I Tried to be the MOST OBVIOUS Imposter in Among Us

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i just watched lauren twice got in half and then she just stared at me this is my same character from yesterday finding her two children let's go me and my children it's always lights where the heck is everybody there's joey i just walked in and i saw someone jump through the vent but i don't know who it was i was in the top right the whole time and no one was around me but it wasn't me i didn't kill her they were like sure i did the asteroids and then i downloaded something but no one was there joey wait is nobody gonna question why megan says she was there but didn't see the body anywhere just me no body next to me i did the asteroids right at the beginning and download it i promise i want to say megan we've always seen her jump into the vent oh so it wasn't it wasn't that room wait it was in here oh where the heck is joey where did joey go crap i wanted to turn off the lights and kill flips yeah oh [ __ ] shelby was dead on the button which makes you feel like she was about to call i mean we are literally like a bar and a bit away from finishing our tasks do we just watch murders i've got one task left i well first of all i was setting up the beginning because scott rushed me into this yeah it's lauren i hate all of you i saw joey murder scott in front of my eyes that was not me who i could just see murdered scott in front of my eyes joey it was blue catherine that was not me joey we were with other people that wasn't me they're trying to plot it on me where were you lauren what were you doing i was doing the oxygen which i'm pretty sure you guys can vouch for because i saw you guys walk in while i was finishing your time you were doing the oxygen no toward the end of that hole with me you saw i saw a bunch of people in one spot so i can't say who it was i was not near it i was behind you guys oh my god guys i swear it was not me all three of us voted for joey except i was going for megan cause she keeps trying to pin it on me for no reason we tried to double kill because they're about to win anyway so it's like yeah that was a that was a super risky move but they were about to win so we had to we had to do something they're still about to win and now all three of them are together so i just killed megan like there's no way i'm gonna win [Music] so katherine who do you think it is here i think it's lauren no gathered are literally on a pile with each other walking around and we walk in a pine now there are people here i was just following mine i was like there's no way we're winning i was about to push the button and she killed me i seen lauren kill joel which is that when to click the report button which is when one just yeah and then yeah i realized that like you guys were gonna win with the test so i was like all right we gotta be a little more reckless or else we're not gonna kill anybody i went from never being imposter to being impostor all the time should i go after megan again okay well okay but i have i have some information okay i walked into electrical and found megan there i went to the top left um and uh thing where you put gas in and shelby left there in like point two seconds i was doing the alignment that takes like that oh okay okay okay but what i saw if you think she died in electrical it was probably event the person i saw coming out of med bay when i was done another engine was damn just depending on when the kills happen i don't know just putting it out all right so avoid dan that's what they figured yeah she done run i keep getting shelby i don't know why well it's not down both bodies were literally right next to each other in the hallway wait both bodies were in the same place they're literally like two feet from each other oh double kill so it was somebody that was together okay so i was on my own joey last you saw me i was on my own no you don't know if you get it wrong they could double kill a window oh oh okay okay oh wow someone died crazy you don't say whenever i come to meetings i'm just like oh what impossible guess i'll just let scott do the sabotages because he's better at picking which ones are best i saw somebody behind me there they are kind of earned their trust i think they have their eye on me i don't know i'm just gonna try and kill joey i didn't realize lizzy was right there this always happens [Music] so what just happened lauren just killed somebody he just exploded that's crazy joey outside as well no i saw it it was lauren it was joey he'd be more shocked i feel like he joey you seem to just run away from it i honestly have no idea what happened like we were all standing there somebody exploded you sliced someone in half you killed it that was what happened i think it was joey what if it's not learned what if it's julian girl did you not see it happen i don't want to say anything i was going to say sorry lizzy but then they would know if they would know that because joel first that was amazing my thought process during that i saw scott i saw two people on our side i was like double kill scott like let's just double kill and maybe we can win this it was scott i knew it was fun [Music] okay scott wait let me explain what happened nobody for long wait scott so the door closed murdered catherine so i couldn't oh i didn't realize because the door closed and i kept going like back and forth with my character like being like scott double kill double kill do it my plan was that's why i shut the door because i was like i'll delay them going anywhere oh funny catherine's body and then i'll shut the cafeteria door wait for the crap and then we double gun lord was just like yeah i did not get that i deserve that oh look at this team hmm joey's body is right outside weapons so should we just vote out scott right away how many people died that round two or three all right i am very suspicious of lizzie right now oh yeah three of them i have been in these rooms and you've been walking out and walking back in while i was doing my download my other one walking in and out wait are you the murderer no i am suspicious here's why i think it's you because you were in the bottom left and then comms went off and then i saw you in in incomes like in the comms building so you must have had to pass through the area where the body is i was in the lower left room i did the air canisters i did the trash and then i had to fill my water bottle then i had my uploads it is they only have to kill one person if you vote me off the imposters are going to win i didn't vote until right now i think it's lizzie or maybe they're both right now no why are you attacking me and lizzie's attacking me i think it's two of you if we don't vote an imposter off right now the imposters win so you're saying we should just gamble and build somebody off i think it's lizzy and megan because they were around where catherine and scott were dying did you not see anyone bottom left are you telling me that you didn't see anyone there i saw you i'm gonna go with my gut i think it's flip i think i've uh he's also the one that called the meeting and told us we needed to vote somebody we do oh no sorry put a backfired on you you all lose i don't know who it [Music] my is yes then i need to kill one more person oh there goes the lights oh i have a kill cooldown though is someone dead no no but i'm like so certain that it's you now no because you you insisted on voting out whip and it wasn't him at all yeah i was just saying that you guys have to get just saying i know what this looks like i i honestly i understand i don't think it's dan megan i've seen a lot and she hasn't killed me i don't know dan hasn't been talking much i feel like he'd be trying to cover more i've seen him around the map a lot just genuinely doing his tasks okay can i absolutely vouched for not voting flip and he was not an imposter so we're going to vote for lizzie i think we have to not me we have to choose someone no i think it's dan if it is her i think megan is the other one absolutely [Applause] [Music] nobody suspected me at all wow i hope joel used the lights being out to his advantage because oh because it says i'm stuck down here [Music] yeah i was just gonna say wouldn't lizzie have seen that i yeah i didn't know [Music] that's all i know i definitely lauren did you not see me there what just happened i don't know what just happened i definitely just saw lauren and scott running on the cameras together then they got outside of the camera and now scott's dead lauren just had a very voice so oh guilty as charged and i was on the asteroids and i just watched lauren's life got in half right there and then she just stared at me i can't even compose myself enough to lie i literally killed him i did not see you until after i killed scott and then looked at you and was like oh oh oh well this is awkward oh my god that was so bad i think what happened was i wanted to kill scott so badly i was chasing after him and then he came in here and my sights were just like set on scott being in a room and i killed him which still would have been bad because i would have to run out here and try to get in the hole yeah there was no way i was getting out of that oh no lizzie i just realized joel murdered lizzy it's a mess it was a domestic oh flip's dead too jeez oh my gosh this is not oh damn joel is crazy at this guys it was joel i'm telling you shelby believe it or not no it's not me whip vouch for me at the beginning do you guys remember think back no shelby no dan it's not you're wrong i think that it shall be actually i didn't get to vote [Music] oh my god joel come on joel come on joel come on joel come on you always wait for it to cool down genius yeah cuz i can't hit the button joel's legit chasing dan oh my god this is amazing well come on come on joe come on joel come on joel come on oh he's got him he's got him he's got him he's got him yep no you're screwed i was trying to press the button so fast [Laughter] this is tragic i'm so sorry lauren wait [Laughter] yeah let's give her a moment to actually do something not me she's lying are you gonna let her kill someone yeah let me kill someone i think it's joey but he doesn't want to kill me whoever whoever is the imposter is not gonna want to kill me because they all think it's me okay i know how suspicious this looks but i swear to god it was not me if jem is not the murderer then jem would have saw me go and fix the reactor with them with it was me catherine and jem walked in and me and catherine are the only ones there i don't think it's lauren or catherine and i know it's not me so it's between joey and flip i've been with catherine and laura lizzie's trying to throw us off i don't know who that is this is a lot of deaths and like i've been near lauren a lot so i don't know when she would have got away with that me too honey so then flip i kind of want to go what's your fluid for foot flip why aren't you talking you have flip's not talking at all here because you ran over my body [Music] you
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,131,555
Rating: 4.9669046 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, among us, among us friends, ldshadowlady, theorionsound, joey graceffa, funny moments, x life, xlife, smallishbeans, lauren scott, dangthatsalongname, smajor1995, lizzie, fwhip, katherine elizabeth, imposter, first time, worst imposter, best imposter, imposter fail, iq, dantdm
Id: xn4Z8lRnTwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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