reasonably sized keyboard

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I have spent the last decade collecting every keyboard I could find and in that time my collection was grown to include small keyboards big keyboards this thing however despite my best efforts there is a single keyboard that has continued to elude me to this very day that is the giant keyboard it's a fully functional keyboard using giant switches and I really want it but Razer who made it hi yes yes it's me um is there any chance I'd be able to buy that giant keyboard you had at CES no okay no that's cool right no that's cool that's cool honestly I wasn't expecting them to give it to me so I really wasn't that upset and since I couldn't buy one I spent the last year in 12 000 pounds to figure out how I could make one regular keyboards use regular MX style switches but if we're building a big keyboard like the Razer one we need big switches so we'll be using novel Keys big switches go through all the effort of building this massive keyboard I don't think Laguna switches is really much extra so easiest way of doing this oh yes oh and after almost 10 minutes I had opened one switch my victory was very short-lived there's so many left I should have definitely made a big switch switch opener because this was big have you ever seen a literal bag of switchbots this is this is insane this is my normal lubing brush kind of thin I think this is not going to work for these ones so [Music] oh no that's oh no that's way too much um hey Preston I'd almost finished all of the switches and with five days to go I felt pretty confident I would finish in time or so I thought you may be wondering why there's a timer in the corner of the screen remember that furious rage I was talking about I wanted to get back at Razer so instead of just making the same keyboard I decided to go slightly bigger because I hadn't actually seen razer's keyboard before I wasn't sure if it was real so I sent a totally Anonymous undercover agent to scope their Singapore headquarters and it turns out it's real Razer built a TKO so they used 87 of these but in order to beat them I need to build a full-size keyboard so I just need something in the neighborhood of one two three a hundred and ten thank you very much Mike from novel keys for sending these out and because again very Petty I plan to reveal my giant keyword at a tech expo that I signed up to six months ago the only problem is all the parts took way too long to manufacture and now I only have seven days to finish the board before the tech expo although I had strangely started to feel kind of light-headed my throat hurt and I was really really tired I'm sure probably nothing serious right oh good have you ever like planned out something right it was just gonna be the best thing you've ever done in your life right okay that's a bit of a stretch but something you think he's planned everything so perfectly meticulously that nothing could go wrong and you get covered you or is it just me I'm just I wonder okay it's here two days later I was still recovering but I was made aware that something had arrived camera around to show you the truck but I don't want to DDOS myself actually I'm gonna do it anyway that is the UPS true okay this is my first time seeing this thing this is so stupid I didn't know where the keys were to the other door and I couldn't really shimmy the crate into the house so I just called it a day I ended up spending almost five days recovering meaning I had at best a day and a half to finish the keyboard before the tech expert and it dawned on me that for the first time in glass's company history I would need help building a keyboard so I got just that I asked the round and the only people I could trick convince to help me with my friends Fraser and Jamie so after explaining the situation and unlocking the door so they couldn't escape we got to work on cracking the pallets open how do we open this I see screws okay and the one and two and [Music] now I'm joking and honestly I was not expecting it to be this big yo so Jamie get a picture of my phone could be yeah that's the light part I know the physical measurements I knew them before we made it but seeing it in person is just yeah it was insane and after taking out and assembling both parts of the case I knew we had a winner in our hands foreign keyboards use regular stabilizers these little tiny dinky things that's not going to cut it for a keyboard of the size so we got these 3D printed without doing a test print now why is that an issue this doesn't fit I can't even force it this is leaving the thing that annoys me the most no no no because when I realized that this 3D part didn't fit I thought hmm maybe I should check the other 3D Parts I have my own 3D keycaps printed it doesn't fit after I'd finished crying I got to work on widening the stabilizer holes oh yes no work that site works this side doesn't oh there you go didn't have to expect that to work so recap we have giant switches now lubed giant keycaps that don't work giant case that is like actually really brilliant and giant stabilizers we're missing one major component foreign [Music] I managed to fix one of the 3D printed Parts the stabilizers but I need to get on with mounting the switches so left razor and Jamie to figure out the keycaps I mean wondering if this will actually fit on the ironing board there's no way I can really test this without doing it yeah okay oh a bag of stitches [Music] yes yes how do I do the rest of this then [Music] bring the switches in was surprisingly simple but you're probably wondering where are the stabilizers you said you fixed I've opted to not put stabilizers in the keys bigger than one U enter backspace the reason being is that benefit from it it's not they're not big enough to actually topple over yeah it's this and also because they just felt really bad but the one key that will most definitely need it is the spacebot this is a regular 60 keyboard you know nothing out of the ordinary and uh oh wow uh this is the space Club holy moly take a little 60 away this is a TKO it's a bit bigger than the Rockets bro what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut off The Crucible part of the stem and then I'm gonna just glue it directly to the switch by the way I didn't even show you the wire it's not actually metal it's uh it's also a pla foreign oh oh no [Music] oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no don't break it I snapped the stabilizer wire I snapped the stabilizer Wyatt and of course that was one of the only things I didn't make a spare of so [Music] we tried Blue Tech and surprise surprise that was not strong enough to lift up the housing insert so we moved on to hold this up I think it's gonna cut I don't like deep through it like like that I don't like going towards you that's my point I can tank it let me just hold it died the table's much stronger but we literally couldn't cut it down to size so had to move on to hold on yes but don't it doesn't force it too much and then they move it because okay you want to have it in the position that you want it all right okay go ready why are you holding it so high he's coming from up here okay okay how did you miss this is gonna go so terribly wrong three two one maybe we should leave it oh and after applying a second layer of glue [Music] it seemed to hold but as fate would have it our victory was short-lived since the stabilizers didn't fit in the case be careful the lights may just go out [Applause] okay okay so I want to explain to me how my almost 23 years of life every single decision that I've made led to me standing down 3D printed 16 times stabilizers in the dark with a Dremel how how [Music] I'm actually I quit I quit yeah [Music] foreign [Music] oh yeah oh yeah and with my stabilizer troubles finally behind me I should probably test to see if the Spaceball actually works like like the E.T bird yes Facebook recoil Chris The Recoil was the least of our problems the spacebar didn't return properly or in actual issue it could be the switch is two weeks for some reason we got our weight calculations wrong I actually think this is too heavy when it's returning you should get one click down I won't click up but you just get one click like any other switch get two clicks one two one two one two this one all right ready one it's not returning fortunately I had a genius idea no I've got a genius it feels like a bad idea but I'm all out of good ideas so [Music] it doesn't compressed it's got 0.2 millimeters of trouble if the double spring was too strong so uh let's try one and a half maybe oh one and a half is soldering giant switches is exactly the same as soldering small switches it just takes 10 times longer and that loss is taking a while it's working it's a lot of sodium okay ready Escape F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 A8 F A F9 zero nine eight seven six five I can't believe you flawlessly working wait for this oh that was really dumb yeah oh it's at least it's working oh you just had to jinx it is [Music] I don't know maybe it's like sorted in with like 80 grams oh wait I think I was already a bad switch you know I know oh I mocked it with that X all right you sold everyone in time [Music] we eventually replaced the 40 switch with a functioning one and barely 50 finished with the build called it a day and started bright and early the next at best we had five maybe six hours to Finish the build oh man we were tired 24 hours ago I did not think I'd get here everything that could go wrong went wrong and then everything that couldn't go wrong also went wrong but yeah let's close this up let's do it motivated by that riveting speech we got to work on assembling the final half of the keyboard there's screws and then there's screws rather uh I've got no game plan I can't lie I'm just gonna try and screw it in if it works it works if it doesn't then uh I'll be very sad carry on foreign [Music] together the only thing that remains is to pay a final visit to the keycaps fortunately every switch came with a keycap so we just had to figure out a solution for our modifiers okay we are many boxes uh it's 3 P.M the guy coming to pick up the keyboard is coming at 3 30. half an hour left to Super Glue all of those keycaps on I originally wanted to Blue tack the keycaps on but we eventually went with phrases more sensible option of hot gluing them on oh we need to make sure okay you don't get too much because then they will crop up to cut the switch [Music] so I don't know there is a dog as per usual foreign 15 to go 14 minutes left uh one a minute [Music] foreign we wanted to tackle the Spaceball when there was still enough room to get it in but ran into one final problem the new spacebar switch with this 1.5 Springs didn't bottom out all the way meaning that we wouldn't be able to press down the Spaceport on the stabilizers in the switch at the same time maybe I can push it down hit enough they're racist okay so you used to go one two three dollops on left right I think we got a [Music] foreign [Music] The Collection team for the tech expo came to collect the keyboard and all we could really do is give them what we had we were so close we were so close to finishing on time honestly there was not much more that we could have done unless I got the cable you guys hit in the car I'm looking for my shoes I followed the collection truck down to the venue secretly carry the keyboard out and figure out a way to attach the space bar right there and right then I have never panicked so much when our three-dollar-up method didn't work but in a flash of inspiration I realized all we had to do was make the switches and the stabilizers the same height and manned with some cardboard and wire cutters I tried the last thing I could think of and yeah that actually worked at the beginning but yeah this keyword actually did cost me around 12 Grand which is probably the most I've spent on any single thing by a lot which is fine because I had a sponsor for this video um who pulled out and then I got another sponsor for this video and they also pulled out crazy right which is a bit stressful because I want to keep doing videos like this every now and then but they cost a lot so I'm trying to find other ways to monetize my channel one of them is making a Discord server which I've now made if you guys have wondered about keyboards non-keyboards and everything between it's also there so I can involve you guys in some of the videos I'm making um like the wonky keyboards we did last year and hit my keyboard we did two years ago now well the lowest Discord here is literally one dollar so it's 12 000 of you were to sign up now this keyboard would pay itself off and the last this company wouldn't be off to such a terrible start to the year more videos to come soon okay bye
Channel: Glarses
Views: 3,863,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biggest keyboard, giant keyboard, biggest keyboard in the world, world's biggest keyboard, i built the biggest keyboard in the world, glarses, glarses keyboard, worlds largest keyboard, custom keyboard
Id: L_8GKPOQ5r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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