I Try (and fail) the WORST SHOT Challenge for Cuphead DLC

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hello welcome to the worst shot challenge in cuphead dlc edition i regret every decision in my life that has led me to this moment so for this challenge i asked people to vote for each boss which shot they think is the least effective and whichever got the most votes i'd have to use other rules would be no charms no supers and must be done on expert not regular not simple we're not [ __ ] and now with the dlc we have more walls to bash my head against i can't wait so briefly before the dlc bosses i'm gonna talk about some of the existing fights in the base game that had a dlc weapon picked for them as the worst shot and only three of them did ribbian croaks cagney and rumor honey bottoms great three of the most cancerous fights on expert thank you so much guys i really appreciate it but you know what they weren't as bad as i thought they would be i first beat all three of them very quickly using chalice but then i realized she's a charm and that's against the rules wow what a way to objectify women so i went back with just poor little mugman and i got each of them within like five percent hp left so you know what that's good enough for me i'll take it as a win first i want to talk about ribbian croaks which had twister picked for it instead of the original spread and honestly i think spread was worse well maybe it's about the same for the first two phases but they don't matter anyway they're not really that hard especially phase two it's the slot machine that really sucks both with spread and twist up you have to get close in order to land your heads but at close you won't have any time to react to the upcoming attacks but i find that twist up has a slightly longer reach every once in a while a single shot might tickle the edges of the boss if you're around the middle of the room and let me tell you twist up damage is garbage only if every single shot lands does it do acceptable damage so only tickling the boss every once in a while with a single little twirly boy it's gonna take a long damn time but even still that's better than just not being able to hit the boss period which is the spread experience also you can use the x moves you just can't use super and twist up x move is okay it can hit the boss actually so that's pretty amazing cagney is the same deal pretty much twistop works fine for the first two phases then for the third one you can only hit the boss if you're up close so again it takes forever but at least it's mechanically an easy fight so it's not really that bad just a patience check rumor i got like second try on chalice but as mugman it was a whole different story probably because chalice is better suited for platforming bosses like this and i know exactly why you [ __ ] pick this shot you thought i'd never be able to hit rumor in the final phase but it's surprisingly not completely impossible it does require aiming in a specific way though so it might end up taking your focus away from the flying fists and platforming which isn't great but to me the beginning is the most annoying it's always better to stay above the cup soon and get trapped by the boss and the workers but well it's in the name of the shot twist up so good luck okay now let's talk about the dlc fights the first one i did was glamstone the giant for which over half the boats went into lobber as the worst shot they were probably right about that one it does suck ass not only does it have bad range bad fire rate but also bad angle all of which make it dreadful to use on fights with minions and here's a fun fact the only boss without minions in the entire game is scooby legrand so [ __ ] me and the worst case of cancerous minions besides the [ __ ] illumination turns out is the gnomes in glamstone in order to avoid death you'll have to keep trying to kill the gnomes before too many of them spawn and also hit the boss as much as you can so the torture is over as fast as possible and you'll also just have to dodge things i find it's easy to hit the boss but the gnomes are just tiny and they're at the bottom while you have to stand on the pillars so it's a bad fight to do with lobber who would have guessed now for the second part it's really not much different from how you would normally do it it's very easy to hit the boss problem is that even with the best shot i'm still awful at this phase i just have a hard time visualizing where the ball they throw will go and the gnome spawns so rapidly all over the screen i can't keep up with it sometimes i'll luck out and get here without having lost a single heart only to die before even getting halfway through the puppets then we have the final phase you guys are such comedians making me have to do this [ __ ] with lobber i can't even hit the [ __ ] unless i'm jumping and also ride under her what is normally a 30 second fight is now as long as the entire boss fight would be with a better weapon it is an easy phase but when it takes this long and you only have three hearts for not just this phase but the entire boss there's plenty of chances to [ __ ] it up and [ __ ] it up i did so in total i spent an hour and 25 minutes doing this one boss thank you guys alright so mortimer freeze was a delight because it only took less than half an hour the boat was close between lobber and twist up but in the end as you can see lobber won i'm so absolutely thrilled and clearly the reason it won is because of phrase one he's flying above you the whole time lobber has no range not a match made in heaven so again you can only reach him when you jump but the problem is whenever he flashes you the hitbox on the icicle minions is instant and the animation itself is also really fast so if you're already mid-jump and he does it and you're in a bad spot well you're [ __ ] so the best method is to always aim at his ball sack always jump right between those little chubby legs and shove your balls up his ass so that the minions spawn around you and not on you this sounds very gay so this part really sucks to do but the entire rest of the fight is completely fine now i do think the snowman is a difficult boss regardless of the shot you're using so it's entirely possible i'll still die here and you do have the popsicles flying around which are pretty hard to hit with lubber like always but other than that it's fine the giant snowflake i've gotten pretty good at but since all that's on my mind here is please don't die i don't want to do phase one again sometimes i just overthink it and die [ __ ] oh my ass oh my ass why did i have to do this why is it always [ __ ] lobber this time a whopping 70 percent voted for it and it's once again an enemy that flies above you that you can't reach without jumping oh joy and he rarely stands still he'll usually pilot the plane for a few seconds and then jump off to attack you from left or right but whenever he makes this space that's the face you want to see it means he'll drift around a little longer and it's free damage but then they appear the god damn fire hydrants why are there fire hydrants why are they locked into homing into me even if they fly past me they'll change course immediately and shove themselves up my [ __ ] ass what's that you say just shoot them well problem with that is that we're using lobber and hitting things is generally not gonna happen when you use it so the biggest danger in this fight is when you get three bad things at once a fire hydrant an attack from the boss and the baseballs i can deal with one even two of them at once but three might just be a little much now the puppies by themselves they're fine it is a little bit awkward to hit them of course so it lasts longer than it should and sometimes i'll make a dumb mistake and get hit and then i get so frustrated that i lose focus and ultimately die in the finale which is another case of a purely difficult phase it's easy to hit the boss but just surviving through it with what little health you've got left is the challenge i find that sometimes the combination of the yellow and red bowls is really unfavorable and other times a bit more reasonable it varies a lot it is just me being bad at the boss though not something that's made hard by the challenge itself necessarily though it being the final phase does make me overthink and stress and you know how that ends ultimately it took me an hour and 40 minutes but it probably took more than that from my life expectancy thank you cuphead so the closest thing to fun i had in this challenge was moonshine mob possibly because i was able to use something other than lobber for once not that twist up is a massive upgrade or anything there's just something satisfying about getting every twirly boy to hit the boss which you won't get the chance to do often but when you do oh man it's like it actually does something i found it best to keep chasing the spider and use every opportunity you get to spray him with the twirlies pop the x-move tornado every once in a while when the arena is getting crowded and try to get rid of the caterpillar's asap also did you know you can crouch under the flies i didn't until this challenge can't see that it's still a hard fight and it can last a while and even if it doesn't there's what i call the first phase tax it's just a rule that you're taxed one heart before you can continue i'd almost always have two hearts for the gramophone lady but every once in a while i'd managed to commit tax evasion and i felt so dirty but so good for it now the gramophone is less intense in a way there's less [ __ ] happening but the issue is how the lady keeps moving all over the floor i would rarely get hits but the fight would last so damn long that i'm bound to make a mistake eventually or just get exhausted then we have the shit-eater who is by far the easiest one to hit but he does have his big-ass balls bouncing around and they have a fair bit of health more than twist up is capable of dealing with quickly i recommend saving as much of your cards as possible so you can spam them whenever the boss spits out the balls and just stay on the bottom platform the whole time unless you're about to get tongue [ __ ] i feel i got really lucky when i finally beat the ant eater but that's when i came face to face with the real boss the snail yeah the thing that usually dies in one hit is now the most intense part of the whole fight i was sweating and shaking and pissing myself i just really didn't want to die and redo it and thankfully that didn't happen [Music] maybe go outside okay i give up i can't i physically can't do this fight on x but it's just not gonna happen i ended up having to do the fight on regular and if you think that's me taking the easy way out well it's not really it was still as hard as any of the others were on expert over half the voter sealed my fate by voting lobber once more and as if just surviving the carnage of the first phase wasn't enough i now can't even hit him look at how [ __ ] lobber is why is it going out my ass to the one single person who voted crack shot thank you you tried it wasn't enough but i appreciate it the only way i could really do any damage was by parrying anything i could and then using the x on salt baker but you know even then it would sometimes just miss it's just really agonizing exhausting drawn out like it takes so long that the music just stops even the game is like the [ __ ] are you still doing here but the moment i beat the first face that was it everything else i just first tried cause phase two i'm already pretty good at on expert so regular is just a cakewalk and even lobber can hit the salt shakers just fine same goes for the final stretch though it is a little more awkward to land hits on the hot but there's only two things you have to worry about platforming and the heart that's like ten times less than in phase one so the total amount of time i spent here was an hour and ten minutes half of it was on expert half on regular and i'm sure the number would be times a hundred if i went all the way on expert but i i really need an app okay after all this i deserve a nap [ __ ] [Music] all right well i don't think that's gonna happen either but anyhow if you guys want to try the challenge yourselves i'll have all the poll results on screen and thank you all for voting by the way even if it nearly cost the life of my controller and thank you for watching and join my discord server links in the description and i'm gonna be off on a trip for some time i'm gonna s-rank canada and worst shot challenge my girlfriend but i'll be back to no life soon enough so see ya [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: Magicat
Views: 396,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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