I summoned on the wrong banner... (Genshin Impact)

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i just realized i wasn't recording but thankfully we have shadow play which can save the last 20 minutes and we haven't hasn't been 20 minutes yet thankfully this is the first tin pole and and i didn't realize too late um but yeah uh this is a little anticlimactic here's my first tin pole and i need to do my intro all over and i need to do everything else all over we do have moga chan here for good luck we're not streaming there are a couple of reasons for that which we'll probably talk about in a different video but um yeah so i also want to explain why we're doing weapon summons i did kind of write them off as a scam while i was going for the uh shao's weapon and i still kind of feel that way but here we have wolf's gravestone staff of houma um first of all let's talk about wolf's gravestone it's basically the best great sword ever and i do have d luke and i would like a better weapon for him um so that would be fine to get and then and then staff of houma is a pretty decent poll arm as well it has quick damage main stat which is you know always pretty nice base attack is pretty good as well it starts at 46 the highest four stars starts at 44 which means you know it'll grow higher and higher like that the passive is pretty solid as well kind of like the jade sword hp increased by twenty percent you get an additional zero point eight percent attack based on your hp and then if you're under 50 hp you get an additional one percent so it actually wouldn't be bad for xiao either and currently we're a rocking deathmatch on him because we didn't have much of a choice there just really aren't that many good dps pull arms so i'd be happy to get this for shao i'd be happy to get wolf's gravestone for d luke um so in this case all we really have to do is avoid the uh you know 25 chance to get a random weapon if we check here in details you know 75 chance to get one of these when you get a five star if we get a random one i'm gonna be pissed and never do never do weapon summons again we're gonna go until we get a five star it feels weird because i've said all this stuff already but like i wasn't recording so uh man i don't know if there was something else i said but for now let's just go ahead and get on with these summons oh yeah i i also did have an intertwined fate which is not there anymore i know we only have 500 primo gyms if we don't get lucky and get a five star you know before those are gone you know what that means my wallet still hasn't forgiven me for show but what can you do we only got a four star here let's see what it is um there aren't really any four stars i'm specifically going for right now i think maybe like most of my main important yeah definitely not lithic spear whatever the hell that is what what is that spear i gotta check that out um but yeah lithic spear attack main stat bass attack is actually high for a four star i think that's as high as four stars go uh for every character in the party who hails from leo the character who equips this weapon gained seven percent attack increase and three percent crit rate increase oh that's actually pretty interesting right i'm not a massive fan of attack percent main stat spears but i don't know where the characters are from i i always want xiao and binet together chi chi and ganyu but we'll have to check that out later actually let's check that out right now since we have so tiny primo gems and i don't want to spin them we're going to keep summoning i just want to check that out real quick i think kaching is from leo vinti's from monstat ah bennett is from monstat i feel ashamed that he didn't just know that but yeah pretty sure zhang li is from leo ganyu is from leo i mean if you could refine five that spear it probably wouldn't be bad if you could at least have like three out of four from leo whatever back to summons i suppose i want to do a couple singles now because uh we got that four star knot at the end we got thrilling tales of dragon slayers what do we got here three star we're going to skip it got harbinger of done let's go and wish again command i haven't done any commands yet i was kind of disappointed that all my that i forgot to hit the record button i don't know how that still happens i've been doing this for a while okay apparently it wasn't that that far away from the end got a book magic guide we don't even have enough to do ten two temples anymore this four star is a shanling which we already have our c6 okay it's kind of funny we are doing character summons the other day for banette and we are getting more weapons and characters and now we're getting more characters than weapons maybe not more i think it's been kind of equal so far uh well let's go ahead and let's go ahead and do one tin pull we're just going to use the rest of our primo gems before before we whale let's go and do a tin pull here come on come on i feel it i feel it i don't feel it my bones hurt emerald orb emerald orb black tassel blah blah blah just keep get out of here it's gonna be an uninteresting four-star weapon that's what i feel oh it's another banette that would be c6 banette huh that's a tough choice usually i'd be super happy about banette but i wailed so hard to get him to c5 already so i mean i don't know saying whale is kind of like subjective in a way you know well we cannot do another tin pole fine we're gonna hope to get lucky i guess we do like nine pulls and then yeah we'll do what we gotta do raven's bow here nothing here actually raven's bow is nothing as well what am i talking about another three star i think we got banette like right at the end though so we might not even get a four star here cool steal i've been having to go down to at least close to pity for every for everything i get these days so i'm not expecting i'm not expecting to get lucky that's just the way the cookie crumbles i suppose nothing fair a shadow come on please nope dragon slayer is this anything it's a four star man a barbara it's only giving me characters i already have c6 like chandling barbara bennett i don't really i'm i'm not sure about getting c6 yet so it's basically the same actually worse because oh wait i'm gonna have that dot forever that weird dot that tells me to that here in constellation i don't know if i can deal with that or will it go away no it's still there oh no i don't know if i don't know if i can deal with that guys i may have to destroy him forever what do i do will it really never go away it'll always be there exclamation point do i do it if i miss click it'll just do it on accident and then i can say to anyone asking me why did you get your bed at c6 i can say it was an accident maybe it's not that bad fifteen percent prior damage bonus and the weapons are infused with pyro would characters not do both like xiao does animal damage with his ult and he has an animal damage bonus cup so like i don't know i'm still not going to do it for now for now we have to log on to our phone because that's where i have my payment stuff set up all right here we go uh shop i said i wouldn't i said i wouldn't even do weapon summons anymore i remember why ah it hurts i'm only gonna do a hundred if we still don't get a weapon with that then i'll never do weapon summons again and that and i don't care if there's the two best weapons in the game in the banner i'm done unless we get a weapon with with that i mean we should it's 8 000 genesis crystals that's like i don't think that's even enough well wait no we started with 7 000. there's over 15 000 primo gems if we don't get a five-star weapon um no wait it's we are guaranteed to get a five-star weapon let's just do a tin pull come on here it is here it is no it's not why why do i always have to pity i think the last summons we did was was pity but since i'm probably gonna actually definitely write off weapon summons after this we might just do single summons lions roar i have way better weapons in the meantime well i don't think lions roar is that bad probably at c5 would be pretty good all right this'll have to be cut up a lot because i don't want to because i don't want to actually bother you guys with single summons but i don't want to spend a single primo gym more than i need to at this point cool steel slingshot raven bow cool steel ah sky rider sword this has got to be it there's a oh finally a character i could actually constellation but i don't really use her i don't really have plans to use her either should we just do another 10 poll i don't know no i refuse i want to be as efficient as possible because i'm never doing weapon summons after the slingshot skyrider sword you don't even need 5 star weapons 4 stars are enough for like every content in the game why am i even doing this i don't know slingshot ravenbow those seem to be very uh popular harbinger of dawn as i said another raven bow man can luck actually be worse i don't think it's possible we're getting one four star every 10 pulls and we're gonna have to go down to actually guaranteed pity it's been 10k primo gym so far or more no it's been more actually man this is it it's a i think i think that's not a pity purple but still it's a lithic spear which again if we get it to r5 we'll have to consider it but still and watch watch i'm going to get i'm going to get an off banner five-star weapon probably the worst one possible whatever that is maybe another one of those books that i haven't had any use for because i don't have cli skyward atlas i think it's called okay now we're getting you know more four stars maybe i've complained hard enough okay another lithic spear that's actually pretty weird okay well it is in part of the uh okay yeah we've gotten i think three lithic spears now and then here we have the lion's roar and the sacrificial what is that greatsword lithic blade i guess i can't click on that though oh yeah here i can okay yeah it's basically the same as the lithic spear just for greatsword users what is this nothing what is this also nothing our five star must be coming up like rather soon and i'm not even going to be hype because it's literal pity it's literal pity it has to be pity at this point i think it's 80 summons for for guaranteed five star and we've done at least i don't know 70 by now had 15k primary gyms 16k prime gyms is 100 summons which means 15k is 90. more like 92 or 93 so that means pity would be when we're at like i don't know two three thousand it must be any one of these now come on dude no it's really it's gonna be at the 80th summon i guess this one there it is finally that must be like basically pity it's wolf's great all right i'll take it i did want home more honestly because yeah the next character will need a spear and i don't have any maybe lithic will be the one i'll probably have to raise lithic and give that to one of them and give deathmatch to the other or something i haven't really decided yet but wolf's gravestone let's go and raise it a little bit i don't know if we have this stuff required and i'm going to do this because forget it i don't want that dot there i've just ruined my binet my favorite character well i can't say favorite but one of my favorite he's completely dead now cool beans but at least we don't have the dot there that's more important uh we were going to get black cliff slasher up to r5 through the shop but don't need to wolf's gravestone it does also have attack main stat but i guess that's okay for d luke because d luke also has uh like the highest base attack in the game alongside ganyu i believe so it's fine let's see how high we can get this probably not very high at all i can imagine i do appreciate that we didn't get so unlucky that it was also a off banner weapon so there's that at least i have to be at least grateful for that but still it hurts going down to guarantee every time with every banner these days it was literally only in the beginning of the game where i was actually lucky which i guess is still something and now we're missing these they will be open tomorrow i mean i do kind of want to get it to r5 so we should probably go back into the summon summon section i'm just kidding i'm sure you fell for that joke let's see how it looks on d luke i suppose yeah i mean it does suit him really well you know black and red that's his color scheme it's definitely his weapon although it's wolf's gravestone so i kind of thought it was uh razors at first because razer's kind of a wolf boy but yeah that's definitely deluxe weapon also has a bit of white there on the actual blade and so does d luke on his clothes there um yeah that looks like it just fits perfectly with d luke i don't know i don't know what else to say but yeah i don't think i'm gonna be doing weapon summons anymore probably uh i probably will to be honest but like it has to be a perfect banner like kind of this one is or was from my situation i already had a decent greatsword for d luke and there are some some options you know out there like the black cliff but of course wolf's gravestone is a little bit better so whatever i want to check how many of those spears we got though yeah we got three let's go ahead and refine it so okay it only goes up one percent which i guess i should have should have uh figured but still yeah okay refining that doesn't do that much next refine so at r4 it's 10 percent nice solid 10 percent 40 attack boost 24 crit rate it's actually definitely not a bad passive there and again its base attack is quite high i mean granted you have the team for it not bad but yeah overall pretty disappointed about the summon session uh because i don't actually even use d luke all that often obviously i will be using him a little bit more now having wolves gravestone once i raised that um but yeah i would have much rather preferred the spear he obviously won't be able to do much right now because it's level 10 or something but this is just give a little demonstration i mean he can still kill hillary so that is something maybe i'll do another showcase for it once it's actually maxed but for now that'll do it make sure to tell me anything in the comments down below dropping like on this video if you haven't enjoyed always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 321,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact summons, genshin impact 5 star pull, genshin impact guide, genshin impact 2020, genshin impact tips
Id: U4lfCDPwZC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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