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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right well I'm sure most of you guys have heard of the floors a lot of a challenge it's a very popular challenge but today we're playing it for 24 hours boys for the next 24 hours anyone can say floors lava you have 5 seconds to get off the floor or you lose okay that's a good amount of time 5 seconds 5 seconds you do a lot of things in 5 seconds like eat the food off the ground depending on how much food now the last person standing in this challenge will be the winner and the winner will get to dunk the two other losers in the dunk tank I just wanna let you guys know you can put anything in the dunk tank not just water John starts now 24 hours last person standing is the winner blows lava 5 4 3 [Applause] you are one second away bro that was the first one yeah you good hey boys [Laughter] okay you guys good you can come down [Laughter] we got one drop right there dig up Scottie Gabe on the counter can't believe you got your feet on the counter door lock metal chains 3d system with monitor floor is lava five four three two one that's about the only thing here hi boys let's go to wherever we're going going target oh wow gentle supportive oh wow okay Wow impressive hi nice that was one thing I forgot to mention whoever says the floor is lava is invincible so they don't have to actually get off the ground totally forgot to say that in the beginning of the video but yeah that's one of the reasons live by Laurie's lava five four three month - you can do better than this I tried you think kid pick up for Kim yet get done throw you the hose but semen was made regular oh my god you know what else decision was made here the floor is lava hey boys floor is lava you're good I'll count that is right there's some nice socks man that's some nice socks hey floors lava by the way five four three two one floor is lava five four three two can you help me take us off here what are you doing man speak now take it selfies with my bro bro what do you fish do you're taking a video or we're taking a video yeah oh all right replay know what we're buying this weird unspeakable go baby is you know where the car is what are we parked you think it's something well alright floors lava I've had this one planed out I have this one planned out I need you do it you're gonna get hit by car come on hi boy so what did we just get from Target this is all you need so we got that yeah we got some duct tape for a secret video some super glue and some locks that's really that's it sounds like a typical youtuber target run for sure we also bought some missiles fire missiles yo guys leave a like on this video if we should figure out how to rent one of these I really want one we could make an epic video with that leave a like in this video and maybe we can film with Orbeez we're at Best Buy right now picking up some video games for the switch because while I want to switch the other day and the other vlog James and gave her about to come around the corner hold on floor is lava five four floors lava five four oh I don't know I don't know that was kind of close you made it for sure but I don't know I mean it I was on here oh no no no no back flashback five four three floors lava five three [Applause] your good luck bro did you give him a cookie yeah I'm gonna name him Park ooh there's these purple I'm just cute her cute I like it I like it head of floor is lava three two one oh yeah that's beautiful eat your cookie he's not gonna eat his food dude you got a quickie right there come on cool boys mama what five four three [Laughter] hot it was spicy why didn't you eat your cookie come on Stacy Clinton eat the cookie hey calm down bro no eat the cookie well maybe he's not hungry 49 cents just for you and you're not gonna eat the cookie I think that's child abuse case you can't do that - I'm sorry corfu ate his cookie he's a happy boy no flip good boy I don't know if it's a boy or girl yet actually well it is such a beautiful day to be playing [Music] it's not how you fill up the car just watch porn so you look the nozzle and you select your grade we're gonna put in anything you see the handle and lock is it locked wait staring yet Hey floor is lava five four three two one wow you're good her crews safe - where we going on speaker book we're going on a walk a walk yep who walks now it is I don't know I'm driving Gabe's asleep in the backseat hey wake up we're gonna go on a walk okay I don't know yeah yeah we're gonna walk boys let's start sweating we're going on a walk in the middle of giant grass field perp who you want to say hi to your uncle you got korppoo first one I give him gets a hundred bucks one Gabe no no wait wait are you standing on Corbeau he's okay good I train don't do this it's a little trick we do oh my gosh look he's fine he's fine no one you just kill corfu how did he survive that no I'm talking about you oh the floor is lava think quick anaphors lava 5 4 3 2 oh you're good yeah we survived yeah I mean you were off the ground for the time being we get your orb floor is lava 5 4 3 I was literally running to this you see I was run into that one I was like now imma push the ball that's good alright yeah don't guess I'm out of the challenge well since I'm out of the challenge I'm like completely out like I can't even say floors lava you know it's basically James vs. corpus versus Gabe and corfu core and yeah cuckoo actually no he's not still in he was on burglar no we have like eight names for him at this point [Laughter] oh my gosh leave the turds in that thing [Music] what I'm kind of out of the challenge so you're burning you're good I'm a ghost right now meet him there you go some glue fix am i right did you not got the other one oh I see you already he's half-court poop all right boys I'm dropping you guys off at daycare right now thank you yeah this is just trees daycares right down there in the woods oh we're gonna Park over here nice thing here that's just trees yep we're gonna go right through here okay oh boy okay yep um get up 20 got me unlock me oh sorry you're in some mud oh hi miss um what you are in some would wanna take it okay I wonder you coming back 30 minutes that's okay I find a nerf bullet that dicker okay so what kind of trail we go home guy go to the date card ah good day care yeah dicker I thought it was a trail dad dropped us off it's treatable and then we're going we're going to trail care trail care thing yep maybe you know I don't know either so guess what well where's lava five four three two okay okay okay let's let's go to DK it's just a trail yeah yeah maybe we'll find some very exciting bugs down here those are always fun to find in the wild wild moose Oh or shark they must be going to day care to do we go down that way I don't know which way the daycare is maybe back that way I mean we took a right turn this definitely is not a dick here which way we going lava is the floor what five four three two one yeah I guess you got it okay you're good you're good yeah yeah I know that's why you're confused that's why I did think about it I was like wait is this the opposite should I stay on the floor yes then I thought about it and now I'm standing on a pile of rocks well let's walk to the day care of that oh you go okay yeah I'm walking for like 20 minutes it's 95 degrees the humidity is probably 100% I'm sweating I'm dying we're heading back hoping unspeakable is there to pick a sad / dad / Nathan but in the meantime the floor is lava five poison ivy is kind of like it's reddish and it has what 3 yeah it's a serious thing or is that poison oak I don't know the difference there's a different weight there's to live you know I didn't know there was oak and Ivy oh my gosh we finally made it out is this crazy I think I hear dead hello it was terrible hey floors lava by the way five four three two one you get into we're going so like oh okay all right boys here we are this is the lake hey why I figured you guys can cool off after daycare floor is lava fine the thing you make the nether portal with with the lava in the water when your cobble stone cobble standing on a cobble I don't know should we consider this a loss or a win because technically he was touching the ground but he was in water I'm in water with my socks on come on yeah that's pretty bad I think we'll have to give you okay we'll give it to you this one time but next time it's not gonna call for you got to get off the ground all right all right boys where we going I don't know some merch photos nice little merch shoot bro you still got your socks not wait let me see the bottom of those that's disgusting you know these are it's gonna be the new unspeakable socks man we'll sell them with dirt and that will come wet 9 percent free shipping though and it's probably never gonna happen do you know where are we going oh my gosh we're just exploring guys I don't know what's going on I know I'm at what some tree sap nice where are we right now yeah yeah lavas read the floor is lava five four three two we're going back and we're both getting a punishment ah Gabe we're going home me and your general punishment what does he went on back there come paint a tree yeah we're going home we're getting a punishment James you get to put whatever you want in a dunk tank what's up my soggy socks in the day we put these soggy boys in there why did I do this one today how about a nice cold ice water or ice cream ice cream yeah I'll do ice cream with socks and ice cubes and pickle juice what maybe some fee not I don't want here okay just let's just look let's just go home let's get it over with all right I won the challenge about time I win something and I'm gonna fill up this bucket that's gonna pour on Gabe and Nathan at the same time I got some pizza Pringles in some pickle with a little surprise of hot sauce we're just gonna pour it right in there so right now I got the pickle juice in there every single bit of it we're gonna dump the hot sauce and then some Pringles wow that was a lot and on that let's go get him all right you guys ready for this he looks ready he like ready definitely likes right okay we got a harpoon All Right game yeah we're doing this together okay all right so here's what we'll do you sit oh dude I smell it I smell pic with you Oh trying to get scientific already I guess I don't even like pickles you like Pringles oh yeah well guys that's gonna happen floor is lava challenge I'll do it you won't do it you won't do it no oh my god do it do it no there's no way I'm allergic to pickles but yeah so much for watching this was disgusting very if you want to see a part two - the floor is lava challenge we'll do one where we're blindfolded I don't know how it's gonna work but we'll do it thank you guys so much I'll see you soon a brand new vlog I'm gonna go take a really long shower oh wait they're watching you take off the balloon thing no look take this off but it's actually kind of nice okay all right here you get you back anyway Wow feels nice oh you got a lot on your back though yeah yeah let me feel it all on my all right got pickle juice Amaya wow that's fantastic [Laughter] I don't know subscriber you'll get pickle juice in your eye then watch my content also also can I just know that my toes are still painted mmm Beauty fear [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 5,110,183
Rating: 4.9014668 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: 7plx9ZvYe7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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