Mark Rober Gives Up on Science While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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[Music] screw science yeah everything's up survival survival survival at this point [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by mark rober he's the nasa engineer turned youtube juggernaut whose videos range from carnival science exposes to building the world's largest super soaker to the annual porch pirate glitter bomb holiday extravaganza he also has a new project on the way called mark roberts revengineers a hidden camera science focused prank show coming soon to discovery channel mark robert welcome to the show i hate you why am i here it's starting already how are you around spicy food and do you think that there's anything about your science background that may give you an edge as you take on the hot ones challenge today i know people sandbag and say they don't do spicy stuff on the show like i legit like taco bell mild sauce is like pushing it for me like i won't do the full packet so like i am at an extreme disadvantage in that sense as a man of science you know and as a firm believer in the scientific method i will say that i have i brought i brought some gifts and i think we're going to try them as we go along and god willing they are going to help me through this but uh but we'll see [Music] i'm gonna get started okay cool i'm going on the offensive right here here we go cheers cheers okay [Music] oh yeah [Music] now i'm ready okay now you are kind of my control here right like in science there's a control you've done this what like 250 freaking times yeah but who's counting i am you're crazy okay so this is the classic garlic fresno [Music] [Music] oh wait maybe i can do this this isn't that bad as we mentioned in your intro you're coming soon to discovery channel with your show revenge aneers a hidden camera prank show that uses science and engineering to give bad samaritans their comeuppance and your style of prank like the wallet drop for example kind of shows the duality of human nature does playing out these thought exercises at such scale does it make you more optimistic or less optimistic about society as a whole um that's a good question i think honestly i feel like it's like more optimistic i feel like people are surprised that people are more honest than they normally are now porch pirate package people stealing that it's like of course i'm not gonna air the person who walks by and doesn't steal the package right of course if you open it then we reward you with like a pound of freaking glitter and an uncharitable amount of fart spray so here's the first thing i do want to try okay i've just got some petroleum jelly what i want to do is put this on like just your bottom lip okay i don't know it like creates a barrier again there's like control don't do it on your upper lip and let's see we can feel the difference as things go along you know what i mean okay here we go [Music] there it is there it is a little bit a little bit i was just about to say something arrogant again and then it's like came with a little okay that's all right i'm feeling it a little bit more right but like already we're way past the point where i would like order this at a restaurant like i would be like that's too hot i'm not gonna order that ever again so before youtube you spent seven years at nasa working on a car-sized rover called curiosity which actually successfully landed on mars in august 2012. can you explain to a dummy like me the sort of key breakthroughs or things that are learned through rovers like curiosity or perseverance over the last decade yeah i mean essentially these rovers that we're sending there are like scouts for humanity like in the very near future we'll be we will be a multi-planetary species the first person to step foot on mars is alive right now it could be you watching this video you could be the first person to step foot on mars and i just love that thought but before you go to mars humans are going to live there we need to know about mars so part of what they're doing is going to mars to learn about the history and is there water on mars turns out there is they're finding out what the solar radiation is you know what the wind levels are and the temperature fluctuations they're gathering information so that we could someday send humans there one of the coolest moments of my life like the coolest picture potentially i've ever seen just that first really grainy image coming back from the rover from a has cam black and white like 300 pixels by 300 pixels but it just showed like the shadow of the rover on the surface and so you know she's in one piece and just we just went nuts the whole place erupted because it's freaking seven years of your life of blood sweat toil long hours and to see it like there and it landed and now being excited for the science of return is just like an incredible feeling especially because it could have been a fiery mess could have been a fiery mess you saw the segway he saw the segway coming speaking of fiery messes uh let's pull out another anecdote okay this is just good old peanut butter and i'll give you a spoon the idea here is it's a lipid you should kind of coat your mouth a little bit beforehand to not allow that capsaicin to like get on those one receptors let it coat it i am coated okay [Music] all right here we go [Music] this is another level [Music] yeah i can say it's it's up a little bit yeah again would never order this from a restaurant can we get an update on the squirrels in your backyard like how's fat gus living these days fat gus is living the life right now because i'm filming 3.0 oh it's going to be the olympics so they're all competing and at this point they know the drill you know because i'll film for about four months with them and then i don't really feed them the rest of the year because i don't want them to come depending on me so at the beginning of filming when walnuts start coming out again they're just like yes and like the squirrels come from everywhere to the chagrin of my neighbors very likely but uh yeah fat gus is doing well thank you for asking i'll let him know you asked i'm excited about this one okay this scientist this looks new to me this is um throat numbing spray like if you have a sore throat right but i mean if this worked the reason i'm introducing this early is we've got what like uh seven more to go right so maybe you can get a couple wings out of this yeah yeah yeah you better believe i'm gonna be hitting this pretty strong up we're going from a spray to a swig all right here we go [Music] just keep it on the right side okay all right i counted about seven sprays in there yeah yeah [Music] oh takes you back to that like kid medicine okay you ready so this is the los calientes verde here we go [Music] as a science buff is there a movie that you have to tip your cap to hollywood and the way that it depicts physics or mechanical engineering i would say uh and this may be a common answer among uh engineers especially working at jpl the martian and andy weir what he did and the research he did like i loved that he showed it can be done actually i mean the end got a little weird i remember he's like using his glove to like propel himself around in space but like up to that point like he the man did his research having worked at jbl like built rovers like and usually that's the litmus test right if the people who are really in the weeds if they're like yeah but but i'm like dude props i learned stuff for reading that book right so that's i think i feel like that's the gold standard so on this one we're gonna try just a sugar cube let's do two two just you know for good measure for good measure here you go there's one good catch okay here we go there you go okay [Music] i mean as the control we're doing all right we're doing very good so far doing good so far i feel like yeah obnoxiously overconfident at this point famous last words here we go that's a big bite i deserve respect for that right internet [Music] what have i done taste it with the cube okay now that one sneaks up a little on you mm-hmm but thankfully we got the cubes we got the cubes and while that cube melts in your mouth mark robert we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that graham we do a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so we'll pull the picture up over here on the monitor you just tell us the bigger story how big a thrill was it for you to meet nitro and get ball rifled by the legend himself amazing and he was like talking trash against me too like you're going down it's like oh this is amazing uh the legend grew up watching that show and for him to come out and i we made his tennis ball cannon from the show but like souped it way up in this new like willy wonka warehouse i built and uh to to try and avoid it and be like the average drove from american gladiators absolute dream come true how did it feel when you got rifled because you're terrible about like this [Laughter] all right one more for you what's a behind the scenes nugget i can sink my teeth into when it comes to field goal kicking robot one of my favorite videos on your entire channel so yeah we built this robot that can kick field goals like 110 yard field goals uh and i went up against matt prater who at the time held the record for the world's longest field goal kick what i'll say about matt prater and field goal kickers in general this day they don't necessarily kick farther than field goal kickers maybe like 20 30 years ago but they're so much more consistent you can just tell on an eyeball test watching football now yeah they're just way way more consistent and that's what matters for coaches so literally when we were there he probably kicked something like 40 field goals like none of them not only they didn't miss but like if these are the uprights it was like middle 20 every time like that guy is so automatic like the only time he missed is when we finally got far enough back for my robot trying to bomb it from 70 yards that's right and that's where you know the robot dominated of course but i think it's time for the sour cream again that's a pre-coat we're just gonna go straight from the container here bang bang that's how we do it here on hot ones a little sour cream for science [Music] all right here we go [Music] oh there it is yeah there it is i was waiting for it yeah it sneaks in but i saw in your eyes almost an excitement to discover it you know i didn't see a fear i didn't see a fear in your eyes no no no it's excitement that's one of my favorite scientific quotes is uh somewhere something amazing is waiting to be discovered like that's the excitement of science it's like the unknown in answering these questions like i love that just in my everyday life i will say that so far there is a noticeable change in the way that the experience is hitting me interesting so normally by this point you're just feeling it a little bit more your brain is more like yo you're on fire blow towards the mouth and then it makes me wonder though because this is the other thing i guess you have to think about is like maybe two how much of that is like psychological you know like how much how much of a going how much of what's going on right now is like placebo total placebo you know what i'm totally cool with that i'll take like the placebo effect is a real thing and i'm in it and you know what else i've noticed is at this point in the show typically if there's someone who's is inexperienced with hot sauce as you milk is halfway gone i think because we've been messing around with these other things it's kind of made that like completely unnecessary so far which i think is another sign another piece of evidence i think you're right yeah i deserve some credit yeah i haven't even touched the milk internet look at that now we're getting into the cooler uh-oh that's where you know it gets real i know when gordon ramsay come on he did try like the citrus and that is true that will combat so the the capsaicin is like a base so the citrus is kind of on the opposite end of the ph scale it kind of breaks it down so i took that one step farther so these are like just pure lemon ice cubes oh okay so you get the cooling effect along with the citrus effect and uh we'll just plant those right there i'll uh i'll i'll pass them over to you once you take a bite okay so this one is turfing's curse here in the seven spot oh i took a big bite there oh wow this one's not weight just banging down the front door right low car and this i will say this is where it gets real very real awesome okay wow oh whoa whoa how do you breathe should i breathe through my nose or mouth hold on and then like the sour ice cube [Music] it's kind of kicking off some like teary-eyed physiological effects of its own well this is true [Laughter] it helps certainly when it's in yeah wow by the way is it is it is it better to chew and uh screw science yeah everything's about survival survival survival at this point is it better to chew and then swallow this is you know i haven't i haven't i haven't read a book i'm not like you mark i don't read books but uh i think that like having big chunks of spicy food i feel like that's the that's the cramp starter i like to break it all down that was a significant knee in the curve [Laughter] i always see people like trying to touch their eyes i'm like what morons why you touch your eyes but now you understand i want to touch my eyes so bad [Laughter] so earlier this year you launched the crunch labs build box which gives kids the opportunity to build the toys step by step using engineering principles and i've heard you make the point that cheap toys have the most clever designs by necessity what's a classic children's toy that you recognize for its stem ingenuity that the rest of us might take for granted great question how dare you make me think under these conditions um do you know what makes a frisbee fly no but i'm on the edge of my seat this is great this is amazing so basically there's two things one is the angle of attack which you know when it flies it flies a little bit like this so it's bumping into stationary air molecules and basically deflecting up it's like conservation momentum right it's a reaction same thing when you put your arm out the window it goes up and down right you're bumping into air which is a fluid and it's causing it to go up or down that's the first thing the second one which is really fascinating is this thing called the koanda effect you've ever taken a spoon and put it under like running water and when you put a curved spoon on water it curves around right all fluids do that the air is a fluid so as this frisbee flies through the air you notice it's curved right basically as it passes over the air all the air then turns and follows the curvature down and basically what's happening is it's throwing air all around it down as it flies like a jet pack so like as a frisbee goes through the air just like if you're wearing a jet pack how it's like you're pushing air down which again equips the action makes you go up a frisbee is freaking jet packing itself through the air as it flies by and that's what makes it fly and coast so well which is amazing if you took the same frisbee and you had sharp edges wouldn't fly nearly as well um have passed me to pass me the throat spray here you go yeah i gotcha i'm going full mouth there we go [Music] we're ready and on this this is ice cream i think it's a better form of milk okay here we go [Music] it's really not that bad i thought that was gonna be way worse you're giving me that weight for it look i'm not sure [Music] oh there it is there it is that's how i was giving you that look i texted jimmy on my way over jimmy kimmel he said you got to eat the whole thing for science for science and i said oh wow that comes in strong yeah here let me give you your ice cream yeah give me that back i'm gonna take a little bit i'm gonna clean the bone on this side there you go for science we're lying clean the bone baby give me that dang ice cream yeah you've earned it you've earned it and you know what it's amazing that you busted out the ice cream for this win can you extol the virtues of eating ice cream with a fork and do you still do that for efficiency a hundred percent if i would have gotten the the utensils here it would have been a fork good knowledge by the way the when your ice cream is like really hard especially if you're using a fork it contacts like there's a smaller amount of surface area bro don't ask me explain science why have you give me the bomb until it gets runny you don't really need like a spoon so i use a fork it comes with the clorox ending there you go yeah this is actually i think of all the things this is the most effective excuse me this is the most i mean i've never eaten anything to spicy i never will again [Music] this is the whole milk ice cubes [Music] pick up some of those i'm in oh these are funky not the best taste no but any portness storm so you've been very busy this year building out a headquarters launching shows and then saving the ocean one pound of trash at a time through your collaborative fundraising effort with mr beast team seas what was the most eye-opening thing that you learned about water pollution spending time in the dominican republic aboard a ship that eats trash the most interesting thing to me there was like you see just these these mountains of trash coming down the rivers right and you're just like there's a tire there's a kid's toy there's a mattress and you're like what kind of jerk would just pollute a river like this like that just seems so obviously like not a good thing and so then we took a trip up the river to some of these really poor neighborhoods and the thing is it's like by no fault of their own they just don't have a place to put this trash they are like living on landfills right so the dominican republic you know the government there totally recognizes they're working on systemic solutions to this problem in the meantime you know boy on slat and you know the ocean cleanup they've built this trash-eating robot as kind of a band-aid fix it's not supposed to be a permanent fix and that's kind of what they say and what we were saying with team c's is like this is just a temporary thing until the big problems get solved systemically this is a stop gap measure and there's nothing they want more that we want more is for them to go out of business you know you don't need this charitable element to suck up this trash as it comes down because you're solving it upstream it's just so exciting to see people use clever engineering to solve real-world problems and to know that i feel like more and more kids are getting into stem which i think is a good thing for the world all right mark robert here we go i'm i'm going for it i do feel like because i've been sciencing my way out of this stuff i'm going hard on this last dab meat off the bone jimmy you're watching we're dabbing we're dabbing we're gonna match my dad i'm matching that's exactly what i'm doing how big of a mistake is this huh big mistake you want to recant your thing about not having plane issues i well it's your problem i'm going back to the hotel after this fair enough here we go i'm going to the pool okay whoa i have a clean bone oh my god i'm finishing strong i'm very strong what a sight to behold yep [Music] i'm gonna wait as long as i can before i go to the throat spray that's all right because this question it has a nice long wind up a nice long wind up we're closing things out here and i have to say that it was such a treat to binge your channel and i love just seeing the different ways that you trick us into really caring about science using your velociraptor hunting method and as much as i love the greatest hits like the glitter bomb and the jello pool i'll always when i'm watching somebody else on youtube i'll always be fond of the decade plus sort of backwards hat hey what's up youtube kind of era of a creator so with that in mind i don't know if you remember this but i have a quarter amazing and i'm wondering if you remember the way to always flip a tails yeah i do i stand up go ahead go ahead it's still covered we got you mitch is on it what you do is as you bring your arm up you turn your thumb a little bit you give it an off-axis rotation so it spins like this right i don't know if you can see that so what happens is heads basically is like continuously facing up this works for me every time i have to do a coin flip and i want to cheat my way to win so like that is heads right that is definitely heads so you can just keep you could freaking flip 10 heads in a row wow and i can see when you see that hourglass shape in the air you know it's going to be heads and nobody notices this is why by the way on big sporting events when they flip it they let it hit the ground because otherwise you could grab it and sort of and sort of get get the result you want wow well speaking of results here's what i have to say here at the end yeah during the whole wing eating thing yeah i felt like i was in a better place really after and i don't know if it's the cumulative effect i don't know what's that monster dab i feel awful ass asked you i'm glad the control agrees because that's how i feel i will never do this again this is a mistake i don't know why people eat hot sauce some questions science just can't answer look at you mark robert taking on the wings of death and living to tell the tale now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life i'm just on youtube at mark grover i got the tv show of engineers i did on discovery and we just launched the crunch labs which is basically a box you get every month and you make a build alongside me and i teach you to think like an engineer [Applause] [Music] wow what a gauntlet man what a gauntlet here comes the burps hey what's going on hot ones fans we brought the heat to the freezer aisle with our hot ones boneless chicken bites and used smash sales records and all of our wildest expectations so what did we do we made more that's right we are in with five new flavors of hot ones boneless chicken bites and five new ways for you to bring hot ones home from the classic to the classic garlic fresno edition to the los calientes trio of flavor verde rojo barbacoa visit hot ones challenge dot com for more information and to find a store near you hot ones boneless chicken bites you're in the hot seat now
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 3,857,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, Mark Rober, mark rober watermelon, mark rober squirrel, mark rober piano, mark rober carnival, mark rober interview, mark rober interview 2022, mark rober hot ones, spicy wings show, hot ones, sean evans hot ones, sean evans mark rober, spicy food show, spicy food recipe, hot wings recipe
Id: CJbP71RI-V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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