I tried Fluid Art 🎨 Flying Bucket on String

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hi pleasant people I'm Karthik your and welcome to Karthik courts most ambitious project ever including her biggest oh I can't lean on that that's not proper you might be wondering why I'm not wearing my usual overalls petticoat umbrella bonnet and clown shoes and it's because this is gonna be probably the messiest one I've ever done but hey I think it's gonna turn out the best ever [Music] this jug is tied to a string attached to the roof so if the entire roof caves in while we're doing this I'm gonna owe a lot of money but for now we're gonna tie this over here climber by the way and we're going to paint this entire canvas black because this is gonna be very colorful [Music] you guys are wrong you're always wrong Oh [Music] [Applause] karthick goo is just getting her shirt tightened that's black right new our lady knew our femme fatale the color of Karthus Stuart damn it the color of Garth aguru can't even say my own name the color of Karthik goo its heart and soul the color my teeth look when my staff let me eat my own cookies I recently just came off of winning a cooking competition they thought they would win but I I'd beat the snot out of them it is here that here the heck is that it's like whispering at me okay let's see if the hole in this is big enough no it's like it's glob and out past me you have chopstick force turn in the paint thinner on the lid to make it that would be better than stirring yes anyway I want to keep your finger on that hole cause it's still coming out of it now we good oh no how much should I put in I guess we'll see what does this thing do it's not long enough I'm just gonna shake her up do you like something to drink oh yeah there's two holes forgot about that you've not tell me about that on purpose no I forgot about it oh this is super watery though like it might be too watery see on the paint on the canvas that I just painted black for hours sometimes you have to commit to your mistakes remember the second hole okay for a seamless canvas you know I just realize what that we've definitely probably should have stirred X is gonna have well bulls in it I'm about to do my first mythical journey I'm nervous I'm backin up so my mother taught me good here we go you guys ready yeah steady yeah your best friend Freddie nope well first paint okay here we go come on mama take a spirograph yeah hope you know uh Braille good bye monitor you could buy lights buy everything [Music] well I should have thrown it inward circle whoopsies daisies oh my goodness I don't know guys I have a good feeling about this one oh my god it's the poor we're painting the floor guys how'd you throw it I don't know I think that's as much why doesn't want the problem with this right now is that it's in drop I wanted it to be in like straight lines but like it looks say it looks like dog works also um I'm gonna need a paper towel for that floor on that side we'll be right back with color are you ready cuz I am now it's the good part the color part there's duct tape on the bottom where the holes are I got to put the paint in here take the duct tape off and throw it hopefully at my couch we're gonna start with there they have green we're using a lot of green I like green it's my lucky color we just I mean for a half an hour and then finally get to the end and then we're gonna put a beautiful robin's egg blue that's just the color that you think about when you're antes in town you really don't want to see her when you just go up think about a good color think about a good color now this is a very interesting type of paint here this is called liquid glass I'm almost positive that I'd use this paint before to do like stained glass like here let me show you like what it looks like it's like gel and it's like translucent I don't really know if I trust it but apparently it's for poor painting so we're putting that we're popping some of this in I've got the primary colors and colored glass that's lucky right get in there don't be shy okay if it's Kartha Guha you're free to you're free to come in she doesn't mind in fact she hates you what it's gonna go purple and then stained glass yellow and then orange and then the top is going to be completely gold cuz I want a lot of gold at the top I don't know if it's gonna work oh well if it does we're gonna be like cooking ok the purple is like pretty lumpy Purple's a thick boy like I put paint thinner in this but purple is just like not we stay in thick I don't care what you want I don't care what your expectations are I'm saying thick this orange we're gonna say no to this it's so pretty look at me trying to pour this orange in like yellow piece no thank you more room for yellow we not put sin in orange we did did any of us put thinner in the orange I didn't mean I didn't okay I thought smelling it would tell me know what some paint thinner in the orange shake it up it's okay just don't let it get in my eye Karthik goober it got shampoo in her eye yesterday because she was trying to shower quickly before as he came over but I used way too much shampoo because I have so much hair and I got shampoo in my eye and it looks like I had pinkeye but thankfully I had no idea how goodbye Xena is like Visine is amazing not supposed to not sponsor at all but if you want to sponsor me actually no I don't want you to sponsor me leave me alone unless you're gonna do it orange is in yellow as my Malay cousin see ya know and then I'm just gonna do like it's so much gold cuz like I love this color look at that so thin so gorgeous so reflective so beautiful amazing talented charisma deck grip strength ten out of ten this is an example of a painting that paints itself whoa oh geez okay so I'm gonna let the greens go that the green in there yeah the gold get down there I don't know how the gold got down there the gold likes to party downstairs actually no you know what she getting pretty yeah I don't know how much more green I want on my painting to be honest with you I kind of hold it and let it bleed out watch your step watch my step well you're making a big puddle milking the cow sometimes you're so good at making art that your art creates art stop that stop creating art it's supposed to be me doing it not you oh look how pretty it is in here why are these colors coming out I just turned this bucket upside down and throw it poor pigeon yeah alright I'm gonna use these two in liquid glass and this one's just acrylic there's a lot of green from the matte - yeah there's green just all over the place Martha you can do it yeah you can do this I don't ever have enough just like all I have is this we're gonna try a light go this time because I just don't wanna cover up the white dots that would make me very sad what's taking you so long get on have you ever seen Karthik or this focus High Street you know I think that the yellow and the blue are actually making more green this is like pure green I'm gonna call this one all the world is green oh you got some blue now it kind of looks like like the ring of a planet yeah I don't even want to stop it I just kind of like see what happens what's that you mind you hole in a bucket I mean on the bright side I did predict it would happen and if I didn't see the colors here and like kind of the background look very alien to me like the like the blue was like the glass green I just think it looks super alien so I kind of want to add to that and like but like this like weird neon orange as well as more glass red because I like the way the solid acrylic mixes with the glass paint I hope it dries like that we'll see yeah looks like it doesn't like who slime my initial plan was to make like a planet in the middle but I was practicing trying to like throw the bottle in a circle and I just don't think it's gonna work out that way however I'm gonna undo the bottom I'm gonna open the hatch with it in the middle of the painting so that I can try some ketchup in there yeah there's a lot of orange and not a lot of red I'm terrified for shows let her go just let her go you can't improvise scary [Music] oh my goodness keep it going crazy how you whacking whack it us whacking well then it's not an X not just gonna be a big line alright whack it strange whack but I respect it it's called abstract it looks like the thing that like pops up when the G's like oh I still really want a circle in the center guys bugging me he do I do a perfect chord pour paint in the middle or do I just like let her go I kind of like the way that it looks but I also kind of want to put like a planet in the middle but if I put a planet in the middle that I'm gonna want to put another ring around it so I don't you do I do a carpet go to pour paint in the middle I just don't like this is like when you're cooking a soup and you just don't know when to stop putting too many spices if you like the way the painting looks right now then take a good mental image because I'm about to add a final layer and I've hypothesized about a bunch of different things that I could and would do to this painting however I don't want to not use this technique for the painting so what we're gonna do is we're gonna throw some magenta in we're gonna let it do its thing I guess that's kind of what we've done the whole way through and then it'll be done it's just so nerve-racking doing this because I liked the painting every single step and every time I had more it feels like I'm gonna ruin it here we definitely want to do that whoa no it's cool I hate it that's so there I think Arthur would just act like she do what Arthur would act like she meant that would never act like she did that on purpose looks like Twinkie like put his butt on the canvas and dragged it I couldn't like it I hate it well are you done yet yeah I hate it on the bright side we can take a screen shot up before I did this and then we should print that out hang it up maybe from my perspective it's bad gertrude likes her perspective Terry likes his perspective I hate mine because that's just this isn't the bottom let's see this side this is kind of sick it was pretty cool yeah I mean sometimes you can respect different language this is the sign we've been looking at it from what do you see it's not horrible and this is just absolute trash I think this is now then you bought them what do you think it's pretty snazzy I hate it I think it's just that when you imagine what you want it to look like and it doesn't look like that it's so disappointing that's the hard thing about abstract paintings yeah so like you guys think it looks good but for me it's like you had a different idea yeah like my eyes like like to go to different spots when looking at this painting and now it's like magenta what do we call this the magenta piss like an alien just pissed magenta just like walked past it like this all over it call it deflated twink well that's it I want to try this again but I'm so scared of being this disappointed again please donate to Karthik Awards happiness fun she's running low oh look at that orange up close though it's like a web it's a web we you like webs or weeks you actually like it yeah would you hang it in your home yeah would you paint that's true never charge your friends ready well that's all I have I would say that I had a good time until the magenta happened mm-hmm I hope that you guys enjoy this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you have push notifications and also let me know in the comments what you think of this painting let me know where you think it went horribly wrong or if you like it would you buy it let me know I will see you guys on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Gloom
Views: 5,670,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acrylic painting, fluid art, paint pouring, flow art, acrylic pouring, pour painting, fluid painting, abstract art, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloom tries, gloom tries painting, art supplies, painting, art, painting tutorial, i followed a painting tutorial, getting frustrated with painting, paint with me, painting hack, 2020, painting technique, techniques, style, interesting, pretty, funnel painting, funnel, paint swing, swing, swinging paint, string, rope
Id: b8nFR1Rj29k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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