Detective Logic Riddles With Answers! w/ Azzyland

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as he did is what day is it Cassie it's a magic school day Harry went to a magical school kind of sounds like Hogwarts but don't want to get suit the teachers staff and students were all magical creatures I liked her I like the little bat change in the lights Harry was an A student and all of the teachers loved him in fact they loved him so much that he got special treatment and everyone was like you're the chosen one everybody else he could conjure any spell though no matter how hard so he would he had the talent to back it up okay okay fair okay fair he wasn't just favored for no reason one time a teacher asked the students to figure out how to give eternal life to a regular human without using a single spell whoo this is a real riddle this arena Harry was so talented that he immediately raised his hand and gave an amazing answer I want to know the answer to this one the teacher was absolutely stunned by his quick thinking what method did he choose I don't know Cassie I'm not a magical being I'm just a regular girl yeah me too I'd be like the one in the back that gets ignored and I just look Sirius Black is coming and they'd be like okay girl like nobody cares what you have to say oh okay I know I don't think I don't you know yes okay do tell us so don't keep secrets from us if you take a picture of somebody and remember them then I mean they kind of exist for forever right and they're giving us hints yes that's totally it why else are that all these pictures there but what about the bat with the bulb is that just trying to distract us yeah no it's like but you're thinking about doing doing doing I hope it's a picture if not I'm gonna be embarrassed I have faith in your big galaxy bring one of the school staff vampires should bite the human and he'd become immortal oh I was so wrong but I believed in you for what it's worth thank you you always support me always Oh Lillian was walking with her daughter Jane in the park come on Jane let's go Oh what is that suddenly a flying saucer appeared in the sky I see a beam of light pulled Jane inside and then it flew if they didn't want the mom too old yeah they don't want no boomers on their spaceship Lillian immediately went to the police but the policeman didn't believe her story I mean obviously I wouldn't believe her either yeah I'd be like girl what you've been doing in your spare time Lillian was in a panic who would help her this would be a horrible situation to be in it would be Oh luckily though an alien appeared we took your daughter to do some experiments okay that's not very reassuring mr. alien she's absolutely fine don't worry absolutely fine you can come get her maybe you should keep her inside the saucer Lillian saw six girls that looked like Jane which one is her real daughter he cloned her I can only deal with one daughter up in here me too okay so we moving do we remember what color her bear was I mean she was blond obviously her height her bear there's so many of them have a bear that obviously there's a bear yeah that's probably a bear otherwise why would they not have a bear but he won't you cloned the girl and the bear yeah of the girls holding the bear the only one who isn't holding a blueberries this one so I'm gonna go with this one yeah you think so yeah what do you think I honestly don't remember Hey so I'm just gonna guess the one girl that's smiley really hard because she looks happy and I want her even if she's not my daughter no joke Jane had a teddy bear so it wasn't her okay Jane's teddy bear was blue so hope Oh No Cassie Jane had fair hair oh she's got horns two fingers okay oh oh you were a lot closer than me hi Jane but neither of us would have saved her no neither of us okay my Jane looks just like a jolly fella I would've been happy with her as he is this batter good where does the bad witch live I mean one of them has a healing book I would assume that a good witch would have a huge book no but maybe she messes you up so bad that she's like I'll heal you and then I'll mess you up again oh no this mean but what's underneath oh oh oh it's a demonic side Oh black candles the country streets were dark and quiet there was a thunderstorm and the power had gone out in the morning Joan discovered it was a nice place Oh her money and jewelry was missing Oh No she immediately called the police poor Joan a policeman intervened to the neighbors it's a really bad feeling to find out someone's stolen from you oh she probably feels utterly violated you do alright Richard what do you got to say hi I got home late last night after work sorry have a coffee are you sure Richard yeah listen Richard in your memory why isn't it raining storming crazy because my memory just be like that ok ok alright I don't know about you I got a bad memory I was really tired so I went straight to bed I'm Linda fine Linda I cooked dinner it was wonderful and read a bedtime story to my son what storm I was having a great time and then I stayed with him because he was afraid of the dark what about a storm storm hi are you nervous David I fell asleep right right there on the couch and when I woke up this morning already the policeman quickly figured out who was lying it wasn't me oh I don't know about that who lied who did it David well David was reading by candlelight the storm caused a power outage because that's really important oh that is important did it she wouldn't been able to breathe in the dark with no life would she unless life's really strong oh Linda yeah she was reading in the pitch black right it was a hundred percent Linda had to have been Linda you not even know oh his candle would have burnt out completely by morning what are you Tommy it was David it was David David mr. Carter was a famous writer mmm he was working on his book in his home office and lost track of time fallen asleep most on her own suddenly he realized it was morning he was tired so he went upstairs to sleep when he got to the stairs what happened he heard a sound behind him Oh Oh what Olympics of them all and before he could turn around he felt a sharp bang on his head and fell down soon the maid found him unconscious she called the ambulance which drove mr. Carter to the hospital the police arrived soon after the detective identified several suspects and interviewed what you got mr. cook hi [Music] where are you mr. cook but he worked until morning I accidentally sprayed some ketchup on the wall and I had to clean it up and then I went to bed and I didn't hear anything I'm the maid I heard a noise at night I'm spooky but when I went to check it out everything's hey Jamie it's not the Sun last night I saw dad it was in the dining room and he was busy writing so I decided enough to bother him it kind of seemed like he was goofing around you know yeah like he was rocking around in his chair he was going back and forth so maybe it was dreamy and also it seemed like the silhouette of a man his own son yeah brood or plot twist and maybe he made it up maybe he hit himself in the head I don't know is it yeah no it's possible I just hit myself in the head with a bamboo shot these who didn't hear anything and the son didn't want to bother him I think it's the son or he lied okay let's go with the son it's Jamie oh it isn't son mr. Carter was working on his book in office not the dining room Oh a little detail that we didn't remember but it was there these videos are getting harder I swear well this one's gonna be really hard because it says right before it hard choice oh the hardest the hardest of choices Jefferson was in a race around the world by foot by tricycle he started out by boat after two weeks of travel he got trapped in a storm oh my worst fear oh no Jefferson's in big pickle he lost consciousness oh and his boat washed ashore what about him he was captured by the locals oh my god that would mean and brought to their leader the tribe did not like foreigners oh that's not a good sign so the leader ordered him dead Jefferson Jefferson was allowed to choose you get to choose how you get to go buddy do you want to room with bats you like that bad time to mean are they what about a cage with lions they're cuter whoo a pool of scorpions Oh Toby's not cute love them but are the scorpions in lava it kind of looks like they are but it didn't say a pit of lava maybe being kind of melt but then you would melt - I mean I would definitely choose the fast how about you yeah I honestly think bats are kind of cute have you ever seen a bat up close I think they're adorable they're adorable they're little fuzzy guys a room with bats they're not a real danger to humans they're just spooky Dookie oh they so cute they're just gross they are not I see some scary ones but I think the majority demur cute are you sure have you ever read the book silver week or whatever it's called oh yeah what was it call again it was at night wing or silver wing I think there was like three sunway I love them too I remember like I would read about like the bat like catching a beetle and like eating the juicy beetle and I was like I want to eat a beetle now yeah good times great memories my precious Mike was the oldest of four brothers he's cute too the cats oh I missed him he had been dating Phoebe for ages he decided to propose to her yeah they love each other he wants to propose nothing is as it seems in these riddles he booked a table at the best restaurants champagne some flowers making sure it's perfect and bought a diamond ring look at the size of that rock it was time to leave the house but Mike couldn't find the ring Oh No Oh Mike don't mess this one up he called his three brothers and asked them about it they see the cat now I I certainly do okay cos I didn't see the ring actually I don't like Phoebe but whatever oh that's rude don't insult my future fiance Ross and I got a killer wedding present well you see I'm Joey I was helping mom make pizza I didn't see anything so leave me alone get off my case bro okay Joanna believe you I'm Ross Chandler and I spent ages thinking of a present when we went to the mall to get it oh oh the way it was right in you who took the ring you wouldn't if you bought them a sick present right exactly like you're excited but you know what I see I think you had a good eye done son I was too focused on the cat's face I didn't notice it still I can't the ring is on its tail so cute one snowy morning Anna and Elsa were playing outside they made a snowman this is the frozen reference I see after a while Elsa came up with an idea don't I did the book the good life affect it she drew the word snowing in the Sun and I bet you can't solve this riddle cross that one letter at a time and make as many words as you can and accepted the challenge whoo and a brave girl yeah she's very brave she took a stick and crossed out and Zoey Zoey nice she went on until she had made six words as he six we got this what words did Anna make ouch owie what about knowing or maybe just no oh wait once you cross something out is it gone forever well I don't know the rules what about ing that's my bag how about wing it away yeah wing so no so win win win win boo ow and you look at the words from right to left oh are that possible one one yeah no no is a word and always a word I think we got more than six it's not that is unfortunate I either mm-hmm sewing sew oh wait oh wait we got any oh we win [Laughter] I did we get way that we did we did as he who will he marry I'll work to earn 1 million dollars so pick me and not these two riff-raffs in the back I'll work to earn 1 million what does that mean oh so long girls focus in her career other ones focus on the kids and the other ones focus on traveling yes I look at the pins on his backpack and I think for some reason like those paintings are like representing a country in places he's traveled to but I'm kind of just making up the story in my head oh no no I I agree I was gonna say like this looks like a well-traveled bag he likes to skateboard like he likes to explore like he definitely wants to travel with her okay good I thought I was just making up a narrative over here or he wants to marry the millionaire and trade the skateboard for a car because he looks like he wants to be a businessman I mean he is looking at her she's just you're right he loves traveling so he'll choose her yes what am I asking you're a human Marc was in his private plane when he crashed in the desert what Pam luckily he survived maybe he's a superhero that is he had no way to contact anyone no leafy no leafy Marc decided to walk until he found help oh he's gonna burn after a couple of days he ran out of food and water and evidently sunscreen he couldn't even walk anymore suddenly he had a vision bring I'm a junior Marc help is close by and in fact answer my riddle and I will save you save me yeah I'll show you which way to go because if you go any other way you're doing okay which way listen if you eat me you will die I'm gonna eat you I am longer than eternity and greater than love what Emma jeanny a black hole wait no black holes aren't longer than eternity what the heck light no space nothing you can't eat space though but that's why I said nothing is like if you're just eating like empty space then you're eating nothing you can die Oh true true true true okay let's go nothing or space or something nothing Oh beat galaxy brain if you eat nothing you will die and nothing is longer than eternity oh nothing is greater than love oh it's so beautiful that's a good message in moral God you did it now go that way there's a town you could have seen it but I decided to do this to you anyway haha thanks for coming a Z oh thank you for having me this is fun well let's go to your channel let's do some more and I'm sure they're gonna be fresh and juicy I'm running it over see you there alright bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 8,338,792
Rating: 4.8833599 out of 5
Keywords: 7 second riddles, what would you do, seven second riddles, romantic riddles, would you rather, riddles, brain teasers, collab, kassie, gloom, azzyland, azzy, visual puzzles, riddles with answers, brain teasers with answers, test your brain, puzzles, tricky riddles, personality test, challenge your brain, puzzles with answers, test your attention, tricky riddle with answer, mystery riddle, brain games, riddles and brain teasers with answers, boost your logic, logic riddles
Id: zRzcNMxLcZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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