I Was Behzinga on Tinder for 24 Hours!

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dear me the state of this this is proving so difficult this is the first time i've ever had this problem no one is matching ethan i've done it with lux i've done it with harry that was never an issue with ethan i just can't seem to get any matches something's gotta change i need help help from someone that really knows what they're talking about when it comes to women i think i've got just a person they're in all right hi there um i've come to you because i need a little bit of advice uh i have a friend ethan who's currently on the search for love he's on the search for a wife um and i wanted to know how you got on with finding love in uh in the latest movie uh this is not a romance movie where two people fall in love and make sexy time even though it is about a father and daughter but i did learn in usna that it's very normal for father to be sexually attracted to his daughter just look at premier trump but often love can be found right in front of you for example in your family i see picture of your friend ethan and i can see the already history of this in his family yes um yeah no i appreciate that i'll pass that on to him um i think uh another thing that he really struggles with is approaching women and um you know what what should he say first to when he's uh when he's meeting a new woman uh very important that he say uh something romantic like uh please um open open open place uh or maybe some small talk beforehand for example um what is your plow technique appreciate that thank you very much um and is there um is there anywhere that you would recommend going on a first date with someone um he's not sure where to take um a lady on a first date uh first date in kazakhstan we are not sexist so when we go to dinner the woman pays and waits outside while the man is inside restaurant eating so ethan has a thing for an older woman older women in general um and he was just wondering um if you've ever had any experiences with older women and any advice to dating older women yes i do in fact my brother bilo's first wife was very old she was actually old enough to be his mother because she was his mother why not okay uh yeah no that's uh that's helpful actually and obviously you have a fantastic mustache that's something that ethan doesn't have have you found that in when it comes to um making love to a woman that this is helpful and would you recommend a mustache uh yes um i find it very useful if i make a mouth party with a man obviously when you have a man scrum in your mouth you must be very very careful to make sure that he's not homosexual but then if he have certificate the moustache give him great satisfaction yes all right um that's it for me i appreciate all the advice um i'm gonna go and let him know and hopefully um you know he has a bit more success with the women so i appreciate everything thank you robert thank you yeah you know i appreciate my garbora you know he came through clutch there obviously his movies just released on friday on amazon so i know he's got a busy schedule but obviously he i messaged him i said look ethan's ethan's one of my close friends and he really needs his help and obviously tips like that i mean you can't buy that anywhere that's that's valuable information that hopefully is going change ethan's profile tinder game and at the end of the day secure him that wife so we're heading to his gaff now take a couple extra pictures fix up the profile and tomorrow we'll see if we've caught himself or why the cop sounds a bit strange i'll be honest uh got himself uh uh anyways let's go all right the bears i'll be perfectly honest with you i failed what the profile i created originally wasn't good enough we weren't getting the matches that i knew you'd be happy with they weren't good enough so i had to get a little expert to come in and let's just say we got one of the best and he recommended that i had a couple more photos so i'm gonna need some more photos for the profile and the first one i need is you're gonna have to slap on a mustache trust me on this one you you can choose the moustache if that's if i have those glasses on as well oh my god right pick a pick a mustache i mean there's one more the scoundrel was quite me i mean you've already got the colors of the top and the bottom one that will that will go with your complexion hi i'm not going to like this kaboc [Laughter] is this one good this is on this one the party boy okay a lot more than all the others right let's come here let me start this one yamming away you big fat bastard come here i turned away for two seconds he crammed the whole protein bar in his mouth tell me that isn't a vegan right come here i've got coffee on my [ __ ] goat here you go here you go take a couple of those selfies there oh i like that yeah yeah oh yeah yeah this is money but when you find out about the reason why the mustache is so important i think you'll love it even more is it freaking don't ask too many questions right anything what'd you do in 2020 released a doc inspired a couple people and let him control my future the jokes right themselves guys [Laughter] oh that's the one lie down there [Laughter] and then i want a thumbs up i've just smart all over your bed yeah we've got [Laughter] [Music] one of the other tips this one so ethan has a thing for an older woman and i think golf clubs will definitely help encourage that demographic shall we say oh this is good you know i think that's really all we need to spice up the uh the profile to secure a few more matches that we're after and knowing the knowledge that i know now i think the chat should go a little bit smoother and we'll expect you to have a wife by the early hours of tomorrow morning and if you don't you owe me a round of 18. yeah that's pretty reasonable yes now bazinga my buddy my pal boy i have been hard at work to find you that special someone and i'm excited to show you what we've got so um if you just take a look at tinder really quick um there's some interesting ones for sure very interesting richard yeah yeah richard jimmy there's a reason why there's one blokes on your tinder and opening with inbred lines i don't think i've been told i looking but let me just show you something quickly all right [Laughter] often love can be found right in front of you for example in your family i see picture of your friend ethan and i can see the already history of this in his family yes [Laughter] [Music] um say something romantic like uh please um open open open place open place in kazakhstan we are not sexist so when we go to dinner the woman pays and waits outside while the man is inside restaurant eating would you recommend a mustache i find it very useful if i make a mouth party with a man [Music] why'd you call me robert at the end shinquee robert my name's just not robert yes all right so there we go there were the tips that i took off him and uh i thought i'd apply them so uh to the tinder game you've been asking men if i if i wanted to mouth party well yeah essentially that really um so i open it up to men and women yes so uh dean's gone and said i mean i'd be a good wife haha can you host good mouth parties sure for you so there you go how about dean he's an option handsome bloke i'm not a fan of that one i mean it seems like a decent blow he's five foot six so you'd be taller than him just i'll have you know have you know that one of the things just came out my documentary you said uh size medium five foot nine no no yeah in aerobatism i'm noticing that misty and katie just haven't replied to me yeah but but jimmy and dean have put it this way you're a real hit with the men okay a real hit the first woman of the list beautiful women beautiful woman so i said i've been told i look slightly in bread what do you think no reply imagine that pops up on your phone oh battery display uh you've got one new message hello i've been told i look slightly inbred yeah thoughts i messaged luca and i said um luca more like look at these nuts so you fancy once again no response from luca i was starting to get a bit of a feeling there i'm quite worried that nothing then no one was replying again it didn't end there emma emma looks fantastic you got a picture of her dog there cute her anthem is lighter black as i oh my god it actually is what the [ __ ] i said you me and your dog for a threesome me and you're a dog i said haha just joking by the way with the monkey emoji yeah this is pain you're knocking my self-confidence here i haven't even seen the profile yet of what it says oh it's probably i should probably show you the profile anyways here we go oh nice good opening photo i was trying to find the wife six right i'll give it i may be six foot two because i knew if i put your actual height but i don't look sick here we go lovely little pic at this point i felt like this was it looks super cheap went back to this classic this classic and then it goes and then i was just hoping the women wouldn't get to this part but jane definitely did okay carla a woman bears a woman oh here we go how exciting a woman replied as well yeah i like baggy trousers i lowkey have a mullet you know it's not everyone's she looks like a um like shortage final boss yes sure exactly hi how's you i say hi carla just curious what is your planning tip my plowing technique i don't know what to say to that i'm dyslexic to say something funny and smart i said sorry what's your [Laughter] i'm thinking if i start plowing wrong she might actually figure out what i'm saying yeah that's classroom that was unreal and uh no reply you've just taken the piss out so then i came across jake now let me talk to you about jake jake was a chatty chatty fella this is jake but he's got pubes out bro he got he starts off but apparently you're famous i feel like i should know who you are i'll tell you if you tell me what your plowing technique is and he goes oh now this is a good one i'd lightly moisten the soil first maybe a few mins with the hose going i'm almost there he then goes then i'd shackle my horse up to the plow leather shackles of course and i'd walk the horse gently through the field and then and only then will i start to sow my seed i'll let you fantasize about what crop i'm sewing look i think i've got a headache you've got anything just give me a thing i said eilish you're 900 it's different she goes what an interesting open line opening line you have a way with words don't you tell me if i lied though oh and then she goes wouldn't you like to know yeah i would i could pick you up uh around eight for a porking let me know if that works no response it is the spawns just horrendous ah this one right here hey just wondering what your plowing technique is ploughing what i'm not following okay let's try something else what would be a good first date haha just meeting up at the pub talking see if we click i said would you be interested in going for some food i'm not sexist either so i don't mind you paying no i should just leave it down there you're sure well i didn't expect you to pay but if you if i don't like you i might run away before paying well i said haha where i'm from the women usually waits outside the restaurant while the man eats inside i mean that's what borat told me to say yeah so stuck with the guns and he and she goes what a strange place so i said right so my place are yours i'm not in the uk yet but i'm moving there in one month wait did people like line up boyfriends but in advance well she's signing up reports in advance i said look um i'll put it in my calendar just hope you don't go into lockdown i said lockdown isn't stopping me put it this way i'd run a marathon on lego eat anchovies for the rest of my life and even watch through an entire calyx video just to have a sip of your bathwater oh my god so i've signed her off because she's given her her instagram and i've gone on the wrong industry account and said that doesn't look like you i thought it was the right one it was literally one letter difference so i had to go [Laughter] and she goes i do but i'm blonde now i will be brunette when i arrive i said well my wife is blonde um and she's a horror so i'm glad you're a brunette abby's heaviest oh abby's got me speaking right i said what's your favorite blonde technique definitely the continuous plowing method why would you want to stop this is the first person that is reply to the plowing technique happy fantasies of power amelia rods dogs right amelia she was riding a horse and she had a dog shut up just couldn't find the dude said ryan's anyways here we go i see you're into horses i said i have goats i prefer to write goats yeah she goes oh i need to see a picture of you riding a go also have you ever been told you look like scotty sayer i said yes i get scotty sire and booker t [ __ ] book of tea one boy she goes you literally could be him how weird oh god i know we're identical but he's doing the [ __ ] thing so i've actually got anyone to cuddle there's a plenty of blokes at one economy that's for sure they wanna moisten my soil bro right so one one person i don't know no no no you have to take one bro you gotta cuddle one of them for ten minutes are you cuddling the horse right amelia yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the one that said you look like that book or take yeah you're out yeah if you ever need me to help you find a woman you know to come shout me because i've done a [ __ ] number there
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 1,751,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Id: XXiNR8frJdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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