How Many Supernovas to Crash The Game? - Universe Sandbox

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Hello everybody welcome back to Universe Sandbox today we are going to try to crash the game in as many different ways as possible so I have a pretty beefy computer so it might not be easy but we're gonna do everything we can to try to crash the game in multiple different ways so let's go okay so the first thing I was thinking was just make a ton of supernovas happen so if we have the sun here so this is our solar system and you can see it's running pretty smoothly um how fast could we run it at this time with my computer so my computer is powerful enough to run the solar system at about 50 years every second which is actually pretty crazy so we need to be able to not do that so the more things are that are happening it's going to slow the game down and maybe we can get it to crash so let's launch another Sun into our sun and get okay those both supernovaed out so then let's add like a bunch of Sun so sun sun sun sun sun so these are all suns right here and okay another Super never happened we might need a bigger star because this is running so smoothly I'm getting like 60 frames per second smooth as they explode okay where's where's Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is actually okay look how much bigger Beetlejuice is than all of these it's gonna eat them all at once okay Beetlejuice versus Beetlejuice trying to zoom out Boom place more okay it's lagging a tiny bit but not too bad like look that is still smooth if you get in here it's a little more laggy you can see the lagginess so maybe if we do okay what's uh we need Stevenson 218 where's that right here this is the biggest star that exists put a bunch here oh and we also want the time to be running as fast as we can let it go how is it letting me go this fast what is happening to the game all the supernovas are okay we need a new simulation okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna put like as many Stevenson twins eight two one eights as I can while the game's paused so we're just gonna like draw we could draw shapes or whatever um and then we're gonna play and hopefully all of them crashing together at once will be enough to crash the game okay so I'm just gonna keep placing as many as possible so all of these are the biggest copies of the biggest star that we know exist so let's compare one of these to the sun just so you can see like how much stuff is actually here so here's Stevenson 280 and then here's the size of our sun in comparison that's it this little dot right here is the size comparison so these are pretty big and this is covering a large area so let's get some more Stevenson two and eights in here and then we'll see what happens there's so many okay so that's like probably over a hundred Stevenson two and eight so we I just pressed play and now we're gonna let the time go as fast as it'll let us go so I'm speeding it up as fast as it could go okay lag lag lag and they all fly away from each other why can't okay a couple black holes got made somehow I don't know how that happened but it looks like that's not gonna work okay I do have another idea okay galaxies are gonna have a lot of Mass on them like particles so if we get like a random Galaxy so what if we just like fill the game with as many galaxies as I can while it's paused oh that's already starting to laugh lag it so yeah do some more these are all random galaxies that it's just spawning in you can see the size difference some of them are a lot bigger okay the game's getting really laggy but lag does not mean crashed hopefully my recording doesn't like corrupt okay that's a good amount of galaxies those are all different galaxies oh the frame rate is like zero okay play time and then speed up as fast as I can okay we're going about a thousand years a second they're not really gonna start moving until you get super super big time okay so this is about as fast as it oh my gosh the frame rate look at that it's like two frames per second and my computer is not small so that's kind of crazy the frame rate is so low I can't even do anything okay so now we just need it like we need just a little thing to push it over the edge to get this to crash fully let's add some more galaxies okay pause the game so we can have a little bit more freedom what if we use them out really far does that help with our frame rate not really yeah okay some more galaxies oh my gosh I can't even add them it's going so slow okay okay just watch this frame rate I think this might help a lot so see how the frame rate's like zero if I click control D that'll clear every fragment let's see how well that works oh oh oh wait that did it look we crashed it okay adding a ton of galaxies work okay okay we're back the game's booted up oh that's so smooth so my next theory for trying to get it to crash is to add rings to Saturn but then keep adding more and more and more and more and more rings so I'll show you what I mean let's get Saturn's rings so Saturn actually doesn't spawn with rings at the start you can add them in though so this is just like what one ring level looks like but you can add it again and again and again and you can see they get thicker and the game starts to become laggy um and it also likes to shoot out why is it so big I do not remember Saturn's rings being that big why is it shooting out particles that's strange anyway let's keep adding it you can see now it's a little more laggy so it gets thicker and thicker each time but the performance gets worse and worse I'm just gonna keep clicking this and maybe it will crash oh this might be even easier than galaxies you can see already the frame rate's so low add some more add some more add some more okay I don't know how many we have but we have a lot let's go into the settings and we might be able to crash it with one more click if we change the number of particles from 2500 all the way up and the number of bodies all the way up but now if we add this ring it should add 20 000 particles at one time one click no way it's still surviving this okay what if we pause time add a bunch add it I'm just like gonna click it a bunch you can see how thick getting they're almost like actual Rings like they have all the particles needed less than one frame per second so now all at once I'm gonna delete every single ring particle if you do Ctrl D it'll delete all of them at once and we'll see what happens three two one go oh the game froze did that crash it trying to clear them all yes yeah it worked okay we're two for two aren't crashing let's go for one more okay so my last thing I do want to try is just make a star so big while it's paused and then just play and we'll see if we could get it so massive that it just like destroys the whole game so the game's paused right now otherwise this wouldn't work it would have already Supernova ten ten ten I'm gonna go as big as the game will possibly let me okay the scale of this is not even like comprehendable to even understand okay just from the size while it's paused look it's it's laggy just from this I don't even think this will even make you know how big it is but here's the Milky Way the entire Milky Way galaxy Zoom is that big compared to our star that we just made so let's make it bigger radius 10 times 10 times 10 times times okay I'm gonna zoom out like until it's like you can't even see it at all and just make it as big as it'll let me oh is there a limit is that the hard limit did we reach it no no we can keep going it looks like our radius stopped moving there is a limit this looks like we hit the limit I've never actually tried this okay so this is like the biggest star we could possibly make and then before we hit play I'm gonna try to explode it oh oh I clicked explode oh wait it actually worked and then play time [Music] we're perfectly smooth this explosion is so it's bigger than the entire observable universe and the Milky Way got shot out and and that one just disappeared okay well let's go over to space engine and there's a couple things I want to try to get that one to crash okay so here we are at Earth so I figured out today actually so wait there there's Earth we're not leaving Earth we're just going next to it that you can change how many stars are in your field division at one time if you go to settings and then go to camera you can change so like this is showing how many stars you're gonna be able to see and it'll make them brighter too so you'll see we'll start to see a lot more as we start to turn this up so let's see if we because it does get laggier too the game is in the highest settings possible because I have a pretty beefy computer look at that look how many stars there are that is so bright okay but that's not as bright as we can go so let's make it brighter I can't even see my mouse it like Blends in okay Stars up up what's the max 20. so this is the max and then what if we turn our exposure down so we can still kind of see what's going on but all of these stars are in view okay frame rate is non-existent this might be it just travel to earth see what it does whoa that actually was surprisingly smooth okay fly backwards you can see it has to load it in chunks because I have the game on like the highest settings Ultra everything it's not even playable but it doesn't crash okay what if we turn all of these up okay so we got planets turn those up wait turn the Stars down we'll do the Stars last okay that instantly brought our frame rate back okay planets all the way up clusters all the way up nebulae all the way up galaxies all the way up deep Sky objects so this is okay this is everything but oh whoa okay this is everything except Stars turned all the way bright that's what the Milky Way looks like that's kind of crazy oh whoa you could start to see all of the let me turn this up that is all of the galaxies that you can see if you turn everything Max that is actually so cool those are all galaxies okay oh the game I think they just crash by itself I can't do anything yeah yeah it did oh oh my [Laughter] that was cool so here is that's what the galaxies looked like look at that wow okay thank you guys so much for watching this video um if you think you could suggest more ways to crash either game put it in the comments below thank you for watching and I'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Space Chip
Views: 290,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space chip, space, space facts, outer space, SC, astro chip
Id: 5QjyWV5qDr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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