Funniest Kid Test Answers | SSSniperWolf

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Hello friends it's me and today we're going to be checking out some of the funniest test answers remember when you could go to school what comes after ten hmm question mark oh you you know you write you write plus one nice try you know at least they gave it to them you know the teachers who don't have all that hair would have been like no wrong it's 11. it's opposites time opposite of death is live pro noob wow teacher's like huh what no why you really got me thinking who's teaching who they ain't wrong Noob really is the opposite of pro Bob has 36 candy bars he eats 29. what does he have now diabetes Bob has diabetes you just don't eat 29 candy bars unless you got a problem what do you think is the best solution to overpopulation support your argument with examples corrupt The Hunger Games of course I mean the teacher asks I guess so or you know y'all can go live in Minnesota or something how to ask your teacher out you know under where you put your name there's a date date me please smooth now we wait that's illegal do not touch it's not it fell from my nose I do appreciate how Billy circled the snot Mark I was a very considerate thing to do what do you like the most about your T-shirt boobs oh yeah they said the survey would be anonymous you know just because there's an opportunity that doesn't mean you should but plot twist the teacher is a dude his teacher asks the students write some things that used to be alive toys are you sure about this one so they used to be alive and then what their soul dies leaves their body and then they become toys y'all could have just said dinosaurs I'm surprised nobody put Grandma another teacher testing their children put some F words laughs that's a good one I like the visual representation you know that really it looks how it feels and smells can you think of governors no sorry that's all I got all right fill in the solutions you have a problem you fell on the playground and scratched your knee solution get up and deal with it because mama ain't raised no big you know some kids just go hard on the playground it was a little boo-boo to a six-year-old gangster you know at the end of the year they gave us the survey to rate our school experience and they asked what do you dislike about high school people well that's not a high school problem that's a world problem you see also relatable extra credit what is the strongest force on Earth no you fool it's nuclear force when I'm 100 years old I will be tired of everything and everyone so I will tell everyone I'm going to Canada but actually go to the Bahamas smart I live in a tiny Hut with my tiny dog I will order fish tacos when I'm hungry and live my best life with no crack can we get a round of applause for Emma and her tiny dog this seems like she have her life all planned out how you so ambitious and I actually sound like a pretty good life plan no that's how you get away from everyone in your life write as many words with the same pattern what rhymes with uh no no don't say it I know what you're thinking don't say it y'all setting up these kids for disaster look duck tuck muck f word you know this was a test which one of y'all kids know the Forbidden word and who's just not gonna say it let's get smart I like big butts and I cannot lie your other brothers can't deny oh my please make your sentences appropriate I do read that you for real that's smiley face a little too big Miss Frizzle again all flustered reading this like oh that's the spiciest thing I've read in a hot second calm down hey my name Frankie I ain't many at home bye I don't I am a freeloader I mean you're a child children are freeloaders if y'all ain't doing dishes y'all ain't working for your rent yes mommy's favorite food in the future one imma get a girlfriend two I'm a kisser three imma rule the world this child has Ambitions man that's better than me I would have been like take a nap get up scavenge for food well then I know I would end up making videos I was never like I want to be a YouTuber when I grow up like I would be a nurse maybe a pharmacist I want to do something in the medical field and I'll be doing this I can jump I can run I can play in the sun I could swim I can escape I could bake a cake now what's something that you can do I could pee the teacher really wrote a note did this really deserve a note to his parents for stating the obvious I mean I could pee we can all pee Kirsten and I spoke about this but I thought it might be a chance for a family discussion on best self at school if I was a parent I'd be like okay but what does being able to pee have to do with being your best self you kind of need to do that to be your best self I mean you can't be your best self with an exploded bladder this kid failed his task and teacher was like you know what we're gonna need A Parent's signature on this okay you want a parent signature I got you Mom how you like that the teacher will never know yeah I was so nervous doing this throughout school and not because I got bad grades my mom worked all the time and I legitimately forgot to get my thing signed so I was like sitting there sweating with my pen like oh man I only have one chance to like Scribble and get this right and like I put so much effort it's like practicing my mother's signature when in reality I could just like Scribble anything with a pen just make it look fast and neat no t-shirt's gonna like look at it closely like Facebook sniperwolf's Mother's signature could she have forged this you see what my hair just did why I look like midnight though yes I look describe the chemical differences between H2O and CO2 H2O is hot water CO2 is cold water wow I didn't know different temperatures had a chemical difference y'all really not be paying attention in school huh to change centimeters to meters you do what take out Senti duh easy clap it all makes perfect sense no math needed just take out the words Senti throw it in the trash where it belongs because we don't use the metric system Mike saw 17 blue cars and 25 green cars at the toy store how many cars did he see write a number sentence and explain how you got the answer and Little Billy over here being the genius that he is 17 plus 25 equals 42. I got the answer by talking in my brain and I agreed of the answer that my brain got boom logic you know that's how it works sometimes I just talk to my brain and we come to a conclusion and that's all I'm thinking Arctic animal who am I I don't know what this is perhaps it's a word Bank don't you just love going out into the wild and finding a word bank with it well versus it with it see you later now Emily was asked to explain her answer and she was just like you know what my brain is always right always right but can't spell always you know overconfidence is a flimsy Shield list and describe two evidences for evolution no I forgot I even studied this and I still forgot draws a Smurf pointing to a brain it's his fault the diagram below best illustrates you know none of these this ain't Evolution or anything giraffes at least creatures they see little homie over here he a baby he trying to reach up into the tree neck not long enough so he died and they just completely ignore him and continue munching their leaves tragic class use commands to tell your sister to do the following things and this is genius was like you know what I don't have a sister I can't tell her to do these things guess I don't have to take this part of the quiz not applicable to me she hit him with a minus seven well Billy you must pretend you have a sister say and write cow bird cat dog no duck not a when Apple auto corrects you in real life set this the other way around because how many people do you know ask for the ducking lamb sauce hard water is ice hard water is ice you know I gave you five lines to briefly explain a one word answer this ain't it also hard watering ice hard water is what you got in your house when you don't got a water softener Bobby has four dimes and he has 30 pennies which child has more money Bobby how do you know uh Bobby yeah you know me and my brand we talked and we came to this conclusion that Amy broke I would not like to have 100 punches of the nuts that would not be fun I mean I unfortunately will never know the pain punches in the nuts I like how it's just all one word yeah that's definitely not a good thing to have a lot of angry mother on Twitter because they told her child to circle the smallest number and she did the one two three they are clearly the smallest when you got these big mean double digits zero out of three bro this is the whole entire test imagine your test being this easy yeah here is the human brain how is the brain like a cantaloupe list seven ways that was a brain like a cantaloupe it is delicious well you know when I was growing up my parents actually ate cow brain and would tell me how delicious it was I've had cantaloupe but not cow brain so I mean I guess they're correct there's no arguing with that number two it's mushy on the inside Hello friends it's me and today we're going to be checking out some of the funniest kids test answers if a child swallows a cleaning product why is milk often given to make them happy before they die oh my last glass of milk it was good thanks Mother I hope it was chalky milk and make the pain go away dear Mom I just got dumped at the dance turns out she likes Bad Boys am I a bad boy I hate girls this is so embarrassing imagine growing up and then your mom was like look what you wrote to me when you're like 10 years old I mean if you hate girls you are bad boy the diagram below best illustrates we got three giraffes one of them can't reach the leaves and fall down and die decays well the other two just don't munching their grass you know it is none of these Evolution no I'm gonna add in my own answer giraffes are heartless creatures how could they they should have fed the child also we only got one eating tree there's no other food that little giraffe kind of deserved it I would have been like gnawing at their ankles or something there were four ghosts then one ghost flew away how how many ghosts are left four minus one equals zero because ghosts are not real miss teacher lady how you gonna bring ghosts into it when I don't even believe in them should I use apples or something my sister's first day of homeschooling unscramble each word math bath then Ben rat cat hit the quit hey you can't say that she said I swear y'all be learning some extra vocabulary in The Homeschool was it mother or father I mean to be fair was she wrong it does unscramble that was a picture of this boy and it was like this boy is he ain't sad he ain't glad he ugly enough is enough Judy we don't care how he looks he just got into a bike in accident and here you are calling him ugly we know that but what else is he at the end of the year this teacher gave him a survey and was like one thing I could improve on this year yes crying oh you know what me too what an improvement in one word describe School how in big long texts I mean what did you want the students to say fun it's either this or structural suppressing exhausting I don't know what you were expecting when you asked it in the first place imagine that you lived at the same time as Abraham Lincoln what would you say to him or ask him uh I tell him not to go to a play ever little do you know Abraham Lincoln please no matter what you do please don't go to the play you're going to die and if a little belly had done that Abraham Lincoln would still have been alive today how is the brain like a cantaloupe list seven ways what it is delicious hey wait how would you know seven ways I'm trying to figure out what the other six are it's round it's squishy it's textured it's made up of molecules it's a fruit no it can be eaten we got cantaloupe for breakfast zombies got brains for brunch what is the strongest force on Earth love wrong but nothing love ain't science is it gravity Miranda can't see anything when she looks down her microscope suggest one reason why not she is blind uh the audacity of the teacher to mark this wrong nice try yes ma'am that was a very nice try you said one reason and I listed it and now you saying I got it wrong Miranda could very well have been blind are you saying she's lying microscope machine broke so they asked these kids what are three things you want to do in the future one get a girlfriend two kiss her three rule the world I think you skipped a few steps it doesn't go from bamboo like a dictator because I mean at one point they probably did the first two anyway when I am a hundred years old I will dead we got a graveyard drawn by Liam what a thing to ask a child what do you expect them to say I know nobody that lived to be a hundred so like I'm gonna assume imma just die pass away so Frankie over here he's doing his homework I earn money at home bye I don't I am a freeloader I mean aren't all kids like you don't even ask to be here you don't even ask to be born so yeah no shame of being a freeloader I guess I had seven red grapes seven purple grapes for lunch how many grapes did I have in all seven plus seven equals fourteen I know it my brain told me oh no sorry it was actually my brand my brand told me like the cereal this was a breakup note from Rachel to her playground boyfriend Sean I am breaking up with you you have not talked to me since the day that you asked me out that was three months ago you need to get it together or you will never get married and that would be sad you should get married just not to me Sean how do you around and not talk to her for three months what's up with that he's like oh no I asked that's the wrong Rachel uh panic she said what had to be said what is the best for the length of a football it is a one foot ball the funny part is is that they are absolutely correct it's about this big y'all ever heard of an eight foot football what do you like most about your teacher boobs no no Little Billy diddly did not you know of all the things you could have said hello class today we are learning cause and effect for the cause Tony practices the piano 20 minutes a day what will be the effect he is a big nerd I don't even know what to say to this bro I would have said he would have been a disappointment to his parents because 20 minutes said they ain't enough to learn piano name is solid poop name a liquid P name a gas fart perfect explanation for the children this is the only way they'll understand you can't even Mark him wrong name 6 lips typically in the Arctic uh six we got two polar bears and uh three no no no four seals they definitely got at least four seals there that's that's a total of six this kid is going places probably not college but places Spanish class there was an assignment that was like use commands to tell your sister to do the following thing oh wait I don't have a sister I am legally not obligated to answer these questions because I don't have a sister can't make me pretend to have a sister now can you take that minus seven and move on with my life so these kids presented their parents with a declaration of war they wrote their parents a little letter we would like to have some power in this house example control bedtime how long our walks are when we get to watch TV uh I think we're asking too much better better cross that off if you do not sign we will declare war on the parents uh just just sign here but bro you're like six years old I ain't falling for it your parents lawyers are so like they really thought this was gonna work I see adults signing things all the time why wouldn't it find x what do you mean find X this is right here here it is it's right there do you not see it I see it loud and clear that was easy no problem solving necessary where was the Declaration of Independence signed at the bottom they're not wrong it was signed at the bottom you should have specified at what location miss teacher lady fill in the solutions we got a problem here you fell on the playground and scraped your knee possible solutions you get up and you deal with it cause mama ain't raised no big I mean they do got a point I already know somebody in that class was like going to the nurses office and quiet that's for mommy the difference between 180 and 158 is 22. explain how you found your answer yeah math don't worry about it I hated the the show your work bro what if I'm just guessing Hello friends it's me and today is another episode of funny kids test answers how was the brain like a cantaloupe list seven ways brain like a cantal how is the brain like a cantaloupe what it is delicious I mean some people like to eat brains and I know some people that have eaten cow brain and said it's 10 out of 10. delicious but so are cantaloupes first of all I want to know what kind of question is this who thought about this a brain and a cantaloupe list seven similarities like they got so much in common one is the control center of all living things one is a mediocre fruit that they got at every Buffet I'm just kidding I love me some cantaloupe but honey do the real money melon so on this kid's assignment he got a lot of things wrong and he knew that he knew he was gonna get it all wrong and then tapes a five dollar bill wink wink you know what to do teacher lady don't say I didn't spoil you there'll be more where that came from and she's not even gonna take it you're still getting that minus nine you know I always thought about this when I was a kid I'm like what if you do this what if you like pay your teacher to like pass you or give you a good grade like can you even do that how much money would they like need to do that but I guess it does doesn't work or would it oh you know what it only works when the parents do it when the parents like give the teacher like expensive gifts for like Christmas teacher's day at the end of the school year I see you I didn't know back then but I know how it works now and it's like all the kids that would get medals at the end of the year is because their parents paid hella money to the school and they would always volunteer and they would always get the teachers like nice gifts and I'd be sitting there like why don't you love me for who I am what are three things you want to do in the future one get a girlfriend two kiss her three rule the world nice get you some goals like these actually don't maybe the first two we love a child with hopes and aspirations fill in the solutions read each one of the problems and come up with a solution for each one problem you fell on the playground and scratched your knee oh solution get up get up and deal with it with it deal with it that's what we used to do because nowadays be like [Music] you'll ever be able to fully recover from this the water of the Earth's oceans stores lots of heat an engineer designed an ocean that would extract heat from the ocean's water and reject heat to the atmosphere he thought he had a good idea but his boss fired him explain because he slept with his boss's wife Jonathan what have you done I don't know than the equation but something definitely must have went on between them for him to just straight up fire him over his good idea or maybe his idea wasn't that good now but I'm gonna go with B final answer he slept with his boss's wife I can jump I can run I can play in the sun I can swim I can skate I can bake a cake try yourself doing your favorite activity finish the sentence I can oh you don't want me too the teacher did not like his answer Carson and I spoke about this but thought it might be a chance for a family discussion on Beth self at school thanks he got a note from his teacher to his mom for answering the question come on Sarah why you gotta be so salty everybody pees maybe he just enjoys it more than other people well y'all gotta call him out like that come on a family discussion those are like the worst do y'all's parents do that when y'all get in trouble and then y'all sit down and have a family meeting and talk about what you did wrong that was me literally all the time I had very bad anger issues growing up so I mean I'm better now it's okay and one word describe School heck I mean for real I think we can all relate now you guys comment below describe School in one word so this girl didn't know the answer to a question she was like you know what I got some white out I'm gonna white out the entire question like it doesn't even exist as a teacher she figured it out you weren't sneaky enough Jackie you can't just write out a question you don't want to answer oh but I just did boom imagine if you could do that to all your problems though just white them out never existed I'm surprised she didn't mark her off she was just like you can't do this they didn't teach me this in teacher school what do I do to be fair that is one smart kid that will probably grow up to be an evil genius aka me during what [Music] plus zero points wow is this like a new thing like instead of doing minus two it's just plus zero so the child doesn't feel bad that they got some wrong it's just they don't get the points but I guess that's also a legitimate answer I mean I don't know the answer it could definitely be a secret what is the highest frequency noise that a human can register Mariah Carey okay yeah no I don't think so there's a kid out there that literally broke glass with his voice I'm sure I could do the same if I really wanted to but I'm gonna spare your eardrums today Mike saw 17 blue cars and 25 green cars at the toy store how many cars did he see write a number sentence and explain your answer 17 plus 25 equals 42. I got the answer by talking in my brain and I agreed of the answer that my brain got Boom everybody started clapping I mean that's exactly how it works right like I was talking to my brain in my brain and we came to the conclusion that we agree on the answer that I got makes perfect sense okay I believe you some atoms share electrons and become more stable describe a situation in which people share something and every benefits big yikes I mean they ain't wrong but do they really benefit I mean everyone got a job everyone living their life everyone got a house there's no homeless people but at what cost I mean this is like the perfect answer is there a better answers to this comment below because I can't think of one Define capital punishment when you get in trouble for not putting a capital letter at the start of a sentence it's like the worst punishment in America y'all hear that if you don't capitalize the first letter of a sentence you gonna get that capital punishment that's actually so good what do we call the science of classifying living things racism I mean they have a point yikes you're telling me science I'm confuzzled but also makes perfect sense what is your favorite Hue Jackman but still marked it wrong bro your teachers are straight up salty like this was genius you just trying to be funny and cute I usually go Mark him wrong what did Mahatma Gandhi and Genghis Khan have in common unusual names you know what that's what I always thought about like a lot of celebrities famous people whatever like they all have unusual names like name one person in this world named Mahatma Gandhi anybody excuse me I had to turn my AC off excuse you for rudely interrupting my video use commands to tell your sister to do the following things in Spanish I don't have a sister damn it Billy your hypothetical sister everybody got a sister in Spanish class star is your sister now minus seven points oh mean he could have legit looked at it like oh I don't have a sister I don't have to answer these questions makes perfect sense Circle the organism that would be classified as a plant we got a ladybug flower mushroom and amoeba two of those are plants oh no a mushroom is a fungus explain why you chose the organism because I am not an idiot thank you it is a flower damn he laid it down like it is what do you take me for a fool I may be six but I am not an idiot now but for real though who won't look at this and be like ladybug definitely a plant in which state do the particles show the most movement California in which state do particles show the least movement New Jersey I mean you said which state I mean it's still wrong it's obviously New York probably shows the most movement New Jersey not Rhode Island not South Dakota I don't know they just try to be smart well Queen Elizabeth the first came to the throne what was the first thing she did sat down duh I was like damn I'm a queen now first thing I'm gonna do sit my booty down I feel like there has never been a question answered so accurately Miranda can't see anything when she looks down her microscope so just one reason why not she's blind duh nice try that was a nice try that was a very nice try and I feel like that nice try was so nice it deserved some points you said one reason why not I could most definitely be a reason Name six and animals which live specifically in the Arctic two polar bears and three four seals yes I'll take my A-Plus now I mean can't argue with that that's that's six animals right there two plus four equals six nothing you could do about it describe two events that are impossible I will never die because Heroes never die and I will eat potatoes I will eat potatoes that is impossible I will never eat potatoes okay I mean if you really dislike potatoes that much you sure about that man I'm with french fries hash browns mashed potato you sure you never want to eat a potato in your life oh impossible I will eat but I thought I don't know why I thought I said I will never eat potatoes I'm like okay yeah me too me too it's impossible that I will wait I'm so confuzzled right now I don't even want to do this please [Applause]
Channel: SSSniperWolf Top Videos
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Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactor, SSSniperWolf, sniperwolf
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Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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