CUPHEAD: Don't Touch the Color Blue Challenge!

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gamers welcome to my boulders if we touch blue or i die at any point i have to move on to the next level slash boss that's the rules let's get into it starting with forest follies of course now last time i did this i was playing pretty bad i'm gonna be playing as mugman just for the fun of it these weapons do not count as blue i mean this is more like green but still i'm allowed to touch my own weapons the blue stars are still a problem i really need to be careful of them okay this might actually be a pretty optimal weapon just because it's so it's so long range and it hits things from behind me oh that's actually really good [Music] now i'm not too concerned with the root pack i think we'll actually be fine here really easy boss and i don't even think there's any blue at all i mean sal sputter doesn't produce any blue as far as i'm aware that was excessive okay now like last time i'm not spawning horace redache oh wait no he's gonna spawn blue tears oh crap i cannot touch the tears i shouldn't have shot him okay just don't touch the blue team now ribby and croaks i'm definitely more concerned with especially once we get to the second phase because we have the radioactive gumballs oh crap these are blue as well oh no dude there's actually a lot of blue in this game i'm just now realizing okay we avoided all those so we're fine take him out as quickly as possible oh just be careful be careful you know what feel pretty good about this it's actually not as hard as i thought it'd be oh i was close no now goofy lagrande a goopy legrand this is a this is a serious problem if i can avoid him that's fine but like he gets beak he gets really big if i touch him once game over oh my god it's disney villain time let's do it now i actually don't know if there's a lot of blue in this fight actually and i said actually twice in that sentence because i actually am not sure like for sure so no blue so far it looks like i just need to be a gamer and do well that's not a good start oh there is blue oh my god i forgot about this one go away you stupid blue stars i'm not appreciate ah that was way too close it's on now this level i actually have no idea if that well there's gonna be blue from the uh explosion but outside of that i don't know how much blue is actually in this one okay he shoots blue spikes that's really the only blue i'm finding though not much else beyond that i might have touched the star there i'm not sure i'll keep going though okay huh no i oh come on okay okay can't mess up now damn it now i know there is blue in this level unfortunately last time i ended up touching the red on the bottom but it's level actually cleared however there is blue objects that are going to come into play some blue spiky ball thingies so i'm slightly concerned about that but yeah like these things are kind of a problem and there's gonna be another one as well but this might actually not be that bad okay i'm sorry i was that was way closer than it should have been that's all i'm saying okay there's a blue guy there blue guy here pink fella another blue oh my god no no okay well we're doing we're doing not great but at least we haven't touched blue yet that was way too close i hate these orange things no oh great there's a freaking blue tile on the ground lovely there's definitely blue and jimmy the great i mean thankfully he doesn't have any blue on him he's more green slash teal but there's a lot of blue objects we're already seeing some of it okay yep god i i'm really not [Music] no he's got blue on him oh no but at least the the stupid ducks so world 2 has not been great i will say this is a background piece i'm allowed to touch this blue thing okay this this blue background is fine this does not count all right now obviously the duck in the cars are a bit of a problem we don't want to touch those that was surprisingly quick okay no there's blue tiles damn it no no i can't avoid these oh my god come on maybe i can if i'm really lucky yes [Music] let's just get it out of the way let's get grim out of the way i'm i'm feeling grim about this but you know what we're going to do it i'm going to give it our best shot i mean so far so good we didn't we didn't we vote my opinion on that we have gotten hit once which is definitely better than last time we were at one hp at the second phase which is awful if we can at least make it to the final phase i'll be happy the blue conductor guys passed so now we just have to avoid the flames okay the flames are being pretty generous today they're really not trolling me sometimes they really like petroleum but not today all right nice nice hell yes all right we made it to the final form let's do it if we can clear this great we gotta clear it on one hp have mercy on my soul no well this is a problem wally warbles a ton of blue i am very concerned about this yeah this is a serious problem especially once we get to the second phase if we even get there all right here we go here goes nothing that's a lot of blue to avoid but so far so far so good unless i if i touch like little fragments of it that's what's that's what's gonna be hard here is avoiding that okay we're touching we just touched his red beak his orange red face that was it so we should be fine if we touched if i you know if i touch a tiny fragment i can't help it but it seems like we're actually okay my god it's a lot of blue to avoid it's a lot of blue to avoid i cannot do we've actually made it to the third phase of getting hit this is insane okay not the eggs not the eggs okay this is why we shrunk this is why we shrunk okay i can't believe we've made it this far on this boss ah okay okay it's fine perry okay no parry we don't have to parry pairing's not necessary nice we got to hit in there ah damn it okay that was our first hit it was just our first hit we should be okay i am surprised how well this is going i'm not gonna lie okay oh my god we're at the final phase i usually never make it this far normally no not blue tweety bird no not twitter oh dear god no come on [Music] okay mr monopoly is fine the ground that's not blue that's more gray that flag is in the background that does not count however that would have counted if i actually hit it so thankfully i didn't we're locked and loaded baby that that's a lot of blue that is a lot of blue to avoid noah blue chest how am i going to avoid that i i can't there's no way my favorite boss oh and oi now unfortunately this guy's got some blue so that's a problem we'll just have to avoid them very carefully oh god oh god oh dude there's so much blue there's no way if i make it through even just this one phase i'll be happy it's a lot of blue fellas this is a lot of potential blue i could be touching oh now no blue here over the triangles not the triangles that's purple that's purple [Music] there is a lot of blue in werner worman i mean not at first we'll be fine for the first phase but the bottle caps again are gonna be a problem this stuff is no issues whatsoever probably shouldn't have used that on this first phase to be honest but oh well oh crap okay there is okay okay here we go actually yo there is no blue oh except the floor at the top is blue okay i absolutely cannot go to the top i can't it's impossible [Music] okay i think i can actually do this if i stay down dude i don't even realize you could dodge the flames i can't dodge the bottle caps but i just touch that and again this guy's got some blue on him it's okay pretty far away really not too concerned oh my freaking god could i have more obstacles please with the stage i am for sure not dead somehow okay okay unless if i touch the star somewhere then obviously it ended but maybe i didn't i am very lucky oh oh man this is this is some close calls right here and i only have one eight oh i think i definitely touched the star i'm just gonna keep going just in case i didn't touch it yeah i'm pretty sure it's over i have definitely touched the star at some point okay yeah it's over there is plenty of blue in dr carl's robot plenty of blue just destroy all these damn things to start bruh how the hell there's no [Music] stage play is entirely blue this is a problem um yeah this is a big problem okay we'll just be really really cautious no [Music] so this one's definitely not gonna be possible the freaking ground is water um calamari has got blue on her and there's gonna be some water that comes up and there's freaking ghosts that are blue there is no way in hell but i'll get as far as i can oh no here we go no no no [Music] perilous piers let's do it stars i really should just stop shooting enemies in general the stars are like genuinely too deadly i gotta shoot that guy though i don't have a choice no [Music] and on to another a uh another sea level this clearly [Music] there is a lot of blue and phantom express this entire guy is blue these eyeballs have kind of blue on them i guess not really but still doesn't change the fact there's a lot of blue to worry about [Music] and now onto king dice basically we just got to get through him now thankfully there's no blue on him so it's really going to come down to just getting through bosses i did not pick chip's bed again which is good um there is no blue in this level okay fantastic actually that's really really good although i do wish i had the better parry the invisible parry or the dash parry whatever the hell you call it that's okay we can at least get through this boss no problem nice let's go that's what i'm talking about okay we'll take the extra hp i honestly don't remember what this boss is if it has blue on it that's not good well that was a mistake i'm not touching that actually oh is that i don't know if that counts or not maybe that maybe i'm safe the skulls are blue i am not expecting to get far here i mean this boss is pretty hard as it is that is not a good start and there's so much blue too but hey if i get past the first phase that'll be kind of a miracle [Music] once again we'll be doing the gauntlet and i already know the ponds are a problem because there's blue on the ponds but see how it goes yeah this is a big problem they're literally arms and body and legs or blue however if i can only touch the top i could potentially do this that's going to be really difficult to do though after a while because they all jump down at the same time like a bunch of idiots i might actually oh my god i might actually do this okay let's see oh okay okay we're still in it we are actually we still have a chance at this so there's a lot of cops or i guess like the ant cops that i'll have to worry about but i think that's really it there's not much else for blue as far as i'm aware nice phase one done i don't know if there's gonna be i genuinely don't think there's any blue okay her wings are blue i definitely can't touch her wings that would be a problem i think that's really about it and there's still the cops of course but otherwise i mean it's really not that much blue to worry about oh there's blue on that though damn no no that was way too close holy crap i died at the fake knockout [Music] i died at the fake knockout now this is a bit of a concern there is a lot of blue there's the entire saloon is blue uh however this might not be that bad as long as i stay away from the saloon i'll probably be fine although there is a billion things to avoid so there's also that the cactus is green okay that bird has blue on him so i definitely need to be definitely that's probably my biggest worry honestly is that just avoid that bird thing i don't actually think there's a lot of blue here which is good oh my god these damn coins though so many coins no nice so this is good again i don't think there's really any blue besides the hat oh the cans the cans have blue okay do not touch the cans okay that's actually good to know it's nukin time baby i might have touched i touched the damn hat why did i the howling aces i don't think there's a lot of blue in this one either there there's gonna be a little bit well maybe it'll be a little bit i actually i'm trying to think maybe like in the final phase we'll find some blue but otherwise i don't think there's very much at all yeah like these yarn balls aren't blue so i don't have to worry about that basically just doing the phase nice made it to the next phase i don't think there is yeah there's yeah there's there's no blue here it's pink and red it's really about it we're not going to be doing the secret phase i just kind of want to do the third one i hate this face this piece is so scary oh my god okay we actually did it we might actually win oh man we might actually oh jesus i might actually get this one oh i didn't see that one on the top come on can this please end soon i can't believe i'm actually getting good at this as i get hit no dude i'm actually doing okay i'm not gonna lie oh my god yes he actually cleared it that's one of the harder bosses too oh my god well [Music] and again so it looks like the no oh jesus the gnomes on the bottom are the biggest problem here however we've gotten through this phase nope issues there's no blue on those um sock puppets should be fine there are expl there is can be blue star explosions there are also blue enemies that is not good i don't know if i'm getting through this phase we shall see though there is freaking blue why do they have to be blue hit him please that kind of works next we have chef salt baker and he is entirely blue this is not looking good now thankfully he is in the background so technically we can like do this and we're fine but this is a hard ass boss fight there's i'm sure there's gonna be blue obstacles this is a serious problem to say the least and then i think once we get to the second phase we're on his hand which that would count as touching blue anyway so i guess we'll just try to get to the second phase oh god oh my god yep that's it rip [Music] you
Channel: Bathaniel Nandy
Views: 741,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cuphead, cuphead dlc, mugman, ms chalice, cuphead dlc fake knockout, cuphead the delicious course, cuphead all bosses, cuphead all parry items, cuphead secret boss, cuphead alternate boss, bathaniel nandy
Id: 8qAfggDoy5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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