I SPENT $1,709 For BIGGEST Head on Roblox

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okay this is where you have to eat people yes you have to eat people and for some reason my mask is gone so I do have a face people thought I didn't have a face you have to eat this all the junk food and your forehead becomes bigger then you have to eat other people you see that guy just ate that girl so I'm gonna be eating this food I'm gonna be eating as much as we can yes yes it's gonna eat get bigger and then we've Gotta Eat everyone else that's the goal plus you can buy your your golden head rock head hang on we've got a thousand here so we can all smooth gold okay so we're gonna buy this one quickly so that's what my head looks like now lovely oh he's coming after me please please I have family no but you say evil person I still don't have my mask though I wish I had my mask on the friendly face mask I just want to eat people that's all I want to do is just eat people also what's your favorite food you tell me in the comment section below just leave me a comment below it could be a burger could be a sandwich it could be a pie it could be anything or anything all right and also remember to leave a like on this that helps me massively it really does I want to try and eat as many people as I can but for some reason they're chasing me I think he wants to eat me yeah he does look you see this guy's big Noob he's bacon boy yeah leave a like on it it really does help it it really really does no joke oh this gives me more size per second okay we're gonna go over to this area before someone else comes over and kills me yes yes I'm getting bigger I want to go eat that bacon so we need to get as much size as possible no that guy over there is having a mental breakdown he's just spinning around okay we went up massively I wonder if I can get big enough to eat these guys oh hang on hello you'll come back I want to eat your boy come back here I want to eat you boy I ate him lovely he tastes like Batar to be fair I don't eat blocks of butter that's not what I do I'm cutting across it we're gonna grab it oh what the lag just killed me okay it's shop time we need more speed double size yes yes we get double the size now and increase speed I mean already quite fast but I think it's because I'm small I was just eating should be even faster now we literally bought the speed yeah there we go we can make it sound bigger when I start as well okay we're gaining size that's all we care about I did buy double size as well so I should gain more he's coming for me big four heads coming for me oh all I want is to get bigger all right them guys over there are gonna eat there we're gonna make our way over he thinks he's gonna take me out does he he's got massive how's he got so big so quick come on John come on Johnny Boy Who John yeah just stay back mate to stay back oh yeah use code link when buy Robux I had to remember that because last time I forgot I'll get in trouble for it when you use the code it actually helps him actually come on John oh where you going John where are you going don't just leave me John you're gonna get eaten by that big guy I don't think he Minds John I'm after you John think John Wick is it he's running for it what what is that flag on there I'm fasting him I'm only slightly faster your mind John yes I I look at the size of my forehead sorry John what happens in life you get eaten by the big boys I've got one revive that means I can come back there's a little one here I might want to eat him I think I've already got the double speed well faster speed means I can catch them up faster okay their head is so big I just ate him again we're at 8K we need 300 and something K or what how big you can actually get we're getting bigger oh thanks bacon that was yummy I do like a bit of bacon in the morning over there that guy there with that forehead we need to get him he ate me before I remember we get so big we'll be able to eat most of the map at once these poor people they don't realize how strong I am hang on it said I had a free gift oh there you go don't you come for me no no no no I'm sorry I'm sorry he shouldn't be able to get me how's he catching up to me I should oh what I revived I haven't got nothing that guy oh you want to go I could just click this and kill all you think you're solid do ya we're gonna have to kill this guy I'm gonna have to get big so I can get him so his size is 400 and something thousand we're gonna get big so we can get him oh okay I think I'll need to have oh hang on he's trying he changed himself to Diamonds so now he's Diamond forehead well I'm sorry if I eat other people I can get bigger how did he kill me I weren't even near him that guy there he glitched and killed me he's not killing me I am friendly no look at that big forehead don't tell me he's coming for me yeah go for them not for me oh look it's John Wick the other guy left the big guy left I wanted to get him back as well yeah that's what I thought mate you're running after me you just realized that I'm bigger than you yeah go then if you can get big enough to take me out is that what you think yeah you're mine yeah I am up okay he's a bit bigger than me he's coming for me let's try and get him to come for me while I get bigger but he's coming for me watch this please I spent all this time getting big it's a waste of big guys they pick up the little ones I've got this speed but it don't seem to be working still coming for me rod big foreheads coming to be fair in pure speed he shouldn't be able to keep up with me I say shouldn't he started to disappear at the distance now he's coming for me I can see the shadow he's coming he's gonna be fun if I press this it's so fun to watch him run for it he's going after other people now he was going after me but I think he gave up the end he's coming after me now please no I'm sorry I'm sorry I killed your family I didn't mean to eat them they taste nice it tastes like butter all right he's trying to do the weird angle and try and get me that way oh you want to go do you that's fine let's do this dude you're coming after me and what was it changed why has it changed what are you running why are you running why are you running I should be slightly faster than him for some reason when you're really big you don't go as fast and I don't know why it's not nice being chased is it you're gonna get eaten my friend I'm gonna be eating you up there you go if he's been absorbed I'm just eating the little ones now how is he so much faster than me when you're smaller you're fast then because I seem to be so slow why am I so slow they're all trying to eat each other over there that'll definitely worth it you can kill all players that is so out of order for enjoyable two times the size you get two times the size how much is that already own that to each bit of food I get to get bigger way faster I will reset myself in a minute I'll just spent that money for no reason really fun game though I'm gonna leave them to it this is a nice fella oh I ate that guy he doesn't seem to be eating anyone I don't have any beef with that guy I just want to eat everyone else my size is kind of big I'm not gonna lie I'm probably about a quarter of the size of the whole thing my shadow don't even render in how far out I can go I hate it where I'm slow there's nothing to speed me up or get away with grabbing them I can't and go at this angle because I've got this angle she looks like she's getting away but she's not I got her she was eating people that time and I gotta ate her up that's right that's right I eat so much look how much I'm eating I don't even fit in the corner see look they just eat people they're evil right oh he wants to be friends John did how many times did I eat him a lot we can get a chrome head soon when we get enough we get a chrome head we buy the Chrome head and we'll have a chrome forehead it's lovely that's just what we want for Christmas [Music] absorbed why do you just run into me the other guy disconnected I'm the biggest one on the Block don't tell me he's going trying to eat that person I thought he's a nice guy you're gonna get here my friend there we go that's what you get for eating people if he's going after people then I'm gonna go after him if he goes after this to eat these I'm gonna go after him I left him last I think he's a good person but obviously not it's time for you to die Ollie I'm coming for you ollie John keeps running into me I don't know why we can have Chrome head my head's made out of crow all right it's time for you to die Ollie sorry Ollie but you literally killed someone I thought you weren't killing people that's why I weren't going to kill you but now I am I dictate what happens on the board here boy look at the size of me you're gonna go down Ollie there's no way you can run Ollie [Music] there you go and then I'll reset myself there we go I'm small again yay more fun when you're small we got so big I'll just wait to see bullies and then I take them out then I'll pay to win and take them out it's quite funny see I like donuts donuts are nice I don't think they're the best thing for you I like Subways as well you guys must love Subway Subways is great I've got massive already all right top one is 7.7 K I don't think we're gonna be able to beat that anytime soon but we can come close by eating burgers we're getting it fast if that's speed boost and stuff like this I would like this a lot more but they don't he's gone well high this guy how's he so big is he coming for me I think he's trying to yeah he's got a lot of lag that's probably what's helping him he's got so many people that is like in front of him dude just read into me why oh it's going for me that's what he's going for I wonder who's going for then I thought he's going for him I'm getting bigger each second I'm getting bigger I'll get to a point where I'll be big enough to take him out oh dudes he just stood there and took it I'm trying to get bigger by eating food and he's chasing me I can see him right there with his lag he's got his lag internet connection right there a laggy mess I should be faster than everyone but for some reason I'm not he's slowly catching up I'll get these guys here I want to be equivalent to him so if I can eat this guy here I should be near a long equivalent to him I think he's had enough of trying to attack me I just need I need to get bigger I need to get bigger so when I was a big boy and I had all my stuff there was no way he could beat me he's got 19k now if I eat this guy here I will become bigger than him and I can go along and eat him but this guy is very quick I don't think I'll be able to eat him yes now I'm coming for you I'm coming for this guy now he was trying to go for me he was going for me it's my turn for this guy now yo guess who's bigger than you that's the way it works bro it's the way it works you munched get munched man I'm making my way downtown to eat people oh that sounds so bad imagine telling your mum that you eat people I eat people bro what are you running for why are you moving away so suddenly you want to move away from me that's not very nice I thought you wanted a hug I'm making my way to you my friend yeah you're gone mate you're gone you're gone he's gonna disconnect watch he sees me he realizes he gets eaten thank you very much now there's the other guy over there I'm gonna eat this guy we're getting bigger and bigger that's all I care about getting as big as I can I'll go across here where everyone else is Big once I get this guy I'm gonna reset myself again we start again that's the fun part of starting again getting some more of this because the more you eat the watch to get up the higher you get and obviously I'm quite big so he's chasing him because he wants to numb numb him he wants to eat him up I mean he is bacon as he's chased him thinking that he's gonna catch him up I'm catching him up and he doesn't realize oh thank you thank you for the bunch wow what a dummy okay let's reset myself there we go I'm tiny again oh we're going this way quick he's trying to eat me already it's funny how it changes they start to eat each other isn't it they just come after you before they was your best friend oh no dude run oh no he's got 3K as well he's gonna go down dude's gonna get Ian but now where you're hiding he's gonna come for you man oh there's a 4K guy there he's got 4.1 wow what an idiot how stupid is he he didn't know that he was higher than him how it's like obvious he's gonna try this guy's gonna try and come after me because you can see I'm smaller there we go you see small in him but I'm gaining quite quick oh no oh no a skidded Revenge see ya there we go he got destroyed and that guy didn't get to eat him that's what you get bro that's what you get you'll be upset about it I like Revenge Revenge is good oh he's going across to eat that other guy run my dude run I couldn't eat the little ones that sounds bad but honestly that's what I have to do dude come here don't be a noob Don't just run off I don't know why you being like this I can't believe you've done this come here my friend I want to be your friend yes I want to be your friend come here my friend no don't leave me oh oh what no [Music] but it doesn't revive me to where I was who ate me who was it did he get eaten by that guy I think he did what why did he didn't even get close to me that guy there he's got to go down he's got lag this guy's got major lag how's he so fast is that faster than everyone the big boy lag guess what he's got this guy's coming from Easy I'm sure about that are you sure [Music] what an idiot so now we're gonna go for this guy you know the laggy one the McDonald's Wi-Fi we're going for him he needs to die dude I'm making my way to you because you're gonna have to die oh geez we need to get bigger otherwise it's not gonna be out so he's chasing down everyone and this guy's chasing down him so we're gonna take this guy out before he eats this guy hopefully and I eat the other guy as well there's another guy over there who's big but he's chasing that little one why that guy he's getting really big and he's not getting chased by the big one why he's like the most laggiest guy and he's faster he's faster than everyone [Music] he's getting really big now why is that other guy not going through him I think he is I think he sees him now here he comes please eat him yes I like to see him get eaten oh he knows he's like oh he's going for him yes let's see him get eaten he's gonna get eaten yes oh what the foreign [Music] man so why do I start at size 15. did you eat that guy I missed it because of that blinking forehead I'm gonna eat that guy 100 you want to go do you want to get too big for their own boots is when I get massive I sort them out like that guy thanks Mike you're a good person that guy needs to go down but he's chased him as well so we should be good don't go that way because that guy's got lag he's got the old McDonald's Wi-Fi quick run for it my friend he's going for him as well oh yes is that guy over there remember him from last time I'm coming for you my friend don't worry I will eat you very slowly but painful yes yes yes it was really funny that yes yes come from me stuttering and everyone took the Mickey at me I'll say all the time now yes yes yes yes go on yeah that's it you run you run I'm gonna be eating your forehead boy other guys getting killed it's been eating yes we ate him for becoming bigger he comes over here I'm gonna press the button here become massive just wait for it let's see if it comes to attack me shall we he doesn't seem to be coming for me oh hang on he is he is oh oh you're running now are you you're running now you spent all that time getting big and I've just paid to win well sorry man you did it to me you just done it to yourself oh I was not gonna attack you I was just gonna go around mind my own business but instead what did you do try to attack me you just eating everyone thinking that you're the big dog and then what's happened you're gonna lose it all I will eat you my friends I'm hoping he's gonna pay the win as well and he just loses money like I did there you go well that was a good Adventure wouldn't it he must be well annoyed at because he got massive on his own I just paid to win and then watch him die lovely I'm gonna go and eat her and I think that's gonna be the end of it [Music] why did he just stop there I don't think he actually gave me any more speed I think it lied to me that's that's best deal look best deal look the size things I'm going for him I'm not oh hang on I've seen him come back how do you revive of all his stuff because I can't hello [Music] there we go we're going back here we're gonna attack this guy come here my friend come on don't be shy that person was absorbed this guy remember this guy he was so big and tough before they come after me not today Guess who's coming after him me that's it my friend he's going after them because he's trying to get big he always go after that 8K guy look there we go but then he's literally putting himself into a trap because now he's going into a corner and I could take him out thanks for that thanks for that my friend anyway hope you guys enjoyed this and I'll see you guys in the next episode bye [Music]
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 153,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox but every second you get 1+ walk speed, roblox but every second you get 1+ jump power, roblox but every second you get 1+ jump, roblox but every second you get 1+ hp, roblox but, roblox but every second you get 1+ health, roblox but every second, roblox but every second you get +1 health, roblox but every second you grow, roblox every second, Roblox BUT Every Second i EAT People Get A +1 BIGGER Head, Roblox BUT Every Second i EAT People, roblox, roblox elitelupus, elitelupus
Id: h-haNv-PTrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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