I Tried Working As A Traffic Cop for DUMB Drivers ...but I'm Also Pretty Dumb

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dough belongs to the bakery you are doing the lord's work you go known as a hero i'll be one to decide that random whoa whoa oh [Laughter] [Music] so do you remember that time i played teacher simulator just try to fire me mrs lauren is the greatest teacher teasing her students in the hallway this is why i took up teaching this is why i'm a teacher all those kids were dumb like really dumb now imagine for me if all of those kids had a driver's license and were on the road driving cars would you be scared you should be i am which leads me to my newest career i'm gonna try being a traffic cop making sure people in their vehicles abide by the laws of the road but i bring up teacher simulator because this game is made by the same people who made teacher simulator so the characters in this game look very similar to the kids i used to teach and that's why i got this job they were like lauren miss lauren you knew how to teach these kids you knew how to work with them so we're gonna hire you as a traffic cop to once again discipline the hell out of them and make sure they follow the rules of the road and i said but i have a successful youtube career oh well sure i'll do it but first you may have already noticed the breathtaking beautiful bread new phone case that i'm using in today's video well that phone case was from case defy the sponsor of today's video and actually a brand that i've used myself before today's sponsorship so i was already a fan the holidays came early for lauren look how pretty [Applause] okay i might be biased because i picked and or customized these but these are the coolest cases i've ever seen they're very me if you couldn't tell case device new impact and ultra impact cases are made of 65 recycled and plant-based materials plus all their cases come in 100 recycled packaging made with recycled paper and non-toxic soy ink made from soybeans pretty cool so every case i picked is either an ultra impact or an impact case ultra impact impact impact and customized and the fourth case is special i'll show you that in a second but these cases have castify's chi tech 2.0 technology that offers drop protection of up to 9.8 feet with their ultra impact cases and up to 6.6 feet with their impact cases the shock dispersing material is lined inside the case bumper protecting all four corners you can see it right here case 5 is all about mixing protection with personality which means they offer three times military grade protection without sacrificing style plus the shock absorbing material is now made with recycled and plant-based materials not to mention their cases are also wireless charging and 5g compatible and now i will demonstrate how much i trust this case kind of scared i mean i'm nowhere near 9.8 feet tall but not a scratch castify prides themselves in carrying the largest variety of phone case colors and designs to fit your every mood choose from their selection of curated prints or personalize a case with your favorite font and design layout for a truly custom case which makes them great gifts for friends and family speaking of which if you or someone you know is getting the new iphone 13 for example you should definitely get a case defy case for it i'll demonstrate with this new custom iphone 13 mini case that i got for bobby if you couldn't tell bobby come here i have a gift for you a gift what do you have for me a new phone case for your iphone 13. what does it say on there it says bob phone bob phone let me see bob phone bob phone so nobody steals your phone or thinks it's theirs my phone it's your phone bob photos it's bob's phone ooh ooh that's nice i so badly want to be like i mean you can drop it drop it from there i'm scared i'll do a new phone i'll do it oh no it's all good do you like your new phone case feels nice cool it actually feels nice to hold gift approved i like it thank you and as if that wasn't enough already case device impact and ultra impact phone cases are a hundred percent non-toxic and non-hazardous they feature densify an anti-microbial coating that kills 99 of bacteria by preventing the growth of microbes and preventing bacteria from sticking to the surface in the first place if you weren't already aware your phones are some of the dirtiest things that you have so this helps a lot so make sure to go to casebuy.com laurenseasidetoday to get 15 off on your new favorite phone case i mean i legit have three favorite phone cases now and i don't know which one to use let me know in the comments below which of the three is your favorite iridescent seaside pastel purple with stars or bread thank you so much to casa fire for sponsoring today's video and for sending me my new favorite phone cases and one for bobby and now back to the video oh yeah it's our first day on the job this guy looks super suspicious in his sports car you look like you're 12. sir has valid insurance is driving carefully pull over sir you look way too young to have a sports car afternoon officer don't give me that he's like oh no it's miss lauren my fifth grade teacher what is she doing hey timmy where'd you get that sports car hmm you're way too dumb to make enough money for that i don't know what to do with you timmy you're lucky i don't have the ability to arrest anybody right now they don't trust me with handcuffs yet i'll let you go with a warning timmy buy me a sports car please great work what did i do i literally wasted somebody's time is that all it takes well i'm gonna do great in this job [Music] suspicious are you suspicious oh driving over the speed limit and vehicle is in poor condition oh there's a police officer in front wait i want to see this police officer are you a real off-duty police vehicle driving with their lights on well i'm pulling you over sir what up doug i'm so sorry it's just a habit police officers aren't above the law doug that's right give me my money let that be a lesson nobody is above the law except for batman oh a van unpaid parking ticket off in peace wait pull over hold over oh oh oh you ain't pulling over pull over please damn but i thought we were going to have a car chase boo hello lisa i remember you from school lisa this is miss lauren do you remember me do you remember all the problems that you gave me in school you spoke out of turn pulled the fire these are all the things you did i will be having none of that you will be fine missy yeah that's right that's right i know you heard my sirens when i did it the first time maybe use my pa system which i was kind of excited about [Music] company vehicle belongs to the bakery you get to go you are doing you are doing the lord's work you go you go your job is very important oh my god is this timmy again is this timmy oh no it's a different guy local celebrity donates to the forest no outstanding tickets oh i'll let you go then i thought you were stupid timmy been to a funeral won't stop crying but you should pull over sir that is very dangerous he's like this is the worst day i mean you don't look like you're sobs she had a good life i don't trust his face look at his face he's not crying you're not crying sir i'll give you something to cry about they could sue go ahead and try doing won't bring your friend back right this is getting dog i'm getting letting this job get to my head eli he told me he was crying wasn't crying he was smiling did he murder her i need to be a detective next i'm clearly hitting cars i just smashed into the back of that guy who was like you deal with it i'm a cop doesn't matter why did i just smash into the bag drivers distracted watching tv while driving using their phone i mean fine i'll pull you over by literally just smashed into somebody else use it pull over sir my god we're gonna have chase we're gonna have a chase scene on our hands oh damn it why won't anybody let me chase them have you seen nick and snorty you mean rick and morty yes it's the greatest show ever i will let you go i understand now you why you were watching tv in your car sir best show ever also just a disclaimer everything i say and do is for entertainment purposes please don't do this in real life thank you you will get into a car accident or put in jail [Applause] [Music] whoops sorry i gotta catch bad guys like this student driver who's doing great and has valid insurance oh wait i didn't mean oh whoops i didn't i really didn't mean to pull you over i'm sorry you're doing great sweetheart what about this van this is lisa again oh it's not it's always this guy um driving carol we're gonna pull this guy over we're pulling you over sir did you steal this car from lisa could you please pull over sir did you kidnap lisa i know she's the worst but you can't do that you can't do that sir is lisa no it can't be 2021 already oh because his insurance expired today well today's today is not your day sir go get it renewed and also i don't care if you kidnap lisa you can keep her ah a bank robbery chase em oh my god finally we're gonna get to be in a car chase yes oh yeah oh this is scary oh this is scary ah ah we got him we're gonna get him pull over sir paul over oh we got him oh yeah crime doesn't pay what are you doing i almost hit that car way over the speed limit driving recklessly paul over sir what do you have to say for yourself i was enjoying my new car fine oh it's this guy again let him go unlicensed what are you doing old lady okay well i definitely didn't teach her hers is too much put pull over old lady oh god she can't hear me old lady please pull over pull over right now there we go she finally heard me i'm making an honest living well honest-ish you're getting fined i want to arrest somebody but nobody's done anything bad enough not the police officer ram none nope uh whoops please don't tell people at the station about this two sports cars where's all this p oh my god it's the local celebrity guy why are you always out on the road i'm pulling you over you're sketchy as hell i've seen you like five times hello chap how are you i'm arresting you so i remember i have to see you again what were you thinking i am annoyed by seeing you all the time sir you're definitely up to something better safe than sorry car swerving known alcohol oh my god we got to get you off the road grab him ram him got him oh god oh you're going to jail you're going to jail no no no no you can't do that that's very dangerous all right what about you oh my god it's lisa it's lisa it's lisa it's lisa get your butt to the side of the road lisa oh my god lisa you're going to jail you're going to jail i've had it with you i gave you a chance last time but i should have known i should have known ooh it's winter now everybody be careful driving on the road please oh it's this old lady under the speed limit well it's snowing that's fine overloaded item strapped down driver is a taurus yeah what do you what do you got in your car there sir what he's bribing me you can't bribe a police officer that's against the law arresting are you sure yeah you just tried to bribe an upholder of the law sir i'm actually sure that's like a federal offense i just wanted to see what you bought sir that's it retired police officer retired last year known as a hero well i'll be one to decide that random hello again gents again oh cause wait did he used to work in my department oh that's right he did used to work with me i miss him so much i'm gonna arrest him so that he has to come back to the precinct with me yes yes come back i miss you sir why did you retire and leave me all alone i just like in this game there's no repercussions for arresting people for no reason and no repercussions for not arresting people night time that's when all of the creepers come out like this person with a clean history and works at a hospital disgusting what about this person uh what what did i just say all the creepers come out at night get the murderer get the murder get the murderer get the murderer get the murderer got him an ambulance that's on fire urgent call out don't hold them up tell me what to do what's up we gotta go quick hang on hang on what's up how you doing it's been you know my first couple days on the job i'm just kind of nervous i wanted somebody to talk to oh the guy back there is dying oh he's dead okay well i should let you go then good job good job i just held somebody up going to the hospital they probably died ooh a monster truck drove over three cars and five people injured who do you think you are he looked so fancy in his photo follower oh oh he almost ran that person over in front of me i thought the cars were empty oh my god you're getting arrested you killed people sir oh my god it's the guy that i arrested how are you out and about again go back to jail how'd you get out i'm just smashing into cars again you know just another normal day are we gonna get through these cars we're not we're just gonna oh head into another police officer oh my god this looks like jeremy remember jeremy jeremy you're a freaking idiot jeremy did you hear what i did to the kids at my last school i would throw books out the window jeremy i threw one of them out the window jeremy jeremy's getting rammed oh oh jeremy's getting rammed oh jeremy pull over ram him got him jeremy how mother effing dare you what are you stupid cars don't break what oh my god jeremy you're still so dumb you're still so dumb you're going to jail you can't be in society bye jeremy all right well i think i think i've done my job as a traffic cop this guy looks sketchy what in the world i mean sure i'll take it i'm about to end the video anyway thanks but as always guys if you made it this far in the video make sure to leave a like before you go especially if you like my new bread phone case why wouldn't you it's amazing and if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos there's also a subscribe button right over there make sure to click or tap that if you haven't yet especially if you want to see me work all my different jobs because i am amazing at all of them new merch down there too if you haven't checked it out yet and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 3,250,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, fruit clinic, apps, app game, ios, android, free app, funny moments, funny app, full game, walkthrough, papers grade please, teaching game, grading game, funny game, dumb, funny, teacher, students, teacher simulator, casetify, traffic cop, traffic cop 3D, ticket
Id: -yTpt7HWH2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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