dig this dude up so we can hear it all over again talk about beating a dead jiya it turns a complex character destroying to do his best by his younger brother his clan and his village into a chore that stains the mood just like dead parent blood stains the floors you have hundreds of chapters to think of an explanation for chakra and you go with some Adam and Eve forbidden as fruit [ __ ] are you see rocky I'll stop let's change pace a little here and talk about one of the most crucial aspects of any good zoning outside of your fights and the characters that partake in them and that's of course world building so I'm totally a bit spoiled after series like one piece Hunter hunter and many others is gliding through complex world building in development but because of these greats it makes it all easier to point out the Wickard uses of this and oh yeah Naruto's could use a bit of work I'm not gonna go too hard into it because for all I know burrito Naruto's spiritual successor could rectify a lot of my complaints I do genuinely appreciate and feel that both the original series and ship it and both handle things like the past quite well it's no wonder why not oh is so well known for flashbacks to think flea they are all done rather well even with side characters and more minor events that help things feel a bit more lively such as watching Konoha change over the years greatly adding to a sense of nostalgia for a fictional village II have never been to in your Japanese cartoon or if the series falters is basically everything else side Konoha and its immediate vicinity who could forget such classic locations such as forest forest forest in Konoha forest outside of Konoha forest near sand forest between Konoha and sound oh oh I see here some one of the finer taste will may introduce you to the forest near the border of hidden cloud village classic look I'm not new to long-running shonan's and budgeting and I can understand that forest in Naruto are equivalent to or oceans in one piece if all water is wet and all trees have leaves you can just reuse a lot of composition and resources and say that Almighty to animate more straws on luffy's hat or pay the VA just a little bit more to say dot they bio with just a little bit more gusto but the difference between reuse of one pieces backdrops for sailing and Nacho's forests is that one of these series has entire fights several long episode scenes and even entire arcs that take place in them spoilers long with the Fox boy but don't let all of that nonsense and petty complaining distract you from easily the biggest plot hole that can be found within my much-loved part one taking place shortly before the start of each union exam finals Kiba and Hinata who were eliminated through the preliminaries arrived at to the venue late the venue keep in mind were people from all of the villages flocked to watch the young bright shinobi's battle yet despite this we're conveniently able to find two open seats right in the front row what a [ __ ] hack I still have no idea how I feel about the ending in the second half of ship it in as a whole I've rewritten this piece so many times and have gone back and forth between optimistic understanding to brutal tear downs after a while was easily the hypest and most enjoyable interactions the entire series with the hokages Orochimaru kaga is and sasuke all coming back with plenty of fanservice of the other shinobi teams that had a lot less focus just begin to overstay its welcome the spectacle is obviously still there and what's happening on screen is pretty cool and exciting but it's all sandwiched between redundant fights and fodder along with repetitive jutsu explanation the obvious exposition hang to just this pure sensory overload I don't need the flying ride Jannard Lee one of these simplest jutsus in the entire series explained to me and flashback to every time something cool happens with it it takes away from the 2 maybe 3 seconds of leave you are actually engaging and realizing it themselves and absolutely just kills the pacing ship in ins limited OST and the clear favoritism of only a handful of tracks is also more apparent than ever when the same tone and thus these same music is essentially played on loop drowned out only by the nameless be fodder grunts I hope you like that one creepy track introduced all the way back in Akatsuki you know the one that goes hey because you'll be hearing it on loop during the climax of the war throughout the villains several reveals and transformations the main thing is that any given one of these moments fights reveals what have you would have been so impactful and special in the middle or end of any given arc but when they all come one after another after another the only breather being repeat explanations of these scene that came before it's just nothing but static on earlier drafts and notes I thought I had the ending all but figured out around episode 398 but to say that things change entirely would be a drastic understatement not only for the ending but the entirety of the anime it's a catch-22 either Kishimoto was fully aware on where he wanted to take Naruto and how it would end clearly ignoring everything before enduring me fourth shinobi war arc including undermining neji's death or the Monika had no idea what to do and figured a war aka back-to-back battles would be enough time or just sort of to sort of wing it reincarnation and prophecies undermines not only Naruto and Sasuke sakam plaits trials and tribulations but also hoshi Rama in madara's having their ideals motivations and fates being controlled even to the smallest degree by the reincarnated sons chakra dis undermines everything up until this point this isn't a midpoint reveal or a twist that happens at the start of the proverbial third active shipment and this all comes and literally the end the last handful of episodes the end of Naruto's story a story that the Avira has been following this entire time has the entire perspective changed it's unfair it's insulting and worst of all it's kind of lazy but here's where we get to that whole I'm very conflicted on the ending part because I really enjoyed what follows it not really the power level increase or the new forms that Sasuke and Naruto get but the last big bad herself Kaguya maybe it was just me being tired of the literal hundred plus episodes spent in the same pit and dozens upon dozens of fights that took place in the same drab setting so introducing the dimensional creating and hopping Kaguya was a much-needed change of scenery but the fight was different enough and she really did have this otherworldly divine or it to her we hadn't really seen yet but then on the flip side all of the exposition and plot reveals mostly told by black zetsu who's a big reveal in his own right weren't terrible or anything but my reactions consisted of yeah I guess that makes sense in it all right but sure why not and I should really be more invested in exciting during these endgame reveals and twists I again I'm conflicted haha I mean there's probably more I can talk about and tear apart but I'm sure if my thoughts that ship in its conclusion will continue to change as often as Naruto's new used Rasengan which is a lot this video is way too oh hey there's more Naruto the last a movie about moon men cuckolding scarf brutality and hold on a second was the right [ __ ] I have a giant death laser cannon epilogue bTW all in all pretty boring movie all of the Konoha time-skip stuff was great along with Hinata Naruto romance tension throughout it but it just feels very movie if that makes any sense not really using the budget in any meaningful ways lots of big appealing yet empty settings with the characters doing pretty little to engage with them lack of tension predictable pacing forgettable lackluster villain heck there's not even any henchman for the others to fight apart from puppet jobbers I mean at least it tried to expand on the Rika dos ending Loren and it's cool to see that yaki Gong get some love after being stuck for so long but all-in-all nothing really too special and I've been working on this video on and off for so long now that I'm already a dozen or so episodes into the series spiritual successor Barto Naruto's next generations in heck I'll probably be caught up by the time the video even goes out Wow is burrito just so realized and refreshing and shirt has Naruto's established world and characters to thank for it but I'm sure it has plan to deal with a new director and a new vision chief director of the series a Bey Noriyuki has worked on the greats like GTO and Hugh hakusho just makes these series feel so competent right out of the gate it's first and foremost just a good anime both visually and fundamentally shot composition lighting and colors are immediately more interesting and varied than an olive Shippuden and these students within the Academy feel like actual kids with friend groups cliques Boys and Girls Clubs and just the way they all interact it handles the idea of a prophecy a lot more tongue-in-cheek and Barto as the lead isn't just not au 2.0 he's unique enough to set him apart from me who is a mucky swing setting flashbacks and dead parents sad times while it's too soon to say if this is a good follow up to Naruto and the confusion and the gray area of the manga in the anime each being sort of Canon like how Dragon Ball super handled its adaptation is something I was never really too fond of but there are already several things that dress that we've changed some of the positives and negatives I've touched on throughout this video and I'm sure there are plenty more upcoming details to change my mind once again on those regardless of what lies ahead in the future positive or negative Naruto's storyline and his goal of becoming Hokage will remain the same they showed symbolism through [ __ ] uno okay I'll stop I loved Naruto I regret none of the time I spent with both series and I'm eagerly looking forward to not only seeing where it goes through the eyes of the next generation but also going back through years of films OVA z-- and yes even the chibi antics of a mr. Rockley but despite cherishing the time I spent living vicariously through Naruto Sasuke and Sakura is overall an adventure plagued by filler repetition and to greatly unequal halves for those looking for smaller more condensed arcs or more focus on side characters found in part one ironically enough can find that within ship it ends much detested filler arcs fans of the fight choreography and battles may get tired of the character interactions as an exposition that breaks up any given ninja battle walk conversely for those who enjoy the worlds building and plot dumps that can be found other shonan's may feel let too much time went into the fighting loving Naruto is loving a conflicted series or for those at some point within its 15 year duration fell in love with the world the characters and the fights that painted there's nothing that couldn't change their complete passion and dedication to this shinobi shown in class believe it [Music] ninja clan ninja clan here we stand now root so I'm on my wings now
Channel: Anigami
Views: 257,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anigami, anime, manga, review, retrospective, video essay, naruto, naruto shippuden, shippuden, anime analysis, naruto is bad, naruto isn't bad, in defense of naruto, masashi kishimoto, shounen jump
Id: zoRcSlJ0wsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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