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okay this is Chuck Hughes self down a hill simulator honestly these simulators are getting crazier and crazier I think someone just said hey Elite someone just say hey Lee oh they are they're probably a fan hey man how you doing [Music] he's a fan hello my friend oh my God we have a fan on here you guys are actually my fans I can't believe it if you are a fan lead for local this because it helps me what the so this is what you gotta do you gotta love yourself down the hill that is well funny okay we're gonna lob ourselves down the hill as fast as possible and remember to subscribe as well and use code Elite see Roblox is proud of me I'm just picking up these coins don't know what they do I can't punch this punching bag to punch this one I don't know what the stronger does what you do when you're stronger and I punch people ah punching people's my favorite his hair got in the way my face we oh my God oh I see I got health and I'm skinning down breaking my bones what I've just filled out how big is the slide I haven't even got to the Finish I just fell out I got a free gift oh I'll have to reset myself there's treadmills as well so we can get a bit more I'm running in front of him you start a stock only yes you're a nice killer oh you're a good person I don't know what this does I'm hoping it makes me stronger and I can jump and fly faster train so this is where I could train better [Music] whoa I could punch it well quick you starco Elite that's right man we're beating up this imagine this being a person this is this is what we enjoy just doing this all day just beating up people hang on a sec let's do some running as well [Music] rebirth how do you get to the next one two times coin okay so we get two times the coins if we can get all the way to the bottom do you think we can do it I hope so [Music] that was my neck that broke oh no we've got skid marks whoa [Music] oh my lords my health is so much higher now actually I think it's all the strength training I've done someone just slapped me whoa we went over the top of that one oh someone went flying past me even faster we need to get at least one of these [Music] really trying to make it all the way down without actually dying come on please how far down are we we're there okay we're halfway we're halfway we could do this whoa I'm like a frisbee look at me Mom of a frisbee I'm doing the splits look at me come on almost there I am almost there I've made so much coinage [Music] I've got one of these it's a rocket and a boom I've done it I've done it [Music] okay stop now stop we've done it we've done it one win perfect that's what I'm talking about [Music] there we go so we make it even more with training hardcore now we can't do that one yet that's 3K it won't be long hang up beat this up I'm guessing the courses get bigger and bigger there you go that's my training done what's the troll menu kill for explode jump scare oh you could see where they're going that's welcome they've done a troll menu a bit worried that someone's gonna do it to me now oh look I've got loads more health [Music] why do you do explosions we should go flying now yes look at my speed we're increasing oh we're gonna make it all the way down to the bottom I think there's no way we won't make it we are frisbian oh my Lord my legs I can't feel my legs I've go so quick what we hit the roof oh we've made it all the way support we need three of these to increase the coinage [Music] there we go done it I don't know how to go to the next World though it might be the rebirth that makes you go to the next World I don't know I know there's a new world though at what's it do oh it gives you more power that's a million we can do this one [Music] I've got a hard hat now so I won't die I'm glad they think I'm not gonna die anymore let's get up even more I'm guessing they're gonna get harder that's what I'm guessing store oh they've got all the goodies all the stuff double wins we want to buy that hang on a sec wait a second it says 179 they lied to me I'm not buying it they're Liars look that's not lying why is that lying though no thank you we've got gravity call now oh jetpack type [Music] want to get down there as fast as possible the jet pack just shoots you really quickly let's grab this play my prize oh thank you jet pack again get the speed come on ow I've hit the wall and everything help we're going so fast that would never be able to slow down we're bouncing higher than what each of the things are off the ground [Applause] wee [Music] yes I was gonna say that is so out of order that I got stuck I'm hoping I really both will go to a new place just hope that I can see it it should be a lot worse than this oh my God okay this one boy so she'll get two times the amount of coins what is this over here [Music] AI City so you need 10 I've used the wins I won't get down there ten times no way and I'm starting from scratch again so the rebirth actually made me start again when you get some health because otherwise I won't make it get some coins I still got my hard hat though all right I've got some coins let's go yeah we can make it all the way down to the bottom wow why is it killing me in the air I might be spinning too fast actually [Music] [Applause] oh no I'm not gonna make it my health is we've made so much coinage [Music] wow we should go up really quick and then move to this one we're going up so quick just punch this bag we're gonna move on to the next one in a second we need 3K and we can move up to the next one we need loads of wins though if we're gonna make it through okay you can't hold the button you have to actually click he said he won't spam frames because I know it's annoying well I don't have the space otherwise I would add you my friend it's in like a very nice guy for real hang on what's this oh okay we need to get 400 for that one so it's 400 once we get 400 we got the next treadmill the next treadmill means even better we'll get up even stronger and then we get to the AI place and that should be even more evil than this one I do need the two times though [Music] I just I don't know why they lie about how much it costs two times speed we'll get all these because we need them and this game's actually quite fun [Music] still running on this thing I'm gonna run on the next one in a minute there we go my strength should be even higher even more coins we've got everything here I haven't held back we've got everything that's actually the right price crazy there we go I've got VIP we are VIP right now we're gonna stay Cinema I've got a sneeze come on feel it oh well let's go and do this let's jump down [Music] oh say bless you then don't be rude let's fly we [Music] another sneeze I can't believe I keep sneezing how ow no we'll do so well so the more you break your back and stuff the more cleans you get ow that was like 12K in one shot I'm a frisbee [Music] explosions I guess [Music] explosions are give me more coins fast you spit damage you do as well we made it all the way to the end oh well that's your dad [Music] whoa look how much we've got we've come very far we don't need to do any more training not for now until we're in the next Zone because we've got really really far what's this [Music] lightning strike [Applause] I'm taking damage all the time that like this strike is well good stop for a second lightning hits you and then you go mad look at that you see how much money we've made we're making so much money from just getting hurt by lightning I can't believe this game teaches you how bad things are when they hit you so hard we're gonna make it all the way to the end from here oh we didn't my head just come off [Music] this is a really good game ah [Music] that's world we need 10. it's got to keep going we've got to keep doing this come up [Music] lightning strike let's go watch how fast I go the speed though oh I hit the back of there my back just broke ow [Music] let's just go straight down the hill as fast as I can you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man oh no I frisked me backwards forwards forwards Falls go the jet pack does it you go forwards [Music] nice [Music] oh I'm sorry [Music] oh we got a free gifts nice [Music] way I just want to get to the end of this so we get to a new world come on come on now come on [Music] we've got loads there [Music] oh you have to you have to buy it we might buy it later what happened there let's do some lightning should we [Music] oh no I'm stuck what I got stuck in the had lightning on me and everything I'm in the air please hit me with lightning make it all the way down look how fast I'm going and I'm stuck in the thing again so if you go too fast it breaks your game that is really out of order I'm gonna have to Skid down normally it's really hard to get down there even with Skinner normally there we go get some speed now I'm so glad to go through these tunnels and it's really easy you don't Ram into them [Music] [Applause] go even faster look at that bounce it was perfect sometimes if you hit the round a bit funner you don't make it all the way to the end I made it always the end I can't believe we made it all the way to the end that quickly it means nothing to me we did it tell mum she'll be proud all right we need Ted when people go flying it's so much fun [Music] all right we're gonna get the speed here hopefully don't break us because it froze you quite quick and then when you hit the ramp a bit funny oh we hit it perfectly okay [Music] no we didn't it went into it why does it do that shot you gotta be careful you gotta be careful with these we've got so many coins we just want to get to the next place obviously this must be your speed this is your health I'm thinking maybe they've added together [Music] I want to use this there we go we're getting some speed now we're going even faster we're just flying we are going so quickly we're breaking apart it's so quick so I like the jet pack the best the jet pack is just the best we've done it we go to the AI area coming in let's have a look so now this is the AI area there is a new area after this it's 70 whip 70 wins for the next one let's see if we could pay for the workouts with this one [Music] okay we're increasing the training let's do some training I sneezed again this hay fever all right we need oh we ain't got enough 200k for that one 200k for the traded how much is this gonna kill me go down here then is this worse I'll never try it we need to try it [Music] this can't be worse than the other one it doesn't take more Health off so we should be fine [Music] oh blessed Bay I'm so bless you to myself for sad okay it does way more damage you go through the lasers it does so much damage are we gonna make it down to the bottom though that's the thing okay so the lasers almost instantly kill you if you ain't got no health you will instantly die from the Blazers what is that [Music] delays oh my God the lasers oh it's straight over that one luckily enough that is so hard [Music] okay if you skid underneath them you won't get hurt by them yay this is well long you need probably a little bit more Health yeah I wreck you do I'm gonna die before I get to the bottom this is well look come on please it's literally just there for please don't lie to me oh [Music] not waiting we won't be able to get to the bottom of there more training need to beat the bag and then we can increase it it should give us more but it don't it doesn't really it's the same there we go it's paying for more of them it's what causes it when you keep buying more workouts to make it a stronger okay our health should be a lot higher now should be able to make it all the way to the bottom I'm hoping I don't know it might not oh God that's not even give me that much really we need more we've got everything that we can get as well I ain't buying no coins though that's not what I'm doing I want to be stronger and we will try to make it are you ready I am ready are you ready you better be oh hang on we've got hard hats as well we could buy I've got increases your power why is that so much oh hang on I've got already way oh my Lord the speed is so fast ah I am going so fast it's the lasers that hurt you so as long as we get through them the speed is so quick lightning strike [Music] yeah we're going even faster [Music] I'm stuck no I got stuck in his forehead do it again [Music] yes uh oh I bounced okay so make it through the lasers it didn't sound like I made it this lightning is good but why why is it cause so much pain [Music] oh we made it through that time ow we've gone down half of the health it's literally half [Music] core fruit that's it can't go higher don't go through the lasers [Music] a health oh no I can't believe that what we need more health so I need to punch this a lot more to get my health up otherwise we won't be able to get down there we hit the things and they kill you very quickly I'm just surprised how much they kill you they're literally like one shot your most there we go make your way down there now you haven't even got to the bottom yet this one's evil all right let's get it underneath that one oh we hit that laser can go over them like that one we just went over this one we haven't we just bounced off of lightning striking and go go I'm hoping to get most of the way down this time and I'll get stuck and it's forehead the speed is too much I can't get down there we're gonna try it without actually using anything we're gonna go all the way down break my legs break my arms hopefully make it all the way down straight over the top of that yes and that bounce me back think it's the crown that's doing it to give me more power what's good now this is the power here [Music] and I think that's speed that gives you the speed that you need come on that's it we made it through we haven't lost any health yet oh I just said that and I've got burnt with all my health taken off don't keep hitting them we're gonna go through this mouth for this guy we're gonna try to prove come up please we went through the lasers but I don't think we took much damage oh we just did oh no no going through the lasers that cause massive pain please just go right through it did we just want to get to the bottom why is it so difficult to get to the bottom [Music] [Applause] close to Bob it is so hard we're almost there though we're almost at 500k so we can use that and use this one we need to get stronger a train is a lot better now I was going to rebirth but I don't want to just need more help there we go we want to make it all the way down there why is it so difficult I'll just land on my neck there [Music] we should be able to do it I believe straight over the top this one oh no no no oh there we go nice nice I don't want to use that because you never get down there when you use this you hit the ramp and then that's it you stop oh hang on we did it [Music] okay please I was hit with two of them there now I've only got 200k health this one is so difficult the lasers get you so bad they take over 100k Health the lasers how do we do it last time we almost made it all the way down I think it's this [Applause] it's definitely that one I'll keep using this one because it skips over them oh oh oh oh they take off so much health really don't want to be hit by them they take off so much no we haven't even made it to the bottom of this one why is it so difficult this one's horrible [Music] hoping to make it to the bottom of this one are breaking the pieces [Music] we're going really quick come on put another jet pack on let's go well that was out of order [Music] oh my Lord and they took off all my health that just took off all my health somehow we made it there though I just want to get down to the bottom and hopefully get something this is so difficult hey come on faster I would like to do more Health but stuck in claim but this has already claimed it [Music] what have I got to claim [Applause] please please please we could do this I want to skip over these like we did last time we did last time we definitely did you know go please no not down I want to go over oh there you go got through that one always hurts you well I want to see the end it's not even let me see the edge this keeps giving me gifts but I can't blinking used them [Music] oh [Music] so we've got the gravity coil [Music] we should be able to fly high and stay high open it's always good let's try for the bath oh over Yes we made it over that one and again over please yes over we're making it over the top of them oh my yes we made it give us five wins only five that was amazing we actually made at the top of the I'm so happy that's really really difficult you gotta make over the top of them so you want to use the this and this we're fine upwards we want to go down what is going on [Music] there's a place over the top over the top yes we've got over the top plus we got the gravity so I'm hoping yes we're gonna make it please no no no no no no no no no no no over the top of it as long as we could stay over the top we're fine we don't have to worry about any of this rubbish we can go straight over the top yeah boy stop your pain we don't hear it no no no no no no great it's gone downwards go down then what's wrong with you what is happening I'm just getting skid marks what on Earth are they I made it anyway that's fine that's fine how much is it it's like 70 wins in it 70. let's try again out well at least we go over that one come on keep going keep going oh we hit it we're hitting it it's I don't think we're gonna be able to do this this is so hard oh great come on skid marks we could do this there we go float in the air and we can go all the way down as soon as we can float it I've got the speed as well come on over the top that's it over the top that's it it's going downwards the lightness no good over the top that's it yes yes we've done it over the top I'm so happy you can see when my life's got meaning [Applause] [Music] just cheated the system we glitched it we made it all the way down before my legs broken and everything [Music] so my train is even better now there we go look at that go up lovely well it's going to take me a week to get all the way down the bottom all them times so I think I'm gonna give up right now well I got a chance but yeah it's been pretty fun really good game I wish they'd just add a bit more bits to it maybe some pets and other bits maybe some immunity and other cool things but yeah have a fantastic day and I'll see you guys soon [Music] thank you
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 812,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: race clicker, roblox simulator, race clicker roblox, skydive race clicker, skydive race clicker roblox, roblox skydive race clicker, roblox but every second you get 1+ jump, roblox every second, race clicker glitch, roblox roleplay, roblox but every second you get 1+ jump power, roblox but every second you get +1 health, roblox but every second, I UPGRADE My Fall SPEED To MAXIMUM On Roblox, I UPGRADE My Fall SPEED, Ragdoll Hill Simulator, roblox, elitelupus, roblox elitelupus
Id: AygqEE0uX9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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