Milky Way VS Andromeda Galaxy - Universe Sandbox

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this is the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies we're gonna Collide them today along with a bunch of other things that you guys suggested and our first suggestion comes from freezer who asked if we could Collide the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies alright so I pulled up the simulation here so this is the Milky Way on the bottom and the Andromeda galaxies on top so the Milky Way actually is smaller I'm just gonna play and see what happens I'm actually interested like what's gonna get ripped where so you can see these are the central black holes in the middle super massive black holes oh black holes are colliding they just sucked into one okay so there's now only one black hole that's probably a lot more massive and you can see all of the matter from the galaxies getting shot out let's speed up time a little bit it looks like a lot of stuff is gonna get launched into Interstellar space and this is gonna form a new Galaxy called milk dromeda so the Milky Way and Andromeda are actually going to collide in real life in like a lot of a lot of time yeah and then they'll create milk dromeda which I guess this is this is the milk drama to Galaxy now it's very chaotic but I'm sure it would settle down over time now we're back in our solar system and Uranus says can you make two suns collide with each other let's just add another sun to the system and put it on still so they don't orbit each other it just they're just gonna run into each other just like that and we'll slow down time because this is going to be pretty quick and we're gonna see them collide with each other oh here it comes foreign okay so neither of them survive actually and it just goes Supernova and that Supernova is gonna engulf the entire solar system it looks like yeah shooting out Beyond Neptune and everything everything in the solar system is part of the Supernova now and it burned all of the planets up to Jupiter so everything else is burned to death but Jupiter is still here it's losing mass slowly so it basically kills the solar system if they Collide dud says make the biggest possible gas giant and see how it affects the Sun so we're going to add a gas giant in here we'll put it pretty far out uh we'll put it between Neptune and Uranus so like right here so we're just gonna start with this random gas giant pretty dark out here let's use our flashlight we need this to be pretty before we make it ginormous let's do a green gas giant I wish we had a green gas giant for real in our system that'd be so cool beautiful it looks like Sprite okay so right now it is only 3.4 Earth's size so it's like one percent the size of Jupiter so we're gonna start and we're just gonna make it the size of Jupiter and then we're going to see if that affects the solar system at all just from that bill at speed up time is it gonna pull Uranus out of its orbit it looks like a little bit but nothing too crazy so let's like make it 10 times bigger so now it's 10 times Jupiter size see if anything happens now doesn't look like too much Uranus is coming is it going to get Gravelly oh oh look right here Uranus is getting pulled out of its orbit by Sprite oh oh are they gonna Collide okay okay they're getting close I wonder if they're gonna Collide oh no it doesn't look like they are but they are getting pretty close oh that was close Okay so it looks like it's almost captured Uranus in an orbit did we eject Uranus from the solar system no it's still in orbit so it messed up Uranus's orbit so we're gonna let's make it even bigger now we'll go a hundred times Jupiter oh it turned into a star we can't do that smaller smaller have this is like the biggest you can get it before it turns into a star so now let's play and see what happens so it is like burning hot because it's like trying to become a star it's a brown dwarf technically its orbit is pretty elliptical it looks like it's messing up Neptune's orbit too I think we need it closer so let's grab it and move it closer okay so now I moved it closer so now let's see what's gonna happen looks like it's pulling a lot of asteroids Here Comes Jupiter let's see what happens here Jupiter gets gravity launched by it so yeah bad stuff's happening you can see that the sun is actually moving getting pulled by it let's move it even closer like next to Earth and now let's see what happens see if Earth gets eaten up here comes Venus oh Venus got eaten here comes the Earth oh or it's dead too so this would be bad if this happened okay let's see Mercury is still alive Mars got brought all the way up here and it looks like it's still in orbit oh did it just get launched out of the solar system oh whoa if you turn on the orbit lines you can see how much it's really affecting the entire system that's crazy so that's what would happen I guess Jacob Cassidy says I'd like to see you try creating another moon for Earth using a bunch of different asteroids and meteors okay so if we're gonna try to create another moon for Earth so here's its Moon our moon the moon and if we want to create another one uh we could try launching meteors into Earth to break off certain chunks to create it so let's try that random asteroid launch um into Earth uh let's make it like spin really fast so it can kind of like shoot stuff off of it okay I want to see this thing spinning in real time is it spinning fast enough to like get ripped apart oh it is oh we spun it to death oh oh the clouds I think we're gonna need something bigger Pluto go go Pluto we need Pluto to spin definitely okay that's gotta that's gotta be good right oh it broke right before it smashed into the Earth okay the fragments one of these has gotta remain in orbit right we need like a big chunk to come off okay Pluto but go faster 10 100 times what it thought it what it was going okay real time okay this is in real time so it's going it's going we need a big chunk to come off to create a moon right on the edge yeah that's perfect okay there it goes yeah look at all these rocks these are gonna be good we want these to like condensed together okay that was good that was a good Collision good job of Earth um it's oh whoa the entire Earth is fragmenting out oh boy we need something to stay in orbit why is the whole earth disintegrating okay come on ah I see one oh that's just the moon the moon's orbit got messed up by that but is the moon gonna crash into Earth now because if it does that would be cool oh it totally is where we made the moon crash into Earth accidentally Slow Down slow down time let's see what happens here oh it just like barely hit it it's gonna come back around and hit it again though the rush limb is breaking it apart we want a little I just want it to collide Moon boom okay that's gotta make a moon right no this is impossible boom has a moon now Jay says make every planet orbit the Sun's habitable zone and wait a while okay so what we're gonna do is turn on a habitable zone and then let's just like grab each planet let's pause it and then move them so it does kind of like mess it up so I'm just gonna like bring them out to Earth's orbit um and then we can Auto orbit go to motion and click Auto orbit and that'll make it perfectly circular so now for Mars we'll bring that into Earth's orbit for about here [Music] okay boom Neptune's done so they should all be in orbit now every single planet is now within Earth's orbit in the habitable zone or hotter of the system so let's slow down time to like I don't know half a day per second and let's see what happens to the system solar system if it just works that would be crazy okay it looks like it's okay so far are they just gonna work no way okay okay something's happening the orbits are kind of Shifting oh did we lose planets oh Uranus is out here how'd that happen okay I guess some planets got ejected but it lasted years we're at 2206 if this happened we would we went fine if it happened exactly like that that's crazy I did not think it would be stable at all no idea if this is possible but Phil just Mars's Valas Mariners with water via a water meteor okay so vales marineris is the biggest canyon in the solar system and it's on Mars so here it is you can see it let's try to fill it with water launch right here and then just fill this with water right just straight water in the meteor okay it's a big thing of water but let's go okay here it comes oh the Mars is turning ah okay here comes the water look it's like filling it okay speed up time and see what happens here it is look we just filled it this is it right here I mean we also filled up this oh the water is like disappearing oh and now it's frozen and the whole thing freezes with ice I mean one side of it but we did fill it suggestion make it gas giant so close to a star and make it evaporate okay so let's move Jupiter so close to the Sun that it starts to have issues how close does it need to be let's put it right here and see what happens um and let's make it orbit so it doesn't just fly straight into the sun here's Jupiter now super close to the Sun let's see what happens okay it is heating up let's speed up time and see if anything's gonna happen okay it's starting to turn orange it's pretty stable in temperature now and it's not losing any Mass so we need it even closer move it even closer okay probably about let's try here that's gotta melt it off right Jupiter versus the Sun okay it's over a thousand degrees Celsius now still heating up and it's stabilized it's like 1600 and is not losing any Mass oh my gosh we need it even closer that's gotta do something right it's Gotta evaporate here okay we're gonna watch it Mass right here we want this to start going down [Music] [Music] son that's crazy where did the mask go whoa that was cool we even left like a big Ripple on the sun earth says make the Sun be in a binary system okay so let's just add another Sun to the Sun uh like that uh will it work okay Mercury gets pulled in Venus gets pulled in okay uh it's pretty chaotic okay Mercury just got ejected from the entire solar system although the planets are getting pulled in I think it's because there's way more math so everything starts getting pulled twice as hard as it did before so I have an idea what if we what if we make the sun half of the mass that it is now uh it's paused right now and then we do a binary orbit with another Sun that's only half the mass okay so now these are these half Suns orbiting each other instead of one big sun okay so the orbit seems to be safe let's add a bear Center let's see what happens oh is it gonna work oh my gosh I think it's working I think the orbits might have been changed a little bit but yeah the solar system is still completely fine so if the sun's suddenly split in two and they started orbiting each other we would still be fine let's make sure Earth is fine because oh is it starting to freeze oh Earth is freezing I guess they don't shoot out as much like the masses half but they're not as bright yeah they're only each one is only four percent of the Sun so Earth wouldn't leave the system but it would freeze leave your suggestions for more things to do in Universe Sandbox down in the comments below make sure you hit that subscribe button we're so close to a hundred thousand subscribers thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you guys next time [Music] quick [Music]
Channel: Space Chip
Views: 494,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space chip, space, space facts, outer space, SC
Id: WOEVSyu75xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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