The Complete Rise and Fall of Naruto

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[Music] [Music] the thing about being a reviewer is sometimes you have to do things that you really don't want to do this series how can i say i have what can be described as a love hate relationship on one hand i met some very good friends talking about this series every week but i hate what it became as i look back and read the whole series from beginning to end where did it go wrong at what point can i definitely point at and say this was the beginning of the end well perhaps i can find the answer here's the thing i can forgive a lot i can forgive plot holes i can forgive bad writing and god help me i can even overlook [ __ ] if in the end i smile at the end of the story all i ask is that i'm happy i watched or read the series that i can look back on it with fond memories but when naruto's final page hit i can safely tell you one thing i was not smiling that's not to say the series did badly financially unlike say bleach which fell off the top sails and into up security naruto's sales were fairly steady of course that meant even after the series ended they were going to continue it and that's where boruto comes into play now for the record no i have not seen boruto i am not interested in watching it the way naruto concluded didn't exactly encourage me to follow any sequels i've heard varying stories about how well it's doing some say it's doing very well and some say it's doing very poorly me don't know and don't care i simply am not interested in it either way so this series will most likely not cover anything from boruto also a little disclaimer i'm doing this sub series on my own time because i have very very personal reasons for doing so but we'll get into that later to first understand why naruto fell from grace we must first see wyatt drew praise to begin with after all while this is a rise and fall of naruto it's just as in many ways a rise and fall masashi kishimoto the series offer musashi kishimoto is a hard nut to crack from what i can find i know that in 1999 he was a struggling mangaka trying to have a breakthrough series it wasn't until he worked with his then editor sosuke yahagi that kishimoto was able to find success a series about a young boy was pitched i know there were certain pitches that didn't make the cut but eventually it became a story about a boy trying to become a ninja however kishimoto hit a snag the story fell to a crawl so his editor suggested that he give his main character a rival who would push naruto from then it became easy to plot the story and a heroine was added to fill the gap the story begins in the hidden leaf village or konaha if you prefer konoha is one of the five major hidden villages in the shinobi world the third hokage serves as the head of the village narration tells us of how the forfokage sealed away the nine tails demon fox or cubie if you will we meet a young boy named yuzumaki naruto who is a troublemaker he doesn't have a family but he has one supporter in the name of his teacher iruka we see that naruto is a very lonely boy he doesn't have a family to go home to through some shenanigans naruto ends up stealing the secret skull that tells of a secret technique iruka finds naruto first but mizuki appears and tells an archer the real truth he is the nine-tailed demon fox this almost breaks naruto but iruka wins naruto with an impassioned speech and it's a fine introduction of naruto's character he's a troublemaker but we also see why he felt that way and why it was so easy to synthesize with him the other two main characters are introduced quickly and informally by comparison first up is haruno sakura a pink-haired girl who naruto has a crush on but she in turn has a crush on his rival ushia sasuke who i'm gonna be blunt i really don't like this kid anything that goes wrong with the series and i guarantee you that this kid is one of the reasons who basically we have the relationship set up and we see how it impacts them there's a love triangle there and it's not very well resolved in the end but that shipping talk and i'm not getting into that just yet i'll have plenty of feelings on how it was all handled but i'll be keeping quiet for now they meet their sensei ataki kakashi who i will have some strong words for later on for now though he does have a cool introduction and he does set the tone well when he tells his students that really at the end of the day while they may do cool things people do die team seven as they are coined are completely unable to work together and it is sasuke who makes that decision to do so the beginning arc the land of the waves gives us a chance to see what these characters can do the action is really tight and zabza is a great villain but he also has some depth of his relationship with haku a young very effeminate boy there really was a grit to the fight scenes this early on that sadly became lost as time went on this arc we do start to see the beginnings of naruto and sasuke beginning their bond but sadly this is all we would get it's a good beginning but it's not enough however the ending where they name the bridge after naruto is a nice moment because it feels earned unfortunately this next decision would prove to be to the series detriment instead of showing team 7 going on their missions and gradually becoming friends we are only told they were going on missions we really needed some smaller arcs that focused more on them getting to know each other which apparently kishimoto wanted to do but his editor said no this will become a reoccurring problem we are then introduced to more characters which include the other teams of kona huh who to be honest don't really get much screen time later on unless your name is chica maro we are also introduced to gara who as time goes on we proceed to learn as basically naruto without having aruka to look after him what's great about this arc is that we are introduced to various conflicts that all add to a bigger story things like neji's family drama where he is cursed to give his life and can't escape his fate the state of gara and how poor he was treated and how naruto and sasuke are victims of not having parents see this arc is where we had themes of underdogs versus destiny hard work versus naturally talented are those who have no bloodline curse to become losers according to this arc the answer is no you can change your destiny with hard work this is a lesson that kishimoto will sadly break as time goes on of course you can't talk about this arc without talking about orochimaru this guy is seriously creepy he puts a seal on sasuke that will come into play later the first ark we had a corrupt businessman as a villain but vivar chimera we had a mcavalon schemer with a connection to the hidden leaf village it's why his confrontation with the third hokage is so memorable the third hokage dies but not without stealing orochimaru's arms away orochimaru elevated the series as now we had a reoccurring bad guy that would attempt one of the main characters at the dark side the search for sonata arc introduces us to hitachi it really comes off as scary and intimidating here hitachi serves as a reminder of what sasuke could have become the uchiha massacre is set up as his big mystery why did hitachi murder his clan was it for power did he have an ulterior motive was he helped all surges remind us the dark seekers of the shinobi world itachi's arrival also serves as the introduction of the akoski organization who basically exist to remind us that despite hirochimuro being the primary villain there is a far more sinister organization that our heroes will have to deal with having already met durai in the tuning exams this is where we get introduced to sanate this is where the series begins its themes of the previous generations and how relationships repeat themselves throughout the series jariah is a hilarious character who has a good rapport with naruto and the legendary sanyo's dynamic is similar to naruto sasuke and sakura's dynamic however i wonder if this would have happened because according to an interview of kishimoto after the series had ended he wasn't sure how to end the shooting exams but was told by his editors to create a ville named orochimaru to disrupt the tournament which yeah that puts a damper on things but as long as we're talking about the theme of parallels naruto and sasuke's journeys parallel each other while naruto is changing people with his way of never give up attitude sasuke is becoming a darker character as naruto grows stronger and stronger sasuke feels he is falling further and further behind thus sets up their duel in the rescue sasuke arc you see the thing about naruto and sasuke is that while they are very different from one another they are very similar in many ways they are two sides of a coin thus their fight at the end manages to resonate because of how far both of them have come from the beginning and when sasuke leaves naruto you do feel the bond being broken now for a quick analysis of the main characters we'll start with naruto naruto is a little bit of a brat but yet as i said we see why he does what he does he wants acceptance all he wants is to be acknowledged while he is a little annoying at times he has a good heart and that's why so many people became gravitated to him you want to see him win he was the underdog that's what made him so appealing basically he's everything sasuke is not where can i begin with sasuke as i said i really don't like this kid at this point in the series he wasn't too bad he was actually pretty bearable mostly because when he was around naruto he had someone that gave him some volume outside the brooding emo loner bit his whole story is that he was born in the prodigy but then his aloof older brother slaughtered everyone he ever cared about so you could still kinda synthesize with him unfortunately as time goes on sasuke becomes a completely unbearable and unlikable character reasons i'll get into when the time is right sakura is frustrating i must admit i don't hate her the way so many other people do she doesn't really have a good beginning but we do see some positive attributes of her it's hard to talk about soccer without getting into shipping territory and rest assured my thoughts on that whole fiasco will come not really looking forward to it because of the [ __ ] storms that creates but i have things i need to say i will say this her only real problem is her obsession with sasuke what she sees in the emo [ __ ] i will never know there were times it seemed like he would save sakura's character but not yet not yet as for kakashi i have some words i'd like to say about him but that'll be at the end you see part one holds up to me because at its core it was a story about a boy trying to prove himself it was a story about growing up how all these kids were learning how to become adults about how the world is not so ideal but with a little luck and a little work you can make a difference the reason why naruto became so popular is because kishimoto did just enough to make you care about what his characters were going through it's not about the fight scenes it's not about how cool the jutsus are it's about this when naruto gives the fourth hokage a thumbs up we do it with him we want to see how this journey ends so far the journey has been worth it and it never will be again kishimoto's series was a success he went from a nobody to a superstar manga ours overnight he was single when he started the manga and in 2003 he got married and had kids but he seemed to have a view that all the characters in naruto were his children and that just makes for knowledge of some of the things that happened all the more sadder that's part one this was more of an introduction than anything else as i continue reading through the series i really dread what these videos are going to become i'm really not looking forward to critiquing the war arc these videos will be done on my own spare time i have so many other projects to do not to mention reading taking notes of a manga chapter writing the script for better or for worse i'm in for quite the ride [Music] before we begin i feel a bit of clarification is necessary you see while naruto is considered one of shonen jones biggest hits ever probably third behind dragon ball in one piece what i want to say is that despite its infamous reputation nowadays it wasn't always like that for the better part of a decade from 2000 to 2009 naruto was considered top tier quality of not just shonen jump but of the entire manga medium and when you look at it objectively you really can't say that about it anymore what i most enjoyed about the series was the individual character arcs my personal favorite outside of the main three was nichi's story of fighting against his fate how he's been treated as a slave his whole life with no expectation of being anything more than that which by the way had a really crappy resolution that i'll get into later goddammit kishimoto now before anyone asks did the ending of naruto make you hate all of anime no it didn't make me hate anime it made me retroactively hate the series or at least part two yeah i can still look back at part one as a very good story but part two on the other hand well this is where the series starts to go downhill but it was a gradual sense of decay there are three arrows in naruto the first is part one which is the original anime the second is part two which is referred to as shipy dawn in the anime and the third is borto but we don't talk about that for the record when it comes to analysis of this series let me tell you my rule if it isn't in the manga i don't care if studio pro wrote it i especially don't care they are not to be trusted for reasons i might get into later so part 2 begins with naruto looking over the village after some humorous reintroductions where we see that naruto and soccer have taken after jurai and tsunade which doesn't bode well for sasuke considering he's with orochimaru kakashi trains them again and this panel right here where naruto and sakura crumble at the mere mention of sasuke's name is the highlight of a major problem that inhibits their growth as characters for the remainder of the series i mean it's kind of understandable at this point but as time goes on it gets more and more annoying we do get to see some good flashes of how naruto and soccer have grown with sakura now having freakish superhuman strength eventually they get the bells by threatening to spoil kakashi by the end of jara's new book which is not quite how i would have done it but i suppose it works we do get a good introduction to the yakovsky having them kidnap garsors as a way to make it personal kishimoto also does a good job establishing koski's leader who is shrouded in shadow also we learn what their goal is to extract all nine of the tail beasts so that they can conquer the world gara being the first kishimoto also sets very clear rules here that extracting a tale of beast is an intricate process that takes a few days and the more tails the longer it will take this just reminds me of that moment with a certain someone you all probably know what that moment is and i'll cover it when we get to it it's here that we learn there are nine total tale of beast creatures which is a bit of a retcon because there was nothing that indicating the tuning exams that gar and naruto's inner monsters were connected in any way but one that was done so the story could be tied together a bit more but it does manage to convince you that gar is being killed off here which of course he wouldn't actually do but more on that later as for other side things team guys fight with kasami happens well actually it's more or less guy versus kasami neji rockley and tenten don't do much the highlight of the arc is definitely sakura and chio versus hisori who serves his role nicely as a starter villain the emotional highlight is when chio gives her light to bring gara back to life in a nice moment a little curious highlight is kakashi is shown with his shrine gone on when chia was bringing gara back to life but as far as i can tell this went nowhere nothing in this arc was particularly bad and characters are still progressing nicely on a side note i reminded just how much better neji was than hinata at well everything but anyway we are one ark into part two things are solid and looking up and then we get introduced to two new characters who i'm going to be honest are two of the most worthless characters kishimoto has ever introduced sai and yamato who are standing in for the replaced sasuke and kakashi who is in the hospital as a way of getting the dextex machina out of the way we get more introductions of the now teenage konoha tunin and then we get introduced to sai in the first of his many penis jokes so the newly formed teen kakashi introduced themselves and naruto mentions that sasuke is way cooler than psy oh goody naruto i guess you would hype up your boyfriend huh basically what psy is meant to be is an insight into the darker secrets of the hidden leaf village particularly this man named danzo who i will cover more extensively when i reach the kage summit arc since he's the primary villain there for now that we do get some insight in that he competed for the hokage position with the third hokage which makes you wonder why he didn't try to cease power after the third died but he probably hadn't been created yet at the time kishimoto is well known for making it up as he goes so they are confronted by orochimaru and naruto goes crazy even going for tails in the process and we do get some interesting information the nine tails demon fox is slowly taking over naruto jaraya has fought to contain it i must say it's rather amazing that naruto is going for tails because of orochimaru talking about sasuke yeah i really should make the jokes but it's just so so easy goes on a secret mission even actually abandoning sakura to die but yamato saves her i guess that's the thing in this series leaving people to die naruto has turned back and sly goes with hirochimura because his mission is to kill sasuke but he can't go through of it because of reasons this does lead to yamato telling naruto that he shouldn't rely on the nile entails power but rather his own which is kinda broken later on though this does lead into naruto's development for the next arc the only real thing that happens in this whole arc is that naruto and sasuke meet for the first time and it's meant to highlight just how far sasuke is above naruto as highlighted by the fact that he's literally standing right above him but anyway sasuke is no longer the same he's even more of a jerk naruto's team leaves having accomplished absolutely nothing but they got psy as a friend yay this arc was the first major misstep it does further some more development to the nine tails it does contain a crucial name drop of madara uchiya and it's kind of weird considering what we know about him later on that sasuke doesn't know who he is but the thing is he couldn't have sasuke return to the village just yet so the only thing he could do is just show that sasuke is still above them but overall sai is just a worthless character who never should have been created so following that we get some minor attempts to flesh say out where he tries to get to know everyone including a scene where he tells sakura she's ugly and then he decides to tell eno the opposite of what he feels he calls her beautiful even though what he actually meant was that she was ugly yeah and this is why they ended up married in the end yeah so whatever the case the next arc begins of hidden kuzu as the villains in this arc naruto noticeably takes a backseat oh he's still present but this arc is primarily shikamaru's story let's take a break hidden in kukusu attacked the hidden leaf village and in the struggle ostama is killed this was quite the surprise when i first saw it i understand why i was done though this is supposed to be a story about growing up and what better way for sheikh and maro than to have him lose his teacher and mentor oh and eno and joji do but more on that in a minute but it does give a sense of a coming of age and sometimes growing up sucks naruto's story is that he is training to do another recent gun so he can take back sasuke oh god this is where naruto's sasuke obsession starts to get really annoying i'm going to save my faults only when i get to the kage seminar west assured i will not hold back so whatever the case she can marrow eno and shoji decide to go and get revenge for asuma with kakashi tagging along so he helps these kids get revenge for asuma but wouldn't help sasuke get revenge on hitachi a bit hypocritical but i suppose i can at least excuse this since the zuma is a comrade from kashi's class what really stands out to me is that it's all about shikamaru's growth as a character eno and choji are just kind of along with the ride i mean i understand kishimoto wanted to give shikamaru his time in the spotlight but it does seem that eno and choji had to suffer because of it but on the other hand shikamaru's story in this arc is genuinely good stuff it was a good coming of age story team 7 arrives for reinforcements and by that i mean naruto sakura and sly don't do anything this may have been because apparently this arc was supposed to last longer but kishimo's editor told him to wrap this up much quicker and you can kind of tell too because the conclusion is a bit rushed i do enjoy kakashi mentioning that the next generation always surpasses the last but te kishimoto honor that theme in the end well that's a tricky question but unfortunately after that we get the first major beginning of the downfall of naruto the hunt for itachi arc ores is otherwise known as the year of sasuke this is the part in the story where sasuke basically takes over his main character and oh boy this is not going to be fun so to start off we see sasuke is trying not to kill people who he has no beef with after all we can't have sasuke become irredeemably bad can we then sasuke proceeds to do the beginning of kill off all the villains who are more interesting than he is urochimaru has been a good villain he's affected the plot he's been a major fret i can't wait to see the ultimate confrontation with him and sasuke just killed him while he was sick that sure was anticlimactic so sasuke then recruits three new characters to his team so he can honeytochi and supposedly from what i can recall kishimoto didn't even want to introduce these characters and you can kind of tell because they are completely boring suigetsu who is literally introduced naked because why not jugo who is basically an even lamer version of brawley from dragon ball and caron who seems to be the generic tough girl until okay she has a split personality disorder it's the only possible explanation or sasuke has some magic power that lets girls become irrationally stupid when around him meanwhile naruto's team teams up with team 8 and this goes absolutely nowhere the game ninja stormtrooper even excludes this whole sequence because it's so pointless there's some minor setup with kabuto it honestly seems like hishimoto forgot about for a long while yeah there did seem to be a thing by having naruto's team team up with one of the other teams of konoha rescue garo was with team guy the last articles with team 10 and now this stark with team 8 and unfortunately kishimoto squandered any kind of opportunity to flesh out all of these characters so we get another sasuke fight scene because daedara is pissed that somebody else killed orochimaru instead of him it's just an excuse to have another sasuke fight scene i liked adara he has a good personality and he was pretty popular in the popularity pools i hope he's around for a while though he committed suicide by blowing himself up never mind well he sasuke is dead never mind he's alive and how is he alive i mean he was pretty exhausted in law and chakra but he somehow managed to sum amanda a heavy chakra consumption puts him under a genjutsu also a heavy chakra consumption and used manda as a shield you know what sasuke has done here is completely and utterly ridiculous even by this series standards no wonder people call this the great snake escape it's the first major asphalt by the sharingan and unfortunately it will not be the last meanwhile in the midst of this uchiha family drama we finally get official confirmation that the fourth hokage was naruto's father and we learned his mother's name kashina what falls is actually really tense fighting as we get a lot of insight into joriah's backstory as he goes to search for the leader of the yakovsky we see that his pupils have turned evil kind of like obi-wan and darth vader basically his prized people from the third war is now the leader of akoski payne payne with an a not an e there is no e in his name people sorry you really get the sense that jorah is as powerful as he's built out to be and pain comes across as dangerous and then jariah dies it's a very sad chapter as dry believes his entire life has been a failure he failed to save orochimaru he failed to win tsunade he failed to save his teacher and people his pupils turned evil but there was one bright spot naruto jaraya realizes that his role in the story was not to fix everything no that's narrative's job jariah's death is spectacular and it's one of my favorite moments in the series now did naruto succeed where dry failed well that's a little touchy but i'm not going to get into it now but this was genuinely good stuff jariah's final moments were perfect had part 2 had more moments like this it would probably be better remembered of course this is where we find out that naruto is the child of prophecy something i felt was wholly unneeded and it definitely undid the whole naruto was the underdog appeal though i suppose being the sun the forfokage kind of already did that here's why i think it was done throughout this story to this point sasuke was the one driving the plot sasuke acts naruto reacts that's how it was going the child of prophecy hook was done so kikishimoto could make naruto the star again meanwhile sasuke is facing off of hitachi okay i thought there's been so much buildup to this that there is no way that this fight could be bad and then hitachi pulls out the susano making yet another [ __ ] power-up for the sharingan and how does the power from the eyes summon a magic armor that basically makes you immortal oh and hiroshima comes out and gets resealed immediately so yeah that's anticlimactic death number two still would have been preferable to him getting away with everything but that's another story anyway hitachi dies rather suddenly too and just kind of eh forget it sasuke wakes up and it turns out that toby is really uchiha madara yeah this twist there was always something odd about toby but i do feel this was dumb because pain was about to be killed off so kishimoto needed a new villain to keep the series going now i know who he really is and i'm going to pretty much give it away later on when i cover my analysis of what could have been different but i'll get into that later madara tells sasuke that hitachi was really loyal to kona all along and he wanted sasuke to kill him and return home a hero the konahan elders were the ones responsible for the uchiha massacre so hitachi killed his own clan to prevent a war this was controversial i didn't mind it so much it was definitely planned from when sasuke was having his flashback at the end of part one but unfortunately and kishimoto admitted this he didn't get the idea to make hitachi a good guy until later on which caused clashes from how he was originally portrayed when hitachi first appears he's basically just a true bad guy with no redeeming qualities whatsoever but now we're supposed to buy that he's always been secretly a good guy despite putting his brother through a cruel genjutsu and driving him away from home to seek power from orochimaru oy yeah hitachi kind of sucks his good guy doesn't he the problem is genocide is never okay and kishimoto doesn't give a reason for why this situation could have been resolved peacefully so we're supposed to see tachi is this good guy who really loves his brother all along despite the fact that he put him in a cruel genjitsu twice that just doesn't add up at all but anyway sasuke then becomes completely unlikable because he decides to just kill all of konaha it doesn't really make any sense but okay here's the problem hitachi was based out to be sasuke's ultimate obstacle defeating him was sasuke's ultimate touch which he didn't even technically do he taught you let him win but i digress once sasuke does that his story is over so those kishimoto had to do something with sasuke because his story had basically been concluded but by doing this sasuke has become completely and utterly unlikable no i didn't used to mind him too much but after this oh you better believe i hated him like all the conclusions you can come to and this is your reaction one of many many stupid decisions by sasuke so then sasuke is sent after the eight tales host because that's the next tl beast to be captured yeah kishimoto really glossed over that didn't he any other writer would done something with all the other tale besos but not kishimoto oh no all that time we spent on sasuke and he taught she could have been better used to develop other characters outside the main cast and expanded on the world of naruto the world feels so big and expansive yet so small and narrow at the same time it is gratifying to watch killer bee kicks sasuke's ass but then slavsky pulls another move out of his ass and seemingly captures killer b but it turns out kirby let him win so that he could get away for a while uh-huh meanwhile back in the village naruto learns the derives death and is well paced well done and i like that it was aruka who comforted him and it gives nar to the motivation he needs to avenge him so what happens next is we get naruto away on trending while the leaf village is attacked by pain this was actually really well done as i genuinely believed that characters were dying for good i even actually got scared that he was really going to kill kakashi who would have died for choji of all characters i mean that should have been a sign that it wasn't going to stick if kakashi was to die he should die for naruto sasuke and sakura basically this is classic shonen storytelling the main hub area is under attack the good guys are fighting insurmountable odds against the main villain all while the main hero is incapacitated or training this is done to keep your main hero out of the picture so he doesn't resolve everything right away i must admit i love naruto's return it was incredibly hype inducing and the action is top notch you even get the sense that naruto would have won but payton was able to distract him and pin him down payne brings up that the smaller villagers are oppressed and how he wants to bring peace to them specifically this is actually really interesting world building i was really curious to see what kishimo would do with this as it would add a sense of moral ambiguity to naruto's struggle and of course he did nothing with it all this world building was for absolutely nothing fantastic kishimoto just fantastic he not decides to prove that the power of love means absolutely nothing went up against the power to repel gravity ouch so naruto goes six tails which is a little disappointing i was hoping kishimoto wouldn't bring it back for this fight so now naruto is at his lowest point but then naruto meets his dad yeah i remember this had a fair deal of hype i think it's a little bit of a dx machina unfortunately but one that kind of makes sense it does make sense that monato would have some kind of safeguard it is kind of amusing to see naruto give his dad a punch to the stomach because he sealed the cubie inside him so we get some touching words that i like chris father and son so anyway naruto goes back beats pain and tracks the real pain to his location whose name is nagato which i haven't mentioned yet we see that nagato is a decrepit old man i actually didn't mind this because i kinda like the contrast that created it's just like how darth vader was this big imposing bad guy and then at the end of return of the jedi you see that he's really a weak old man but we get a very long and uninteresting backstory unfortunately and i must admit i checked out why i was reading this throughout the whole fight nagato has been challenging naruto's views how will he bring peace to a world that is torn apart by war and naruto didn't really have an answer it basically just goes like this how will you bring peace i don't know all right i'll just destroy everything how will you bring peace i'll do something that's a much better answer i instantly regret everything that nagato brings everyone back to life killing himself in the process basically going all shenron on us this was controversial back then because unfortunate kishimoto didn't really set the idea that he could do this i think he realized he wrote himself into a corner by killing off most of those characters so he realized oh crap i gotta bring them all back still that being said i do like the moment where naruto gets welcomed back as a hero because it does feel earned however this also feels like an ending naruto's whole story is about gaining acceptance becoming loved and he's pretty much accomplished that his personal story is complete i do think that it could have been saved for the ending of the series but for this particular moment at this time it works well enough but we still have a whole other half to go as this is chapter 450 and this series is 700 chapters oi this could have been a beautiful ending to the series and i wish it was but we still had some loose ends to clean up for now though next time we're going to be getting into the deep territory as i think the next arc is where everything truly started becoming undone next is the kage summit arc and oh boy this is not going to be fun i'm going to warn you starting with the next video i will be letting goose my personal feelings towards this series yep we have reached that point many have different opinions as to when the downfall of naruto began some say at the beginning of part two some say the year of sasuke some say the end of the pain vision some say it was crap from the very beginning and was never good now i can respect all of those opinions even if some of them are dead wrong but i don't hate on the series because i want to hate it i don't hate it because i need something to rant about this was the first manga i ever read in serial release and i really wanted it to be good i had hoped that naruto would recapture the magic it once had but unfortunately as time went on i lost my patience and for me the seeds for the end began with this arc the kage summit arc this is the arc where everything goes wrong also before we begin i feel a bit of behind the scenes information as necessary you see i created most of naruto's early success not entirely the kishimoto but to his original editor sosuke yahagi who seems like he was the real creative force behind naruto because without him well naruto wouldn't have been what it was editors and shonen jump are a very tricky thing they can help you out immensely or they can interfere in the creation of your story like how in the cell saga of dragon ball the villains kept changing because toriyama's editors didn't like the villains he already had but that's another story if i would say toriyama and kishimoto are similar in any way is that they both need someone to reel them in for doing something too wacky like the buu saga and dragon ball which was my least favorite arc of the series and even that had its good moments but back on topic yohagi left around the time of sasuke versus hitachi and it can be assumed that he and kishimoto had planned out the pain invasion arc in advance but after this kishimoto had a new editor whose name i can't find and with a new editor comes a new direction and if you've been paying attention to the title of these videos it was not a good direction from this moment on we have what my friend and i like to call the kishi way one g equals 30 b plus two a u plus r what do they mean i'll tell you g equals good b equals bad a equals ass pull u equals uchiha r equals rinagon basically what it means is that for every one good chapter you're going to get 30 bad ones with two ass pulls per sharing gun or rinagon user that's the kishi way to start off tsunade is in the comment because kishimoto no doubt needed her out of the way so donzo could make his move yeah danza pretty much takes over as the main antagonist of this arc so everyone's trying to pick a new hokage while sonata is unconscious they're going to pick akashi but then donzo convinces him to make him ogagi with just a two second speech so basically what happens here is we get some more comparisons between naruto and sasuke naruto didn't understand sasuke before because he didn't experience a loss like sasuke did but now with jarya's death he understands unlike sasuke naruto didn't take revenge even though his eye keeps stressing sasuke didn't actually kill hitachi itachi just dropped dead however things get complicated since sasuke attacked killer b and abducted him donzo's first order of business is to kill sasuke of course naruto and soccer don't take the news well that sasuke's gone rogue and sakura proceeds to regress wildly by crying about it nice going kishimoto before we begin let's look at this color page dear lord naruto what is wrong with your arms kishimoto has his strengths as an artist but perception is not one of them meanwhile madar tells sasuke that donzo is the one who gave the order to kill the uchios so sasuke decides to go kill him the kage meeting where he'll be heavily guarded makes total sense oh sasuke anyway madara decides to stop being cautious and mentions his moon's eye plan oh god no not yet soon though very soon then we finally get introductions to all the other kage's which has been a long time coming and i do like them even if the music kake is way too obsessed with finding a husband because kishimoto naruto lets himself get beat up so that they won't beat up sasuke sly points out that naruto has no reason to be doing this for sasuke and as much as i don't care for psy i kind of agree with him here but i'll get into it at the end of the video so naruto mentions that he met the fourth and kakashi reveals that he knows he's his son i do question when exactly kakashi figure that out if he always knew and kept quiet about it but then again i have a feeling kishimoto really screwed up here so whatever the case on the way to the meeting donzo is attacked and we find out that he has the sharing gun oh dear god no not again anyway naruto meets with the rykage who is killer beasle their brother named a get it a b oh boy not getting into that but naruto decides to do the opposite of what he should do and cries and begs raikake did not take revenge on sasuke when if anything if naruto had just gone sage mode and broken a boulder the right cocky probably would have listened to him you're not making a strong showing for yourself naruto why kishimoto why so the kages argue about what to do with akoski the rest of the kids decide that they're going to kill sasuke so nobody else will want to take revenge makes total sense besides i find it all completely laughable that you guys think you can kill sasuke he probably would have killed you all in one move you know cries for the guy despite the fact that she doesn't know him sakura decides to go talk to naruto herself which is the beginning of the end for her but that's shipping talk i'm not getting into that right now anyways zetsu decides to spell out that sasuke is nearby and madara goes to talk with naruto meanwhile we get to see the samurai who look really cool but are utterly wasted that's another kishimoto equation give interesting world building and then do absolutely nothing with it then a very confusing panel that implies that something is possessing sasuke like i still don't get what kishimoto was going for with this but then sasuke starts killing people so he's pretty much thrown away his whole never hurt innocent so another step towards becoming evil if he's not already there anyway raikage and sasuke fight and it's just another excuse for slavsky to do more [ __ ] powers with his stupid macguffin that kishimoto just decided on now the equation is strong people jugo and suey gets to decide to help and do absolutely no good whatsoever you know i'll just get my rant about these three characters out of the way it's so incredibly obvious that kishimoto wasn't very interested in them so he gets who is the only one who could have a character if only kishimoto actually bothered meanwhile madara tells narche about the curse of hatred which runs deep within sasuke and how that is driving him we get some backstory information on the sage of six pass who had two sons one was the ancestor of the senju and the other the uchiha the two brothers came to clash and it's repeated throughout generations naruto and sasuke are the next two that do this okay anyway back to the fight there's one glorious moment where rykoge slams sasuke into the ground and it's just beautiful if only he died there anyway gar tries to reason with sasuke but sasuke just gives a lame response that my only goal lies in the darkness like an idiot then soloski activates his own susano out of nowhere people like to complain about rey from the star wars sequels getting powers too easily and i agree it's a problem but it's also a big reason why i hate sasuke because he gets everything handed to him on a silver platter sasuke basically decides to leave jugo and sui gets you behind which is odd remember when he fought of team seven when he was protecting these guys from killer b although a bit of an art error was made as it's part one naruto and part two sakura for some reason but i digress sasuke is rescued by madara who then reveals what his plan is madara teleports sasking car into another dimension because this ring can do that now that's it no more holding back the sharing gun in part one was basically a tool used by ninjas to become more powerful when they turned it on that meant they meant business but in part two the sharingans basically become do whatever the hell i want power up whenever kichimo needs a new power rather than inventing a new jutsu just have the sharingan do it the equation people remember the equation then badar reveals that he wants to make the ten tails now kishimoto is absolutely making this up because in the original folktale of the nine-tailed beasts there was no ten tails kishimoto probably needed something to unite everybody basically long story short madara is going to use the moon as a projector screen to broadcast his powerpoint of doom why wasn't payne the final villain he was perfect madara wants them to cooperate they say no so madara decides to declare war which is odd if you had just worked in secret they would have never found out about it and would have never united to stop you why is everybody so stupid so the congress decided to form a ninja alliance yeah this let me explain what could have been done better when i get to the end anyway some other stuff happens soccer decides to go after sasuke on her own killer b and reikagi seemed to kill kisame which was odd but then kishimoto decided no just kidding so i tells naruto that sakura couldn't tell him that they were going to kill sasuke sakura is going to kill him because she loves him ugh her stupid infatuation not love infatuation completely kills any progress or character makes and naruto reacts by having a panic attack and fainting moving on madara decides to attack donzo or by allowing sasuke to fight him then damsel reveals that his arm is covered in sharing guns which is the stupidest thing i have ever seen in any manga and i've seen a lot of stupidity anyway sasuke gets confirmation from don so that the order of the massacre of the uchihas was true sasuke and danzo fight and sasuke shows that he can summon hawks yeah when did he learn that god damn it kishimoto you just keep giving [ __ ] power-ups to sasuke now i know sasuke was shown riding a hawk on the cover of one of the first chapters but you can't just show that he has that without proper build up so sasuke and dance will continue fighting and sasuke pulls out an even more powerful susanoi oh my god why oh lord i haven't even gotten to the war arc i'm going to go insane when i get there anyway sasuke and danzo stab each other don't die because of [ __ ] healing powers i didn't mention before but it's really dumb that karen's healing power requires the person in question to bite her arm like what's up with that why couldn't it just be normal medical jutsu anyway darling takes care and hostage and sasuke uh yeah okay that's it i'm done no more excuses and i must admit i'm not a fan of karin but sasuke is an irredeemable prick now i don't want him to be redeemed i want him to die horribly anyway madara ordered sasuke to kill corinne and she flashes back to when sasuke saved her which is why she likes him i'm struggling to figure out where this takes place exactly but either way it's a retcon anyway sakura shows up she's planning to kill him but she acts like she wants to go along with him sasuke tells her to kill car and to prove it but sasuke tries to kill sakura too because one event of crossing the moral event horizon wasn't enough he's gotta do it twice but kakashi shows up and stops him kakashi does show a bit of good writing here as he takes responsibility for what's happening he tries to reason with sasuke who yeah he won't stop until they bring back his clan and family what a [ __ ] also sasuke really wants to kill kakashi not sure when he ever had that inkling but okay i do like kakashi's way of rationalizing it that he still cares for sasuke in spite of how far he's fallen naruto flashes back to how hitachi told him that sasuke is a blank converse that can be filled with any color which roughly translates to hilfo whatever role the offer will need him to do sakura tries to kill sasuke again but fails him because oh my god i swear every panel this arc just gets worse and worse what is it about sasuke that causes soccer to lose all ability to think like a rational human being what does she see in this [ __ ] sasuke tries to kill sakura again because yeah hooray for cruelty but naruto arrives and saves the day so now naruto and sasuke finally confront each other naruto tries to tell sasuke he understands only for sasuke to continue acting like a little [ __ ] sakura actually defends naruto which is like finally it doesn't make up for how stupid she is around sasuke but it's a start sasuke claims it feels good to be a murdering psychopath yeah um evil he's evil now naruto and sasuke charge naruto reflects that their roles could have been reversed which is a common theme for many stories but as we later find out their roles were never meant to be reversed at all nice job being consistent on that kishimoto that should be another equation i'll think about it anyway madara and that's who stopped the fight because sasuke's about to go blind naruto says he still sees sasuke as our friends by everything he's done and that they'll both die when they fight which doesn't go anywhere and sasuke responds by telling madar that he's going to kill naruto first and madar is probably smiling under his mask and this arc ends with no chance whatsoever to be satisfying oh and kabuto is back more on him next time so yeah i pretty much spent the majority of this video bitching endlessly about how much i hate this arc so i guess you don't need me to sum it up but this arc just fails to deliver on every count don't get me wrong this arc didn't finish naruto the war arc finished naruto for reasons i will get into later but the kage seminar exhumed the body dug the grave and made all the funeral arrangements to analyze why it's so heartbreakingly bad i'll cover the four major characters in this arc first let's start with donzo donzo ends up feeling wasted and so he's disappointing i get the idea was that he was supposed to be like magneto he had good intentions but went about it the wrong way unfortunately instead of using donzo as a way to have a civil war occur within the leaf and test loyalties among the characters he's instead just uses another character to hype up sasuke he added some moral ambiguity but kishimoto just did not know how to handle that worse than that though is how the three main characters naruto sasuke and sakura are handled let's start with sakra poor sakra she was on her way to becoming a good character and then this arc happened she took five steps backwards she completely fails that everything she sets out to do loses the nerve to kill sasuke her sasuke obsession is back in full force and at the end she decides i'll just be useless so any kind of progression she had is gone nice going kishimoto nice going naruto spends most of the art crying about how everyone is going to kill sasuke yeah soccer's obsession with sasuke is bad but i'm not cutting naruto any slack for his this arc feels like a wasted opportunity with naruto this series is supposedly about narch's progression becoming hokage what he was lacking was leadership this should have been the arc where he learned how to be a leader he should have been the one that rallied the nations against madara he should have been the one taking charge of the sasuke situation instead of having everyone else do it so many missed opportunities just uh instead of crying he should have been trying to take charge worse than all this is sasuke oh god sasuke sasuke in the stark suddenly turns from anti-hero to out and out villain kishimoto took sasuke way too far his sudden change in attitude is not believable in the slightest he throws away his comrades tries to kill and soccer without remorse and just comes off as a complete psychopath now some people say oh he wasn't in the right state of mind well by your logic joker shouldn't be held responsible for all the terrible things that he does and that's truly disturbing now if sasuke was a good kid who was tragically tempted by revenge and hatred it'd be one thing but instead like anakin from the star wars prequels sasuke is written as a bad apple from the start he's closed off he's cold and distant and is just overall completely unlikable character now people argue is it more important that your characters be admirable or complex i think it depends on the series but in the showdown series it's definitely more important that your characters be likable and sasuke is not likable in the least let me compare sasuke the shadow from sonic adventure 2. shadow starts off as someone who wants to kill everyone because he thinks that's what his friend maria wanted but when he realized that wasn't what she wanted he repented and helped save the world at the cost of his own life until he came back in the next game because he was so popular but that's another story sasuke on the other hand knows that this isn't what hitachi wanted and is doing it anyway this stems from the problem we are never shown team seven going on missions in part one outside of the land of waves therefore we have no reason to understand why they want to get sasuke back so badly sasuke as we have seen is not someone who naruto or soccer should be looking back on with any kind of fondness hell if i were naruto i would not look back on sasuke of any kind of longing for the old days if anything i'd be uncomfortable talking about him and my only regret would be that i didn't kill the bastard when i had the chance but we're not done yet i have one last bit of the series to praise and i'm going to do it real quick before we get to the work which as i've already pointed out was where naruto became irredeemably bad i have a little bit over 200 chapters left to cover and i need to be prepared so i'm going to buy the biggest bottle of alcohol i can get this is not going to be fun [Music] well we're near the end and quite frankly i can't wait to finally put this series behind me so i can move on with my life but as you can tell by the title this is the last bit of the series that actually feels like it's a worthy addition to the series it's the arc where we finally get answers to what happened on that fateful night the fourth focus sealed the nine tails inside of naruto it's an arc that was a long time coming and for what it's worth i feel kishimoto generally delivered but before we analyze why it was so good it's time for some backstory during the time of the series kishimoto was a very busy man in the time of naruto's publication he got married and had two kids it was around this time that kishimo's wife actually came up to him and basically said something along the lines of now that you have kids don't you want to show nara to his family and that she wanted naruto's mother to get involved in the story kishibo said something along the lines of it was originally going to be one to two chapters but at her insistence it became a full volume wow do you not care about your main character's history i guess because it's not uchiha related why would you so whatever the case naruto tells the rest of the konai kids to leave sasuke to him sonati wakes up so we are a spare kakashi becoming hokage oh boy that reminds me of the ending i'd be getting ahead of myself though so we're not going into it yet remember kakashi's line of being unworthy for the position i will anyway naruto gets summoned by the great toad sage who tells naruto his future that he will meet an octopus and fight a young man with powerful eyes but naruto cuts him off saying that he already knows all that and yeah i mean you could have at the very least let him finish naruto it might have been useful info but it's important because they give him the key to undo the force seal it's finally time for naruto to confront the nine tails meanwhile kabuto decides to form an alliance with madara while showing a secret coffin that gets him a little nervous the whole purpose of this scene is so kishimoto could provide an army for madara to fight with which makes me wonder just what exactly was his plan kabuto came to him not the other way around really this was dumb because kishimoto realized that he wrote himself into a corner by killing off most of his villains before the war arc so he had to bring them all back to life so the army would have something in the fight for what it's worth i did agree with naruto's reasoning here that he needs to stop running from the nine tails power and he needs to embrace that he wants to have a chance at beating sasuke meanwhile the coggies decide that the best thing to do is to hide naruto and kill ibisa and madara can't track them which is stupid why would you not want to have your most powerful ninja on the battlefield let's bear in mind madara does have seven of the nine-tailed beasts already but whatever the case naruto and killer bee finally meet and let's just say i love this kishimoto finally gave me what i wanted two idiots interacting with each other and it's hilarious anyway killer b agrees to help nara to master his tale of beast and takes him to the waterfall when naruto encounters another naruto it's kind of like when luke entered the cave and the empire strikes back and found himself in darth vader a twisted mirror version of himself there's a lot of potential here also dark naruto's design isn't very original maybe it could have been like dark link where he's basically just link colored black with red eyes that would have gotten the point across better anyway dark naruto basically lectures naruto about how he's so easily slayed by helping the villagers despite them treating him like crap for years that's part of it but i was hoping we'd get more insight into naruto's shortcomings like what's going on with sasuke is even worse saving what's going on with sakra kakashi his feelings on jaraya being dead did he fail him there was so much potential for some good character digging here and it feels like kishimoto wasted it anyway we get a brief flashback as to how kirby gained control of the eight tails which just serves as another gnar to a sasuke apparel because sixty percent of naruto's lore are naruto sasuke perils anyway random squid attack which is meant to show that killer b is compassionate and that naruto should be too so naruto goes back and pretty much talks his dark side down yeah talk no jutsu but in this case i don't mind it because i understand what kishimoto was going for everyone has a light and dark half it's the side we act on that determines who we truly are and naruto was accepting that his dark half was a part of him so now naruto finally confronts the nine tails it's actually really well done as naruto must confront the evil of the 90's demon fox which has been said to be pure evil force just when it looks like naruto will lose but then the light comes in as kashina naruto's mother kishimo did a good job with her introduction it's a good shift from comedy to heartwarming kashina helps naruto take down the ninetales and mother and son talk and it's very nice they're very similar in personality then naruto asked sheena how she and minato fell in love yeah i'm getting a bit off tangent but [ __ ] you the last for saying that naruto doesn't know the difference between loving a person and loving food despite clear evidence the contrary in the manga despite being billed as cannon you will never be canned to the manga as far as i'm concerned and you're just a terrible movie in general i probably will have to address that movie when i get to the ending i'd love to make a critique tearing that movie apart but there's no way i could do without getting flagged for copyright and the narahina shippers would probably want my head on a platter they're rather tenacious anyway because she tells naruto the story of how she and minato fell in love and it's so good and engrossing for the first time in a while i was legitimately enjoying naruto again helps that that low some kant sasuke isn't involved there is a certain quality that comes out whenever sasuke isn't in the picture naruto is both of his mothers and fathers wheels together but now it's time for mother and son to get the work and it's outright badass the way they subdue the nine tails and naruto gets the results of it with a what is basically a super saiyan rip off i mean no really that's basically what it is it was still kind of disappointing we barely got to see him use sage mode and kishimo is already giving him a new form but before kashina can move on she's going to tell naruto the truth of what happened that night 16 years ago kashina was the original jinjarooki of the nine tails and that the use of maki clam were an offshoot of the senjukan which is another example of kishimeno barely going into the yuzumaki clan but anyway kashina tells naruto that there's one moment where the seal is weakest and it's during childbirth which means a male host will never have that problem but i digress of course kishimoto put in a scene with baby sauce game with their moms hoping that they'll be friends because of course he did anyway the birth goes without a hitch but then the masked man appears man that is such an evil man such a great way of conditioning us to hate him really hope kishimoto doesn't try to make him sympathetic the masked man extracts the nine tails from kashina and he sticks it on kong with only the fourth hokage standing in his way action is so good and we get to see why the four focus is so well known because he's so fast it's just awesome to look at they're able to get the nine tails sealed down and kashina with her dying breath says that she will take the ninetales into her and die with it but minato can't bear the fall kashina never meeting her son so he does something rather hasty and ensures that naruto will grow without either his parents but then i suppose he's highly emotional at this point so he's probably not thinking straight kashina's dying moments are to fill her sum of as much love as she can and it's really heartbreaking and minotaur just agrees with her then one final heartbreaking scene is narcissa says goodbye to his mother considering the foreknowledge of what ultimately ended up happening it's all the more sadder but not yet not yet anyway that's not quite the end of the arc kisame attacks and guy steps up to stop him because it's kind of fitting the fight between guy and kasami is adequate it's not my favorite but it does its job well enough and studiopro didn't absolutely crap tackle her job in animating it but that's one of their many failures kasami has a flashback which unless you're naruto or sasuke is typically a sign of death uncoming in this series kasami dies and it's about damn time but before we wrap up madara has decided to go visit conan he needs something of nagatos conan absolutely owns madar he really can't fight madara only wins for another sharingan asphalt the asagnage which basically allows people to bend reality to their will or something yeah i guess eyes can do that conan dies which is a bit of a shame as i feel kishimoto wasted her potential imagine if she came to help naruto during the war would have been epic and would have made her character much more memorable how come conan never fought sakura the setup was perfect yet kishimoto did nothing with it anyway some other setup stuff happens yamato gets captured and is probably forgotten about till the end of the series which is odd but the stage is set for the war to begin and that is where we will leave off for now let me tell you something i just finished chapter 514 and this series is 700 chapters which means the remaining 185 chapters covered this war and oh boy it had some good build up and people were hyped when it began but unfortunately it didn't live up to expectations however i called this video one last bit of quality because it is the story of naruto's parents is well done it's heartbreaking beautiful and there is a passion and a soul put into it a story without a soul isn't the story at all i maintained hopes because of this that the ending of the war would be memorable and unfortunately that was not the case but it's time to dig deep into this the next arc is the longest arc of naruto i know people break this into three arcs but for me it's one big arc and i'm prepared to go fully deep into under why the war arc sucked that's gonna be quite the journey anyway if you've been enjoying these videos please hit that like button subscribe button it really helps me out thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] barcode [Music] before we begin i'm going to make a little disclaimer i'd like to apologize if there are any audio issues but i was yelling so loud that i broke into the mic i'm sure you'll take that as a good sign oh boy we're here this is the big finale of naruto after the last heart delivered an emotional heart-wrenching story of two parents who couldn't raise their child there were hopes that naruto could be saved and as you can tell by the title i don't think it delivered but why didn't it deliver this arc is very long lasting from chapter 515 to 700 which is the epilogue so the answer to that well we're gonna be here for a while so let's get the introduction out of the way this can't be that bad can it now here's what kishimoto should have done before starting the war arc take a month off focus on planning out the ark to make sure it was really good and memorable and unfortunately he did not do that kishimoto rarely if ever pauses for research the only time i could remember him doing so is when he was revealing the truth about hitachi it tends to show as kishimoto makes things up as he goes now i can't necessarily bash kishimoto for that name is series and i guarantee you something was improvised in breaking bad at the beginning of season five the writers had no idea what what was going to use the gun for dragon ball was pretty much written as it went the thing is some writers can do this well that it works seamlessly kishimoto is not one of those riders so to start off we get establishment of the two armies one is of the five major villages and one is composed of white zetsu and zombies of characters who are dead yeah but the opening pages and garo's speech do a good job of setting up hype for the battles to come and then some unimportant characters fight instead we get some minor character advancements psy gets some closure with his brother which would have been great if i had actually cared here's the big problem the war arc at this early stage is that the battles were primarily between our heroes and characters who've been brought back to life and most of them are fighting the heroes against their will so thus there's really no tension to any of these fights we get some repeats as we have kakashi fighting zabazo and haku which i felt was unnecessary sabazo and haku had perfect endings why bring them back at all even zapazo seems to agree this was a chance to actually have soccer participate in fighting them but kishimoto doesn't take the opportunity to do so instead actor zabaza and haku are once again defeated we get what might have been kishimoto's biggest cocktails throughout the series kakashi has been built as the one who knows a thousand jutsus but he only ever seems to use like three here he's finally about to go on a rampage and we don't get to see it wow then we get introduced to the twins ken and jin who apparently were inside that nine tails and ate its chakra and oh my god i forgot about this they're basically dealt with incredibly easily and i just remember thinking oh that was a thing then kichimo gives team 10 another shining moment where they get the fight of summa even though he already gave team 10 a shining moment this is a reoccurring thing in the war kishimoto likes to give team 10 moments to shine at the expense of the other teams teammate and team guy wish they had these moments together we also have a minor scuffle going on between hanzo mifune which kishimoto really wanted to write but was told to cut it short and get back to the main characters and i have to agree with his editors on this one this fight was really boring because i honestly didn't care about the characters too much it's really hard to get invested in what's going on whatever the case this finally gets naruto to realize that something's wrong and he goes to war that was much quicker than i expected but i guess kishimoto was getting bored doing all these random one-off character battles here's the big problem with the war so far this war is pretty clear-cut black and white so far and that can work but here it just feels so odd because kishimoto is having naruto preach about how he wants to stop all the hatred but it doesn't really work here because they're fighting full out bad guys here's something i would change to fix that instead of having the adversaries be zombies and zetsu's how about instead having madara's army be the smaller villages that payne mentioned suddenly now this war isn't so black and white but has a shade of gray to it so now naruto is caught between wanting to save his friends and wanting to help the little guys but this kind of moral ambiguity is something kishimoto wants to avoid whenever possible also apparently despite one day of fighting both sides lost an absurd amount of casualties yeah all that father in just one day of fighting oh lord i remember this war spans about two and a half days in universe which means the rest of this series will cover one single day anyway madara enters the battlefield and naruto and kirby are stopped by tsunade and ricaghe for what it's worth i did like the flashback where the four phil cocky just dodges rykage's punch and then naruto does the same because you know parallels this whole sequence is just to convince raikkogen to let naruto and kill or be help and i do love how the rockets just resigned to do it although it's actually kind of nice until you get to the bar where madara literally revive the jinjarooki and has given each of them a sharing gun and a rinnegan to become the newest pain did i just read a fanfic anyway some other stuff happens the previous cog a comeback such as garr's father they are defeated which i thought was okay but then naruto and kilri come across hitachi and nagato and they start to fight hitachi is freed from kabuto's control by the crow he implanted into naruto which was also basically going to brainwash sasuke into slavery in case he tried to attract a village and uh yeah itachi you suck as a good guy you really do now granted i don't think this is what kishimoto intended for the crow to do but decided eh this is a good time to use it so itachi and naruto see away nagato who tells naruto the make up for the fear that he was and be a conclusion so spectacular that will make everyone forget what a failure he was anyway itachi basically tells naruto don't become like madara because he's trying to shoulder everything alone so hitachi leaves sasuke to him while he goes to stop kabuto and then naruto sends a cone to help fight the previous kage's and oh goody the lowsome [ __ ] is back now to be fair this was inevitable but you knew once he came back the hatred of a thousand burning suns would rise up again but then sasuke disappears again odd then things get thrown for a loop when the actual medara appears on the battlefield which is odd because if he's madara then who's the guy behind the mask madara gets a good introduction with how absurdly powerful he is but you just had to push it too far didn't you kishimoto of course then we get another [ __ ] that's not related to the sharingan or rinagon the coggies decided to use the flying god technique to get to the battlefield which apparently the fourth taught these guys which has never been mentioned before it's another case of how do i get my characters from here to their sort of situation but the stage is now set for the five congress to fight madara and naruto begins to fight toby so the final battle begins and no i don't mean a final battle i mean the final battle as in this is the fight that lasts till the end of the series and this is the end of chapter 563 oh boy okay well naruto and toby start fighting and it actually starts off pretty cool of all the jinjarooki being there it's a depth of scale that the series hasn't seen then we get a color page of sasuke joining the battlefield this was about 14 chapters later so it took sasuke that much time to get out of the hideout huh lord the pacing kakashi and guy arrive and it's pretty badass actually naruto then gets to talk to the tail beast and i like it as it gives them names like sun goku which is really really cool and the nine tales is karuma which is a yu yu hakusho's character's name admittingly the part where naruto takes on the force appearance i thought that was awesome then we get the rest of the kids on the way to assist naruto and how he's changed them and then we get the return of sasuke again the way this panel was done so many people thought sasuke had gained the ability to see beyond the fourth wall which was very possible so we are back to sasuke but what's going on with the kage's versus madara i kind of want to see that so whatever the case sasuke is going to head over to kill naruto but just happens to see hitachi which causes him to chase after him instead huh kishimoto keeps teasing that naruto and sasuke are going to fight and two years have gone by and they still haven't fought this better be worth the wait you freaking cocktails so sasuke changes down itachi and wants answers a bit understandably but hitachi decides to just ignore him and goes for kabuto but sasuke decides to come in anyway and the two brothers decide to fight together to defeat kabuto which i have to begrudgingly admit is badass so we now have three fights going on and i'll cover them one at a time we'll start with the ucha brothers versus kabuto this fight is dreadfully boring kabuto reveals that he has snake sage mode which i don't necessarily mind it does make sense that the snakes and slugs have a place for sage training of course kishimoto did nothing with the slug location which is typical of him also karen is a member of the uzumaki clan this means nothing in the grand scheme of things i still struggle to figure out what the point of this was anyway kabuto is completely invulnerable so kishimoto invents another ass pull for the sharingan by having hitachi pulled izame which oh so conveniently has the ability to counter what hitachi happens to be fighting ah the equation is still strong then kishimo decides to interrupt the fight with a flashback to kaputo's backstory but it's far too late for me to care and you don't do this in the middle of the fight you do this at the beginning or the end of the fight not during he also gives an explanation for how kabuto got his glasses ugh this is just like how the disney star wars stones have made such a big deal out of the dice for the millennium falcon they were just a random unimportant background prop and now they're this big important thing oh it's also why i dislike solo not everything needs to have an explanation anyway itashi tells goblido that he needs to accept who he truly is except for the fact that kabuto has done very evil things so therefore i don't buy that he's secretly a good person deep down you are who you choose to be also sasuke totally sucked in this fight itachi did all the work this will be a trend with sasuke anyway tachi turns off the edo tensei and sasuke says he will still destroy konoha because he's a [ __ ] but hitachi's final words and goodbye to sasuke are actually well done for what it's worth now before i continue i'll talk about the coggies versus madara and madar just beats the piss out of them without breaking a god damn sweat no seriously every time kishimoto focuses on this fight it's nothing but madara being better faster stronger than all of them at times it's pretty cool but mostly it's just sort of boring because he doesn't even look like he's being pressed hard he completely no cells every single attack they throw at him he edo tenses himself of all things after hitachi turns off and just oh god i could probably make a whole equation for madara's [ __ ] anyway toby decides to just screw it in some of the ten tales which is like uh it's too soon for the big finale i fought but i had no idea the amount of [ __ ] kishimoto had in store for this but sasuke now wonders what is a ninja so in other words sasuke's a dumb ass then jugo and sui gets to somehow find out where he is and sasuke decides to bring back a rochimaro oh no i really hate this i really wish kishimoto didn't bring him back we were done with him he was done but no he got to get away with everything what the [ __ ] kishimoto so sasuke decides to go find the ones who know everything you know i'm gonna be perfectly blunt here i thought sasuke was going to leap out of the pages of the manga and find himself in kishimoto's office i wouldn't have put that past him so whatever the case toby starts to summon the ten tails kakashi is able to figure out how toby's eye works and naruto is able to smash toei's mask and i'm not gonna lie i thought that was awesome toby's identity has been a cause for debate i remember one of the craziest fears was that he was sasuke from the future but there were so many ideas there was no way the answer could possibly be satisfying to everyone and that is why when it was revealed that he was the character who everyone originally suspected him to be obito now i actually really enjoy this chapter because it's almost done without dialogue you don't even need the heezobito line although the art error where the forfocal's heavy monument is up there is unfortunate i think it was fixed in the volume release anyway madara arrives and the story reaches its final climax which is going to be 100 chapters long oh god the [ __ ] that's about to end come this led to another flashback but one that was necessary as we needed to cover some history such as how it'll be to survive having a rock crush him that is not an explanation but whatever the case obito's motivation for doing everything is because rin died yeah it's not really a very good motivation at the same time i understand what kishimoto was going for obito is basically naruto but evil i thought that made for a fantastic peril and it was really helped to tie the story together also seeing kakashi kill rune did legitimately cause a shocked reaction at me when i first saw it but i guess unlike sasuke trying to kill sakura the peril hears that kakashi was successful [Music] [Applause] just kidding so whatever the case the stage is set the 10 tales is out it's time now for the final showdown man the ten tails sure is luckily now to be fair i think that was the indention but then the rest of the army arrives and they all form a united front man that took a while they didn't get here until what about 40 chapters ago after they started heading there anyway more fighting in oh my god this fight is still going isn't it some other stuff happens oh and negy dies yeah if you think that's a cliff note in my review it's a cliff note here too why couldn't neji and hinata have just blocked that attack together would have been much more badass i'll say my thoughts on why nedji's death was such a [ __ ] cop-out by kishimoto but it's pairing talk and we are nearly at that moment so we get some minor character development for the supporting cast and they form a big burden of love and friendship and there are minor moments that are awesome and all that but then we cut back to sasuke yeah the middle of the climatic showdown and we're cutting back to sasuke sasuke is back in kona and of course kishimoto takes the time to parallel naruto's arrival at the beginning of part two but then something very odd happens they walk into a secret hideout by the uzumaki's that have these incredibly dangerous and powerful masks and with those mess they get the four hokage out of the death god which is another ass pull i have so many questions how can they just walk into a place like this and why is such a place with such powerful and dangerous artifacts not being kept under guard how come naruto doesn't know about this place if they didn't want naruto to know about his heritage how come they gave him his mom's name considering his mom's family name is the one with all the backstory in history anyway sasuke decides to ask the four kage's questions well by that i mean he asked the first three hokage questions he doesn't ask to forfeit anything poor minato he gets the short end of the stick while he's back oh anyway one thing i want to point out is kishimoto has been very inconsistent as to which hokage is the strongest at first it seemed to be the third but now it seems to be the first but i'm not going to stress too much about it because it's really not that important the third hokage mentions that hitachi could have been ho god gay at age seven like are you serious you know i've often wished kishimoto did something about the fan base and studio pro's fanatical obsession with hinata but perhaps someone should have done the same thing to him when it comes to hitachi also the second hokage basically reveals that the uchiha are motivated by love not hate they love so much their wounds will not heal oh god this is awkward it's basically a brain disorder so whatever the case kishimoto decides to give us another flashback all while the battle to save the world is going on in a lot of ways it's an informative side story that goes into the history of hashiram and madara but dear god it was a dick move to do this it took a few months to get back to the conflict at hand now to be fair it does do a good job of fleshing out the first okay mandara's relationship i suppose it does humanize them but i was against showing their fight since i always felt it should have been left to the reader's imagination since there was no way it could possibly live up to expectations but then we cut back to sasuke and with all that he's been told he decides to help protect the hidden leaf village wow so sasuke's a good guy again well not quite good but good god talk about changing a character anyway before they head out karen shows up and it's suigetsu who gets the blunt of her rage instead of the guy who actually deserves it why is it that girls can't hit sasuke like why can't kishimoto just have a girl punch him but maybe she'll finally let sasuke have it for attempting to kill her i'm never gonna forgive you for what you've done sorry you you you you think sorry is gonna cut it after everything you put me through i i i you good for nothing i see you're as weak as always when it comes to sasuke or she can instantly forgive him ah yeah sorry i pierced you the final paddle with the coggies on top of their monument is kinda badass but it doesn't make up for how stupid this chapter was so we finally cut back to the battle some things happen and then the coggies and sasukes show up and we get a rather glorious battle the first telling madara that he comes later and maduro's reaction is just hilarious and team seven is reunited which is kinda awesome actually sasuke claims he's going to become hokage yeah sure soccer claims she needs to access her true power kishima really could have set this up better also i would have preferred soccer had gotten something unique to her instead of getting what tsunade already had but i imagine kishimoto was lazy the other kids get to fight some of the ten tails minions doing new attacks though hinatas is the most boring hooray you did something nedji could do when he was 12. team 10's attack is cool though and psy attempts to prove he's part of team seven but gets shot down then team seven summons their animal summons while naruto and sasuke get younger ones sakura gets katsia why can't soccer get something unique kishimoto also how the hell does the fourth have the nine tails chakra i mean he took it into his body so that it would die with him and yet it's with his spirit no that's not how it's supposed to work it would have been reincarnated once it died with minato so yeah minato having this power makes no sense anyway moving on oh that's right i forgot kakashi and obito are fighting but then obito teleports out and ends up becoming the ten tails jinjruki so now it's naruto sasuke and the kages versus obito with everyone else taking a backseat yet again this fight is not very interesting mostly because nothing happens for a while sasuke doesn't do [ __ ] basically this fight attack doesn't do anything sasik gets mad how powerful naruto is then when naruto is down sassy leaps in and says i'm just getting started well you're one to talk you didn't do anything so you are literally just getting started so naruto and sasuke defeat obito but of course naruto decides to talk no jutsu obito let me give you my thoughts on obito i think he made for a fantastic parallel to naruto basically naruto but evil like i said but unfortunately he became annoying because he kept repeating the same things and i get that naruto changes people by talking to them but it's just kind of annoying because kishimero keeps doing it you can't have all your villains be vader somebody's gotta be palpatine or frieza have somebody be as evil as frieza now start begging for your life not the families so beto is defeated and the tail beast are free now do you know what i wish it happened here let me show you the opening of dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi the battle is won but then [Music] can you just imagine how awesome it would have been if sasuke had started attacking naruto right then and there and they could have had their big fight with the whole world watching man it would have been so epic anyway obito decides to revive everybody but madara uses it on himself yeah why not and oh my god this fight is still going wherever the case everybody goes to fight madara and madara just beats the piss out of them without breaking a goddamn sweat again it's nothing but madara being better faster stronger than everyone he beats the first and second hokages without even trying he tanks an absurdly powerful blast does the susanna without his eyes you need the shrink on to be able to do this ascendo but no but dara gets to ignore this rule for some reason he also was able to extract all the tail beasts and seal them away without even trying remember how it took a koski days to seal one but dara doesn't care anyway it puts naruto on death's door and then he stabs sasuke and puts him at death's door which is great watching sasuke die slowly and painfully is almost worth the stupidity but you know what really should have happened here madara charges at the tail beasts and then yeah so guard takes naruto the sakura and tsunadi to save him meanwhile the third hokage is fighting off this thing with all five elements remember how it was clearly established that people can only use two elements and in really special cases do three well nice job being consistent on that rule kishimoto [ __ ] me this arc sucks what's the reason for this your rules kishimoto remember your rules if you don't obey your rules we have no reason to respect you as an offer anyway sakura actually gets a pretty cool moment where she keeps naruto's heart beating so that he won't die which is cool anyway minato and kakashi are fighting against black zetsu with hobito's body this is actually a pretty badass panel i must admit but the auto attempts to give naruto his qb power which raises the question as to why he didn't put half into naruto and half into kashina because it would have saved her life but he fails again then kakashi monato and gar attempt to stop madara but fail fortunately obito snaps out of his trance and steals it back from madara also one thing i'll get out of the way but minato has basically been reduced to a punching bag i remember my friends and i were debating about this my friend said i think the point is yeah he was a legend but he wasn't a god well apparently from what i've heard when kishimoto attended new york comic con 2015 a fan asked him this very question and kishimoto looked like a deer caught in the headlights and said he he seemed weak [Laughter] so anyway guy goes eight gates and it's actually pretty freaking awesome i love this chapter guy knows he's only stalling for time and that he's going to die but that's what makes this so awesome meanwhile naruto wakes up and starts talking to the sages six pass whose name i can't pronounce you think we would get a lot of information here but instead it's mostly wasted by having naruto asking him to speak normally oh and the sage has a brother now i'm sorry but what i hated this then i hate it now and i will always hate that the sage has a brother it was pointless and i don't care if it was done to tie in with that stupid movie that just makes it worse also naruto and sassy are reincarnations of the sages two sons so much for destiny doesn't exist not to mention as i pointed out this means naruto was wrong their roles were never meant to be reversed nice job on being consistent yet again kishimoto anyway naruto and sasuke are saved from death kabuto saved sasuke which is just yeah ah it's not even worth the time naruto saves guy from dying a warrior's death which kind of pissed me off i'd say swap neji's death for guy dying it would have made much more fematic sense and it would have been a good way for him to go infinitely better than having to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair so now naruto and sasuke have their new sage power-ups saucy gets the rinnegan because of course he does so the final battle is finally set and then madara rips out kakashi's eye and teleports the kamu dimension even though abito said that it was impossible for him to do that while he was merged with the ten tails but no madara gets to break yet another rule also i don't get mad at soccer here because really i think things would have been fine if madar hadn't asphored his teleportation powers i was more angry about that so whatever the case team seven has assembled again and kakashi flashes back to how his kids have grown which reminds me i'm due for a rant about him very soon so now madara emerges and some other stuff happens and he casts the infant sushi gourmet which traps everyone in it except for team seven because they're protected by soft case plot armor i don't know why that shields it but it just does anyway we then get sasuke acting like an [ __ ] by telling soccer and kakashi that they're useless now we are supposed to see sasuke as an [ __ ] here and don't get me wrong he is absolutely an [ __ ] here but he's not wrong either anyway we get brief flashes of everyone's dreams he not just dream is entirely predictable she can marrow's dream is amusing oh let me give a little rant here eno was actually doing pretty well for herself she was performing well and doing her job and she was kind of coming across as pretty capable but then kishimoto squandered all that progress by having her dream be to have sasuke and psy fighting over her nice going kishimoto on the other end of the spectrum i do like gara stream because it's nice to see naruto and gara hanging out as kids anyway the powerpoint ends and i seriously question why madar didn't attack them and break the shield i mean he's done everything else why couldn't he do that i think it was a missed opportunity to not have team seven get caught them having to see their dreams realized and then realizing wasn't real and each busting out through sheer willpower would have been much better than what happens next oh god what happens next at jump feast of 2013 kishimoto admit that he wrote madara so powerful that he didn't know how he was going to be defeated he even threw in this panel of madara coughing up the sage's tools which you would think would come back to bite him and the first gave sasuke a new move but these end up going nowhere instead this happens yeah so get this apparently all that's happened all the plot lines all the villains all this was specifically done so that zetsu could revive kaguya who we didn't even know existed until about 20 chapters ago yeah so kagia basically takes over madara's body and she claims that the genjutsu will turn everyone to white setsus for her army not sure how he went from ideal dreamworld to turning everyone into zetsus i thought the zetsus were made by madara but apparently kanye created them now another retcon so kagia decides to start teleporting everyone everywhere this is the only thing she does aside from shoot bones at people she supposedly has every single power known to man but does she use them she just throws bone at people as for her personality she has none kishimoto attempts to flesh her out by having her remember her two sons by looking at naruto and sasuke and that raises another point would you make up your mind are they the sage and his brother or the sage's two sons would it kill you to be consistent for one sushi motto you got the mission i know you're trying to have kakia fill this role as she says ancient evil has come back from the dead but you can't just use kagya in that role when madara already filled that role black zetsu basically reveals that he wrote something on a monument from a dar to read so basically everything that has gone wrong in the naruto world amounts to black sets to writing fan fiction yeah so everybody was basically manipulating each other into doing their building you ever see that scene in metal gear solid 2 towards the end where all the villains reveal that they were manipulating each other for their own ends it's the same thing here but even more stupid you know what you would think after nearly 15 years that things would be better that things would improve that everything would be tied together instead kishimoto just keeps adding more and more [ __ ] to a story that did not need to be in the story get me out of this i don't care get me out of this this is garbage garbage i can tolerate so much but only if i like the characters if i care about the characters but i do care i do not care about anything that is going on so make me care do something make me care about what is happening anyway they go for various dimensions an acid dimension for example then she gets the idea to separate naruto and sasuke but sakura and obito save him now why doesn't she just separate them again or just dump them in the acid dimension and be done with it well that would make too much sense anyway obito sacrifices himself to save naruto and sasuke and at long last obito is dead finally for what it's worth i guess it's the best possible ending that obito could have gotten and then naruto calls obito the coolest guy or the greatest god what a stupid moment but whatever obito is finally dead and we can move on and wait a minute why the [ __ ] are you standing up wait what [Laughter] so anyway after that wonderful little miracle team seven works together and they seal kaguya away not sure why they couldn't have done that to madara but whatever madara is spat out and the coggies teleport everyone back with the sages help it it's over it's over oh don't get me wrong it was rushed it was anticlimactic but i don't care the fight is finally over then we get a chapter of goodbyes kakashi and obitos goodbye is good ish kakashi shringan days are over which was expected and i do legitimately like hashiram and madara's final words to each other it's well done quick and to the point and it's the best possible ending madara could have gotten naruto's final goodbye to his dad is also well done it was nice of kishimoto to give closure to the last bit of quality the series managed to dish out too bad he made it meaningless in the end so all that's left is to dispel the infant tsukuyoni even though you would think that that would have been the first priority to free 99 of the world's population but then sasuke reveals that he wants to kill the kage's now to be fair i knew this was coming you hadn't been paying attention to sasuke if you didn't think it was going to happen so finally at long last the stage is set for naruto and sasuke's final battle i kept reading the series because i wanted to see this fight and it's finally time but before we can get to that soccer looks pissed oh is she finally going to yell at sasuke for being such an ass finally this has been a long time coming and she starts begging for sasuke to stop because she loves him [ __ ] sakura the girl who just landed the deciding punch to see okay away is now crying for sasuke to stop she has completely regressed backwards and her development become completely useless that's awful and it just seems so much worse considering i've had to go through so much information in such a short time she did have development through this arc finding out the enemy's plans promising naruto that they would bring sasuke back together stopping zetsuneji wiping out a thousand jubi clones bringing naruto back from the dead and sealing kagya all of that kishimoto has completely undermined in this moment none of this [ __ ] goes anywhere so way to go kishimoto [ __ ] falling through on foreshadowing and character velvet sakura just stand there and cry cry for your man as feminism marches right the [ __ ] on knocks her out with what the [ __ ] i hate this [ __ ] panel i hate the abuse inherited within it i hate that kishimoto drew this i hate that his assistants weren't horrified and tried to stop him i hate the deserters approved it i hate that studio pro animated i hate that this media translated it [ __ ] this [ __ ] panel [ __ ] everything it represents just god why is this in here why then kakashi steps up you think he would finally tell sasuke for how poorly he treats sakura and this leads me into a rant that i have been saving for over four years sakura just wanted to save you you tried to kill her once and she still just keeps shedding tears for you because loving you is torturing her who the hell are you no really who the hell are you sasuke is cruel to socrates and your general response is how dare you not return her feelings what the hell kakashi in terms of being a teacher you have failed sasuke i am not the biggest fan of sasuke as you can tell but when he says i have never returned her feelings he has a freaking point he is not obligated to return sakura's feelings and sasuke's turn to the darkness is partially your fault because of how poorly you have handled things oh and you didn't teach sakura a damn thing you taught naruto and sasuke unique abilities but sakura you didn't bother also sakura's feeling for sasuke have always been detrimental to her growth as a shinobi and as a person i'm not saying he should get involved with sakura's love life but when it's a problem that has caused sakura to nearly die then it's a problem that needs to be [ __ ] dealt with and you didn't what the [ __ ] kakashi in this moment you have completely and utterly failed as a teacher and you have failed as team seven sensei uh so whatever the case naruto and sasuke go to the valley of the end because why not sasuke sounds like a dumbass with the way he wants to do things i'll be everyone's enemy so nobody will ever do anything bad ever again makes perfect sense so now naruto and sasuke can finally fight and what are you [ __ ] kidding me the fight just started and the manga's ending in five weeks you wasted all of our time with all that stuff about obito madara and kagia so that the final battle that i was waiting to see has to be rushed to tie in with that stupid movie [ __ ] that movie okay okay maybe it'll be good maybe let's get this over with the fight is much better than the kagya fight but that's such a low bar most things in life are better than that fight eventually their megazord stuff wears out and they have to fight with their fists and it's actually kind of awesome there's even a part where sasuke gets on top of naruto and begins punching him repeatedly it's just like when ocelot did this against snake in metal gear solid 4. it's literally the same thing they even do the scream each other's names [Music] saskatchewan so soccer gets a flashback and wakes up i'm saving my thoughts on this for the next video because this scene is really pointless anyway naruto and sasuke do their final charge and then they wake up and then they just talk yeah they just talk and to be honest i really liked this chapter i actually almost began to care for sasuke this chapter is so good and perfect i actually felt something for the first time in a while i i cared about what was going on then you see that their arms are gone i will point out that they probably should have died from bloodlust ball now but i'll overlook it because i love the rest of this chapter so much unfortunately there were still two chapters to go so sakura arrives she heals them sasuke apologizes and everyone is set free spyro zetsu is killed somehow no seriously i don't know why this kills him why is team 10 shown at nichi's funeral instead of team guy oh and kakashi is now called kalkage i mean what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was wrong with tsunade there was no reason for her to step down why does kakashi get to be hokage now what was the [ __ ] point saucy gives the lamest apology ever told sakura says his arm was almost done he was going to get his arm back too man he sure got off easy didn't he sasuke says he will explore the world which is probably the best thing for him to do and sakura what's the word i'm looking for dignity you don't have it so sasuke naruto part ways with naruto giving sasuke back his headband and i do like sasuke's monologue the line that's what makes us ninja would have been a perfect line to close the series out on but then we get the epilogue oh lord the epilogue epilogues work everyone is married and with kids never go well just look at digimon adventures zero twos epilogue and harry potter's epilogue mostly because just like them this epilogue is all about shipping now i could go into a long and detailed explanation as to how shipping works but i'll just let j jonah jameson explain take it away jonah the internet's right with footage of spider-man chasing the black cats across the rooftops and apparently there are hordes of young people cheering them on they're called shippers no that has nothing to do with boats it's short for relationship as in they really want spider-man and the blacks have to be together romantically or they really don't and they have quite intense arguments about it flame wars i believe is the term you know in my day we didn't have time for flame wars about shipping you know why because we had jobs so here's jay jonah jameson's public service announcement to our youth you're into shipping join the navy thank you jonah this entire chapter doesn't give closure to anything it's just who married who and their kids so it's finally time to talk about the ships i'll do them in order so we'll start with the fact that naruto and hinata ended up married and let me tell you i felt nothing seeing this panel and i still feel nothing years later no hyena shippers congratulations your pairing means absolutely nothing as evidenced by the fact that naruto and hinata are not shown together nor is it even acknowledged if it wasn't for the two kids having whiskers you'd have no idea that they ended up together so my logic is that he's probably still kind of forgetting that she exists [Laughter] naruto and hinata had very little development throughout the series they barely interacted naruto ignored hinata's confession while he not to just continue to devolve into someone who would say nerd to [ __ ] repeatedly you want me to be blunt with this pairing i'll tell you it was forced and unearned naruto and hinata never had a scene where they got to sit down and talk like real people let's compare the scene of luke and leia from return of the jedi but sad why are you asking me this i have no memory of my mother i never knew her you see that that's humanity that's something any relationship platonic or romance needs to have naruto and hinata don't have it you want to see a pairing that feels earned here i'll show you thank you mary jane watson [Music] oh but what about the movie what about it you were better off without it also boruto was an unlikable little brat who was going to attack innocent bystanders you people wonder why i don't want to watch a series starring this kid shikumaro and tamari is honestly the only ship i'm okay with because kishimoto did enough to make it plausible except for the fact that tamari looks freaking old and miserable what the [ __ ] joji and what's her name had a kid but those two never even shared a sentence they're just married um forget it and eno and psy hooked up i remember my friend bursted out laughing into hysterics when he saw this pairing there was one panel which sly called her beautiful but it was implied that he actually thought that she was ugly and based on ino's dream she saw sasuke and syez interchangeable pretty shallow really before we get into that pairing i will mention i did like rockley being lee with his kid whose mother i'm not sure was revealed i had to laugh when it was shown that ten tim was a loser but anyway naruto stops his son from his act of senseless violence boruto just wants to spend time with his dad but naruto just says i can't be around so deal with it yeah that's how you want to end your series kishimoto anyway this girl named serrata comes home and we find out that sasuke and sakura are married and let me tell you sausage soccer shippers so and let me tell you sausage chocolate sugar something you might want to turn off this video right now because [ __ ] it no more holding back i'm going all in this [ __ ] is toxic it adds nothing to the story what the [ __ ] sasuke is still wandering the earth while sakura just sits at home as a housewife doing [ __ ] all in the meantime you can't have wanderer sasuke and family man sasuke and kishimoto should have known better sasuke freaking abused sakura throughout the story he treats her like [ __ ] he doesn't see her as a person he sees her as a thing he can use he tried to kill her multiple times and i know what you're going to say but he wasn't in the right state of mind oh [ __ ] he knew damn well what he was doing he advocated dumping her into lava and don't give me that oh but he held her up after she saved him i'll just spell that with the fact that it wasn't for her losing her jacket that he's such a dick that he would switch places with her and left her trapped you know he would have here i'm going to play a scene from mega man maverick under x just imagine sakura in x's place and sasuke in vile's place what's the matter axe are you gonna show me your true [Music] power yeah pretty horrifying i have no doubt that he would do that to her she means that little to him i'd rather watch at least kissing sonic back to life i'd rather watch ryden and rosemary's whole thing in melrogel too than ever watch sasuke tap sakura on the forehead sastek cares nothing for her and yet she's still smitten with him what's worse is that kishimoto claims sakura would be a terrible person to stop loving him despite the fact that sasuke didn't love her back yet he also claims that sakura is addicted to sasuke like a drug and that he never gave a reason for why she liked sasuke because it would sound contrived does that make sense to anyone there you go sakura has no reason to love sasuke it's shallow and contrived you ever see hey arnold hell doesn't love arnold but hides it by being a jerk to him in a flashback we see helga's had a lousy childhood but one person was nice to her hi nice bow huh i like your bow because it's pink like your pants [Music] you see there's a reason she likes arnold a damn good one sasuke and sakura is a love story worse than twilight twice the abuse none of the love [ __ ] this pairing [ __ ] anyone who had something to do with it happening just [ __ ] this absolutely positively disgusting toxicity anyway sasuke's final page is confusing because that's his last picture naruto is hokage which is great but why didn't you show his okay ceremony oh that's right you did and you've ruined it by having him miss it what the [ __ ] so that's it no summation of everything the characters have been through no resolution to what naruto's answer was for peace no answers to what happened to the tale of beasts just here are some kids so we can have a sequel that'll drag this series out for another 10 years and we're done that was stupid and really disappointing oh this video has gone on long enough let's just wrap this up real quick there are dozens of things in narcissa that i think could have been done differently of course all this could have been forgivable or at the very least overlookable if kishima had delivered a conclusion as grand epic and emotionally satisfying his fans had once come to expect but that's not what happened the bottom line of the matter is that when it came down to the critical moment masashi kishimoto didn't pull through in the clutch now let me be blunt with you guys i didn't do these videos because i wanted to hate on naruto i wanted to like naruto and i still kinda do but in the end i just couldn't overlook all this [ __ ] there was a genuinely good story in there somewhere but it was buried buried under a bunch of [ __ ] i can no longer enjoy the very first manga that i ever read before you ask will i be checking out kishimo's new series samurai 8 why should i why should i believe kishimoto is anything more than a one-hit wonder why should i believe that he's learned from his mistakes when he has continued to repeat them maybe he has and his new series will be really good and memorable but i don't expect it to be i'm done not quite there's one more video i've been meaning to make i'm not going to say what it is yet but i'm sure you have a pretty good idea i just want to get over with so i can go back to video game stuff i have some other stuff to talk about such as neji's death and why it happened the way it did and what it meant in the end hey for all of you had the patience to sit through this review series thank you i hope you're all able to enjoy naruto at some point and honestly if naruto was ever to get a resurgence like how dragon balls gotten i'd be in favor of a full reboot i think the series needs it but i'm signing off for now thanks for watching and have a good night before we begin i'd like to say please subscribe to this channel it'll really help me out but also i started a discord which you can find link to in the description below if you want to join also follow me on twitter but now let's begin the show as i've done this series i remember there was a very big debate going on throughout the series who was naruto going to marry now the series has ended the question was answered but that just turned the debate into is it what should have happened is it what was supposed to be well i wonder personally every time kishimoto has been asked about who naruto ended up marrying he always gives a very different answer as to when he planned it one interview he said it was decided from the beginning then he said he decided around the time part two started then in anime news network interview he said it was decided around the middle of the story then in a recent interview he was back to saying was decided at the beginning is kishimoto a liar well i'll let you decide but the answer is yes so yeah this is probably the bloodiest shipping war in anime history but is it what was supposed to happen [Music] well let's assume it is true that he planned these pairings in one of them well let's just say that's not the same as planning how to get there and in that regard kishimoto was lazy as i've repeatedly stressed throughout my series of reviews kishimoto was not a very good planner if he was the warrant wouldn't have been garbage but i digress but really the heart of the matter is this girl hinata in my analysis of the series i barely mentioned her and that's because she's barely in it in a 700 chapter series hinata was in less than 100 chapters that's not even 10 of the series i think he not had a lot of potential as a character but like most things in naruto said potential was squandered now all this isn't to say that i necessarily hate hinata no rather i hate the people who obsess over her one thing i learned while naruto was running is that hinata has a very loud obnoxious fan base who seemed to view her as the main character of the series instead of naruto now why people like hinata well i can think of a couple reasons but yeah that leads me to my next point the hatred that soccer got it seems that liking hinata means you have to hate sakura now that's not always true but unfortunately that's the reality of many people many people who like hinata hate soccer because hinata looks like a sweet innocent little angel while sakura is that [ __ ] rejected them it's a little pathetic i mean i took some screencasts of a he not the fan and a soccer hater just listen to this you just mad because hinata's more popular than sakura you mean popular and married the hokage while having two kids sakura never got a wedding haha and she only got one kid because sasuke doesn't want any more kids with that useless [ __ ] and she looks like a boy who did sex reassignment searches look like a girl ah listen if you hate soccer because hinata has bigger boobs you're [ __ ] pathetic and you make me sick to my stomach this wouldn't be so much of a problem but this hinata favoritism extends to the people who worked on the naruto series officially studio pro who animated the naruto anime have a large portion of their staff who are fanatically obsessed with this girl now can i accuse studio pro changing the parents to better suit hinata because they were biased was the ending different until studio pero stepped in no i can't accuse studio pro of that without any proof however was he not to their go-to for fan service abso freaking lutely the last one of the many reasons i detest that movie is because it's not a story it's just studio pro satisfying their inner hinata fetishes they don't see hinata as a character they see her as a sex doll for their sexual pleasures as evidenced by the fact that one of them drew naruto and hinata having sex and posted it on twitter i'm not going to show you it because dear god keep that [ __ ] for rule 34. i think he got in trouble for it and he should have now does studio pero hate sakura no i think they denied that they hated sakura but after the release of the last that was a reputation that they had to fight they kind of always had that reputation but now it was full-blown kishimoto for his part was rather stunned at the backlash one thing i remember as of this writing i'm not sure if i can find it because a lot of them were deleted but on kishimoto's thank you page after the series concluded let's just say things weren't pretty oh my god what a mess that turned into but one thing that stuck out to me i was far from the only person who despised sasuke and sakura ending up together i distinctly remember a father i believe writing to him and he basically told kishimoto for having sasuke and sagar and together he said something along the lines of you gave my daughters a bad message we are done with you and your work yeah i can't say he didn't deserve that either way i think that got to him but what could he do the plan was already set in stone they were moving ahead with the next generation but they had fans basking them criticizing them and what could they do to win them back i think kishima looked at the situation and knew that a deed once done could not be undone but perhaps it may yet be mitigated which is where naruto gaiden comes in now let me clarify something while i don't like sasuke and sakura ending up together the real irony of that is that i actually kind of like serrata no seriously i don't mind her she's okay she's not great but she's okay she's kind of adorable and i like her way more than borto maybe i'd be more interested in the next generation if she was the main character instead of borto i could go into why naruto gaiden wasn't very good overall but that's another video and i didn't cover it because it's not part of the main manga maybe one day i will but that's not for a while if i ever figure out how to show anime footage without getting flagged for copyright i'd love to tear down the last and cover extensively why that movie isn't very good now back on topic this favoritism of hinata extends the cyber connect who made the ninja storm video games on which i took footage from they put hinata in the opening credits of ninja storm 4 despite the fact that she doesn't even get a fight to herself i prayed through adventure mode and it was literally hinata is so amazing isn't she wonderful literally they had a side event called angel and demons where sakura eno and tenten are the demons quote unquote while hinata is portrayed as a sweet innocent little angel it's things like that that pissed me off you don't have to make the other girls look bad to make he not to look good that just that doesn't make me like hinata more it just makes me annoyed it's part of the reason why i don't follow the series as much as i used to the hinata favoritism got really out of hand i even looked on tv tropes they literally allow entries that bash soccer to oblivion but they will never allow an injury the pain he knocked into a bad light and if you do you're the one inserting blatant falsehoods about the character look at this kishimo's page on tv tropes is literally nothing but people saying that he hates sakura and loves hinata and that's just not true he doesn't hate sakura if anything he was puzzled by my soccer got so much hate so he thought of how to raise her popularity and he focused on drawing her [Music] pretty yeah that's a little suspicious to me he knew soccer got a lot of hate but yet he didn't know the reason why i'll tell you straight up my only problem with soccer is her stupid obsession with sasuke as i've repeatedly stressed but other than that she was fine unfortunately she ended up marrying her would-be murderer and abuser now let's look at this objectively do i believe kishimoto wanted a naruto and soccer ending instead of what we got there is some evidence that that's how things were going to go but then plans changed when and why is the question at the beginning of the story in chapter 3 when naruto's disguised as sasuke's sakura he compliments sakura on her forehead that seems like a chekhov's gun that was never fired at the end of the story sakura has to find out that that was really naruto but she does not which is a failure on kishimoto's part here's the thing about shonen jump they may tell stories but they are also a business and what makes money for everyone is how many toys they sell which is the purpose of everything ever made i'm a transformers fan and part of being a transformers fan is acknowledging that transformers fiction exists so hasbro can sell toys the original cartoon was literally a 20 minute toy commercial and if i ever did transformers retrospect i'd be in it for the long haul what i suppose i'm getting out here is that it takes a long time to get a loyal and devoted fan base and then it takes only one thing to share that fan base and divide it completely what happened to the naruto fan base after the ending is kind of similar to what happened to star horse when the last jedi came out that's all i'm gonna say on there because holy [ __ ] some of you people really need to get on with your lives then again i guess i'm in no position to call out people who are doing rise and fall stars because you know i'd be a huge [ __ ] hypocrite if i did but that's another matter the last was from what i've heard japan hated the movie many reasons why a big reason was the movie's false advertising before we even knew what the movie was about they sold three pre-sale tickets the three characters who were advertised for naruto sasuke and kakashi and i can tell you two of those characters are barely in the movie and here's the thing before we analyze why people were so upset with the last it's time for some history before naruto's conclusion for years naruto and sakura was not treated like it was the red herring pairing in japan it was treated like it was the golden bearing whoever was responsible they played up like it was something that was meant to be the parallels were definitely something to be noted particularly minato and kashina which was absolutely meant to be a naruto and soccer parallel there are two things that make up nar to lure naruto sasuke perils and naruto sakura perils one of the themes of the story is that relationships repeat themselves throughout the generations yet that didn't apply here for some reason it's also most telling with the naruto no beto comparison kishimoto went to great lengths to compare the two the most obvious was how obito's love for rin was apparel to narash's love for sakura and now it's completely inaccurate also kashina's dying wish was for nara to find a girl like her who minato more or less confirmed with sakura why was that dying wish not honored yeah more on kashina in a minute on the other end of the spectrum there was also some evidence of things not going this way in chapters 5 39 and 540 sakura is stalked by random love letter fodder and soccer turns him down because she already likes someone and you'd think he would have left it ambiguous but nope next chapter he confirmed it was still sasuke i've already talked about how little sense it makes for sakura to still love him at this stage people ask why does soccer love sasuke better question is why the hell should she kishimo's own watch of the situation was that soccer should not move on from sasuke unless she be a terrible woman yeah in an abusive relationship it'd be sakura's fault for not moving on makes perfect sense now i'm going to talk about nedji real quick neji's story in part one was great he was part of an oppressive family his entire fate he wanted to fight against it he was fought to do nothing but die when asked why he killed neji he basically admitted to make hinata into naruto's heroine i had neji die so naruto would go closer to hinata then she died as a cupid yeah there you go nedji didn't die because it would be a good ending to his character but to force naruto into marrying hinata neji should be the page picture for die for our [ __ ] because that is literally what happened ultimately i thought the point of nedji was that he was going to change the yoga clan for the better with hinata but by showing powers of neji's grave the underlying message is ultimately that the unit clan didn't change for the better naruto failed that promise the whole situation got muddy when in july 2012 the film road to ninja was released which was very much a pro naruto sakura movie so why was that movie followed up with something like the last which was in favor of naruto and hinata well that leads credence to the idea that studio pro was just as divided on this issue as the fans were now here's the thing about shonen jump in popularity popularity makes the world go round and shonen it's why broly became ganon recently another note on that broly had a divisive reputation among the dragon ball fanbase but the movie made him a much deeper more interesting character now why could kishimoto not do that with sakura he apparently claims he's not good with writing female characters or romance maybe that's why samurai doesn't seem to have female characters at the moment that's one way to do it do i think it was a business decision to go with naruto with hinata over naruto and sakura i imagine that had something to do with it there's no doubt they decided to go what they thought would make them more money in the end sasuke and soccer happened as the after effect of going to hinata and kishimoto obviously had no idea how to make that look good so i have suspicions that he made it as shitty as possible as a sort of revenge now assuming it is true that he wanted a gnar to soccer ending maybe the part where soccer gives narcissus cpr was his sly way of doing a narcissakira kiss he apparently had to look away with naruto and he not to kiss him last but he had no problem drawing naruto and sasuke kissing yeah sasuke was naruto's first kiss deal with that shippers they decided to go with naruto hinata and sasuke sakura as a sort of idea of appealing to those shits but they couldn't forget about those who wanted naruto with sakura or naruto with sasuke hence why they gave naruto a son and sasuke a daughter this way they could say hey look naruto sakura naruto sasuke shippers their kids might get together which only further proves that the only reason naruto and sasuke didn't end up together is because they're both boys but i digress what also movie the pairings was that they wanted to make sequels hence why naruto hasn't been shown to fix everything as i've stressed this is the problem with sequels it's like what happened with star wars the story was wrapped up nicely in return of the jedi but when disney decided to make a sequel trilogy they just had the empire come back as the first order but that's another story so thus the boruto manga opens with konoha destroyed and naruto seemingly dead i don't believe for a second that he is dead but yeah sure but let's imagine soccer and hinata's place during the scene where naruto basically ruins what's her name's birthday party in the film hinata just stands there and looks sad while burrito yells at her about his dad but if sakura was in hinata's place and naruto did something like this she would probably have gone over the naruto herself and just said hey cut that [ __ ] out yeah problem solved the reason why i think soccer probably should have ended up with naruto instead of sasuke has to do with a lot of basic ideas around naruto sakura can act like herself every time she switches sasuke she reverts back to a fragile flower for example the part where she asks what's going on and he's cold to her instead of doing anything constructive she just stands there and acts like a kicked puppy this leads me into the part where sakura wakes up while naruto and sasuke are fighting this is why i have such a problem with kakashi he should have done something about sakura throwing herself at sasuke sakura needed a moment where she put naruto before sasuke kakashi should have sat soccer down and asked her some hard questions why do you love sasuke yes trio you poorly he clearly doesn't return your feelings so you need to focus on something that makes you happy who makes sakura happier i think it's naruto she smiles around him she acts like herself around him that's for hinata well yeah there was the love confession which naruto didn't acknowledge in any way for the rest of the series oddly enough the last explanation for why he didn't respond was because he didn't know the difference between loving a person and loving food was really stupid based on his expression yeah he knew damn well what she meant yet another reason i despised that movie uh see when sacra hugged naruto hinata had a very interesting expression it's obvious she wasn't entirely happy but if naruto and sakura did end up together i think kishimoto would have had hinata be happy for them as for what to do with hinata well i think a better ending for her would have been the show that she took over the huge clan and then freed neji from his curse and they ruled the huge clan together making for a much better ending to that play then oh hi nizhi's grave here's my daughter who was born because you died thank you but on to other matters what about kashina naruto's mother well in february 2014 when ki shimano was asked if any characters were based on people he knew in real life he said that kashin was based a little bit off his wife then just before the last was released kishimoto said that kashina was a red herring hmm i find that suspicious what was also really telling was in october 2015 kishimoto was interviewed by anime news network while he was in new york kishimoto mentioned that his own wife was upset that naruto didn't marry soccer in fact she complained quite vehemently he tried to defuse the situation by assuring her that she was based on hinata but the truth of that was that he was bullshitting her to try to calm her down the interviewer pieced two and two together that his wife was like sakura and that was really telling to me that would seems just as a case of outside pressure and lack of commitment by kishimoto hmm that paints everything into a darker picture see the truth may be that sakura wasn't just some girl he planted into the story no she was his wife and he abandoned her left her to rot he lost his belief in everything he stopped caring about his story the series may have ended in 2014 but mentally kishimoto had already exited the series long before that when the series began when naruto expresses his dismay at the ninja system and how he wouldn't appeal to the system and be a ninja in his own way you could look at that akishimoto being a young aspiring artist seeking to challenge the show and jump system and put it bluntly he lost shonen jump responded to the backlash by trying to say that sasuke and soccer were always meant to end up together i remember there was a commercial that soccer expressed anger how hinata was now the heroine instead of her recently there was a picture of naruto's bombs and guess who wasn't pictured so they've pretty much just erased soccer from everything in fact they seem outright proud of it she's also the only member of team seven not in jump force although i haven't played the game as of this recording but maybe that's a good thing based on what i've seen of that game the last was hyped up to be a movie about naruto and sakura's parting and naruto and hinata's coming together that they would go their separate ways after the movie but i thought that wasn't what naruto was supposed to be about is supposed to be about treasuring your bonds yet it made a lot of people think that their bond was destroyed the way they were it made it seem like naruto and sakura would never be friends after the movie you know what fine after the movie they're not friends anymore am i overreacting probably but that's how i see it after the last naruto and sakura are no longer friends and it might as well never have been in the end really what i think happened is this for a series that preached never give up love over hatred outside behind the scenes it was hatred that won those people who hated on soccer got everything they wanted liking hinata is fine but let me stress something hinata's gain should not have been at soccer's expense and it felt like it was the fan base was forever divided by the ending in the last ironic for a series that preached about bonds with people you know while certain people were happy about the conclusion others were not so happy and betrayed and slapped in the face and they may never win that trust back maybe kishimoto was just guilty of ironically enough not understanding people the whole thing now serves as a lesson of how sometimes some ships don't sail but maybe sometimes they should [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: RetrospectGreg
Views: 36,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9iyQZjL3NlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 5sec (8885 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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