I Tried Japan's SPICIEST Ramen Challenge (ft. @CDawgVA) | 1 MILLION SCOVILLE

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oh it's so thick i now can't feel my tongue anymore i can't i can't feel my face oh my god this is killing me hmm just do the milk there's no shame oh you dribbled smells like a nun in a cucumber field right now bro how's it going everyone who's the anime man i'm here right now in nakano lovely little city in the west side of tokyo and if there's one really cool thing about nakano other than the whole anime deal it's the fact that it has a lot of little cool restaurants and izakayas around and there are also a lot of restaurants that claim to have some of the craziest foods in tokyo because if you've been enough on my channel you know japan is full of crazy food challenges so we're gonna do another one but i am dreading this one more than any other one i've done before i dreaded the monster ramen i dreaded wonka sober especially dreaded the giant dumpling challenge because today we're going to be dealing with one aspect of food that i absolutely despise and that is spice now there are a lot of ramen restaurants especially that claim to have the spiciest ramen in all of japan and i just happened to find one right here in nakano by the name of horzuki tantanmen so we're going to go in and have their spiciest menu but luckily i'm not going to do it alone i'm doing it with sea dawg yo what's up i like spiky food i know that's why you're here i've done many ghost peppers carolina reapers so i'm going to see if this is like the real deal basically you're going to get the [ __ ] reaction from me and the real reaction is going to be from connor my doctor this menu here uh we're going to be having this one it's called hagisku kadai now you know normally in like menus when they show like some level of spice they show like little chili marks it's usually like one chili's kind of mild two chilies is spicy three chilies is like oh damn this one has uh i can't even count how many chilies that is there i think it loses all meaning after it gets to that many chilis like surely like nine chilies can't mean anything but i don't know i just counted it there's 12 chilies what does that mean i do want to be able to use the toilet normally so let's hear about i mean i'm certainly not going to be able to no i'm i'm scared my challenge is i want to at least finish it if i can finish it and not be dead by the end of it i'll be satisfied rock included like you're going to drink the broth we'll see i would set the benchmark like eat the food and then the broth is like added because that's like dark souls like no hit like that's where it gets super hard because the broth is just like coats your mouth so i'm hoping i can finish at least all the food so let's aim to at least finish the noodles and then if we want to go for like a no hit run we'll finish the box all right all right let's do it let's go in yeah let's do it all right let's go but hey before we move on to the video i'd like to talk about the sponsor for this video box box is a monthly subscription service that delivers premium and authentic japanese snacks straight to your door every month boku has a specific theme and all the snacks in that boxu revolve around that theme and this month's theme to celebrate box's sixth anniversary we have the boksu tanjobi box tanjorbi for those of you who are not nihongo jozu means birthday we've really got a mixed bag this time around such as these mochi truffles that are strawberry flavored oh la la to some more traditional snacks like this kabukiyaki that is limited to the okinawa prefecture and of course we've got some ujigen maicha teas as well so that you can pair that with the lovely snacks that boku has to offer so if you'd like to grab your hand on a boxu for this month or the upcoming month then you can do so by clicking the link down in the description below and you can use my coupon code anime man 50 to get 15 off your order thank you to box too for sponsoring this video onto the show let's put a little bit more of a challenge aspect to it brought some milk the challenge is if you drink this you just game over okay so if you drink it first i win yeah all right if you drink it first i win i'd rather let my firstborn child die in a meaningless competition that doesn't give me anything [Music] i'm so nervous i'm so nervous i'm just telling myself if i can get over this if i can finish this i can eat anything it looks good though i see him making it looks delicious it's very red red red noodles really red yeah it's really red [Music] so this is a variety of uh ramen called which is kind of has like a little bit more of like a syrupy like soupier broth yeah so he just told me the first bite is the best one and then it's just gonna get more spicy oh it's so thick it's so thick dude it's this is like lava this is like old loti coming levels all right itadakimasu three two one go hmm oh wow whoa it's good though oh [ __ ] moistures oh my god the thickness is making it really spicy are you enjoying it's really good it's just like punching the back of my throat i put it as like the same level as like a ghost pepper is this ghost purple oil yeah this is pretty spicy the szechuan is also mixed in there you can tell it's making your taste buds like numb oh it hurts how are you finding the dre no you're gonna need the milk yeah bye give me that milk boy oh is this the spices ramen you've had my spotted spice is wrong yeah that's good i think i can finish it but like it's gonna hurt i can't go for the next bite it like wraps around your throat it's it's just got you in like a [ __ ] stranglehold like you will know my power i now can't feel my tongue anymore i can't i can't feel my face i'm gonna try the rice strap try the right sauce a bit of rice if it helps with the flavor no no oh god i can't feel my face oh my god you're sweating so much i don't know what to do with my hands maybe you should have some milk joey i think a bit of milk would go no don't alleviate the pain it's like my my mouth is okay but like all of my throat is [ __ ] i feel like i can't control my tongue i want tall you know when he said the more bites you take the more it hurts he was right oh dude like my ears are getting my ears are numb you can tell the noodles are so like flavorful are you gonna be able to finish it i think so yeah [ __ ] me he's put so much spicy powder stuff in it it's made the broth like not even a liquid at this point oh you got this you got this you got this i want to finish this man you can do it you can do it how far you're nearly there you're not halfway am i no but i mean but like if you believe you are maybe you'll go maybe i'm glad at least this isn't like conventional ramen sizes because like we'd be [ __ ] i don't know it's pretty big really because like i feel like conventional ramens is like 40 bigger than this i don't know maybe i'm just high at this point from the sichuan probably the latter i heard so much and then my mouth just hurts more it's all right let me just take a big bite that's not a big [Applause] what are you even bite how are you able to talk normally i don't cry i'm using like 100 of my brain limitless limitless i've been in this spot many times before i i i know how to do this you do this for fun sometimes i wouldn't do this for content yet i am oh i'm dribbling like a little toddler i thought the voice was going to make worse no damn you harmonizing with the rubber look look the the the tinto is standing there looking at me i wanna i wanna i wanna make him proud because it's delicious but it's like jesus christ what's his kd ratio dude that's what i wanna know oh my god i'm getting lightheaded oh my god oh i'd rather watch a christmas video well my stomach's starting to hurt now come on come on joe you got this bro you're this man i can't move from here oh my god this is killing me so the owner just said one in ten people are able to finish it soup and all i don't know if i can i don't know if i'm about to be add that to the nine i'm gonna be the nine out of 10 right now you know what's the worst with like spice oriented [ __ ] on youtube people don't know people will never know until they try it when the country opens up again after kovu please come here because for one it actually tastes delicious that's why i can't stop if it tasted like [ __ ] i would be behind by now look i've got like this much noodles like oh my god dude i'm not i'm no way look how much i still got left i've been lightheaded for a while oh no that's not good is this one anaesthesia that thing feels like oh just do the milk there's no shame oh you dribbled i think you're not gonna walk tomorrow mate you're gonna be on the toilet how are you gonna recover i'm gonna get my booster shot tomorrow oh no dude i think you're already immune i think i think i'm immune now the virus is like nah fam you've hurt yourself enough the bars are like what can i do i've done all of the noodles i know the fillings i'm [Music] oh you're so close i'm also very close to death put that down luke do not tempt me devil am i dribbling through the nose yes yeah yeah you are dude your eyes are so red dude what the [ __ ] i just wanted one look at that look at it look at it all the noodles gone if i finished this i would have done it will you be proud of me connor i was very proud of you man this is really hard i can't feel my fingers i'm cody peterson and i'm about to enter the sting zone three two one i just filled your way is it good do you like it reading out of town oh my god he's so sweet this man's sweating smiles like a nun in a cucumber field right now bro can i say i've completed this yeah the the like the first difficulty level i'd say it's such an [ __ ] i don't think i can do it dude really it's like a paste it's gonna it's got this is gonna be way harder than the noodles it's gonna eat the rice it kind of helps you you just do only right yeah but i've soiled my rice oh [ __ ] ice cream oh my god he's doing the soup dude he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] man really there's just too much if i go any further i'm going to explode should we both do the milk gentlemen in agreement both do the milk oh my god it's like angels are coming in my mouth wait what it's like the biggest load from an angel it's like when the dvd thing finally hits the corner man oh god you don't miss stomach feels right right now you know like the morning after like a really like hard night with the boys on an empty stomach like a stomach hangover that's what it feels like right now i'm at least happy as i said at the beginning of the video i'm at least happy that i finished the noodles because this is by far easily i don't know about you easily the spiciest thing i've had i think this is up there you said it was more than a ghost pepper because with a like a carolina reaper dude like you're in immense pain but you're like over it in like 15 minutes right this you got to keep yeah you got to keep you got to keep putting it in you know i'm filming this right before we do our charity stream where i'm most likely gonna have to eat a ghost pepper i feel like i'm prepared cut to me dying on the stream from a ghost pepper well connor thank you thank you for joining me i'm gonna go home and cry i'm gonna go home and die but thank you to tantamount for letting me film uh thank you to the owner for making this beautiful dish also [ __ ] you though for killing me why would they do this if you live in japan and you'd like to check it out i've left the address to this place down in the description below check it out and hey if you come visit japan and you want to challenge yourself they're easily one of the spiciest bowls of ramen that i've ever had i believe this as being one of the spiciest balls around this is definitely up there this is definitely up there i just dropped a grenade in my stomach so if you'd like to challenge it and uh send me passive aggressive tweets of you finishing the soup hey i'm more than happy but link in the description below to that address also check out connor we've done some stuff together hey check out trash days as well please check me out in the hospital check me out check out the hospital check me into the hospital the hospital bed reviews gonna be awesome dude i'm gonna go die now but thanks for watching guys have a good one here oh my god [Music] bonus content luke you want to try some soup it's nice but it's hot it's so grainy from all the spices yeah it's good it's tasty though right it's actually oh my god it's the first few bites man i'm telling you you feel like you got it and then the more you do it the more time it lets to just settle in you're just you're [ __ ] quite nice yeah i feel like it's only going to get worse yeah yeah it does [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 2,765,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Tried, Japan's, SPICIEST, Noodles, Challenge, CDawgVA, Trash Taste, food, spicy, scoville
Id: 0HDLerl6yX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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