Trapped In An Inescapable Blizzard With ManBearElk In Summer - Cold Front ALL ENDINGS

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hey everyone this is manly badass zero and welcome to cold front which is an rpg maker horror game where two friends find themselves trapped in a blizzard in the middle of summer on a cold winter evening a new family moved into the house next door then a few days later a bright doorbell echoed throughout the house i quickly fall behind my mother walking to answer the door to pika who'd be standing outside it was a lady next door who had just moved in the lady and my mother started talking until she finally saw me hunting behind my mother's back she then said this i have a son your age he hasn't come out of his room ever since we moved in those damn video games could you go in there and be his friend [Music] perspective whoa this house is much bigger than i thought the stairs coming up here a bit too high though it'd be bad if anyone fell that kid's in his room up there huh both of that lady started bossing me around as soon as she saw me i'm the one who's going to decide if i want to be his friend or not good for you wouldn't cut a kid to see anyway is he some kind of fairy tale princess or something huh oh man i'm weird i'm not weirded out in a bad way but just weirded out in like perspective in an rp rpg maker game i think i've only seen it done a couple of times look at all these boxes guess they didn't fish unpacking their stuff hey a stuffed elk doll i have a stuffed bear back in my place i know most people think the horns and elks are cooler but i like bears better there's a box here another box over there and a solid snake over there you saw nothing there's a box here in our box over there what it's locked there i don't know that voice are you the kid that's stuck in the room all day open the door first and i'll tell ya or i'll blow this house down no no thank you please just leave yeah why not just open it will ya [Music] kick down the door you leave me no choice what are you stay back i'm going in wait a minute you're not actually trying to break down my are you actually doing it yeah what the door quickly opened before you got to kick the door see it worked a little disappointing you could get to uh kick that door but still ah hey it worked wait are you crying are you crying because i came in here we just got here do you like being alone that much i was already crying and that isn't the reason why is it because you just moved huh then why are you crying because i'm lonely aren't we all all my friends are back at where i used to live now i have no one now how hard i try all the kids here already know each other it's gonna be hard for me to fit in even if they do hang out with me it's out of pity or adults telling them because i'm new i don't want that you're the same right you only came here because my mom told you to right no i just want to kick this door in because it's funny well yeah i knew it you also feel sorry for me but i didn't come here to try and be your friend what then why i was curious about what kind of kid you were and from what i've seen so far i think you're pretty lame and whiny and a bit of a scaredy cry baby you're so mean but hey i didn't say i felt sorry for you did i do you just assume everyone feels the same way you think they'd feel i talked to you once and you're already accusing me of something i never even thought of i think the real reason why you won't get any friends is the way you're thinking right now deciding what will happen in the future in your head but never actually trying anything in the present to fix it [Music] if you're worried about people being insincere when they approach you why don't you make them be sincere then i don't do french just because someone told me to so you try and make me want to be your friend first don't push people away from the start and keep working hard and people that all care about you will always stay by your side that's what i was taught anyway [Music] okay color coding wise uh it's just a random thought i just can't hit my head down like think of like hunter x hundred right like with kula and gone after a rather noisy first introduction winnie and i soon became inseparable [Music] well our protag is not wearing green but i just got that vibe like the genki thing since elementary school [Music] and even now when we graduate high school everyone in town knew us two were close we wouldn't did everything together same streets same school same class same lectures same club same interests same hobbies we were always together no matter what the point that sometimes he even felt a little eerie but when he suddenly stopped talking to me since last winter we haven't talked since [Music] i don't know what he's thinking um it's the end of july winnie's family is moving far away tomorrow so here's what i'm gonna call right from the start just with that little line this is just a shot in the dark i really don't know anything about this game um doppelganger just because of the stop talking to me and like they kind of like did the weird colorization on the face so that's just a guess i could be wrong my parents don't know we haven't spoken months so they told me to go out on a short drive with him since today was the last day winnie and i can probably spend our time together you think you'd be in the middle of a meaningful remembrance i said okay here's another thing they're color coding our names even when we use the word i right i'm wondering if that's gonna be a gimmick because the whole like like i said my fear doppelganger maybe this could be like a little twist with the lettering you think you'd be in the middle of a meaningful reminiscent conversation with your friend by now if it was the day before you're letting someone you've known for almost all your whole life leave but the car is silent click the elk symbol of your mouse to investigate wait we got click ah i just can't sit here and sounds forever fine should i say something it's not yet because i gotta think of a conversation topic first would it be too weird to start rummaging for someone's stuff without their permission especially we haven't talked to that someone in almost half of a year it'd be too awkward i mean they seem happy i'll take a peek later or something when he's not here sure so what's with that look that's nothing it's just been so long i'm surprised you talked to me first go on did your leg all healed ah that took you long enough to ask of course i broke it last winter right it's been months since sometimes i lose strength in them but other than that it's all fully healed everything's back to normal i never knew i'd suddenly trip down the stairs like that and on the day of the finals too i later heard that you played my position in the game on my behalf that night yeah and i didn't win you're always better at hockey than me the audience loves you more anyway too hmm conspiracy no like what would be like we'd be there like near the stairs to trip him why were you moving again don't you remember i got accepted into the uni we wanted to go the transportation costs are high my parents are moving their workplace neither anyway so we just decided to move somewhere close to where the school is university huh isn't that nice ah that does make me wonder hey didn't we apply to the same school together ah was that the only one that got accepted well you got turned down ah don't feel so bad auggie i'll study hard for you on your behalf don't call me auggie uh is he actually trying to encourage me it just sounds like he's passive-aggressively showing off where people crying outside your house ah those were my other friends they all came by to say goodbye love her friends ha so many people were crying i didn't know what to do i saw you get a bunch of bouquets and letters and last minutes confessions just when did you get this popular you sure you want to spend your last day with me instead of your countless fans why do you not want to maybe we were like the uh bad friend so when are you going to ask ask what was it unless you warming up the conversation so you can ask about that the reason why i suddenly stopped talking to you you know why because you're an embarrassment to be around just but looking at the short conversation we had a moment ago it's obvious that the difference between the two of us is incomparable i got into the school you wanted to go to i have a bucket full of other friends that adore me i've been praised and recognized by the public then there is you what are you what do you have no brains no social life no skills what does that make you trash trashed when you are i pity you you what did you just say hmm what do that look say it say what you just said again oh okay what's with that look what's wrong you're so cold all of a sudden did i say something wrong let's just calm down and how can i calm down when you're sitting there treat me like walking trash why are you yelling all of a sudden who do you think you are what do you always is it snowing the cold represents the gulf between two friends just to be clear it's currently july right no it's august what's going on what's going on i don't know i was too focused on talking with you it was just like that when i looked back at the window uh outside let's just go outside first and the doors i'm frozen open sesame ah wait that's not open sesame that's a coming humming i'm a wave come me open sesame i think the car just got colder than before augustine it's totally jammed god all right i pull it it just won't budge this leaves you no choice wait don't tell me i'll start kicking my e we're kicking the door swung open see you always solve your problems with kicking it's proof this is proven by the opening we're out we really are out sorry sorry show dodge faster uh augustine your outfit cold front i really like this perspective thing what the hell's going on why am i suddenly standing in the middle of a snowstorm in july snow in july this really is serious i didn't know climate change would come to be this extreme oh god it's like a day after tomorrow well that's what that movie was called right the one like the natural disasters everywhere all at once everyone let's take better care of the earth that's not important right now i mean it is important but i guess even climate change can't just change outfits out blue look look our clothes it's the elf would be worn last winter this is awfully convenient at least it keeps me warm but if it was changed for our convenience sake something doesn't match up my clothes only swapping already doesn't match up winnie's outfit now that i think about your clothes aren't those for indoors yeah well i did wear this during the winter it was only when i was inside a building usually at school compared to you who's got a cozy hat with those ear thingies a coat even those cute little boots perfect for outdoors aren't you cold yeah no i'm freezing come on get back in the car right now but the door won't even close now after all that kicking dead oh yeah sorry about that ah so frustrating why is our outfit different what even is this blizzard what does all this mean it means it's cold outside little panic we gotta deserve our energy hey you okay you've been shivering this whole time yeah it's just so cold let me sit down more my hands a bit could you please check the car while i do that check for something that might be of use or us if anything's wrong with it how could i say no here ask me like that i'll be quick no i won't don't close your eyes if you do you won't be waking up bye-bye damn oh everything's frozen the inside already uh need something to melt it something with heat will i be able to find it wait what else they were all out of fuel i swear i was almost full when i checked it before the situation's more serious than i thought am i really going to free stuff out here what was that just now i swear i just saw something you mean the stuffed animals am i seeing things did the cold get to me ah get a grip on yourself augustine wait this is i don't remember him smoking oh yeah he pretended to so he'd look cool from the school kids when i warned him all of them just called me a loser the fact that he kept this means is he still hanging out with them just ignore my worries for him huh what am i not cool enough for him am i really an embarrassment anyways the one financial nina the lighter it's not here where the hell did he put it maybe he's just carrying it i think that's everything i need to check for now wisely suddenly happened to me it's enough torches having to spend time with ah winnie what's going on what happened my hands are freezing then why were you building a snowman with your bare hands no no no no that's not all there is to why i screamed though it is a teensy part of it when you're still investigating the car i i saw an ominous shadow moving in the distance through the storm an ominous shadow yeah yeah it really scared me so i made this little snow friend to my mind cute right say hi to him i'm assuming a bad ending happens if we ruin the snowman well we're worried about the bad ending later or should i worry about it now not bad ending first kick ah the snowman was crushed under your boot we're getting murdered by a snowman now if i'll life asleep to the ground you know this is the time to be messing around how can you act so childish read the damn room sorry anyways i don't think we should stay here much longer i have a bad feeling did you find anything it says the fuel's all out so the car probably won't move and we'll need a heat source for the frozen parts inside couldn't find the lighter ah nah i left in my room somewhere let's look for something else oh then that means nothing will change if we stay by the car so we have no choice but to walk forward find shelter heat and fuel tell me when you're ready all right let's go i know i schooled him just now but i didn't expect for him to tone down this much did i go too far well i got wrong i could get the good ending like that was the right choice you defeated the evil snowman come on pick it up i know you're cold his walk is slow he seems to be very cold ah he's too slow thank you this leaves me no choice i'll go talk to him and do that oh no all right get on my back ah you obviously can't walk because of the cold i'll carry you you sure you don't have to overdo it since when did you care about that i said it's fine just stop wasting more time and if i trouble you you i got this i can lift you up easy and i said i don't need it what don't want a trash like me carrying you around would that be too embarrassing for you it's not like that why do you keep talking that way why do you keep talking like oh fine whatever it's my fault for asking this is chris's blood that can't be is that blood blood what does it look like it's been dragged on the floor um what's this that's that's us symbolically us [Music] a dead body it looks like a younger version of me we haven't been dead this entire time have we a frozen dove covered in snow and blood there's a deep scratch wound across his chest as it was attacked with something sharp it's holding hands with a body looks like a younger version of winnie a dead body looks like a younger version of winnie frozen the death covered in snow and blood there's multiple stab moons on stomach as if it was pierced with something sharp it's only handsome but it looks like a younger version of me what the hell is going on the sudden snow storm almost freezing to death and now i have to look at my own dead body this this is all just a prank you set up right tell me this is just a sick prank to mess with me because there's just no way all this is real this can't be happening i can't believe it you're really telling me this sitting here with us i can cast those terrible wounds no let's let's be positive the body's looking like us it's totally freaking out but seeing how it's right on the middle of our path maybe it's a sign uh a very personalized and terrifying don't go this way sign there still must be time for us to turn back it's not like we never attacked them this thing right behind us hey i'm i'm behind you bark ah brock oh oh there's quick time events oh no dodge back wow actually off you're able to buy time by shoving the creature back with your bag just have the chin set what are you staying around for run we are okay well we are running is crash bandicoot ah wow this is actually a rough chase by the way ah winnie oh sorry i tripped off i'll be fine don't you pull that sacrifice card just kept already you pulled winnie up ah thank you you saved me shut up we're not out of this yet there's nowhere to hide with how flat and wind this field is it's impossible to drive it away we're going to be out of breath any second now because this goddamn snow storm what the hell do we do oh yeah i i've got a plan hear me out the floor we're standing on right now i think it's ice if we slam our foot down hard enough we can make it crack we can guide the monster to come towards our direction now it's away to us it'll step on the crack and with the ice not being able to handle its weight the monster will fall right under the water are you insane we'll be volunteer do you have a bear idea ah no exactly we'll get caught if we waste any more time come on i got it don't tell me what to do let's stomp on at the same time ready one two the ice cracked we did it you're gonna freeze all right yes it's working it's going down wait the correct spring water than i thought it what augustine gotcha i knew it i knew we gave myself this somehow what did i tell you how deep is this hole it's basically a cliff what the hell's going on this place it just doesn't make any sense all right pull me up hurry augustine what should i what should i do i can't i can't feel my hands i can't put any strength for them it's all frozen i feel like my fingers are going to fall off any second i can't i can't pull you up i'm trying i just won't let me what i do what do we do don't don't do that don't do that to me even this is funny it's not i'm being serious stop joking around pull me up i'm not it's not a joke i wish it was but it's not i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm trying but in my heart i tried i just can't don't let go please don't let go i'm your friend we're friends we are friends right [Music] long live the king ah ah how am i still ah my leg it hurts i can't get up i can't freeze to death here i can't i can't go out like this not because of him get up get up move move move move already you got up cold cold cold cold cold come on it's too cold i never knew a person can ever feel this cold everything hurts i'm being stabbed cold it's piercing me oh i won't be able to get up next time i fall of course everything was frozen too how's the snow when it's indoors wait this is the hallway of his house why here is he somehow connected to why all this is happening ah just thinking about what makes my head hurt but now i need heat heat heat anything warm hot literally anything that's right the lighter he said it's somewhere in his room the stuffed elk is gone empty like my soul like i get to live first it's locked huh no no why is it why is it locked no no no no please why why why why now if i i would kick it open but oh would have this ring this time the key i need to find the key i'm losing my senses i need to find it quick i should check out the other room first what i don't see any lighter here [Music] remember the smile and muscle work hard take stuff out of your pocket before putting them in the washer for friends right take the keys return books that's gonna stairs oh so yeah so there is a possibility we sabotaged him maybe we like left something there and that's why they stopped talking did he put these up well look at these pathetic pieces of paper be helpful what the hell am i supposed to do now [Music] why the lights coming from under the water is that an ambulance simon why is it so distant i don't get it you guys have probably got in a car accident or something weird you're like in a shared mental space thinking back to that note on the mirror maybe he left the keys in one of his clothes when you put them in the washer again wouldn't hurt to check [Music] i knew it there's definitely something in what the hell is this the zipper on its back is this a fake bodysuit looks like me i know it's hallucination but why me why me in here in his house maybe because he like looked up to you for now keys need to focus on the keys took the keys from its pocket don't do that by the way yes this is it ah why's it so dark i can't see anything the lighter where's the lighter you guess we moved around the room with your arms reached out and soon you suddenly feel something in your grasp i did it i found it jump scare and fill up the room nope just me what is all this though those are all but this this is his room what why am in his did the furnitures look like me is there a perspective twist going on here oh i get it now i knew it was suspicious we were always stuck together that bastard used me like i was his own for his own advantage like an object he put in his room like his clothes he could wear whenever he liked to act like me to copy me he applied to the same university as soon as he learned what school i wanted to go to it's because you guys liked each other he started acting nice got confession out of someone i really liked before [Music] he suddenly got interested in an award i was already working to get and he was recognized for it [Music] even gone to the hockey team i was part of since i was young and stole my position and played in the game i was supposed to in one stealing all the attention from everyone even from my close friends who i knew before he came along everywhere i go everything i do everyone that i meet every time i wanted something he always shows up and steel's replaces ruins everything from my life it leaves you of nothing now that's really nothing left now that he's already stolen everything from me he starts ignoring me talking down on me pities me and now he must be trying to get rid of me for good to throw me away like a piece of useless trash to get rid of any evidence of how he used me i think he just looked up to i think that's like the obvious thing you're like here you were his best friend he looked up to you he wanted to be like you he just indirectly became better than you and your things you did unintentionally that's right i was always suspicious of him i always hated him i don't know how he did it but everything that's happened from the moment i got the car it's probably his fault too yeah all this must be his fault he's trying to hunt me down augustine so the monster that attacked us earlier that was obviously um a mixture of our two plushies turned into like a monster like a man bear pig it wasn't a pig it was more like a bear in a man man bear elk augustine is that you it really is you so you were here i was so worried i'm glad you're safe you how did you well this place hasn't been really realistic so far i couldn't hear anything after you fell down that hole so i knew something else must have happened to you instead of so i followed you in i fell and now i'm here hmm scissors i don't know why this place looks like my house so oh and while i was going around looking for you when you held up a gas tank i found some fuel anyways are you okay are you hurt found the lighter lighter that's great oh no someone's holding fuel now that we're both safe again since we both looked around this floor we should go downstairs i'll wait for you outside [Music] can i grab this or no no i guess i have to do like the picture symbolism [Music] if he was able to come down here seeing how i survived it for falling down there's a chance that monster is also still around down here's the stairs to the first floor this bastard he's he's probably planning something to get rid of me again yeah just like how he tried to put that hole earlier i need to push him down the stairs just like before i need to strike him first push winning down bad ending go thinking back to that day when i saw him fall down for the first time i might have wished for him to just die right then and there well why is everything upside down this is the car is that siren and hemiglon saw him what about him he isn't breathing that is a very happy person i had lost consciousness after the sun and crash and found myself waking up in the overthrown car i was transferred to the hospital as soon as i was found apparently he died instantly on the spot when the accident occurred it was an instant death i could have done anything it wasn't me who caused the accident anyway or maybe you did actually and i was passed out when he died how could i ever change this outcome his death was has nothing to do with me compared to him i was able to get off of only a few minor wounds and bruises i was in the center of everyone's attention ever since the accident [Music] oh you're right it must have been scary i'm so glad you weren't hurt that badly thank god you survived you're so strong for keeping yourself together like this even though you had just lost your friend it's totally right you're sad right tell us anytime you need anything we'll be here for you no one is looking for him anymore they only care about me they only compliment me they only worry about me they only recognize me just me just me just me finally now that he's gone [Music] i'm not alone what's a little murder between friends okay so i guess the ending branch is probably just that one choice the earlier choices i'm assuming didn't matter they're probably like a role-playing kind of thing [Music] so um we'll go back to that choice and get the ever ending [Music] don't push winnie down step alvin augustine are you okay just winning bullets what's with that scary expression in your face you keep talking to yourself and accusing me of something i never said i called your name multiple times just now you didn't even answer we can't go on like this augustine i i have something to ask you when i fell down from the stairs last winter i saw you i know you didn't push me i know i failed because i accidentally tripped myself i know that if i knew you were at a distance where if you wanted you could have easily reached out and stopped me from falling when i was lying on the floor about to pass out i also heard footsteps of someone leaving the area and i heard that someone else called the ambulance other than you i that but despite it all i didn't feel resentful or enraged i just felt confused i think that was the first time i started seriously reflecting on our relationship all along i thought we were best friends but since then i realized you might have followed us differently it felt like a wake-up call ever since then i was paranoid about how you'd feel about me i thought you hated me i thought you didn't want to see me ever again no technically or protag does hate you i was scared i didn't know what to do or what to say so i started distancing myself from you but that didn't solve anything it just made our relationship worse what we need is a conversation an honest conversation nothing will change if we just shut ourselves from one another i'm not mad i'm not disappointed i'm not going to blame you for anything that's happened so just talk to me tell me everything if you don't i'll never know until the day i die like that ever ending augustine [Music] actually double clicked on that one and when i heard the words tell me how you feel i had forgotten all my suspicion my hatred my fear of winning [Music] nothing but all my feelings have been balling up for all these years were left in me we started helplessly flood out in the most unsettling way possible i i envy you for succeeding and i'm scared of what will happen to me in the future because of it i know i'm supposed to feel happy for you i know i'm supposed to celebrate your success by your side i know i'm being selfish i know i'm being overly emotional i know that more than anyone i know i'm being pathetic i know that i know that but i just can't help it whenever i see you i cannot think you stole everything from me i start something you suddenly start copying me and then take it away from me it wasn't just once or twice but every single time when you soon master what i want to do making you loved and recognized covering me behind your massive shadow bearing everything i've done so far in the ground take away everyone that i want to impress having everyone's attention and fortune heading towards you now you're adored by everyone you must have felt embarrassed for having to call it nobody like me or a friend no talent no social life no skills now all i have left is the fact that i'm your friend but you have so much more in life than me you won't need me anymore so i thought you were getting rid of me i was terrified i was terrified of you is that really how you felt all this time augustine i'll never leave you there's nothing in this world that can replace you you were my hero i looked up to you ever since we first met i was able to be the way i am now because you inspired me with how bright and friendly you were i was able to feel at ease no matter where i went or what i did because i had a friend like you with me i think that's why i kept following you around because i didn't want to leave your side but i now realize there are still things not even a friend should do but there's a line that not even a friend should cross i crossed the line way too many times up till now ah now don't blame yourself your own success is your own thing i'm sorry i'm really sorry i should have respected your line i shall feel about how you'd feel i should put myself in your shoes i was too blind by admiration back then that i couldn't see it you were my one and only friend before my hero it must been so frustrating it must have been so upsetting you don't have to forgive me i know apologizing that won't change the past but i just want you to know this you are the coolest and brightest person i've ever met in my whole life augustine i've some people do all the things i've accomplished so far because you encouraged me back then because you gave me hope you work hundreds thousands million times harder than me and i remind myself every day how lucky i am to have never met a friend like you what do you mean you have nothing you're someone who could take over the entire world if you want to you're amazing like that thank you for trusting me and telling me the truth ah now i get it wasn't whitney that was hunting me the real hunter was myself already deciding what's going to happen in the future whatever people will think of me in my head leaving others for all my misfortunes in my life not trying hard enough in the first place and justifying that by saying someone who's skilled in me are more popular than me will come along and take all the glory anyway it was all me even though when he stayed the same i was too blind about my own jealousy and insecurity no matter what he said or did i distort the truth to even try to talk to him properly decide he was only out to ignore me out to hurt me interpreting the way i feared and believed in the lies i told myself justify hating him i was at fault all along it's not true i'm not as great as you think i am you've always been a good friend you always were i was a fool to have ever taken it the wrong way i'm sorry i should have never let you get hurt you're way more important than my bride what was i even thinking how could i have been so childish i was stupid i'm ashamed hey we can call it even now since i did let you fall to that giant hole earlier is it really okay to brush this off that simply [Music] augustine we're friends right i don't know you gotta push me down the stairs i don't think i deserve you if you're okay with it i'd love you to be my friend then [Music] yeah we are are you okay breathe lucky breathe it's been so long since i cried there's the brunch well it's okay don't cry smile i'll calm down now yeah thanks glad to hear it so auggie remember the we're already dead fury i told you i've been doing some more thinking on that and you know how people say a person sees their life flash before their eyes when they're about to die are those seriously injured what if this is sad the situation we're in now is the flashback well for us it isn't just watching the flash like a movie we're actually experiencing it reliving it even that means we're about to die in real life i did hear ambulance silence go off a few moments ago but wait then where are we now probably an important memory that we got to look back to a memory that impacted our lives the most oh and another thing don't people usually see these flashbacks on their own but look at us we're sharing it i think this is because the memories we're thinking of are the exact same what were some memories you think that impacted you deeply in life meeting you and seeing you fall last winter mine too our first introduction and the first time the crack in our relationship was visibly shown so the reason why it's suddenly winter now why our clothes are something changed and why this place looks like your house is because we're the mixed memory of the winter when we first met and the wonder when i fell the house looked the same way when my family first moved in and our clothes are what we were wearing on this day by fell you're indoor wear since you were inside the school you're in outdoor wear since you were leaving the building ah sorry my head so what you're saying is we're currently in a comander in critical condition probably because of a car accident or something and our consciousness are trapped in a mixed memory of the women when we met and when you fell down the stairs wow he summarized that perfectly who cares about that how do we get out of here alive ah i got it this is a flashback of an important memory that we look back on often right because of our regret because it deeply impacted our lives if that's why we're having this flashback if we get rid of our regret get rid of the thing that's mentally unhunting us the thing that keeps making us look back to this memory maybe we'll snap back out to the president instead of the past back to reality since no regret means no looking back but the thing that's hunting us you mean yeah i think that monster represents our unhealthy relationship the past few years it looks like two different animals were forcefully mixed together bear elk man it felt like it was in tremendous pain it's suffering [Music] if we defeat that creature i'm sure mean that our relationship is restored our regrets will be gone i thought they were that easy because we got rid of what was making us suffer we solved it we can escape the flashback all right let's do it then i trust you okay no need to get that cheerful over it so how do we defeat it you're gonna burn all right all we have on us are fuel and the lighter lighter are you thinking what i'm thinking raag i feel people getting along in there i don't like people getting along speak of the devil and he appears well i really hope it is in the devil yippee how can mean for us all right tell me when you're ready ready all righty i'll specially give the fuel as soon as i see him then i'll turn on the lighter and check it yeah yeah i love it when we finish each other sentences let's go then the first floor we got this we got this when he's very cheerful there it is where right there there i don't see ah boy it's looking right at us get the fuel do it wait it looks kind of key once you get used to stop basing around and pour the damn fuel now now auggie hi you're going to burn all right got it curses my only weakness fire and friendship mostly the fire part though we did it we did we did it whoa that was so cool just now hockey now the way for that tank was way more cooler they were both cool huh now we give her the monster uh what's our next move um the fire is spreading guys oh yeah yes our next move about that i didn't think this far ahead actually you what maybe we'll let ourselves burn here too we'll somehow wake up back in the real world that doesn't sound very comforting if i die i'm going to kill you ah why why is everything upside down this is the car what's that siren and ambulance are winnie where's winnie winnie so my fury was right the car crashed gobotrope isn't this cliche ah i'm glad that wasn't the version where we were already dead now that would have been troubling yeah i did mention that how could you smell that time like this but you're smiling too we've lost consciousness after the sudden crash and found ourselves waking up in the overthrown car we were transferred to the hospital as soon as we were found at our checkup the results showed that despite the severity of the accident when he only suffered minor injuries like small bruises never feels surprising that guy bigger to him i fetching my left leg they had some karma i didn't feel upset though it was only fair this made us even winnie's move was pushed back after the accident for almost the whole summer you stayed by my side so that i could recover faster the sun and blizzard the icy field the monster we faced we're still not sure if what we experienced was a dream hallucination or indeed a flashback that when he talked about one thing's for sure because of what we went through when he and i were finally able to have an honest conversation for the first time ever since we met we became best friends [Music] eventually when he left later [Music] the winning isn't by my side anymore [Music] that doesn't mean i'll be alone [Music] and then when he went on becoming supremely rich because woody apparently was just good at everything [Music] [Music] so that's it for cold front uh this game was part of a korean rpg maker jam where they had a month to make a game uh this is developers second game by the way and it's actually pretty good especially for like a second game um just so the storyline it is a little cliche even when he mentions it's a little cliche of the whole coma thing and yeah i confront you you know like demons kind of stuff and the the femage of the story with the whole like jealousy things and friends kind of splitting apart is obviously a very grounded story it's very common in real life uh on that note i mean despite the story being cliche it is you know it's got kind of a nice wrapped up story it's a little how you would say um heartfelt like the whole story is very nice the fact that the characters despite whatever flaws they may have and particularly for our protag they're overall like nice characters and everything right there's a kind of error of like somewhat comedy here and there and then the story assuming you don't get the bad ending wraps up like everything works out kind of thing so on one hand you lose a little bit of the horror aspect because of that so it's not quite a scary game this is more of a uh i would say this is actually more of a thriller than an outright horror game or like a comedy drama almost like a psychological comedy drama but i also does essentially mine happy endings and i think if you gave these characters like a darker ending or if you went a little too dark of the story you would actually like lose something like it it wouldn't fit what they were like kind of presenting so the way the way it was done it was done correctly except for that uh i think i might have already mentioned it if not like i said the the gold game is very pretty i like the sprites like the perspective thing um i like the cgs like the characters and overall i think it's you know executed correctly for a game jam thing well they did give a month but for a game jam thing even then despite that um it is an hour long game and it's put together pretty well but yeah anyway so if you go watch you play cold front i'll see you guys later and take it easy you
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 368,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cold Front, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Horror Game, Indie Game, Gameplay, Video Game
Id: nw4DQ2TUFxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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