Mind Puzzle Riddles To Test Your Brain Speed

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as he it was the last class for today the last class the last one the best class ever almost takes the longest to go by though someone put a pin on my chair ha ha caught Oh such a mean thing to do don't cry Arnold we'll find out who did it I'm Jeff Goldblum check me out the teacher questioned the children what did you do at recess hmm tell me better have good alibis kids hi I'm Samantha Julie and I were in the cafeteria ok what kind of cafeteria has food like that like I wish I went to school there I know rich school I had noodle cups and just like terrible macaroni salads and what's up with like around her eyes and she was sunburned she could have just forgot her concealer that day that's what I look like yes I was with Samantha - I'm Julie so wait like you know we were like best friends hi I'm Helga Arnold deserved it I'm glad someone did it it wasn't me but like whoever that was I want to give them a high-five held it you're bad okay you're bad girl suitable for you say that yeah he had it coming but it's not me like I said I was in the school year I was framed Oh your crush Oh freak she really likes me I was with Olga she tried to smooch and I pushed her hi I'm Spencer and I went to the locker room did you Spencer yeah to take the books for the next classes I had no pins in my locker either okay who push the pins on poor Arnold's chair I mean I didn't have pins in my locker but I might have had them on my desk oh wait these two both have pins on their desks the girl who said she deserved it and Spencer but her pins are blue and Spencer's are red Oh Spencer what did you have a get sieve he's just a bully he said he took the books for the next classes but it was the last class of the day yeah Spencer nasty liar that was a good riddle Cass I loved that one an inspector came to school don't you love when that happens mm-hmm he noticed that whenever he asked a question what's the square root of 196 42 the whole class raised their hands every time the teacher picked a new student to answer the question 14 and every time the answer was correct okay well what's the square root of 625 then if you're so smart it's 25 how did you know how is that possible because this is the honors class some casual square root mass nobody has square roots memorized except for the little ones oh maybe the teachers have even cheat Oh the teacher must be choosing for them and only choosing the person who knows it I think I've seen this before I've seen something like this this nasty trick the teacher made a deal with the students you make me look good I'll make you look smart we all win we get bonuses where I get a bonus he doesn't really get anything out of it if the students know the answer they should raise their left hand if they don't know the answer raise the right mark what if he picks in the trash yeah the teacher would be like I get to choose them otherwise they'll get nervous oh the cat unplugged the computer oh so annoying hi there we have a perfect quiz for you how well do you know cats you don't have to be a cat person at all as he is I'm not on the contrary creatures turn on your brain and just figure out what's true or false okay just 10 short facts but how many of them are true let's find out No Yeah right meow cats can see ghosts Ozzy true or false if you believe in ghosts you believe cats can see ghosts but if you don't believe in ghosts forecast to see okay okay good point good point but let's grant that ghosts to exists if they do what cats be able to see them I feel like animals can lick sense when people are sad or run when there's like an earthquake you know we can't feel things like that so I think if there were ghosts they'd be able to I saw this thing of like a tsunami coming in and all of the animals like literally like way before it happened they were like like they were all like just getting way out of there they know things we're gonna say true/false oh great some cats might see ghosts however they'll never tell you wait that wasn't the question what bag do you want to sneak food up to your room at night a Z hmm I mean always I got problems then definitely don't get a cat okay yeah I just wanted to tell you that that's not a riddle it's just a fact all right here you go a Z you can domesticate any cat true or false are they counting lions and tigers can you domesticate them yeah this guy looks like a black panther mixed with like a Lynx I think it took us a really long time to domesticate cats and dogs so I think it's false I think so too sadly no it is almost impossible to domesticate a cat that is older than 16 weeks what really don't people like bringing stray cat like regular normal cats home all the time I have a stray cat and he's very hard he's hard yeah he's very hard to domesticate yeah he's still kind of wild I really does he cuddle though he's learning slowly like we're teaching him ah much slower than as if he was just like a cabbie like God is a baby I think that if it'll cuddle with you its domesticated your cat can tell you about their day okay you know what we're not doing this anymore I'm dying I'm puking three friends Kevin Walter and Harry went to an amusement park erre he has a glasses too Kevin had already bought the tickets oh what a good friend he was worried they would be sold out so he went ahead of time and he bought the tickets at a kiosk in the city took the initiative good friend good friend right here the boys walked up to the entrance but the guard stopped oh oh oh oh he wanted to double check their tickets that's fine it's routine but it turned out that two tickets were fake which tickets are fake I mean they all have the same like barkos yeah that's not normal no it's just like remade one of them how do you know which it's a two or phase yeah oh wait wait wait what Susan have an R and one of them has an N the middle one is three oh okay what a strong I took of a second at least we got the sample Walter and Harry had to buy a new ticket it's no big deal they're not complainers they're happy to be here and the tickets were good for every single bride the boys were excited hello cohan yeah grab a chart roller coaster the amusement park has loads of rides you and waterslides fun so much fun it even had some new ones this year you ride and there's a sign yeah the first attraction was the quest room for nerds only yeah they were handing out something at the entrance Oh 3d Gaga virtual reality glasses Oh high budget now they had to choose a game they chose trapped by a criminal that sounds scary and the quest was very realistic who's there as he's scared but these boys weren't when the boys got inside they saw three doors riddle time baby they had to choose one suddenly the corridor they were in filled with water can they even escape all right door number one a giant hungry shark and there's gonna be water so that sharks gonna be able to live electrical wires you're all gonna get shocked oh no that's terrifying or a deep hole with sharp spikes at the bottom definitely this one because you can swim and past it right I was thinking the same thing okay we solved that way too fast you're good at this yeah too smart this is a mystery that has been plaguing people for generations as generations Adam's sandwich is gone you were so right my chicken sandwich with mayo again who stole eggs Oh Adam I hate when my sandwich goes missing I know I hate when was steal food I was really looking forward to it it's on your mind you're not craving anything else because your brain the whole days like in that sandwich you don't go buy anything else cuz you think you have that sandwich chicken with mayo so it's not the vegan yes not the vegan Bob's chillin I mean he seems healthy like he ate a sandwich maybe Anna's on a diet chicken sandwich unhealthy I mean I would eat it but it's got mayo on it it depends on what your diet is Kevin he's got a wet umbrella so maybe he went out to get lunch instead of stealing a sandwich true I'm confused who did it I'm so confused too where's the proof like can we check for breadcrumbs around their lips you know what I think it's this dude huh we're right about Anna she's on a diet okay Kevin just came from Subway she got his own sandwich helen is a vegan she would never eat chicken never not even on a cheat day Bob I knew it Bob why does he look so happy after he's a thief Bob how dare you he thought he got away with it he's got that grin why am i sir as a child was kidnapped on the playground not a child I know let's find him there are no strangers nearby oh geez why'd you leave him alone I know all the parents who walk around there I thought it was fine oh no they just want to walk with their kids here for several years any of them could hardly do this we're a close-knit community we all know each other the police found some amateur videos check out those scenes shot on this playground over the past two years the kid remember what the mom looks like they guessed who the kidnapper was at once who done it I know who woman's baby never throws up how many years is this spread across two years maybe this guy's posing the same in every single shot I don't trust him wait this girl is too wait they're all opposing the same what's wrong with these people I know this girl's new this woman that's new yeah well no she's not new she changed her shirt Oh what the heck leave her the guy in the skateboard seen you yeah it was that guy get him out of here what about the kid with a baseball cap that kids new too yeah the child should have grown out you were right choice amazing who would you save Ozzie someone's kid your dog or five million bucks what do you do dogs can swim pretty well someone's kids I mean dogs can't swim forever as he not forever but like you get the kid onto the seats you make a boat as a million dollar and I can write the other boat imagine just like a giant raft and it's made out of hundred dollar bills no I'm sure it provides over here okay okay I agree I don't know little twink he wouldn't last a second out there I'm not thinking about twing twing he's like small I'm thinking about like a big dog that's a good swim man yeah like a German Shepherd yeah I got a save tween I have to there's no way you can't survive out there one wave take them away you could why not they don't weigh that much all right dog sit swim you're right and the money you could just Oh the money would sink dan and Nina came to a famous Steakhouse off delicious to have dinner it's exclusive as he have you ever had their cheese stuffed mushroom caps off delicious oh that sounds great so good they hope to have a nice evening with some meat and wine maybe some cheese too but everything went wrong from the start no one of the server's got you know egg doing yeah yeah you gotta watch out for that and the police arrived at the restaurant in five minutes they questioned the staff I was in the kitchen roasting some meat and it tastes great you won't have a bite I was in the kitchen door look at this meat look at those grill marks I did such a good job I was clearing finished first too mushy wait this is a steak house buddy yeah I was making a salad in the kitchen I was peeling potatoes and onions I was polishing wine glasses behind the bar who done it well obviously the guy preparing sushi yes they have I mean I've seen sushi safehouses but who serve sushi had a steak house I mean yeah it could be done but I don't know wool this girl's crazy this girl's nuts a crazy woman was suspected of kidnapping a child you're suspected of kidnapping a child you crazy crazy woman how dare you you should be ashamed of yourself I have no children and my neighbors can prove it perhaps you've hidden you crazy lady is there anything suspicious about this crazy woman's house yeah what it was like children's drawings on the wall she's crazy she could do it that's true she could have known herself she could leave jars open but if I'm leaving a lollypop the floor she might use the little potty trainer herself you never know never know we wouldn't put it past her yeah there's a lot of suspicious stuff lollipop drawings porta potti what is this box padlocks really she cares about the kid yeah that's interesting having a good time reason that's good oh wait no she can't have to him nevermind yeah Anna was in the mood for a pizza Pizza hello Tony's pizza can I have a big pepperoni with double cheese Oh extra sauce some ranch on the side sorry no ranch what no you have to have a little ranch I know there is the best fact she got a call from the detective who once investigated her stocking case psycho she didn't even know threatened to join her she had already forgotten about him but the detectives said they gave him early release listen pizza face he's out there got a watch out there were two doors in Anna's house who is the real pizza man right well your doors next each other oh I know Ronnie's pizza wasn't it Tony's pizza yeah it had to have been you get out of here why couldn't you just spell it right oh and she owe me order two pizzas oh you're right who's more stupid as he probably the man spraying something flammable beside a fire yeah that's pretty stupid but this girl's spraying the baby's face but fun spray though isn't that okay I wouldn't but she's old she probably can't see very well it's pressurized he'll get severe burns if it explodes I see that was so much fun let's go do some more riddles over on your channel huh yeah hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure you hit Bush notifications if you'd like to see me again and I will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 6,294,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 second riddles, what would you do, seven second riddles, romantic riddles, would you rather, riddles, brain teasers, collab, kassie, gloom, azzyland, azzy, visual puzzles, riddles with answers, brain teasers with answers, test your brain, puzzles, tricky riddles, personality test, challenge your brain, puzzles with answers, test your attention, tricky riddle with answer, mystery riddle, brain games, riddles and brain teasers with answers, boost your logic
Id: KXp4NrwFGfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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