Was I WRONG about throwing knives? Reply to Adam Celadin

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so i just want to demonstrate again how easy this close the distance in maybe just two steps if i'm here i go one two three yeah and i'm dead [Music] greetings i'm shad and adam kaladin a um world champion knife thrower has made a response to my video on knife throwing disagreeing with me on a couple of key points which i would like to now respond to him and uh and address basically look he was really respectful he seems like a really friendly guy so uh no shade on um adam i think like i said i think we would get along really really well what we are addressing though are the specific points he brings up in the video and so i'm look i've watched this video especially coming from someone with huge amounts of experience i was ready to um take on board anything that he was able to show that i was wrongly in context and he brings up one or two points that um uh i've certainly considered and will address here so you should know very clearly my whole context of the previous video was how useful are knives in combat adam seems to think that i'm saying knife throwing is useful across the board because when he says uh knife throwing is really useful he then gives examples it's it gets you outdoors as it's great as a hobby and a sport and do i think is knife throwing really useful yes i think for sure because mainly it gets you out of your house outside outdoors you're gonna move you're gonna learn new techniques you're gonna meet new people around the world on the competition that's that's not the context of my argument in any measure a good half this video is uh addressing the technique that i was doing and uh look for happy free limit i suck at knife throwing that was actually the point of the montage that we made in the previous video where i'm showing myself sucking at knife throwing so i completely agree in fact that meant that went at the end of the video but you moved it to the beginning i moved yes yes that my skill with knife throwing actually is irrelevant to the points i'm making because we continue the discussion under the assumption of someone being able to use them effectively whatever you throw them it would land on points and considering knives in that context how useful would they be in the context of actually being able to be thrown effectively and so yeah like um that seems to be missed the point now i i love that adam is really passionate about his his hobby his sport he is a world champion like i mentioned and he wants to educate people on what the better techniques are that's brilliant but then trying to criticize me that my points are wrong because i was using the wrong technique when he later goes on to actually say spinning technique is nowhere near as good as no spin technique which is a bit harder but then he says that no spin technique is mostly effective from two to six to seven meters so of course the whole video my first one was in context of proper combat range to justify actually throwing a knife and anything too short would be a point adam literally says that when you go up to over um six seven meters spin technique is usually the one and he goes like in in the he mentions that in the ranges of like um 20 and as far as 30 meters spin technique is the one that they mostly use which is that poorly i was using this technique poorly but that is the technique i was using you pick the most wrong technique possible because you pick the full spin throwing for knife throwing we can throw accurate on the competitions up to even 25 or 30 meters guys are accurate on the target but that's more with the spin throwing technique in my video i actually was using the correct technique i was still crap at it but that is the correct or why because he then also says that you can do no spin at up to 20 meters but it's really difficult but most people when they're throwing at 20 to 30 meters it is spin technique so uh half of the video of adam's one and i love that he's trying to spread his hobby meditating to everything but is literally irrelevant to the context of the video that i was talking about so i failed to see why he's saying i'm doing the wrong thing when at the range that i was throwing i was actually doing the right technique by the very words of his own video by his own admission uh the next half of the video is talking about effectiveness of range and other things and we're going to go through point by point but in the second half of the video adam literally agrees to the overall premise of my first video is that throwing knives are a bit over hyped here's the quote in one of your points you're saying that knife throwing is overhyped and with that i have to agree knife throwing in the video games it's like one throw one kill in the hollywood movies the same thing the guys throwing you know killing everybody right away so i think this is the bad portrait so if the good portion of the first half of the video is not addressing the actual argument i was making about what validates you know throwing weapons at a correct range and the second half is agreeing with portion of a saying i have to say a lot of the arguments is in his videos uh are completely irrelevant but we'll go through point by point and this isn't a tackle on adam i think he's a genuinely friendly nice guy we're just gonna be disagreeing and look he felt perfectly and he is he's perfectly valid and justified in making a response video when he thinks i'm wrong and he disagrees with me so i hope he doesn't begrudge me when i again make a response to him uh feeling that he's wrong and expressing my reasons why and as i am not taking any offense at all because i actually like healthy disagreement i think it's fun i hope he won't take any offense at me disagreeing with him and i'm going to be going through point by point uh breaking this discussion down so adam here like it's a funny intro but i think this betrays the fundamental misunderstanding of the video because the whole point of the montage that is watching here is that i suck wait a minute so i'm not sure if he's making a joke but it seems to be in a response that i said throwing knives suck and he is now going to address that you know they do not suck when i hope he could understand that i was clearly being sarcastic and flip it in response to i suck at and you know jokes are kind of ruined and you need to explain it but the concept of the joke is that clearly i'm the one who sucks at throwing knives okay and when i said throwing i suck in context of the clip was a comical deflection of my own inadequacies when i'm the issue not the knives up so that's the joke uh and that wasn't the validation to say throwing knives suck it was in no measure at all to say the sport of throwing knives sucks because in the video i say very clearly it's fun it's a really fun thing to do we had heaps of fun throwing these knives i said in the video throwing eyes are a really fun thing the context of videos how effective are they in combat now as a combative weapon they mostly suck okay that very much i agree with and that's well when you throw them wait well we'll talk about because adam actually did this is where you know because at one point is addressing the technique that i wasn't using and another point agrees with me there is a stronger sticking point which we do fundamentally disagree on and that's their effectiveness in combat okay and so definitely that's going to be a strong point to bring up and talk about and i've even got outside demonstrations we'll be able to show as well so introduction to my friends very friendly if you are here first time my name is i'm sorry for mispronouncing your name four times record holder for checkbook by the way tremendous respect for your skill this guy's very talented in throwing knives okay as to how useful that type of technique in town would be in combat yeah four-time record holder the only record i have four of his criminal for records and member of international knife throwing hall of fame today i want to respond to shad from shed university hello thank you for responding really look i enjoy this back and forth unfortunately i do not get as much time as i'd like to to respond to everyone and the the larger my channel grows the more responses i get and there's a greater mix of genuine and sometimes very disingenuous ones i think this one has done very good faith okay and so i love adam's respect and then friendliness uh and so this is definitely how you respond okay uh even if we still disagree this is certainly the way to do it he made video about is knife drawing really useful or practical okay so usually practical in combat all right because as we've i've already shown in the clips from his video he literally seems to think that i'm saying nice throwing across the board is useless and impractical as a sport hobby it's really have fun i i genuinely think it's a lot of fun as well uh but in combat that's the most important thing i really like shot i'm actually a subscriber for thank you but in his video there was a lot of wrong points okay so if there was a lot of wrong points we will address them because i actually think even after watching this video most of my points are completely valid especially the ones where he tries to address combat which will i'll explain the in the thing but then a lot of the other points he only is only addressing a very few elements of my video for instance um the technique right when adam himself actually we agree on a lot of fundamental points like um however hyped it is and it should not be a primary weapon adam also says that in this video as a distraction okay as a like as a backup but in your hand it's a great secondary if you throw it and you lose it i mean look there are reasons why you would be willing to throw it and you've got backups okay if you've got backups then maybe maybe you know the time it takes to draw out another weapon there it's shocking how quickly someone can close and kill you in that time which we'll i guess address in this video but as to what i was saying before uh i i don't think i got a lot of things wrong and i will double check it right here going through the video point by point so first of all let's talk about history of knife throwing because it's way more complex that you see in the height this is the type of video actually with genuine love to um see and learn more about i think some of the examples you use they don't get nearly go deep enough nor have the sources to validate a lot of things i have looked at you know a lot of medieval combat over the years and knife throwing rarely ever comes up at all okay it was never used as a primary combat kind of thing maybe it's a backup because look throwing weapons does come up even throwing swords in one of the sources okay uh comes up now and then throwing things even throwing pummels right so it was used but in the context of how they used sometimes as novelty last ditch surprising but never as a primary technique primary weapon and that's what i was suggesting in my first video i was talking about the classic knife throwing warrior where his main weapon is the knife throwing and that is the impractical not you know useful thing that i was trying to debunk what separates them from um the war darts and stuff like that range ease of use um and also versatility um because uh war does he he mentions plumbartus or they'll come up a bit and maybe i'll address that point when the plum butter comes up um because there are other thrown weapons that have more uses more lethal more versatile movies or in the video games it actually comes from the stone throwing first it was just ordinary stone after they specially polish them okay i think this is an oversimplification because it wasn't like stone throwing was bad so we purposely went to sharpen the stones to make better now like they would there's a lot of other ways to make stone throwing more effective like the ceiling this thing was actually uh surprisingly lethal weapon in antiquity uh in actual fact a slung stone is vastly more effective than a throne dagger more range a lot more velocity as well and so um yeah i think his uh historical summary here again very oversimplified it was very very useful skill in past before the firearms came it was a useful skill before firearms came see this i completely disagree with because one there was a vast range of uh ranged weapons that would achieve or serve the role that the firearms would have served before firearms came about and so what is the firearm replacing that the knife was doing that the bow couldn't do and you were using the knife over top and so saying knives really useful until firearms no no like anything that the firearm would serve to replace the knife crossbow bow me like thrown darts slings all those things could do what you might want a knife to do and more so i think this is a poor representation of knives used throughout history and a bit of a misunderstanding about what might actually affect their utility historically i'm not saying people never use them i'm sure they're like like the hobby the sport and everything and also if you have something small you can always try throwing it and so i'm sure people just did it for fun but in terms of useful combat application historically very few examples of it it happened of course right but as a primary thing and how useful is it versus like would you pick it if you had to upgrade other options of other weapons you know that's where you run into issues because if you can imagine that you were able to pick it up any hidden weapon that you was on your body and throw it and after that follow up with other attack or run away it was very practical throw it then follow up with other attacks if this is your only weapon your follow-up attacks would be unarmed and then run away if you didn't throw it you wouldn't have to run away you could follow up with many attacks with the knife itself especially if you're in close range uh close range is gonna be the sticking point i actually feel throwing knives in close range are petite is a particularly bad idea we'll explain and show it was very practical in the arm business um the perspective of the camera is throwing things a bit because it's got a one of those lenses that stretches out the um the thing i actually think is about two meters um three meters at most but that is that is a melee range that is not like a range in which an opponent with a melee weapon they can hit you in that range that's so so you're getting no valid advantage of throwing it okay because you think oh i can hit you no they can like that the action this action there is enough time for them to launch forward and hit all right so you're disarming yourself you could try and land a hit and also block defend parry some way and get a hit in right um without losing your weapon the only advantage would be running away like and but then you're losing your weapon and then if they close still on you so if you had other weapons and your attention was run away then maybe a last ditch throw it try and do some damage and then run but we also tested that outside and trying to run away at that range while still getting a throw off i was closing on oz very easily uh so adam is trying to say it works really effectively i actually it's the it's the op like when i say opposite effective like it's not even adequate it actually puts you in a worse situation than if you just didn't throw it and used it for defense and attack in some way i freely admit i am not an experienced knife thrower but i have studied melee combat and that's the context in which we're putting knife throwing into okay and in terms of distance the amount of time it takes to close to attack to they're like to what distance you can manage to close in a very short time i have a lot of experience in and i've studied many different types of weapons and i think that is a key point of understanding research and experience that adam is lacking in especially when he is trying to validate throwing knives to be effective in such close range so close range in which this is this is melee range it's not even like this melee range and this long range and when i say long range it's in the context that like you're you can you can use a ranged weapon to hit the opponent and they can't hit you still okay right and if throwing knives only retain a high level of utility when i say utility ability to hit the target or enemy effectively and if their only ability is to maintain that in such close range they're not they're effectively not arranged weapon then of course there is way more about history of knife throwing but today i want to show you mainly the action part the useful and the practical and now i want to talk about good knives versus bad knives because for your video chat you pick the wrong the most horrible knives possible all right happy to concede on this i haven't done endless research on what the best throwing knives are i just wanted to grab ones that would work these ones work perfectly well for the demonstration that we're doing in the video the question is if i use different knives would that have changed my analysis no it wouldn't because the analysis was if you're using knives in any way effectively that you could throw them reliably and point always landing on the target are they good in combat and so the type of knife is irrelevant to that context because you switch out the knife to a better knife the context is still the same you're just throwing them they're landing effectively on the target how effective are they in combat it's not to say adam's information isn't useful like it's really good to know what are the best throwing knives or anything like that but to bring them up in such a way to say i'm saying something wrong in my video i never said these are the best knives i said they were good knives and actually still like i think these are great they have a great balance to them i've held many weapons in my life these feel great in the hand uh in terms of how well do they throw well he that's where adam obvious of course has the experience but i could definitely throw them like this and adam was trying to say that it's hot granted i wouldn't want to wrap my hands around him so maybe that's the point where because in uh no spin techniques adam is throwing with a finger on the back like that and so he would definitely know which knives work better for no throw i happily conceded his authority on this point and yeah listen to adam about that but my point is that does this impact what i was actually saying in my video and i don't think it does now one of the most important parts for combat throwing okay this is where we get to the good stuff whatever you pick the most wrong technique possible because you picked the full spin throwing so i picked the most wrong technique possible for combat knife throwing well i already kind of mentioned the technique that we're using is irrelevant because the context was under the assumption that whatever technique you're using you're throwing them perfectly well enough to land point first on the target i think there was a one i think that was one thing if you use spin technique it's harder to get it going more lethal in all right and so in combat um throwing i i will happily concede to his point here that no spin technique seems to have the points towards the target on a longer period of time which gives a higher chance of a point going deeper which gives higher chance of lethal injury so to that i would concede and happily agree except he then goes on to say no spin techniques main utility is in two to six meters and when you go further than that like from 10 to 20 meters unless you're super talented and trained heaps to do no spin technique on the really high ranges it's mostly spin technique here's when he says it for no spin technique like i said the most useful or the practical distances are from two up to six seven meters and right after that it's more about the skill and it can be also done so 10 15 even 20 meters no spin it's possible for knife throwing we can throw accurate on the competitions up to even 25 or 30 meters guys are accurate on the target but that's more with the spin throwing technique and sorry if no spin technique is the better combat technique for knife throwing but is only mainly useful up to six seven meters at most well then that really invalidates because yes you might have a chance of landing in the target but the range is the biggest disagreement and issue i have with adam's video here because in all everything that he's talking about here is mostly in the context of in crazy close distance okay six meters is very close distance and it gives some examples of longer distance but then that really invalidates something that um we'll get to in order so that looks four meters from the target there all right um because just looking at the perspective of the camera and stuff uh and that's so close because if you're gonna move one step forward you gotta move you gotta move it keeps coming keeps going up and this isn't the only time he says it if you gotta move then no uh weapons should be very useful without the necessity to always move um but look [Music] you can use them not moving clearly it's just sorry if you've if anyone has seen my content the you've got to move thing is not the first time someone's i gotta move okay it's gonna under rotate and if i will move back it's gonna overthink okay so it seems like he's actually validating some of my criticisms about the spin technique and this is what n is saying it's been technique bad that's why no spin technique is good but then he goes on to further say that when you're at higher ranges where up to like 10 meters uh 20 meters and 30 meters spin technique is the one that's mostly done unless you're super talented if spinting is going to be the most common uh technique used at those ranges adam is actually validating my criticism that it's gonna be really difficult to measure the distance because it's actually showing even himself i'm not sure if he's so talented they can just purposely have it not hit and then he'd get it to hit but my point about you know when we're just doing casual discussion the other video about knowing the distance to get the spin rotation correctly to hit the target would be a very difficult thing to calculate and that is a limiting factor if spin technique is the one that you need to use and adam does mention it in the longer ranges that is spin technique is the most common one i think his what is holding right how much of an edge does that knife actually have that's a tiny edge it's only got an edge down to there and then the rest is blunt i'd almost not even call those knives as a result a knife actually is supposed to have an edge those are like pointed metal requires you to have no point at the he did have a different knife okay which looked like a knife without any um you know sides to it uh that he was doing no spin technique with but it's interesting these are the knives that he specifically uses to validate the utility of knives versus armor because those are heavy chunky very robust pointed knives like it looks like it has no taper and then they only taper at the top top to get a really solid point which then strengthens that point which makes them have a chance to get through mail and he has uh he references another video which i have watched and stuff uh and so if this this doesn't validate his demonstrations or sorry by show if you need an ultra specific knife um to have high chance of getting through armor that almost invalidates the demonstrations of how effective knives are three armor if this is such a specific different type of knife that most people wouldn't be using for throwing look if you're dedicated throwing person knife dagger person maybe you do would use those but that's a crap knife just in any other context apart from throwing it's i i'm hesitant to even call it a knife it's a lot of metal for such a small offensive edge yeah so interesting thing to consider you don't need to know your distance from the target you can literally stand anywhere you can be super close like here everything that that is super close some threat in front of me like guy with machete or something like that i can create a little bit distance so he can actually reach me with my machete this comment here shows a very big lack of understanding about weapon-based combat um and stuff he said if he's at that distance the guy with the machete can't hit him oh absolutely he can like one lunge forward and he'll be in range to hit okay and that is so darn quick like here here's an example that we showed outside the thing is in this range this is this is melee range right i don't even need a step and i'll be able to hit him okay right see like i can't defend against you when i've thrown them but even now i'm just you have knives and you can try and defend from here to where oz is that is about that's five meters we have a measuring tape on the ground pointing us out now this range you might think is pretty darn far and is range combat this is not that far outside of melee threat so if i wanted to hit us from here it would take maybe two steps just one two hit right that is not hard to close the distance at all in actual fact to get the benefit of rage what was saying you need more distance than that because this is essentially still effective melee threat range so like to to think that that is a safe you know range distance where your opponent kind of you if they're using something like a machete is absolutely categorically wrong and we're looking at if the person was standing at the range of the target is okay that's three meters by the look of it that is one lunge and you're in okay let alone continue follow-up strikes and further lunges and stuff just that sorry that is categorically absolutely indus indefensibly incorrect that statement but i have my knife ready like here or in my hand like hey guys stop stop stop all right see all that hey guys stop stop stop the guys close and hit you okay or or even even this ready but i have ready ready right here or in my hand like hey guys stop stop so so from this point from there to the point where you see him pulling back if i was in combat and i saw him do that that's go time that's lunge all right and what i'm talking about like in terms of speed ready you could close the distance stop okay you've hit him by that look like in this distance you might be able to hit him before he even releases but at most like he he would be throwing in the knob would be there something you could easily strike his hand as his move or any number of things okay which could totally wreck the knife thrower in that thing like it's literally bang like that's not even half a second all this is like you see it bang but also especially a thrust if you had the weapon presented forward all right if if someone is standing where the target is all right you can present the weapon at least a meter to a meter half in front of you still from where your feet are okay it seems like he doesn't understand the actual threats range that you have with a weapon and the measure like like what what is you know in measure what's out of measure and things like that because if i was standing right there where the target is i could still present my blade and i'd only be half a meter or a meter from even connecting with them and that's just one lunge so you're just there bang you could strike you could almost strike them without moving your back leg at that range you can throw it run away you would already be hit especially like i was just talking about the action of pulling back and doing that but the full action of throwing they're closed and you've not [Music] but this is the available okay would you be better served just holding on to the knife and having two weapons ikea because it you would like the action of trying to pull out another weapon while they're attacking you leaves you like you could still try and deflect with one weapon but you're still quite you know dangerously open because the action of actual grabbing whatever you know a weapon you have you're also focusing on something other than the combat there's a lot of problems and dangers that you expose yourself to in trying to draw another weapon when the opponent's already closed like that then continue with that but definitely throw or run away okay okay throw and run away so no combat all right um we tried that as well now look oz isn't the best throwing thing stuff but he genuinely tried to run away the thing is though the action to throw all right the time it takes to throw is plenty enough time for your opponent to close and so you can't throw it and then run away no it's throw and you're you're attacked okay the the the moment when you're trying to run you're already hit so you don't have that at this range no chance do you have that option to run away you have to be throw while you're running so as soon as you see him go to close you have to be moving back at that point if you do not move at that point and you are stationary to do a throw you're gonna get hit you have to run and this is the thing unless you're doing full sprint in the other direction you will not outrun them they've tested this with police officers and everything like that as soon as you even turn while you're running try and do any action you slow down and a committed attacker with a sword can run full belt at you you will get attacked so unless you're committed to legging it and not doing any offensive action there's no way to avoid getting hits all right apart from actually blocking and doing something defensively i'm talking about just trying to outrun them you can't do it if you're going to try and do any remember a proper the discussion is knife throwing as a primary weapon with nothing else okay um but even in the previous video we said if you combined with other things you could use it as a distraction or a last ditch attack like if you needed to hit someone in which you couldn't close the distance in time you just had to throw yeah there's a place for we're not saying there's no uses at all but as a primary weapon they're pretty rubbish you don't have to stand at one place you can literally move all right you're already hit you're already here like this is the problem with just throwing at stationary targets and not looking at this in a combative situation all right we this kind of comes up when we're discussing um archery use and combat and stuff when you're throwing at target so much they the the just the concepts to consider what the enemy is doing this is this comes up martial arts when you have a compliant opponent and you're not practicing techniques against a resisting opponent you're like oftentimes all these techniques that you know a lot of you know the mcdojos teach and everything against non-resisting opponents when they're actually trying to get even someone who's untrained who just resists these techniques the techniques suck because as soon as you go up against someone who's resisting and trying to hit you back it puts it in a whole new context and that is exactly what we're seeing here in adam's video he is all he's talking about as if the opponent is doing nothing just going to stand there and take it that's an awful way to discuss knife throwing in combat and that's the discussion right now there's a knife throwing in combat and he it's under the consideration that the guy's just standing no like you can throw and move back and i thought no you thought you already hit you're already banged yeah like throwing is done now it's over you could put a challenge to him since he's the master like he's got four world records and throwing what if you said to him hey get one of your friends to try and chase you around with like a see how it goes yeah like that would be a fun thing for him to try out um i want him to find someone who knows something about sword fighting but the thing is people then say i got you to throw at me and you know nothing about nitrogen but you didn't need to know anything about knife throwing because we're just gonna we were assuming that he's throwing and whatever hits would be a lethal or a damaging hit well that's the assumption we're making i did hit you quite a few you did you didn't hit me like you know if you know how to just aim something okay but because um swordsmanship techniques right you need a proper committed attacker like i've seen people try and do nunchucks versus knife and the person that are using a knife is this stationary non-aggressive opponent like no get someone to rush you with a friggin knife with intent to jab it in your neck and see how well you do with nunchucks then all right like a fully aggressed opponent who was happy to take a few nunchuck hits on the almonds all right see how that works out then uh and so if adam was gonna do a test about knives versus swords and his opponent needs to be committed aggressive and then test it out and see how early goes and i think he'll find even with how talented he is and he's very talented i'm not saying he isn't uh especially in the range in which he's showing here no you're not going to be able to just throw me back and throw not a chance i was not watching yeah i know he's demonstrating that you can throw knives at any distance of no throw technique but he's also kind of trying to demonstrate you could throw up you can follow up with them a second throw when you move back and you know you won't even get the second throw off if the attack is committed at all from short ranges it's very very practical that is where we fundamentally massively disagree all right so this is where we're gonna go the longer demonstration outside because we let's we tested this and we'll show you what we did to demonstrate i have oz here to help me out now oz is going to be the the theoretical dagger throwing person and we're throwing throwing daggers today the problem that i was saying there's very little advantage that a knife thrower will get out of this range if i can still close the distance and hit him within the frame of time that he has to actually throw and so you can maybe try and move back a bit right but i'm going to be committed to try and hit you and uh we'll see because the true advantage of range is beyond to strike someone without them being able to hit you and so that's going to be a bit of the test one two three like we're going to go into the assumption and pretend that oz is a master dagger whatever he throws is going to land on target and uh so regardless of technique spin whatever and so i would have gotten a dagger saw it in the gut but he would be dead well this is where i was saying that the dagger might have some redeeming features if you use it in your hand so i just want to demonstrate again how easy this close the distance in maybe just two steps if i'm here i go one two four yeah and i'm dead and i deflected that with the sword then yeah so the other point is that you can defend against knives over three don't you yeah all right guard hands even with the sword i think the point is pretty much shown so far about range at least is that this is not effective long range combat this is still definitely me like now we've been comparing the fairy situation for the knives of this i'm unarmored not wearing armor and i'm using a single weapon okay imagine if i was using a shield and yes we will try that yeah i failed both one two high one was too low i'm so confident that a shield is going to be so devastatingly effective against firing eyes i'm not even going to wear the helmet in this okay because a dagger could pierce and maybe poke through a shield somewhat but in terms of actually hitting me when i can just put up this defense sorry ready yep anything gives a count three two one [Music] i got your leg you're dead i'll try to like how far is he because if i'm throwing from here why don't i just instead of going like that and drop it that's a very good point like when you get this close you'd be better served fighting like because this thing gentlemen he said that the knives main effective range is about up to six meters max but in a lot of his test is standing this close this is melee range and to use throwing dag is this close you're just disarming yourself if some mistake happens if you're on a master so even if you're a master if you miss accidentally or just don't get a lethal hit you've disarmed yourself and it's a terrible idea don't be better off fighting with them in me like not throwing but the thing is in this range this is this is melee range right i don't even need a step and i'll be able to hit him okay right see like i can't defend against you when i've thrown them but even now i'm just you have knives and you can try and defend so you'd say throwing knives at this range is rather stupid unless for some of the reasons i've said in the original video maybe for a distraction okay last option you have you and if you just if i'm fighting someone here and you can't close the distance in time you can just last ditch just throw the weapon it doesn't make much sense to me so the gentleman's point was that knives could be pretty lethal in the ranges that he was sho throwing and i think i hope we've demonstrated that in the range that he was throwing you're like that's a terrible idea a genuinely terrible idea even if you get a lethal strike you're not going to instantly kill them unless you get a head hit and they will still close the distance and have a much higher chance of doing a lethal hit against you even up to six meters you will close and get it so shield might be a bit unfair what about single sword the thing is though single sword will actually probably give me more advantages than two-handed long sword because i can block try and block with this hand yes i'm using imperius look at this beautiful saw very sexy very sleek from my novel you can buy it from calamissil uh link's in the description but sorry even single side if we go to full range and i want to close the distance i can easily put up a guard to protect my head and if your only option is double death that's a terrible thing but anyway so try and try and nathan give us a countdown three two one both times at the same spot right under the arm right under the arm yeah so it still won't be lethal i'll be dead you'll be there that's not what you like you don't want a weapon that can not defend yourself and it's especially weapon that leaves you completely disarmed if you put your hell back on for the head like it would be better for you to just use them like normal daggers if i charge you like this like then oh he can offend him so now i see like he can defend he can attack it's called the blender move if i was being serious right i wouldn't charge him then because then i know it's not going to throw so maybe uh if i was like this [Applause] there you go you distracted me then three one [Laughter] i think we've got the point yeah so in short ranges okay um i think adam goes on later to say about dodging okay that i agree in short ranges much much harder to dodge all right but then he then goes on to try and validate that you can still use throwing knives over much longer distances and when you go over those long distances much easier to dodge okay and he seems to think that because he proved that it's so hard to dodge this short distance that dodging is now an irrelevant point to bring up at these longer distances and because he can hit his target at a longer distance therefore knife throwing over long distance is valid and useful it's like no over those longer distances that knife is a slower moving object and sometimes arcing needs to arc through the air that is way easier to dodge um and my criticism about how effective knives are in longer distance and we're talking about anything longer than 20 meters by the way 20 meters is a like depressingly like when i said like if you if you if the best distance you have out of a throwing weapon is only 20 meters that is a crap-ranged weapon all right um you you want something that's effective up to 30 meters minimum even further and when we get into like the ranges that many weapons could reach like slings like uh like a good throw in plum butter but when you talk about um war darts which are big javelin-like darts the distances that they can reach and uh also of course bows in our archery like 30 meters 20 meters that is pathetically short range all right and if you're saying these are the max range that you can get out of knives these are uniquely ineffective ranged weapons in because remember your how easy it is for opponents to um close the distance there's a thing in police officers that like anything within is it 10 meters or so if someone is within 10 meters and already running at you with a knife uh like you don't you won't be able to draw in time and killed it all right because when someone's committed and running at you they can close that distance shockingly fast okay and so if the effective range and like deadly true deadly rage of knives is within six meters holy crap that sucks like genuinely sucks now going back on to the dodging point which uh well actually i'll wait until he brings up dodging and then we'll dress it you're already dead i'm sorry see what he's doing here right here all right he's facing off against an opponent supposedly and if i saw someone with only a knife like that i would be rushing him they are like that would be so difficult for them to protect their hand he's presenting his arm forward i would strike at the arm one line just bang and so ready it would i've already hit okay like that you would you would have to be avoiding moving back drastically and i would be lunging hitting and all of this is horrible to do in an actual fight against anyone using really any type of weapon even another knife if they're committed and lunging at you right holy crap you wouldn't be able to stand there like that at all it's like he's fighting against a stationary target which funnily enough he is this action right here even when he goes to hit like they've closed and already hit you and then turning and running after that yeah doesn't work like that so maybe you already noticed knife throwing is getting way more practical now right it's actually quite the opposite a lot of what adam is saying here is validating my criticism against knives especially he says himself uh if we'll get to it because i've already watched the video he says the main effective ranges for no spin and just like this is between two and six and seven meters if their most effective range is that that's crap and that is actually not range distance that is melee distance throwing knives effectiveness in combat in that range is very poor now i'm sorry we will get to the dodge thing because i'll dress it in my opinion it was never a primary weapon it was always secondary like well i agree it would never want to be a primary weapon in terms of secondary as a backup as a distraction yes but i don't know if it's talking about just as a backup of distraction that's it for the destruction the structure could be good stuff like that and you also saying in your video that easy it's easy to dodge okay you can tell me if i'd be staring like this close can you dodge this the question is is that the distance that we were demonstrating in the video no i was standing uh minimum eight to ten meters from the target and at that distance i will still i still hold the opinion it's much easier to dodge knives and that's that's about at the minimum distance where i would comfortably say you you have a chance of dodging if you really try uh and it's much easier shorter distances then it'll be much difficult but anything longer gets exponentially easier to dodge okay you test on me and i dodged them each time yeah i it wasn't hard like if you had someone ready and like because this is the thing if someone is just aiming for your center line okay from the time they go to there and then release and then the time it takes to land over you know definitely eight meters like to do that you're gonna displace the knife for uh you know if it's there like and it'll avoid hitting vital organs especially if you run and you're searching like that uh but in close ranges i agree yeah it's very hard to dodge anything at super close range including the person attacking you with a sword and so this dodging argument is completely like irrelevant to one what we were saying in the previous video but then there's this other point about okay the actual exchange now we already have shown in the demonstration that there are ways to at least protect the head and it exposes your body and i fully admit like with a solid heavy knife especially the type that is throwing right here get it in the chest or gut like good chance of you know potentially doing a lethal wound but is that going to incapacitate them instantly to bring them doing lethal wound against you which is got very high chances um and by the way that lethal wound that's only if it hits a vital organ if it misses any vital organ gets hit on the ribs and doesn't penetrate deep enough or anything they're going to have a very uncomfortable cut but they'll survive and you've disarmed yourself or you have a single knife to defend in your off hand or you have to reach for another knife and in the moment process of trying to draw another knife you're slashed to pieces okay uh so the uh at best you would get a double kill almost like you would get them in a lethal hit but they hit you like you're dead unless you somehow get them instant stopping like through the eye and kill them completely but he says that's like mostly a hollywood myth adam even says this in this video where he this is where he acknowledges that knives are overhyped and that the one throw one kill is mostly a myth i agree completely agree but that's the only way you could stop the opponent from killing you in this range and if you can't do a one hit one kill to stop them and then you're you only have knives to defend yourself and they have anything more substantial you're dead you can't stop that um and so i agree it would be very hard to dodge within that range but it also means you can't dodge your opponent's attack either if they've just had anything with a decent cutting capacity just do a fully on strike you're dead or incapacitated like in the shoulder it's going to cut down in air you also mentioned that range for knife throwing it's also very small and that's very not true because for knife throwing we can throw accurate on the competitions up to even 25 or 30 meters that's very short range in regards to medieval range weapons okay a lot of other weapons can do that range and much better with more lethality and more speed and everything we can throw accurate on the competitions up to even 25 or 30 meters but for the practical and the most combat scenarios i think the short distances are most practical look at some of the ranges that todd from todd's workshop does with his um um war darts he's done a recent video where he's talking about all these different darts todd is such a great channel go check him out guys please do um because he tests out some awesome stuff and he makes these great things as well so yeah check out todd if you haven't already uh check out the like seriously the the the dart video where he throws all different types of darts okay and he shows different ways of using pompata and things um and he shows one great one and we'll get to the palmata thing about what you can do with ponbata that you can't do with knife is that you can throw them at really awkward angles and they will auto correct to get the point forward and so he even has a handful and he does an underarm throw like and when he does the underarm throw of like a bunch of plumbata they're all guaranteed and stick in the target can you do that with knives not a chance oh my goodness and we can actually compare it to the plumbata because you also mention it in your video but was never used for accuracy for the closer distances never used for accuracy or closer distances this is where cite historical source to back up that claim because that is a very broad statement that is just incorrect of course you could use it in close range and for accuracy i don't know where on earth is drawing that from if something is accurate at a long distance at a short distance yeah yeah and one of the ways is like holding a handful when you get close to an opponent just and you can throw them accurately especially that close definitely they could be used in close range but but also he's also acknowledging that they're really good at long range as well it was mainly used in the units they throw it at the one time and it was mainly so the soldiers would react yeah one of the ways to throw them up in an arc over shields but there was a lot of other ways you can implement them as well and to say that they're like just flat out they were never used in any other way you should well i've learned from my own experience because i've been caught in this in the past is avoid categorical overboard statements like that because like of course people could use them close right you think no one did historically raise their shield and it would make them vulnerable on their torso so for the bow archers it was way easier right after that so pumbata it could be actually compared with a knife because i could as well throw randomly at the 35 meters at some unit and caused some damage or made them raise the shield oh like you would be out you need to be able to throw them reliably in a long arc with the point down okay the point about the latter is that they're fletching so they'll always auto correct to be point down um i've seen adam actually shows like a like he throws up to i think 20 meters at most but he has to arc the knife and no spin technique it's really difficult and he says it's really difficult to do and to do that in a very high arc i'm sorry i doubt i doubt very heavily that you could do that consistently reliably um just as well as a platter not a as a plumber not a chance not at nowhere no hope and if you are wondering for no spin technique i just go into my you know the danger making categorical statement because i just said like not a chance no but i think that's more justified to make categorically that but like you will yeah i think when even reconsidering it to be able to arc a throwing knife to get point down as reliably consistently as a plum butter there's just no that's an objective provider is designed to do it where knives no like i said the most useful all the practical distances are from two up to six seven meters all right that's where he says the most useful and practical distances for no spin spam raise the shield and if you are wondering for no spin technique spin technique like i said the most useful or the practical distances are from two up to six seven meters and every after that it's more about the scale and it can be also done so then very difficult as you mentioned 20 meters no spin even 20 meters but 20 meters is rubbish distance like when you're talking about historical combat it's a great skill to learn that it's not good you could probably like seriously with a dedicated person charging you right at most you'll get two but the first one will be very easy to dodge at that range and the second one i'm not sure you'll be able to get the second one in time before they hit you right but it's possible but for the practical and the most combat scenarios i think the short distances are most practical because it's very hard i totally just he says the short distances are most practical now short distance is the highest chances of you getting your head chopped off like most practical for the person attacking you yeah that's just funny this is adam is a really friendly guy okay and this is no christian but this is genuinely awful advice in terms of combat if you like and look we don't recommend anyone fight with me like you know medieval weapons everything but like if you're in a situation and someone has a weapon against you and you've got it throwing knives do not throw them in that close range okay use them because then if you actually hold on to me i'll hold on to them you can use them defensively in some measure all right don't disarm yourself unless you're guaranteed to kill them but it's very unlikely to do that in that throw it's just no for you to dodge something like this so that's about eight meters i reckon you reckon that might even be six it might six yeah i would say eight um is the question because one full pace as big as you can do is usually a meter yeah it's like five or six and that's about ten now and look beautiful throw right but look at the how much that arcs through the air right now in terms of ability to dodge any like half competent person who's aware and watching that knife coming i would always say that anyone would be able to dodge that unless adam predicts the direction they're going to dodge and throws it at the so instead of amy he aims there and you accidentally dodge into it because if he aims center and you see him throw you just move a little bit and like i know it's slow-mo is it actually slow motion only a little bit though because that is a speed that arcs through the air and even if we try to account for the speed adjustment that's a lot of time to move out of the way and also also distance right at this distance he needs to arc the knife to get it to land and so if he's aiming at someone who's at the distance the target and then they're if they're actually charging them the amount of time it takes for the knife to reach that distance they've already moved so much forward that they would have dodged underneath the ark and it would have missed them completely okay like this isn't like an arrow or a bullet that's that is able to travel over a very large distance at a more even consistent height okay this has very inconsistent height over that distance and as as soon as you change the distance and you're running towards them you've messed up the um the throw and you wouldn't be able to like you take you know three four meter step forward and the knife is now going to go above your head or something like that or any number of things so that's a massive issue as well yeah and the plumbada and arrow they keep their offensive edge forwards at all times whereas this has to be this exactly this has to it's arcing like that and so at the halfway point the knife point isn't even pointing towards the opponent okay no a half point at a halfway point it is pointing okay it's pointing more mostly forward okay all right so now he would like near the garden bed and he's about a couple meters back from the um the chair different angle and so that's at most maybe 15 meters i think it looks like all right that's a massive arc if they're charging you that first throw is not gonna land because they are already easily 5-10 meters away from what you've been aiming at from when you let go of the knife but a short sphere you know anything that like an arrow like even a a rock from a sling would have better chances of maintaining height over that distance you also said that shurikens maybe couldn't hurt you right that the piercing point is very small you again comparing it with a hollywood shuriken you know those are super small even smaller than this one and uh power it's very very low okay i'm not sure if he's remembering my video because in my video i mentioned bigger shuriken and i was even trying to demonstrate what they looked like with these okay and i said that they would be more lethal they specifically have very oftentimes small points that will not penetrate nearly deeply enough even though they're easier to throw all right if you say what if you get a really big ninja star because then you're basically increasing the weight to get like points everywhere and uh and by the weight of the weapon will determine how much you can carry and also how much room they take up so i actually think throwing knives are superior to ninja stars it just takes a little bit more skill to learn but you have the skill all power to you so i say the point that is saying in this video but the quantity of his video is trying to correct me in the thing that i i'm saying the same thing actually uh and then he ignores the actual criticism i had about the real of you then what's the actual point because instead of having spike spike you can actually just separate those spikes and have individual knives anyway and you have more ammunition and when you have one like this like that's got you know say spikes in every direction right uh it's just like this is one that weighs four times more than if you separate it and it's just extra cumbersome harder to get harder harder to carry harder hold safely everywhere like that like a large shuriken is friggin or it's a crap weapon it's dumb you could achieve vastly as much by separating those spikes have individual knives you still have all the problems with the knives thing and the criticisms i have but you don't like you don't have all the additional problems you have with the shriekers i'm sorry like these points about what adam saying about the shrieken i i totally disagree i think these are actually very bad arguments in terms of trying to justify their utility um because look at the size of shariq and that he gets two it's going bigger and bigger see already like that's two knives you you could separate each kind of angle and get two knives and you have two throwing ones if you're good enough can you imagine that this actually can cause serious yeah i know i acknowledge the bigger type you could but that's still very impractical you can see this one would penetrate even a few inches fewer um see shuriken actually i disagree with about the penetration thing because the very nature of their throwing is spinning okay so instead of like the no spin technique atom is right they'll be more lethal because it has more energy moving forward and wouldn't be dissipated in like a downwards part but a shuriken so pretend that this is like a shrieken right um as it spins okay there's a lot of downwards angle and so as it as it hits the target it's actually moving more down than it is forward and so the penetration would not where near be as strong as something that was moving forward with actual energy not with a downwards rotation because that downward rotation would get stuck and caught and after that you're gonna have even something like this i'm sorry that is just stupid so like i'm talking about the shuriken that size of streaking is just so impractical that it's a stupid thing to even try and argue that you could you know that has more in common with the death star than me it's just um i don't know like yeah it would be lethal but so would four knives that the length of those spikes would be and then you wouldn't need to throw them you can use them as regular knives i mean and then you have the option to throw as a distraction or as a last resort as we mentioned in the previous video a long piece of wood and then the spiky end [Laughter] so i will not say that shuriken can cause some damage give me a source where ninjas were using anything that size and by the way sharik and generally are very dubious historical weapons all right they might have had spikes that were thrown everything if you want a great resource look up anthony cummins he is uh my researchers samurai and ninja extensively i don't even have his book actually he sent it to me great guy i was under the impression that there's no historical references for ninjas like that no no there are well not the hollywood type um but the shinobi um the ninja is a more modern term but um yeah um book of the ninja by anthony cummins right check it out if you want to learn more about actual historical ninja he looks to historical sources and translates them okay it's a very authentic way to go forward and uh love a little message anthony wrote for me good good guy um i wasn't before i was like hey that's all been um confessed in my mall ninja video okay but anthony actually has some really interesting things to talk about in terms of shrieking and the classic hollywood kind of shriek in the starshrieken they're much more historically dubious than many people realize you know it's about the right size and the weight and proper technique and also where you're gonna hit all right but even the no right size and weight like yeah anything really big and heavier throughout someone would be potentially deadly especially if there's a point or spike then like it doesn't validate it as a good weapon it can be used as a weapon but something that makes it good well watch my video on good and bad weapons sure again hiroshi because if you haven't seen it just bring it it's like is there another weapon that can achieve the same purpose but doesn't have as many limitations or problems and or it can even achieve it even better and so you're looking at something ranged that can kill people right that you can throw and again there are a lot of other options so even i'd even say throwing knives are way better than that ugly cumbersome thing like you could again for the weight separate the four different knives and you've got four throws instead of one thing much easier to carry anyway again but that's the thing we said that in the previous video and so if he wanted to address my shuriken armor criticisms he's not even addressing the argument i made he's just saying oh no they're good you can be make him bigger but i said you can make him bigger and then they'd have all these other problems and it's not addressing those other problems that i mentioned again mainly for the structure but in some cases they put poison on them so after that it was i guess you could put poison on darts as well even really small dark blue darts and stuff yeah very deadly i mean i just because you can put poison on something doesn't make them great it's like if you you can use put poison on something that is a lot more convenient to carry has greater range easier to use and things like that suddenly there's a vastly better option than this other one which kind of makes this other one pretty crap okay that would that would do it like oh yeah that would very likely kill uh yeah you wouldn't want to be hit by it the fact that he got it to stick in is quite impressive well no the point of shrieking is mate is so that they really easily stick in because there's most it's very hard to not get a point to land because it's like point point point as it spins you also mentioned a chat in your video that knife throwing can be too much powerful like you can't cause some serious penetration that's a very wrong uh no it's it's wrong with the knives he's holding granted he can do some more damage with his knives but there's a whole range of throwing knives and a lot of throwing eyes like for instance when you're saying mine these types are bad then he compares with a more traditional looking knife all right that one was much lighter than the ones he's throwing that they had a much broader point all right that type of knife that he was showing we'll try and bring it up here is uh would be vastly more ineffective against armor okay and less chances of doing lethal damage uh but adam's context here is like no throwing knives really deadly because my knives are deadly but no your knives don't represent all types of throwing knives because you can with the proper technique good weight like these top dogs so yeah weight is a big issue those are heavy chunky knives but like i said i'm not i would hesitate to call them knives but that in terms of throwing those things yeah they don't like throwing spikes really um and that they could pack a punch absolutely they'd be more cumbersome to wear like all three of his knives i'd like to know the weight of them because if they approach a kilo altogether that's the weight of a sword now take a sword over those three knives absolutely you can cause serious penetration with this i actually pierced the chainmail you said you can't but actually yeah so i watched his i don't watch this video and it looks like proper river did when i say proper the rivets are proper i don't know what steel it's made out of okay i don't know the thickness of the rings those are all things to consider but with a good solid throw that lands oh yeah it looks like those types of knives has a chance to penetrate the male but then he tries to throw it against a helmet and he does penetrate the helmet by like that much at one point maybe a bit more but sometimes it doesn't penetrate the thing is that the metal doesn't sit softly on the skin they have a big padded coif usually underneath sometimes they had another metal helmet under either metal skull cap underneath the first helmet okay uh and penetrating that i'll say that much like most parts of the body is not going to kill you especially with armor that if it's domed it sits off the chest a bit and stuff like that and there's padding underneath just saying oh look i was able to puncture this plate which we don't even know if the type of steel looks like you know mild steel not hard and anything like that so one the demonstrations that you do when you're testing weapons versus armor it's going to be very disingenuous unless you this this is the type of steel this is the thickness of steel and other things like that which isn't listed in the video um because uh very light like against a good solid even carbon steel not even hardened but especially hardened those thrown knives will not lethally penetrate and even those types of steel that it has a chance to penetrate it won't penetrate deep enough to kill these weapons are basically nullified completely against armor okay unless you're you know dead shot from marvel and all that stuff and can get in the ice slot every single time but with a running person that's doing this no no shad dead shot is from d c they're bullseye fine bullseye it's so simple because when he throws it he gets a bullseye every time but so does deadshot but he shoots it and bullseye when he throws stuff he they end up dead and he like shooting things bullseye throws fine okay fine okay you uh uh i can't i can i i will i will consider i accept that and i apologize for yelling good right no like as and shields whole like a good solid shield nullifies the lethality of knives massively so i i think a lot of my criticisms actually uh stand about the effectiveness of knives against armor i will concede his knight specifically seemed to be more effective against mail but these type and many other types of knives would be garbage against mail they wouldn't get through mail and also with the level of penetration depending on the padding underneath so he wants this is actually he wants people to experience knife throwing in competition not in a combative way because you wouldn't use it in the real world because not because guns exist but that's not the context of my video it's all about no knife throwing in the context of medieval style combat like for role-playing games for fantasy but for reading but also from you know martial arts and i'm learning historical combat and things um i have like a firearms in the 21st century right you don't you also don't need to use the swords you know you don't need to but they're it's fun to use them that's the point um so i like this point is a a little confusing if it's like saying don't study not how knives would be used in combat because you would never really use it in combat well i mean if you had a knife and nothing else maybe you would but no you do because it's fun and you'd want to learn and same with swords yeah i get you wouldn't use it actually if you had nothing but a sword again like yeah preference would be have a gun but still if you had to face off against someone with a gun and all you had was a sword and you couldn't run away or get protection you'd probably use the sword still and then if you knew techniques of how to use the sword you would be grateful for that as well and that's the same with throwing knives i i would say and there are countries in which you are illegally allowed to possess knives and not guns and so you might want to learn combat knife throwing in that context as well so i can tell like sword it's also not practical you know these days again the similar point so i would love to see knife throwing going one day maybe olympic sport because that would be cool i'd like to see your actual you know long sword as an olympic sport that would be awesome now what sport you would not olympic fencing okay long sword there's a difference so this is the summary in which i think it reveals i think we already showed this clip as well but we're at the end and we'll get to see it again that he i feel he really misunderstands the context of my video i think is knife throwing really useful yes i think for sure okay so he thinks knife throwing is useful but what was the context in which i was saying is knife throwing useful in combat okay specifically against other weapons and other like other weapons that could achieve the same thing that you want the knife to achieve are there better better options available but then he says is knife throwing useful he thinks it is but then listen to what he says he thinks knife throwing is useful for because mainly it gets you out of your house outside outdoors you're gonna move you're gonna learn new techniques you gotta move you gotta move you gotta move this isn't it no adam this isn't teasing adam okay it's just it's becoming a meme because someone else has brought up that point in uh trying to defend nunchucks you gotta move [Laughter] does seem like the technique of moving might be the fundamental technique of all combat yeah i'm starting to we might need to get some to research that yeah like if we could get our professor thesis someone's smiling someone's smart someone with a piece of paper with their name on it that that proves their qualifications yeah and there's an absolute chad oh but not no not not well look he's a bit of a wild card no or that no no no no chad look i know i've been trying to get him out of this friggin building for years we cannot encourage him bloody hell oz don't even say his name i already made the call so adam is saying he believes knife throwing is really useful because it gets you outdoors and you get like exercises and things like i wasn't meaning that i was talking about combat is it calling you fast i don't i'll i'm not i have a little bit no did he say it's great because it gets you outside and moving well that would be a fair criticism that's founded on valid logic and and evidence and there is evidence of me being a bit chunky on the side horizontally like i i would always prefer that than a video which doesn't address my points and misunderstands what i was saying yeah yeah like he just said like shadow versus he's a fat idiot okay and look i am an idiot and i am a bit fat i was like okay he's right i can't argue not an idiot the term i would use buffoon okay yeah but i am capable of moments of idiocy the smartest people in the world are capable of moments of idiocy more often than not actually yes you're gonna meet new people around the world on the competition you're gonna learn new skills and like so knife throwing is useful because they're like what no no why is it useful in combat that's the point and why is he useful outside of it too like he's saying knife throwing is useful just generally now yeah i said that's not that wasn't my point or discussion but outside of being a sport in what possible way could knife ring be useful um as a distraction like what we said in the previous video there are some few things in which you could get a use out of knife throwing in combat like as a distraction last resort kind of stuff so it's not utterly useless but it's pretty crappy in a lot of situations in comparison to other weapons otherwise you might want to use in facing other weapons otherwise you might want to use so much fun yeah it is fun i agree the right knives from the start because if you will have crap like this you're not gonna enjoy it at all you need well i mean in my defense okay he calls it crap but i was having fun i was legitimately enjoying myself throwing these things it just feels good i i still like them you know something better okay so yeah that's the knife i was referring to before i was like you know that one's armor penetrative ability would be so much worse than and that's i would consider that a knife that looks like a knife like this oscetta or the white shark by us top dog bullfond or you can also use some cheaper versions by united cutlery it depends on you but these are for the lifetime amazing knife and right after that you have to study tutorial snipe throwing if you're gonna just to know how to throw yes but not to be able to analyze their effectiveness in combat all right that's the thing i've studied a lot what historical combat okay the scenarios the uses of weapons how when they when they are affected when they're ineffective all those type of things and it's from that wealth and years upon years of studying interests doing it myself and other things like that gives me a solid enough understanding of the context to be able to analyze many types of weapons in the context when i inject them in and i don't need to be a master at throwing to be able to consider how well would they work looking at you know how great a master can throw and you know and their what they can achieve they're useful in range and distance like absolutely absolutely you can study these things and get a very solid knowledge even if you don't know him how to do it perfectly or a master but i actually have practiced with a lot of different types of weapons you know swords are my favorite of course um and so no you don't need all the tutorials to be able to speak authoritatively on things if you have good sources and references to be able to learn from and you don't like here so but if you want to actually know how to throw then i agree tutorials and stuff but that's not the point or thing of my video and drawing randomly you're not going to stick it you're not going to have good time so i would start actually it's funny we're counting all the way back to the beginning it's like that was the point of this skit at the beginning it's like yeah i haven't done the tutorials and i'm i suck at throwing that was the point yeah anyway the knife flies straight that one was used by japanese okay i actually think i'm because anthony when i was talking about the actual type of throwing bladed instruments that some of the shinobi and even samurai use they are kind of like spikes okay and with those spikes yeah i think all right i haven't confirmed it but i've already got references that seem to confirm that that might actually be a more common technique from you know uh japanese sources it's very very useful so i guess because those spikes are more common i have more in common about his throwing than an actual dagger like because it doesn't look like a dagger guys let me your your okay so comment section below there we go um that is adam's video and look huge respect to adam and he approached it what i feel yes in good faith even though he did misunderstand a lot um but he's a really friendly guy and i hope he just appreciates the further discussion uh and even though i disagree with gosh a lot of what he said but i do appreciate that news you know made made the reply video and uh good stuff thank you for that thank you guys for watching i hope you've enjoyed of course i hope to see you in the next video here on chat university as well so until that time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 254,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I7tpsNepR98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 22sec (4762 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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