I tried to speedrun Rags to Riches in The Sims 4

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are you serious no no no no you can't just you've got to be kidding me right now Vlad don't you know I'm if you know me at all then you know that I love a good challenge in the Sims and today I was thinking you know what let's play rags to riches but let's try to speedrun it like how fast can we make a ton of money in this game but with some added twist number one it's gonna be winter time in the game number two we'll have just 30 minutes to try and make as much money as possible and then at the end I'm gonna try and build an extravagant house for our hot dog King oh I should clarify my sim he's dressed as a hot dog that joke doesn't it's Stanley he's back I'm gonna leak my past sort of attempt at a challenge like this down below last time we did this we tried to paint for money I think that's too easy we've been there we've done that today we must try something different so it's kind of thinking myself like what options do we have for money earning in the sims there's painting and writing or kind of easy expected ones gardening is a great way to earn money and then I was like you know what gardening but we make it extreme I said we make it wintertime and and try and make money that way so there are ways around this like we can sort of put them underneath the roof and they'll still grow just fine even though it's snowing he's also gonna die cuz you know it's freezing outside so we have to try and get a house as fast as possible but the rags-to-riches rules are simple you don't get any money oh that didn't work you don't get any money you start with zero and then you try to build up as much money as possible from there now I'm not exactly sure where I plan on getting seeds from so that's one small concern of mine he also is like stuck with these metals but that can't even fish I mean this is gonna be a nightmare here's the other thing if we play on a tiny house I mean right now we don't really have a house but so I'm not gonna start it right before we get started let's talk strategy because if we play with a tiny house it doesn't even need to be technically a house as long as there's like tiles down a foundation of sorts we can make this lot a tiny home residential we can give ourselves our 32 tiles maybe might as well right can I not even afford to build the ceiling oh my god well we have this now the house counts as it home and then we're gonna get all the perks of tiny homes including less bills our plants will grow twice as fast we'll be happy all the time our skills will increase twice as fast I mean we really will have it all right so I might even just give him this before we get started do you guys like my house at least he's got coverage right we'll have to grow his plants undercover as well maybe we should like put that down - guys look how good that looks Wow oK we've got all this space for plants it's perfect welcome back to my my humble abode but we've got our timer on the clock and I guess now we just go scared let's okay back in the game sir we're going out and we're hunting for some seeds because we need some sort of collectibles I'm gonna go to Oasis Springs hopefully it won't be snowing so that we can find some stuff but we go to Oasis Springs we try and find some collectibles hopefully get some seeds maybe buy a decoration but it's raining maybe buy a decoration box I mean that's kind of the concept at least we have one single frog right the first steps and these are always just collectibles we need enough money to buy something to get us started here oh there is nothing oh no he's gonna get his one singular frog and then what and then we're doomed ah any plants any rocks anything any extra frogs Daisy Bush we can't collect anything from okay that's not things are not looking good for us 160 oh good if we can get another frog somewhere we are golden because then we can breed them and make constant frog money that is the beginning of any good rags to riches is its constant frog money hello speaking of frog money anybody got any here maybe I'll make him go fishing we can even have him look for frogs in there but I want to see if I can find any other collectibles I simply wish to have some sort of collectibles and I'm not seeing any that's the problem they sorta have to have enough time to spawn which you know not ideal for for people like us here who are trying to make money as fast as possible but it's fine everything's fine we caught a fish he caught a trout worth 23 oh good maybe fishing is the way to go in this and a goldfish oh my God my king I'm sure I'm just gonna keep looking for frogs I'm not kidding can we breed these what do you got we're the hundred wheres let's tell the thirty-one okay so now we have 160 and 3000 keep selling these extra frogs here honestly we've got 90 samolians that's not bad but for us did he just spend no no I'm sorry I'm getting my 10 samolians back that he just tried to spend on a drink we're not buying juice at a time like this I absolutely refuse to let him do that we don't have money to waste here we should have had him like shower in the rain or something while we still had it raining oh here we go all the collectibles are spawning now we're better off you guys don't worry and we caught a few more fish I just want to get enough money that we can get ourselves some seeds that's the key to getting started here wait look at that oh not bad we got a couple more collectibles we have with 200 samolians we still have to buy you know a bed and a fridge shower and a toilet and literally everything else you could possibly imagine but you know what we're getting there honestly we got six hundred and twenty-two samolians and we can use the the bathrooms here while we wait use the bathrooms here honestly we should probably wash our hands a couple times cuz we don't have a shower at home eight hundred and fifty simoleons is not bad here's my plan now I'm gonna have him go home Oh is there like a did anyone grill up any food by any chance maybe not but once we get home I'm gonna have him buy a decoration box and then rummage for more decorations but I might have him do the planting first because we kind of need those we kind of need the plants okay start her flowers right he what we're gonna do we're gonna come up we're gonna open all these seed packets we're gonna get these things planted because we need as many as we can possibly manage I might have to move them around later for now I'm just gonna plant them all it's too cold to plants oh no oh God he should try and plant as much as possible here right I really have done a terrible job of laying out these things and where they're going huh we don't have as much space as I sort of imagined that we had out here this looks Oh No here sir just keep on planted just keep going keep planting you got this you absolutely got this buddy and then we can reorganize them later maybe we should like expand out this way a little bit more yeah fine if we're gonna be trying to grow a garden what is that hello there was just something in the front of my screen I'm scared okay I get it you're hungry that is not my problem right now we have bigger concerns on our hands here buddy you don't have any money you can't eat if you don't have any money okay and then I was gonna have him rummage for winter decorations a couple times here already something's growing okay I don't think he's gonna plant these apples either so we might as well sell them I wish that I had done this in like a less chaotic order because now I feel like I don't really have the ability to organize this like I don't really think that we have you know the time to spend on organizing our random seeds so I think made a big mistake this is so chaotic awful absolutely awful in so many ways I can't even like put him to bed right now he needs I know it's 3:00 a.m. but like you have to row miss your decorations that we can sell things so that you can afford a wall and a bed like we don't even have the money for you to have a bedroom right now yeah I'm sorry buddy you got to do it again you know you have to get more money so then we can buy you a bed that's not enough money for a bed it's 3:40 can we afford a bed now we can get this teen dream single oh thank god okay here you go sweetie I know I'm sorry I'm sorry here you go you can't really eat anything just yet unfortunately you're gonna have to wait on that one we've already got some parsley we can sell so that's good no I don't want a welcome event stop okay well we probably should talk to them so we can get our fun up hey our social ninis is terribly low this is like a drastic time right now hey it's nice to meet you thanks for coming I just need to talk to you for a second oh he's gonna die we don't have a toilet he's gonna pee his pants please don't pee your pants oh my god home is for decorations so you don't pee your pants oh no oh all right that's it that's a toilet we can afford so we're fine there see we got this in the bag we're totally fine you won't plant these mushrooms either so look at me I can get an extra one Somalian from each of them not to brag but hang on if he makes a snow angel with his fun go up Oh perfect there we go that's what we need problem solved you can also use some food probably but you know what still not my problem he's not dead yet so it's probably fine okay we got a next what like hundreds millions here we can get him a little quick meal okay the last thing I need right now is the humor and hijinks festival okay if this poor man lives a horrible horrible life oh we can use this thing to get our fun up too okay I'm gonna be honest I just paused the clock so that I could fix this because it was I couldn't deal I could not deal but all started again I swear I had to pause the clock so I can fix this problem I couldn't I just looking at it was causing me so much stress and I know is gonna cause you stress too so I did what I had to do now he's all sad because that's not my problem listen I get it you're bored and you're lonely well how about we call up Bella goth yeah that'll solve your problems maybe we could like whoohoo with her or something she's feeling flirty I mean it wouldn't be hard for us to do this we gain relationships so fast with this tiny lot this okay this is like the definition of Opie this is horrible we should not be able to do this this easily we've already kissed her be my girlfriend Bella goth come on yeah do you want a whoohoo Bella goth suave kiss convinced to leave spouse yeah dump Mortimer come on you know me for five minutes but don't you wanna leave your husband for me I think you do all she left well honestly kind of works out for us I'm starting to think that I'm not doing a good enough job of it maybe we'd be better off if we started sleeping through the days more cuz so far the only money I've made has been related to my frogs oh here we go watch him grow oh thank god this is what we needed now we'll start making money money it's he's also awake at 11:00 p.m. this did not end how I wanted it to are you serious no no no no you can't just you've got to be kidding me right now Vlad don't you know I'm if my sim turns into a vampire because yes you know what I am not surprised but I am disappointed this is the worst day wake up this is I need to hurry up I'm doing a risk of riches challenge I'm just watching the clock tick and and getting so stressed because we this we did not do it although we get a lot of money today this is what we've been waiting for this whole time I think he can't get out of this fridge oh I think he's struggling to have food look at us though we got all of our plants now and we can sell like all of them now these aren't all like winter plans but because they're technically sheltered Baker in any season hence you know them growing right now despite the fact that it's the middle of winter summer winter plants like this Hollywood normally grow in the winter time but this is still not the kind of magical money that we need we are supposed to be trying to get rich this is not a get-rich-quick scheme oh well he's he's having fun you know we might not be like loaded or anything but some things are more important than money okay like love and making my people that I've known for two minutes leave their spouses yikes and he can talk to his plans for social and fun also so he's totally fine we just make him sleep all the time Bella I'm busy I'm sorry I'd love to go on a date with you Bella I love you but I'm trying to get rich quick she just invited me to go Snite it's like she doesn't even know me me a ghost night I made a whole video once about how ghosts are the worst occult in The Sims 4 here we go now we're go now we're talking we've done a horrible horrible job we really haven't made like any money oh you need more than 30 minutes to do this gardening thing huh oopsies I just tried to cheat his name down so that he would sleep longer without keeping be waking up constantly and I made him pass out so that's my bad I was trying to make his needs lower with cheats that's like opposite cheating I can't believe I was punished for it that's what I get for trying to cheat in general huh I only have like six minutes oh the highlight of my life is literally just breeding frogs like we are living a sad sad life here folks that's we're not going out anywhere oh no no no we don't even have enough money to build a starter home go away I'm trying to oh my god makes him leave I'm trying to sleep oh this is going so horribly wrong we literally have 5,000 samolians like this is just we can we have three minutes left please in the last two minutes we have to be able to like get one more crop worth of stuff this is so important just one more please okay buddy come on you got to get up you got to get started then we can rummage for decorations too for a little bit we've got a few extra frogs to sell I mean I've kind of been breeding them and said on them Oh honestly at this rate it'd be a miracle if he even sold everything we have and make him just keep rummaging and selling what we've got from the rummaging I know this is really lame but like this is all we've got you guys is rummaging and and selling decorations for money oh we have this is a last resort here we aren't even gonna make 10k oh my god I can't believe this is what's happening right now I was so I thought I was gonna do this like I thought we had it in the bag we did not have it in the bag we can't even afford a bag maybe we can get 10 maybe we can get 10k know we can get 10k watch this we got this Wade look it's totally fine I mean oh we are gonna get 10k come on one last one we have like 15 seconds let's go please please stop speed one last one one last one come on come on get 9k at least please three two one this counts this counts listen it might be done but this counts well was there a better way to do this certainly we didn't do that so you know should we like sell everything we have and then build ourselves a new house like the goal always was I mean look we had 10k worth of stuff total if you count our entire livelihood let's just say that this man is not the high-roller he pretends to be it's gonna be a nice cheap starter home we can build him a nice cheap cozy starter home I'm gonna skip to the next day and hope that the snow is melted there we go that's what we need is can I get rid of there we go obviously can we get rid of that please I just wanted it to be nicer outside so we could see you know I sort of imagined this video being like look we've made like 30k and I'm gonna build him a lavish home and instead we're gonna build a really small quaint little starter we can still keep our micro home sighs I mean I'm into that idea he's so small maybe we could go up to a tiny home fair see that's kind of interesting right I'm sorry I really am I just want you guys to know that I did try and now I've gotten rid of all of his plants so we didn't even have as plants anymore that was the only thing he had or I listen we might not have that much money but at least we can have a cool-looking house this is actually gonna be kind of cool I kind of like it see this is the super cool fancy looking dream and it's not even that expensive it just it looks like it kind of is but it's not it okay this room functional just too by the way I don't know how to decorate this a lot this is a nightmare I don't know what I'm doing I was gonna put trees down to fill up the lot better look at they're all dead oh no well I guess that helps it's kind of like a fun excuse like I'm sorry I just I couldn't landscape because it was a it all just died you know like I had landscaping but then it died so you know it's not it's not my fault that it looks all empty and sad you can blame the winter I made a good house okay it's the winters fault that this happened see mine looked so good my mind was so good and so landscaped it was beautiful as an ode to his past we can have two little planters and then maybe like a bench or some day and done you know what I'm gonna call that a win sure it doesn't look that good but it's a tiny little house and when you're on the inside I don't feel like I don't have any money it feels like a small house but I mean all the bases are covered you've even got a TV you've got two bookcases a computer dining table full bathroom nice bed I mean this is a great space and all it took was 30 minutes of paint yeah I did a bad job I'm sorry I should go I really came into this so overconfident too like if I'm kind of embarrassed I was like we're gonna be so rich but like now look at us not rich so I'm sorry [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 272,360
Rating: 4.9760461 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, rags to riches, sims 4 rags to riches, rags to riches challenge, money challenge, gardening
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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