Chess Master TROLLED Me Into Thinking He Was A Beginner

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ladies and gentlemen this is an extremely embarrassing story about how I was crushed in a chess game by a person who I thought was a beginner you see I recently took a trip I went from LaGuardia Airport to Jacksonville then drove an hour and a half to Gainesville at the University of Florida they hosted me for an event it looked like this I spoke to a room of enthusiastic chess fans of all ages and then they came up one by one and played me in a chess game up on the stage but nobody told me how strong they were the point was I was going to play them and then I was going to guess their playing strength now if you're new to this channel I have a series called guess the ELO where I do just that people send me their chess games I analyze them and then try to predict what strength they are it's very funny you should check it out after you watch this so a guy came up to me and all I knew is this guy was named Derek Derek was a very nice guy he didn't seem too intimidating he seemed very nice and humble and I thought well I don't know how good he is so let's just ease into this game and that was the last mistake I made in this video I'm going to show you the live footage and I'll narrate the game for you then we will do a deep dive analysis of how this dude completely took my soul in front of a room of 500 people all right let's go so we shake hands I open with the King's Pawn and he opens with Pawn to E6 which is the French defense now I don't know how good he is so I play B3 now this is a Gambit line he plays D5 and now I give away my Center Pawn he doesn't actually accept the Gambit so I advance I push him backwards he seems to know the theory so at this point you know I'm thinking maybe, 16,700 cuz that's kind of have a good Baseline I play all my normal stuff I bring out my queen so he can't move his pieces out specifically his dark squared Bishop Knight to F3 and at this point he plays the first surprising move he's supposed to develop the pieces on the left side uh but he attacks my queen and you'll notice that game review uh says that's a small in accuracy also we laughed because I announced to the room that I thought he was rated 300 uh which was funny but ultimately came back to seriously bite me I'm already thinking and he hasn't spent any time there's 2 seconds of bonus time time which is why his time is still at 3 minutes I slide back and now I need to start throwing my Pawns in front of my queen forward like my G Pawn the computer really doesn't like his move because here Ponto G4 is very very strong but I was sort of easing into the game and again I don't know the strength of the person I'm playing so I just thought you know what let's just develop our pieces now computer hates that move a lot uh but I hate the computer Bishop to be7 notice I'm down about 30 seconds on the clock already and I apologize for the slightly bad camera quality blame the University of Florida um I've officially crossed more than 30 seconds time deficit which again did not really stress me at the time because well I I didn't know who I was playing against and here I went to attack Derek's Pawn I moved my knight to G5 and you'll notice that the pawn on the left side in the center uh on E6 is completely undefended which he defended like that and now I thought oh I'm just easily winning I mean at this point I thought okay 1500 you know amateur maybe intermediate because Knight B5 boom you know my Knight's getting in I'm going to either attack his king or Fork his King and Rook so that was an easy game thank you for playing Derek until I realize wait a minute he can take my Center pawn and he thinks for a little bit and you'll notice that you know my eyes go wide there for a second if you rewind I'm like wait a minute is that a thing and again we will Deep dive into this later for now just pay attention to my beautiful voice and exceptional chess commentary almost like a boxing match nobody else can watch seconds tick away on a clock and talk about it quite like Gotham chess uh now I have evened out the clock sit situation 209 shout out to Nate Diaz and Nick Diaz as well of course um he he now goes below two minutes because he's thinking and and I'm I'm in a really good situation my my Knights are terrorizing him from both sides and uh well I'm probably going to win material he takes and uh this is where I realize he's probably about 1,800 1,800 maybe 2,000 I thought all right this is no beginner I don't know why he acted like a beginner I don't know why he acted like he was you know and so I took the KN which actually is a really bad move but I did not realize it at the time he takes my knight but I thought well he took my knight and I took his Knight but now I'm going to get in and I'm going to Fork his King and his Rook but I actually realized that despite Landing this Fork that you see and now taking his rook in the corner the only reason I'm pausing is because I'm like wait a minute my position's actually not that good I mean I have a rook but he has a knight and he has all eight pawns so he has a knight and a pawn for a rook white is up a point of material but as you can see from the evaluation on the left side right there next to the chessboard I'm not really in any better position at all and I I don't even like do I trade the Queens which way do I castle where do I put my light squared Bishop which pawns do I push and that's why I start thinking again I'm now down again 30 seconds and I'm starting to wonder am I playing like a master is this like a 2200 rated player these are the thoughts going through my head I'm like I can't lose game one there's 500 people watching I mean hundreds of thousands of people watch me you know my videos when I'm sitting here but that's not the same thing as an auditorium and he's just playing instantly look at Derek dereck's not even thinking he's just bringing all his pieces out this was so annoying by the way that he was playing really fast I'm now down to a minute and 3 seconds or two seconds or one second and again I'm not going to lose on time because every time we make moves we get two seconds of bonus time so I castled Queens side and I decided look I got to stop overthinking the position I mean at this rate he's just going to crush me you know you know and so I'm I'm like all right well do your worst and uh there was a bit of a camera lag there but he he he moved his Bishop off the back rank you can see it at the top left of your screen I slid my king out of the way of his Queen the camera did some goofy stuff there University of Florida Wi-Fi and that that move is preparing a pawn storm so you are about to notice that Derek is just going to start pushing all of his pawns toward my king which makes a lot of sense because that is you know the way you attack in chess uh and uh I I I was not happy about this I I was not happy about these developments whatsoever uh camera quality seems to have been mildly restored at this point and the time difference is now shortening he now advances a Pawn on that side as well to take space away from me and you'll notice that white just can't move my Bishops or my Rook can't really do anything uh and here I decided to go for a rook lift I brought my Rook up to try to attack his Queen I went really low on the clock here uh below 40 seconds I've now got 37 on the clock 35 and I just don't know what to do not only do I not know what to do I have no idea the skill of the person that I'm playing and uh they say that in a fight uh it's it's not you know it's not that you're losing the fight when you get scared it's that you are in a much harder fight than you expected and this is exactly what is happening at this point he's just playing every move quickly confidently the evaluation of the position's not changing and I'm officially down below 20 seconds on the clock so I have to start moving instantly right I have saved all of this I'm now at 19 15 seconds and if I play Slowly I'm going to lose so now I'm like okay let's think like a judoist like a judoka and he's going to let's use his forward momentum against him I know that his next move is probably going to be Pawn to C4 so he's going to attack me on the queen side and he thinks about it he goes below a minute as well and he's going to play it here in a moment now again I need to make every move in literally one or two seconds or else I'll lose C4 big blunder apparently D3 now I'm like okay you want to open the position Derek no problem you want to open these fists on your face Derek no you're much bigger than me let's not do that c takes B3 and I thought I'm opening up the C file for my Rook you'll notice that I played C takes B3 and now I'm going to get my queen out of danger with 14 seconds on the clock and I I opened up the C file for my Rook because I figured we could go in an attack Queen G7 he targets my pawn and I defend it apparently a huge blunder I had a winning tactic there I'll show you later don't worry about it Derek is at 40 seconds now and I have 13 and I'm faking confidence here you'll notice that you know I look stoic and I look like I'm not nervous at all and by the way neither does he which was super super annoying uh he keeps advancing and I think well there's nothing there let's take the file let's make every move instantly 12 seconds versus 28 and dereck's like do I take the pawn do I push the pawn and he he pushes again he just keeps taking space he's locking the position down I slide my king all the way to the corner because I don't know what to do and my move looks really confident he attacks my Rook 10 seconds versus 23 I'm now below 10 seconds I got to start moving faster but I don't want to seem nervous now Knight B4 attacks my Rook the camera quality is about to die we start shuffling I bring my Rook up into his position he attacks my rook and be prepared for about two minutes of shuffling now Rook C3 position is very locked you know that cuz he has seven pawns and I have six he offers me a rook trade which I thought was good for me but he thought it was good for him which is why he did it 7 Seconds versus 17 now I don't I hesitate I play Queen F1 I have no idea what to do except I need to sacrifice to get in he plays Queen f8 I slide my Bishop back because I don't know reasons don't judge me I have 8 seconds on the clock you try playing chess H3 he takes away more space I slide my queen powerfully forward he slides his and in this position I blunder he can skewer my Queen to my rook and I noticed that immediately and I think he noticed it but he just kept shuffling now we both Shuffle less than 10 seconds on the clock I'm still looking to break in somehow and I mean I'm totally confident I'm going to win the game and I'm like where is my where is my side and he he attacks my queen there's not much I can do so I go all the way back he goes all the way back I attack his weakness he defends which is a big mistake but I didn't notice cuz I had no time so I just keep shuffling I miss another opportunity to potentially break through he's just defending himself and look at me I'm shake my head I'm shaking my head because I just can't break into his position I have 5 seconds on the clock so I start shuffling I'm like do I trade the Queens do I not trade the Queens let's not trade the queens and I slide my queen to H5 he repeats moves with me and I'm I'm like how do I and I at this point I look at him and I say leave me alone he just keeps shuffling his pieces as as well I Got 5 Seconds to figure something out so but I can't there's nothing for me to do I'm trying to sacrifice I'm trying to get my queen into his position Bishop takes spawn as a big threat he defends himself I give him a check he slides his King and I just can't break in we have 4 seconds on the clock I play a move with 3 seconds he just goes back I'm like oh my goodness this is unbelievable my Queen's in the corner but now he offers me a queen trade and I should have taken because I slide out of the way I give him a check how am I going to break in I give him a check and disaster oh my goodness at this point I realize he has trapped my queen he trapped my queen and I and and I lost and I have to resign I actually resigned there was a small camera lag there but I resigned the game an absolutely unbelievable turn of events and we just talk about the game for a little bit and that's the end that is how I lost to the anonymous player who I thought was a beginner well here we are uh never thought I would have to make a video about my time in Florida uh I mean I might make more games and more videos because uh those games were actually quite interesting but that was a completely insane story that was a completely insane game I had met Derek uh and some of the senior Club officers at the University of Florida the night before and we had like chicken sandwiches together and we never talked about Chess skill ever so I just thought it was you know I thought it was a group of people that learned chess a couple of years ago like many of you have learned chess probably or gotten back into it a couple years thought he was like a thousand you know we never spoke about Chess so I just a Derek you know he's a he's a he's he's alumni you know he's a he look at him he's so brave playing first it's not that I underestimated him it's just that the average chess player is rated like 1100 you know I've had people running to me on the street or in restaurants or anywhere in New York they're always like I'm 1100 I'm 12200 I'm 1400 I'm 800 but the the average level is anyway um that's not you know I wish I had known going in so you know I started with E4 uh and I let me turn on the eval and again I'm not going to bore you because you you obviously have many things you can click on in your sidebar but uh you know I played B3 which is one of the ways to play against the French defense which is an opening that black plays against the Kings Pawn like this traditionally against the French you put two Pawns in the center this is like good beginner principles and now you can either push you can take which is more symmetrical and boring you can defend your Center Pawn like this uh all of those things are real but I thought you know what I'm going to play a little Gambit and he didn't accept and the idea of the Gambit is um that white does this and then goes here and castles Queen side and throws a bunch of Pawns at black if black castles short it's called the Papa ulad Gambit don't know why it's called that Knight F6 now again at this point I thought okay he's got good opening principles which means he's obviously an intermediate Advanced player let's see what happens next he played Knight C6 and generally what black is supposed to to do here is expand like this very quickly because white will very quickly overrun you and if black tries to acknowledge you over here you start playing H4 H5 you can get a very very big and powerful attack very quickly but he played F5 which as you see from the game review is a is an inaccuracy and and I at my level which he is not too far below my level he's rated 2300 uh in American uh and 2200 Fay like he's a he's a he's a strong National master um you know I I didn't know that at the time but I but i' I don't really face this move I don't face the move F5 because again it's very committal it's a very committal move and you know even moves like Queen H5 uh force him to have a lot of weaknesses and allow me to Target a very major Pawn in his position so when he played this move my my my my gut went down you know my gut was like well maybe he's like 1,800 1900 cuz it's a very committal decision so so I brought my queen back and to my credit had I Justified my hypothesis by playing this move right away maybe it would have been a different game point being he's got a lot of weaknesses and if he takes this is a massive weakness I mean I don't even know how you defend that the rest of the game now if you don't take and you play G6 I'm still going to take if you do this I have check I mean your king is butt naked all right and he's running around uh and he's you know so and then if you take like this then I I obviously you know I got all of this cooking in the future and also this is weak and this is a pass Pawn that's what I should have done I didn't do that because I didn't really I didn't think it I didn't think I had to I I just like I didn't realize how strong that move was I thought I'm going to develop and at this point again as I said I thought okay easily 1,800 because I've got this coming and I've got this and this and as you see the computer agrees with me it does like my opening and I thought the game's over like I just you know again I got a good position but I totally didn't capitalize cuz I I completely missed this a great move great move I mean I saw it you know on the board I I didn't see it in advance and you saw from the video he thought here for about 20 30 seconds and he found this move defending the squares and if I take he goes there very nice idea I have a very nice counter here which is actually not taking his Knight the best move here for white is to sack by Knight too and the point is he can't go here because this is a fork of the queen 96 would have been crazy crazy and now I am threatening to take this and I don't know what his best move here is his best move might be to sack the Knight with a check I take and then he takes with check and I play like there and now I'm still threatening this and then I might have a winning Advantage I'm going to be completely honest I didn't consider that at all and after this like I said I get the Rook but look at the evaluation I'm hardly better and I realized that during the game and I went whoops again I'm still thinking he might be around 1900 2,000 and I might just be thinking well I really overestimated my chances and I should have respected his position more but I'm still going to win right I mean if you play somebody and you think you're 400 points better than them you think you're going to win cuz that's it's logic if you play somebody your strength you think well it's 50/50 you know maybe some of you still think you're going to win and at this point I thought well I don't know what to do so I'm going to develop and I'm going to Castle you don't know what to do in a position you don't have a way you can improve just developing castle if you haven't yet developing Castle okay but I'm down a lot on time and Derek the anonymous 9,999 just won't go down so I thought all right what does he want right in every chess position you have to stop you have to stop and ask yourself what does my opponent want my opponent wants this that's what he wants my opponent also probably wants to get the queen out of the way and push these pawns what do I want I think I want to poke at his position I want to use my pawns to open up why I have Rooks he only has one so if we go to an end game we trade pawns we trade Queens who's going to going to have the endgame Advantage the guy with the two Rooks why Rooks are bulldozers they're going to get in and eat everybody all right but for now I can't do that so let's prepare let's just get our pieces we know what Derek is going to do there it is Derek is advancing into our territory right now I went here which is a really stupid move really really stupid move and that move follows the philosophy in chess of like if you don't know what you what you're doing in a position you spend a lot of time you're going to make a mistake and Derek just went here and like an absolute clown I went back to where I was I mean there is nothing more embarrassing in chess than having to undo a move cuz it was stupid seriously but I thought again the position is still equal I'm being very negative about my position but Derek can't do anything to me either because he doesn't have the material he doesn't have two Rooks I do the reason white is not totally winning here is because black has a brick wall that's really it black has a very fortified position everything is healthy and blocked the way white is going to defeat that is by breaking it all down sometimes by trading and other times with sacrifices so C4 and then now you see we're trading now what Derek does not want here is he does not want something like this because once the position starts opening up it's going to get worse and worse for him so what does he do he does this now what do I do here I take like this thinking I'm very clever opening my C file computer hates it the computer can you know go away G5 and at all these moments I was looking at Rook takes out I was looking like can I sack my Rook can I sack my Bishop can I go here here sack my Bishop you know again when you have positions like this your opponent's king is in the center you got to think can I sacrifice a piece for two pawns can I sacrifice a piece to give some checks you know if my opponent's king let's just say was on B8 or was on like A7 I would have no chance like I'm not I'm not getting to the king it even on A8 like the king is totally safe but the king is not there it's on D7 so I'm thinking I'm going to get a chance and he goes here and in this position I he blunders he walked directly into this and you know what I missed here I missed that after Rook takes F5 it's not that this Pawn is hanging it's that I win his Queen but at this point I I it didn't I didn't even fathom that I could play Rook takes F5 didn't even think you go back stockfish is like idiot Rook F5 and I was you know because again I saw Rook F5 but I only saw this I didn't see Rook F5 in the context of pushing my pawn and that's a that's it's something you got to keep an eye on so I closed the position and I got two big question marks this is very very bad but at this point I have to play faster you know again I got like 15 seconds I can't spend all this time thinking Derek meanwhile is just advancing into my territory at this point it's setting in that like I might not win this game and I don't know who the hell I'm playing Bishop E7 Rook C3 and I thought thought that's not a good decision why would he trade Rooks with me you know again he's leaving me with the dominant piece but at the same time I'm thinking there is no dominant pce if he closes the position if Derek is able to play like B4 and A3 I'm never moving another Pawn for as long as I live literally which is what he did in the game I mean he went here and I can't move any pawns I have physically no moves and now if we go to an end game this Pawn might come knocking on the door at some point so I'm like oh my God this is really really bad in every closed position you're thinking about peace trades you're thinking about Pawn breaks but I have no Pawn breaks so the only thing I'm thinking about is can I sacrifice and the answer is no I definitely cannot sacrifice If I sacrifice nothing happens I can't get in there is nothing I can do and again if everything gets traded let's just say very you know very hypothetically I I this was like a terrible example but because I'm down a piece but let's just say even if everything gets traded like we go to some endgame right he has all of this this is not a trade but he's got pawns that are going to come down so now I'm in panic mode then I blunder he has Bishop G5 I think he didn't play this move cuz he thought maybe I can like attack him I don't know but I remember seeing his eyes light up when he played this and uh I went there uh he missed you know he just shuffled and then king d8 queen G5 and I thought no way I I can't make a draw and he actually gave me one last chance remember that pawn I could have taken earlier with the Rook well now I could have played Bishop takes because the queen sees the Knight he blundered when he played uh Bishop C8 because he relinquish defense of this bishop F5 the same exact Pawn the same Pawn fell twice but I didn't see it I didn't I I just went here and he defended his King so well he kept bothering me and bothering me and bothering me and I was trying to go here and here but I couldn't cuz I lose this damn Pawn I couldn't play Bishop like for example I wanted to go here but I can't if I go Bishop G5 he's going to trade Queen queens and he's going to take my Bishop I there was nothing I could do so I gave checks I was like no I can't trade Queens with Derek but because I said I can't trade Queens with Dereck I got my own Queen trapped and that's it this is how I lost I got my queen trapped because he totally sealed off my queen I mean that is so brutal and I never got anywhere with these pieces when the game was over I said Derek are you like 22 2300 and he said yeah I'm 2280 so his American rating is 20 280 online he's 2600 dude showed up and I thought he was a 1,000 rated beginner like I I had no clue I just had no idea who I was up against slowly I was like is he 1,800 is he is he 2,000 like what's going on is he 2100 2200 23 like it just kept going up and up you know I knew he was making some inaccuracies but and and I got to tell you this is this was an unnerving game I managed to win the rest of them but congrats to Derek because this dude is a beast but I want revenge and I will be back to Florida because as it turns out Florida man is a negative meme but I lost to a Florida man in this game that's all I have for you today I'm very embarrassed now get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 746,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: gqphPzsoerk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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