I was a man without Order, Islam brought me Order

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[Laughter] yes the cook soup we put marijuana Annie we cook pies we cook vada yes yes my name is Suren towel I'm 59 years old and September I'll be 60 and I've been a Muslim now for 15 years September it will be 16 years yes I'm from Jamaica Kingston Jamaica born by the sea Jubilee us with Alan Kingston and one who knows Kingston burn Kingstonian well basically I'm Christian my grandfather was a Baptist was a Church of God preacher in the church so my mom definitely saved or she didn't go to church we had to go to church every Sunday we had to go to Sunday school every Sunday we went to church like three time for a time for the week so Christianity was the religion being a Christian after because I was moving all around the country and living here and there I was a Church of God man then I was a catch aleck so well being a Catholic and sitting there listening to them saying Ellie Mary Mother of God pray for us in as I am and I'm wondering does God have a mother and it's like you know stuck in my brains and I'll see how can God have a mother say he has a father so in this religion still I didn't know anything as I stuck to this religion and today our own age 22 you know something happened in my life and I went around when solitary like my hair started going and my beard started going and someone said it looked like a Rasta I say yeah so I just became a Rasta yeah God didn't have any firm conviction in Christianity but one thing as a Christian you know going to church was that was the thing and no other asked them and the thing was we had we read the Bible a chapter a day that was like they say a chapter there keeps the devil away and we would all walk with our Bible you know about pockets and at his restaurant 12 chimes rest a man who would lock a door Bible said became so that I could recite even 50 20 sounds that could tell you about the Bible from Genesis straight back to Revelation yeah that was it basically you know I got to love the Bible and read it reading it the chapter they take say like two hundred and sixty-five days chiana half years I mean to complete it in read every chapter and then I was reading the Bible you know you come over certain things son of God and then he has son of God again and you read them when you see son of God again sir it was like confused him what being a Christian is hell it's alright that going until I was like 44 years old then I started moving around these gangsters out Carla you know one of them was a Muslim we didn't know you know until one day I said oh I'm almost living on so who are Muslim Hezbollah or Hamas and he's like okay stop so he invited me to come and live with him to help them in their work that they were doing so I went and I'm there and we're doing things that wasn't good enough and one day said uh would you like to read a Quran I said what's the Quran and I said it's the book that the Muslims real answer probably and then one night he gave me and said it's the Koran and take a read and see if you like it so I took it from him that night I went in my room I'm going to sleep I said let me see what this book is about so I took off the Koran and I opened it and it was like English and you know the use of Ali Quran so I read their donations bismillahir of money and said most gracious most merciful with this who can be most gracious Sara I started reading and I read through al-fatiha and I read it bakka and then I read Imran and I kept on ready to cut this books also interested right away and I just like that a book was interesting because I was a reader before so I big I'm just reading a book you know and say I read the book and went to better late that night got up the next day I going about go to bad things again went back the next night read the book till I finish then he said I was there said mmm a very enlightening book done said some question that I was asking myself but I still don't know what this religion is it then he gave me a book on the life of the Prophet and I read that that's what got me this man I said be someone that this really existed I said yeah you know it was that it's a young man this man I existed fourteen hundred and odd years ago see serious so started giving me more lychee China and I kept reading it didn't tell me be a Muslim or tell now he just gave me lit shells and I read I started looking at things nuns and I'm 44 years old and this book is telling me a lot of things I didn't know after a year I was 44 when I got the Quran and 45 and my birthday one day I came and I said I want to be a Muslim I'd love to be one of the Companions of this man and he said it sure said yeah it took me a year to find all that I needed and I have totally convinced that this is a good religion yeah that's like what we've been hearing the news known as it took one year because I wanted to make certain that this religion was authentic and it wasn't like the roster with all bulges and you know and then with all it it told me what I had to do it before I did prayer but I had to do the intention the cleansiness and sin and I had to do it five ten days so there was this structure but I you know so all it is that's what took me a year to find out what it required and I said this religion is ordered it brings other not like being a restaurant I'm doing bad things I'm going to the nightclub I have a girlfriend you know many girls of children would all be might as I said the only concern I had before becoming a Muslim was Who am I going to read this book the Quran the one that the Arabic because it says you have to do your friend Arabic so that was one of the main concern but the bursar don't read it in English Eliza get the Lord is the greatest now he will help you if you are sincere I went and took shot and everybody was getting it coming and telling me that brother you know a newborn baby I said why said because you become Muslim I know a lot has web just laid clean earlier since so yeah sure that yeah say everybody's coming over to me and saying make a prayer for me well actually I had to ask the Lord to forgive me because you're fresh clean right I felt good at seeing all these men coming up and hugging and saying wow this is nice yeah very much as that today I was a man without all there are boundaries i could do anything i used to do do anything islam but a sense of organization and commitment because i used to smoke marijuana is the smoke Qin conquered and Islam the religion taught me how to get rid of these things and of course the marijuana one that was the hardest one to get rid of and I can remember one night I got up to say my prayer and I couldn't remember so well Fatiha how can I forget it and then I remember it oh I just smoked that joint and when you're smoking I'd put you in that state of mind where you know wanting to do nothing so I have to give up this but it's because I read where the Prophet said you have to give up something you love if you want to be a Muslim I really loved marijuana eateth zinc it smoke it everywhere believe me as a restaurant my mom the owner couldn't get get on together cuz of the rest that we didn't need pork and I feel good two months Austin a TI always cooking pork and I know I don't eat pork so that would cook the pork in the rice and peas around then he would be eatin rice and peas but he don't see no meat and different you would be eating fish then yeah and there's someone let it slip they put work in the restaurant ISA stop talking to my mother and my family for a number of years as a restaurant didn't go around and didn't talk to them avoided them then when Islam came and I thought how about cutting Kings and ties with you you know ties with your kids and your mother and saying you know I really believed everything that I was reading I went back and greeted my mounted sorry for all that happen and let's be friends and mother and son again you know she loved it yeah she she rather me being a Muslim than Erasmus I used to think of life as you live and you die and that's it done dusted and when I became a Muslim and it tells you that when you die it's just another stage but on the day Allah will raise you up crazy up again to be judged for their sins and thing and those who have done good will go to heaven without any account and those who have done bad and we'll go to the Hellfire what if they are Muslim and they did say you know the shot and into Allah he would send the Prophet make intercession and take out who they wanted to say well this is like an insurance policy then if I'm going to I know if I'm going to die it's better I'm praying to this God that not praying to him and don't have a chance of coming out like who do those who pray to him and so from that time on I decided yeah I'm going to try my best to do as much as I can still did a bad thing but then as I told her the current tell me about acts cannot have acts in God for forgiveness because he's he forgives again and again and again so whenever I did something in ignorance I had got back forgiveness and say tell them you know you know I was a bad man and it just doesn't disappear because I'm a Muslim I have to be fighting my inner self and I have to be fighting to keep the evil out stop drinking alcohol stop smoking her and I stopped the other that had to be given my money to my friends who didn't have to do what they couldn't you know you know it's Lanterna that if you want answers to questions reason of being alive and why we were born then Islam and the Quran has all the answers put your trust in God and come they are Muslim like myself here to help and others so worship Allah and be safe from the fire of hell
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 7,191
Rating: 4.9516616 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Catholic, Rastafarian, Church of God, Christian, jesus, mother of God, Church, overcometv
Id: AjHkzqsdnV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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