I Dropped The Entire Ocean on Mars To Make It Habitable

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Hello everybody welcome back to Universe Sandbox So today we're going to try to terraform Mars by dropping an ocean on it and if that goes well we're gonna try to do the same thing with the moon and Venus okay let's get right into it okay so here's Mars we're gonna slow down time a little bit so you can see these Valas marineras right there this little crater so I think I kind of want to launch the water right into this Canyon because that will fill up it's like an actual Canyon that's uh I think Universe Sandbox has the depth for it too so oh and there's that's Olympus mods right here this is the biggest mountain unrelated okay so what we're gonna do uh we're gonna how big is Mars compared to Earth let's see the radius is half of Earth so theoretically if we put half of the ocean into Mars it will fill it up the same as our planet right okay so to test that we're gonna go to asteroids we're gonna start with a random asteroid and then launch it into Mars like that but before it goes into Mars we're gonna go to the composition of it and make it a hundred percent water so this is like ice now and then if we make it big enough it should turn into a ball of water let's set the mass so we can actually set it to the Earth's ocean Mass if we do one that is the mass of one ocean I kind of want it to be a ball of water okay there we go so now it's a ball of water so if we set it to one Earth ocean Mass it's going to be that big but since Mars is only half the size of Earth let's do half of an ocean Mass okay perfect we should be able to just let this fly into Mars and see how well it fills it up okay here we go so it looks like a lot of the water is sort of evaporating off into fragments okay but here it comes on Mars's surface I don't know what that is it looks weird I think it's water vapor or just like little particles of water okay here it comes boom okay Collision you can see the water starts to spread out and there's a lot of fragments that come out I wonder what these fragments are made of pause the time these are made of silicate so it's shooting off chunks of Mars surface so now we're gonna see over time how well this covers the surface so that would be not good for life on there so it looks like this is ice already starting to spread and the water needs to cool down a little bit more so it looks like we have ice on one side and fire on the other speed it up a little bit okay so it looks like it's cooled down mostly I'm gonna check its life likelihood now we did it okay so Mars has a life likelihood of 0.427 when it was Zero before so just adding this water was enough to give it a boost where it could have very small like bacterial life so to get it a little bit higher we're gonna want the temperature higher and we want a thicker atmosphere so the temperature thing I'm thinking we just move it between Earth and Venus let's grab our move tool what if we just move it right here and then set it to Auto orbit so Mars is now between Venus and Earth and that orbit looks decent let's take a look at it this water is definitely going to freeze over time so to give it an atmosphere there's actually no way to without actually just changing its settings so we're gonna give it a little bit of an atmosphere we'll give it like half of Earth's atmosphere because it's like half the size 0.5 Earth okay so you can see that redness starts to really shine in its atmosphere and we can start to see some clouds okay I'm gonna settle the water on the surface settle water and it looks like it's completely covered in water so we had enough to completely cover it oh there's a little little island so this actually probably the best for life of all the options atmosphere clouds so this is what we're left with we're kind of left with these smaller islands and the rest is just water just pretty cool actually so now let's check its life likelihood so this atmosphere in clouds are still here okay so now we got it up to a solid 42.1 percent wow okay Mars is definitely habitable now I think we could get it a little bit more it's still really hot where that water asteroid came in so if we set its average temperature to like 14 Celsius uh so it kind of just like is not super hot at that one spot let's see what it's at now 47.3 okay that's Mars so that is a habit of Mars that is crazy and let's actually turn the vegetation on and see what that looks like let's turn off the clouds boom there we go okay Mary's is looking awesome and it still has like that Mars flavor because of the red atmosphere I would say like that's beautiful so moving it closer to the Sun definitely would help too with its um how much light's getting on it and such so that worked beautifully so let's try to do that same thing with Earth's moon and see if we can get that to be habitable okay so here's Earth looking beautiful let's get its Moon okay here's the moon awesome beautiful so it will be cool to see all of these craters fill with water so we're gonna kind of do the same thing random asteroid launch oh oh no no no don't hit retry that launch into the moon okay so now how big is the moon compared to Earth in radius 27 so we should put 27 of the Earth's ocean onto it okay so we're gonna make it 100 water and turn up its mass okay perfect so now it's a big ball of water and now we're gonna compare it to Earth's ocean so if we want it 20 what was it 27 I think that's how big it's gonna be going on to the Moon to fully cover it hopefully let's see how well that works I'm gonna play time and it looks like a lot of it is coming off again like the other one here comes and collision with the Moon wow okay so that immediately heated it all up the moon has no atmosphere at all Mars had a little atmosphere so I wonder if it's even going to be able to keep the water on the surface or if it's just gonna fly back out into space speed up time and see oh it looks like the water yeah the water left yeah so we have zero water left so I know how we can keep it on we need a little bit of hydrogen to kind of hold the water on that works so we're gonna launch a hydrogen asteroid into it and make a big ball of hydrogen that should be big enough I think and we're gonna launch that into the moon and see if that's gonna help okay here it comes I don't know what it's shooting off it's like the fumes of it okay hydrogen asteroid the bad hydrogen a tiny bit that might be all we need though so let's try another water launch into it okay set it to 27 the Earth's ocean mass and launch it into the Moon here we go here it comes that looks bigger than the other one that was pretty big I swear wait I might have done that wrong I swear that was way bigger let's wait for it to cool down it looks like the water's staying on it better it's still an orbit so that's a good sign okay we have water on the moon now let's go um it's starting to cool down our life likelihood is still at zero unfortunately let's wait for it to cool down all the way and see if we can get any life likelihood on there no okay so it's been a while so I do think that the temperature needs to be a little higher and we do need a little bit of an atmosphere so let's try just adding an atmosphere and see if that will put it in the habitable so it has life on it so let's do 27 of Earth's atmosphere you can see that show up on there it's a white atmosphere and just from that let's see if that did anything yes that added 10.4 percent life likelihood so there's a 10.4 chance that this planet or this moon has life on it okay so let's see if we can get that any higher I'm gonna make it not tidally locked anymore so the Earth so the moon usually faces the same side to Earth always but that's not good for life because you want a good day and night cycle so we're gonna switch it to one day so it spins one day on the moon is the same as Earth now and I bet that has an effect yes 23.5 that almost doubled the chance of life we're also going to increase the temperature to an average of 14 degrees Celsius and we're gonna add some clouds and some other visual stuff to make this thing look better beautiful check that out that is the new moon 24.1 chance of live okay so that is good enough I think because the Moon is a lot smaller so the chances that life develops on it is still going to be lower you can see we add vegetation I don't like how it takes all of it and makes it vegetation though so I'm actually going to kind of do my own vegetation I know I mean this isn't real vegetation we're just kind of painting it green but I think it looks better if you don't have it all green so you can see here's kind of our surface now we have a big ocean here and then some continents over here that are a little bit green I think that contrast is up a little too high something like that looks a little bit better so we kind of have the big land continent over here and then the big ocean over here and it is still in orbit around the Earth perfect okay last one we're gonna do today is Venus so let's get over to that all right here's Venus okay Venus already has a thick atmosphere so let's try to not touch its atmosphere and just add water and then maybe move it further away and see if that will give us life so same thing we're gonna go random asteroid and then launch it into Venus and Venus is almost the same size as Earth 90 what's our size 95 the size of Earth so we're gonna do 95 percent of Earth's ocean launching into it all right so this this ball here is 95 the mass of Earth's ocean and we're gonna launch it into Venus and see what happens fragments coming off here it comes wait before we do let's turn off Venus's atmosphere so we can see what's gonna happen on the surface foreign Collision and what happens it could be that the water is so hot because Venus is so hot that it doesn't exist in a liquid form on the surface yeah so it's showing that it does have water so I think we need to move it further away so we're gonna move it a little bit behind Earth be just because its atmosphere is so thick that it can kind of heat itself we're gonna put it right here and then set our motion to Auto orbit okay and we'll see if this cools down enough over time to maybe make that water liquid oh it looks like it's kind of working we'll do a flashlight so this isn't realistic lighting anymore but we just want to kind of see it where is look there's water liquid water right there so how do we get more liquid water I'm gonna try to settle it settle the water yeah that kind of worked okay so there's a little bit of water now and let's also just cool it down and then we'll see how it well it works okay so it's still too close it's heating up too fast still Venus you're gonna need to be out here in the asteroid belt it looks like okay now is it heating up or cooling down still heating up Venus you oh we're gonna need to put you where by okay we're putting you between Jupiter and Saturn there's no way you still heat up all the way out here okay it's starting to cool down now so let's put it at 14. it looks like it's very slowly slowing down so this actually might work pretty well okay and then it looks like we have one big ocean so I'm gonna try to settle the water again it kind of so we have a lot of little Lakes it looks like um I mean they'd be big lakes for us but compared to the ocean like this is our only like ocean on the surface so it still does have its atmosphere and clouds they're just we just turned them off so we can see the surface and okay with that what's our life likelihood 0.351 wow okay I think we might actually have to make our atmosphere thinner because the pressure is just so much on it okay if I set it to one Earth's atmosphere it's gonna be colder but let's check its life like this yes 22.4 and also let's make it so it rotates correctly and now we get 65 I'll take that we made Mars habitable the moon habitable and Venus habitable by throwing oceans on it and then I guess changing some of the settings thank you guys so much for watching this video leave suggestions for more Universe Sandbox stuff down in the comments below you guys are awesome thank you so much for watching [Music] thank you
Channel: Space Chip
Views: 580,812
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Keywords: space chip, space, space facts, outer space, SC
Id: nGHK6QjCzK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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