These Fighters Were Too BROKEN for Smash…

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these eight characters broke Super Smash Brothers with their overpowered moves Combos and abilities so busted that for some Pro players would actually push for a ban and we're gonna start with the recent exploit that allows for Minecraft Steve to do something pretty game breaking now Steve has always had some fun and creative Tech through the years well maybe not fun for everyone but the funny moments in memes slowly turned into a discussion over a complete ban in 2023 when it was discovered that Steve could cancel the stun you're supposed to receive after getting hit by an attack in a maneuver dubbed by some in the community as the Phantom MLG well At a Glance this could just seem like a minor little Quirk or detail for the competitive Scene It really really wasn't simply getting a failed block animation by trying to place one outside of the grid placing a block without landing on it or hitting special during the end lag of other attacks will activate this Phantom State why was it so broken well by ignoring the stun from attacks it gives Steve a perfect risk-free opportunity to punish the opponent with an attack in the air of his own something that's not actually supposed to be possible this isn't a design part of the game and while it only works for low knockback moves it's still incredibly useful and to many isn't balanced in a fighting game oh sorry party game forget that super powerful super unintentional on the part of the developers and to many super worthy of getting the character banned from competitive play thing is this wasn't even the first time Steve band discussion had circulated going back to the year prior Steve's unorthodox play style had seen him take a sharp rise to the top of the tier list even before this new exploit was discovered while this movement initially took a while to gain momentum the sudden rise of players that were to be blunt relatively unknown prior to Steve's release that took upset after upset after upset over established top players Rose some red flags for many the Phantom MLG was just the straw to break the camel's back but it gets even deeper Collision 2023 a pretty big tournament opted to go for Banning just the Phantom MLG technique and not the entire character if you performed it in the game you'd basically get disqualified but due to the difficulty to enforce this since matches now have to be more precisely evaluated by staff not every tournament went for this approach the coinbox series of online ultimate tournaments opted to entirely ban Steve in March 2023 because of this one technique with more tournaments to follow suit but for as broken as this is Steve funnily enough isn't even the first character players try to get banned in Smash ultimate as we'll see in a bit and definitely isn't the first character to get banned in the series history there were actually discussions to ban Chic in the early days of melee while today Sheik is still considered very good in the meta you'd think that the character to ban or at least have discussions to ban would be one of the characters at the tippity top of the tier list your foxes your jigglypuffs but no Chic was actually the first culprit but why being really good but also easier to learn and pick up and play the earlier meta for melee back in the day realized this and she was dominating and winning lots of tournaments with her great matchups against low and mid-tier characters and fairing well against top tiers as well just being so flexible with the movement options and good recovery leading her to being at the number one spot on the community tier list for the first four years of the game's life just to take a shot that's about as long as smash 4's entire run just thought I'd throw that in as people adapted and the community started to unlock some of the potential in other characters however this discussion would slowly Peter out so while Sheik would never actually get banned I can't really say the same for another Melee character wobbling is an infinite combo exclusive to the Ice Climbers in Super Smash Brothers Melee where after a certain percent the opponent cannot break out of Popo's grab and will continuously get hit by Nana this works because of an exploit in melee's grab mechanics locking the player into the hit stun incredibly easy for the ice climber player to pull off a combo capable of doing on anyone except for another ice climber and as such incredibly broken over the years wobbling was quite controversial in the melee Community to say the least with many supporting the complete ban because it's just too powerful and almost always leads to a KO and in 2019 action began to take place first at the tournament get on my level in 2019 Then followed by other Majors including smash World Tour in 2020 bands of the wobbling technique would be enforced and today wobbling is banned at almost every tournament sure if you're a smaller event you can allow it but there's a lot of pressure to follow the rules that big tournaments are using and as such it's led to many previously known ice climber players dropping the character or even quitting the game entirely so while many May believe that it's unprecedented to ban just one technique with a character like Steve this shows that we've seen something similar before but there's an important question here what happened to wobbling in future Smash games it's not like the Ice Climbers are banned today while in the series next entry Super Smash but there's brawl wobbling in this form is impossible to perform since the game's grab mechanics received a heavy overhaul from melee with some other mechanics were left the same though however in this game the Ice Climbers have gained new infinite Chain Grab techniques that still guarantee a KO if properly performed therein lies the key difference though if properly performed the infinite combos for Nana and popo in this game have input patterns differing from character to character since each has their own size and weight class and there's RNG involved with a trip possibly breaking your grab up in the middle of your inputs being difficult to complete even for advanced players and as such while still being High characters on the tier list the Ice Climbers wouldn't be banned for this in Brawl but while this one mechanic for the duo would be banned in melee at least this wasn't Banning an entire character the most infamous character banned in Smash history has to be Meta Knight a newcomer to the series with plenty of relevance to Kirby fans but one that the world hadn't got a chance to see given the spotlight amongst Nintendo's cast of icons and well be careful what you wish for Meta Knight dominated the competitive scene in Brawl but why was he so broken in short he had pretty much everything great recovery Great Frame data his ability to Edge guard being the best in the cast considered one of the only characters in the game who'd rather be off stage than on but the only thing you could possibly want being some type of projectile but even still it was considered the perfect character for brawl and discussion of a Meta Knight band would begin to emerge there was a rumor circulating at the time that he was banned in Italian tournaments because of how broken he was and while this would turn out to be false this rumor sparked more and more people to want to ban him in other regions in essence they use these false rumors as justification to ban him over here in 2011 the unity rule set committee a tournament of organizers suggested a new standardized rule set with the key suggestion inside of it being a complete ban of Meta Knight a poll was held to see whether or not people wanted to ban him and while a majority of the voters optioned to ban the character it didn't reach the 75 threshold needed to completely get rid of Meta Knight and as such Apex the most widely participated in tournament at the time opted not to use the suggested rule set many top Pros who named Meta Knight said they one to ten tournaments where he was banned if their character wasn't available why would they play and in turn most other tournament organizers ignored the propositions for a ban to keep the tournaments profitable tournaments are going to attract more viewership with the more good players that attend them Meta Knight was banned in some areas but not others causing fractures in the brawl competitive scene all for this one new Kirby character maybe that's why we've never gotten a new one since from the start of Smash 4 onwards Meta Knight would be heavily nerfed and nowhere near this broken ever again but this wasn't the case for all the characters another newcomer to the series this time around was Greninja destined to go on to become one of the most beloved Pokemon by the majority of the fan base this wasn't certain prior to smash 4. the smash team was allegedly only given beta design images and concept art during development so they had to improvise a lot when designing the character and maybe that's why he was broken in the early days of Smash 4 there were two main things that made Greninja really really good Gran's up smash was initially one of the best of its kind in the game massive reach it was interruptable super quickly so you could combo the opponent much easier with low ending lag to go along with this his side special Shadow sneak where you disappear and then reappear from within the stage has an exploit that allowed you to completely cancel the ending lag of your aerial attacks when going into it making the characters so much more versatile and faster if this stayed in the game who knows we might have seen another can campaign to ban a character but this time Nintendo surprisingly was the one to shut it down in this new era of character updates and patches everyone's favorite call of starter was slapped with a huge Nerf in the game's 1.0.4 patch taking about everything good that I just mentioned and getting rid of it the lag on the up smash was increased the shadow sneak exploit would be gone in the patch after this and a bunch of other tweaks would be made that ultimately LED not to Sadness by the fan base but to memes the DNA of the song Better Nerf Greninja inspired by a similar situation in the League of Legends Community took over Twitter and still gets reference to this day Bren would receive some smaller Buffs down the road but nothing that could restore him to his former glory at the start of the Smash 4 era so while this may have come with a cost to the fans of the fast fictional amphibian at least it showed Nintendo was willing to step in when something teetered the edge of being broken well at least we thought this was the case smash Wars DLC saw the return of many fan favorites Mewtwo Lucas Roy um oh I guess not you but uh still a lot of them okay there were new additions too but none more shocking than final fantasies Cloud Strife a character previously never thought to be possibly seen on a Nintendo platform today was not only here but in their Premiere fighting franchise it was amazing and the character turned out that way too really good movement was versatile had the limit break mechanic allowing you to unleash a powerful attack that can KO opponents at low percents all of this that can easily shoot a character up in the community tearless but nobody would really say that he was broken or needed a band well that was in singles at least yes and smash 4's doubles tournaments it's estimated that 80 to 90 percent of the games were being won by teams that had at least one Cloud somewhere in their Duo being so bad that it was at the point where if you weren't using a cloud you were almost just deliberately putting your team at a disadvantage he was that good in the format but that's the stat for if you just had at minimum One Cloud imagine how broken having two would be everything that was good about the character in singles was now enhanced in a format where one player could have more time to breathe at points and other moves were able to combo well in a two-on-one scenario with no update to fix this in sight since it's a lot harder to balance a character in a more Niche format than the standard this got so bad and became very obnoxious to play against to the point where doublecloud got banned in many big tournaments at the time the story even got covered by ESPN Smash Bros going mainstream now and this band seemed to really have helped the situation having cloud in at all was still really busted again 80 to 90 percent of wins like really but at least the damage was mitigated here until the double Cloud team started switching to cloud and bayana as a backup which itself started taking over the metagame and leading to it getting stale again but with Smash 4 already being on its way out at this point though complying with doubles not getting as much public attention to singles anyways not much was done about this and the category just sort of phased out and hey did I mention Bayonetta debuting in the series as the quote-unquote winner of the Smash 4 fighter ballot where fans voted on who they wanted to see most in the game only to be confirmed as a lie a few years later Bao received a mixed reception upon her introduction only for that to get uh shall we say less mixed as time went on Bayonetta debuted as being by far the strongest Single Character the roster had seen until that point having the best recovery in the game almost making her impossible to fight off stage which time allowing for insane combos some even zero to death scenarios all getting even stronger when she was losing with Hyper sense some tournaments opted to quickly ban the character a small section of Spain was one of the first areas to do this which made some headlines only because the media made it seem like she was banned all over the country where that really was not the case this would have been understandable though as a bunch of previously unknown players coming out of the Shadows to win big tournaments caused a lot of frustration most decided at the time though that since the game was still getting updated a ban wasn't necessary at this time because the Nerf would happen eventually even though it didn't for certain characters betsquare Enix just paid Nintendo off honestly and as soon as things started to get close to even being considered for a ban the Nerf actually happened this was the last patch Smash 4 would ever receive though and after about a year or so of discourse it was kind of determined that even after all the Nerfs yeah she was still the best character and by a good margin still winning major after major after major and the early hesitance as to oh should we ban the character or not carrying over here is considered in retrospect to have really hurt the health of the game she should have been banned and if she was maybe the game would still be played today but she never was and then we got games like this look when a new Smash game comes out the attention in much of the competitive scene is gonna go to that at least for a while but melee is proof that if there's enough fun and substance to be had you can still have a thriving scene for years to come not to say that this would have been a sure thing for Smash 4 but Bale being in the top spot of the scene consistently driving away viewership and producing boring nearly unwatchable games in the most prominent spots certainly sealed the deal that Smash 4 would be dropped as soon as a new alternative came around this alternative would be seen as much more balanced compared to its predecessor there would be a bunch of viable characters in Smash ultimate creating a competitive scene that would have no need to discuss a Banning a particular character at least not seriously well at least until Fighters pass Vol 1. geez what is this with Nintendo making everyone pay to win often when a new character comes out people immediately jump to the conclusion of oh yeah they're broken and then the meta later adjusts and learns to counter the character but hero hero was different just look at the crazy stuff he's able to do oh my thing is though he can be good so good but he's very inconsistent the best and worst aspect about the character is the move menu you can get Hocus Pocus at the right time and boom tournament's over but if you were to play that same game 10 times over that scenario might only happen once it's the luck of the draw the randomness is considered uncompetitive by many and several players were calling for a ban of the character a stork contrast to the Bao situation in Smash 4. then there was hesitation and a let's wait and see approach before things got out of hand but not here and and surprisingly this movement actually worked two tournaments would ban hero one being an event ran in South Australia and the other was actually a Nintendo backed tournament in Europe This was crazy for Nintendo to approve of and was likely just a knee-jerk reaction to the fan outcry at the time which didn't last because the community got used to and kind of figured out Hero's deal it made this whole situation kind of laughable in retrospect the character's Randomness which sparked his rise in the first place ultimately led to the downfall of the scene to many why would you practice at a high level with a character that you could lose within Grand finals by pure chance when there are other characters just as good if not better that are far more consistent leading Us full circle to a modern day ban request that by all accounts could stay for the foreseeable future but as we've seen it's quite difficult to completely enforce a ban on anyone regardless of how good they might be smash has always been a game with a varied roster people want to play who they want to play some characters like this may be centralizing really really good even still in Smash today looking at you m but to be banworthy is something else impossible to fully enforce perhaps but for some of these it's certainly good that we've tried oh
Channel: Siiroth
Views: 188,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, Mario, Siiroth, Smash, These Fighters Were Too BROKEN for Smash, Banned Smash Fighters, Nintendo was forced to ban them from smash, meta knight smash ban, why is steve banned in smash?, steve phantom mlg, steve ban smash ultimate, was meta knight banned in brawl?, nerf greninja, better nerf greninja, hero ban drama smash, coinbox smash, which characters got banned in smash history?, super smash bros melee, super smash bros brawl, smash bans, nintendo banned characters
Id: aG0eVGuDyoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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