I UPGRADE My Mini Tank To MAXIMUM NUKE Tank On Roblox

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look at me in a little tank oh no bro oh I see you gotta destroy these to get the coins hang on you can get little pet tanks how do I get little pet tanks I want more takes to blow things up with I think you get some free stuff I can't remember I think this is something you could type in whoa that's a monster tank that one oh every single tap gives you more is that damage live in it does more damage yeah it is okay so that increased your damage so every time you tap it will reload faster plus you have way more damage what's really cool like how do you destroy things it says that's what my task is yeah we claimed it look at me yeah it even leaves tracks in the floor as well cool yeah we're picking up loads of stuff that's well cool what's that we blocked that it's got way too much health to take a week to blow that up okay you have to buy the auto clicker that's fine I'll buy that but tap this to claim yes thank you very much there guys doing it for me now so I'd have to worry hang on sis oh we can upgrade a tank damage hang on where's our coins our coins are there okay we've got two two thousand seven hundred we can upgrade a tank reload speed okay so reload species way faster nice oh hang on we've won something yay also guys leave a like on this it helps me massively it does it like helps you massively I know I couldn't get it out but honestly it does help me massively and use code Elite when buying Robux that helps me massively too and subscribe if you haven't already why not it takes a second it won't take as long as me destroying this or takes a week I bring out videos every day literally every day yes I'm gonna break it am I gonna get loads of goodies for it [Music] upgrade the tank and now we've got eighteen thousand increase speed reload critical oh okay that's maxed out why do we need more Health we want max speed and Max reload Max crit I think we've upgraded completely click here to evolve your tank [Music] whoa that's crazy is upgrade my tank into like a massive tank with a massive gun so now it's even stronger so I can destroy these really easily let's try to destroy this now now I've got the bigger tank there we go we're destroying this and I think we can get some pets was like little tanks of course taking Asia to blow this up there we go let me have a look there was a way hang on there was a way you can upgrade your tank well this is crazy amount of stuff on here how do I reclaim that obviously codes there was one meal I swear word million [Music] oh there we go I made I made something from it it's 20K [Music] it's open [Music] oh that's cute it's like a cute little thing let's open up another one it's got a dual cannon that's cool hang on can we so how do we [Applause] okay I don't know what's happening to my pet but if something's happening I'll shove both pets now okay they helped me too nice golden pets how have they got them Cannon ones they look amazing they've got like the best pets ever how do they get there you guys gonna have to help me in the comments section if you played this game and you can help me and tell me how I get them pets oh we blew up that's why I need health he's got tanks shoot at me but if I keep moving they can't hit me they're like police they're doing no damage to me they did no damage to me blew up like it's nothing okay let me upgrade my tank [Music] I think I got even more stuff going on and my damage is going up each time I click my damage going up anyway so it's all good game well I'm surprised it's really well made VIP okay so we want this so we obviously want as much pets as we can as they do the damage but this we need all this because this these are good people they've worked on this really hard it looks really good I want to see more games like this I purchased these things so it helps them because they have the suck this this such a good game they're not like sat there and thought Oh I would not thought about the game they've literally done all of this the whole lot so we're gonna try and blast through it as quick as possible we're gonna hit two times we're gonna get the two times damage I don't do the lucky pets and stuff like this I know we want it but there's no point it's expensive as well and the luck only goes up by like 0.1 there's no point for that thank you oh that's free thank you very much and then we've got boosts okay two times damage we're gonna buy one of these two times coins then we'll have four times in total like that we won't activate that yet oh we could have just done that oh and that's that's on sale so we're gonna do this as well it's a I think this is a pet tank oh that's an evolutionary tank I'll just purchase it's the next one each of these are the 30 minutes I think so we can try to burn through it as quick as possible I think I've just evolved into the next tank all right we're gonna put all these on there we go I've got this tank we should get way more cash as well it spits acids should we also hang on I think we should also do these so we can get the ultimate pets let's have a look thank you let's have a look [Music] we've got a rare and a Mythic just got Mythic where's that Mythic [Music] oh my these are gonna be so crazy they destroy everything look at the damage they destroy everything they stand no chance in we've got the money to go to the next one okay that was the boss I've got loads of stuff for that my pets are crazy these are mental we've got like the rarest pet here as well so all this you've got golden and then what is that Gem Shop okay so I guess you use the gems increase okay I've already got magnet and stuff anyway so come to me play time we've earned this as well can you do PVP that'll be awesome the new boss new pets let's unlock this Zone tank I'd like to get to the next tank this is nice it spits acid but I don't like to look at this tank it looks horrible my pets absolutely destroy everything oh hang on in the wrong area we're gonna try and get through to the next one what's this I equipped it well that's awesome you can actually find things to help your tank get stronger all right these do have a lot of Health foreign just take him out as well my little tanks are so strong give him a little tanks what's this is that the treasure what has happened to my tank why has it gone like that stand still treasure someone offers me a trade I know why they want this this good stuff they're not having any of my stuff it's mine [Music] uh he's doing a lot of damage to me ouch come on pets you can do it go on pets you could do it we destroyed him and I've got loads for that yeah I'm not gonna destroy him again but destroy that tank like a little mini tank I'd like to upgrade my tank that's what I want to do milestones we get these we have pay to win massively I know what you're gonna say pay to win you should play properly hang on I'm helping them you should be pleased you get to see all this [Music] send does that do obviously resets all my power that I didn't want to do we can upgrade everything now Max that one out reload time okay well once we maxed it out we'll be able to uh upgrade it evolve that's cool because if you've got friends if you want to be my friend leave me a comment below but I haven't got friends that actually join me anymore I have weird times because I live in the UK it's weird timing most of you from the US I've seen my demographics all from the US what are you trying to give me man no bro no I don't need it I've got all the special tanks man [Music] people got some super good tanks ow what Earth is that that's all it's easy I need millions and millions so I can upgrade my tank my reload time should be faster now destroy it destroy it come on there we go we sent again we can [Music] it's my little takes that dirt for me so that fills up and then we can Ascend and then you can click more I think that's what it does so it's giving me more per click what's amazing so we need more need more damage need more damage boy well my Tank's not defending me so I've got army tanks and I get shot could be able to take out that really easily thank you we've got enough to go through touch claim that I have done they're going the next Zone look at that claim that reclaim of clover that means we can go on tank we'll do the reload speed speed okay run out of money uh where is the there we go increased luck as well so we've got increased luck now there's a dungeon that's open there's dungeons on this as well I don't want to see offer it's like them things that keep popping up going hey you want admin you want admin boy I've already spent tons of money with you guys [Music] we've got that as well I don't know what all this other stuff does so I'm hoping oh hang on what's this you can increase it equipments buy five equipment slots oh even more equip oh I see now it could be even more powerful so we can put even more stuff in the slots dude this game is like amazing it's like such a good game I'll see it pop up I thought oh it's gonna be one of these no like okay I've seen loads of games like this they pop up they go and they go away this is actually amazing I hope there's a team behind this really good damage extreme yeah destroy it destroy that tent there's people in there you might as well just destroy them the dungeon it opens in 11 minutes okay tank I should be able to upgrade all of this now and if I upgrade it all evolve Tank's evolving oh now that looks much better we're doing even more damage we can almost Ascend as well we'll come back for this dungeon this actually really hard why is that so difficult oh it's got millions and millions of Health I mean billions hang on [Music] almost got full damage now look at the shots it does foreign [Music] [Music] I will try [Music] I'm clicking because it's making more powerful [Music] nice all right let's try now let's try to go over over here get out of it man what's this [Music] okay it's a minor there that gives me stuff okay we've got loads of pets I think we've changed into them pets we did I think we got rid of pets that we had that we bought all right the golden machines back here we destroy everything here now it means nothing to me okay what do we need to upgrade this so we've got this this this and this 66 percent oh yes enjoy your new pet where is it oh that's crazy we've got some crazy pets okay now we can claim this thank you destroy 10 things that's easy one two three four five six seven eight nine and that's ten thank you hang on quiz we could ascend [Music] I'm doing highly no damage but I'm making 158k per shot I think you need to go into the dungeon to get the things for your tank but the increases I think I don't know because I'm new to this as well I need billions to get in there a rainbow machine I think that'll change this to nice rainbow pets waiting for the dungeon that's what I'm waiting for uh reload time and destroy destroy he's got he must be the next one that's a monster he's got like a huge rail Cannon someone's trying to trade with me called call well you got cool nothing I'm getting shot guys and my Tank's not doing anything get up we've got billions who might as well get some more pets well I've got the chance all right let's buy some then shall we open fast we gotta pay for open fast and to open three Lisa say thank you most people don't even say thank you I'm ready to do this why do I open freed it [Music] oh I see every time you open it you open up free [Music] we want the best tanks we can and then we'll convert them into the Goldies because the Goldies do massive amount of damage you see how much damage the gold ones do [Music] we got rare there we've got tons of stuff we actually get through to the next one quite easily we need that teleport as well I think I said go shop we want teleporter there we go so now I can teleport to any location do I want to go to the beginning you see teleport goal this is where you get the golden tanks to all my stuff all the ones I had all these bad boys [Music] that's 100 you need all of them well it's 100 I can't say no to that where's my pet let's have a look okay it's a Monster Pet to do more hang on one two more that's 80 this is always going to be a chance that you can lose it but I think it's okay 80 is okay do some more of these bad boys 83 if that lands on thing I've got such bad luck no all right cool where's the Blacksmith then oh it's over there I didn't realize hang on I might as well get this then because you need this you need this to make things look at that dungeon a minute as well we've got a craft something I didn't even know it was here [Music] Okay so [Music] increase the drop right run out of stuff already okay let's go across because obviously we can destroy things really quickly there's one just up here thank you for teaching me that you nice person one minute and a dungeon will open this is where I can go in this and merge them together merge okay merge then we go in here and then we can actually dump these in and it increases at 50 there we go it takes the slots up lovely I will go through to the next one in a second because we've got enough money because I want to do this dungeon I want to see this dungeon I'm hoping it gives me some rare stuff it's open [Music] all right we've got to destroy these this one wave oh okay okay so it gives you it gives you stuff for the dungeon depending on depending if you could destroy all these my pets look absolutely mean as anything oh my God my health I let my pets deal with it [Music] I'll move all the way over here is that that's a deal with it my best card they're immune to their damage look at that it's starting to get difficult though they are starting to get difficult won't take him out see how I'm hiding Beyond here I don't want to come out because I'm I'm not stupid look at my tank that's so funny take him out yes that's it it's your team if I stay here and I tried to attack him they'll destroy they destroyed me we've got loads from that absolutely loads we've got so much from that you would not believe we've got six minutes of coins but we can craft some good stuff here now we've got all these different things [Music] yeah we need more that's gone in miners how does that go down to minus two I don't mind I don't mind I don't know how it went down to minus two but it did increased coins by 15 percent sounds good to me I don't mind let's go over here and we'll combine them I want to combine these I could do them as well these that's what I want to do there we go we're going this nice we're leveled up we leveled up we've got even higher we're at starter now after this time my pets are doing extremely high damage it's good and I need to upgrade my tank there we go maxed out evolve yes so it takes you even stronger oh there we go and it looks like a rail gun now it's basically a rail gun isn't it okay we'll go through here thank you power core what is this okay so that increases everything is that two does that say two billion a Time that's fine we got to do more as much as we can these ones should be super super good they should be better than the ones I have they are they are well better okay I don't know what this is over here the pets are even stronger I paid for the pets beforehand this rainbow pet s it turns the gold ones into rainbow ones that makes them even stronger we need billions to get to the next one that's gonna be really easy actually how much money do I have a lot so we can open up loads of these we've actually got a Mythic one of those we're gonna upgrade them see if we can get it into a rainbow should we foreign [Music] upgrade these these tanks look so cool maybe it's just me but I just think they look well cool there's so much stuff to upgrade so much things to do it's mad we're gonna open up loads of these so I want to do as many of the rainbow things as I can I need to buy some more of those potions as well gonna run out not good we've got so many hang on before we do that we'll go pets pick best don't have a lot of gems though that's another problem thank you no James how do I get gems [Music] 66 yes look at that can ask for a better thing could we there we go we need more gems I don't know how to get them go shop let's go down let's have a look at these so they're quite good boost that's expensive though but now I have all my boosts when I need them yes yes what all right what [Music] where's my mega luck they said Mega luck I didn't get my mega luck once the lawyers I can't believe that it says on there Mega luck where's my luck okay let's go straight to the one that we're at just there I think we get gems as well do we get gems or is it I think your gems are random whoa do you see how much health it has all right I'm out I'm out I'm out it has too much health that's way too much health that's maxed out critical strikes maxed out reload is almost maxed out [Music] I died but like next time all of these were easy we've made it quite far to be fair I see when you get up level you unlock the next next thing here what's this increase health I see it's the coins I want more than anything I want more coins [Music] they've got the I ain't got any gems bet you you have to buy the gems that is so expensive the only way to do it is the dungeon if it's open they gave me a huge amount of gems let's have a look I think that's what I'm gonna have to do one minute [Music] okay I've got some gems from that as well yeah I know there's stuff in there hang on let me teleport all the way to here let me try to get enough coinage to go to the next one then we can go to the next one my pets will be even stronger than the ones I've got now it's my pets that need to become strong because when you go into the dungeon I ain't gonna destroy the things that pets can I've got the money it says I've got the money I can upgrade my tank again we have to go in a minute though I'm trying to stay on it as long as I can I'm in trillions I wish him well how much is this 300 billion [Music] two week wishes let's open up three of these bad boys I bet you they're going to be way more powerful than anything that I already have I can't say nothing they're in my face hang on let's have a look at the pets there you go see they're even more powerful oh it's never dungeon over there so I'm killing them from here so don't get hurt it's a clever I'm smart hey I think each time you do it you get 30 gems so I think I'm going to be doing quite well if we can get this this dungeon done we might be able to get enough gems to do stuff with and you take half of my health off [Music] they do billions of damage we must have made loads so far I died at one shot me how much do I get 14. that is pants okay let me go to the new area that was in snow we'll make a wish oh even more pet damage they don't seem to be doing that much hang on we are getting millions and millions per shot now trillions let's upgrade this [Music] hopefully we can evolve yep we evolved oh that's cool we need a lot we've got billions but we need trillions ask me if I'm having a good day yes you he's having a good day too that's good well I think I'm gonna leave it there we're at the snow world but next time we come we're gonna go all the way through to the next one I think all the way through if we can but yeah it's been really really fun I love upgrading my tank and everything hope you guys have a fantastic day and if you played this you've got any tips for me remember to leave me a comment below it actually helps see you guys [Music] thank you
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 226,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox tycoon, tank simulator, roblox tank simulator, roblox tank sim, tank simulator x script, tank simulator x, roblox simulator, tank simulator roblox, roblox simulators, tank simulator pc game, tank simulator game, roblox simulator noob to pro, roblox simulator games to play when your bored, tank simulator battles war thunder, I UPGRADE My Mini Tank To MAXIMUM NUKE Tank On Roblox, roblox tank games, roblox, elitelupus, roblox elitelupus, elitelupus roblox, tank roblox, elite
Id: loZMD57R_co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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