Man Is Married To Imaginary Wife

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i'm flying on the plane with you guys i need an ice pack you just stepped on a freaking foot hello friends it's me today we're gonna be watching this crazy video that just went viral about this guy and his imaginary wife let me get this straight i'm not trying to make fun of you paul where's your wife at she is right here your wife is right there she's right here uh which one the blonde right there with the other gate no it's actually the particles of air right beside me paul has requested a pre-board pass for his wife and linda's right here yes she's standing right here he wants to get her a pre-board pass so she can board early sir your wife is invisible if not invisible imaginary you got scammed why'd you even buy her a ticket you could have just shh just get on the plane for free i checked in at the self check-in we always check instead of anyone her id no does she have an id well she has her id but you have to ask her that's for her she has an id of course she does you ask her why can't you talk to her honey whip out your id it's not that hard linda can i see your id she left it in her bag and he replied a little too quick he didn't even give her time to respond that leads me to believe that they are communicating telepathically like look linda can i see your id no it's actually inviting she left it in her bag it's in her bed he replied before i could even say the sentence you know a better explanation would be like here's my wife she went to hogwarts there was a little accident and now she's invisible come up with a better story i don't understand what the big deal is uh the big deal is that you don't have a wife she doesn't exist and you're trying to get her on the plane did this guy really make up this whole story so he can have an empty seat right next to him i mean if you purchase the ticket for this person that you're claiming is standing next to you that's perfectly fine but unfortunately you don't qualify for pre-boarding she's not someone with a disability man is being delusional considered a disability because this guy bought a ticket for his imaginary wife how do i know that you're not crazy if you're saying that you can't see her because i can't see her when you're not right gaslight are you sure you're not crazy like she's standing right here like maybe you're the stupid one maybe you're blind clearly she's right here like i can see her you know i really want everybody battle royale 100 versus one beat some sense into this guy and tell him he's by himself there's nobody in front of him bell do you see anyone there no i don't i'm flying on the plane with you guys you guys whoa did you just hit my wife i need an ice pack you just stepped on a freaking foot no i need an ice pack for my imaginary wife oh is this real life you really gonna sue the airline for stepping on some air she got five foot feet or something you know even if she did exist she'd even step on her she didn't even come anywhere near her you stepped on her foot what the hell are you laughing at i need an ice pack now sir come on i need the ice cream okay i need that man i need a freaking ice pick this guy's got to be active or something i can't believe this what do you want do you want a pre-board that bad i would have just given it to him i would like to shut up get out of my face i will let you be the first person on my plane to just stop sir if you don't calm down they're going to call the police here i'm going to try to assist you as much as possible i know you're like bro i'm really going to get an ice pack for a ghost freaking crying over here give me a damn ice pack and some ash bread somebody comes with it three feet of her oh no she's hurt you need an aspirin an ice pack you know we got a hospitalizer what's she made of glass bones and paper skin even worse air i constantly hear the screaming in my ears this dude is insane i'm surprised they haven't called the cops yet half of it's screaming from her getting hurt because somebody stepped on her the other half the time she's screaming because she won't shut the hell up why do you girls say that right for your wife his imaginary wife right now like stop you're embarrassing me oh she's crying so much why don't you just like imagine her to be quiet it's not that hard we just called eric cause i don't at this point i don't just don't think he's even fit to travel because let's say he's holding an empty seat for around the aircraft and someone decides to sit there he might have a breakdown on the aircraft oh no this is southwest too you could sit wherever you want there is no assigned seating so there's no holding a spot for somebody and if somebody decides to sit next to him it's like game over you just sat on my wife i don't think anybody would want to sit next to him after seeing all of this unless they like to cause problems you do have imaginary wife how do you not see her she's air she's not air she's right there i talk to her just the same as i'm talking to you little girl the fact that i child a child is gonna go up and be like your wife's imaginary she's made of air i got like seven imaginary friends i would know for two tickets one for him and one for his wife he has linda on here who's his wife i don't know what to say this is so embarrassing i can't believe this he getting humiliated in front of the whole airport how long does it take for manager to get done surprise surprise now he wants to speak to the manager your staff needs to start treating my wife with respect please let us board the plane first and i don't want anybody to sit next to us because i think that's really all he wants his wife gets stabbed on so i have somewhere his wife is and his wife is invisible her name is linda he mad because his wife got stomped on you know what if i really wanted to cause problems i would go over there and start punching the air what's he gonna do what if i literally kill his imaginary wife like i just go up and just start squeezing the air the day you're causing me too many problems just die already it's not illegal to hit air particles linda could barely even take a toe stubbing before she started crying for an ass brand like what's this guy gonna do like attack me then he's gonna get kicked off for sure he's claiming i stomped on her toe and is demanding an ice pack so carrie just wanted to get a nice pack what's up so i want to get on the pre-board right i want to get over there so i can get on there earlier bro hurry up put the ice pack on your wife like you asked for an ice pack and you're not even icing her this young lady right here just stepped on my wife's foot and she's screaming that her toe was broken no i'm starting to think his wife is a cockroach check the floor for bugs i don't know what to tell you i really am at a loss for words i i really don't know what to say so you have an invisible wife that nobody can see i mean he said it like it is like bro i know i'm the manager but like i can't help you what do you want manager of the airport he's gonna tell you the same thing take one look at you be like there's nobody there what do we consider a disability this guy what he has it might be considered a disability i guess not all disabilities are physical we can uh let you pre-board i just want to make sure you're gonna be okay once you're on board the airplane yeah i'll be fine as long as nobody else starts messing around with me or does anything like that yeah everything is good you know it's not good to reward bad behavior but the way i see it you have two options here just let him sit in his own row or at least like keep the middle seat open for his life which he did pay a ticket for or just don't let him board at all this dude is unfit to fly like what if he's the first one aboard on the plane and then suddenly oh my imaginary wife decided to bring her whole entire imaginary family and they're actually occupying the entire plane right now and nobody else can board you gotta leave get off this plane he really tried to bamboozle them that's part of what that is eric's been the victim of an elaborate april fool's joke on her feet thank you so much they got me wait this whole thing was a joke on the manager i'll tell you what i feel like i got bamboozled it's like you know when you watch like a really good movie and then at the end it's like the person wakes up and it was all a dream that's the kind of dissatisfaction i'm feeling right now dang you really got me like this is the actual real thing like i thought it was gonna be like this dude my name is charles palabino i'm 36 years old i'm from beavercreek wisconsin and my wife juniper and i have been married now for 12 years he actually has an imaginary wife a lot of people don't see juniper the way i do love you by a lot of people i mean everybody in the world except me doesn't see juniper because she literally does not exist you just kiss the air we met in high school um it was love at first sight what is this what are you holding her dog nothing auntie just a photo of me and my hover head you know what maybe i shouldn't be so judgmental because i have created several characters in my head throughout my life that are like imaginary but i don't tell anybody i keep the weird stuff in my head okay because i can do anything in my head it's the only place that's actually like safe you can think of whatever you want you can do whatever you want in your head but like this dude taking photos like this like my imaginary wife like you would never catch me doing that i turn the ride for an english class when this hand mysteriously comes out of nowhere and grabs the book and i was like hey that's the only copy left and she goes hey how about this i'll read the book to you you take me out to dinner oh my god it's catcher in the rye of course it is somebody told me if you read that book you should be put on the fbi's watch list what's this guy up to and i just i couldn't resist so we went out that night and the rest is history so he went out to dinner by himself read the book by himself and then got married to some air particles do you ever like wake up and look at the mirror and be like wow i'm actually alone and then just like smack yourself and just what nonsense am i spouting i'm with the love of my life juniper sure is lonely i actually understand this i'm not gonna be too hard on him at least he didn't pretend that somebody stepped on his wife's foot to board early she's a very clever girl when we're out in public we do get looks but we don't let it bother us no cause i've seen people do this and you know what i just mind my own business i'm like okay i know what it's like to have an imaginary friend but my imaginary friend stays at home and then sometimes i like to remind myself that i need to stop this is weird but then i'm like nobody knows about this it's just me and now uh millions of people watching this video know about it but like you will never see me no i don't i don't know if you're gonna go into detail i'm not even gonna talk about this so the whole thing with imaginary friends is i made imaginary friends when i was younger because i didn't have any friends and like the two friends that i had at school weren't allowed to come to my house and i spent a lot of time in my room and i was just like talking all these random people in my head it's kind of embarrassing like i do understand like you create these things to like fill the void and i'll probably think i'm a weirdo it wasn't anything like this though let's play ball and then suddenly the ball moves no that's creepy i can confirm nothing like that has ever happened to me but anyways that's all for today comment below let me know what you guys think if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe join the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,657,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, man, imaginary, married, marriage, wife, husband
Id: S2eXF3wlqjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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