I Used My God Powers to Drown Civilization Repeatedly - Tidal Tribe

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you get to play a god that can gift an entire civilization with prosperity only to rip it away from them and force them to kill each other out of desperation it's tidal tribe free game mode damnit so basically we get to control the land and the sea and if we do good things then people get to live if we do bad things then they die horribly so what I want to do is I want to create a civilization by doing the right thing and then use all of the people that move in as my test subjects that see what happens when we turn their lives in the hell how long can your seed be apparently pretty damn long what the hell you can change the amount of volcanic activity why is this zero it needs to be a maximum parasites factor yes population many welcome everyone to the civilization that will slowly be torturing so basically the way the world works is we have the powers of gigantic sandcastle building essentially water comes in and we get to move stuff around and determine where it goes when people have water they live good lives when they don't have water they typically end up killing themselves okay real quick I was just kind of like being excessive with how I was describing the game and then I went over here to the options menu over by myths and one of the things that you couldn't buy with resources is no suicide NPCs won't commit suicide when hanging from a tree Jesus no derpy this game is amazing I want my people to derp so our little Blair Witch Project dolls over here they do everything themselves they actually like build and cut down trees and obviously hang themselves and everything like that so all we have to do is just make the world either habitable or inhabitable but before I torture everyone I need people to torture so I guess I need to make things livable first just carving out a path here select God's delectable urine stream go straight through the middle of all of the villages I appreciate that before anyone does anything in this game they all have to make hats first that's like the most important commodity that these stick figures have this guy has a hat that's half a friggin watermelon how amazing is that what's that something just exploded you know it's gonna be a good game when a random explosion happens in the background what the hell how did you guys catch sand on fire it's sand how did you screw this up I guess it's something I would do if I was God I would make everything in the entire world flammable are you wearing like a pomegranate on your head now that's vegan lifestyle I appreciate that the plants follow whatever I do so if I'm ever like that plant too high you just drag it down but messing with the sand how you doing under there yeah are you glad are you happy about where you built your house are you starting to have some regrets now are you drowning how long does it take for you to finally die let's drop it a friggin what the hell's happening over here are you feeding this man a coconut or were you beating him to death with it I think they're working together but I can't be sure I really feel bad about doing this but you put your house in my way you don't like it sign up for God school and do a better job than me this is new and exciting why the hell have penguins suddenly shown up in my god land did you guys take over this house over here what are they like carnivorous banquets I appreciate how all of my people in my world are egotistical you can buy an upgrade that's everybody wears a pink skirt yes Flavio that looks fantastic I can't see your sick bits at all I appreciate that the civilization over here has figured out how to make potted plants is he put up an an appeal down to try and kill some dude so he can hit on his girlfriend what in the hell is that what and over here like everyone else has little crappy houses that some of them don't even have roofs and there's one dude over here living in a freaking mansion dude you got a freaking market install over here with just piles of food and everything everyone else around him is starving to death oh this world is gonna need to be purged look at how many criminals there are in this world look at this it's a little baby stick figure in its natural habitat can you like make it so that it can't get home or you're a dedicated freakin stick figure I wonder his name's eisenhower for that I must torture your family by putting them on the highest hill I possibly can just to see what what happens to them there how will you live now enjoy that is there like a height limit oh this goes way beyond excessive houses up here on a side note they will never have to worry about flooding are you vomiting because of how high it is I think she's just tired look at her Herbert shikigami destroyer what kind of names are these ah the destroyer family there's there's a juvenile destroyer right there is this an image of the stick figure kicking another stick figure that's kicking a burger I want to see how high it goes everyone to understand that we even hit the invisible wall so hard that our mountain has been sheared right down it's still living up here how are they doing this holy crap I finally found the upper limit this is the maximum height that you're allowed to make the landscape Jesus hey what's what's wrong what's wrong a little stick figure you don't want to go home this thing's carrying like 50 bananas and they're like goddamn you gray the house is so high it's almost touching the birds come on you can do it just another quarter mile Wow their bananas spoiled before they reach the top of the house rocket ship it is supposed to feel like he's trying to get to the moon so now his happy ass has to walk all the way down and try and get more food you got to be kidding me how many people live up here now why would you do this what level of masochism do you stick figures have this this one stick figure is basically pushing this other stick figure up this film dude as a mailbox over here if you want to send the people at the top of that mountain a message your ass is better off just taping it to a seagull and hoping it goes up there everyone's doing pretty good the only way I can think of to kill everyone is I'm gonna have to build a wall from one side of the map to the other like that high so that the water can never get to the civilization and I think at that point everyone should probably go completely insane because there won't be any water I'll have to get rid of the water that's sort of here all right here we go it has begun rome wasn't destroyed in a day you have all lived in harmony for far too long oh the game stops you from blocking off the water path okay all right that's fine so all I have to do is just find all of civilization and race that up so high that the water can never get to it hold on I've got a better idea it won't let us go up but it will let us go down maybe we can flood the entire area congratulations you all get to live underwater now like a private property slide over here you think your property in my world yo ass must be crazy there we go I feel kind of bad because this is one of those big-ass mansions but it's gotta go down man you've all displeased your God learn your happy ass is how to live underwater y'all better start growing gills or this is gonna be a real difficult life look at the happiness average happiness BAM yeah you're not gonna be super happy when you live with a constant level of trench foot just got to get some water down here this guy there we go bye everyone's like what did we do wrong you lived you're not gonna need that well you're about to get plenty of water soon these middle name is sexy okay I have been systematically destroying the entire map I've managed to clear out like this entire side the happiness is malice yeah this is what people have to deal with right now they can't get to their house because their house is 50 feet underwater so they have to sit here at the edge of the water line just looking sadly at it this guy's just laying down he's like you know what I'm just gonna die at the top of this mountain I give up I like how they don't try and build a new house or anything like that they're just like well gray showed me oh my god they put up a private property sign like someone's gonna go in and take it over that guy just died there's his body floating up into the sky yeah you're coming with me now buddy ambrosia I'm all out of souls man why not go ahead and take the old dirt nap join me in the sky well there was a cafe over here it's under water now this is unbelievable the people at the top of the mountain they never give up the struggle to survive they're still going somehow oh my god we've we've D hosts everyone that they've all become criminals just about there's only 24 workers on the other side of the island I'm just like keeping everything normal and you can see the difference there's no criminals over there because everyone's happy with life Wow I'm even killing the birds at this point so what I've created is on this side of the world where the people have given us enough human sacrifices in order to keep us happy they get to live see they've got houses they've got mansions there's different businesses and stuff like that I really love that in a stunning ability to tell me to go to hell these people on the mountain are still alive and not only that there's two mansions that have been made on either side of this friggin mountain I think maybe even started making weapons on the on the happy side over here now over here on the side that I have forced to repeatedly get flooded the final corpse raises up into the sky they have live on the verge of death for so long and finally the last tortured soul ghost this game is amazing at testing different hardships especially because as a god you can play favorites and allow one side of the of the area to prosper and the other side of the area to die these guys are the MVPs though because they're still up here I know folks hope you enjoyed this episode of title tribe so the next time stay foxy oh it's lovely
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,445,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, tidal tribe, tidal tribe gameplay, tidal tribe game, god game, god tycoon, farming, farming game, farming simulator, terraforming, terraforming game, floods, flood simulator, flood simulation, volcano, god powers, tidal tribe steam
Id: ddfbo-W9Bas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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