Best Friend Challenge vs W2S (Forfeit Challenge)

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wait let me you can send it but let me just see who you're sending it to oh no oh no no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no i'll know i'll know oh [Music] all right guys welcome to today's video oh lord we have got some uh some special stuff uh set up for you now i don't actually know any of these questions okay i had cameraman sam so if the video's [ __ ] we blame cameraman sam okay cool okay so the way this works is uh we've lived together for a lot of years now well we don't know it could be one of the questions okay so i don't want to actually say it okay because i don't know what sam's put for the questions i would hope that you know me relatively well and i know you relatively well yeah with that information in mind for every question you get wrong we have the bowl of forfeits nice okay i love a forfeit and there are some uh there's some interesting forfeits in there okay well so you've made these forfeits not caramel salad me and sam collaborated on the forefront would you like to go first or will i uh as in would i like to yeah no no you can go first you'd like me to go so you if you get it wrong we do the fourth first okay so you pick out so he would pick out a question right okay i'm confident i know you very well by the way bog you do me decently well oh it's a neat one it's an easy one it's an easy one what is my nando's order and i want this to a t but you do get you have two different but i'm going to go with the wrap one because the wrappers will come on okay so you get a chicken wrap now sometimes double sometimes not you get it without the lettuce um he's he's not happy yeah halloumi grilled halloumi in there a side of mash do you want you want more yeah yeah what's the other side the other side yeah what's the other side well that's i mean you change a lot give me one of them okay so you used to get the peas yeah but what about the uh rice you do get the rice i don't think i've got a rice in about six months well i'll say the peas then when was the last time you got the peas i've got the peas maybe like a month now oh the corn star yeah you did that for the course i'm telling you obviously yeah but okay that was an easy one thank you for that nice little time right this one's for you philip oh i think you'll know this okay what is my mom's first name i don't know what your mom's first name you have to know what my mom's my mum knows your first name i don't have a clue what your mom's first name oh you do my mom's going to be human should watch this i know i like your mum but i just don't know what you know it's not sandra i'll give you three guesses what's what's like a mum's name this is a very my mom's name oh i do know that i do know that i do know all right well you get to pick out of the lovely ball in the middle here and let me tell you guys these four bits are pretty ass yeah yeah this is outrageous wait what is it outrageous delete one video off your channel yes all right all right what do you mean all right all right you have to have like an old video that is demonetized a [ __ ] video that you made on the second channel there's got to be a stinker blog i'll have a look i don't have stinkers my friend i'll have you know what was your last video my lot what else would you think should we just delete that one oh here oh my god i found a 105k view and it's a that's got to be a brand new home it is a brand deal can we get rid of that i'll make a deal with you yeah i'll delete it but if come back five years later and say we want the peas back you're coughing up all right all right all right piece of history right here it's going it's going it's going are you ready you can do the honesty bastard delete there we go it's all gone all right so you've just formed a pretty big l there but it's kind of mad you know you've just deleted history deleted history that's actually you know what if it wasn't such a stinker video i would have been really sad yeah it is absolutely actually a a rotter i don't even notice myself uh what year did i start uploading to youtube oh no oh this could be the first roster sam can i just get a clarification on are we talking like you're you know how you used to have them all i i was uploading from time like but not on these channels oh were you talking channel w to s w to s even then you're probably wrong because i've deleted a load of videos so you could i could get them on a technicality no no no on what's live what the first video on my channel is yeah yeah okay i'm going to say 2012. 12 i think that's too early maybe let me have a look you might have got it oh yes yes that is a belgian i got it what video was it what's your first ever video uh trade the transfer podolsky episode oh here we go yeah okay gone got it if this is the top one i actually feel bad yeah at what age did i lose my virginity i've spoken about it a few times you have spoken about it is it the one where you trekked to america for it i did i did i went international to lose this if you've oh i don't know i'm i'm gonna go i think you were a little slayer i'm gonna go that you're 16 when you went are you locking that in i don't know i'd say 16 or 17. i don't know i'm gonna go 16. 16 100 locking it in yeah no it was my girlfriend from egypt and then when i moved back to the uk my parents paid for me to go visit her out there little did i know frieza was on a mission okay this is just a trivia one essentially what color would a short i threw off the yacht in the sidemen 20 000 holiday video wow what a question what a question it's a good question you know now you i've got two colors in my mind yellow and red yes but for some reason red is stuck in my head and for that reason i believe that red is just it's there so i'm gonna lock in red i never i've got you're right the yellow red but you're right i have yellow and red but it was the yellow one i knew that you wore yellow ones but in my head i was like why is red here oh yeah this could be a stinker i don't really want them i'm trying to make that i'm a cool reveal but i can't just say you're right and then we're like actually oh this is the exact one i didn't [ __ ] want this is the one i didn't want this is what i want to hear this isn't the one is the 500 quid no no no no that's the one i don't want oh actually that one's have you ever put foundation on before ah yeah you look like a lot of these um instagram girls now i'll tell you it's kind of the fake down vibe you've got going on i need a camera eyeliner oh yes oh yes but can i get like the wing eyes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they always look nice now i think we go for the fake lashes a little bit higher up this time oh yes oh yeah so i'll move this one down a bit no that's fine that's fine that's fine subtle don't want to make it look like you're wearing a lot of makeup look a little bit like the joker the joker yeah how many man geez on the cheekbone as well you know there you go mate let me have a little look here all right should we have a little look have a look mate i think you'll like it oh my god it's good it's good it's good it's good harold you're taking the [ __ ] piece i'm actually gonna cry that's good bro it's good i think i did a good effort oh it's so early in the video it looks really good oh my god all right it's posted it's posted come next one my turn my turn right here you're never getting this one oh great what did i find in your room during my 2014 room tour video was it a dildo yes yes i remember filming this we hit it oh we did it it was the purple i need to get this right i actually need to i'm bins right now i don't even know oh i do know this one what did i spill on my top in mykonos you can't an alcoholic beverage you know the calyx video yeah yeah although there's a reason why i got a new top oh yes you smell soya sauce why did you keep doing it why did you keep talking yeah he said his answer he said his answer and you said no no you gave him more information why would you give more information that's right guys that's outrageous yeah go on ask me ask me ask me what is my middle name oh yes come on come on it is uh leighton for the mighty lady spell it though l-e-i-g-h-t-o-n yeah am i not getting this you might get it how many times did i say oh hey in your 2014 room oh you're taking a piss sam bro uh 18 8 10 off it's close it's close that's an outrageous question outrageous absolutely i'll be flipping i'd be flipping out all these had to do is delete a [ __ ] brand new video i'm sat here looking like a mug let your opponent choose one item from your room to get destroyed okay i'm down for that i'm down for that act out for this the axe yeah where are we doing this we're just on the roof okay cool all right let's get it no no no no just think of all the poor people that wanted one for christmas and you'd smash it i've got this gammy looking ps4 all right that yeah i mean i have batted it to be fair you don't have any use for it now as well i do my career mode's on there just get a dumpling [Music] my turn to ask you a question sure so i've been dressed in makeup and my playstation destroyed oh i think you'll get this okay what is the name of the painting in my room the name of the painting i don't know the name of your painting yeah i called it something and it's on the oh oh you actually didn't it yeah yeah your good name or something what did you name oh please get this wrong i'm gonna raise a guy i'm gonna get this one i'm gonna get the wrong the name you're painting i wanna say it's uh gregory gregory all right so do you send us out um the name of my painting is quarantina ah yes yes yes um all right well finally bog all right what have you what have you got please please please please 500 500 pound in my bank account 500 pound in my bank account oh get one item of clothing from your wardrobe customized by your opponents i'm gassed we can do that we can do that hello hello um what are you thinking what am i picking up you know what he's not here so i might just give him something i have a duplicate of i have two of these i'll put these in my face it's my favorite side manhood i can't give him i have two of them i can't get him destroy one of them right i'll give him oh i'll give him the white i never wear this you can get it on oh dear i'll let him customize this bad boy all right all right what do you got from your fella i have got a pristine psa 10 spiderman clothing hoodie in white as well so you can do whatever you want with it first of all i'm not going to lie yeah this hoodie is hella boring and you know what hello yeah bro it's a plain white hoodie with sidemen on the front oh look at the way that we have a short sleeved hoodie i mean yeah i see i see i see he's gone with this he's gone with this route nice nice nice nice so here we go i see what you've done we've got single ready to mingle on the front okay i think that's a that looks quite nice short sleeve and then on the back we've got lonely and messy's number ah maradona's and maradona yeah no no but we'll get better color on it we get just a little bit of color i don't want to spend too much time on this oh lovely you know what i've had a lot to it you know [Laughter] how do i make tea okay easy this you put in the you put in the milk last first of all which is criminal yeah and you also instead of buying a kettle you boil the water in a pan on the stove very caveman-esque yeah so there we go you got it completely wrong i put the milk in first you donut oh my god wait yeah oh no i meant to save you i know oh let me tell you i know that i know the answer please no no no no no no no no oh i said it wrong i said [Music] [Music] if this is the 500 pound i'm ending this video he loves he lived he lives [ __ ] what is it paypal your opponent buy go on money it i'll get your phone i'll get your phone out happy days no it's a brand deal it's fine it's a brand new 500 i've had the two worst ones this serves you right you know for doing a forfeit video forever you've been wow wow i have been so finessed yes come on boys you should know this one what was my first car oh it's either the audi a3 or the range rover evoque okay the audi was always in guernsey but did you buy it first you did get a range rover you did it was the first car yeah yeah yeah yeah did you actually get the audi first yeah and you would've got it wrong anyway because it's an a5 not an a3 all right here we go for the love of jesus let harry throw your phone down the stairs or at the wall um so you're just gonna so you're just gonna smash my phone i'm literally about like i feel bad doing this you know i'm like i'm like 1.8 that's like 1.8 k down the drain today but at the bottom of this it does say bonus question yeah hang on a minute i've got an idea for that all right why don't you protect your phone with the rhino case before i throw it but do i have to get this bonus question right uh yes yes you do right come on then what is it what's the bonus question what year did you move in together together i want to say like around how long we've been living at six years yeah so like 2014 is the correct answer yes happy days but i mean it could still get peppered here so let's see how we get on no not with a rhinoceros absolutely not all right so you might be wondering what the hell is this case that i'm about to use well let me just quickly tell you that rhino shield got in touch with me and they were like we want you to test out our case in a video and they claim that this is just an extreme case in the sense that if you lob it at anything or if you chuck it try and smash it whatever the screen protector the impact screen protector i think they call it the 3d screen protector sounds all very um bougie um is going to be able to withstand the impact not only that but the case is made of like military-grade stuff which is just absolutely mental so they've got loads of different uh colors and cases i think they even did one with like pewdiepie nasa all that so i'm gonna go and pick my case now um put the screen protector on so yeah i thought you know what i'm gonna give this a go i'm gonna try it out and of course if you guys wanna um get yourself one whether it be for a christmas present or whatever then you guys can use the code freezy and you get 20 off but it is only valid for 48 hours after the 48 hours it drops down to 10 off so make sure if you do want a cup you do it in the first 48 hours of this video if not you still get 10 off it's not the end of the world if you guys want to go and buy it it's only right that i test it on screen on camera for you guys so that you guys know if this is 100 legit so let's get to it all right cool so i've got a selection of cases i need to pick which ones look at all of these boom there is a pewdiepie one you know that one looks pretty tasty i am gonna go with this white one looks so sick i'm gonna go with this one here we go slap that in there like this there we go and it's in something there it is all right fella yeah it's cool please pray for me pray for me pray for you like throw it but it yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna be poor again if if this breaks i'm gonna be poor you ready son yep all right okay lord no way that survived if that survived i swear to god yeah is that smack the screen off the stairs oh i banged it down with all my might as well shall we see how much this could actually withstand yeah all right to an extent uh okay you can throw at the wall once okay i mean yeah bro bro it's fine it's fine it's fine lovely give me give it another oh my god like yeah oh wait that was just dirt i thought that was a scratch bro there's no damage to the phone but that's unreal you know i ping that he landed it okay yeah we got some dirt but i mean that's just from the bottom like my phone survives what year was my oh what year was my first merch drop the crocs one the first crocs thing i think it would have been it would have been last year no i'm good 2019. you're locking it in yeah i'm locking it in it was 2018. i went 2019. was it 2018. all right well finally finally bob okay okay okay pick one pick one please it's a long one oh yeah oh no yes yes yes please be a stinker randomly scroll through contacts and send them an i miss you let's connect text yes within the limit within the boundaries within the boundaries within the boundary right so what i'm thinking is scroll and then just oh yeah that's that's what i mean that's fine that's fine that's fine right the way this is gonna work i'm gonna spin the wheel or down this contact lens select someone and i get three goes yeah um to hopefully get the best person possible yeah all right here we go spin number one all right i think i've got a banger you know oh no i think i've got a barrier all right so we have got here i'm gonna i would like to send the message here we go wait let me you can send it but let me just see who you're sending it to oh no oh no no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh steve steve it's so deep it's so deep ah you can you can do that ah we are dropping the i miss you oh no oh no oh no oh no i sent it oh that's pete bro [ __ ] i can't believe it's her as well all right so there it is the video is wrapped up as you guys can see i managed to uh wipe my face um rid of all that horrific makeup of course guys if you haven't already then make sure you go and check out the rhino shield case that we used in one of the forfeits with harry it worked way better than i thought i'm not gonna lie this thing literally if you get up close there's a there's a bit of dirt on it but that's just from my hand and me being a little greasy guy but look on the back as well there's literally no damage on the phone and my phone is still standing if you guys didn't know you can get a bunch of different uh accessories and sort of customize your own you can also actually go and design your own uh case as well which is amazing and then not only that but you also get a lifetime guarantee so if you for whatever reason still don't trust the fact that um it's gonna withstand some serious damage then you do have that lifetime guarantee oh also guys orders over 40 pounds free shipping we love to hear that um and if you do want to cut one of course guys make sure you use the code freezy that would be absolutely amazing and if you enjoyed this video then make sure you leave a thumbs up leave a comment we have got a big big christmas video coming to you on christmas eve that i promise is going to be an absolute barker until next time guys i'll see you guys in a bit bye
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 1,812,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Id: 0I7j9tjYAg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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