Played God, Gave Everything the Plague - Equilinox

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all right so we're over here with the only game where you get to play God and also sound like a Marvel superhero its Aquila NOx this is God style game where you get to control the entire world need to mess around the landscape and breed all kinds of new creatures and watch them as they decimate each other you're supposed to create utopia but I think we're probably gonna try and make something and then burn it to the ground I don't know how vicious the game gets I understand that there's like a Darwinism in it in that you know the strong survive and creatures will evolve into better powerful versions of themselves Alice check it out new world world name please gray no water options Oh a dry world a normal world and a wet world I don't know I guess we're going or maybe we'll do like a water world later on or something oh sure generate my world equal an ox and also defeat evil Oh welcome click the tasks tab and follow the tasks okay all right so this is our chunk over here you're gonna notice that everything is a barren wasteland of sadness winner banana farmer mother of God they're balls from guinea pig so I don't really know a lot about the evolution of rabbits is this a thing did they come from the guinea pig whatever task one watching grass grow I'm gonna get some of this done so I guess you grab your grass you chuck it on the ground and then literally you have to wait for it to grow you get to watch grass grow thank God we could fast-forward things like this I think it showed you like the health and stuff of it there we go the grass moves along pretty quick you can play in it you get your DP points could be dinner plate or something naughty I think it's called diversity points go forth life daisies now to I'm curious how far the stuff will move like once you continue a whole lot you can kind of like really get down here now you've really get to see the grass grow look everyone straight ahead of us you're going to notice the very rare sad Daisy never mind it's a blade of grass they all look the same to me now our world is getting slightly greener we also get to make a treat I feel like I should make stuff over here by the water we have little low-poly clouds floating overhead I really don't know if there's like weather put it right by this water over here day one you're what gray begins the the harsh process of creating a world for all the living creatures to enjoy just so they can watch them hunt each other to death okay you guys wondering we got five generations of grass Tufts right now okay things are getting pretty heavy over here what is this evolution oh this is how you can turn things into other things you can mess with their genetic traits - oh god you can change the size how freakishly big can you get the grass to be my oak tree needs to be satisfied right now this oak tree is like gonna go on strike it's not happy enough I think that what we have to do is like maybe put some plants around it or something probably turn the area into more greenery than it is right now because right now the area is all sandy and sat there there's a couple daisies there's a couple of grass chunk le'ts tree oh there it is I was gonna say the tree is getting happy slowly but surely for grass I guess we already completed that once I'm out set it yes we could finally make sheep this is the first morsel to eventually be fed - what else do you have toads butterflies a fox yep the bear not gonna lie the beaver looks more like a back scratcher because of the low-poly style but I'm sure once we get one down it'll appear adorable all right mr. sheep get up in there actually know what here's a little sheep brother for you now supposedly these little sheep --let's over here you can take control of them playing around that's his action it has a name McKenzie oh look what's this one boy oh my god that's a fantastic name boss McKenzie oh I wanted to make it like McKenzie the fierce alright he's just Mackenzie the first a wild boars evolved from sheep sure why not put some stones down because I feel like they're probably important for something or other I'm also gonna put some more plants down kind like a join our greenery together and yeah I know the tree oh this sheep got fatter than the other one now how do you how do you mess with them like I said I know there's a way over here selectively breed oh you can change the color and a diseased wrist the bounce power it's 20 boeing's worth of power that's what this sheep produces so instead of running your cars on horsepower you can run them on boying power take control am either sheep now oh I am oh I can talk as a sheep what else can you do as a sheep you can sprint how fast is sheep bounce bounce alright I would call this like the Ford Focus of sheeps tumble is gonna be like great you're not supposed to pluralize sheep oh it's fine he's aren't real sheep they're basically like trapezoid not even that I don't know what they are I got what do you call this is this like a like a polygon and it looks like a rhombus from some angles did you guys breeder like what do you do can you can you can you make more baby sheep for me because I need three sheep in order to get my next chunk lit yep totally bred sheep to little baby sheep be bouncing out of this more power before she bosses very fertile very fertile sheep gotta make wheat can't be that hard right go over here genetically mess with some stuff you need stones stones BAM can I go ahead and breathe some wheat I don't really know how we're forcing this to happen I guess we'll just say that we're utilizing our epic God powers oh I didn't know there's like a day/night cycle oh look at how beautiful it is the stars shining overhead over a land that is going to be rife with set wheat and to what level that one oh my my freaking grass Diane I'm at 93% wheat power how do I get the rest of it oh there you go just pick another piece of grass I just unlocked seaweed oh and chickens the chicken is a simple bird which enjoys spending its days wandering around pecking at wheat seeds chickens also lay eggs which hatch into chicks after a while they're often hunted by various predators it's interesting that it knows what his future is in my hands average life expectancy 23 hours poor critter oh it legit starts as an egg it's name is Maddie oh it's hatching let us watch oh we're only a 23% oh never mind it totally acts there we go look at this adorable little Chiclets can I can I control you now sort of sound of the chicken make you know really don't feel like this tiny little thing would make the sound of a full-grown chicken but whatever you you keep doing you Maddie you need to involve a buttercup which means I have to mess around the color of this thing selectively breed yellow shirt now supposedly what happens is this thing dies it sacrifices itself for the future of all Daisy kind and a chicken has caught a disease due to the poor quality of the habitat Wow I haven't even been trying and I'm killing stuff already go eat something there's freaking wheat everywhere look at this this chickens gonna die this chicken has no chance to survive good bye Lexie you'll be missed just falls over and disintegrates oh they don't like many trees and they want more grass I'll bet that's the problem hold on let me let me grass it up in here come on sterling stop vomiting up deadly chunks and heal yourself already better not get my sheep sick oh my chicken it's full are you satisfied Mady do you enjoy your life here got a dislike species I'm guessing she hates sheep I need to evolve a buttercup from this Daisy how the dais is actually a little bit bigger than other days it's more powerful than average is 0.1 0-5 again I don't know how freakishly large you can make stuff I need to make a bunch of seaweed I need 10 of them a strange oak tree has been born with an unusual mutation like what does it have like the power of telekinesis or something oh it's a blue oak tree you have no clue how this happened but it's pretty cool oh I unlocked a fish we've got trout now sure let's put two trout in there so they can go ahead and do their Trouty thing it's not monetization friendly so we can't watch directly you shouldn't really spy on the trout anyway I can't see the trout because it's so dark I need to volve into the plank and even balls seaweed oh you sure can we need large rocks I can see me through a ball to rocket to a large rock okay you don't I you don't I don't know man I don't know the game exactly works I thought maybe you could do it alright we're gonna need a pink trout in order to eventually get a red fish so why yeah 3k he's checking her unsatisfied I'm gonna make like a giant wheat field over here here we go now our chickens are finally happy this chick is name is blast alright you boys know Flash Gordon is blast Gordon I unlocked the rock I really don't know what it does I'm gonna go ahead and put one of these in the water because I think we eventually need one I'm gonna put one over here and I'll put one over here too all right we need a light blue Daisy so I have to mess with genetics again all right I need a big beefy grass I need one that's like all right screw it if the environment won't give it to me will force want to get bigger sighs oh look at how much it cost but you can make it real big blast Gordon has passed away Wow our chickens are going pretty buck wild over here kind of it breasts finally we have a piece of grass that's good and powerful big enough to become a piece of mint but I need more grassland could you do me a favor and become a mint already please I've had enough of this crap thank you man our fish have been getting busy well let's see if I can take control of fish over here it's swimming around there's probably not a lot to do as a fish but to swim do fish make noise no they don't even have a make noise button all right we need kelp in order to do that we need large rocks all right so we need a woodland over here so I'm really gonna go nuts I'm putting like a ton of trees up in here a trout has been born with an unusual mutation it is the x-factor trout is this you ah it's a green trout it's an sa normally we have great routes but now we have one that happens to have I don't know like some sort of pigmentation issues or something never thought I'd be researching a wobbly tree I'm not really sure what this is it's gotta be real right all the other trees all the other animals and stuff in here real it's got to mean something we need like five of these it says or we need three and then the red maple trees as well which are a pain in my ass that's about time we're finally researching oregano ever thought I'd be so happy to see the day when delicious oregano bars would slowly fill in so that we can continue the greatness that will eventually be the apocalypse of all animal kind Oh God all the chickens are annoyed I think it's because we've got so many trees in here now just like species oh the friggin sheep are starting to move into where they are oh they're killing all my chickens actually how's the chickens get all the way over here I have a nice happy chicken land over here and whatever I get diseased and die see what I care I can finally put down a guinea pig but they cost a friggin arm and a leg thirty-six hundred DPS for a guinea pig Oh I finally have a freaking Red Birds tree I've waited for so long please don't die so I can evolve you into a red maple I think I have everything I need a home mother of God I just need enough of the D Peas yes please continue to flourish you don't mind if I mess with your genetics do you it's all in the name of science we have to make apple trees eventually over here oh I thought all the trout died ah they're back I don't really know how but whatever how're you guys enjoying the environment oh they're enjoying it quite a bit what do I need to make you creatures into the next level of trout need pink and Kel no problem I need the healthiest trout where's one e at perfect got one pink trout right over here all we need is a couple of kelp and we're freakin set red fish boom a strange sheep has been born what sort of sheep do we have now what sort of freak of nature has come into this life can't see anything it's so dark outside where's all bye where's all my flocks of sheep back there they are all right sheep what happened to one of you okay I've got apple trees growing finally which means it's time to throw down some guinea pigs Oh God the sounds they make this is your polygon old guinea pig it basically looks like like two crackers on top of a Twinkie but oh jeez the high-pitched noises I thought this was a guinea look at it it's got the ear and everything it's a friggin stone drop apples oh the apples are dropping do guinea pigs even eat apples I probably and they're everywhere now holy God these things are all over the place what do you guys eat fruits berries yeah eight apples eight one do it eat yes apples eat one it is eating the Apple SIG's name is Captain what right yeah you waddle over to this Apple over here like this no eat it now put a sheep in here let me see if this sheep will eat any of the apples got it fine finally the red fish don't hate my guts anymore our environment for the river bed was crap so now I've put like a ton of water lilies in here and there's all kinds of seaweed and kelp and everything and they're enjoying it now about time hello Killian would you mind if I messed with your genetic code oh we need a water lily nearby okay chicken slap you down right there yes Bobo drown yourself for food do what you got to do X I could probably give you like a little wheat plan or something there have a couple of these ducks name is Pandora it is the first duck that will exist in this new world that has been created look at how adorable it is oh it's become a legit duck like the mallard style with the green head and everything look at it waddle around toward the water are you gonna go swimming tell me you're gonna go swimming oh it legit floats all the other birds just kind of sink to the bottom and die of drowning all right man our redfish are doing good the environments looking freaking strong all right I got tomato plants growing now we got guinea pigs going nuts over here sheep are flying around doing their thing it says I need a better biome for this so I'm trying to mess with it in order to get the wild boars getting created we got ourselves our first wild boar his name is cubby is it just me or does the guinea pigs look a lot like a chicken like a roast chicken just walking around like there's the two little legs and there's the body okay I've been working pretty hard trying to get to the point where we can eventually have our predators and stuff everything's working pretty good like we have a sad little pocket over here where the chickens just play they seem to enjoy it I don't know they don't seem to hate it at least it's not the best biome because they hate trees but whatever over here it's a friggin animal smorgasbord man the guinea pigs love it the Sheep love it the boar it's a boar so it really it kind of hates everything but it's still alive as we go down here looking at our various mushrooms and animals they're having it's actually a pretty sweet little game I was surprised that we were able to combat the disease that had stricken a bunch of our creatures but now we got like a couple of ducks they're just like looming over here every now and again try to get more because there's so many plants and fish and everything like that the fish are doing pretty good they're very segregated the redfish stay on on this side the trout's stay on this side over here and what you guys think at Aquila docks let me know in the comment section below I'm gonna have a link to the game if you want to check it out as well try to figure out what we should shoot for next things are like starting to grow way up here that's kind of cool before we stop I want to make a mutant sheep so I'm gonna start putting it in their genes that they'd be much much larger I wonder if this will increase the overall size of sheep oh it did this sheep is even bigger hold on can you go even further than this like is it is it a base from its current size like how but if I do that will it go up to like 1.2 it definitely works look at this sheep it's more muscular and more powerful than all the other sheep yes this one's 120 hold on we got to keep going it's starting to get really expensive to make them larger yes we've got one that's 1.2 3 now look at these sheep lording over all the other sheep in fact the entirety of the sheep population to start bigger and bigger I'm gonna dinosaur size sheep eventually oh no they're knocking trees over they're gonna end up jacking up this wild boar areas he'll be enjoyed equal an ox you have to let me know what you thought about in the comments section below what should we do should we like like keep making the Sheep bigger and bigger we need to get like different biomes and still playing it do I have actually want to get like the jungle and like the tropical biomes and stuff to unlock all the new animal ever until the next time stay foxy much-loved [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,950,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Flipper, Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, god game, playing god, played god, god simulator, all powerful god, creating a world, god game simulator, god simulator game, god sim, equilinox, equilinox gameplay, equilinox review, equilinox let's play, the plague, evolution simulator, evolution game, evoultion simulator game, equilinox download, equilinox game, plague inc, plague
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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