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today's video I'm going to be building a triangle shaped house in bloxburg also don't ask about my face I don't want to talk about it luxberg updated and now I look like Bratz doll like look at this look at this right look at this it blinks that is terrifying now I look like a mixture of like boss baby Slenderman and a Bratz doll so that's great also this idea was inspired by Kenny so if you guys want your video ideas featured in a video all you have to do is comment them below so that being said let's start building this triangle home okay so the only way to actually make a triangle home is of basic shapes because I mean we can't do diagonal walls and also bloxburg has not added a hollow roof yet okay next update watch them add Holo roofs they always do this to me every single time I build something custom they will add it in the next update and I'm like are you kidding me I once spent like one million dollars on Landscaping I built custom-made snow trees in Winter and you know what they added in the Christmas updates no trees how big do I want this house we need one basic shape here I'm assuming another one on top like that actually we might have to make this a little bit smaller because right now that is like huge then we just gotta connect them together do I know what I'm doing not really but Okay so we've got the layout of the house I don't know if it's like too flat maybe it should be taller another thing I need to make sure is that it's connected to the floor why is this so difficult every time I whip out this transform tool it feels like I'm doing like hardcore maths like f is the equation of blah blah blah blah blah blah blah see the last time I'd done something like this was when I built a tiny home and I actually did make it out of basic shape so okay I think that's big enough maybe oh there's still a gap in the middle no no we cannot have any gaps okay now as for the front of the house I think I want to do something like this a little industrial Cabin in the Woods if you will so I can two walls here and I don't know how I'm gonna fill the rest of this in I guess we can just use like transparent horizontal wedges if this doesn't work I'm going to cry myself to sleep okay we've got two basic shapes here you can't really see them hold on maybe if I paint them pink okay we've got two wedges here we also need to fill in the Gap up the top oh damn why did I do something like this that's awesome this looks like the house and then at the bottom here that looks like the garage we can also do a balcony I think I might leave that for the back okay now we just have to fill in the top here guys we are so close why does it feel like I'm doing like a Barbie triangle house right now with these pink tinted windows okay we've got the glass done now we just need to fill this in with standard Square beam Square beams are the best honestly I remember when I first started playing bloxburg I had no idea what Square beams were and now look at me I use them all the time however they are very very very expensive also the interior style we're going to go with is industrial because I feel like I haven't used industrial in like ages and just like that we have our windows they're looking scrumptious I feel like an outdoor wall lamp above this door would look super cute I'm also gonna have a balcony kind of surrounding the entire triangle home we are really gone with that whole triangle theme today ladies and gentlemen I think at the front here I want to have an outdoor seating area you have a little fire pit right here and then a few of these patio chairs actually you know it's only going to be me living here so we're only gonna have one patio chair it's just gonna be Alaska lonely in the woods I would watch that show honestly Alaska in the woods also let me know in the comments what you guys think about the hola bloxburg Face animation update it just it terrifies me just I don't know why it just feels so wrong that's my little outdoor chair and table with my coffee mug in case I want to have a little hot cocoa by the fire I actually love hot chocolate I have them all the time during Christmas Even though in Australia during Christmas it's actually summer which doesn't really make sense but you know and bloxburg also has a firewood rack we're gonna stack a few of these at the front here so we never run low on fire okay so now it is time to work on the inside the only tricky thing with working on the inside is that you can't actually turn off the roof something I just realized by the way is that I forgot to add a roof incoming very intense speedrun music and we are back thank you very much we just have a little Sky roof up the top here the way this sun is beaming into the window is just so Majestic okay so now that we've got two windows it's now finally time to start working on the inside this is the tricky bit because like I said before we can't turn off the roof so we're just gonna have to place a lot of lights in here so we can see what's going on okay this is looking terrifying also my character's staring at me again like if you could stop staring at me that would be great okay and because we're going with an industrial interior I feel like concrete for the floor would look really nice okay we're also going to make this two-story how am I gonna make this two-story I have no idea I would just place a floor here but um as you can see there's gaps on the side we're just going to use basic shapes to fill in this little Gap okay so this is where the bedroom is going to be up in this little tiny corner so I feel like a little balcony out here would look really cute a nice cozy balcony to watch the Stars okay so that's where our little balcony is gonna go now we just have to copy the back bit this little two by two I guess that can be the bathroom although I have no idea how we are going to build it what's that smell can you guys smell that oh it smells like another basic Shake I should just title this video Alaska Violet building a house out of basic shapes oh wait I've already done that the real question is what challenge have I not done like I've done everything at this point okay I finished working on the wall for the bathroom so don't even ask me how I done that I don't know anyway the first room I want to do is the bathroom which is this little two by two is add a insert did I just say inserts I meant insets I remember what I used to call them inserts and everyone was like um Alaska that's actually not what they're called I'm like oh okay even though this triangle house is kind of difficult to do at least it's not like a hexagon or something okay so the reason I'm putting inserts here so I can fit all of our shelving on here I don't know how on Earth this bathroom is going to fit a toilet I just realized that wait low key this wall is so cute I okay you can see the lights coming out of the wall are you kidding me well never mind then can't use them fine no lights for me who even needs lights if you guys use a shampoo plus conditioner like a two in one I'm scared of you you can we even fit a buff in this bathroom I guess we can kind of fit the bath in the corner but I think it'll be way too tight so okay I feel like the toilet up in this corner okay the sink can go here like as soon as you walk in I'm also using an industrial thing because um guys this is an industrial house thank you very much I am actually obsessed with industrial Interiors I think one of my first bloxburg houses was actually an industrial styled home okay why is the towel on it what's going on what's going on and you just Place normally okay I guess we'll just have to fit like a few roll Towers at the bottom of the sink because the towels do not want to listen to me today they're like actually Alaska we're gonna do our own thing okay we can have our toothbrush here because um we don't want stinky breath do we no I was reading my comments the other day and someone literally was like Oscar why do you never add toothpaste it's really annoying me and I'm like looks like has toothpaste there's no toothpaste I'm getting pranked hey bloxburg has watches there is so many things in this game that I did not even know bloxburg had and I literally played the game every single day this part of the bathroom actually looks so cute now we just need the shower I don't really know where I'm gonna put this shower because like we can't put it up against here because that doesn't really make sense if I put the shower like this how would that even work I need to try this oh okay yeah that makes so much sense I'm just like I'm just bathing in space right now because you know logic I guess the only reasonable thing is to put up against this wall and at boom chicka boom we have a bathroom you know what we don't have though curtains you know what I can't really add curtains here because that is made out of a basic shape so no curtains for you okay now as for a living room this is going to be a little bit tricky I think we're gonna have the living room at the front here so I reckon if we put like a big round carpet and I want a fireplace like up in this corner here okay so I reckon to separate these two sections we can add pillars again I don't really know what I'm doing I'm just closing my eyes and hoping for the best oh these pillows look cute they're coming out of the walls I need to fix that this triangle home is gonna make me cry and an industrial house has lots of plants so we're gonna make sure to add lots of pots make it very Zen we have a few books on the fireplace probably not the safest option they will most likely catch on fire but I'm still in shock that uh bloxy Burgers burnt down I was not expecting that the most difficult thing with a triangle home is that like you can't place paintings or anything on the walls there's a walls and that are all angled so it makes it very difficult I haven't used this industrial pipe bookshelf yet so it's only fitting that we use all of the industrial Furniture a little salt lamp here for some Ambiance oh my gosh I went over to my friend's house the other day guys and he had overhead lighting he didn't even have like a lamp and I'm like do you not own a lamp and he's like no I'm like you need a lamp he's like why and I'm like why because you need a lamp Okay adding these pillars here was actually a really good idea now for the chairs because if you go into decorate and you type up industrial this is all the industrial Furniture so for our coffee table instead of a custom one we can just use the industrial coffee table there's also these industrial wall lamps so I'm gonna place these up here I think we're just going to use these Sleek sofas although it is a very small Lounge room so I think we only need like one so far this living room so far isn't really making much sense logically let's let's be honest this entire house isn't making much sense okay you know what black lounge with the black sofas um my new favorite thing to do in bloxburg is decorating coffee tables every couple of weeks in bloxburg I will find like a new favorite thing to do and currently it's decorating coffee tables I don't know why I feel like we'd have another little coffee table with our mug on the top so we can have a little sip of coffee before the day ends okay and just like that we have our Lounge room you know I feel like we need something triangle in here we have a metal pyramid I guess we can put this on the coffee table a little triangle pyramid in the triangle house yes we can have the dining table at the front oh my gosh wait before that we need a way to get into the Second Story I feel like a ladder would be fitting and boom we have a ways to get up okay now for the dining table yes I'm going to make this custom don't judge me it's literally gonna be the most basic dining table you've ever seen in your life and then using the transform tool I'm going to lift it up into the window and then underneath this we'll just have two vertical cylinders then we can use these industrial stools and place three of them now finally we can set up the table with some plates and give it a little bit more Flair so one two three and boom the table is set what did I do exactly I have no idea which means this section at the back is going to be the kitchen as you can see we don't have much room for the kitchen but it's okay if you've been watching my channel you know I love small kitchens so I am going to be in my element ladies and gentlemen okay now to figure out where on Earth I'm gonna put this fridge I feel like across from the pillars make the most sense then there's also the question of where on Earth I put the oven well I guess we can put it there it's a very very tight squeezed kitchen but I mean it makes sense so in an industrial kitchen everything is mostly like black and like lots of dark woods so we're gonna go with a nice dark Moody kitchen I feel like that would look really cute dark Moody kitchens are actually my favorite kitchens in real life except for the fact when you have to clean them I have a black bedside table and it's literally the worst thing to clean every single time I clean it it gets dirty like two seconds after like that's my only complaint I think everything else looks kind of nice one thing I love about these fridges is that I can put the utensil racks on the side of them so it kind of acts as a little shelving unit I'm trying to add like much clutter in this kitchen because industrial kitchens they're very minimalistic they don't have much Furniture in them and I mean we don't want a messy kitchen do we no I think that's it for our kitchen I want to keep it as minimalistic as possible we might just put like one industrial pipe mirror there so you know we can stare at ourselves as well we cook dinner okay so I think that's everything downstairs okay now because we have a door out here I feel like we should add at least something out here I feel like I'm gonna just turn this into like a massive Forest I feel like all I'm gonna do back here is just add like a bunch of trees make it nice and baby we're gonna keep it very simple we're gonna have a little outdoor seating area just in case we want to have dinner outside I hate eating outside the mosquitoes will always bite me I'm allergic to mosquitoes so me and the outdoors don't go very well together which means now we can finally start working on our bedroom I have no idea how I'm gonna do this firstly we need the rail because I mean we don't want to fall off do we Okay so just using a basic shape we're just gonna put it along the edge here I don't even know if we're going to be able to fit a bed in here that's how small it is okay there's this industrial single bed can we even fit that in we like it can barely fit like look at this guys I think there is only one reasonable solution to this problem we're going to put a beveled Cube like this and then a sleeping bag on top and probably like Alaska why would you want to sleep on a sleeping bag just hear me out okay listen once you paint the cube and place like a few blankets and pillows on top see I don't know about you guys but that bed looks pretty comfy to me I also realized we need a bedside table in here now I'm pretty sure they have industrial lamps as well they have these adorable miniature metal round lamps and an alarm clock so I can yell at us in the morning all right there we go there is our precious little bedside table how bad what else do we need we need a lot of things in here I just don't know where to fit it we also need some clothes that's like the most important thing I could have made this triangle home as big as I wanted to right I could have made it huge but no I decided to make it the smallest little triangle home so small in fact that we can't even add a dresser in our bedroom hey you know what we're gonna have to add guys we're gonna have to add a kid dresser like at the end of the bed we're gonna put our little kids dress up you know what it kind of works don't even lie to me that kind of works I feel like these flaws would be very very cold when you get get out of bed so we're gonna need a carpet as well now we just need to do the balcony which again I don't know how I'm gonna do this so I think we're just gonna place a bunch of these vertical cylinders to kind of give like the illusion that there's curtains here even though there's nothing there and there we go I guess that kind of works I mean it kind of looks like curtains and to make this room nice and cozy and just add some fairy lights to the roof and just like that our triangle shaped house is all complete it comes to a total of 71 000 so firstly we have the outside you know what I'm really impressed with how the outside turned out like this is something I would genuinely live in it just looks like a cabin in the woods or something just one chair because it's only me living here I can't stand the way I look like right now if you guys know how to fix my lips help me what are these lips look at these disgusting what I love about this balcony is that it extends all the way back here let's just not talk about the leaf that's coming out of the building okay you see nothing okay and then coming inside my favorite part of this a triangle shaped house is the living room which is over here everything just fits together so nicely and then over here we've got the dining table it's like so big I don't know why I made this dining table so massive but it's kind of cute we can just like look out at a sky roof it's a total Vibe at the back here I had a little bit of empty space so I just added a painting see what new photos pop up when I type up Alaska violet oh would you look at that one of you guys added a decent photo of me instead of me who added this photo who on Earth added this photo it hasn't even been like a week since I posted that video I swear every single time I type up Alaska Violet there is a new photo of me what is these anyway that's where I paint my beautiful portraits and then back here we've got the kitchen I love this kitchen it's nice it's small it's beautiful she is the moment and then across from the kitchen we have the bathroom you know what guys if you need to use the bathroom you kind of just have to parkour over the sink slam the door and just like that you're inside the bathroom the only thing with this bathroom though is that doesn't have much privacy but um like if you're taking a shower right here the whole of like oxy Burgers can see I don't know what's going on with this war just okay you see nothing the only problem with this toilet is that my head is literally going inside of the wall but besides that great success okay so lastly we have the bedroom which is on the second floor as you can see it's a very very small bedroom looking at it from this perspective it's honestly such a Vibe like we even have our own little balcony I think this is kind of cute like if I was to sleep here like you've got our own TV now what I love about this is if we turn it to a thunderstorm it's honestly so relaxing like could you picture just sleeping here and just watching the thunderstorm from outside your window oh my gosh guys looks big needs to fix this I can't keep looking like this what I don't know this person that is not Alaska Violet that's like Alyssa Vanessa I don't know I don't know who this is so that was me building a triangle shaped home in bloxburg if you want me to try and do any other shapes definitely let me know and I may potentially do them in the future so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and I will see you in the next one bye oh God I look disgusting wait is my mouth open can you see that look at my mouth is am I smiling ew I need to change my character
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 542,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P_WZEYSox30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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