I hacked this drone to be 1,234,134,445,554% better

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today we need to upgrade our guns as much as possible so we can damage the dirt and go mining that's really the only point of upgrading the damage today is that we can dig our way to the bottom with guns and we also get to use a Viking battle axe called an orbital battle axe that's basically just going to swing around me murdering Mother Earth herself the goal is to make our way to the bottom while picking up upgrades along the way so we can get really rich every time my pink bar fills up I can go like this and smash through the blocks at which point we're going to make our way down to I think what is a fuel block to be honest that was the first time I noticed I even had fuel because I've been having so much fun shooting the Earth to death The Vines apparently grow back so we need to make our way down quickly the deeper we go the better this stuff we're going to find the Angry Dwarf has told me there's not going to be a lot of fuel blocks so we need to upgrade our fuel tank ASAP for now there are fuel blocks so I don't need to listen to him it was nice as someone to leave me try a fewel blocks under the ground though these look like gold so I'm going to go ahead and uh Smash down to those as quickly as possible and that's definitely a treasure chest it's getting dark down here so it be nice to also get a light unfortunately there's no way to brighten it right now so we're just going to have to make do with this I just took some damage trying to to make it brighter for you guys so I hope you appreciate that but now I also have a built-in excuse for if I die or we'll find the giant treasure chest down below for our effort on that little dig site we got $3,500 and we unlocked shaft frags periodically throw bombs out of the craft that sounds like exactly the kind of upgrade we need I'm pretty sure the dwarf told me to upgrade my fuel tank I don't I don't have an option to upgrade my fuel tank maybe it's this increase plight time duration and then we're going to increase the number of hits before we die so every time we complete a level it unlock new levels for us they're all going to have their own unique quirks and features this planet looked as Barren as my heart so I think we're going to have a good match I accidentally clicked away from what the dwarf said so we're going and kind of blind on this one but look at all the ore hopefully we get an upgrade fairly quickly and then we can get our new weapon we got a new type of enemy here it's a flying lime oh those are explosive blocks that's what the dwarf was trying to tell me about that works so much better okay we got some idiots coming in so we'll go ahead and shoot them to death probably shouldn't plow through those with my uh flying garbage can so we'll do our best to keep our distance from some things I do like watching the explosions go off though so this is going to be trouble if the bullets only go so far all right we're going deep thought we would go further than that okay we're going to put our battle axe back on because that's just a lot of fun and I think that's also going to cleave enemies and that just goes around doing its own thing so I don't have to worry about it too much those look like bigger explosive blocks would my assumption here be correct I don't want to get too close those were definitely big I really appreciate this game how the only way you can explore things is by shooting it to see what happens you just sort of have to commit to whatever comes next I just jumped myself down really far deep and I haven't seen yet actually if that will destroy the ores nope it will not but I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself especially when I use my ramming power where's my giant chest oh I think it's probably to the right my Spidey Sense is telling me some of the Rocks down here are really tough but my uh headbutt ability is really strong more Carnage more axes yeah that sounds fun I'm getting a warning of something uh so I think I probably need to get moving but we're going to get greedy first to pick up all those gems and we're going to seem to to the right because something is unhappy so straight to the big chest come on whoops I think we're going to be okay seismic pulse we have Thor's hammer under the ground it just gets better and better we also made $6,000 and burn like all of our fuel I think I would earn more from gems that's going to be a 10% upgrade but that's going to get us upgrades much quicker we're also going to uh Hoover gems in from further away well the frozen planet looks like a complete disaster let's give that a try so far I'm liking this planet I like when it drops me straight into the gems I suppose my strategy for now is is basically to go down deep where the good stuff is uh and that way if we run out of fuel we're at least closer to the end but when we have things like Treasure Chest hiding down there how could we not increase attraction radius why would we ever take that when we have Thor's hammer that basically acts like a bomb in itself that goes off a lot and destroys everything around me starting to feel like my main gun isn't that strong we're definitely going to need some upgrades for it I want the Earth to evaporate well that appears to be a nice block down below and also some idiots will go ahead and machine gun them to death it's my planet now I definitely want to find some new valuable types of ore can we get some of that you know if I get all of my weapons all at once we'll actually be really really plowing through everything that's what we need to work towards we need more chests speaking of which I've already found one the enemies are definitely getting intense down here though all right next upgrade we're also going to get the battle axe so now we'll be doing double damage to things uh anywhere near us so we can hopefully focus more on mining and less on anything else I'm going to be a little smarter this time and mine some purple gems before I leave cuz those have got to be worth a lot we have a little bit of fuel left so we got to milk this and there's one thing I've learned from a lifetime of not taking stuff seriously is you got to milk everything you can going to go ahead and plow over here for a quick look because we just found a giant deposited stuff so we're going to get our accent uh ow stuff in there we're fine we're going to grab this and be on our way we're going to ram our way back to the exit this time we made $6,800 and then we got a Gore plasma mineralizer we're learning new things today okay we're going to upgrade our straight up bullet damage and then our bullets per second just so our main gun is a Little Bit Stronger we're also going to add more bullet range because it's probably about the only thing we can afford this looks like a disaster we're definitely diving into the happy pink planet and we're off to a good start ooh that extra damage feels nice the bullets per second our damage probably did actually go up quite a ways not sure if this is new materials or not my superpower is ready to go o that's a big Treasure Chest we're going back up I like this already hopefully this doesn't explode okay that was good B on acquired periodically throw bombs out of the craft uh as much as the enemies drop stuff would be nice I don't see enough enemies to really care there go some of my bombs and they just kind of indiscriminately go everywhere uh they don't seem to be able to hurt me so that's just a lot of fun I like how pretty much anything you unlock in this just causes more explosions in random directions speaking of which we need to go down here and find out what this stuff is so far this seems to be a bunch of pink rocks and bats we're going to go ahead and try and find new gems but when we can't do that we're just going to keep plowing downwards I was having so much fun destroying things throw more bombs yeah we get to throw more bombs I I almost missed that we're getting upgrades I forgot I see another treasure chest I don't know it actually just hit us but we just smashed that Treasure Chest real good okay the pink clouds are apparently damaging got it now my ability is back maybe should have saved that for a Rainier day so to speak but we're just going to keep blowing downwards that's a big puffer fish K we're going to go ahead and shoot that dead before it gets anywhere close to us then we're going to M some of the purple stuff how's our fuel actually getting low we got to hurry up and do this our ability is done so we're going to smash through purple and then downwards soon as we get a battle axe as well okay the grass is really hard to dig through hopefully this stuff is a little easier we've also encountered a new block obviously whatever this dark blue stuff is below me that's full of also gems but we're running low on fuel so we sort of just need to go downwards as quick as we can wow this is a deep planet and we're being attacked by giant puffer fish and that still but between our bombs and axes I'm hoping we'll still be okay ability's done uh okay there's a fuel tank perfect that bought us some time we got to go to the right I keep forgetting that if I fly into the wall bad things happen I don't know why I can't remember that simple concept but we made it and look how much money we made that time 14,500 bullets explode on on impact deadite bullets we definitely want some of those I'm going to increase my ability cool down cuz it's only 2,000 in anticipation of my explosive bullets we're going to get more bullets per second as well and I'm actually leaning on my ability lot to get us out of my poor decision so we're going to upgrade that and I'm going to assume whatever it unlocked is probably an even better Planet full of even more valuable stuff but we're going to have to uh perhaps struggle through this at some point because the rocks are going to get awfully hard down there first Treasure Chest complete that almost gave me a full level up our ability is done so let's just whoops plow downwards I've selected even faster firing bullets that way we can fire like light speed bullets I'm hoping we get the explosive on soon too wow we're plowing downwards with these plus my ability is done so we need to be able to choose our entry into the lava Zone carefully lava blocks are a little bit tougher to dig through so oh something's firing Fireballs at us okay that's going to be difficult okay back up okay good okay I have a new strategy since everything down here fire fires Fireballs at us we're going to get down close to where they all come from and plow through them with my ability hopefully never to run into to those again keep going down hopefully PL the lava blocks if I can manage to destroy them before they fire their Fireballs it's okay but that's sort of a big ask I feel like we're suddenly playing Dark Souls or something like this went from being sort of easy to stupidly overly difficult but we're going to keep doing it we're good at Mining and guns what was that thing there's an underground frog leaping at me okay might have to uh give this level a minute I like how we still earn money for failing let's try a more moderate looking level this one seems a little more peaceful so far plus our super gun can get us down there deep this level hopefully be easier but still earn us lots of money judging from what I'm seeing over here with the large or body we're just going to go ahead and plow on there's our explosive bullets uh yeah they're definitely doing more damage but we are firing a lot slower but I definitely appreciate the explosiveness and we're back to the stupid green stuff that regrows but it's probably weak to explosives also I'm not really sure what this stuff is apparently we've already mined it but yeah the vines grow back so we need to get past them and stay past them also not sure what that guy was but he exploded real bad maybe a giant axe could help our mining uh Adventure we do need to start being careful where we land with our ability too cuz some spots are definitely really unsafe ability is done again so we'll just go ahead and tank past him should have gone straight downwards with that but I wanted to touch the big boy getting hit by a lot of enemies flying out of the darkness here so that doesn't feel very good we need to get down to this explosive and actually our ability's done so let's just go straight down hopefully P all this stuff we can do it uhoh that's a bad spot to stop cuz there's enemies everywhere now okay and the vines are growing in wow this actually gets really hard ability is done we need to go downwards so I'm learning now that I need to be better at picking my root through things I can just sort of dive into it because the game actually gets hard I'm also not convinced that explosive bullets are the way to go but this planet has new blocks already so hopefully that's a good thing there's a treasure chest over there we definitely going to take it now that we've got that we're not going to take that we are going to take enemies drop gems on death hopefully it's a lot or there's just a lot of enemies here either way I'll be pretty happy oh good more jungle blocks we love these well at least these are small enough we could just just take care of them so these guys get hard to kill I'm not sure what those are uh these ones are really really hard to break through so we need to avoid these whenever we can at least we have a safe minute to plow through them so we'll wait till we're through to use our ability more or less that we're going to find a little bit of an opening and good enough right into a body of or these Vines are really annoying cuz as you're digging downwards downwards they'll grow in behind you and enclose you and hit you these enemies can all die and we're definitely going to collect some gems from them it's not a lot but actually if we get enough enemies that would add up now I'm going to take back my seismic pulse that's hopefully going to blast us through and keep us safe from The Vines now we don't have to worry about them as much look at this nice deposit of purple stuff oh actually there's lots of purple stuff on this planet this is a good one going to try and destroy that without destroying myself we do have a little extra bullet range now that was a big explosion fuel is getting a little bit low we got to go somewhere to the right to get to the thing I feel like the ship is going to get further and further away on harder levels uh whatever we're looking for at the end but we have a clear path to the chest on this one so we're going to try and scoop up some of these gems as best we can before making our departure there's actually a lot of purple ones here how far can we push this before that fuel gauge runs out okay let's go that one was also worth 14,000 that's such a big upgrade only 11 enemies defeated Demi blast module enemies explode on death I'm going to increase my flight time duration because that's starting to get a little bit stressful and we're going to increase our bullet damage we need to push through this dirt faster I do like how every time we start mining again we are much stronger than the time before that extra damage of bullet speed is really paying off I already ran into something I shouldn't have but I no one to blame but myself wow this planet is just full of uh basic dirt I made it to the bottom of this planet already uh there's not much to see here so we're mostly this here to murder it's inhabitance and beyond our way like there's really actually not much of anything here so I'm just leaving retrofile module shoot out of the back that also sounds like something we need we're on what's maybe a new type of planet again it was snowy on the outside so we'll hopefully find some new stuff down here these blocks are very strong not as strong as I am though okay we're going to increase our uh bullets per second that's just good for Mining and damage nothing nothing's going to go wrong with that plan I knew there was snow down here somewhere now what's the danger of this there's obviously got to be something nothing is safe in this game there was some kind of gem in there I didn't even recognize there's multiple explosions down here so we're definitely going to get into that oh there's a big red one too this will be perfect no to take a look a little deeper okay that stuff's definitely the hard stuff at this level I think those are the ice blocks that explode we haven't seen any enemies yet there's also purple blocks over there so I don't know what to go for now those okay shoot shards out got it and we're slowed actually we got so cold we moving slow I see the challenge now I really want to find what comes after the purple blocks purple's good and all it's make us very rich we're we need more upgrades we need more progress we get a temporary upgrade we're going to take more bullets again that way we can really push through things also I never realized in the upper right there's a number of these we supposed to break so I'm also going to try and do that at some point F's also running low though so we do need to make a way to the bottom we got to be close there's green stuff that's new oh green stuff's got to be valuable and our power's done all right new block destroyed great uh there's another one of those weird frog creatures uh I don't really know how they work so we're just going to go ahead and shoot them to death there's a Big Blob of the green stuff uh there's also a giant green frog that's going to be annoying I don't know where he went probably going to want to kill him the dwarf just told me a vein like no other I'm not sure if he was referring to that one over there we need to get to the bottom though anyway coming through cuz we just need to find the exit uh we're going to take the axe that can swirl around and defeat some frogs and blocks for us it seems to do a lot of damage and we got to go to the right here there's also another new block we have a little bit of life left so we're going to take all the green gems we can get there's also Treasure Chest right there we're going to see if we can mine that out and grab its treasure before leaving that had to be worth a lot there we can go we just riddled that frog with like 85 bullets and left he's probably having a great time wow look at that money enem we unlock to depth charge okay our bullet damage is definitely going up and that's realistically all we need why do I already have an arrow telling me where to go well we're doing enough damage we can just plow right down there in a hurry and we're going to get some big explosive blocks down here that's going to help get me down there I like how this level gives you so much Direction you wonder which way to go just follow the big Arrow speaking of which oh what's that we retriev the underground mushroom and we didn't get much of a story on it apparently it's for the king I didn't know there was a king I hope I get a giant reward for that otherwise I'm just going to go back to the planets that have giant veins of green stuff on them there's another mushroom down here and there's also a dip in the Bedrock maybe we can go deeper with enough damage uh I'm going to take my battle ax uh it works quite well for me often okay now I'm supposed to go back the other way I think the arrow was pointing to way so yeah there we go but we still have plenty of fuel so we'll M out just a little more stuff for that level was still $8,200 and it went so quick Ricochet that's all well and good but do do I get a reward for the things I've been finding for the dwarf yeah that's fine I'll just do it all for free oh good we have more tasks to do down below I love doing fetch Quests for no reward ooh look at that giant Chain Reaction wow I just ran into the wall twice because I'm so annoyed of having to do fetch quests but that was fun don't worry mushrooms I'm coming to get you still don't know why wait a sec I found something much more fun and interesting there's a giant chest down here full of giant treasure yeah give me all that all right well let's take our giant uh battle ax again that's just going to help us do literally everything uh there's a broken uh thing down here can I have that special ability oh yeah never mind I know what that is that's just this oh okay those weren't so bad to collect this time well we're at it more bullets per second more bullets per second equals more treasure I've got the final uh thing so I need to find the exit but I'm also running into the wall G cuz it's very dark and I'm very stupid uh so let's add extra battle axes to this equation and that should help us break through the walls to figure out where we need to go now I look how the axes just circulate around me they just go and go and go and they're going to destroy anything that wants to get near me this is going to be satisfying as well give me all of that and ooh there's even a treasure chest on the way out perfect oh we finally got our Ricochet bullets oh that's kind of fun yeah I could have a lot of fun with that oh we got to get going though I thing is like out of fuel okay Full Speed Ahead come on oh oh this level was was bigger than I thought it was keep going keep going I think we're going to be okay but just barely as long as we don't touch anything on the way out oh no we ran out of fuel right there you know what the best part is we literally got all of our money anyway so I could care less it's mostly just embarrassing but I embarrass myself daily extra bullets fired per second more money from gems wow that was so much money uh we're going to take extra hits before we die that's not that exciting but it is quite necessary for myself one thing seems for sure when you're up at the top you don't really have to worry about getting a lot of these gems uh cuz they're not that valuable anyway they're just going to eat up your time they're mostly just a trick I've also felt like the world's thickest hard spot uh luckily we were able to just smash on through it so that was a relief that was looking really bad yeah these are the gems you want to be mining make your way all the way to the bottom where you get the good stuff don't worry about anything else up top oh shoot out of the back I don't think this is going to be that useful but it's kind of funny at the same time when it's indiscriminately firing behind us so if we had that in Ricochet bullets that would actually be something I can't help but mind this whole beautiful magnificent purple monster we're going to fire more bullets per second that's in both directions so even when the idiots are trying to sneak up behind me they get absolutely obliterated this would actually be really good for the vine levels where the vine trying creep up behind you cuz you would just be destroying them as they're creeping up there are some green gems down at this St that's actually a fuel tank we want that real bad made it down to the Bedrock so we're going to spend a second to try and get just a little more we're just going to straight up increase our damage I know the damage rate out is only one when we hit the dirt but it definitely increases they didn't even make me collect their crap that time but we still got 37 Grand and we unlocked a chain gun massively increased fire rate a for elves I can't say I disagree with that logic one little bit so let's take more money from uh gems because gems and then longer flight time this level strikes me as one that might be quite difficult so we're going to hopefully get a minigun it said there might be goblins in the area I hope they like Min guns I'm mostly just here to murder the Goblins at this point I don't care about gems anymore there's something living down here we got to fix that I'm the only mole here there was definitely an eyeball there okay the ground is made out of eyes uhhuh don't no that's actually really annoying for me and you well you know we're just going to go ahead and uh blast down these eyeballs they'll probably be fine with this uh okay we're going to W our way around them a little bit cuz that stuff's really hard to kill there's got to be some good stuff down here though yeah planet made of eyeballs has got to have good treasure so far this level is just made of eyeballs and boringness luckily was kind of enough to give me some extra fuel once I dug all the way down here to no profit yeah there's definitely some stronger enemies down here these guys when they die blow up and shoot those shards out which if you forget will hit you really really hard uh I'm going to take this with the uh Ricochet bullets hopefully we also get the minigun cuz that would be hilarious Minun plus Ricochet bullets I think everything would have a bad day now we're getting somewhere oh big chest yeah give me that and a little chest as well actually this is a big upgrade we're going to periodically emit a blaster wave that's just going to help me do a little bit of Mining and stuff okay we're going to set up a chain reaction here probably also murder the life out of that bat whoops didn't see that one coming and we're back into another layer of annoying eyeballs at least this time may have a little more damage and rochet to help deal with it all but this is really slow going that like it's such an inconvenience to block my vision a little bit like I don't like where I'm going anyway oh there's the minigun yeah okay now we got minigun plus Ricochet uh okay yeah this seems to be wow it's just a giant fan of bullets when we get close it's massive damage it's showing up everything there are actually a lot of enemies here though so we're going to go ahead and plow on downwards coming through Don't Mind If I Do where's the way through that's a new something or other I just got to set up the chain reaction of explosions down there then that should hopefully get us to the Sandy type stuff okay that's a lot of enemies we're g to get to here and go downwards in a big hurry this stuff should be easier to mine through I hope oh there's also something to find down here apparently I wasn't on the lookout for things uh if I read that right there might be someone down here that needs rescuing for now I'm just going to try and fend off wow the absolute horde of enemies that suddenly showed up didn't expect them to actually be like doing that great think they're dead hopefully they're dead all right well we're going to plow down for a sec we're going to need to make ourselves some room this might be the way to do it there we go there's also a blue gemstone to my right I would like to go and take take a look at but we're also running a little bit low on HP so down we go Blue Block discovered hopefully worth a lot we got a lot of alarms going off cuz we're very low on HP and there is just a constant enemy after enemy after enemy coming to get us oh we ran out of fuel too wasn't paying attention to that so we're maybe not quite set up enough for level that hard but look at the money we make obviously we're going to need more damage let's try our luck with another level kind of feel like I should actually start plowing through this cuz that would be really quick and get us some quick easy upgrades early because it seems the elves have already showed up to us luckily we have a gun too and they fire side to side so that's good to know we get to look at them before getting surrounded and I'm just going to straight up increase my damage for now the faster we can just plow through everything the better I found a new block by accident I just destroyed a giant chain reaction and stuff and we got a reward for something also a treasure chest enemies explode on death yes please uh didn't mean to touch that okay what are you stay away hopefully the explosion doesn't uh hurt me never really considered that we've Unearthed a new biome this sounds like it might be stressful okay the enemies exploded I really like so far we're going to go ahead and just plow down here a touch it's a little bit slow going I would feel much better if I had uh attack behind me skill but exploding enemies is just going to have to do for now okay that guy's almost going to hit me that one's not that one might that one won't the only thing that's hurt me so far was me flying into the edge okay now we got fuel we're going to try and plow all the way through this cuz I think this stuff is easier to dig through yep it sure is more fuel just got hit again not actually sure what did it but we're just going to keep going and shooting there's so many enemies at this point I'm actually sort of just using them to mine but we need to make it way down to the bottom I don't think we're equipped for a level this hard yet I don't even know what's hitting me at this point uh we just got to go down deep there we'll get a clear okay we're getting someone's treasure map at this point because they couldn't have got that by themselves okay you guys all blow up you blow up like look at how strong the walls are even when they explode they don't hurt the walls anymore oh oh those guys can shoot right through the walls too so that's uh not doing me any favors don't think we're strong enough for this level but I'll take your treasure map and run this level is so stupidly deep my basically strategy is to not touch those get the enemies to Clump up and chain react as best I can uh wait for my ability to go and then charge downwards that actually worked we did it we just got through a level we should not have gotten through with so let's quit one head we're the best gamer [Music] ever a
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 167,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oU5aKNH9z2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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