I tried Painting 4 Types of Magic Nights (Art Challenge)

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you ready to paint the biggest painting in your life st. Francis shwarma hi I'm Karthik guru and this is st. Franklin Francis shwarma we're painting a very ambitious painting today I've got all my paints ready but am I ready are you ready I'm Karthik you work [Music] oh my goodness look he's trying to paint Oh No Oh the keys to not give up st. Francis Franklin schwarmann the key in all of this and everything we're doing here is to preserve it today we persevere and we we just going right back to bed even before I start hey there Franklin what an idiot as you can see this cab is here is divided into four quadrants we're gonna start with the C the Milky Way Aurora and a nice little Aurora wait that's what's to Aurora's and a mountain this is a daily art challenge by Wow art scared excited we're gonna start off with the perps oh we're getting right into it this time I love getting right into things oh and I'm using better paint brushes this time that I had the whole time and I never used in any other videos because I didn't realize that I had them do you know what this means it means that I can use way less paint and do a much better job although I wish up that tape wasn't the same color as the canvas cuz I can't see too well I can't I can't see hey sera sera whatever will be will be the futures not ours to see if I get claimed I'm deleting this video just kidding I'll leave her up electrical tape our friend in these art days these weird art days because I find that it just fits the perfect purpose perfect leash I don't really know what I'm talking about these days ultramarine blue so this is quite confusing because it doesn't quite look like a sky yet but believe you me it will I can't explain in a child-friendly way what it feels like to paint with better brushes like it is it's an absolute when I watch a little crazy there with the blue runnin low on purple a little scared but I got to put a little purple back so it's supposed to be like the middle of the sky I'm saying okay it's like things paint themselves when using nice brushes okay I'll shut up about the brushes but like come on that's pretty sweet the strong tape is sticking for the weak tape oh oh [Music] yikes I just realized I supposed to leave that tape on oh geez oh gosh that's not good Oh No put on the bright side I can make this line more straight at first you don't succeed move the tape and try again this daily challenge is really a challenge come on cerulean blue these color names remind me of Pokemon now I'm doing the best part there's actually a reason why I chose this one in particular and it's because I get to try making stars with a dude ranch so in the last video when I tried like hitting one brush on another brush you guys kind of came at me and we're like you got to try the toothbrush message method the toothbrush method because it works look at those little sparkly stars like it works so well and it's so much more dainty than the other one how cool is that I mean other than not gigantic one but hey not all stars are alike that's what I say every time I make a huge mistake this person they kind of like cheated like they taped like a moon shaped tape and then like ripped it off so it was white but I'm gonna hand-paint so that's kind of scary I feel like this is like I'm going for the Sailor Moon the fighting evil bad night kind of move the kind of moon that winds love by daylight and never is running from a real fight I need a finer brush that's better okay like cutting some tape the shape of the moon would have been a lot easier than it so hard Wow what's your favorite part about clouds everything I'm obsessed with clouds they're so cute and easy when you say obsessed like I should call like something yes absolutely spending a lot of money on clouds yes call your friends no not calling my friends completely ignoring them ghosting them actually the clouds will call in I'd be like oh I'm busy maybe I should call someone because you haven't spoken since you started working on clouds because like I told you tried to give you a forewarning this looks like super crazy right now and I'm just hoping it turns out okay I realized I was using pouring white instead of like a solid acrylic white I was like why are my clouds so messed up and figured out why so now I'm trying to like do damage control why couldn't it just be easy how does this guy just like wing out so quickly took an art class in high school taught me it's funny how like spaceman looking for earth it like looks harder but isn't and this is like it seems a lot simpler but it's way harder this is really punishing old kartha here didn't expect to be spanked today you know how I was talking about how I love clouds I hate them I hate clouds the love affair is over this is what they call the best I could do literally the best I could do it's just a mess I think it looks pretty good what's really considering all considering okay thank you it looks good but I didn't say but he said consider yeah seems but but a little bit more play Wow scotch tape can suck my balls it sucks that movie sucked have you ever been out to sea no see what hi Jill your what nothing light blue dark blue sport just fainting you ever do that you ever just paint I mean that's really pretty yeah buddy going like a big shot just gorgeous I think I might be obsessed oh boy yeah this is a new day nerve-wracking we've done this before we can do it again okay it looks like we're enough to do it a little harder look at this bang bong Bing okay maybe I have to put white on the thing to make it worth we're gonna make mistakes if I make mistakes I didn't mean like make too many mistakes let's clean that up a little bit mmm looks really good ones blurry cool huh taking off the other paint ah [Music] fixing is gonna say fixing one two three okay that's great now I take the tape off Oh bra bra okay good oh jeez oh no oh gosh happening to me but it's okay you know why cuz I'm gonna fix it I'm putting land where the tape ripped everything off and that ducky I know it's almost as if I'm a genius or something putting a tree where the paint got ripped off on this side it might be the tallest tree ever but we got to improvise sometimes cuz this is gonna be a beautiful painting now I have to put dolphins coming out of it what this is just not my day hey that's kind of good would you go to dolphin school it you know let you make a YouTube channel unless you know how to make dolphins and there's gonna be a little baby too it looks like he hath laid these dolphins there Walker's this is where he splashed out of you know when he was coming through and this guy's still kind of in the water most of the legs on the big dolphin bursting oh no you met the big dolphin I'm puking one down aurora borealis to go white and this really pretty charming yellow pop gorgeous this color so nice don't you just love it oh my goodness apparently this is gonna be the Milky Way I don't see how that's happening red purple Norway she's got text chat is Scott there we go that's the blend that I was awkwardly and quietly trying to work towards you just gotta bend this paint to your will sometimes I did all that hard work just so I could put blue on top perfect [Music] yellow and orange just to make it look prettier cool blends I mean this is really pretty but like Milky Way I don't see her we get black up here I keep forgetting that I'm painting tape and not canvas so like remember when the earth was born I do I'm about to birth the earth with a sponge does that look like something beat you no nope we gotta put stop to that so that sponge wasn't working so I'm gonna use this clown nose this is like fuzzy thing I want to keep my Beauty Blender but Terry's like no this is a lot better and make it a little fatter up here just so it doesn't look so much like thank you gorgeous the Milky Way is coming this guy's milky for sure I'm going in with purple get it off me like a lightning bolt donut some people paint galaxies some people paint lightning bolt Donuts I think this Milky Way is like the wrong way but I'm trying to fix it I'm just trying to add more color to it so it looks the Milky Way ladies and children this is a good lesson in like how many times you can go over the same painting before it actually looks good I think you should blend it in like once more though because it's weird blending the background with blues and pinks and the spongy tool in hopes that we'll have a brighter future and kind of a running out of options here because this is looking ratchet maybe I'll see the light after I put the stars in you know sleeps alone in kami remember isn't it it's st. Francis your bobbin kartha Gore got kind of frustrated so I just kind of jumped to the next part without camera rolling but basically I'm just gonna put trees here in an attempt to cover up the horrible job that I did and pray for better days it's a pine forest okay different strokes for different folks watch me big one because this looks like a job for teenagers with attitude this is the great Christmas tree older brother of the great pumpkin cousin of the humongous cactus I'm still not talking about the cactus seriously yeah we can talk about the character okay the cactus was like as big as the mountain what were you thinking you can't talk about him while we're filming okay I'll get triggered trigonometry set partha natural habitat just doing some business what do you want from me I will say looks a lot better with the trees in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers I have to take a white sponge and just go over the purple like it's ridiculous and then we're moving on do you want to try my newly made paper towel ball yeah we're just gonna risk it all right now not okay but sometimes it's okay yeah yeah buddy okay you know what that's done it's not perfect I'm not thrilled with it but it's the best we're gonna get let's just get it all right let's just live our lives do our best let's be perfect oh my goodness I can't believe how good she is a painting and hey that one that's pretty good so I'm just gonna feel the love it's so funny did the last one I did I thought it was gonna be like the hardest one ever but this is the hardest one ever and this one just seems like so much more simple Karthik you were confused Aurora Borealis at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within your kitch yes may I see it no no mother it's just the Northern Lights thank you close to you probably yeah whatever we're not here to make friends we're here to simulate aurora borealis why did yes are you doubting me it just doesn't look like there's any way yeah I put a little that's okay I can put white later I'm just trying to live my life right now best I can he's gonna cross with the blue was he drunk he's drunk the doubt he's a drunken man trying to bait lucky for him so am I just kidding oh oh now he's good you decided to go up this guy's going rogue uh rogue I tells ya any moment now I'm going to sit in a glob of paint any moment like just give me a sec then I'll be sitting in paint in no time got some oh he puts blue on the top two I don't think this guy's okay ah are you okay no why paint that close to your leg that close to you leak that close feeling paint that cozy League are you gonna put your hand right in it no I'm not I'm better than you careful you go into the other paint yeah we're pretty sure you're gonna be really right there that goes over the tape oh shoot wait I gotta fix that I don't know if that's the right kind of blue we committin you know what it's gonna be a meal of lamento a memory so to speak memory of how you don't listen to my fine feathered friend I've never seen such beautiful Northern Lights before it does I was thinking for a honeymoon we go watch the Northern Lights and if we can't afford it by the time it comes up will you stare at this painting paint over to Dolphin legs that's wrong this ain't no joke okay she's got some fly hey mine is prettier it's more white yeah I'll add it later [Music] I've got to give me a break my mountains are going into the Northern Lights oops yeah put my head in the paint that's right again you're not always right but like more often than you are we've seen so many examples of unity bullying bullying if it's true that's not true you can totally bully somebody for something true like if I peed my pants and you started bullying me for it and that's bullying still whether you like it or not he peed your pants like only once when I was beyond the age where you like shouldn't and it's cuz I laughed way too hard so at least I was having fun this guy wakes up in the morning he drinks the blood of the innocent and then he goes home to pay to do a little painting I'm shader the technique shade technique color I can't believe how cute my aurora borealis is like I know you don't like it but it's a hundred percent my speed this is what I picture it looking like in my dreams I've never seen such a vehicle in my entire life I'm using the same technique that you said the Logar are on the high ground on the low ground watch out she got the high ground in life you just got to take the high ground it's easier to shoot from high up than it is to aim up and shoot I'm saying yes right again this isn't the who's the guy that's right competition this is me painting yeah but if you listen to me more it go better why do you think you're some sort of art guy yeah and I predict a lot of things go wrong let me do I'd say that this is a success yeah we've just been little on this house yeah but is it really a moon misshapen the final thing came out well if he actually threw up on the canvas and then you painted it over it'll be amazing I'd call it a success accidentally took a tree with me it's a meteorite yeah we take it off okay so trying to correct things is not good for men and my help okay she's a cutie she lives to see another day it's a big splat and I got on the tree still right what i can do is i can do some like big brain fix I can take this big brush and I can just brush the white so it kind of looks like water glistening on each side look at that looks like water now [Music] at first you don't succeed pretend you did it on purpose this is a problem I feel like my aurora borealis like actually looks like it like I know it looks kind of weird but like have you ever seen her heart borealis it's weird I mean I feel like I should like quite it you know then enough to where you do the stars you know how that goes mountain range sky somehow it gets a perfect circle sticker which we can't do so I'm gonna have to draw one which I can do done it before I can do it again it's got really likes blue a lot forgot that I'm using the same brush so there's some pink on there what's ease blend my pretty yes I'm talking about so satisfying [Music] that's not the brush I just used where's the brush I just used there I go again getting stars in the one above hey you got a few stars in his too we're all little winners all the texture he put in his moon is like partying - it's on a black background you ever just freehand the moon you think yes [Music] looks like a.j [Music] paints drive fast life comes at you fast so paintings look like yep it really really is you make happy accidents and you make sad sad mistakes I blame you st. Francis for this moon what you have to do everything like it's definitely like got texture to it like a moon wood I'm just afraid to add that dark stuff oh my goodness I'm scared somebody pooped on the moon who did that buzz buzz light you know Buzz Aldrin I like Buzz Lightyear better yeah that he's never been to the moon yes he's been to infinity and beyond so I can't really meet that on a mission to uncharted space so I mean we charted the moon okay so cute [Music] [Applause] Wolfe's gonna be on because this project is going to kill me man you gotta love black though like it really covers everything and like you can make decisions that undo your other decisions if everything is black it's like the idiot the idiot color well trees in this painting hey yeah what a trees little stars a lot of frustrations what a magic night yeah I have to use a finer tip brush I was trying to be lazy but you just can't be lazy not today not with this guy that's a really victory but this one's gonna be like the papa [Music] I'm a tree I'm just trying to avoid the inevitable wolf I have to paint right now yeah howling at the moon oh yeah oh this is so stressful I made his snout longer Wolf's have like big ears right and like I'm so insecure about the way the back of his body looks I'm just gonna put a giant tree there which is like what I think that the maker this challenge did to stretch can I cover that with the tree - haven't decided yet or they're already our stars and just putting shooting stars point nice now we're done we take the tape off Francis hey who's having a nightmare oh it's underneath whoopsies oh my oh oh this kicked my butt this is definitely the hardest one I've done yet and it's so funny because it looks so simple like when I saw the video I was like I can totally do that but it was so stressful huh this one looked the hardest but it was the easiest this one was an absolute mess this one it's interesting cuz like the Northern Lights look really colorful and vibrant like this I feel like they look like this in real life but like in a painting I don't know about that and then the wolf wine like don't even get me started oh my goodness looking at this I can like see all my trauma let's hang it up and look at it oh it was the hardest one yet but I will say I feel like it was quite rewarding this is literally a beginner trying a challenge which was actually a challenge and I'm proud of myself what do you guys think you guys think I did a good job did check out my art it's so funny because I felt that the clouds were gonna be like this stain on this that like embarrass me and make everyone bully me but I think they're okay yeah they're like the best part yeah I agree yeah every sweer does everything doesn't look as bad as I thought it would be it's just weird when you're painting you just kind of go a little like it's not good enough ah I do think my technique needs work though hope you guys enjoyed this video I'm sorry my assistant fell asleep about 30% of the way through the video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications I'm Karthik Euler and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Gloom
Views: 5,313,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fluid art, flow art, fluid painting, abstract art, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloom tries, gloom tries painting, art supplies, painting, art, painting tutorial, i followed a painting tutorial, getting frustrated with painting, paint with me, mop painting, painting hack, 2020, painting technique, techniques, style, interesting, pretty, abstract art painting, acrylic painting, abstract painting easy, painting hard, art challenge, daily challenge, abstract painting, easy painting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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