100 Days in a Zombie Prison Break in Minecraft Hardcore

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mmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right and we're back so this time the prison in the area was doing some crazy experiments on the inmates now i'm not sure how they're getting away with it but considering the zombies were plaguing the surrounding areas who was there to stop them so timothy and i we have 100 days to stop these experiments before the person behind it all packs up and leaves the prison so this is how it's going to work we'll be using forge labs idea for mutating zombies every 10 days but with a little twist of my own every 10 days zombie variants will be released from the prison these variants will have their own characteristics and attributes and just to add to the fun there will be a chance a blood moon event will take place at night but a blood moon is 100 guaranteed every 10th day and this isn't a build a base to try to survive type of gameplay here people this is a make your way to the prison stop the experiments and survive so looting for food will be a key component in my survival as livestock is basically non-existent and don't bother even trying to grow crops because they're extremely slow now i will still have to try to build traps because the zombies they don't burn under the sun and if you try to thin them out with just a weapon in hand it will literally take you all day which means it will be night and you'll have to start all over again and like some of my other videos this map will be available for download on my patreon as well as some of the texture packs i created for some of the mods for this playthrough and of course if i die it's over [Music] all right so it's day one and i kind of got a little lucky as i was walking along this train track and i noticed that the train track was made of wood and anvils so i got to remember to take one of those i collected some of the wood planks so i could build my wooden tools and you know build my stone tools quicker i guess yeah my ultimate goal was to get some coal because i'm gonna need light at night if i plan on getting anything done oh my i can't see anything okay so coal is definitely very important early on especially for this shader pack i mean i could make charcoal but i need at least one coal for that right i think i believe i do why is it so difficult for me to find something when i need it seriously okay so considering how quickly night can come and how hard it can be during a zombie apocalypse i had to start thinking of shelter so i stopped looking for coal and i began to build a little hut it wasn't anything special but it was something okay timothy the planks they should they should keep the zombies from spawning in here i'm pretty sure i hope so yeah it should be okay right buddy yeah i think so oh and guess what i got a blood moon day one and i got a blood moon and not just any blood moon i got a super blood moon awesome and for those that don't know what a super blood moon is it's basically a blood moon but five times the spawn rate so guess what it's gonna be fun okay well uh that sucks what am i gonna do now timothy i have no idea wait wait wait wait wait i have some iron let's uh let's smelt that so i smelted my oar and uh i made an iron helmet yeah sure so exciting okay now what i got geez i hate when this happens well i guess i could look for coal again but i can't see anything it's so dark but then i had this idea wait wait a minute if i smelt my cobblestone then that should give me enough light right even just to see a little bit okay sweet this is working cool good good good come on cole where are you at where yet i only got so much cobblestone ah and the light went out well at least i know it works that's good okay all right so this was great i had zombies all around me and i had no light so what did i do i waited and i waited some more and then i got really bored and i uh poked a zombie yeah that wasn't that wasn't a good idea uh no that was not smart shadow like what the heck they're so noisy oh gosh this is kind of actually scary you all right timothy because i'm not you know what i'm not gonna lie i kind of panicked a little bit and i figured going down in the dark was safer than staying up here because remember zombies don't burn in the sun so yeah day one fantastic not really the next day i did my best to find coal it was just so dark and i couldn't see anything and i couldn't go outside because uh zombies how am i gonna do this you know what timothy i have a few things i can still smelt so i'm gonna use the furnace to try to light the area maybe yeah now here's the thing the furnace it worked wonders to light the area but there was one little problem i was running out of fuel to keep it lit so i had to work fast oh no i'm in complete darkness now great so i tried to make my way back and i just couldn't this place was like a maze as i wasn't keeping track of where i was digging i was just so frantic for the coal that i just dug anywhere in any direction i didn't care i was running against the clock at the time after a little bit i uh i kind of gave up and i did something you should never do in minecraft hardcore i dug straight down i don't know what i was thinking i i guess i was just hoping that the zombies would despawn or i would end up landing in a cavern that wasn't too deep well okay that uh didn't work oh wait i still got my wooden pickaxe okay i'll uh say it again well that didn't work now i'm stuck cool and i know don't feel sorry for me this this wasn't a good idea anyway i just i didn't know what else to do and since i had no more materials to make another pickaxe i'll just have to build back up i'm uh never gonna get out of here am i fun so after a bit and some frustration i've finally seen a glint of hope yes yes yes light well that wasn't smart timothy never let me do that again okay buddy okay all right let's see how bad it is out here is that oh my gosh it's a house or a hut or something that's actually not that far away why didn't i see it before and at this point i really only had one option left run okay okay this isn't too bad it's just those small zombies that i really worry about they run fast like look at them once i made it in the house or the farm i guess i made it inside and i blocked off the outside doors i wasn't gonna have the zombies sneaking up on me no way oh yes food oh a kitchen knife okay cool whoa close that off lucky the zombies didn't come in this way for the rest of the night i went around the house looting anything i could find overall it wasn't too bad for starter loot but still i needed that coal if i can't find any this is gonna get tough the next morning i had an idea i was gonna break down the fireplace to get well the fire and hopefully be able to take it with me and place it down kind of like a torch to give me light okay timothy if this works it's gonna be awesome whoa what okay that's fine charcoal okay either way i i got light nice so with that i made a few torches broke more fireplaces and made more torches once i did that i was able to start looking for coal properly finally found some coal jeez what is this like day three so after doing a little bit of mining i came out with a bit of coal and some iron and at this point i was feeling pretty relieved so i decided to head back to the surface to smelt my oar and i noticed that the zombies were uh were gone what's this oh no oh yeah pretty sure this is an outhouse yeah i don't need anything in there let's try the shack oh cool nice wheat as i was coming out of the shack i noticed a burn just off in the distance and considering the sun was still up i uh i figured i'd go explore yeah well wait is that a that's a bear i hope it's a nice bear overall nothing really in the barn aside from some wheat but i mean that was good because i could make bread so it was a it was a good exploration yeah i guess okay i don't know what i'm talking about as night was on the horizon i made my way back and continued my venture underground to at least get myself a full set of iron armor or something i just i wasn't feeling protected i guess now considering zombies didn't spawn in caves just yet it was actually pretty calming to look for resources i spent a few days down here and i found a ton of iron and coal and whatever these blocks are but they must be important because i couldn't mine them with just an iron pickaxe so diamonds i will need and diamonds i did not find of course okay i guess it's time for me to head back up oh hello turtle are you gonna hurt me i've never been this close to one of these guys before so i don't even know if they're gonna bite maybe whatever i'm just gonna run okay i'm stressing over nothing come on timothy okay so uh i had a little bit of a problem since the zombies didn't spawn in caves yet i uh i figured i could save my torches and not have to worry about you know putting them around but considering i was down here for a while and when i spotted a resource i kind of went straight to it and this caused me to you know just randomly go in any direction now before you say it shadow why do you always get lost it's because of this usually yeah and i don't use coordinates because it you know kind of takes away from the hardcore aspect of it all and uh yeah i just i had no idea how to get back and i couldn't just dig myself out because i had no wood to make a new tool or even a craft table for that matter so yeah it was fun am i lost am i really lost oh my gosh shadow why do you always get lost i can't even dig myself out oh hi turtle nice to see you again not really that just means i went in a circle okay i think this looks familiar oh cobblestone i bet it's this way okay so i found some cobblestone and i was able to make my way back finally but let me tell you this one hurt i left so many oars behind so many that it hurts so bad and i couldn't even mine them because i didn't have anything to mine them with so i just had to leave them ah anyway i had to push that out of my mind because i had some smelting to do while i was waiting for my oars to smelt i crafted the rest of my iron armor i also wanted to build myself a traveler's backpack as i heard they were really good things to have unfortunately i had no sand and well they required some glass tank thing i don't know what it is where am i gonna get sand it's like a prairie out here okay i guess i'm not crafting one of those yet but i found that i could craft a katana oh a katana now that that i can craft once it was crafted and i was all suited up i headed outside to test it out and it was fun it was so satisfying now i'm not the brightest nail in the jukebox and i know this and i know what i was about to do next was very silly so initially i was just gonna go over and see if the bear would attack but it didn't i mean i didn't want to hurt it i just wanted to see if it was aggressive that's all but then i had an idea hey buddy uh do you like potatoes it's even cooked no how about bread yeah you don't like that either eh i don't have any meat except rotten flesh you okay with that oh i guess you do okay uh oh can can i leash you oh my gosh what am i doing i have no idea what i'm doing or how this benefits me but here i am leading a bear awesome all right there you go maybe i'll go hunting to get you some meat and that's what i did i went hunting or crawling i guess i'm not sure if it really matters but if i learned anything from the lion king you get down low and then you pounce when you're ready come here you all right so i brought the vincent over to the bear and he seemed to enjoy it because well uh he he ate it yeah but i still don't know if it's doing anything like is he tamed does he like me is he gonna attack me can i ride him i had a lot of questions but i couldn't figure it out all right night was on the horizon and i left mr bear with some torches and i headed inside radeon what in the world would i use that for what's going on oh no i'll save you sorry sorry maybe i'm doing more harm than good okay so i uh i tried to be the hero uh it didn't work out the way i wanted it to so yeah so with that failure i decided to head back down to gather some more resources especially those ones i missed the first time i just couldn't get him out of my mind plus i figured it'd be safer down there than deal with the zombies up here after i gather what i felt was good i decided to head back up and uh try to tame that bear oh oh my gosh and i finally got out too you know i didn't get lost or anything i i didn't dig myself out so just just ignore that yeah okay anyway when i got out i went to hunt some more so as i was out hunting i i noticed that there was a dirt road that kind of led off to the forest okay so this looks like a path that i should probably follow and i really feel like i need to head out soon because there's basically nothing left here like it's just a huge prairie it's it's pretty flat okay so i got a lot of food now okay are you my friend can i tame you okay so here's the thing i don't even know if i can tame a bear or whatever but i decided just to let him go it wasn't working i i had no idea if i was doing it right either way i was planning on leaving the next day and there was no need to keep them locked up no need goodbye mr bear i wish i could tame you buddy but i just can't figure it out and with that i headed back inside to prepare for the next day's journey [Music] so the next morning i gathered my belongings and i headed out i really needed to make my way towards that prison and i needed to follow this path plus i wanted to make that traveler's backpack and there was no way i was gonna find sand around here so hopefully along the way i could find some sand maybe and uh don't try to feed the wolves they uh they just attack hey i got some food you want you wanna be friends okay gotcha point taken don't want to be friends cool you can't have my food though as the sun was starting to set i came across this little pond and i figured that i could collect some sand because i had to make a little hut for the night anyway because it was day 10 which means there was a blood moon coming and the new variants of zombies were also coming so i didn't want to get caught out here at night that's for sure now unfortunately while i was playing i forgot about the blood moon oh whoa never mind blood moon okay great awesome they are so loud well i guess i could go looking for gold or something i need that for the backpack too so maybe that's a good plan so since i wasn't going out there i might as well go down anyway right yeah i thought so oh lapis wait isn't there like a pattern for diamonds or something like four over and six down or something or is it eight down and five over i don't know maybe maybe i'm just going crazy i can't remember i heard it somewhere i just don't know where and you know what i just end up digging all around anyway i i had no idea what i was doing i know i know what you're gonna say shadow why don't you just look it up i was gonna look it up okay but then i got distracted ah no what am i doing that's not water gosh what is wrong with me yep i know leave it to me gosh i don't even i don't even know what to say about this one anyway once i figured out how to use a water bucket again i continued my search for diamonds oh hey turtle please don't fall on me okay okay i'm not sure what these guys are for but i'm assuming they drop whatever stone is attached to their back but i don't want to take the turtles out cause i'm a nice guy like that i'm just gonna let them be finally after about a day of mining i finally found a few diamonds three to be exact just enough for a pickaxe now i can mine those high tier blocks from the mod oh and i uh i found a spawner but you know what it was nothing me and timothy couldn't handle that's right on day 13 i finally got to the surface and i crafted my diamond pickaxe it was time to leave this hole but unfortunately i just had to wait for my uh horse to smell basically yeah i know what do you do in shadow go or you'll get caught out here at night ah you little bugger i really needed a traveler's backpack i literally had no room to hold anything sure i mean i could you know keep everything here but i had no idea if i would ever be back after everything was finally smelted timothy and i we headed out nothing much happened that day just timothy and i wandered through the woods getting soaked and wet and dodged thunder strikes jeez it's hitting all around us hey timothy this is crazy as the sun was setting i ended up stumbling across what looked to be an abandoned church ah okay creepy or not timothy i uh i guess we don't have a choice buddy whoa did i just hear bear run run run run run run run run he sounds angry ah okay we good just needed to cover up the doors we're good we're good we're good the church it was pretty dark so you can bet i threw some torches down the loot was pretty good a health pack and uh golden apples not too shabby since i was stuck here for the night i figured i'd finish smelting my oars i i had nothing else to do really so yeah stay in the night at a creepy church oh ride what of course y'all know me i got bored okay let's uh should be okay to go here maybe gather some trees maybe see it's not too bad i can do this oh i hate these little guys they're so fast okay okay okay maybe this is getting a little too much let's just uh ouch oh ouch ouch no no no no this was a bad idea all right i can get back okay okay i can hear that little one behind me try to get to the side entrance if i can oh my gosh what am i doing i'm gonna get myself killed here okay let's uh let's rethink here for a second just let them kind of follow me this way so that i could go around them maybe what am i doing guess let's go in just go in oh why why do i do this to myself there is no benefit to go out there no benefit so the next day i figured it would be safe enough to go and clear the area boy was i wrong all right whoa okay okay okay i can't even get out the front door that's awesome no no get out of here you ah oh my gosh what am i doing with my life why okay okay okay no oh my gosh i can't even get out they keep pushing me back that's not the way this is supposed to go okay i gotta i gotta figure out something i gotta block these guys off i think go away all right am i safe am i good oh i hear a bear oh hey bear what's up uh yeah you're not nice well you at least you're slow i can i can handle this yeah i see you sneaking get out of here ouch ouch ouch no see those baby zombies they they're they're not gonna be fun especially when they mutate they're gonna be faster than this and they're already fast and it doesn't help i can't hit them that's that's awesome okay i'm just gonna block this off i'm just done i'm just done i'm done there you can't get me now you buggers all right is that the last one please tell me that's the last one i don't hear anymore so after all that drama the place seemed pretty safe while i was out collecting some wood i noticed that there were sheep over yonder which was really cool because like i mentioned livestock is extremely rare in this playthrough like next to nothing so i ran back crafted some clippers and got some wool this was good because wool was the last thing i needed to make that traveler's backpack what why can't i make a sleeping bag it has to be red like it can't be any other color really okay i think i've seen some flowers out by the side of the church here i believe let's just hope they're red once i got the flowers and i crafted the sleeping bag i couldn't craft the chest it had to be stumped for a bit but i figured it was because of the wood i had to get a different type of wood that corresponded with the type of chest okay this one okay yes finally i built the backpack good to go but shadow don't get too excited because at night i got another blood moon overall i was doing pretty good figured i could take advantage of the blood moon but here's the thing i keep forgetting that there are those little zombies yep oh whoa hey jeez i forgot about those guys oh nope get get get get get out no no okay okay okay okay they're all coming now all right okay no no no no no no no there too quick for you here take this there you go can't dodge that no way no way no way okay i'm not gonna sit here all day take that lava will do you some good all right timothy i'm blowing this pop stand run timothy run we okay yeah we okay good job buddy it was pretty calming you know however calming it is to walk in the rain in a dead looking forest calming oh no zombie dog oh my gosh you're so hard to hit good job timothy i don't see any more timothy i think we're good let's take oh wait there's bears we got bears we got a couple of them dude you got you got a chunk taken out of you i don't i don't think that's healthy oh you take him i'll take him teamwork buddy teamwork oh yeah all right let's get out of here the thing that's really hard about the rain is that you can't tell that it's night until it's literally nighttime unfortunately timmythe and i got caught in the woods at night so i panicked and built myself a little platform for me and timothy to stand on don't ask me how pigs can climb i have no idea but he whipped up here pretty quick too okay well i guess we're waiting here for the night timothy why are you glowing man because you're the best that's why while i was sitting around i noticed something just off in the distance it looked like a building that was under construction might be a good place to set up camp for a few days you know so i can look for more diamonds and start enchanting and whatnot oh my there are tons of you can't get me here have some lava i probably shouldn't do this i'm literally standing on wood if i do it like this it should be fine right right yeah seems okay oh my god what's on fire is it the trees i hope it's the trees nope it's not the trees oh my gosh okay uh we have a little problem here timothy don't go in hello okay no no oh no no no shoot okay good good use the water come on come on i got this i got this i got this i got it i got this i got oh i don't got this okay i don't know what i'm doing i am so screwed come on there oh no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh no no get get away get away no oh my gosh i'm gonna die go run run run run oh my gosh did i seriously just survived that oh and yeah just hurt yourself that's cool too all right just i'm just gonna run i'm just running for the building i got no other option right now just go oh where am i how am i going to get in here it's all gated up okay i'm good here i can i can find a spot oh look a building let's go here let's do this there all right that was uh that was fun the next day i just chilled inside this storage room i guess until my nerves calmed down i found a bunch of tools which was cool i mean it made sense right then i found this hammer which i thought was even cooler so considering i had to clear the area i had a little bit of fun all right zombies let's go oh good job timothy hey yeah oh my gosh there's so many now where'd you guys come from okay maybe this was uh maybe this was a bad idea i should i should be fine i think we're good timothy i think we're all right oh shoot my thing broke go away where do you guys keep coming from finally all right so after last night i only had one thing on my mind i desperately needed to start thinking about a base of operations now i know i am supposed to go to the prison to stop the experiments and whatnot but i need a place to come back to as well this building seems like it's a good place to be plus it's nice and high from the zombies so yeah so that day i started to explore the area and i found a good spot to start converting a place into my base i wanted to be on the floor that was level with this roof because see you later zombies look at you go geez it's like you don't even care so i gathered up some lights and some blocks and i started to build so day 17 what a day well it all started off like any normal day you know gathering building and whatnot so i was up on the top level gathering more blocks and i thought a zombie snuck up on me what the okay what's hitting me wait is is the rain green oh my gosh it's acid rain okay well i'm not losing any hearts is it deteriorating my armor oh there it goes okay down i go well i thought i'd play it safe and you know build with a roof over my head instead all right i want to completely block this off oh whoa whoa whoa whoa i can't believe i just did that who needs a water bucket when you got a lava bucket not this guy no way so to be fair i have been practicing this whole water bucket thing but i don't know if it was just you know pure reflex but i just seen the bucket and i don't think i cared that lava was in it wow such a professional clutching it with the lava bucket people with their water buckets amateurs yeah we'll go with that i kept working on the base that night this time making sure i don't get too close to the edge i don't need to be doing that again this work really just continued for the next few days on day 19 when i was working away i couldn't help but think could there be something atop that crane i just had to find out so i told timothy to stay put because it was starting to get a little too dangerous especially climbing a crane so i made my way up to the building again this time i was hearing a lot of zombies okay yep they're up here okay oh ouch okay no no no no not a good idea but i can make a platform over so that they'll chase me off but i'm gonna need the trapdoors first there they should they should come off i hope oh gosh this is so dangerous they're gonna fall on top of me it's okay they don't know i'm here yet it's okay here we go look at that look at them look at them here guys come get me see ya don't all come at once it's all right single file see you later there little one pushed you off that's great cool perfect perfect after all that was over i carefully made my way over to the crane i was getting some deep dying light vibes that's for sure oh a diamond okay well i guess that was worth it cool and i don't know what was going on but this building was crawling with zombie dogs i really need to get my base finished because they are annoying [Music] the next day i basically just worked on the base and got you know bothered by these dogs but it was okay that night i got a super blood moon and let me tell you the new variants were out and hungry for the most part i stayed inside but i got a little curious throughout the night whoa well you don't look pleasant yeah this this is not gonna be fun no no it's not [Music] i was on a mission today to clear the area i wanted to break down the floors above me to bring it down to my level because i had a trap in mind hello zombies yeah just keep pushing each other keep on coming there you go very nice very nice don't worry don't worry about it yep oh the big guy doesn't want to go he's like no don't don't push me see you later okay oh hello no no no listen i nope just i just need i just need the space okay you gotta go away yeah i'm just gonna keep walking yeah until you go away oh my gosh you guys are strong how many hits does it take i don't like this oh gosh i had a bear get up here i really shouldn't be doing this at night but i i'm just i just want to get it done i don't want to spend all the next couple days doing this so oh my gosh zombies leave me alone just trying to work here okay that's good for the night i'm done with that it's getting too risky getting too risky oh okay you just yeah help yourself sure come on in you guys are so annoying oh my gosh just go down jeez oh wow uh no no no no no oh what hair signs okay fine [Music] see you later sucker oh my gosh how you guys getting across oh no no no get get out of here get out of here big guys must be able to get over like the one block oh oh my gosh my my shield broke oh no oh no and there's dogs and there's dogs they're fast no no no no oh my gosh really so here's the thing that kind of sucks with having your base up so high is at night there isn't too much to do oh hi bye so instead i just sorted my inventory for a bit to figure out what i head for supplies i noticed i was getting low on food and considering livestock was basically non-existent in this playthrough i had basically two options go out loot look for food or plant some seeds and wait forever for them to grow yeah looting was probably my best option it's really not that safe to go out and loot right now especially since i had to thin all the zombies out before i leave so i have to finish this trap and i just hope it works or i'm wasting my time i continued to work on the base and the trap for the next day while trying to gather supplies at the same time the zombies were okay if i was at a safe distance but the zombie dogs they were the real issue everywhere i went they were there around the dark corner they were there the zombie dogs were everywhere oh what oh no no whoa oh gosh no no no those guys are big and they hurt oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh shadow why i can't believe i just jumped like i just felt like i didn't have a choice okay so now i kind of know what it feels like when you see one of those action heroes jump out of a window to survive an explosion you don't even think you just leave i don't know i'm starting to think that this was a pretty bad idea this is the most nerve-wracking situation i've ever been in for building a base i had zombies all around me and they could fall down at me at any moment it's not fun all right let's test this out oh no they're still alive well you know what maybe this is better because now i can get experience yeah yeah this is definitely better okay so here's the thing i like the experience sure but i wanted to be able to clear the area of the zombies quicker and this technically is not quick plus i kept having dogs spawn on my base the slabs didn't seem to be working i'm gonna have to look for carpet or craft some i do remember there being carpet in the old church so back to the church i have to go i was starting to lose hope it seemed like i was going in circles after a bit i finally spotted it and just in time too as the sun was setting and the zombies were starting to spawn i got in all safe and sound gathered the carpet took out some zombie dogs and then i was just kind of stuck so since i had nothing else to do i figured i'd just you know start taking everything in the church you never know when you're gonna need it right once the sun finally came back up i jumped out and ran the zombie dogs were really starting to become a problem as they seemed to spawn during the day and all i had left was rotten flesh so i had no choice i had to build up take the dogs out from a safe distance but then guess what that brute zombie caught off with me and there was no way i was going down another block just for him to hit me straight off i just wasn't gonna risk it so what did i do i don't know whatever you call this you know what brute i got something for you i'm gonna use stone this time though i'm gonna be smart here take this oh whoa no ow oh my gosh shadow oh really why can't i ever do i don't know things right don't worry i i did get him with the lava eventually yeah on my way back i ended up coming across this lava pool and i still kind of knew that i needed obsidian for an enchanting table so i figured you know what i might as well collect it here do it now but guess what i couldn't even collect one single obsidian because every time i tried a zombie dog came out of nowhere they were good oh of course of course okay leave me alone i just need like two or three pieces here okay maybe four oh my gosh leave me alone [Music] okay okay maybe maybe i'll just have to wait oh no yeah i just got a plate safe go back to the base not dealing with this right now and guess what even though i grabbed a ton of carpet it didn't even cover my floor yeah so i figured it was time to start reducing the size of the room for now or until i found more nothing too exciting on day 26 i didn't realize that i could build some armor from the mod so once i figured that out that's exactly what i did not gonna lie though thought it was to be cooler than it was but oh well for the rest of the night i worked on getting my experience farm together i spent day 27 just testing out my experience farms they worked well but the brutes and the boomers they had a lot of health so it took a while to eliminate them so the next morning i headed out to get some obsidian i remember seeing a lava pool on the other construction site not too long ago i figured it was gonna be a quick and easy job to do i had supplies and food nope i couldn't find the place and it started to rain allowing those zombie dogs to spawn all over the place i was getting super annoyed by this point finally why is this so hard to find oh my gosh seriously so i decided to build myself a little fort so i could mine in peace once i got the obsidian i made my way back to the base before nightfall and a good thing i did because that night i got a super blood moon now considering i was in my base and you know it was fairly quiet in here i just continue to work on my experience farm traps whatever you want to call them for the rest of the night so on day 29 i didn't want to venture off too far as the next day new zombie variants will arrive to join the rest so i thought about a new trap and how i could set it up for the zombies on the ground it didn't seem like it was working that well but i got another blood moon that night so i figured it was a good chance to test it out as there are loads of zombies yep still didn't work that well awesome [Music] okay so i figured i needed to stop wasting time and i needed to start enchanting because these variants are getting tough so just the other day i ended up spotting a building in the distance and i figured it'd be a good time just to quickly run over and grab any supplies that i could at the moment it was a good idea but in reality it could have been a big mistake so i ended up making it over fairly quickly the building wasn't that far away as i went inside i noticed it was a school okay this is good schools have books right oh okay this is like a gym oh oh no zombies trying to get in here where are you trying to get in oh there you are it's just one of you it's not a big deal okay no look there's two of you great cool i just went inside i just want to take a peek don't mind me oh medicine cabinet cool all right cafeteria okay that means there should be food oh yeah there is watermelon okay i'll take that carrots i'll take those too sure there sounds like there's a lot of them out here yep though yeah there's quite a few yeah there's quite a few this might have been a bad idea yeah this might have been a real bad idea yep okay okay yeah all right no no no no no no no no go away oh cripes come on leave me alone oh my god oh my gosh no no no no no no no no no no stay back stay back get out of here oh no just let me eat let me hold on one second go away jeez okay i gotta get out of here this this is not safe this is not safe no this definitely isn't the way out you know what i might just have to bunker in here just take these guys out make it clear no no no no no don't be breaking in here where's i need a block there there okay well uh i guess i'm stuck so i was in trouble like real big trouble i was so focused on trying to clear the area that i didn't realize what time it was and now i'm boarded up in a classroom with zombies all around me and a super moon is on the horizon great just wonderful i was totally blocked in every window that i looked through there were tons of zombies sounds like they were breaking through every door in the place too i wasn't going anywhere i just had to wait till morning so i just gathered everything in the classroom that i could i don't know i guess i figured i could spruce up the base or something yeah so the next day i was still stuck in that classroom i was done exploring this place for the time being especially since it was crawling with zombies now i just had to wait for the perfect opportunity once the path was clear i broke out and i ran it was still risky to try to run back to the base but it was better than staying here once i made it back safe and sound i just decorated sure why not after that i went back down to see if things were clear nope i guess not and of course i got bored that night so what did i do i went down to farm some experience from my experience farms and whatever this was i mean the experience is pretty good not gonna lie but where's all the zombies oh you guys are all down here are you oh what what hit me ouch oh no no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what hit me what what is hitting me oh wait oh my gosh it's acid rain again oh my gosh get in the door i don't know what it is but i can never make it in those things i'm stuck outside and zombies all around me and there's acid rain i am in a bad situation right now what am i gonna do they're everywhere oh come on no no no no no this acid rain's gonna kill me you know what maybe this school is my best option it's like right here no stop hitting me okay it seems relatively clear go go go go go go okay okay i'm in i'm in let's just go straight down yeah i gotta i gotta block it off oh whoa no no no no no no okay am i safe am i safe well here we are stuck again well at least this time i got a lot of books i could break down i guess yeah these zombies were making it near impossible to loot anything in the school where i just had really bad timing they were popping out at every corner i could barely make it out the door good luck trying to make it back upstairs oh just one of you should be easy whoa whoa whoa okay whoa no no no no no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh no oh my gosh i am so done get go oh i can't even think run just run oh my gosh my heart that was crazy so the thing that sucked the most was when i thought or i felt like i was making my way out the sun would set and a ton more zombies would come well it's kind of like an xp farm i guess but really finally i seen an opening and i ran only to get stuck in another room well more experience firming i guess the next morning i was pretty much over being stuck in the school i figured i would just come back once it all calmed down so i seen an opportunity and i took it and once i got back i offloaded my backpack now i'm definitely going back to that school i'm not giving up on it as there were tons of places i never got the loot yet that night i spent time trying to figure out how to make an electric katana then i figured i put some enchants on it so you bet i had to try this new weapon out now i should have a chance against those more beefier zombies overall it was pretty good can't complain so i figured it was time to head back over to the school and clear it out oh wow these zombies are still noisy well that's one room done i guess completely time to go to the next or not or not really oh my gosh a brute no no no no no no no no great stuck again i guess all right shadow i gotta stop doing this i'm i'm done being stuck in the school i gotta fight my way out all right i'm right here come get me let's go that's right you can't handle this okay okay but they just they keep coming i can't even okay get out of the way all right i'm good i'm good i think i'm good clear oh okay there's whoa okay whoa okay there's yeah too many up here no no no no no oh shoot oh this is a bad idea this was a bad idea oh my gosh they're everywhere get out of the way get get get get oh no no no i tried to put a door down oh no i'm dead i got like a heart left i got a hurt left stop stop stop look they can't hit me up here they can't hit me up here oh i found zombie kryptonite it's a table take that well that was close okay at this point i'm just about done with this place i really am the next morning things seem to clear out i was able to manage my way through the top floor and then up to the roof i found a diamond so that was cool after looking around the roof there really wasn't much there so i decided to head back down as i had a feeling that since i was so frantic i i must have missed some rooms which i did i figured as much not too much to collect but at least i knew now the school was completely looted so i figured i was relatively safe and i just farmed for a bit i ended up walking backwards and arrived at a gas station nice so i figured it would be a good spot to take shelter as i'm sure night was on its way and good thing i did because well i got another blood moon oh look at that we got some uh these things called vending machines yeah oh my gosh there's so many of you wow good thing i'm in here not out there overall there was quite a bit of loot in here especially food after everything was looted i just farmed for a bit i was wondering why i wasn't getting much experience until i jumped on another block whoa okay must have been stuck down there or something nice okay cool so this is actually a really good spot to farm i guess i might have to come back how do i get out of here without creating too much damage there here i'll do this i'll just let them chase me around and out oh geez those small ones ouch okay maybe this wasn't a good idea my plan was to let them chase me around and then i could just sneak through the door okay oh no no no no maybe this wasn't good okay they didn't follow completely okay this is okay this is okay this is okay this is not okay get out of my way get up away good no no no no okay i'm clear i'm good i'm good oh my gosh i don't know why i think these are good ideas i really don't but i don't know i guess it worked out stop hitting me nothing exciting that night just trying to figure out how to repair my weapon and sorting my inventory a little bit it was getting a little too out of hand [Music] the next day i just got some things together so i could venture back to the gas station where i could take advantage of the super moon that night and farm some experience sounds like a good plan awesome even alright zombies i'm ready for you whoa what why are they why are they breaking glass why are they breaking glass this whole place is made of glass why are you breaking glass really okay well there goes my experience farm thingy great cool well i was not expecting that not at all but guess what i guess i got my experience farming a little but i didn't like it because i could fall in i i'd be done i had no protection all right i think the coast is clear enough to go just run just run shadow who cares whoa whoa okay there's a lot of them right there what were they doing just chilling on the side of the building yeah just yeah just keep hurting yourself yeah sure not a problem if i can no no i can never do that i don't know why all right i'm gonna loop around the building then try it again all right shadow you gotta do this real quick press the button go in super easy do it do it nice nice nice nice can't get me oh shoot i forgot they can break glass come on shadow they literally just did that last night so at this point i really had no option but to go through the roof once i got to my base i pretty much stayed there for the night and trying to figure out what i could make for the mod and see if i could make any better armor i really started thinking that i was going to need to go underground to look for specific oars because the mod armor requires them that day i spent time trying to figure out what armor to make and what ore i needed to make it once i figured that out and i made my list i decided to head underground i didn't realize at the time but the two types of ores i was looking for were fairly rare titan was more rare than dark but even still i spent a good few days down here before i even came across a vein of dark ore the zombies were pretty good they weren't overwhelming it was a nice break at the end of the day on day 46 i found some diamond i figured i leave the cave on a high note if i can't craft the mod armor at least i can craft something diamond i suppose i guess i wasn't even gonna try to find my way back i just dug up i had no idea where i was anyway so just made sense but it didn't really matter because when i dug up i was lost in the woods awesome and they're wolves even better but that's okay because my electric katana it's pretty strong after running around for a bit i really had to start thinking about shelter i didn't want to get caught outside at night good thing i did because there are zombies everywhere i got a blood moon so i just waited that night out there's no way i was going out the next morning i didn't bother to stay and fight i didn't want to waste my weapons plus i was full of items i ran aimlessly around to find anything relatively familiar i ended up seeing this radio tower in the distance as i move closer something caught my eye there was this rv just sitting in the middle of nowhere and i kind of found it odd but i wasn't going to think twice about it it was better to be in there than out here at night i ended up securing the rv because i wasn't going to get caught off guard again by the little zombies busting through the windows all right i see you guys i'll just try to take you out right here it's more experience whoa what the what was that did that zombie just explode oh no we got exploding zombies now great alright so this is gonna be great exploding zombies awesome if these exploding zombies are common my experience farming is basically over the next morning i was just gonna clear out the zombies before heading out i wanted to be safe unfortunately i got another explosive zombie and i had a change of plans i decided to get to the top of the rv and take off as i was running i did spot to school which was great i knew where i was now i did have some trouble getting back into my base and this is mostly because the zombies there's just so many of them now and they're getting quicker it might be time to move my base i spent the rest of the day just repairing my weapons enchanting my diamond pickaxe and trying to see what i could craft for armor as tomorrow was day 50. what kind of variants am i gonna see next [Music] the next day i crafted some high-tech armor and gave it some a chance sorted my inventory from yesterday's haul and just waited until night there was gonna be a super blood moon tonight and as much as i wanted to try out my new armor i didn't want to risk it i felt pretty confident with the new armor and the super blood moon was fairly tame but i think i know why oh hey zombies uh there's a lot of you there you know there's an opening right actually no there's not don't don't even look that way the next morning i decided to venture out i needed to start making my way towards the prison and i figured i might as well keep following this road i ended up coming across this smaller town which looked to be abandoned before i started looting i thought it would be a good idea to check the surroundings first you know get a feeling of how many houses were there and to see what other roads came into this town because i didn't feel like getting lost again oh neat this place has a plane that's cool all right let's uh let's check this place out looks to be clear no one's inside oh nice look at that nice little fireplace comfortable couch i can get used to this just you know chill here i think timothy would like this place all right let's uh let's see if there's any loot oh good food nice yeah it's probably gonna be night soon so i should probably start securing the place up but i think i got some time just to check out this garage first okay i guess i didn't have that much time right awesome great well um uh i guess i'm staying here for the night so i just farmed experience for the night there really wasn't much else to do yeah whoa what is that guy he's huge and that dude yikes so these variants are getting out of hand if i get caught out here at night even once i'm pretty much done for once the sun was up i kept on checking the town well checking it the best i could because you know the zombies they're kind of annoying and and they get in the way only really got to loot like one house as it was infested with zombies and of course i got me a blood moon fun they're coming through the windows again but there's so many windows oh my gosh go away nope get let's be jumping up here i can't work like this oh i guess there's not really that many down there but i keep hearing them breaking glass where are you at okay okay whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what the no get get out of here get out of here no go go oh why did i keep these little guys in here these guys are annoying okay i can't i can't stay in here that's a wooden door i'm out i'm out i'm out i'm out oh no oh maybe this wasn't a good idea oh no just go just go shadow run don't even bother looking back just go i think i'm all right where am i going where am i running to i hear the small one right behind me i don't want to go inside because that's not good they could be infested in there oh my gosh oh wow i actually did that first try cool go me look at them all and they're still coming and it's a blood moon no wonder on day 53 i inched my way down so i could have a little bit of a safer landing once i was down i took off i made it back to my base safe and sound with some resistance but i really needed to start thinking about setting up another base in the town as i needed something i could get to easily i think i'm done to this base it's it's just kind of an inconvenience now after i got my weapons repaired offloaded my inventory i was ready to head out again this time i needed to find a good house to fortify before looting i can't be running around back and forth all the time unfortunately i really should have kept track of the day because i barely had enough time to find a house well it looks like i'm taking this one it's got an outside gate so maybe it's not a bad choice okay so i gotta board up all these windows i'll fix it all later after all the windows were boarded up i continued to stay on guard for the rest of the night i had no idea what to expect i needed to make sure no other zombies exploded i'm assuming they blow up if you're just too close so farming for experience now really is a risk things were getting more dangerous now and i really needed to set this place up because for some reason zombies kept spawning in it so i found some wool behind the walls or maybe it's insulation i don't know but i dug it out to make rugs it didn't help that i was letting zombies in either so yeah all right is this good it's good oh whoa oh my gosh why did i open that up geez shadow so i spent the next couple days trying to get this base built up and all ready to go so when i went back to the old base to transfer my items the new base would be all set up for a transfer so on day 58 i was having a little bit of an issue i was trying to get out of the house without causing any of those explosive zombies to set off but i couldn't figure out a good way to do it these zombies are so fast now that by the time i got over to the other area they're basically already there well this day was basically a waste of time and there is no way there's no way i'm running in the dark no thank you so i didn't want to waste any more time so the next day i took a risk i wanted to thin the zombies out while i was thinning them out i did spot an explosive one but it didn't seem to explode so maybe it's not close enough maybe hopefully i don't know after i finished thinning the zombies out i took off for the base oh wow oh okay okay i didn't think you guys would all be out here okay this isn't too bad once i finally made it back to my old base i started gathering up my things [Music] all right timothy i think that's everything buddy let's head out it was really awesome i had this backpack because it would have taken more than one trip for sure with the amount of items i had timothy and i we arrived safely and started working to get things together i figured why not there was a super blood moon that night and i wasn't going out there's no way the next day i worked on trying to get out of the base again so i couldn't explore the other houses but the zombies they were relentless oh my gosh how am i supposed to do this why are there so many of you so considering how long i was fighting off zombies i had to make sure to secure this house so i could loot it safely because i'm pretty sure it took me half the day to get here i wasn't even halfway through looting this house and the sun set what what okay what is that what is making that noise and even though i boarded up the place they still got in do not come up here do not oh no no i don't like these little guys oh oh my gosh get oh this guy's a heavy hitter or he's got a lot of defense i don't remember go out okay how did you get through the door okay i gotta figure something out here um whoa who is hitting me oh my gosh he's inside this thing what why why do i do this to myself why didn't i block that off right away okay i'm just gonna chill up here then fine we'll do it this way ouch what how'd you where'd you come from okay it's got to be clear down here [Music] yes no hello oh there you are get oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay no no no you stay right there all right i gotta i gotta get out of here i'm not i'm not sticking around here anymore it's not worth it they're gonna they're gonna pile in and i won't be able to get out oh whoa whoa okay oh my gosh go run oh my don't get stuck come on ah look at the mall look at them all okay i'm out of here i'm gonna hear see ya bye not even gonna mess with that guy no way all right now uh-uh okay i gotta i got i gotta get a better system than this come on stop ah go away okay i think i'm good i think i'm good sometimes the houses that i'm looting really don't have that much stuff in it and it's really not worth the risk so once i got back i decided to really start to fortify this space a little better because those big guys i'm in trouble so i really needed a way to thin these zombies out a little quicker because the way i was doing it it just took too long and basically i had no day left to loot in theory it was a good idea and it was working for the most part but it seemed like it started to become more dangerous than helpful not just that but the zombies didn't seem to notice me here as the bait so yeah but overall it was better than just sitting there and hitting them and you know risk getting exploded and once they found the trap there's really only a few i had to take care of afterwards so it was pretty good but it was nice to be able to loot more than just one house i actually got three looted once i got back to the base and offloaded more loot i decided to craft a diamond axe and a pickerang and i enchanted them too even without the zombies really bugging me it still took a while to loot these houses as some had three levels to them for the next few days i focused on looting the rest of the houses it was important that i do this quickly because i didn't have a whole lot of days left to get to that prison and take out whoever was conducting the experiments [Music] on day 70 i basically finished looting all the houses and since i was going to get a super blood moon that night i just started to pack up supplies for the venture out the next morning i wanted to be prepared okay so this is why i like the pick rank so arrows are very limited in this play through because well livestock is very well rare if the zombies ain't looking at me now i can just hit them with this thing upside the head so it's kind of nice once i cleared out the area the best that i could i took off i wasn't really sure what direction to go as i was told to follow the roads the problem is these roads didn't go anywhere well the ones in this town anyway so i got up high to see if i could spot one around town like even one of those dirt paths is probably the one i should be looking for unfortunately i couldn't find one okay now we got wolves and the sun seems like it's setting so awesome i need to make shelter oh no really i don't have enough blocks of course i got a blood moon really so i stayed here for the night as i wasn't gonna move there was just no way unfortunately the shelter it wasn't very big and those mutant zombies i'm pretty sure they can hurt me through these walls ah so i just gotta hope for the best the next morning i dug down just a bit just in case i needed to bury myself i got to the top of the hut and it wasn't too bad once the coast was clear i uh i took off and i was lost i had no idea where i was going at this point and it was extremely risky with the zombies following me and the natural wildlife too yeah and uh the game it must have been giving me a sign or something because i fell into this little pond that i would have to build to get out so i figured since the sun was nearly set the zombies were basically on top of me i just stay in this hole for the night the next morning i dug myself out fairly quickly and i i ran i pretty much ran around all day i had no idea where i was going i had no path to follow i was just lost but later that evening i finally came across the path finally all right where where am i going here it's almost night time oh my gosh look they're spawning they're they're they're spawning and i'm outside great oh oh there's a house there's a house sweet sweet sweet go go go go oh oh my gosh no no no no no i am so so so in trouble just get in let's just get in get in the house no i thought that was the way to get up no no no no no get in the stairs go okay no no no no what's going on no oh my gosh get get away oh i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh my gosh i can't believe that this is why you don't get lost kids okay because zombies start coming out at night and if you're outside good luck well after almost losing it all what did i do i stayed down here and i looted what i could because i was not going out there no way all right i can't stay down here anymore i just can't and i can't even get upstairs like like into the house they're just they're everywhere i'm gonna i'm gonna go the way i came in because it would be better to be in an open area than enclosed in the house okay here we go oh oh no oh no i don't care i'm pushing through i'm pushing through see see i told you i was fine i got this okay i still want to loot the area though so i'm gonna i'm gonna try to kite these guys i can handle this it's just you know two big demolishers and uh and a mutant zombie what's so bad oh my gosh they do hit hard though i'll give them that oh oh oh okay okay okay okay i get it you don't like me near you let's take out the small guys first well i mean these guys aren't small but let's take out the smaller guys first and then i'll take out the mutant no i got this look at that you fall flat on your face okay you two are you guys like kind of annoying whoa oh my gosh he threw me he threw me okay maybe maybe i shouldn't be fighting these guys that's crazy right mutant zombie let's do this just me and you i'm done with this i'm taking one of you out from from afar hopefully i don't want to get too close go away oh zombies leave me alone i'm trying to do a one-on-one here so rude okay don't don't need to yell all right just come on let's go take that oh ouch ouch no no never mind i got this why can i hit him why can't i hit you ouch leave me alone stop hitting me so hard all right come on [Music] yes yes whoa i killed it nice you like that zombies you can't handle me i'm too good all right let's take out this demolisher he's nothing now i actually was pretty excited that was uh that was pretty fun not gonna lie but not very smart after all the zombies were cleared i started to loot and board up the place on day 75 i figured i would try to follow the path back and see exactly where it leads to after a little bit i started seeing structures oh of course the path is right next to my base no wonder i got lost i went to the complete other side of the town so i went back into my base checked on timothy and tried to sort my inventory a little bit just to kind of see what i had for supplies considering i had tons of apples and gold i decided to make some golden apples you know just kind of made sense the next day it took a little longer to thin out the zombies and as i was following the path back i ended up taking the wrong turn and ended up circling around to the gas station so fun so i turned around and took the other path i was getting a little worried because it looked like the sun was gonna set soon but then i seen it there was the prison the place looked huge and i had no idea how to get in but i seen this bus and decided to take shelter here just seemed like a good idea at the time it looks like i might be able to get in over there by that building i'll have to try it in the morning there's just no point getting swarmed here tonight the next day i hopped on top of the bus and spotted a door i could make a break for it was actually pretty easy getting over the place was kind of nice cozy and well protected i took a little peek outside but instead of going into the prison i felt like it would be a good idea to pack up my base first and set it up here instead i had a feeling things were going to get harder from here and i wanted to make sure i had my supplies nearby so that's what i did for the rest of the day i headed back to the base gathered most of the important supplies and i set timothy up for the trip honestly day 78 was pretty uneventful timothy and i just made our way over to the prison and set up our new and hopefully final base the next morning i was swarmed by zombies good thing i had their biggest obstacle window blinds yeah anyway it took a while to thin them out especially if they were doing this uh you okay dude you're gonna make yourself dizzy okay just saying so the zombies kept coming and i needed to make sure that i could keep them at bay so i decided to break down some fencing so i could use it somewhere else that was you know useful whoa wait i have an idea barbed wire does it hurt you yes nice this is so good oh yeah [Music] so considering a mutation was happening today i just gathered some resources for the day and that night i figured i came this far i i might as well be safe i started working on my plan i just wanted to create something simple to funnel zombies in or at least keep them out i was trying to be safe but of course then i go and do something not safe i think i'm all right they can't get me i just got to be careful not to fall off why am i doing this shadow why are you doing this because i need the barbed wire silly that's enough let's uh let's go back see it's all good no problem look at them all hey guys whoa what no no come on no no no oh my gosh are you kidding me are you kidding me why why why do i do this and white is like the worst thing that could possibly happen happen okay just get in the door come on oh my god okay i give up i give up on that stuff i give up i give up i am so done oh come on i can do this just get my health up come on i'm gonna circle around and go back oh my gosh look at them all okay i can do this i can do this i got it i got it just stay calm almost there i'm almost there yes oh my gosh yes are you kidding me i did it the next day i worked on my trap but i kept safe no way i'm taking a risk like that again well you know me i probably will i don't know why but i felt like i was at the prison for days but not really moving anywhere so i decided to take a look inside oh is there a big guy out here i don't see him oh there he's whoa okay what are you doing he's like attacking his buddies oh he can hit me in here that's not good you can't get me oh what what's hitting me am i stuck in barbed wire i'm stuck in barbed wire get out shadow come on ah okay so since i was a danger to myself i thought it would be safer to collect some wood instead as i needed to get my enchanting table back up and operational because my armor was getting pretty worn down and i had a feeling i was gonna have to make some more soon that night i completed the enchanting table and for some reason decided to go out during a blood moon yeah don't ask me why i just did okay look i i know it's a blood moon out and i i get that but i i don't have a lot of time and i'm i'm kind of getting bored so look it's clear out here i'm good i'm good let's go to another building that's close by uh where am i this is like a locker room or something hey look it's dr shadow come over here i'll do some surgeries you know what it was fairly safe and there was quite a bit of loot there's a lot of cupboards and lockers or whatever you want to call these things but i found quite a bit of stuff so that was nice oh it's like a little uh little lunch room maybe oh cake oh what oh my gosh good thing there's wooden blinds here they'd be all over me that's for sure um i'm just gonna head back for now i i don't oh whoa jeez oh my gosh wow that guy hit her there was decent loot but it really wasn't worth the risk on that one no what am i doing so the next day it was time to replace my armor i was looking through what i could build with the materials i had i seen this exo suit which i thought was pretty cool to build i only had one problem i needed nether quartz or warts quartz whatever i needed something from the nether great and i was hoping that i didn't need to go to the nether but either way this material is pretty common there so what's the harm right so i took off to the only place where i knew there was lava right next to the construction site oh my gosh you guys oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh are you kidding me no don't die get away from me okay okay i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good wow all right well i thought the nether was going to be dangerous i guess not look at them all and of course the sun's going down i am i am so i am so over this i just want obsidian guys like that's all i want is that oh my gosh is that a mutant zombie you just stay over there okay no no no no of course of course you had to come over no oh my gosh no no oh no no no no lock it up lock it up lock it off block it off oh my gosh where are my blocks no okay okay okay okay i think i'm good i think i'm good oh my gosh are you kidding me so much for this being easy great so the next morning i took my time just trying to get the obsidian and not allowing the zombies to fall in on me because if they did i was done so i collected the obsidian that i needed and i tried to get back to the surface but i just couldn't the zombies were too quick and they just kept getting to the spot i was trying to get out and they would just come down and block me off so i decided you know what i'm just gonna build the portal right here once i entered the nether i thought the game was just against me because i ended up spawning in this soul sand area where there really wasn't any nether blocks so i had to kind of walk around to find them luckily i found them fairly close so i got the nether quartz that i needed and i headed out that night i was so impatient that i just ran all the way to the prison i thought it was gonna be okay it was a little risky but it was okay all right all right all right get off of me oh come on oh come on of course of course i can't get in the door all right okay okay okay so many little ones here come on come on no come on why can't i do that fine i'll try to build up there no no don't fall off shadow jeez no come on come on come on no no come on come on yes finally well i'm still stuck but alive once i cleared the area and got myself back in the base i was finally able to craft that exosuit armor that i had to go to the nether for so that was cool and i got it all enchanted too so i'll consider it worth it on day 87 i continued my search for the person behind the experiments i worked my way through the visitors building and fighting off the zombies inside these hunters man they they are no joke i can't crit jump that well with this exo suit on it kind of makes me jump higher not really complaining it's just you gotta get used to it all right let's continue on here let's go whoa oh come on jeez i did whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay okay okay okay geez i didn't even get through the door and i'm already attacked okay just keep running all right well that's a dead end that's not good can i get up here no jump jump oh my gosh oh my gosh okay i i can do this i can do this i got this i got this i got this oh my come on why is there so many of you oh i'm so dead come on no get get out of the corner get out of the corner run run run run run this is crazy i don't like the prison anymore i want to go home well after that mild heart attack i figured you know what i might as well just stay inside and loot the area the prison it was overwhelming as zombies were basically in every room so i had to make sure i was careful if i was planning on surviving but then again i probably shouldn't have gone outside considering just what i said i need to be safe but i really wanted to go back to my base so i could repair my weapon what that took 30 levels wow okay i guess the more you repair things the more expensive they get i kept on pushing through the prison but the problem was no room was really safe there were so many entry points for the zombies well you know what this barbed wire seems to slow them down so maybe maybe it's just enough to kind of allow me to have a chance at fully looting this place hopefully that night i continued to loot this storage room and fight off the zombies that made it through it was alright but it was still nerve-wracking [Music] on day 90 i found these spikes that i thought i could use to help take out or at least slow down the zombies i ended up coming across this hospital type of building and i was greeted with a surprise all right let's see how well these things work hey you big boy come on over here that's right oh is it is it hurting your feet oh okay okay okay maybe not a good idea i'm out so instead i just ran back to my base there was no point being out during a super blood moon anyway and just ended up farming some zombies that night nothing too exciting on day 91 aside from getting ambushed from zombies every room i went into i couldn't seem to catch a break in this place it was ridiculous nope what why can't you just let me in the door you guys are so annoying oh my gosh they're coming at it everywhere right now uh oh here comes the big boy yeah oh whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh what was that jeezy hits hard i don't even think i should be fighting them but you know what let's go i got this no whoa whoa whoa okay maybe i don't cut this jeez stop throwing me this is crazy okay i'm done no you win okay you're stronger than i am okay i'm so over this you know what the sun's going down so i should probably not be out here anyway look at them i can hear them all breaking out let me let me let me in let me in oh good good good good good what room is this oh wow okay okay okay okay so zombies can't climb tables so that's good that night i was stuck in this metal shop i figured i was relatively safe as for some reason zombies they have trouble climbing tables but of course one of these guys was in here too so i figured it would be my best option to use my bow with the little arrows that i had i mean i was saving them for a time like this and i definitely needed them thankfully i did because it helped me survive the next day while i was exploring the prison i came across this fellow you stuck in there yeah you're a little too big to get through the door right too bad dude ouch okay okay well don't need to be rude about it as the sun was setting and a blood moon was rising i just stayed in a cell for the night it just made sense all right i gotta find this guy these experiments are uh they're getting out of hand okay what about what about this building oh this is like a cell block oh hey dude why are there so many mutant zombies is there anything in here not really but zombies i guess all right you want to fight man like getting so sick of you guys all right i can handle you guys you guys are pretty pretty easy i think i feel yeah yeah i thought so let's go whoa whoa you guys like to throw me get that's what i thought i tried looking everywhere for this scientist or whatever he was but i just couldn't find him i i checked different buildings and i just had no idea where he was or where the room was but i had to keep looking on day 94 i ended up coming across the area that looked promising it was like a construction area or a part of the prison that wasn't completely built yet unfortunately i looked around all day that it was night all right it's it's not safe down here zombies can spawn everywhere i gotta get out of here especially there's a mutant zombie over here too i can't mess with him i gotta i can't i gotta get out yeah no i'm not i'm not messing with him but unfortunately this was not a good decision no no oh my gosh i am so done this is not good oh my gosh they got exploding zombies in here too this is not good i gotta find a way out oh my gosh no no no no no i'm not getting stuck i'm not getting stuck run run run run shadow i got it i gotta eat i gotta eat die get away i gotta eat i gotta eat i'm done no no no no no no no no no no okay eat quick quick quick quick quick oh no [Music] wakey wakey mr shadowmak tell me how do you feel who are you where am i you know you are a hard one to get a hold of i tried using your little pig friend as bait on that island but things didn't work out the way i intended so i sent you to that world of dragons so i could do these experiments in peace what that was you why because i needed you shadow i need you in my army against the parasites the parasites but i defeated them already well yes and uh no see parasites they are well parasites they adapt so they aren't fully gone yet they have become stronger so this is why you're doing experiments on the zombies to make them stronger to fight back oh yes shadow you get it okay but why do you need me i need you to join my zombie army of course against the parasites and once we beat them they'll have to join me i would never join the likes of you oh shadow i don't want you to join the zombies i want you to lead them i mean that's the whole reason i need you i cannot put one of these half brains in charge now could i even still i would never join you now where am i oh don't worry about that too much you won't be here long one more experiment on you and you'll be free to go free i mean under my control wait what one more you already did one on me yes i completed the first experiment for what what did you do to me oh nothing really just unlocked your potential what what do you mean oh you'll see soon and the second the second experiment will give me full control of your mind so you can do my bidding haha you will never get away with this but i think i already did shadow well looks like you overlooked something i suppose i did shadow you will never get away with this never oh timothy i don't feel so good [Music] you
Channel: ShadowMech
Views: 1,149,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 Days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, Frozen Zombie Apocalypse, Minecraft, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, VR Minecraft, and this is what happened, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore survival minecraft, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, luke thenotable, minecraft, minecraft hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore survival mode, prison break, shadowmech, zombie, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft
Id: s09M7Gh1PZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 26sec (4826 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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