I WASTED 150+ 5 STARS! (Genshin Impact)

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hey moglets today we're going to be trying the uh artifact strongbox lootbox rng box i'm still not sure exactly how it works so yeah we have four artifacts here to choose from gladiator oblige those are the only two i'm really interested in i suppose i don't know if this will change at one point i assume it will maybe it's a weekly thing gladiator is generally a pretty good set though just for that attack boost when you're not sure what four piece to give a character but i do believe i need some oblige as well so we're gonna start with uh some gladiator oh and we can put in a lot should we just do i'm gonna start with one strong box we also have run the new artifact domain once i wanna run it a lot more because these sets are interesting too but i don't have any artifact space so this is why we're doing that today we are going to start with these though because they're kind of bad anyway and sure this gilded corsage isn't that great either all right so is that it mystic offering let's go okay it's completely random i thought you could like oh no those are the four like sets you can choose from and then you just get a completely random gladiator piece oh no okay that kind of sucks so it's completely rng just a totally random gladiator piece we'll try it a couple more times and we'll throw that hp goblin in there as well so now we're getting three at once i don't know let's just try it first impressions it's uh pretty horrible okay we got three sands as long as one of them is attack you know i'll be happy okay i mean if it also had okay subs we'd have crit damage there uh this one's hp but it actually has good subs which is unfortunate and finally another hp okay okay it is free at least isn't it though it seems like these artifacts would still be better suited as fodder than what you're doing here i guess for early game players i can kind of see the appeal here you know if you want a full gladiator set and you're just getting some random five-star artifacts here and there and they turn out to be really bad well you can throw three in get a guaranteed gladiator even if the subs aren't perfect as long as the main stat is right you know it's still very useful for you know early to mid game but you know after having raised like 20 characters and all those world bosses you have to kill generally people will have a good amount of gladiators already although i still don't have very many crit damage helmets but specifically trying to get a quick damage helmet from this is going to be basically impossible i can say though this is also potentially something good for min maxers uh ones that don't raise a bunch of units but one to like a small selection of them absolutely perfect this could be good because you know you don't need to spend a lot of resources raising a bunch of artifacts for a bunch of different characters so you won't need all this excess xp for your other artifacts right and so when you have three useless hats here on a set you don't really need or whatnot then yeah you could turn it into a potentially perfect oblige of course the chances are i would assume about the same as just running the oblige dungeon although this doesn't take any resin yeah pretty useless flower here it does have four subs at least but other than that yeah i mean we can do a couple more there are some sets i don't particularly care for like wonders troop in general of course i probably wouldn't throw any perfect pieces in there like i'm not really either of those two i raise a big variety of characters to a decent standard none of them are really perfect at the same time you know this is kind of a lot of xp we're throwing in there for potentially five or six more artifacts that are just also going to be fodder and thrown back in there but i guess that's what it is a uh roll of the dice each time i could get a really good artifact out of here we'll see uh we're just gonna keep going most of these feathers are pretty bad and we're gonna throw that in there as well i don't want to look at that it's ugly we can keep going at 24 maybe we can go up to 30. how far can we go is it infinite can you just put it as many as you want okay 39. why is that so weird just stop at 30. ooh okay i'll keep it just in case it is an attack gob with three good subs you know an element of mastery is going to be good for this set because it increases elements of mastery you're only going to give it to someone who wants elements mastery anyway def god we're throwing that in there though attack gob yeah here's a death sands on verdessen pretty bad though and i think that is the most we can do now goodbye 39.5 stars it was nice knowing you but they're none of them are something i would raise anyway they would just be fodder as xp and there we go let's check them out shall we animo damage bonus it has potential i guess but i probably have better animal damage bonus goblets because it'd have to be off piece attack gob generally pretty bad hp gob same story attack gob same story now we're getting to the feathers that one i would never raise probably never raised this one either unless i was super desperate and the fourth sub was good now the circlets hp is a boss def is a bust crit rate if the fourth sub is good i would definitely consider raising it def is a bust hp is a bust two left back here one flower horrible and a sands horrible so out of all of these out of the 39 artifacts we just sacrificed there's maybe one that has some promise this crit rate circle it over here and once i get it to four and it gives me flat hp then it's also going to join the pile well let's raise it shall we let's get it to four let's see if it joins the pile i would accept attack um that's about it actually oh it's attack hey potentially although there is still a chance for this one to uh go back in the garbage and okay there goes flight attack so that's one out of two strikes if it goes to crit damage or attack percent now okay it goes to attack percents if it goes to flat now it's like i may as well finish it yeah i went to flat def the worst one we're out of four stars anyway so i'm not gonna actually you know looking at how much xp these five stars give you know on the other hand it's not even half of a level at plus 16 so rolling for a new artifact that's actually that might be worth it honestly it's just when you finally do get a good artifact it's going to be a much bigger pain to raise it without any fodder five stars i think we're going to continue here i don't like running the oblige dungeon to be honest not only because it also has this which i just generally don't care for but also because i hate abyss mages definitely a risk reward sort of balance there i guess like at the end of the day you could throw 505 stars in and get zero good ones back then you actually have thrown away two-thirds of your five-star artifacts right literally at least when you're rolling the dice in like a domain or whatever you are getting the artifacts and then you can choose to use them as fodder or i guess back here in the strongbox though yes in that case you do have to use resin i am thinking though like on the other hand gladiator is a lot harder to farm i just have so many of them already i don't really want to do this too much in case they do rotate someone can leave that information in the comments below if you wish i doubt they would just keep these here though anyway this is garbage this is actually hey that could be good there's only one bad sub it starts with four and this attack stands good start bad subs but you know it could be okay if the fourth sub is good we're gonna go and lock the flower and i guess the sands we'll do a few more for gladiator to wrap it up i suppose so it is true that when you're actually trying to farm gladiator it is harder but you do get them a lot more passively than every other artifact you get them while farming you know for raising characters and all that and i've already thrown away a lot of my gladiators and i still have a bunch so these are mostly the decent ones and those are only the unlocked ones if we go down here we probably have a lot more locked ones yep these that have some form of promise so with that being said let's use gladiators to get gladiators def sans i'm gonna keep it just cause noel and it's a decent one this has three good subs and it starts with four so we'll keep it this one is almost perfect also crit rate and crit damage i love to see those stats so we'll keep it this one could also be good fine nah i already have enough good flowers we're throwing this one away let's just do 30. potentially throwing away 20 gladiators let's see if we get anything good starting off with a goblet with def percent so that's automatically bad six circlets though actually odds would be that one of them is crit damage and i actually kind of need a good crit damage gladiator helmet hp attack attack healing bonus hp and hp well thank you flowers i already have several good ones so unless there's like a four sub perfect i'm not gonna be happy uh there is not this one's decently closed but no crit rate or crit damage that was really throwing away 20 gladiators without getting anything in return and that's the risk you play i want to do at least like one other set of 30 just so i can say like i threw i threw away 100 artifacts what set are we destroying now i think we'll throw away some maiden beloved i don't care for that either there we go we're at 30. i barely looked at them uh let's go oh yeah we're doing gladiator again uh pyro damage bonus that would have been potentially good if the subs were in absolute garbage attack goblet shame its attack because the subs would have been acceptable for like i don't know physical damage to any other element damage plume horrible subs helmet attack attack death bad and pretty bad also sans is hp and elemental mastery i'm not keeping any of these we'll wrap it up with one more oblige apparently i'm addicted to gambling and throwing all my artifacts in the garbage at the end of the day though i do want to create some space in here so i can farm the new artifact domain uh get some get some of those sets what set are we throwing away now i guess we're gonna go with some more gladiator just there anything that's not an element in the trash this one has some potential actually geo damage no i uh fine i'll keep that one just gonna create more work for me when i realize that 90 of the ones i lock are actually nothing i would ever race so i'm just gonna go unlock them and throw them in there anyway elements of mastery horrible subs electro damage bonus horrible subs def attack let's just go all 39 for this sure why not i love wasting resources uh goblets i have to take a little care of but basically only if there's an element and the subs aren't absolute garbage we're going for oblige again just because mix it up a little bit boom so did we get anything good attack goblet nope cryo damage bonus goblet nope hp goblet no electro damage bonus goblet no why can why can the subs not just be the worst possible every time the main stat is promising please i don't know i think it's just like that i uh while i get home you know crit damage attack elements of mastery if it gives me a crit rate at the fourth sub we're gonna lock that and we'll get that to four if the fourth sub is crit rate you know the the whole thing was not worth it still but i would feel slightly less bad oh and here we have another crit damage unfortunately that is a lot worse we'll lock this one too flowers not good enough not good enough i got no there's no crit rate or crit damage that's close though i am considering locking i will lock it but i probably won't raise it attack sands i know sands are a bit harder also but that's kind of i i don't see many energy recharge stands either we'll lock it for now and that's just death so there is some promise there we're gonna raise it to four and we're going to be sad when it lands on flat death we have no four stars or under anymore so we gotta use these which actually kind of hurts now it's weird it's like when i when i'm using them as fodder it feels like a waste because i could roll for a new artifact but then when i'm rolling for new artifacts it feels like a waste because i could use them for fodder i guess to me anyway it seems pretty equal about what you're gonna do because on the one hand i do have so many garbage artifacts and this is kind of a solution to that whittle down your garbage and hopefully don't just get more garbage but since the rng is the same exact as if you were just a run more artifact domains it's like i don't know i i don't know even how to feel about it but at the moment it feels like i'm getting scammed so uh i don't like it that much oh it is a low crit rate roll but it is crit rate you know that's not horrible now let's watch it all go into the hp percent let's get it up a little bit more going to eight there it goes boys yeah we got it we got the hp person all right here we are going to 12 yeah okay man this sucks too because this is like i needed a lot of artifacts for this piece of crap right here and i just put more into it and it's only going to hp if it went to anything else i'm on a roller coaster here i was happy about the crit rate but then no it just goes to hp but yeah i guess that'll do it i don't have recommendations for or against this thing you know how it works uh it spits out random artifacts as if you were to farm them i guess i'm personally not going to be using it anymore unless these uh these two down here switch or maybe all four of them switch i don't know i might do it for the verdessen set because while that dungeon is by far the fastest i can do uh it's also it has maiden beloved which i just don't care for at all and sometimes i'm going like three runs in a row and just getting made in beloved and it pisses me off so uh i would probably do it for vr destin perhaps and throw my me the rest of my maiden beloved in there those are pretty much my thoughts on this thing it's it's i don't know it's there you don't have to use it obviously if you don't want to it's just an addition it's an extra option i think it's good they added it um but yeah be careful because at the end of the day you could throw away all your artifacts for nothing but yeah i mean you could also throw all of your resin away for also not nothing though you still get fodder at the very least which is useless if you don't have good artifacts to put that fodder into i know i've been questioning myself and kind of contradicting myself the entire video so far um i don't know i'm kind of passionate about artifacts and this confuses me because it makes me feel like it's cool and bad at the same time but yeah make sure to share your thoughts in the comments down below if you did happen to enjoy this video like is always greatly appreciated thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 221,275
Rating: 4.9552546 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin strongbox, genshin artifacts
Id: a2dAA-zHY8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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