GOD MODE XINGQIU! (Genshin Impact)

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hey moglets it's that time again this time however god mode unit these are usually the so-called real showcases where i make them as strong as possible um a prerequisite to that obviously is them being level 90. we have been farming a lot we are super close just need to tie up a few loose [Music] [Applause] ends [Music] three cleansing hearts i think we need to go again if only oceanic gave us four all right that should do it just need to go to the crafting table now as far as i know we need some ominous masks let's just make 58 get sucrose up in there oh yeah and this let's just see how close you are with vanilla crafting actually we can do it with vanilla crafting all right let's go i think i actually made one too many but it's not a big deal we can always transform it into something later there he goes oh jeez i'm really gonna have to spam some ley lines soon i think inazuma is in like five days less by the time this video actually goes up i guess and if i remember from traveler we need 685 of these we literally can't even max him unless those 59 are enough i don't think they will be uh ah now do we still have the stuff here in stardust yes we do thank god we should probably buy these as well honestly too before we forget let's just buy all the you know actually good stuff here all right probably should have done that first now we'll definitely wait oh god there goes 875 xp and my account is ruined anyway of course sacrificial sword is really good for him but if we want to actually see some decent numbers he is still in full oblige with a 20 attack boost better than gladiator i guess does that give it to himself as well currently has 20 52 attack yeah now he has 2200 so it does give it to himself i'll just keep him in a full obliged then his ult does have a longer than 12 second cooldown but you know actually uh i don't know really not sure about the weapon to be honest though like it's gonna be so hard to get his old well here are his attributes for now you see with primordial jade he because he still has that massive crit damage helmet speaking of which i almost forgot there is one thing i want to do and that is level this up once more after playing with him for a while and of course i got some comments that clued me in that his ult is actually insane uh because even though it has a pretty small multiplier those swords are attacking all the time you know let's just craft these 20 here we don't need that many i think we needed like seven whatever we're just gonna make like ten no bonus thanks a lot eula all right here we go 109 which again doesn't sound like much i don't think we're going to max it out i don't think we even have the books for that anyway and yeah crowns you have to be super careful with also i did kind of want to try and like solo something with him but that's going to be super hard with the level 1 basic we might raise the basic a little later let's just go ahead and uh hit these hilla trills real quick okay that was like 30k damage from his e there which is a yes on a 16 second cooldown which is why sacrificial is so good for him i'm actually more interested in the ult though to be honest but damn that e is insane i think we definitely would get more actual dps with sacrificial um but not like you know single numbers you can look at 23 plus 14 and there's like no buffs or anything going on right now how about with a little zhongli shield okay i don't know why that other one was so strong then now we can try out his ult see how that works let's just go ahead and get joggingly shield again and um yeah we're we're just gonna do his old and start attacking and we can see the swords coming down they're doing 7k 6300 and they're just constantly spamming on him dude that's crazy and of course using him has a sub dps you'd have like your main dps going there and those swords would still be hitting everyone uh speaking of which yeah we do need to kind of do some ley lines so we can try that out real quick but also like i don't know we should try and get some boosts in there maybe kazuha maybe banette i think everyone in here will just die too fast but let's see what we can do so first we're going to do this to apply the water yeah they're just dead let's just go ahead and try child i suppose i think we're going to start with water dude go ahead and get the swirl thing going on dupin that's ult get jolly shield real quick try his ults and here we go 10 000. thirty thousand thirty thousand from the blades and then fifty k from his e this guy is crazy dude maybe i just forgot how opie banette's uh buff is because like yeah he's c6 and a lot of my comps don't don't work with c6 30k with his little blades there what and i think child actually has some hydro resistance as far as i know i think this phase has uh two has both electron and hydro resistance but i guess we are reducing that a bit here with both kazuha and um zhang li we need to get banette's uh old back let's go ahead and oh wait okay here we go so we can see those blades again yeah they're not they're not doing as much now but still dude i'm trying to look up there yeah they were doing a lot more a second ago maybe because we lost jungle shield i'm not too sure but dude that that that is i'm actually kind of speechless i can say without a doubt 80 of all of that damage was only water dude i guess i would kind of like to see if he can solo um but for that i think i will have to give him unfortunately well maybe skyward could do it maybe skyward would have enough energy recharge let's try skyward first he will be missing a lot of his crits now obviously but let's just see what happens and i gotta be a lot more careful because i don't have ow i am almost dead he will heal himself a little bit but i don't really have him built to be a healer so i really gotta be careful here oh this is gonna be a challenge in and of itself oh he's broken and he still has a level one uh skill i'm just doing this for a tiny bit of energy maybe we can get it before his e is ready okay his e is ready but i would rather try and get the rest of his old just with basics [Music] there it is all right q yeah i mean it's obviously not as impressive especially because most of them aren't criticaling but still he's half dead pretty quickly here oh god now he's in an electro phase i cannot avoid this for the life of me ah there it is what the hell he just countered me well we're going back to sacrificial his damage is going to suffer even more but he'll he'll have his oath way more consistently that first battle though i can't get over that with his little blades he was doing that much yeah i can't tell when he's like gonna counter me there there there it is and oh that's annoying this must be one of the hardest bosses to solo with a water dude though i can't imagine there we go oh he got hit by it all right we have his alt again i still can't i still can't i'm really trying to just wail on him now but it's super hard to to avoid his attacks while doing that he did get a little bit of healing back thankfully oh he's broken now's the time to do that nothing is credible i shouldn't be surprised though you can use alt again oh he's going into electro mode but i want oh man i still want to get some more damage on him though he's so fast stop it now oh that was it ah jesus christ the counter at one shots well when i just hit retry because they don't go back to full hp i guess i gotta wait move dude yeah there we go he's oh man we're still only in the first phase though i can't count anything as a victory yet stay still for a few seconds we're actually not doing too bad now i just got to keep avoiding those attacks i don't like it when he dashes i can't oh wait wait wait ooh going into the final phase final phase i don't think it is as hard as the electro phase when you're trying to solo at least maybe we can do it oh no i don't want the water stuff though got to get rid of that this is my chance to get damaged though and i gotta take it yeah he definitely has some hydro resistance here 1300 even when they critical he has a lot of hydro resist oh no i'm just talking too much and i stop paying attention ah this is just a character showcase why am i torturing myself oh that's bad yeah whatever the hell are you saying why couldn't i move i was pressing my stupid keyboard that's dumb and i hate it no what the why am i doing this what moga stop that's why i gotta take every chance i got to i oh my god what is wrong all right back to the final phase again it would probably be a bit easier just to take it slower and uh not have so much i'm just gonna be patient though just knowing i'm one shot away is so annoying i mean obviously this guy no no no stop oh my god he's dying so slow also why was i so zoomed in that's a problem or it's just me maybe i'm the problem i run away now oh no not not the twirl the twirl is what killed me last for the first time actually i've already been here oh jesus this is like ultra difficulty because i'm working with a dumbass bluetooth keyboard and sometimes it decides not to not to iframe when i want to keep zooming in stop zooming in i don't want it to be zoomed in what is this oh no oh that was close sad last 10 minutes of actual healing is gone in one one frame no no no not the swirl no wait wait why is he doing that i don't have the thing i don't have the mark anymore whatever i could run away at least that would probably one shot me no lie definitely especially at 10k hp i gotta get rid of this oh oh god okay you can stay out here also oh he's done i'm not i'm not i'm not going to hype i don't even know why i did this it was as hard as soloing with any it wasn't easy like i i don't know i thought because of how amazing he was doing with all of those buff supports you know it would be easy he's still a god-like character i would say but like yeah solo you know i think he does need help because he is kind of a support himself um i mean he did solo and again his basic attack is at level one so raising that a bit would have helped i still don't think i planned a main try and like main dps him or anything which is why i didn't bother investing the books um but for what he is incredible incredible especially with some buffs you know going on uh and yeah he can do some massive damage i probably will keep him in sacrificial though because that's just i still think the best i mean hey we still a child with sacrificial so must mean something um but yeah so hutao him you know binny i think that's a super good team right there maybe zhang li instead of kazuha just to keep the uh pyro resonance you know 25 attack boost but yeah you know let's just finish up our daily quests here you know most of the time i'm just doing uh seeing shows e or q when it's ready and then going to hutau to have the vaporizers continually going off we can just go ahead and do his ult as well here and then you know see how it looks normally so you know dude he's hitting them for 10k but i will need to fix his crate to crit damage ratio i know that one over there isn't even a fighting quest so i'll just do that later but yeah there was he very very impressive if i do say so myself very good call to raise this it's just like the entire duration spamming those sword reigns it must be that each one of the three swords or is it four i don't know but it's a lot each has this hundred percent you know skill damage bonus because they were each doing so much damage um at least you know during the first child fight where we actually had four characters this is really strong too but nothing compared to his old because yeah you know this is 650 maybe 700 once it's at the same level that's one hit two hits if sacrificial procs but this is like 300 every second for 15 seconds think about that on my razing water dude video i i hadn't really looked closely basically i just hit e or q when it was ready and switched to who tower or whatever just to do some vaporize it was like most importantly is vaporized which i think it still is but you know you can have a lot of passive damage there as well those are ultimately my thoughts see i pressed space and uh he just decided not to glide i guess that's what i deserve for using a mac keyboard to game but yeah make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping like on this video if you didn't enjoy it's always greatly appreciated as well also please consider subscribing if you do want to see more videos like this our next goal is 350k subscribers at that point i'll be able to get a real keyboard that would be so pog thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 501,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game, xingqiu
Id: MTOduUxfXrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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