I Unlocked The Secret DOOMSDAY WEAPON in Dome Keeper

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well hello my friends i'm blitz welcome back to dome keeper formerly known as dome romantic and look at this we found some iron already deep underground three of them that is beautiful because i want to get the hostile proximity meter so we can defend our little dome from the angry hordes of bad guys let's get the upgrades get that hostile proximity meter going on and back underground we go we have plenty of time this is looking good also it seems i started out with the orchid or orchard so we can get the fruits i don't remember choosing that also i ran out of space that's annoying oh that's nice look at that we got tons more of iron i'll just use my slow little jet pack to carry all of this beautiful stuff back up to the surface come on little fellas you can make it we made it up back down i'm gonna go get those three more then i'll get some upgrades maybe more drilling speed carrying capacity or even drill strength would be nice right about now what a beautiful day to be alive there we go let's get some power one happening and i'm just gonna patiently wait here for battle because some little monster is going to come out of the void and attack me go little monster oh he's going to die so quickly i feel bad for them just kidding i don't there's a lot of good tips that i should always put my laser back in the upward location after each round two oh look things grew underground that's awesome unfortunately i can only carry four at a time so i'm gonna grab three and then i'll eat that fruit yum yum yum and fly back down to the depths of the cave maybe i can get some cool upgrades i'm not sure exactly what i will get yet but uh hopefully we can find a relic there we go i got some water let's grab this head back up and then defend against this next wave should only be one creature yet again but that'll be fine where are you let's go to battle there you are yes nice and easy oh there's two that makes sense because we're on wave two beautiful move you back up to the top and then head back into the cave i think the next most important thing we can get is drill strength increase so we can mine faster oh that's the edge of the turtle i just made up a new word called turtle but maybe instead of that i should get the jetpack speed i'll get jetpack and drill strength now i can fly lower faster and gather all my resources quicker yes break the quickly i love it oh i'll take some of that too oh maybe i don't want it because it's heavy and i didn't get that upgrade and we're about ready to get attacked by monsters again okay i'm good i'm good battle time right side oh oh i was gonna juke them but it turned out that i i guessed actually correct this time okay i don't like these guys plus we have a bird diver die no no no no no oh it's still hit okay i would like a relic so i can get an increase here but i'm not finding one so that's annoying did find lots of these so we'll grab this quick oh and the fruit just got completed excellent let's see if i can get that upgrade yet oh it takes five we can get a carrying speed sure it might be a bad idea but i like hearing things so i'll eat that fruit head back down in the caves and gather some more treasure come on give me something cool give me something cool game i want something cool anything cool just one little cool thing anything that's nothing cool okay we have some water in here and there's some iron excellent i just gotta want to punch everything because i have this upgrade right now and then the next wave will get it uh cut up properly okay we're going back into the service after i gather this yes give me three i feel like that was an absolutely perfectly beautiful harvesting method perfect okay please don't kill us on the other side oh i knew it i knew he would come on he's gonna hit he's gonna please don't hit oh no we got pop corners too little sexy little pop corners you guys said they look like among us characters which they do bad imposters oh no they're hitting stop it stop hitting oh you're annoying okay they didn't really do that much damage i'm fine with that so i'll gather another load of treasure which should be good and let's see if i can get an upgrade i would like the rotation speed here yes moves faster then i'm going to become the most powerful laser in history i need 30 more to get that oh i found a relic an upgrade this is what i need this is the big break oh nice it's up on the top side too am i gonna be able to get this in this turn it's taking a long time to drill this thing out but i would be awesome if i could bring it up maybe i'll take a little damage it's gonna be so close we're going for it we're going we're going to risk it for the biscuit come on biscuit come on i want to risk you oh this sucks my dome's going to take so much damage because i'm deep in the caves too oh it's it's going to hurt it's going to they're here they're here they're here oh no no no no no no no no no no okay good stun laser that's exactly what we wanted okay oh yes ghost unlaser oh that's incredible that's incredible look at that timing okay keep it stunned good no no no no no no no you shall not pass yes oh that wasn't bad at all i'm actually kind of excited about how that happened okay i only have one more iron so we'll close back out of this we have to go down in the cave and get more treasure we have the stun laser though so i'm excited about that okay i'm gonna cut across here nope i'm gonna have to go down and then i'll see if there's anything more to the left oh beautiful this is the break we needed.com oh nice so much of it oh so much indeed we'll take these five back and take another trip so i can fly faster okay i think i should be able to break through these two walls and then bring this back oh nice let's see if i can grab it okay i can grab it i have six i have five i didn't grab the one oh no that's all right it's all right it's gonna be okay everything's not okay they're attacking me please don't please don't ah ghost on laser why are you not stunning fast enough oh why are they all birds oh i don't like this okay it's not so bad that wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be upgrades nine i'm one short getting a more powerful thingy but you know what i'm not short of faster drill boy okay i know we have the triangle over there for repairing the triangle of repair yes yes yes so much iron there i just want to see what's deeper in this cave oh more iron great day to be alive all right let's gather everything i would be so cool if i found like an elevator or a teleporter right now i'm just going to bring all of it over come on friends do i want to wait i'm going to wait i'm just going to wait i don't want to risk it too much here even though we do have a stun laser i'm just not going to risk it okay where are you where are you left side huh oh little guys oh take out the bird take out the bird okay got the bird take out the little guys good oh no no no no no no don't like this don't like this bad little guys okay we're gonna take the ones on the ground oh wow that hurt that hurts so not good upgrades okay we need to repair health instruction cobalt repair cobalt repair should i get a bigger one no we'll just make it hard yeah that's what i'll do okay we're good especially since i have more iron at the bottom of the cave to collect beautiful day to be alive slap all that into there eat that quick fly back down get another load of four so that should be nine more in our collection and i'm gonna dig deeper and dig to the right because that was a really good area oh it is so good so much iron today it seems like a good time to take drill strength to increase because we should have enough and by drill strength i totally mean this one this is power more power oh i want that so bad should i get rotation that could be nice i've got such little time left i'm just gonna wait we'll go battle mode get back in the middle beautiful oh it's so much bigger we getting a flyer up here no look how fast i deleted him oh i should upgrade my stun gun too okay oh no oh no taking damage bad stunt laser oh wow there's a lot of them okay get the bird get the bird it's the word ah yes we need more iron more iron i need to upgrade my stun laser oh this is beautiful to mine through yes so nice okay i found another big pot of iron plus some other things which should be good to help out i just needed to get a tunnel up to the surface there it is and then we'll mine this out take a good load maybe get a good upgrade oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay we got a good remote oh i have 16. maybe i'll upgrade my stun laser now it can do damage right or rotational speed what is this even when you're not inside the control station oh that's cool i can't afford it but it's cool all right let's do this one because i wanted to do a damage oh i should do this one too i should i should it's expensive but i'm doing it and then we can get jetpack speed increase and now i'm broke go little stun laser we will stun all the world where are you over here sure oh what is that thing i don't like these things oh it makes bad noises good let's get this sussy little popcorns good no bad amogas badamogus i'm popping um get dead oh i don't like that oh that was actually easier than i thought and fly down collect all the resources fly back up upgrade more things and uh that's the gameplay loop come on resources let's go just make a little train of them i love it and that used up the entire food thing okay right through here let's get more iron or you know there can be literally nothing underground too that's cool really game really nothing oh water neat i don't care about it oh okay all right not a bad haul anyway and i'm not gonna make it in time oh no oh no oh no screechers oh no battle screecher kill the creature okay we gotta kill the popcorn and then there's gonna be another screecher on the way oh where are you screecher over here got it okay that was easy upgrades no i forgot how deep underground i am now i guess at least it's easy to mine at least it's easy to mine oh blue rock such a bad idea such a bad idea so bad right now but i'm here i might as well get him come back let's go i'm gonna make it just in time i'm gonna make it just in time i made it just in time okay battle time we got birds no no no no everything's coming over here well not good not good not good oh wow wow don't like the right side at all either no no no no no no no no no no the bad on the left oh balls bad popcorn says ibaka's i don't even know what those words are but i heard it on a roblox video one time and i thought it was weird i got it okay you know what we need to repair badly okay do i make it harder because i can afford that can't afford anything else but i can afford that oh eat the fruit eat the fruit let's go let's go okay i'm gonna fly over here there should be one more vein of iron there is i'm gonna gather that and i'm gonna mine over here and then i'm gonna go back at this level one more and then i hope i have enough time there we go oh yeah this is easy to mine stuff too and there's more treasure oh so much of it okay good good very good oh so good so much stuff here another relic would be cool though is that extra iron oh i thought it would make it up with me but it didn't that's sad okay another wave we're probably gonna have drillers coming soon don't like those birds don't like the birds i knew there'd be drillers soon thankfully they're all on one side yeah you go stun those guys over there i'll kill the driller maybe not maybe i won't kill the driller oh yeah keep them stunned keep them stunned my friend oh no it ran out of stun juice i just got to kill the driller it's dead it's dead stun it again yes nicely done i love you beautiful maybe i need to upgrade my drill oh we could get a [Music] oh man this is so tempting damage two did i get that one but if i get this one i could get this one and that one i could afford everything i could upgrade my stun guy all the way to the top or i can get a better drill [Music] i don't know i don't know what to do i think we wait because i think this turns gonna be fairly good and we'll see what we can dig at the bottom of the mine okay that's four i'll take four oh and another relic and it's right at the bottom of the world too okay okay i don't know what to do i think i know what to do let's open up this relic because i could get something fun like uh an elevator or i don't know okay i'll let that go i'm gonna take these four up to the surface and i'll come back and get that one and i should have enough time come on little buddy let's go you are the chosen one it's the perfect timing oh blast mining teleporter teleporter lets me go down farther i like that it's not gonna be the best but i'll take it yes all right and we just uh we wait i could afford something more faster turning radius might be good but i want to save up for this one i also don't know what this does because we already know where it's aiming so i guess we'll just wait for the battle could be a really bad one could be screechers i knew his creatures were coming no okay popcorns kill the popcorn oh man this is bad this is really bad okay i gotta go to the left kill the popcorn if i lose the popcorn i'm gonna scream okay upgrades and then we can repair okay not so bad we need treasure boop okay you got to come with me and now i can always teleport to the bottom of the world actually let's go right in here that's a good spot yes yes yes so many yeses so much yes wow this takes forever literally this is forever to fly back up here but the good news is i can teleport right down to the bottom of the world again oh that's always creepy hey we should be able to get a little bit more oh yes yes six more now if you are wondering i don't have the upgraded teleport back up so i'm gonna be late for a very important date oh it's gonna be so close so close yet so far away come on come on oh no it's here they're here bad guys are here i made it i made it okay ready battle i'm gonna go right we had to kill the popcorn that was a very good call very good call more popcorn come on stunner keep your stunning stunning and then we have popcorn on the left oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that wasn't so bad actually that wasn't bad at all oh this is what i needed too yes unfortunately it's super hard down here oh good more iron this was good timing really good timing i'm not late i can get some upgrades that's 29 that means i can get my uh power three plus the move speed increase and i could heal up beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful and i'll just wait and battle oh look how fast i am now i could also get the rotation oh let's get this one yeah yeah yeah so now it shoots longer okay here we go oh i'm so powerful it's actually hard to control because it's so powerful yeah yeah get the bird oh yeah yeah yeah oh what is that noise i don't like that oh you can't move it either wow oh this is actually harder it's actually harder i don't like that because i can't turn it it's dead oh that's hard we're gonna get this i'm gonna go down okay everything's going well hopefully famous last words i know i can get that but i'm just going to gather all the resources i can actually mine as fast as i can because i have the upgrade right now oh i hit the jackpot i just want to finish out this tunnel oh beautiful use my bulldozer skills to build those at all to the middle and then fly up i don't think i'm gonna have enough time to go back down and come back up again shoot but the good news is i can get the laser sight so now i know better where to shoot i will just wait in battle yeah that works better okay oh screamer i got him i liquidated oh nice that was awesome okay got him good job goodbye popcorn oh yes no you shall not pass goodbye olive popcorn oh that's beautiful i love that all right teleport down again get more resources bring it back up upgrade better become the most powerful dome keeper ever this is why i always like getting a tunnel made first oh four oh my word i didn't realize you guys were all here so i want to upgrade the teleporter to take resources resources yes i can upgrade that again area cooldown more often let's do area now i'm broke that's fine i can get this and then teleport down then i can grab that throw it down in the hole and now you teleport your resources that's your entire job in your life there you go bud eat up now i'm gonna fly back to the surface that worked nicely i am doing very well making a very powerful thing okay we'll blast you nice get the bird i wonder if there's any more creepy monsters in the world uh stupid popcorn again and then flyers oh shoot oh then whatever that spitter guy is oh balls two spitters okay at least i shot down this bitter tunnel okay ready come back these guys are annoying that's so hard to control too gotcha gotcha he's duck and dodging weaving wow that was hard okay exit teleport down okay i want to go down here just have a tunnel i think i got everything to the right so let's just dig here okay i managed to find some water i'm gonna bulldoze that back over to the teleporter and then maybe mine a couple more head back to the surface do you see that one get heated across the space i like this mining in this area is so nice okay we gotta organize things here there you go you do you bud i'm gonna be late maybe not i can fly pretty fast without carrying resources oh it's so close so close yet so far away upgrades let's repair once and i can reinforce my my vessel all right we have a spitter got you oh garbage no okay that's fine everything's fine this laser melts things so quickly stop being alive ow ow ow ow don't like this bad bad bad birds got them all yes all right a little bit more water some cobalt we found and i knew it oh that's annoying oh i didn't know i could get this one and that one i thought it was a two for thing interesting we can get faster speed here we can also get this upgrade in a little bit not gonna lie i kind of want the drill strength upgrade we're gonna probably need that pretty soon especially now that we made the most powerful laser that we could and it's a bird invasion oh it's a bird invasion hitchcock wouldn't be mad at us oh wow popcorn is dead okay die die die okay the laser killed it on its own good popcorn oh melt them all got it okay bird bird bird bird die bird oh those birds go down so quickly good job little popcorn oh yes can you kill more thank you that's awesome i love my stun laser i did it i'm not very happy how it happened but it happened oh yeah yeah yeah we need this all right down we go across the way i'm going to go this way because i can hit it once and it pulls up next upgrade we need a has to be it has we got purple has to be the um drill strength yeah because mining through this stuff sucks all right we'll do that that should be good bring you guys a little closer nice i don't know why i'm going back this way especially when we're out of time so i repaired up the dome let's get the the drill increase i can't yet ah kind of wish we could get resources from this mode no bad got you i gotta get this one [Music] barely barely made it oh we got popcorn too okay those are dead kill the popcorn kill the popcorn got it don't like this don't like this oh wow oh that's so cool they're getting melted excellent there's a lot of goodies this is what we needed oh well so many i was not expecting a big four pack or five pack you know what i should do i hate to do this but i should almost uh just bring the teleporter down in there yeah like this i'll just throw that into the tunnel and i'll throw all of this down here and go boop beautiful you do what you do best teleporter and teleport things i'll go back up and do what i do best and that's destroying things that are teleporting this is a mutually beneficial agreement you get to teleport more things i don't die and the world goes round and round in circles i just have to destroy more spitter things get wrecked okay i'll kill this bird first and i'll kill that bird oh yeah yeah yeah you're dead you're dead is that a is that what i thought it is it is okay uh do i kill it i think i have to melt it oh no we got uh we got popcorn behind the driller that's not bad okay oh that's a double wave of popcorn oh balls why are you doing this to me die die die die die die popcorn good okay that wasn't so bad yes i'm happy with that okay eat the fruit go down in the circles go in here this is actually what i like to see too it was working yes everything was eaten up here you're gonna come with me i wonder if this works like if i'm carrying it does it work it doesn't look like it but i will just let you guys play and you do what you do best teleporter oh another relic too i don't think the relic is gonna be able to be teleported do i want it i kind of want it i mean i have to have it yes i would like another giant iron mine that's what i really want and is this it is this the giant iron might have been wanting not really okay it's better than nothing okay i gotta take these oh this is bad this is so bad this is so bad okay i gotta come back for it okay i barely made it back just in time i don't even know what upgrades i can buy right now bad the stunner's like i just want to destroy all the popcorn in the world oh my so much of it oh we got a thing too okay [Laughter] thank you for dying your sacrifice was in vain okay i might just pop them oh nice job stunner yes beautiful oh that was awesome okay let's check out the upgrades real quick i have 12 do i want jetpack speed yes i have all of these upgrades right okay i could get this one let's get the jetpack speed so i can fly faster oh that's gonna be nice too but i can't afford that all right down i go oh yeah oh the fruit literally just popped so annoying okay i want this do you get do you get teleported like if i drop you over here with your friend does it work i totally did that backwards whatever at least i can grab all of these and bring you over and then casually drop you guys off at the pool bring you back up and what kind of treasure do you give me this time blast mining a lift do i need lift i kind of want blast mining like going to be honest yes i like blowing things up but i need water to make that if i remember right can i teleport with it i mean i'm pretty fast right now anyway and then if i just put it down in the hole here oh my so much treasure all right we're gonna just drop it here blow up oh dirty oh wow another relic i was not expecting that give me this down in the hole down in the hole is this the one i need to win the game is this the portal to win the game this might be the one oh i can't do that yet oh oh hot dank i didn't see the time fly little man fly with your jet pack abilities oh huh dang i'm dying oh no that's a spitter no okay back battle ah stop it no no no no no no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die bad bad bad bad bad birds bad birds bad words bad birds okay uh upgrades upgrades we gotta repair mid fight oh ha he ha who battle oh there's so much that one's so close to being bad oh no i got them all most of them okay that wasn't as bad as it could have been i gotta open this i think this is the win scenario it's hissing it's making bad sounds i kind of don't want to get it though not yet anyway i wanted to create the most powerful dome in the history of powerful domes i'm not going to open it right now i'm not we're going to open it next round there were upgrades i wanted yet you know honestly i don't know if i can go any deeper yeah the world's ended huh interesting well i have 17 remaining i did get the most powerful thing ever i can get the most powerful drill ever which would be awesome but i kind of want i mean blast things i don't even know let's buy the drilling or the yeah the drilling speed just because i can battle mode i'm so sorry that you have to die a little eldridge creature oh it's so hard to control because you cannot spin it i mean you can it's just very slowly oh this might have been a bad idea this might have been a really not a good idea i'm gonna just focus right there and hopefully i can kill them both yes one's dead the second driller is dead that wasn't so bad okay give me this give me this can i teleport oh no it literally just blew up on my way down i want to see how fast my drill is now oh that's beautiful that is so beautiful i love it already nice so i believe my friends that means we found the final relic oh my word what does it do whoa whoa whoa i got it i have to bring this back to the surface look it's making a shiny tail it's also pulsating i don't know what to think about that is this a new secret weapon of some sort oh look at that shockwave is amazing come on up what does it do what does it do oh maida uh oh what did it do oh my word is this like an endless what is going on bad bad bad oh balls why is everything attacking so badly okay quit and upgrades uh huh well i can live for a while because i can heal pretty quickly oh my word oh whoa what is that yes that was incredible what do i do now is that the game over did i win yes your dome is saved oh new gadget unlocked the spoils of this world help you i like that one install a brewing tank propelling producing a repelling liquid activate to re-release a propellant delaying arrival till next week use his water anyway my friends that'll do it for today's video of dome keeper hope you enjoyed keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank all of my patrons and youtube members including autodesk ben dickie j teddy hit splattersex rules 2.0 furious the quarian link which rob the key red kdl player b cycle c mr m game terrarian gamer two projects kyle c andersonville framing with grace robo rise 2021 destructo man whiskey
Channel: Blitz
Views: 321,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz dome romantik, dome romantik blitz, dome romantik, dome romantik gameplay, dome romantik game, dome romantik part 1, roguelike games, mining games, mining rogue, mining roguelike, roguelikes, dome romantik spider, dome romantik upgrades, dome keeper, dome keeper gameplay, dome keeper game, dome keeper blitz, dome keeper steam, blitz dome keeper, dome keeper demo
Id: puunoUCgd0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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