I Fooled my Friend by SWAPPING TNT and GRASS Textures...

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in this Mega video I find hundreds of ways to draw my friends using the ability to swap textures oh what's that you want these diamonds well actually it's lapis retention I'm sorry this video is two and a half hours of pure picture swapping content sit back and grab yourself some shrimp cookies let's do this oh and if you count how many times I see soap in this video I'll give a random comment against it 1 000 big ones let's go the first exercise I'll be swapping are TNT and grass so all TNT looks like grass and all grass looks like TNT this is Grand Bed finally guys he's online lyrics I've been waiting here for two hours and this guy has finally showed up and look right here I have congrats swimming you've been voted the best looking person on the server obviously after Donny like the price is zero zero chords okay so I'm gonna hide this put this inside his house so that when he next comes home which I don't know where he is right now I'm gonna collect every single blue one so that nobody else can have a blue flower okay you know what there's a lot of blue flowers so this may be like a couple Day project for now I'm just gonna kind of put a cork in it and just you know it's gonna chill because there's wow there's a lot of yellow flowers where all the grass go oh there he is look he's going he's going okay so we put any sidey's house so then the next time he walks inside his house he sees the prize and then when he goes there we change everything on the server the TNT all this grass will become TNT and then we saw protection pack so it looks like a grass again and then we somehow get him to place down a redstone block how am I gonna get him to place down on Redstone book just watch have I ever let you down don't say that shut up for now I'm gonna put him in a chest up here where would nobody look you crap the chest I could just steal one downstairs yeah I'll hide a chest oh not right there here we go boom and then we'll put this right here like this congrats by Donny boobs sign and then I'll say um congrats and I'll put more on because that means he knows I'm I I already hate him you know hide a chest right there bruh who's gonna look at that nobody yeah yeah I'll put a chest right there then I'll hide all the flowers in this corner congrats for what what did I do I win 10K here we go he sees already here we go please open it man open it open it open open it don't open it it's gonna blow up it's not gonna blow up is it gonna blow up and trust me he doesn't see me he probably smells congrats Linux you have been voted best looking first on the server you know what I'm saying I'm glad that everybody's finally finally coming to the realization about just how good I actually look you know I mean it's not it just didn't happen overnight this didn't happen when I was born this is a work in progress just wait till I hit the Sun and I cook a little bit I'm gonna be looking real good listen I have a beard coming in right there I'm saying Beard's coming together come on Linux read it please I need you to go please please guys the second is good we're changing everything on this world we're starting the Mega Movie off right I'm telling you right now two and a half hour 30 videos If you guys don't subscribe we're not cool anymore don't come to my birthday party I'm serious even voted the best looking person on the server after Donnie well that's biased collect the prize zero zero chords this isn't a trap if you don't want the gift don't collect it oh I want to collect it that's the point right that's not is it a trap listen if the odds are I get 10 UK for being the best looking in the entire world I'll take that every single day okay you left please come on man he's at minus 18. so we just need to go with negative negative wait this way and then this way so he needs to go towards the snow biome yes guys look he's going this way ah help me I'm trying to go to zero zero and I'm dying to snow let's go okay so now that now that he's gone that way he's gonna be he this is what we do it we're gonna do slash slash replace me one hundred thousand that's like every block on the server this is gonna lag so much I did not become this handsome to die to some snow how do I get out where am I oh my God every block how far can we go oh my God one Redstone Block and this entire world is finished this entire world is finito yeah I'm gonna land in that water right there because I'm a genius there we go okay now we can fast travel listen could be a trap right blows up it kills me that's option one option two it's ten thousand dollars I grab it I go and buy a yacht so now we have to put a silver texture pack called Masala so this all looks like gross and is no longer TNT anymore here we go I'm loading the texture three two one oh here we go baby it's gonna be good oh my God option three I don't think there is an option three I genuinely think it's those two things and if those are the odds right by the way die in Minecraft or I get ten thousand dollars I'll take those odds every day of the week baby that's for sure I think someone who's this handsome doesn't take risks in life doesn't try to better themselves no of course I do because I'm handsome oh it looks doable again every block here is TNT if I light the ground if I put if I right pick right now the entire server is finished okay if I press right click this entire server is g g okay I'm putting this away I'm kind of scared hello Mr Polar Bear I must pass you for now there's a village real quick let's go to zero zero here we go this is where Linux is running towards I won't Rob you guys for now I have money to go grab you guys stay right here I'll be back hopefully Richard guys if we open this and look inside it's called a mega grow tree fertilizer so when you purchase these house trying to the trees look what it really is a redstone block okay if this works if we get him to place this or anywhere on the server he's gonna be finished I put tree fertilizer so he placed it into a tree where do you find trees on the surface of a freaking genius I'm so smart open it am I gonna die this is the question that we ask every day while playing Minecraft uh question that everybody asks they're friends okay listen I'm gonna open it it blows up and I die and I already knew what's gonna happen the video is ruined okay here we go Mega grow tree fertilizer what does that mean you just Mega grow a tree I won this for being handsome I mean yeah I'll take it what is a tree fertilizer I thought I was gonna get my bread my money out is that like bro what do I need a truth fertilizer for bro I already have bone meal what I don't have is an extra ten thousand dollars bruh you get nothing for being handsome nowadays quite good guys here we go please I'm so excited for him to get home please he hasn't placed it yet this is good news for us oh please let's place this is gonna be the funniest thing in the existence of the world I love this so much I'm on Linux let's go almost home baby only a couple hundred blocks I love this let's do this bro what as a grass looks so weird it looks like weebeloid off-brand Coco melon version of of Minecraft what is going on bro look it's like right wait why does the cross what happened to the cross oh my God what is it Crossing like it looks like something oh no what why does the grass look like this it's too green how do I how do I use this can I just does it grow a tree or do I expand a tree or something oh no is he still gonna place it please no he's not gonna place it I messed up with the bio pictures I forgot about the bio this is all TNT though oh it's a good place I wanted to make this one bigger but right click it it's gonna place on the tree please please please please please place on the tree please so it has to be on the floor make it a bigger tree oh okay I'm gonna do this I don't care wait what no my house my house no no no no no no no no no no no no Donnie [Music] squid with actually rat that's what he is I'm calling because he's watching right now on a million percent bro one million percent this guy's watching right now FaceTime guys my game I'm gonna cry I'm gonna Crush I'm gonna crash I'm beat as hell oh my God it crashed wait FaceTiming me they'll send place it this is your guys's fault server closed good I hope it stays closed forever yo server closed can that be a permanent thing then maybe you'll go get a job so I'm spitting on my phone bro are you telling me this is another one of those oh my gosh I don't have a backup I'm gonna kill you in game now it's time to swap diamonds and cold so all diamonds look like coal and all cool looks like Diamonds oh this was a good one we need to grab just a little bit of wood if I do get angry though you will have to end it from there from that point forward so we gotta just stay kind of calm I mean I don't think we will get mad at any point honestly it's just Minecraft so okay it's time to join the world and the plan is we can't get him angry at all this is the ring this is it so that's gonna be portraying how I feel if he gets angry we lose money and his stream ends but okay me joining the world that shouldn't be a problem right oh my bro why why is he on This Server it's brand new brand new I can already feel it oh my God he's already close to angry just by seeing me enjoyed again this stream's gonna end right now I've ruined the video I've ruined the video I'm already feeling the little bit of nervousness hey hey Donnie what's up man okay he's coming down I mean at least we know it's working he's not here angry he would have had to end his stream that is the most angriest High I've ever seen I kind of screwed up because now he can't put real doors unless we want it to look all scuffed because there's literally three three blocks right here it is fine guys don't worry about it it's fine so we're gonna be too nice to him we're not even gonna do any trolley but the one thing I'm gonna be doing in this entire video is I'm gonna be giving him diamonds and I know what you're thinking how is me giving him diamonds gonna be something bad right if I search up diamonds or if I search up coal these are the times I'm gonna be giving him then at the end of the video I'm gonna take the texture back off so that everything I'll be giving in this entire video is coal he's about to be so angry I have nothing against him angry until then I promise you that will send him over the edge you know what just to make up for the little bit of nervousness I think we should do something that will make us happy like finding a pet let us see where are all of the pets So the plan right now is I'm just gonna go up to him uh he should be around here somewhere deeply like City before we do that we need a little bit of wood what is he doing here hi Donnie this is the 118 world and oh wait here he is I want to say hi Tim hi hi he needs to get away from me dude we need to ban him from the chat or something you just should not be able to see the stream I can't ruin the economy on the server by giving him real diamonds I'm not stupid yes this is my house he just asked you what do I want how rude is that he said just saving the chords why do you need to save the courts why there are some turtles should we get a pet turtle or some turtles down there uh I'm gonna say to bring presents but the joke is I'm actually give him nice stuff Donnie said to bring presents I don't know if I trust that there's a lot of stuff in the ocean right now there's literally like four oh excellent I found Village oh my oh my oh my oh my wait move he said one sick why is he screaming get some water go go go go go go go what is going on what is he one thinking about no he's following me he better not try to grab it it's right there he's still there go go go I'm actually confused where's he go oh yes I got him he found a reaction I got the Axolotl oh I would have killed it if I saw oh no that's not good because if he doesn't see that oh no oh my goodness dude look he's so he's so cute oh my God his thing is so happy it's oh my God it's almost excited I'm gonna say let me see and I'm gonna punch it oh no don't you dare oh don't you dare get out of here don't I will kill you look at that psycho what the heck is wrong with him I wasn't actually mad it's kind of hard for me to get mad he said what do you want to trade I want these diamonds here take these he wants to trade wood for diamonds there's like no diamonds on the server and he can't spawn them in 20 oak logs okay how many do I have right now I have 16. see a couple more he's at 20 oak logs and I'll leave you alone perfect you better not be trying to take him I thought he was trying to take him for me oh my God he's actually gonna give me the whole clock and I'm gonna trade them for diamonds not on real diamonds what's this I'm gonna annoy him okay thank you I was trying to make a deal with you get back over there I give you free diamonds is working detection backwards he actually gave me diamonds there's no way thanks bro oh look he's happy he's still happy with the chance see I told you with me and Linux are friends I told you okay let's put the diamonds away we have seven now I found a couple of them earlier um and then we can we I can I still cannot believe we have an axolotl we need to finish this house and we'll make him like a little a little area for him but when he finds out like cool you know he might be a little angry but that would happen any time soon right Johnny said don't name that Axolotl yet what is that supposed to mean so I don't want him to get oh the trade had many diamonds I don't even have an answer I don't even have enough iron for that but why does it matter to him it shouldn't matter oh I know something that's gonna make him real nervous if I build close to his house look I'm actually friend ever I'm building my house right here I think we should add like a little window right here as well what is that what is he doing I'm so annoying why is he right next is he building a dock is that a bridge surely this is gonna get him angry this will send him over the edge towards anger is he really building a bridge across the water right next to my house what is he doing why is he building right there oh my God he saw it and he went straight to nervous I love this he says what as if he doesn't know what he's doing he knows what he's doing right he said my house he's building his house he's building a house right there for what this is a brand new world we're the only two people online right now there's nobody else online and he's building it right there this guy's actually crazy why is he building it right there Neighbors so annoying he said neighbor's heart oh my goodness this guy's insane I'm gonna ask him if I can buy some more Oak I was really supposed to say he's he's probably gonna want to buy more Oak dude I want to start an oak business in the server let's go dude Donnie if you give me diamonds I will get you as much wood as you want I will literally just mine wood for you my whole life for the rest of it what should I have 20. okay all right I have it Donnie here you go there's half Donnie pays me three there's the other half nice let's go oh it's raining cold dude he's getting scammed right now he's getting scams this is the easiest trains I've ever thought he's gonna scan he doesn't even know it look at that and he wants to be neighbors just for me to scam him even more actually crazy I'm gonna build my house so ugly oh my God yeah this has to make you angry surely little does you know I throw the biggest and craziest Minecraft parties so he's not gonna wanna be neighbors [Laughter] lead Perfect all right I got 13 more oak logs I'm gonna try to get more because I feel like he just needs a time what in the world is that what is that what is it what is this thing did his Mouse break oh my God Luke no I have to be confused there has to be some sort of abstract art in there guys look he found it this is a painting he likes that's the only explanation there is he likes some sort of painting and he's recreating it I think it looks good good job Donnie he's dumb is looking at my house we're gonna kill him today this guy's dying today I'm in a good mood I'm not gonna get upset about this weird looking mountain of wood I like it it's good it's good you did a good job Donnie let's go ahead and get some more wood so we can make more money and be happy because that's what life's for making money for fulfillment of enjoyment of life that made no sense but you guys understand play sound you know what sound I'm about to do no no no no why is that making me anxious we want to keep our business thriving we just got to keep planting a lot of treats I got more diamonds I got more wood for you if you want them okay I just told him that I've got more diamonds and I said how much football are you I want to see how many and it's barely used I just I just started to get iron and make all my stuff like we just started this world how does he have this he thinks he's scamming me he's so confident I love this and it's making him so happy that means when he get to the end he's gonna be more even more Angry eight diamonds because I don't know if he has enough to make a full oh my he's gonna get scammed right here he said okay give bloody boobs cold thought there we go he gave me eight you're lying he gave me eight there's no way he's so confident if he wants a really horrible house next to mine sure have it have whatever you want actually cause I'm living good oh my God I just got a genius ID if I what if I change my skin and I put on a bikini skin that will definitely make him angry if I walk around in a bikini skin next to his house I'm telling you that's making him angry right now how was you in a bit I have 18 diamonds just from him being here dude he could have almost made full diamond diamond armor he's actually getting scammed plus I'm gonna ask him okay the Skin's ready all I need to do is reconnect to get my skin on I'm gonna say right now I'm gonna ask him how many diamonds to fix my house how much to fix my house is this guy just loaded he said I have more I'm gonna say 10. that's a lot come on that'd be 28 diamonds in total no way he has it he said 10. there we go he just gave me 10. is that 10. oh my it's ten okay be right back going mining please fix there we go and I'm gonna leave but when I come back I'm gonna be coming back in my dirty boobs girl skin and if that doesn't make him angry I do not know what wheel oh my it's actually 10. he's insane we have 28 diamonds I said here first guys literally he's insane he's lost his mind we've cheated him so much cold at this point that he's gonna be so angry you don't understand how he's gonna be what do you realize is everything he's in training for I can't wait okay we'll fix this house we're literally just gonna copy mine because mine's mine's really good so obviously if he wants his to be good he will want it pretty similar to mine because he has in the same area obviously obviously he had a vision that was my vision is that he wanted this oh look at that my house is getting fixed I love it and I don't even have to do anything for it I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna go in creative and I'm gonna go AFK while he fixes my house he literally just placed a bunch of wood all over the place this is insane I gotta I literally have to make another ax okay we're gonna make another ax to work on his place there we go okay we got the whole place gutted now we gotta just rebuild around the top let's go one two three I mean it's ten diamonds bro we gotta make it look decent so I think oak logs on the side are just a given you make it look real nice we'll go like this because we're gonna put some windows right there gotta say this might be uneven but it's not okay there we go okay Donny's gonna love this I can't wait to see his reaction okay I've been AFK for a while while he's still building the house now it's time for me to disconnect and reconnect wearing my skin this is gonna be good bro this place is coming outside I can't wait to see Donny's reaction to it he's gonna love this place bro all right let's see what I look like it's gonna make him angry it has to be oh yeah Donny's gonna love it where does clothes go bro what is Donny wearing nice let's go get trade why is he staring at me like this yo bro where did his clothes go dude where actually though nah nah nah nah I can't wait this is exciting no did that hit excited it's between excited and happy he's happy to see me what get away he's typing like he's I agree but it says excited what does that mean huh that's not the dunny boobs I know that's for sure fine I'll put my overall I still look kind of cute it did not go to excited there's no way it obviously not that's not what Donnie normally wears so I would never I would never feel that type of way I'm gonna ask him how many diamonds for his Axolotl please come on dude there has to be a price come on bro there's no there's no amount no no I'm not doing it he thinks he's in there but no he's in my inventory any amount anything he wants one that bad dude I'll just get him one in real life and make a video about it then I'll put 10 ads on the video you guys will have to watch every single one of them I'm sorry guys that's just how it goes they're not easy to buy okay it's just sorry guys dude he'd have to get me like a whole set of diamond armor he said I can get it he no he cannot oh my God he's thinking about it he's actually thinking about it a whole set of diamond almost so 24. he's gonna give me 30. ah he's getting scammed dude there's no way okay I mean listen I can find another Axolotl that's my specialty so if you can give me 30 diamonds which they're not not a lot spawn on the server at all I think it's like only 10 percent of the normal amount actually spawn and obviously we're not gonna x-ray anything like we can't but like that's a good deal right there because I could just go find another Axolotl he said I said I'll get you 30. okay and I'm gonna even throw in some TNT these funny boobs call 30. wow I was so fussed at mine and diamonds he said enough to make diamond armor so I feel like he's gonna try and make diamond armor with this so that's gonna be bad oh dude and will for us he's going mining right now dude Donny's literally just mining for me now he has a good looking house this is actually going to turn out pretty good he's I'm scamming him I'm literally living next door taking all of his diamonds this works out for me listen not to be mean but he did it to himself okay he said okay got them okay got them good for like two minutes we still need to finish how did okay bring the ego look at that all right let's see is it actually 30. oh even 17 . fine he wants my Axolotl dude that's crazy that he wants this he's out of his mind he gave me 30. he gave me 30 diamonds I guess oh my God yes she traded it okay cool I gave him my armor and everything for like a whole stack of diamonds now I can make like full diamond gear full diamond armor everything he's taken everything of mine but I'm gonna come back stronger obviously since I have diamonds I asked you if he's gonna make full diamond armor yeah [Music] [Laughter] starting to realize he got scammed did I borrow your sword I can't just make one I'm gonna kill the Axolotl in front of him he doesn't I mean I trust him he's giving me a million diamonds so I said I want to kill him he's probably thinking what the heck is wrong with this guy why he just paid me diamonds for it why when trouble says he finds out that none of this guy was so real oh we're panicking I'm not mad I'm not he's trying is he trying to get me mad I'm not mad I still have diamonds oh my God that one almost took it to agree I didn't even mean that oh my God okay it's whatever fun if he wants to kill the Axel he can I have all the diamonds I have all of the leverage here literally it does not matter because you gave me everything so either way we could just go find another Axolotl we just need to make full diamond armor and then um full tools I guess I think he's in his house right now is he crafting I can't tell from about here oh my God guys come here too first we're gonna make a chess play oh my God he angry oh my wait oh my he's thinking it out he's playing in the furnace no no no no no no right I wanted to turn around to see me and he can't kill me he can't kill me no no all right why why is he winding gravel for has he lost his mind why is he buy any gravel wait Flynn he needed Flynn no he wouldn't right is he making a flint and stew is he gonna burn my house down he said is everything okay yes it is everything's perfectly okay what's it gonna do everything's okay Donnie everything I forgot to give you TV okay everything everything's okay oh my God [Music] [Laughter] I'm sorry please no go ahead look look why is he burned in the diamond you can't burn coal you idiot oh you can't burn colder okay I'm done I'm done no more no more am I playing on a server ever that is correlated with Donnie ever why did he get angry I didn't even do anything next it's time to swap Netherland and Leather So all leather armor now looks like they're the right they're gonna think I'm stacked so yeah I've always according to the server texture pack I have this beautiful leather armor right it looks kind of normal a bit weird and scuffed the rate but what happens when I put the leather armor on and if I go game with survival only three and a half armor bars I'm stacked but I'm not stacked at all come on Kitty where are you I hear the cat where is he oh there he is oh come over kitty I have some fish for you basically the Nether on this server is bad nobody can go into The Nether yet so there's no way anyone has never eye armor currently like analytics are both on what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna message like and I'm gonna say come to my house and when he gets here he's gonna see me another right armor and be astounded he's like what on Earth and I'm gonna tell him I'll give it to him only if he does some bad stuff for me come to my house I want to show you something that is a very suspicious message hold on bro I gotta catch this cat first come over here boy come on boy come over here come over here boy now we've set the beat now all we gotta do is wait if I can't have you no one can have you anyways man said come to his house okay let's go wait guys he might leave key yeah he hasn't said anything back like a where are you man luckily I'm having a light truck let's fly to it I think it should be in this direction if I'm not mistaken boys there it is there's Donny's house let me slow down real quick do we really want to go in there I don't know if there's a good idea oh my God he said are you gonna troll me he said no he's not gonna troll me and he's gonna hurt me boys trust me I know I know this man he said am I gonna hurt him I said no why is he scared of me I've never done anything bad to him all right you know what whatever man I'm not a wussy I'm going in I see his name tag there he is do I knock or do I just go in Knock knock hello hello Donny oh look here he is oh [Music] how the flip does this man have another armor I understand oh my God that doesn't hurt okay that actually kind of doesn't I need to stop that it doesn't hurt bro the arm is she banned I said I'll give it to you if you promise not to tell anyone oh this is way too suspicious but I'll still say deal it's a deal okay come on what do I have to do I want that juicy Netherland armor right now I said I'll give it to you the helmet first but I needed to do something ghost still Linux is actually a lot to fool me and he said okay sometimes good people have to fall you know what I mean plus I'm getting another armor then follow me there we go his house is right over there okay go go go go go go look yes over there okay uh give me the helmet oh my god did I did like five Hearts oh he can't know that I'm really 11 no not yet give me the helmet then y'all give me the helmet boy what are you doing I was part of the deal I'll give it after I get it I can kill you right now okay he makes a very good point I'm just gonna go to linux's house straight away there we go I've got my wooden sword too you wanna die huh you want to die Punk okay okay relax this guy is a maniac and now all we do is wait full Linux doesn't know what's coming to it now let's go rob Linux and take his axolot All I'm gonna go Kingwood spectator if you like let's see how this goes down I used to be a professional robber I know exactly what I'm doing first you have to approach the victim's house very slowly and you have to sneak so he doesn't see your name tag his lyrics even there okay leggings new leggings those leggings are broken oh my God it might be easy still lyrics isn't even need we can make some arrows we need sticks feathers and dirt for an arrow how do you make an arrow flint and then you gotta move closer stand behind a tree zoom in and then look at the victim there he is oh wait no he is oh my God he's just rendered and he's upstairs and he's not even AFK is he wearing iron armor that man's poor bro what a peasant oh my God I'm wearing iron armor too oh like a good luck how are you gonna steal his ax a little he has it underneath his house I don't even know how you get it out look I'll show you guys where it is but soon I won't be a peasant I will be wearing full Nazarite armor look at it this is not Humane why is it absolutely here all right you just have to get closer to the victim's house get real close to it real close and personal you know what I mean hard light this guy has some really good building skills his house looks beautiful oh my God is it sunny details okay gonna go in very very slowly here we go sneak into it there it is the Axolotl but it's underground he sees it get it please right there we have to bust out the Axolotl hold on just gotta make sure he doesn't see us oh oh oh okay okay okay I'm literally so broke oh wait I have my diamond gear what am I doing okay what does he do boom let's go oh my God he didn't kill it that's lost his ring come with me boy he's trying to get it oh my God I have to break more I have to free him back she lost she was drowning what's he doing like her no no no no oh oh I run my dorm run why why is he actually locked up where did he go he's actually low it's free but I did not tell him to do it I don't want anyone in the comment section mad at me this guy is insane he's unhinged oh my axolotl's dead now all you have to do is play it off like everything is cool oh God said who was that it was you dingleberry come with me wait why is he killing it I asked you to go get it for me whatever we're gonna steal it sold we're gonna steal the soul I think that should be good enough right okay we have the soul this guy's on him disguise he's absolutely a maniac what's actually wrong with this guy Linux is all diamond dog [Music] this guy is actually just a bully my whole house is is destroyed it's gone gone all my hard work all right well that had absolutely nothing to do with me I've got medium proof that I had absolutely nothing to do with that okay I shouldn't drop him the bone I can't access it so I can give you all four same time I said I want helmet don't try and scam me I won't you have to promise me and then just to confuse him I'm gonna put another right helmet on a real one but this time it's a leather there we go oh my God okay okay cool cool cool cool cool pinky promise you better not break it Donnie he said now I got a level and he's gonna be like oh my God this guy's really broke with that they're the right gear also why does he have that poop helmet on bro that looks trash all right now that he's blowed up lyrics is Axolotl even though I didn't tell him to you can start working for your chest plate also guys online I think after all these tasks are done I'm just gonna kill done like straight up I'm just gonna kill him because he's making me like ruin other people's days so I'm gonna end his life that's only fair it looks like you want his plate now which of course he does he's naked of course I want it right now wait he brings the light I'm gonna see what keeping is doing and see how we can ruin her okay oh she's oh my God can I tell him to release these mobs man said wait here and disappear like Houdini what the flip that guy's a magician I said I need you to go in the story keep me more bomb okay is this way she spent so long building it I remember it too it's so evil he said can I not kill Linux or something instead man can I not like do something bad to Linux why does he hate living so much what do the lyrics Do to you oh I guess he stole five grand from him but hey he's right to netherite chest plate it's too beautiful we're going boys let's go oh my God he's going okay he moves spectator all right let's go DP ligo there it is a mob farm oh my God it's huge oh my God here it is okay he's already at it he's so quick without a light drop right let me just land over here she's over there she see me she says AFK so she's not doing anything all right I'm now approaching the victim very slowly I have a feeling she's AFK though there she is I didn't take him she's AFK oh my God how does Donnie even see this she said how he even seen it I said I see you all all right I'm 100 sure she's AFK so I'm just gonna punch her real quick whoa whoa okay man don't kill her oh my god oh she's doing she's AFK like her hi oh my God that's a lot of mobs it will be a shame if they all just escaped at once you know what I'm saying letting them out bro oh my God no no no no no no no what what happened what's happening I did not expect that oh my God oh my gosh oh my God what what where is she in all of this I don't see her we have to destroy it though it's not destroyed yet boys it is not destroyed oh snap it stop she was killed by a skeleton oh my God I didn't mean for that to happen I'm gonna kill him I'm actually gonna choke him out bro I'm gonna put my hands are on a stupid yellow neck and I'm just gonna okay we're gonna fly out we gotta destroy it completely okay land land land smooth Landing there we go boom boom boom boom we had nothing to do with that you know how long it took me to make that mob farm bro I was AF King for so long I just wanted some XP and then for what reason I was okay I didn't hurt anyone I didn't do anything wrong and it just comes and it destroys everything and it's all gone light that up I'm a professional with this I should mission accomplished boys gotta make sure I get a smooth Landing there we go 360. boom we're back there we go he successfully has the chess play give me the chest plate today I put it in there for you okay I put it in there okay it's in there there we go nice what's next okay we good yes it is good but what's next okay now we need to get him to do leggings all right buddy I'm ready for the next task I want those pants right now you want these Swanky they're the right leggings don't you not just level I want the pants are right why am I so angry I gotta go get therapy wait stop left the game oh no he's back he's back it's okay when he gets here I want you to half is like it's like a brother from another mother don't do this to him you monster I'm leaving he cannot convince me otherwise wait he said no he's my brother what he just teleporting me back you have to you what the Fool's sit right come on man do evil stuff man you have no bad consequences I swear okay we have to do it we have to do it let's do it okay message staff we've got to start off nice and slow not be suspicious I just told him yo let's wait for him to respond I don't get a good gmsp because I want to hide and I want absolutely all right he said yo yo that's kind of sauce I can't lie but let's reply and say yo yo come to Donny's crib for a surprise like you just told me to go to Denny's crib I I don't know what I'm doing over there man life is so soft sometimes I really like Seth but he's gonna have to die now man like it's just too soft sometimes why why am I going to Donny's house why can't I go to his house wait Lang is looking over there is he coming oh I can't wait to kill Donnie though this guy thinks he's in control as soon as I get the phone either I set I will literally kill it keep inventory should be on since I should be okay I think I don't know we'll see we'll see I can't smell him oh I can't he's coming from here I can sense it that's what I never understand about liger always makes you do something weird out of the ordinary oh my God what what do you want I'm a flipping magician bro all right Sam come in anybody what do you want bro come in here all right let's communicate with him with uh with signs what what do you want like community Through signs you can always uh you know build a trust what is going on do it do it do it please wait why is he writing on the side what's going on here off your armor what why because it's um it's warm because it's warm it's warm you gotta take it off you know you gotta cool down you know what I'm saying you gotta cool down my body yo this man is so weird why is he so sus hold on it makes a lot of sense all right fine because I like him I like this guy he's the coolest cave man I know [Music] now put your weapons in this chest look at the sign buddy now put your weapon in the chest he's trying to get him naked before he does it he's insane everything's going to plan everything is going to plan this was like a robbery come on just put him in there wait wait that costs weapons trash I only use it for like grinding my Farmer oh he did it you put it inside the chest now I'm gonna take his own sword and kill him with his own sword wait what yo rest in peace buddy keep inventory true okay I guess it's a little late now but let's just hope he had no levels I just grinded 62 levels all that effort in kipley's farm I'm never grinding on the server again never really like saf anyways it is what it is there we go okay you silly there look I put it in there now okay yes it's in there okay good good all right now it's only the boots left time for last one let's go baby the boots I want them right now I'm gonna say I want you to finish blowing up linux's house and they are yours guys the reason I see this is because I have a backup of the world if we need but Linux has still been on since his house blew up he probably has nothing left I'm sorry Linux I'm gonna have to blow up your house again good luck Linux anyways okay I have enough TNT I don't have any more Rockets so I can't fly there I have to walk oh God this is gonna so bad all of this oh my God why is liger saying hi to me leave me alone bro I don't like you oh my God I'm actually such a bad person bro but like I said but it's gonna be worth it because we're gonna have full netherite armor he rebuilt it I could see to put this right here oh he's still rebuilding it oh my God this actually looks like the floor was completely gone right oh wait he's got none of his chests and stuff I'm willing to ruin my friendship with my brother Lennox just for some armor bro oh wait like a bull Mission I bought Mission like I have a surprise for you today he said he has a surprise for me what does that even mean man autocorrect I said babe this guy's Captain oh God the last like 30 minutes to an hour of his life his advantageous okay oh I see him as you see me just surround this chest real quick this is the last thing I think I don't think he does sneak up it's like you're doing he said he has a surprise what does that mean my man rebuilt his house bro shakes good job Linux you're really smart did you also rebuild the Axolotl oh you didn't what's in his chest let me just steal it before I blow it up why is he in my chest I just finished the house alone is not there anymore okay drama table I'll take that oh my God I'm so sorry I'm so sorry Linux I love you liger liger [Music] oh my God he blew himself up okay luckily keep inventories on you blew up the house Mission successful boys Mission successful let's go back to Donnie I love my friend it's so fun on the server it's just great I have a blast okay I have nothing to do it no I didn't just spend all that time fixing it just for him to do that again and ruin my entire day I'm not playing on the server I'm not all right we made it we made it let's pick up the nether right armor boys I know I just have real friends man why are they all so weird why do they always need TNT for things he said give me it right now unless you set your house on fire I don't care wait it looks all weird in the inventory I don't like how it looks okay what I did is he putting a dispenser down what's this man doing all right I guess I just stand on this well now there we go he's got odd look okay this is the only way we have to do it whatever ah the boots let's go it's like magic leggings [Laughter] all right I'm killing Donnie I'm kidding Donnie bro what's wrong with this guy why is he hitting me that's it I'm killing Johnny I'm killing him right flipping now I got another armor what the flip that much damage to me what did he think that's gonna happen oh he thinks he's another right and I'll be liver why do I only have three and a half I'm a boss I hope you enjoyed doing all that bad stuff office of living no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] it's Lego bro that doesn't make any sense that does not make any sense I said I hope you enjoyed doing all happening again oh God our house is not safe we need to move our house now you know what I'm quitting the server oh God you're in trouble man I'm sorry Linux we'll get them next time hashtag around me boys the next thing is I'm gonna swap our lava and water this one gets really messy okay I'm gonna do this one again so this is the new world that we've started and this is my house okay and don't believe it's been like three days okay my house is doodoo and I know it but I decided to go for something random and I decided to go for a water base and it's not going how I thought it was it just looks like a giant poop of wood and this is my cow Farm here is my crops and here is the chest okay I had a whole stack of diamonds that okay I know I X read four but shut up that's not the point I had a whole stack and people just keep coming in and taking it so I've set up security cameras one right over here one over here and one up here I am going to single-handedly catch the person that's using my house as some sort of storage unit I don't even have to be close I don't even have to be online these bad boys will record as long as I've synced them all up and there we go no matter where I go on this wall I can now watch my house with the right click of this button and you can see I can zoom in zoom out anything I keep an eye on my base at all times so now we go away we make sure our name tag is far far away from here and you think that's all we're gonna do if I go into crave and get some gold and I rename that gold trk and then like 14 or whatever whatever number I want put this in the chest too somebody's gonna take that and that is now trackable as long as I use a 14 Compass so whoever has this in their inventory I can follow so if anyone's dumb enough to come and take some of that I'll also be able to track them if I'm offline and I don't get to see who it is so now that the bait has been set let one of these stupid idiots on the server fall for it oh they've got me all heated up today I also have these laser blocks that will tell me anytime someone goes there I'm telling you I am committed to catching the person who's stealing my stuff the first person to be caught on the camera was quick and here's what happened oh and I see Donny's house over there and okay this is we Farm I don't really know where he is he's on the server but I don't exactly know I don't know what he's probably recording or somewhere oh my God it's going off it's going off now Griff is in my house he's stealing stuff it was quick I found out what kind of want to do is I'm gonna take all these guys weak yo I'm getting a lot of weight from this 40. okay I might as well replant all these because I'm a nice guy well you know he's taking my crops has he go through my chest no I could have left with a wee but I chose not to although I should really leave with I I'm gonna be a nice guy though because why not oh wait he's just plotting my crops what okay wait I need to take the other camera wait I can't see from that camera that camera is a lot worse actually I could beat his cows while I'm here all right who wants some wheat you you I'm gonna turn you into some nice wagyu beef steak you know what's going on oh he's just feeding my animals is that all he's doing the parents and the bats he just got the achievement all he's doing is feeding my animals you're about to be some cut okay yo that's kind of disturbing let me let me just actually breathe these guys off don't worry wait till he leaves and then we'll go check our chest what perfect picture look at all these guys completely all breathable well I've done a good job this idiot and with that I'm gonna take my leave to see your house I can see wait he's leaving where's he going all right cool oh he just left okay cool don't see the camera don't see the camera all right he's gone he walks straight past it easy I'm actually the nicest guy in the entire world and he can't even say otherwise okay here we go oh okay never mind it's all still here did this guy just come take all my crop I guess he fed it to the animals so oh my God I can't even be mad that's why it's not him that's been stealing who is it they're not supposed to get caught on camera was bionic and this is what happened when Barack was on the Cavs yeah I think I saw someone's house over here oh my God I see it yo wait whose house is this bro what oh okay oh we got someone oh it's bionic it looks like something Donnie would wait what the what is the oh my God there's like okay this is definitely Donny's house let's see oh no you see the camera hey Donnie I was just going to uh polish your diamonds he said it I can't look at him anymore you see that wait I can see his camera um which one is he yeah that's it you know I I don't need your diamonds I definitely don't have just iron tools I was just gonna polish your diamonds yeah that's it just polish them in that case subscribe to them don't need bobes okay look at these cameras into you're obvious of a place well I would have stole all his diamonds but the stupid guy has freaking security cameras what where's he going okay I think I lost it I can't see I can't turn my dick oh no the next person to get caught on camera was the Linux but I was AFK when this happened so this is me reacting to the footage after I had noticed that my stuff had been stolen guys I was afq on the server and look what happened to my house oh my god I've been hit again oh the diamonds gone everything is good who did this all the security cameras they're all recording at all times which one of these stupid idiots did this you guys want to see the easiest way to get diamonds to mine in Minecraft easiest way to mine diamonds in Minecraft watch this okay so nothing happened for a while I'm guessing it was Linux because there's a huge mess but how did the mess happen it must have been him daddy knows about the cameras if it's already been and gone unless it was quick again simply all you do is you make sure you find a house specifically one that has diamonds that you know of at least I was like here he is so he walked to my house he goes straight for the same Chester where the diamonds are and you uh just kind of you just gotta take up whatever you want also if they have extra stuff you can take it as well he's got some dirt it's definitely him he's in this chest for way too long I'll take a stone pickaxe tail and a stone shovel you know what and is wooden pickaxe I don't really need it but I will get rid of it and some wood also is it ancient debris in here and then he takes stuff and leaves or he takes stuff and opens by animals I will 100 take that thank you so much Johnny I work so perfect oh he left it wasn't him that opened the animals so who took the animals that's what I'm confused about wait no he's back into my mind it was if I knew it oh my God this stupid idiot to what is the wrong with him hey guys can I just say he's doing all of this with a straight face what kind of sicko weirdo does this this dude has actual mental problems he's just opening everything he's got it I can't wait dude I have physical proof and I'm gonna absolutely destroy everything this man owns everything I'm not even joking just might have gotten a little bit out of hand it's fine just like that he's gone all right and that's how you get diamonds perfect and then you own literally everything of what you just grabbed that's all I have that's all the footage this dude is over it's finished for it I have 35 Diamonds oh my those aren't his right with the gold track it's time to exact my revenge Felix is gonna regret the day he double crossed me I know it was you give me my stuff back and he said oh no he said I know it's you give me my stuff back there's no one else on the server that's a bit awkward there's no one else on this it does that stupid thing where he does question marks as if he doesn't know what's going on I just saw him on CCTV there's a lot of people on what is he even talking about right now there was literally a ton of people online why is he just coming to the conclusion that was just me oh my God I completely forgot give me the compass what level is he I think 14 the okay 14. give me the direction his house is this way I'm gonna find it there was a lot of people on what do you mean I said I'm coming with TNT give me my stuff back he said I'm coming with TNT yeah right I have TNT of my own that I've been saving up as if he's gonna be coming here he doesn't even know where I'm at he doesn't know where I'm at he's he's literally a captain right now this is stun I really hope this Compass worked and I'm not just following it in any direction I'll put his diamonds there everything else inside go I got a bunch of TNT so he's not gonna be able to find me there's there's no way what direction is this uh this we're going with Carly Facing East the compass is pointing East I don't know you don't just randomly find people on Minecraft servers that have hid in their house that's a house that's a house that's blended into the mountain let's go if this isn't his house I'm gonna be mad he said I'm here see actually I can't tell I'm afraid to go up where is he is he actually this is it what is this why is it no you're not I'm literally in your house unless this is someone else's house where's the gold it says it's right here it says the gold is right here where is this what's going on balloon beneath that's your name that's his name tag I can see it he is here he is here how how does he know how do you know I can see how do I get down how do I get down to his house there's no way in he's saying how he must see my name tag how do you get down under wait to get down I saw his name tag I saw it running through the walls how does he know I'm here if he if he figures out somehow to get down here he'll come up through that way I break one block I'm not allowed to break block to other people's houses but don't sit it okay all right then how do you get down run run run run run run dude why is he here I can see his name it's still left of my Crosshair I'm gonna say I'm coming back with TNT but as soon as I turn this corner I'm gonna drink it in this point this dude's definitely gonna come up and as soon as I see how he comes up then then I'll know how he got you tied I'm coming back with TNT good luck dude what how how here we go my name tag is now gone I need to figure out how to get into wherever he is downstairs I need to is there a way around here I think he's still there if he is then I'll kill him he doesn't have any diamonds or anything oh look oh my God he doesn't have any diamonds or he shouldn't I took all of them that's how you get inside but how do you open just running around where is he I'll kill him I'll kill him he's inside oh my God oh my God we know how to get inside but how do you open this where is he oh my God where did he go what where did he go I need to step away I've got particle effects this isn't vanish is it the well do you go inside the well oh my God I think it's still well wait wait I think oh wait no is that Darkness I think it's the world to get inside my God I need to get out of it he's not here he's not there's no way there's no way yeah we're fine oh can't go in through there um oh my god did we see okay then we're good oh my God it's still well it's the freaking will go inside perfect okay we're good it is still well to get inside what is all of this what is this how do you get through how do I get to where he went hey we are good hopefully I don't know how he found it even don't build any of this I'm telling you oh wait wrong way oh no he's still looking for my knee pain how did he build any of this I should probably stay crouched most of the time but I don't think he's nearby he should have left hopefully oh my God I don't know how to get inside legally I can't break any of these blocks I need to get away from me because I'll go buy stupid particles there we go that's how you get down and okay cool all right this is fine this is his house oh and this is how he must have got out of course yes this is how we got out lilies could never design anything like that I swear to you he got someone he paid someone to do that for him there's no way to nearby I don't think so but now that we have a way inside I'm ready baby it's time wait till he leaves his house and you know what I'm gonna do you think I'm crazy oh my God there we go we've got a camera bound and all we have to do is now that we're gonna no longer have envies I could just sit here with camera four and stare at his house until he leaves oh my God my own genius it scares me sometimes my dirt um the only thing that I can think of oh wait wait there is he's leaving he's leaving he's left we do need to grab more food because I'm pretty sure 14 pieces of cooked mutton is all I have that's literally all I have sorry pigs okay oh no he's coming towards my body my body's that way oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay we'll just go hide even further away so we need to grab everything we can there we go okay now we can just stare at his house and we're far away there he is to get in there stupid idiot a stupid AFK look at him he says oh he killing animals for no reason who likes an animal killer or I could just make a cow farm that would be pretty good the only thing I can think of is he has a lot of lover and water so if I put a texture pack on the server that swaps lava and water even in the underground Maze part then surely he'll die but I don't want my stuff to burn inside the lava I will end up needing leather as well to finish my enchantment table or my enchantment room because I don't think it's completely finished I do need to find some cows but I don't see any all I see is a bunch of pigs I don't think I have a full enchantment room I'm not exactly sure I'm not the best at Minecraft so I wouldn't be able to know for sure if I have the best possible one oh guys I lost where his house was oh no oh wait wait I got the compass let's go please let's go Compass took me home okay look there he is okay so what we're gonna do we're gonna go downstairs I've got an idea I've got a mod on the server that gives me fake water and fake lava but what it does with the lover it makes that lava doesn't make you take damage while water does so what am I gonna do I'm gonna patch up all this water here and there we go we got the fake water now so if we go into survival mode this should hurt us there we go okay perfect but I think you should make it through that alive what are we gonna do any way to get to this end we're covering up with the fake water there should be no way for him to get back to his house alive and if he somehow makes it through all of this alive I'm just gonna cheat and there we go don't jump straight down and he won't be able to go anywhere and he's just gonna sit here and burn and what are we gonna do we're gonna sit right here we're gonna be in survival mode and we're gonna sit here and watch him burn with my stuff I'm gonna type in chat now I'm inside your house he just said he's inside my house ah there we go I want to say I found the way in there's no way he's inside my house he's obviously in the top one right he's not he's not inside the main part easy peasy here we go he said easy peasy there's no way he's not inside the actual house how would he have found a way in now he's gonna wait for him to come whichever direction he left in I don't even know anymore oh there we go smile for the cameras I can't even go inside of it where is he Donnie look at him look at this idiot he's running up there we go now go inside and seal your feet there's no way he's inside of it right there's no way there's no way he's inside he said where are you effect clear Donny boobs there we go oh I had no more effects anyway it's been that long let's close all this just in case he decides and then look at his stupid wall table wherever this is map where is he there's there's no way he's down below because I'm the only one to have gone down and I made sure nobody was there there's no way there's no he is he is down there is that his name is he gonna get past the other lava please tell me he doesn't get past that lava I said downstairs look at my name tank it is it is it is it is what what wait what is happening guys he's been up for like 10 minutes now where is this guy okay um get through why am I taking damage like this oh I can't even take a damage please tell me he dies why am I taking damage what is happening what is happening right now why am I taking damage do I have poison what's happening oh my god look he's gonna be low he's gonna be please kill him please why am I taking damage oh he survived Daddy please kill him I'm dying no no no he's driving no no [Laughter] remember me remember me I want to poisonous what does poisonous water even mean this is what you get this is it this whole house this is it this is what he deserves what is happening what is happening what does poisonous water even mean I just I was just in my house and then he's and then he's in there what what just happened the next stitches I'm gonna swap our dirt and nether right oh this is gonna be good finally on the server and you can see right over there is liger's house look at it look from the outside nobody can get in without building on his property and he's made it so that nobody can build past this line you could you know jump up in a light train or something but it's so much stress just to get into this one guy's house if I go into survival mode right here open up the ground look what happens when you break grass it turns into netherrite blocks all dirt on the server has been changed to block off netherrite so I'm gonna come out of Valley so we seems to be join the world I'm gonna type hey in chat and he's obviously gonna be panicked for a second hey when did Donnie join my game okay guys I just told him I loved him I spoke wrong a few times but don't worry see so now he's not suspicious at all right no he's still confused okay yo I can't lie this is kind of sauce he said laville you oh no he said love you no I don't trust this but it's fine guys our house is safe okay I'll have to be chat if he has to reacts a lot what in the flip how did you know that how does he know Bob bro this is not okay he said Bob is that the name of his Axolotl I don't know if I see a Donny bulbs when within 50 blocks I will shoot wanna trade ask them if you wanted to trade I said I needed for my museum if the price is right then anything can be sold I'm gonna say five near the right blocks it's obviously gonna be like what five minutes is that kind of stupid he has to take that deal he said he knows that's too good of a deal bro all I have to do is go to a lush cave and I can find a new Axolotl oh my God that boy is stupid bro look there's a reason why I can't break these blocks look how long it takes to break he's under the right blocks underneath the ground I've made this entire world out of netherway blocks you got the netherite blocks in his hand but these aren't really tall this is just dirt all right there we go check it out have you ever seen something like that before in Minecraft oh that's actually so cool come inside my friend let me see this world has no mods I don't know how he did that but okay there's no way I'm going first drop me okay he wants me to drop it right relax there you go take your five into the right blocks there we go finally he said wait outside okay he does not want me in his house geez Louise so disrespectful why is he so nervous it's not like I do anything wrong come on there we go there's no way for him to not come inside now let me go grab my Axolotl why do people always think I'm trolling oh my I'm not trying well I'm trolling now but shut up man you know there is okay now how can I transport him okay you know what I'm gonna place down my fish over here we don't really need the fish we can kill the fish now let me take the bucket all right all right Bob it's time to go but here we go he's gonna trade it is this the right one now get the flip away from my house where is it oh my God it's the right one it's the right one agree GG easy what an idiot so I just got the rear Axolotl for five dead blocks okay I'm gonna hide it somewhere because I don't know how long it'll be before he figures it out if he makes it in the right armor right now we're absolutely finished I should be out back and now I'm going into vanish and you know what that means we're flying baby we're going in we're finding out what else is inside this guy's house yo that was the best trade of my life I'm gonna put my block in there to write right in here next to all of these fish so this is the room where the Axolotl was in boy I sure do love fish what's in this room oh okay this is where he keeps his chest this is fine we can't open too many I'm gonna do silent chest I'm gonna turn it on all right we need to find out what's in these chests please okay there's nothing in this chest okay here we go this is a good stuff okay there's got to be something in here but guys check out this house man this house is so flipping secure they're not even Obama could get inside okay it's Obama proof oh my God okay this is where he gives it all 19 Diamond I'm gonna ask for 19 diamonds exactly and he's gonna be so confused with how I know he's got 19 when there should be no reason why I know he has 19 exactly okay let's get out of here let's get out of this house there we go okay I'm gonna go with Gameboy creative because stealing from him is illegal nobody said anything about me changing the texture pack hey I'm back what is he talking about oh my God he got me okay L plus ratio okay all right edit that out right now edit all your fire I swear I'll kill you have any diamonds because you want to do a trade I do have some diamonds wanna trade them for netherite why could even he's offering me for the trade this could not go more perfect bro this guy's stupid he doesn't know that nether is worth more than diamonds I said I need 19 diamonds exactly which is the exact amount he has in his chest let's see if he puts two or two together but I know 19. I'll give you two now the right blocks that's worth it that's worth it boys actually let's finesse him some more if he says yes he's actually so dumb you know what sure I'll do that come on come on come on it's diamonds Donny said okay I'm here here we go he's gonna think I'm so stupid three blocks for 19 diamonds yes we gotta make sure that he knows what the deal is okay here we go this is it this is the Momo truth one two three I need my diamonds boy thank you very much and I'll get the flip off the property buddy he wants me to wait outside I've never seen anyone more scared of me come on dude 19. bro the luck is insane he asked for 19 diamonds and we actually only have 19 bro it's my lucky day today boys take him and get out oh my God here we go okay relax man get out shoot in the flipping face yeah you better run he wants me to get out of here he's gonna kill me look why has he gone boom relax what is wrong with this guy get away get off the property we've added that to the collection we've now scammed 19 diamonds for free dirt blocks I'm insane this is the most secure house in the world nothing can get inside of this what's in this room why is he got iron blocks what's going on here what is this guys it needs to be exposed to the room why has it gone Beacon inside a room I'm so confused time to man The Towers again let's check out the surrounding area okay everything seems safe wait I see an enemy now let me just angle it correctly and boom well I said how much do the right do you want for 34 iron blocks and a beacon that makes no sense and these stupid sheep that are going around under the ground into netherrite because they're turning into dirt can they stop please you're making it obvious how much nether right okay yo okay hold on guys you always want to ask for more okay it's business 101 watch this 15 he was 50 bro if he does it he's actually stupid I'm not even joking I said 10 please remember inflation boys okay so see he says 10 please and now because we put it up so high we can say 13 and then watch he's gonna say okay because he's stupid I said I'm here okay I almost flew but he said there he sees it give me the flipping blocks right now give me the blocks give me the blocks right now why is he hitting me drop them three two one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen he's a scammer I'm getting scared it's gonna have a heart attacks bro what an idiot anyways let me close this back up and let's get this guy his iron and Beacon I said WTF and he just went back in and closed this stupid bridge off his I hate it so much how much did he want again 34. I don't even know if these are 34 blocks I hope they are if not then I'll just craft a few more because guys remember we got 14 Nazarite blocks I don't think you understand how much that is worth you're going into your house and you're stealing your own stuff to give to me for dirt you idiot yeah I don't think this is gonna be 34. 20 30 31 30 wait what it's actually 34 on the dock yo I'm actually so lucky today I said hello and he said shut up it takes time to break 34 iron blocks and a beacon my God okay what is wrong with this guy to break 34 higher flooring okay all right because this guy's so impatient um I'm gonna drop him the beacon and only 33 blocks of iron that's 33 attacks this guy still has not learned a lesson where's this with this guy in tanks but you better run right now oh okay well it's fine he can respawn he can go get those this stupid idiot killing me he's so lucky this isn't a hardcore world this guy's got mental issues not my problem look at this a beacon play free Iron box 90 diamonds and the rarest Axolotl Possible Oh my God all right there we go he's back told you guys anyways let's close this bad boy up and uh let's admire our beautiful house once again this house was actually built by uh by Snoop Dogg yeah that's my homie okay look he's inside his house still can we need to fight something what else is going on in these rooms okay what is this room time to man up the tower again you know the Vibes guys please somebody tell me what on Earth is going on in this room who needs an entire room in the house dedicated to this how do you ever get inside what's going on this is a hazard how is this even lit if you put food still in here this blows up how is it I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see anything enemy detected we have a chicken okay let me calculate the wind all right I see I see watch this boys first try what do you expect from someone who's an absolute what is going on okay we gotta make sure that there's not a lot of recoil just breathe in I don't even know what to say why is there eight Villages this is a guy's house who has this GG easy what is going on in this house this house makes no sense why isn't it eggs I don't know but there's one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 eggs okay he wants to do another trade I'm gonna ask him if he has turtle eggs I think I do because I remember when I made this house I put in a room there we go oh I do yeah this is gonna be super funny he said for that reason how much what is he trying to get out of me this guy's trying to scam me I'm telling you how much is this one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen bro on the dot on the dot bro okay bro 18 turtle eggs watch this I'm about to finesse him again it's hard to get turtle eggs in today's economy it's a high school economy whatever man it's fine so for that reason I'd take bro watch this 32 blocks oh 32 blocks listen I am completely outraged about that and I get it wait what's going on here oh God but it's fine okay oh my God I am actually such a crazy businessman bro I don't think you guys understand there we go I gave you the full 32. this stupid idiot I can't believe it he uh he's the real scammer here since you took quite a long time to come here I'm going to need five percent on top so 32 blocks times 0.05 equals 30 I don't even know 45 oh no no uh I need 13 more is is my math correct yeah 13 more buddy please drop them right now drop them right now I gave him five more days definitely how is that what's his mouth there okay good enough this video's been getting scabbed I swear oh my God what an idiot he just took that he just took that like an idiot okay all right come on Quaker please you guys are now going to go to a new owner what type of weirdo once like how many eggs was it 18 eggs anyways bro like what are you gonna do with them make an omelette now let's go back to my boy Donnie bobez and before I give them to him let me just test out my little Tower let me see how effective it is let's see if I can hit him from here that'll be insane oh snap oh my God that was crazy all right let's give him the exit what's wrong with this idiot he keeps shooting me take the eggs and get out of it right now oh he's giving it to 80 . before I shoot you bro yeah yeah yeah you better run I've ever seen in my life and now we go back into vanish he's probably wondering why we left the server again but that's completely fine we're coming back baby I need to open up open up FBI let me just scout out the area again real quick let's see if there's any enemies doesn't seem like it let me check out the other tower all right oh I see an enemy all right calculate the win all right it's coming from the south aim it up just there and shoot yeah and shoot okay let's go be something else in this house that is worthy of our time why is there paintings in this room who comes here to just sit here and in my opinion wait I'm telling you there's something behind one of these people I knew it what's in here an ironing gets seven end of pearls six enchanted golden apples and 50 crystals okay I'm gonna need to write that down one more trade it's a big one you got it depends oh my God guys we're about to literally make the trade of Our Lives by the way how does this guy even have that much netherrite let's see what the trade is going to be now I need 15 in Crystal seven ender pearls and six enchanted golden apples and I'm telling you right now this dude is about to run me to the bank if he asked for 32 they're the right books for turtle eggs imagine what he's gonna ask me for that these stupid sheep I'm gonna murder all of you if you dare turn this grass into another eye again you're dead to be honest I should have those things yo those items are quite valuable okay I'm just gonna say it bro three stacks of netherrike blocks oh my God my God I just said okay no questions asked Stacks yes I don't care I just give myself loads of dirt this is all dirt I have in my inventory remember he's definitely wondering how I just said okay three netherrites attacks oh snap boys we're about to be rich one two three blocks over to the right wow am I a nice guy you dropped it oh my God oh my God oh my God so because of the crypto crash he's trying to stumble around me I'm going to need 50 extra just take 35 I don't care and then 32 yeah there we go there we go okay okay okay thank you buddy I'll be right back I don't care anymore you're a scammer what how is it a scam if I'm giving you the things you want true don't ever disrespect me like that again otherwise I will yeah I'm not gonna finish that sentence I just thought him again 15 increases 700 pounds and six enchanted golden apple really quickly let me go up and see what he's doing okay is he in this room where is it now boys as you can see it looks like a bunch of paintings so there's a secret door okay behind this little weather painting I can just like go through look at that and inside of this chest there's all of my valuables all right here we go he's gonna get it off of me he's only wondering how I got it exactly what in the flippity flip how is my man so specific I'm gonna say hello because I know again I'm angry hey look this guy's so impatient man shut up he's giving you this exactly take it and get out let's go here we go all of it goes inside the in the chest but now that I think about it Bonnie was very specific for everything he wanted 18 turtle eggs I had 18 turtle eggs he wanted 15 and Chris or seven ender pearls and six and shot the golden apples even that was so specific and then the iron blocks the beacon and my Axolotl what is going on oh my God my brain can we just point out that look guys this hot ball I've got from Trading stacks of dirt there we go we've got 18 turtle eggs a beacon 32 iron blocks oh bucket of Axolotl the rarest Axolotl 19 diamonds 15a crystals six in the poles and six enchanted golden apples I single-handedly I'm now the richest person on the server which I used to be second to liger even though I have access to creative mode I can't use it for my own selfish need after I stop recording I have to get out of creative mode or I'm breaking the rules oh wait it doesn't matter though because I got the blocks of netherite can I turn these into ingots how do you how do you turn them back into ingots is that not it I need a crafting table I think I do hold on hold on hold on hold on please please please ingots what is this this isn't a block of netherrite what was that sound that's the sound that dirt makes oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God it's retaction oh my God it's retaction okay okay okay okay we just got scammed oh my God I lost everything oh my God we gotta call him back it's fine it's fine it's fine um oh he just type yo to me that can't be good let's not act suspicious and I have a trade my house for everything I just gave you what is he talking about does he know what if I just give you more Nazarite for your house no because it's fake guys I don't like the sound of this this is kind of scary I'm gonna back out watch and he's gonna go like oh wait that's such a good deal let me go back in watch watch we're fine we live another day I thought you figured it out he's there oh my God he's gonna get he's gonna give me the entire house I wanna take a look oh my God I'm killing him I'm killing him whatever I'm killing him I'm killing him I'm killing him oh my God we got everything back oh my God GG easy boys GG flipping easy we nearly got scammed but my business skills saved the day wait I had everything wait inventory WTF why you scammer man shut up I'm closing my gate and I'm logging off bro I don't have time for this I have a business meeting to attend you scammer and he says shut up okay I think something I think he figured it out I can't upload this to YouTube now for God's sake the next station is I'm gonna swap our bedrock and wood yes yeah this all was wild I remember this one but if we were to like recreate it in real life it'd be similar to how we've set it up right here lyrics it's on the server it's time to win that the most perfect fight ever nobody say anything to Donnie none of you guys saw that and I know what you're thinking Donnie what happened here why are all these leaves these aren't even leaves they're Bedrock you can't break this look when you try and break it it's Bedrock we do need to add some windows as well I also need armor I didn't even realize just like took my armor off for a moment and using these very quick texture changes we're about to ruin linux's date so if I get bedrock out which is actually a Glock and I did game mode survival you're gonna see something really cursed look at this there we go perfect full diamond you already know what's going on right now I make a sword is it yo to be straight away what that's the online give me must be nervous let's go okay so Donny's online we're gonna make an ax maybe a pickaxe oh I only have two diamonds left as you can see because they don't have any oak logs next to them all the trees are slowly decaying oh no we just lost the leaf wait I have the diamond pickaxe I'm good go I'm kind of stacked I'm kind of the most powerful person on the server the lyrics of the house is over Subway in the distance here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go up to all these chests and I'm gonna place this Bedrock on the top of each of his chests and trust me when you see the look on his face when I've just come around and covered up every single one of these chests in Bedrock so he either has to break them or leave them he doesn't realize all he has to do is just break the Bedrock and it's Oak log and guys his house is made of oak logs his house is actually made of Bedrock let's go uh but here he is Tony said I'm here how did he find where I live ow I love going into his house look the Panic on his face just ran inside my house he's like where is this guy where is he where is he I'm outside where did he just go he's hiding where what is he doing right now looking dude this guy's so weird I don't how do you find my base he just keeps saying hey hi I'm gonna ask him if I could borrow some stuff and I'm just gonna get this oh he's got diamonds and stuff and then so they just got a bunch of junk wait a minute oh my God guys get the old clothes out of the quick do you have any other clubs in these you can have some of my stuff it's not the other world just not the oars wait a minute oh my God guys get the old clothes out of there quick does he have any other clubs in these he said don't take oars don't okay yeah shut up okay I do I want look oh my God look at him why is he just staring at me like that bro if he breaks those old clothes we're screwed no he's up to something right oh he's taking all this okay let's pretend that we're just breaking these okay yes yes he saw nothing there buddy let me take this one too quick I only said watch this what do you mean watch this I said watch this and look what I do here we go no no what is he doing wait there's diesel do you can't even open these ones no he's gonna die I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna he's in Creative he doesn't realize all I've done is put Oaks on top of it I'm just changed the entire service texture back what am I supposed to do why did he do that you can see how the Bedrock is like sideways look I literally said he could have some of my stuff just not the oars and that's what he does why is the bedroom side with this curse what he said bro I'm just gonna leave him alone now hopefully he doesn't break it please oh if he even hits it with those axes they're gonna break oh my God what's even the point these ones are blocked off too there we've got we've planted the first seed he said so funny hahaha he's already incredibly annoyed with us now so what we're gonna do is we're gonna wait like five minutes and we're gonna go back to his house this time we're gonna be disguised as liger and then we're gonna have bedrock and with that bedrocket we're gonna go in grief my own house what he doesn't realize is he's gonna be griefing my house with wood so it's gonna take me five minutes to clean up inside my enchantment table so I'm gonna go AFK for like five minutes and come back hopefully when he's uh cooled off of me you know I can like and then he did not just do that okay okay guys I swear I'm leaving now for real this time I'm leaving the only thing I I can't enchant anything [Music] guys it's been about 10 minutes 10-15 minutes now Linux is still inside his house he has a lift stupid liger placing these near my house I need more obsidian to make another enchantment table I don't even know what I'm supposed to do we're not really doing anything right now we're just chilling we're just waiting for him to cool down a bit but now it's time to enact the next part of our plan there we go guys the command is ready there we go tiger is cool join the game perfect oh I like her at least someone nice is now on the server so let's type a little message from him saying hey just look at my house it's in shambles it's literally in shambles look at the amount of Bedrock on it here we go look at that and then it says yo he doesn't have he doesn't even have this the weird triangles oh God I hope Linux doesn't realize and then here we go this player 30 bombs uh player liger is cool there we go we're like a look at this actually so he doesn't get suspicious this was a diamond armor on there we go don't worry he can't see the original one he can't see the invisible Donna you can just see the liger standing there if I do this there we go so I've turned off the view but I'm still disguised as like as you can see at the bottom of your screen so now I'm gonna go over to Lewis's house and convince him oh wait he's tied to the chat oh I have to talk his Leica oh God why is he talking wait maybe he might have been talking to Donnie which I'm lying it now so I I can't keep doing this I'm getting confused oh look we're gonna go over to his house and convince him to grief got his house with me look you can see all the Bedrock everywhere oh I go my friend take some food he's giving me food you must be coming from far away see that's how you do it's like he'd never give me at least someone nice is on the server then I'll go pretend to eat there we go even though I'll be great he said what up look he said shush oh we're not supposed to type in chat I got a plan oh my God he believes it he believes that I'm liger what is he gonna plan for later I promise you won't tell anyone of course come on what are you talking about like her I won't tell anybody I said probably tell anyone is yeah I think so Oops I did not mean to put thunk I said yeah I think so okay then here we go we're gonna give him oak logs I said okay here what is it what is it what is it I'm so nervous what how I said he died with Pedro Kitty's inventory you I could kiss you right now then we go take some more things he actually I actually have Bedrock he said bro like if you're a genius you're actually a genius I said please don't sit please please don't snitch of course not are you kidding me of course though where is he going like her let's do this yes he's just gonna follow me to my house he doesn't realize he's following 30 moves what a mess this is come on like her let's get him I'm gonna start crouching as if we should be scared oh he's doing it too look you like her or a genius look at this oh my God he's actually following me he looks so intrigued do you like we're about to get dirty he doesn't realize he's walking with them yeah is he in his house I'll see it I think I literally have nothing inside my chest right now is he in here no he's not okay okay I said he knows if people open his chest so don't do it just so he doesn't open and see the empty okay should I just cover him look Oh my he thinks he's creepy stupid dirty guy ah this guy this fool I'm gonna give him so many bedrock look at this this is Uncle logs he's placing around and he thinks he's trolling me good luck buddy we're gonna break this we're gonna bed trap him oh that's actually a genius wait he can't get in if we do this right [Music] we're gonna break the bottom too so we can't get in from below there we go perfect perfect guys just to show you how ridiculous this is I've taken the texture pack off for me only this is what is going on in this area right now okay and then look this is that's what he's doing he's placing oak logs inside my house at some sort of grief oh he thinks he's getting one over me but he's doing absolutely nothing oh accident place that there can't get rid of it now though you know what just a screw with him we're gonna block off this side now you can't get you can't even get in from that side but it's like a girl there we go I said liger is cool left the game there we go I'm gonna on this guy he's naughty boobs and here we go look Tiger Lily got off can you help me and then left oh good and now all we have to do is wait for Linux to leave my house okay let's just go we don't want to get caught we don't want to be the one that gets in trouble for this he's not gonna be happy this is the same guy he's probably gonna blame it on Liga why is there a legal bedrock in this this is literally gonna break the server this is gonna be the end look I'm gonna add confused oh no oh no he's on and I asked who did this [Music] oh my God liger just left so it looks really suspicious so I'm just gonna blame it on liger and then whenever liger gets back on we'll just say that um Donnie assumed it was him because he got I'm gonna ask him to come and fix it and you know how to me to find something to do we have to pretend like we don't know where his house is at he said I don't even know where your house is he's liar oh my God I could just pretend like we're making a little portal rock paper scissors if I win you have to fix it I'm gonna say and if you win I fix your house he said okay good okay oh he's down he wants you rock paper scissors to fix it dude that's gonna take forever that's gonna take ages to get rid of all of it now we have to make sure that we lose because I want to redesign his house I want to redesign it with the oak log so there's Bedrock absolutely everywhere there's like a glitch to get rid of it I'm pretty sure but it takes ages to get rid of the Bedrock one by one I'm pretty sure I placed like 30 and he plays like 20 or 30. think about this this is gonna be the Pista resistance this is gonna be insane what an ending what we have to lose this ending all relies on if we lose at rock paper scissors if we win this goes terribly for us he's gonna find out that his own clothes if we win this oh it's countdown we're on for rock five four three two one oh wait oh my God yes oh let's go I'm the best there ever was so now I have to go clean up his house and what he doesn't realize is I'm gonna go put oak logs everywhere and he's gonna be like why is he break oh logs everywhere until I take the picture back off and he'll see that eats Bedrock get to work start breaking all right [Laughter] get more to the backyard area okay I'll fix it like a fishing area all right let me break all this there we go I'll go upstairs break these you know oh make it look aesthetic he's gonna regret asking that ah Donny's doing work around the house are you kidding me I got Danny boobs to work for me right now this has to be like probably one of the best days oh you can open the upstairs once because it's always stairs I'm an idiot look you can't open them up I'm so stupid look at this guy he's up there working he's just building for me come on I'm just gonna kick back relax you feel me gotta finish off my coffee from earlier this morning just gonna relax man this may be like the most fun I've had on a server with Donnie in a long time so if I get oak logs here there we go look at this he's like this is really Bedrock down policy yeah keep building for me more look at this oh my God you know what I'm gonna eat a little bit man this guy dude does this not look beautiful you should do trolls like this I think these these trolls are pretty fun actually and then look I'm just gonna start placing like weird parts inside these houses if I know what I'm doing this is all Bedrock I can't believe this every single thing we're placing right here is work faster he's saying faster oh my god oh I'm so happy what is this he has no idea that this is all better you can never change ever again listen I'll make it work I'll get rid of this right here I'll get rid of this at least it's free wood what is he doing dude you know what I'm taking the picture back off guys this is what I see okay look at this this is what's really happening tonight well just enjoy it tiny building for us Lego one two three one two there we go uh one of those somewhere here yeah how about this little like a nice pillar here guys yeah but you really fool here we go look at this nice fishing area okay just so he has those suspicions let's get a nice bow out to put a few in here like this there we go I'm just building out like this keep building upstairs too dude you see upstairs dude he thinks he can just spend all day on this one spot hey man listen up some upstairs for you there's no problem get to work upstairs go upstairs he's just wondering why I'm like placing Oak everywhere there we go some of these some of these and then let's just go downstairs what are you building what is he building right now I'm gonna say trust my magic he said trust my magic okay I'll Trust it I'll Trust you here guys I got an ID here we go let's just you know build one of these like right here there we go perfect inside this house again oh God I'm gonna do it right later what do you mean I said I'm gonna finish on this later he's a question what I'm just gonna disconnect he just got off he left without even asking if if I was finished with him doing stuff now we sit and we'll wait for him to realize that all of that is just bedrock bro this is so trash what do you mean trust the process how am I supposed to trust this process here it's garbage it's so bad he got rid of the Bedrock at least I can access my chests or whatever but we can get all of like the the wooden stuff from here we can just use the wood why is it not breaking why is none of the wood breaking I have four bars I'm not lagging no no no no no no no no no no I actually I actually can't mine anything no no wait wait wait wait wait oh this is a texture swap video oh my no no no no no no no no no no he was placing Bedrock oh I don't have anything my house so what was I placing what did I have what did liger have there's absolutely no way I'm calling him Johnny yeah do you have something to tell me is happening with my house I'm done I'm with this no no no I got something for him I got I saved this I saved this right here all for him you know what I'm going to his house I'm going to his house right now I'm gonna end the stream so I don't incriminate myself but you guys will never see Donny's house ever again Donny's house is gonna look like a crater so um yeah I'm gonna end the stream so you guys you know don't have to see this the next pictures I'm gonna swap are TNT and stone just like the TNT and gross one this can only end wait every month have I been on this server three months and not once have I shown my secret base well look at it now somebody somebody has found my house and decided to destroy it they knew it was mine because I'm the only person who doesn't live in the village with everyone else my house was beautiful and I never even got to show you guys on camera because I was scared that my friends were gonna find it because they know where this cave is but I've got an ID I'm gonna rebuild my house set up security cameras everywhere in this cave and watch this base like a hawk so even if there's a silverfish walking along the ground my security cameras will pick it up then I'm gonna post this exact house after I finish into the Discord and then all we gotta do is sit and wait oh someone will fall for the bait and someone will come back to finish the job I've got a sneaky suspicion it's liger because he loves blowing people's houses up but it's time to rebuild but we will find the culprit I promise you I promise you I told you welcome to my villain art it's begun now I'm serious all right guys it's been about an hour and a half and look what do you think the beautiful house of Donny amazing or is it amazing it's amazing oh thanks guys you guys are so kind but right here I'm gonna put a security camera there we go guys look the security cameras set up at any point I could be anywhere on the world right click this bad boy and I'll be able to see right here look I can see in the security camera where everyone is I can zoom in if I want to zoom out look at it I got perfect view of my house I'm just like this we're gonna sit here we're gonna watch and we're gonna wait I've also got these lasers around my house if anyone is within 100 watts of my house I will instantly know by my phone and if I'm on the toilet dude then it's tough cookie all right now I'm gonna sit here leave my account running and watch the entire time whether it takes two hours three hours four hours I don't care I'm waiting till someone comes back I just left a picture of my new house inside the Discord now all we have to do is sit here and wait for someone to take the beat now my house had miraculously been fixed it's time for Revenge why am I barking what's wrong with me wait is it is it still okay all right guys I just got notification that someone is with 100 blocks of my house oh my it is ah this guy's so stupid Oh my god oh I knew it was him oh little does he know it's all over for him I knew it was him I knew it nobody knows the location of this house and I knew it was this guy he found out about his somehow is he actually blowing up he has no idea guys so stupid he's in there blowing up I saw teen titi's hand he only took three hours of me recording my house for me to finally catch the culprit look you can see it I knew it I knew it and there's no way you're deleting the fridge this time I got you why is he crouching he's looking he's looking for someone here let's put some below as well all this time this guy is not very smart I might say so myself actually like guys I thought I thought it would like us here nice we're gonna put some in the front this TNT that's the way he grinded glowstone for it look at this idiot on the top I could stop him right now he has no idea I'm on the server I could stop him right now and end all of this but no we're gonna give him a chance to redeem himself I'm gonna expose him in front of the world right there let me break some of that break some of this break some of that boom wait grab this TNT and this is what you get for rebuilding oh look he's blowing up yep and look he's leaving oh I do it look at this so weird Ting TNT exploded silence oh my look at the house oh my God this stupid idiot he's leaving a sign he's leaving aside let's see what he says sorry quick uh get trolled buddy boy he thinks that he owns this server I mean he does he does own the server but he doesn't own it I do does that make sense it doesn't need to make sense it's fine oh my God you've been called security camera nice try idiot I'm gonna make you regret that now that we know Linux was the person responsible for destroying my poor innocent house that nobody should know the location of I have got this contraption built here in front of kipley's house I'm gonna go up to my friend Linux when he joins the server and I'm gonna tell him that I know it was kipley that destroyed my house he's gonna be thinking this idiot Donnie thinks it was can't believe but no she had nothing to do with this well this button really does it sets off a big Redstone Contraption first of all that will build a huge sign that says clinics I know it was you that blew up my house and then when is hot skips a beat and he also the heart attack that won't be the only thing that this command block does it will also set off the world's slowest Redstone contraption that I've built underground that Redstone contraption two days off repeaters two real life these to get to his house and by that point this entire world will be built out of TNT all of this stone that you see underground will be TNT so he'll be single-handedly responsible for destroying this entire world oh my God this master plan is evil and because he'll know that I know for the next two days he'll be terrified thinking what's gonna happen to me what studies revenge and he won't know that it's already been gone baby now all we have to do is wait for the idiot to join the world come over press this button see the side be absolutely terrified that we know and then not realize that he's just sit off the world's slowest TNT right before it explodes are convince him to join the world and then boom boom o'clock baby this plan is an evil one I love it I've had this five-pointed drip stone for literally like days now I even use it I can't did it fall guys I've been AFK for a few minutes my lyrics has join the world we need to stop what we were doing we need to get rid of this guys don't ask questions about what I was doing okay never mind oh no I'm gonna ask him if he just destroyed if he's been here for a while then that's really awkward that is literally you guys all think that I'm oblivious but Donny's actually the most oblivious it I don't know what's up we can use this pointed drip Stone to get them and this is where we scare him I know who he said I know who blew up my house oh no no he doesn't Hello jump Escape he doesn't I call Cap I said Kipling hiply at least I think I can't make him believe that I'm too she's obviously it wasn't her thing uh you guys uh I'm a genius I delete footage I'm just the best he said yeah I'm just gonna say she probably plays early he's such a I'll tell you guys the secret as long as nobody's tweets or anything like that I mean even if someone does because they're dumb I'm gonna say I'm about to blow up her house too which doubt it Donnie gets tons of tweets about random stuff so he's not gonna think like oh you know oh just because a couple people are tweeting that Linux did this blank whatever blah blah blah he's not gonna he's gonna believe it he's not gonna believe it experience your man and stop me but I possibly might have uh been the one to blow up his house come on surely you he's about to blow it up kipley's house wait he said wait for me is he gonna admit he might actually admit it oh my God I say don't do it are you even at our house yeah he's going to blow up her house for blowing up his PP oh my wait hold on so okay I don't even dude if you can't just stop it I don't know he's gonna blow up kipley's house this guy's insane there's no way he said oh yeah for real yeah 100 he's gonna blow up her entire house it sets off all the TNT he said what's this I said it sends off all the TNT but listen all right that's not a lie I want to do it I'm gonna be able to blow up everybody's houses and nobody's even gonna know that it was me this is amazing nobody tweet or tell Donnie guys actually it'll be so much funny if he doesn't yeah oh my gosh she says I could do it you think that is blows up a house and he's gonna do it [Applause] I am amazing let's do this man oh my goodness oh he's writing wait he's gonna do it okay ready three two one uh Danny he said it didn't work does it I have TNT should I offer it oh what what in the world wait whoa it was not I believe it was oh no it was not me wait weird [Laughter] go and then what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go to vanish and give him the biggest scare of his life he left the game no no no no no no no no no now for the next two days none of that Ridge suit is slowly started this entire world after I changed all the blocks to TNT this guy's been back to story this entire world is about to get destroyed nope I'm out everyone's house fighting's house like his house get police house and linux's house dead in mind oh god he has no proof he doesn't know as me that was all speculation and he's trying to get me to fumble and say that it was me but it wasn't I'm not gonna fumble but for the next two days this guy is gonna be the most paranoid man of all time good luck you little rat all right so we've officially swapped the textures of stone and TNT so obviously right here you can see I've got Stone in my hand but this is no ordinary Stone I could get redstone torch right here look what's happening to the stone is bouncing it's going wait what oh there we go look beautiful TNT explodes now I'm gonna go on to my server replace the entire floor with TNT convince Linux to join and tell him the reason we're joining is because we're gonna squash the beef but there is no beef being squashed we're still enemies until the end of time I'm not even gonna be on the server when it happens I just gotta get him to join and give or take about 10 minutes the TNT will finally be set off I can't wait the next two days Linux was terrified of everything he was constantly looking over his shoulder and thought I was gonna troll him as payback the first time he got scared was because he saw Brown wall and thought he was my skin he's going crazy I just took a DNA to is that a real block yes it is oh oh there's Donnie there's weight is that Donnie on the hill I'm out is that him oh man it's just blocks it's literally just blocks over there I'm actually losing my mind dude I wasn't even on the sermon this guy was terrified a random wondering Trader spawned and he thought that was me too okay I whoa oh oh my get out over here oh Diamonds oh I was about to say my anxiety is through the roof right now I can't play this video game I actually cannot play in peace I'm being so serious right now I may just take a little break I don't know what to do how am I how am I supposed to play this game without getting jump scared by a mob it was a villager or what was it I don't even know if that was a Wandering villager yeah one of those then when things could one night and he always had a heart attack okay how do I even there we go uh I'm gonna have to break this after it looks so bad this here how do you make is it like this whoa no no how do I get down I missed let's do this game man they're gone oh nobody tells you Minecraft's a horror game nobody oh they're still here I'm actually gonna get off I'm actually gonna get off this game man it's so like I can't even play normally anymore bro this felt like payback enough well two days eventually pause and I asked him to come online to school should be but no beef will squash good luck man bro am I early am I early is this guy supposed to be on what's happening right now he said Meet Me Online to squash the beef why is he not here did he mean now or like in a little bit I'm so confused are you gonna say get online let's squash beef and then not be here maybe he's in vanish no I don't I don't know why why is this guy he's so weird man he's so weird just get online for once dude I'm sick and tired of this look I keep thinking that's Donny and it's blocks of wool is he really gonna make me wait man there's no way I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care man I don't care I do have to pee though he's really gonna make me wait he said go live he literally he made me do this he said go live and and I'm gonna join let's talk let's talk as if I'm not the one that's been second guessing myself this entire time insane [Music] oh my God [Music] Stone flying oh my game [Music] bro this is Donnie right no no no no not my house not my house not my house water water water no I can't move I actually can't move I'm good I'm good bro the sound I'm good I'm good I'm good why is Stone blowing up why is the done no thanks to Texas I'm going to swap our emeralds and coal let's just see the village is not going to be too heavy with this one so this is his house and as you as you can see has this small area where she trades her villager she's got these got these Librarians who trades with them and over here she's also got building errors she will sell you stuff whatever you want right here and all you gotta do is throw your book in here throw your amount of emblem you want in this one and then it comes out into this Hopper here if I wanted to buy her a build from her I'd pay the am rules I tell her what to build inside a book and the beautiful thing about this is you can be 100 Anonymous so she won't even know who's giving her these requests this is about to be evil and of course so if I search up charcoal you'll see charcoal but look right below it says Minecraft emeralds so if I search up emeralds and I get them and I put in a furnace and I click here look you could use it as fuel if I put Oakwood in the top it will be emeralds making emeralds look with the woods look at this place is infinite Emerald glitch so now we have to do is sit here and wait for her to come online and ask her for the most ridiculous requests ever the first thing I'm gonna ask her to do is still his items and throw them in powdered snow so that he sees them and jumps in right after them and hopefully he freezes Linux is on the server so we're first person we're going to decide to is the Lumix let's see what we can do we can grief his house with 64 emeralds or move stuff no no let's not do that let's do murder no actually it's not murdering let's do win requests I want you to take living to this gear and throw it inside the powdered snow at the top of the hill listen if he gets out kill him there we go and then we get our charcoal as we do murder 80 plus request uh 32 80 plus 32 that's 142 okay perfect two stacks should do there we go actually I'll put it straight inside here there we go and then we got our booking quill perfect let me just make sure it's the right one she should get a notification now so let's get far away from here and all we have to do is sit here and wait for kid police sir you know okay I just got a notification that someone put in a request for emeralds okay so your girl is getting paid today let me just go check the requests here's my house I'm so excited man I need so many emeralds for the villagers I just need mending books bro all right let's see what this is shall we let's go finally oh my God that took forever oh she's finally here okay get the chest two steps of emeralds oh goodness okay oh the booking quill is all Anonymous remember this guys she does not know that I'm the person that put this request in let's check what it is two stacks emeralds that's a good deal right there two stacks of emeralds on what she thinks is emeralds I want you to take linux's gear and throw it inside the powdered snow at the top of the hill and I also added in the note make sure you befriend lyrics make sure you be friends be friends I'm actually so evil if he gets out kill him oh poor Linux bro excuse me sir I need your bet sorry about that I mean two stacks of emeralds I can't say no to that man you take this too thank you sir you know he's literally no longer a scientist sorry about that buddy sorry about that oh my God it's about to happen She Said lyrics oh no is he AFK or is he gonna respond please which one is it let's go he's not AFK this video might actually work okay so sorry lyrics I have a present for you can you meet me in the village sure I'm in the village already look at this guy look at him he has a job give me that give me that I'm here already oh yeah his house is literally over the bridge that's fine this is perfect on my way there we go the effects of capitalism you lost your job buddy oh there he is oh my God here we go the exchanges going down you play Kipling okay play cake for you just gave me cake yeah one more present for you follow me dude can you please actually one of the nicest people on the server I'm so sorry like she's the only one that will actually like bring you things and she'll give you flowers she gave me cake freaking cake dude I feel like he's always very trusting of me and it just never ends well for him oh goodness I'm so sorry I honestly have no idea what's going on with these guys they've all lost it right right here yes here it is okay we gotta be careful not to step in it actually going up here was that her house okay here we go the famous pardon snow this whole mountain is made of powdered and snow we almost killed everyone on day one here we go police how do I get him to take off his armor I have not seen this new update at all this is literally insane wait is your armor fully Enchanted yeah let me see the end shots let me see what entrance you got let me see yeah sure give me the armor don't actually do it let me see get prop four chest plate yo oh he's actually doing it okay it never happens to him he deserves that I don't care anymore that's insane that's actually Wild [Laughter] what's that which is my stuff it's gone you can't even see it we can't let him get out why can't I'm freezing I'm freezing you're not escaping this one buddy she's placing blocks above me Diamond pants skeleton chill bro okay where's my stuff where's my stuff huh yeah no he's not getting out of there bro oh my Armor's not there like I just turn into a frost dude he's Frost I can't hit him die what just happened skeleton did I not just hype her up hyped Kipling up so hard the deed has been done all my stuff is oh my it's all gone since when did we stop playing with keep inventory off let me go and put it in his house oh my God everything was worth the chuckle that was cold [Music] she said that was cold worth it man worth it I'm so sorry lyrics I'm so sorry now we wait a little while and then we go again I'm sure he's fine let's see how much more ridiculous stuff we can get next thing I'm gonna ask her to do is to go to her boyfriend quick on the server and kill him then when he respawns offered to give his stuff back only to kill him again when he comes out I can't believe she's doing all this for Cole okay now it's time for the next one okay Cliff is on the server right now so that makes it absolutely perfect we can do something related to quiff and I've got the perfect thing I'm currently in Venice right now so she doesn't know I'm in her house right now oh squiff where he is find him and kill him then when he gives you this is gonna be so evil an offer to give his stuff back and when he finds you again kill him again this is gonna be so stupid and then we put this right here so she should get a notification that she just got a request and then of course we get the charcoal because on her screen it looks like emeralds and I'll take it off of myself how many stacks is this for two deaths murder oh my God okay that's two murders 80 plus 80 um 250 okay okay that should work there we go charcoal charcoal charcoal oh my God it's gonna take forever okay let me find the actual wear so where's our chest okay here they are three stacks there Perfecto there it is my beautiful house I am ready dude to get some emeralds to breed more villagers we need an entire villager trading Hall okay let's see oh my gosh he's already home oh my God I was in spectator for probably about five minutes before she got home that was lucky but look she's looking she got the notification there we go she's founded look and quill three stacks of emeralds wait what is the job and for her please if this texture pack didn't work I am stressed out my mind right now oh my God that's actually evil whoever this was wants me to kill my boyfriend why guys three stacks of emeralds though I can do a lot of training with that yeah we're gonna do it okay luckily I have so much glue right now and it's actually insane I just can't believe this has happened I've gotten so much loot and I'm so oh my God wait did I just find Diamonds oh my God you think I'm x-raying but I'm not because who would x-ray I'm completely legit oh my God quit gave her the chords this is gonna be perfect okay I just need to go find him I think he's this way no she's going over to him she's gonna go kill him this is it oh my God girlfriend versus boyfriend what have we done I just need to figure out a way to trick him to take all his armor off or something so it's an easy kill and then somehow convince him to come back so I can do it again he's about to risk her whole relationship with Quinn for free stacks of chocolate all right look you need you to pull out there we go nice oh my god oh look at him he's biting I think all these mobs bro what is this there we go are you in a cave yeah I'm in a cave I am definitely in a cave I wonder what she wants can you come up to surface please I really need help do I really need to go up all the way my cave is overpowered please come save me up I'm in so much danger here will act like I don't have chest plate or helmet okay all right let me go all the way it doesn't help okay yes let's God that's cursed okay what is going on she's qualising him she's been missing him she's still okay I don't know other words I'll have no armor on someone won't be threatened by someone with no armor and then I'll whack it on last minute and then attack him okay time to dig up time to dig up time to dig up I think I've got enough oh I see his name I see his name I see his name am I close even to the surface or am I just getting like fully scanned right now oh he's coming up surface yes let's go oh see yeah he's stuck he's stuck hi I please have some your armor there you go I've got spare wait he's got a spare what is going on all right can I leave now or what about pants I'm gonna make diamond gear anyway give me your pants bro just take your armor off I mean I could quickly make a crafting table once I'm in the crafting table I could maybe I'm sorry to do this [Laughter] bro what oh my God what what why did I open why [Music] I'm sorry I'm sorry oh my God he barely had everything that's all he had almost come back grab your stuff that is sauce man oh my God she's gonna do it she's gonna do the second part yeah yeah here come there you are he's gonna kill him he's gonna do it again okay where's my loot where's my Loop come on you can um pick this and this and uh oh my God wait you're actually giving it okay okay okay you know what you know your phone your phone you're actually great yeah yeah yeah I'm thinking oh that was more fun than I expected definitely worth the three emeralds I have a horrible person oh God he's gonna be so angry at me oh no well job done job has been paid that had nothing to do with me guys we good we good oh good what have we done the next thing I'm gonna ask her to do is host a comedy show where I've written all the jokes for her so that when people come to watch she has to tell the jokes in the book only when she opens the book to tell the joke the book is gonna be completely empty meaning she has to Freestyle the jokes I'm so evil here we go I said I built a stage for you at the Stagger white cave that's the cave that everyone calls them the big cave over there invite people to your comedy show there and when they show up tell them the jokes are in the other book don't open the other book until you're on stage or I want the full refund I really hope she doesn't open it otherwise he's about to be ruined and then here's the book and I'm gonna call this one book of jokes and then I'm gonna say on the next pay all the way here I'm gonna say good luck [Music] okay I've just been alerted that there's another request in there oh boy you're making bank and then the charcoal the piece to resistance so I give you two stacks for that a good luck so many emeralds I need all of them I can get to be honest so okay another two stacks and there's two books this time joke book I built a stage for you at the staglamite cave invite people to your comedy show there and when they show up tell them jokes in the other book don't open the book until you're on stage or I want a full refund so demanding okay fine he's provided the jokes this is probably Donnie okay man loves to laugh loves comedy so as long as he's provided me with the jokes I'm not that worried about this honestly yeah the joke book's right there so I'll just move that out the cave should be I want to say it's this way let's just go over there now we got the two stacks of emeralds easy I only got to do is say jokes I can do that all right guys we're back and I think I missed it yeah she's already opened it I'm sorry I went toilet for a second I do what she is I've lost the cave um it's already started oh no wait okay oh my God she's not there yet oh I thought I missed the whole comedy show that was lucky let's message Linux and get him over here we need to have an audience stage he's gonna know these are the two I really hope she hasn't opened that book if she opened that book and stole it oh stop oh my God she's asking Linux exactly he's probably still a little angry at me for taking his armor bro I don't want to talk to kipley right now come to the comedy show he's doing all this forever everyone I mean I'll give your diamond pants back wait she has his pants oh no oh yeah what happened to my pants they're gone surely he must come right I can't just be telling jokes to an empty crowd oh he gave him the chords okay here we go where's lyrics oh I think it's right up here I think I'm on the right Axis axi oh there it is I'm gonna have to unmute and join their cool to listen she's gonna notice me she's definitely gonna Notice Me Oh no I think I might just watch it on lyrics so funny yeah forget it I will join the Discord I just what did we miss oh I'm getting nervous got stage fright or something man oh God okay I'm not usually one to just do jokes like this man it's it more comes naturally you know and not just reading from a Booker jokes off the top my head's fine no that's fine I won't get snakes right it'll be it'll be fine I don't have any reason to be anxious oh my God why is she just sitting there why is she literally just sitting there dude welcome she said welcome oh God this is gonna be so funny the woods on stream this is a comedy show who's all coming he's gonna have to stop this whole thing maybe maybe she actually oh they're the cool here we go this is it okay I'm watching I'm watching from the stream I would be expecting I like you guys too let's go yo yo what's up uh thank you for coming here I'll give you your pants now since you showed up oh thanks yeah yeah sorry sorry thanks I appreciate that yeah it's all good um this is a comedy show that I will be hosting so you just gotta listen to some jokes so you know thanks for coming I have a whole list paired yeah yeah yeah sorry I'm just trying to find the joke I want to say first um oh good don't worry about it [Laughter] it's doing the whole thing oh God what do you call a man who can't stand Neil oh my God Linux is a laughing no rough crowd don't that one didn't hit okay okay that's fine I got I got more I got more um I used to hate facial hair but then it grew on me this is the worst troll I've ever done and I've destroyed people's houses I was feeling hungry the other day and I never tried to eat a clock it's very it's very time consuming where is she getting these jokes from I'm gonna cry these are the worst jokes ever this is a good one okay this this one is a great one all right why did the golfer change his pants because he's got a hole in one I'm gonna throw up that was the worst joke I've ever heard I know there's people in the couple of sector laughing right now stop this is not funny stop it you know get it because you know hold one Golf and um what's red and bad for your teeth a brick right because can't eat a brick right you know it's it's not very healthy for you um thank you for coming I'm sorry that's it thank you goodbye yeah yeah goodbye man goodbye I've never wanted to die more in my entire life he's looking like he's not happy at all he's like I wasted my time for this maybe I should just end it all bro that was not worth the emeralds I hated that [Music] it's not worth it but at least at least we have the emerald okay it'll be worth it in the big picture typically it'll be worth it okay the embarrassment is worth it man all right we've got a little soon one more one more this is I gotta have a big one to finish this one my face is a tomato I'm literally never setting foot on a stage ever again in my entire life the last thing I'm gonna have her do is TP to Donnie boobs and blow up his house or when she TVs to me I won't be in the house I'll be inside of her house inside another house so when she's blowing up my house you're blowing up your own house all of this for coal oh my God you idiot all right guys it's been a few hours after that comedy show she's back on the wall that was the worst experience of my life but it's finally time for the final one I'm gonna get her to troll the most handsome man in the world Johnny bingos yes that's me Tony Bing Johnny but I don't know this plan to work okay actually oh my God she's got all this stuff and I need to clear out this little area here and I promise you it's all gonna be worth it okay I'm gonna get her to blow up my house to me my house is gonna be inside her house oh my God so when she blows up my house really she's blowing up her own house so my house is because I have the house on the server right now if I have possessions he will destroy my possessions so I have nothing he's the real winner now I'm alone before she comes home I hope she doesn't notice that her house is full right now I'm gonna close these doors and I'm gonna say ask Dory to TP you to him then when he TP you blow up his house if he's not in his house say never mind and leave and then I'm gonna say this is from Linux and then let's give her some more charcoal I'll give a stupid amount there we go he's gonna think that she was so rich after this okay please just don't spawn in your house when she gets hit please bro after that embarrassing comedy show I just want to make some money guys I also put some TNT inside the chest and the flint and steel exactly oh wait there she is just give me some emeralds man I just I just want to do more jobs come on all these stupid notifications be the death of me it's all sweet to TP right here she goes inside the house we screw this you guys want to see this on YouTube it is I'm cutting this bit out and I'm pretending it's a successful troll oh my God how many seconds one two three four five five and a half stacks of emeralds screw this man I'll take all of this what is this what is the job ask Donnie to TPU to him and when he TPS you blow up his house if he's not in his house say never mind and leave Linux oh my gosh Linux gave me so many emeralds you know if Donnie is the one who orchestrated the comedy show awfulness then I'm fine with it man okay we have the TNT secured no oh my god let's go all I have to do is TP to Donnie he said dhoni I said question mark there we go I have something to give you can you TP me to you please on his boobs quick here we go oh God like please don't look around just do it you're a floating head that was a total accident news my present I will put it in the chest I said I'm in Creative you can't kill me that's fine there's nothing inside the chair just wait how do I where am I live I mean technically I blew up his house right wait wait wait wait wait is that my house wait what why I said you idiot I was in your house why why were my house [Laughter] wait wait wait I lost everything the emeralds off the emeralds the emeralds saved the emerald sneaks didn't write the request bro what is wrong with you you're insane my Emerald's back bro I just want the emeralds and I just want my emeralds and I said don't worry at least you got emeralds out of it true I don't have I don't have as many I've lost some emeralds okay see oh I hate you and then now we wait for her to realize that those emeralds are not emeralds get out of my sight man just creative get out whatever man I need to clean this mess up let's just try and put these emeralds in the blocks okay emerald block why is this not hello why are the emeralds not becoming blocks no no no no no no no no no no no no wait a second wait a second wait a second surely I can trick why is it charcoal why are you both trading charcoal bro bro you're kidding it's time for the last one and I saved the best for last it's time to stop water and lava Again lyrics oh sorry about this one I swear so for today's video as you can see I've become a postman this Postman Dottie working in his post office to Rusty this will soon make a lot of sense I promise but I've added a mod to the server where you can send and receive packages so here's how it works you get this little package here there we go then you put wherever you want listen you want a diamond in there you put your stamp in there that you put the location of where you want it to go which I'll just do inside the post office for now there we go and then you click confirm and there you got the stamp then you click this beautiful package controller here boom and the book comes he picks it up he takes it to the location that you need to go there he is thank you Mr poser yes he's dressed as a postman too can I see your okay no he's gone now look at him the postman thank you for taking my thing where it needs to go thank you and there we go he walks in here he puts thank you Mr Postman it's just like that he's gone and if you look inside here your diamond is in there it's that easy I know you're thinking Dottie why are you doing nice stuff to other people exactly it's not nice I promise well I've told everyone the server is is that it's an investment machine you put random items in you wait a couple minutes and then it will invest whatever you have in there sometimes you can lose it but other times you'll get double the items back and now everyone believes this is practically a duplication machine but what's really happening is other people are joining the world sending me their packages I see who the package is from send it back with more stuff in it so that they think they're duplicating their items my friends are so stupid why don't I don't want that helps you idiots but the one bad thing is they always have my chords so I have this little fail safe right here which is the most defended room in all time first of all this is a lava this is water this is in water This is Love and you'll die in here you see all those blocks there you see all those stuff that right there is all mines it will blow this entire place up to come blue town if they even think about robbing me I'll just lead them down there where's something getting Discord about the universal machine and wait till the diamonds come to us I'm so evil alright guys I've been AFK for about I don't know three hours I'm sorry okay I had the biggest dude ever I swear edit if you don't cut that out I swear to your finish look just to prove you guys wrong look at that if I press D for Donny bulbs I can't tab see that's how we know that he's not online people have come and gone since I've been here and those Barney goes online quick was online even Kippy was online but now it's only Linux so we're just gonna try and throw Linux but for us to do that I need to put in the chat that people should try it but I can't put it as me I'm gonna ask Kipling to tell them for some reason people trust Kipling whatever she says I'm gonna abuse that there's apparently a new mod added to the server so I've been preparing for this moment to show you guys okay Kimberly says she's told everyone she's put it in the chat now she did of them have used it already and it didn't work that was because that was AFK I'm sorry but hopefully Linux tries it soon as soon as links tries it we'll see a package turn up in our doorway he'll be right here it will become to the post office I love this post office so much Postman Dottie apparently there's a new investment mod right so from what I know at least you place down the package um what's something I could send that I'll send wheat seeds so yeah okay so you open the package just like this you put it inside right then you take the stamp oh my gosh okay wait we have chords in our group chat so you type it in and uh you confirm it oh it's on the package wait what okay so now our wheat seed is packaged can you open it back up no we can't okay so we gotta keep that in mind ready now we just take the package controller and oh he's taking it he's taking it what did he ask for there's no way it's already delivered that's insane I'm the only one online and I'm pretty sure we're like the first ones to use this so I'm really curious how this is gonna turn out there's no way what you can practically duplicate anything in the world and this guy sends me seeds all you need to do to get more seeds is go in survival mode do this for about 10 seconds all right come on oh there we go we duplicate your seeds we have to go equipment for that one imagine I just got scammed that is exactly what would happen to me honestly we needed to send us something big so that when we get it we could just say you go scammed but this is not big enough we're not scabbing him for seeds it says it's delivered I've got everyone's chords written down in chat there we go just in case two six three this is lyrics's house confirmed thank you mister and the man and goodbye thank you take that bike to Linux thank you but if we TP to Linux look you can see the guy turn up where is he he's got he's gonna come soon he should be here any second now please Mr Enderman oh wait he's back yo there he is he took it off look at his little hat oh yes come on be happy with the scene please be diamonds ready be happy with it I'll put diamonds or something in there something that I can take of you and you'll be upset please it's just two weed seeds wait we put one wheat seed in there right so what does that mean if this is what I think it is let's put five leather in there we're gonna stamp it I need to go back to my post office I'm sorry there we go and now we just need the controller Mr Enderman thank you good luck with your travels I'm not gonna look at you I'm sorry it's delivered hello thank you for your service my friend you can leave now goodbye okay so we have remember this we have five leather in there except I'm gonna scream we're not scaring him for for five eleven come on hey yo Enderman now we dig them back take that tell him to send more stuff you stupid idiot oh it's back so fast thank you sir what is this Amazon Prime [Laughter] just to make sure let's put a stack of Oak planks one chicken and one raw gold because I don't care about the raw gold as much actually let's just do the gold because then we can see if like because this is like rare in a way you know gold is cool and then oak planks it's just duplication glitch whoever made this one I love you thank you so much for this hey we confirm it just like that oh oh God wait he's sending something else let's get out of here quick and Mr Enderman we'll never get over this dude oh this is so great oh okay it looks like he's slowly like upgrading but this still isn't enough to scam him if I tell him I stole your stack of Oak planks and your one raw gold ore are you telling me that like he'll be upset I don't I don't think so take this stupid package back I'll keep duplicating your stuff using crate mode I don't care but the second you get comfortable the second you get greedy funny popes is watching oh it's back oh my dude he's so fast that I went and put my stuff away and he was already here okay so hold on okay come on please come on put something good in there oh all right stay calm we're calm please send me something good in the post I can't believe he doesn't figure it out he's literally putting a stamp on a package and he thinks that this is an investment mod it's insane now we see if this works hold on we have blocks of gold this is like everything I own right there if we lose this we are screwed oh wait no we have more hold on put these in there there we go okay there you go deliver it again bring me back more we go let's go I want more diamonds I want more gold okay guys all right hear me out hear me out hear me out hear me out we can scam him here and we just took five gold blocks and a diamond I feel like we could take more this guy is greedy he's mental I'm telling you we could take more from this sucker I have an idea I'm a genius I'm a genius you guys are gonna see this you guys will be like Linux you're so smart you're so handsome you're so sexy how do you do this all the time day of the weeks and I'm gonna say it's just very very easy for me there we go thank you post from Pac ma okay give that to him oh God please don't go HR as you can see I'm the peak of man I am what others strive to be I'm not gonna go too crazy with it I'm not gonna go too crazy okay if I get scammed all right it's your guys's fault let's see oh yeah and you want to see something big brain watch this this one is gonna be full of gold this one right here is gonna be full of diamond here we go this is the big leagues now guys he's bringing Out The Soca boxes we're gonna get that that what else do we want to do dude we could do everything right no we can't get too ahead of ourselves we can't get too ahead of ourselves put everything in there put it all in there oh yeah iron gear and there so now oh oh he's leaking let's go we can just do the blocks I need the food for now okay I think that's everything basically you don't need to do we can do the Redstone um I think that is yeah that's all of okay okay now all we have to do is oh wait I have to keep my pickaxe so I could break this put that in there oh here we go look at this we're gonna have four blocks of diamond so many iron ingots blocks of gold oh my okay and then we're gonna have a whole new set it's fine we can make more Diamond Pickaxes after as soon as I see that stuff come out of his hands I'm sprinting to the post office as fast as I can so let's stamp this 409 confirm and pick that package up baby let's go okay no no yeah okay Postman Pat is coming in three two one oh crazy all I have is a diamond pickaxe oh oh my God [Laughter] [Music] go to the bathroom real quick hopefully it'll be back by then and then we could check and then loot everything dude it's gonna be so crazy I'm so excited now we go and we just say yes we want him to believe that there's like a real like mod out there unfortunately your Investments were how do you say like wrong unfortunately Investments were bad okay that works I can't think of the word I'm sorry there we go [Laughter] [Music] so mad I don't think we're gonna see oh my God because his house on This Server actually looks nice even though I guarantee you hit on it it kind of looks kind of nice there we go sorry sorry man you got a tough one I had no kiss for you actually okay little one hey it's back whoa okay it's a book unfortunately your Investments were bad my investments I gave you the money to make the Investments your Investments were bad [Music] all of my stuff was in there all of it I gave you my house dude you have got to be kidding me there's no way it's all gone all I have is coal Rock pork chops and paper why do I have 51 pieces of paper wait he's live streaming I don't know this dude was live Shooting the whole time I'd have been watching that why am I hey go to the chords what chords oh the stamp cords the stamp cords oh I see okay okay oh my God he's going towards the post office okay Panic time oh dude there's no way all of it's gone because of you guys because of you guys forced me to I wasn't gonna do it I wasn't even interested in it in the concept of it I might as well just ban you guys honestly okay show cause he's coming that's all of my stuff all of it all of it dude yo everybody deal places I put my blocks in there I put my blocks I wanted wood to be duped you know how down bad that is should we just remove the building I think it'll take too long to make this landscape look like there wasn't a building here we'll leave the post office screw it we're just gonna have to try and convince him to follow us down there at one point look at that post the post office bro that's insane wait no wait there he is chest you can just get it back right oh I don't I don't even have armor so if there's like mobs in there I'm dead he's gonna blow this whole place off it's more valuables see this entire Village he's gonna rob me but we have to try and kill him oh God here we go I'm good I'm about it here we go please take a seat over please take a seat set and get in line sir I'm gonna need you to calm down I didn't he just gave me his book break one sec what do you mean fresh air what is he role-playing I don't think he's happy I'm looking at his videos and this dude isn't even smiling man he look does not look happy okay I'm back um just stop whatever is going on we're gonna have to have to leave I'm panicking he said okay follow me just what is that now if he SWAT any fools fall inside the lava lava water he dies okay if I just say follow me he'll think he's in great but there's no way that this dude is unless they follow me but if he walks inside that lava what he's done he's in Creative right now Donnie doesn't leave creative I should say he's not included right now he's always in Creative he said you're in Creative I said so I literally cannot I genuinely cannot please follow me you are in Creative bro please see look this is doesn't trust me this particles coming off me dude this guy man I know where you live oh God he does know my address yo this thing is of course I blurred that this guy didn't put my hair okay he doesn't believe me come on please here I'm not going in the lava man I'm drowning this idiot already this idiots what's happening this idiot is silver I'm literally drowning go go go oh is he still fine why was I drowning oh boy could he survived okay oh I'm good it's good we got back up I was on half a heart I'm gonna walk on this because it doesn't blow up with me and I'm gonna give it this stuff oh oh I swear I was giving it guys I swear you saw me you saw me bring it out by inventory I just hurt my jaw I think I just popped something in my jaw I think I just popped something in my jaw you saw that I was giving me stuff no thanks I don't think he died I think it's okay I think he just went to the farm ah I'm I'm done I'm done who wants to know Donny's address put your hands up and foreign
Channel: Doni Bobes
Views: 1,073,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, doni bobes, mcpe, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, challenge, try not to laugh, doni bobes face reveal, doni bobes face, I Fooled my Friend by SWAPPING TNT and GRASS Textures...
Id: TxXdoO0bJio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 14sec (8234 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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